timeasmymeasure: close up shot of a pair of bright blue louboutin heels (stock: blue suede shoes)
Directing everyone to [community profile] multibeautiful right quick.
Thank me later.

Oh and hi, new subscribers!
Feel free to drop a line in the intro post and please say hi :)


Nov. 4th, 2010 10:41 pm
timeasmymeasure: amerie looking down and pensive (amerie: pensive)
Undercovers was canceled.
I have...feelings about this.
I'm not sure how to put them into words (you'd think NaNo would be useful, huh?)

That is all for Friday linkspam, so a pretty picture.
timeasmymeasure: graphic text saying look (stock: linkspammy)
► The [livejournal.com profile] ontd_feminism fails spectacularly a la asexual people ‘co-opt queer oppression’ and are not really oppressed (via [personal profile] mercredigirl).
SF3 has withdrawn the invitation to Elizabeth Moon to attend WisCon 35 as guest of honor. It is a bit surprising, a lot late.
► Maddow fans! The doctor will be on Meet The Press this Sunday. iTunes normally has a free podcast of the ep on the same day so no worries if waking up on Sunday is a NO. I'm sure MTP will appreciate the usual Maddow!bump.
Israel's version of Dancing With The Stars is to include the show's first same-sex couple in the new series. TV presenter Gili Shem Tov, who has a female partner in real life, will be partnered with professional dancer Dorit Milman when the show's sixth season begins on 1 November.
► New DW layouts!! [personal profile] sarken is doing stunning things with Tabula Rasa. LOVELY.

► So we have new Merlin promo pics, and yes, GWEN WAS IN THEM. In the most lovely way. I made some icons, find them over here if you'd like.
► That drumming sound you hear? It's coming. Support is offered at [community profile] nano_writers.

Characters of color are cool!
[community profile] undercovers - the fic tag has fic now and we also need more authors/artists at the undercovers comment-a-thon. Do go forth and fic/art!
► The [community profile] hp_diversity October challenge is still on! Do go forth and fic/art! Again.
► How excited am I to see that [community profile] chromicons is getting a lot more active? *opens arms wide* So gimme moar moar moar participation icon makers! I'm greedy for COC pretty.
timeasmymeasure: graphic text saying look (stock: linkspammy)
The "I was feeling extra black kenyan invisible immigrant fuck the world this week" follow friday post:

How to Write about Africa
Always use the word 'Africa' or 'Darkness' or 'Safari' in your title. Subtitles may include the words 'Zanzibar', 'Masai', 'Zulu', 'Zambezi', 'Congo', 'Nile', 'Big', 'Sky', 'Shadow', 'Drum', 'Sun' or 'Bygone'. Also useful are words such as 'Guerrillas', 'Timeless', 'Primordial' and 'Tribal'. Note that 'People' means Africans who are not black, while 'The People' means black Africans.

Never have a picture of a well-adjusted African on the cover of your book, or in it, unless that African has won the Nobel Prize. An AK-47, prominent ribs, naked breasts: use these. If you must include an African, make sure you get one in Masai or Zulu or Dogon dress.

The hive tells me no. Or how we really can't fuck our way out of this problem, people.
Apparently identities must be freed of racial identification or racial identity. In other words, white. Because as a person of color, I am not free. I am not an individual. No, I am just a slave to the hive mind. (resistracism)

Dirt I Can Lay Claim To by [personal profile] deepad
You know, in five years of being in the United States, there was only one time I answered the "where are you from" question with "right here", and I felt like a liar and traitor to my country after I said it.

It wasn't worth it for me to try in solidarity with recent immigrants to assert some kind of right to be a putative or aspirational USian, though I had legal residence, filed state tax returns - participated in the daily nuances of being a habitational American.

Dissimilation by [livejournal.com profile] shweta_narayan
Things got easier as I grew older; the racism grew more subtle. I could go through entire days without my friends reducing me to tears, without having to laugh along with something that was not in the least bit funny to me. I could even, if I did it carefully, watching my tone, making sure that everyone knew in fact it wasn't a big deal or anything, disagree with my friends. I could even, occasionally, change minds. So long as I made it totally clear that I was of course really a "good minority".

To quote [personal profile] la_vie_noire: Shakesville brings their White Women Being Superior's asses to the yard.
Endemic extreme poverty, an economy in which even a small US pension makes you a rich man, and a vulnerable and easily exploitable population of women whose education, if there was any to speak of, didn't exactly introduce them to feminist concepts.
That sentence. Kill it with fire and flood and all other epic biblical plagues.
It pretty much points to why I'll probably do my best to take WGS classes on African feminists taught by y'know, African feminists. You know why I consider myself a feminist? Because of my African mother. Damn it white feminists.

Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, & Weight Gain: Facing Facts | A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss
"First, I cannot help but wonder if this explains the disconnect between Black women and our bodies – the fact that a large number of us went out of our way to stop paying attention to our bodies because we were too busy trying to make ourselves less appealing to harassers. Furthermore, I notice that there’s a lot of discouragement during the ages where young girls are supposed to be learning about and understanding their bodies… to do exactly that. I wonder if we are, in a roundabout way, encouraging harmful behavior in our daughters because we are trying to discourage male attention… and beyond that, sexual harassment and assault?"

These Will Be The Only Things I've Learned From "Higher Education" - Talks about someone's experiences with the inherent ableism in most colleges/universities. I spent most of my reading on this screaming "THIS!!" in my head after just about every sentence.

A.V.A.T.A.R. (Anglos Valiantly Aiding Tragic Awe-inspiring Races). It’s a mash up of Avatar – and other films with similar themes. Powerful.
timeasmymeasure: graphic text saying look (stock: linkspammy)

[personal profile] foxfirefey in [community profile] lj_refugees: PayPal conduit offer
Somebody's comment on the last post made me feel like I should make an offer to be a PayPal conduit for people who can't pay Dreamwidth in other ways. I'll do this for at least two weeks from the date of this post.
[personal profile] glass_icarus on the politics of possession
I do not have words or time enough to fully express the depth of my NO. [...]
I am an immigrant and a citizen of the United States. My parents and I have been naturalized for ten years. I have few memories of that process, but lest you believe that naturalization is not fraught with bureaucratic and systematic pitfalls, think again.

[community profile] dreamwidthlayouts is under new modly management and hellloooo tags! Yay!

[community profile] chromicons - For icons featuring people of color. Would really love to see more posts here. If you know any makers who regularly make icon batches with people of color in them, please encourage them to post.

[community profile] hp_diversity - For posting of fanfiction, fanart, recs, discussion of characters of color from the Harry Potter fandom. The community exists to perpetually increase the volume of diversity in HP fandom. Again, if you know any authors/artists who write fic featuring Harry Potter characters of color, please refer them to hp_diversity as a crossposting option. The September challenge is currently open, go for it!

[community profile] hp_femmeslash - This is the place to post your femmeslash stories, drabbles, poetry and art for anything related to the ladies of Hogwarts. All ratings are welcome. We've also got a question of the week discussion post going. Specifically, are sex scenes necessary in a femmeslash story? Join in!


timeasmymeasure: kerry washington with a rose held right below her lips (Default)

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