Oct. 19th, 2013

timeasmymeasure: azealia banks making a face (az: 212)

[community profile] chromicons 
Round 5 is ongoing and accepting submissions. It's not too late to join in the fun!!

All you have to do to participate is create a minimum of ten icons fulfilling the round's challenge, each featuring a person/character of color. Enter at any time, it is not necessary to participate every week.
timeasmymeasure: me in graphic madmen/retro art style  (me: madmen style)
So how do you make friends on Dreamwidth?

I ask because the question occurred to me earlier today as I went on the hunt for some new folks to subscribe to. Dreamwidth has a unique "friending" system, where you can subscribe to a journal without granting access to more personal posts (or whatever you have on filters). The thing about this is, when subscribing to a journal I feel like I have to hit 'grant access' as well because that's the only way they'll know who I am/what kind of posts I write. My public posts aren't really "windows to my soul" or whatever and the stuff I have under the access filter is more of who I am from day to day. As such, I feel that I have to expose myself for a week or two, before deciding to either withdraw the access or allow it to continue.

So how do you do it Circle? Do you subscribe first, then grant access after getting to know a person? Do you subscribe and grant access all at once, and if so what's your thought process?

ETA: Do you always check out/subscribe to the journals that subscribe to you (at least at first)?
timeasmymeasure: two women facing each other, laughing together (stock: laugh together)
Halloween is coming!
Comment "trick-or-treat" to this post and...well, you know the drill. Treats can be anything that strikes my fancy (pics of fave actors or pairings, one sentence fics, graphics, a few words why I'm glad to have you on my flist, etc. etc.). The more "houses" to visit the more fun it'll be, so go ahead, open your journal and help spread the fun!

Will repost a link the day before Halloween (All Hallows' Eve's eve?)


timeasmymeasure: kerry washington with a rose held right below her lips (Default)

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