THE SHORT VERSION: Do you need to walk into Mordor? Send in Cara.
You may call her Mistress Cara (unless you're the Mother Confessor).
Yes, she spends most of her time on the show in leather, kicks ass all over the place, and simply does not give a fuck. How in the world could I resist? How could you resist? More to the point, why would you even try?
Zedd: "You must never speak your mind on any subject but always defer to the opinion of your masculine betters."
Cara: "There's no such thing."
She loves a good fight, will call you on your bullshit, and takes to weaponry very quickly. Her inner child was systematically tortured out of her but she and Kahlan are Working On ItTM.
BTW, the canon-AU version of her? Still awesome. Still BossyTM, as Kelis would say.
Then there was that one time she died and came back to kick her murderer in the face.
Cara. Made of awesome since the beginning of all the things.