timeasmymeasure: black woman looking at the camera; she's wearing a white hat and an beaded necklace (stock: swag chill)
Diigo users, you won't be able to crosspost to Delicious for now. (link only works for Diigo users since it's a Diigo service)

- How Delicious does or doesn't by [personal profile] facetofcathy and another by [livejournal.com profile] kronos999 [profile] kronos999that explains why 'stacks' aren't fen-optimal

- [personal profile] seperis has some great info on using the API functionality to see all your tags, rename tags, and an experimental attempt at creating tag bundles.

- via [personal profile] bookshop Diigo is so not a perfect alternative. Apparently they've got an algorithm that detects "porn", etc and marks your links as private. I really wish I'd known this before I sent the email to Pinboard asking for a refund, *sigh*. As said a staffer:
Sorry, no.
We want to make Diigo a meaningful platform where all community members can benefit from quality collective wisdom knowledge sharing. So we set a high standard to public bookmarks.
As for bookmarks containing bad/inappropriate words such as sex,porn, sexy in title/description/tag/annotation, our system will convert them to private automatically.
Hi all,
Since there are many k-12 students and teachers in diigo, we implemented an algorithm to detect whether a bookmark contains porn content. If it does, we will change the bookmark to private automatically. However, the algorithm may do some false judgement. Let me know the URLs which were converted to private and we will try to figure out how to improve the algorithm.


- A wonderful idea by [personal profile] acari; a Delicious stack labeled "New Delicious sucks" that's already at 30 links. No one trolls like fandom :D

- And of course, [livejournal.com profile] deliciouslymad, the Delicious discussion comm on LJ.
timeasmymeasure: sam bloom from undercovers with a look of consternation (sam: consternation)
- AVOS (the new Delicious overlords) went and broke our favorite toy. No tag bundles people. Slashes are resulting in 404s. Fandom exploded in bouts of WTF.

more links )

As for me and my links, we are currently at Diigo for the foreseeable.

timeasmymeasure: angel coulby looking unamused (gwen: wtf)
What in troll hell happened to Delicious?

I had an account with Diigo when Delicious first freaked out, so... maybe if fandom could agree on a particular alternative? Maybe? Because no bundles for writing memes is sad face.


timeasmymeasure: kerry washington with a rose held right below her lips (Default)

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