
今年初めに古巣の外交問題評議会に戻り、先月からおよそ7年ぶりに同評議会の「Follow the Money」ブログを再開したBrad Setserが、表題のエントリ(原題は「Japan’s First Consumption Tax Hike Was a Demand Disaster」)で、日本の消費増税を巡る状況について簡明な文章でまとめている。

Abe’s rhetoric has not been German. Especially not recently.
But his policies over the last two years have been. At least until recently.
The International Monetary Fund’s fiscal department estimates that Japan did a consolidation of over 2 percentage points in 2014 and another half point or so of fiscal consolidation in 2015, net of any gains from lower interest payments.*
Japan has a history of passing lots of highly hyped stimulus packages. But in many cases those stimulus packages just offset the roll-off of past stimulus packages, without generating much net fiscal impulse to the economy.
Postponing the consumption tax hike consequently makes a great deal of sense. Japan’s economy—the domestic side at least—never recovered from the last hike.
The tax hike came at the zero bound, so there was limited capacity to offset using conventional monetary policy tools.
That is precisely the circumstance when macroeconomic theory would suggest that a broad based tax hike would harm growth.
But the large drag was not necessarily what many forecast at the time.



  1. 人口動態は最近の民間消費の低下を説明していない。それは2014年に変化しなかった。変化があったのは政府の政策(法人減税を行いつつ消費増税を行った)。
  2. 日本の家計は既に老いている。日本の家計は退職者を賄うために過去の貯蓄に手を付けるポイントに達した、ないし、そこに近づいている、という説得力のある議論が存在する。
  3. 家計貯蓄は低水準。日本の貯蓄余剰はすべて企業側にある。賃金所得の上昇は、それを相殺するような税制の変化が無ければ、ほぼ確実に民間消費の増加につながる。

Using changes in the cyclically adjusted primary balance in the IMF’s Fiscal Monitor. The structural primary deficit fell by 2.3 percentage points of GDP in 2014 and another 0.6 percentage points in 2015. The changes in the structural fiscal balance, which includes interest payments, in the IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO) are similar.