therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
So tired! But worth it!

Went out at the beginning of the weekend, bought lots of stuff! Primer, paint, brushes, rollers, construction board, tissue paper, tape....

Made a boatload of bacon! Called up [personal profile] arduinna. "So," I said casually. "Just made all this bacon. Can't eat it all myself. Waaaay too much bacon for one person..."

So once I had her trapped, we started painting the living hell out of my bedroom, with some assistance from [personal profile] mollyamory. When [personal profile] mollyamory's bad ankle started to give out, we set her up downstairs with the construction board and a promise of ice cream, and an old post from reddit showing some kick ass halloween decorations, and instructions to monster the hell out of the house.

I can't show decent pics of how well my room turned out (PURPLE! Okay, well, a nice pale lilac, anyway, three walls down, one for the future) due to my working poor [personal profile] arduinna to the bone, but I can show pics of the monsters, and take credit for them, having supplied the raw materials and the ice cream to [personal profile] mollyamory.

Images of the house all monstered up! )

ETA: I have also supplied her with three pumpkins of VARIOUS SIZES. I expect I will be required to supply more ice cream as well.


therienne: mighty hunter (Default)

December 2015

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