
Mostly Economicsが、経済に直接関係あるわけでは無いが面白いので(Not really connected to economics but an interesting article)として、Theodore Dalrympleによる1/9付けCity Journal記事ã‚’紹介している。

France is three or four decades behind Britain in cultural degeneration but is making valiant efforts to catch up. One straw in the wind I noticed a few years ago was the arrival of a tattoo parlor in the small town near where I live when I am in France. This alarmed me. I had mistakenly thought that the French had too much taste to go in for this form of self-mutilation.



Why do people get themselves tattooed? There was a time when it was mainly sailors and criminals who did so, but that time is long past.
なぜ人々は刺青を彫るのか? 水夫や犯罪者が主に刺青を彫っていた時代もあったが、それは遠い過去のものとなった。



It is all too easy to mock this farrago of drivel, but something both sad and serious underlies it. Neither Edouard nor Serge are stupid; moreover, they have between them something like 50 years of education and training—but they are lost souls. When, for example, Céline, a 31-year-old carpenter, tells Libération that she wants to “express something of myself” by having a “tribal” pattern tattooed round her navel, one senses a desperate (and failed) attempt to have a real personality in an impersonal world. And then, of course, there is the Fall-of-Rome aspect of the whole phenomenon.