Girl Genius
Girl Genius

The chronology pages describe the comics to assist scholars in finding the page on which something occurred. For each page of the comic, the chronology pages identify the characters that appear, actions taken, significant quotes, and other things of interest. Page numbers from the website are zero padded to three digits and in parentheses, for example: (005), (061), (113). Page numbers from print volumes are neither, for example: 5, 61, 113. Section titles are from the canon unless otherwise noted.

For historical reasons, volumes 1 (I) through 13 (XIII) are usually identified with Roman numerals on the Girl Genius chronology pages and elsewhere in the wiki. From volume 14 on, the story entered a new "act" and the volume numbers started over, in Arabic numbers, proceeded by a "2-". For example, overall volume 15 is given as volume 2-2 on chronology pages.

For a partial timeline of the events in the comic, see Internal Chronology. For more information on the double-page spreads in this volume, see double-page spreads in Girl Genius. For more information on special pages in this volume, see the list of special pages, notes, and annotations.

Page number note: Each page entry contains the page numbers from both the published volume and web comic images. The web page numbers are in parenthesis and are zero-padded to match the format used in the online images. The Gil Paper Doll and Fairy Tale Theatre Break: Cinderella pages have not yet been included in a published volume.

Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

One or more of the following symbols may be attached to a name to indicate the type of appearance. For more explanation, see Chronology Sigils Key.

     (!) Sparking             (!!) God-sparking            (*) Heterodyning
      <  Flashback             >   Flashforward             =  Flash-concurrent
      ~  Imagined              \   Hidden                   ?  Uncertain
      %  Recorded image        @   Transmitted image        #  Controlled body

For more information about the page records and guidelines for adding new ones, see Girl Genius:Editing the Chronology.

The "Storm King" Opera Synopsis[]

Location: Outside the Vienna Opera House.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-02-04 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 6 (001)
Forum:2008-02-04 (Monday)
Opera introducer[1], <Andronicus Valois, <Ogglespoon, <Euphrosynia Heterodyne, <Spirit of Europa, <extras
Description of The Storm King (Opera), Act 1.
Bludtharst Heterodyne, Maid Capezia, Portentius Reichenbach, Five Good Emperors

2008-02-06 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 7 (002)
Forum:2008-02-06 (Wednesday)
Opera introducer, <Muses, <Jägers, <Andronicus Valois, <Roller Skating Giraffe, <Euphrosynia, <Ogglespoon, <extras
Description of The Storm King (Opera), Act 2.
17 Soup Waiters, 3 Ladder Teams, Reichenbach, Knights of Jove

Agatha in the Castle[]

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-02-08 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 8 (003)
Forum:2008-02-08 (Friday)
Agatha, "Cucaracha"
Agatha enters and is threatened by a prisoner ("Cucaracha").
The Castle, Heterodyne family, An imposter
Meanwhile, far from the high culture of the Vienna Mechanikopera:
Narration, panel 1

2008-02-11 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 9 (004)
Forum:2008-02-11 (Monday)
Agatha, "Cucaracha", Sanaa Wilhelm
Agatha responds to the prisoner's threats by knocking him down with the supply wagon. Sanaa welcomes her to Castle Heterodyne.
SFX, panel 2
Wham Crunch
SFX, panel 4
clap clap clap
SFX, panel 6


Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-02-13 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 10 (005)
Forum:2008-02-13 (Wednesday)
Sanaa Wilhelm, Agatha
Agatha introduces herself as "Pix". Wilhelm tells the new prisoner that she's assigned to kitchen duty.
"So—what did you do to wind up here, anyway?" "Poisoned thirty-seven people— who complained about my cooking."
a mechanic

2008-02-15 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 11 (006)
Forum:2008-02-15 (Friday)
Wilhelm, Agatha. Mimmoths
Wilhelm fills "Pix" in on Castle routine, is dismissive of the Heterodyne claimant's chances of fixing the castle, and expresses hope that she'll eventually be able to work off her sentence.
Heterodyne Girl, the Professor
Room 17, Room 157, Room 7, Room 33, Room AA-07
Boxes, panel 1

2008-02-18 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 12 (007)
Forum:2008-02-18 (Monday)
Wilhelm, Agatha, Mimmoth, Moloch von Zinzer
Wilhelm and Agatha discuss the kitchen. Agatha meets an old acquaintance.
Agatha: "…you're putting the new kid on."
Wilhelm: "Ha! People will have you fetching Devil Dog chow and left-handed Trilobite Tighteners soon enough."

2008-02-20 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 13 (008)
Forum:2008-02-20 (Wednesday)
Moloch, Wilhelm, Agatha
With a little assistance from the kitchen, Moloch is clumsy.
SFX, panel 1
SFX, panel 3
SFX, panel 5
SFX, panel 7
Bonk Crak
SFX, panel 8
SFX, panel 9
Crashashash Crash!
SFX, panel 10
SFX, panel 11

2008-02-22 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 14 (009)
Forum:2008-02-22 (Friday)
Wilhelm, Moloch, Agatha
Wilhelm introduces Moloch to "Pix", and tells him to get the new inmate started cooking. While initially distracted by the kitchen's assault, and his feelings for Wilhelm, Moloch rapidly realizes that he is all too well acquainted with the new prisoner.
Agatha: "...and I really appreciate your not telling her who I am."
Moloch: "Huh? ... AAAAAAAH"
The professor
Clik Snap
SFX, panel 5

Vole Arrives to Take Charge[]

Location: Near the Sneaky Gate of Mechanicsburg.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-02-25 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 15 (010)
Forum:2008-02-25 (Monday)
Maxim, Captain Vole, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Vole arrives and starts to drag Gil to the hospital.
"Meanwhile, in town–"
Narration, panel 1

2008-02-27 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 16 (011)
Forum:2008-02-27 (Wednesday)
Gil, Vole, Dimo, Oggie, Jenka
Gil wants to stay and protect the town, but Vole has other plans. Specifically, to destroy the Castle, Zola and Agatha, and get the Baron back on board Castle Wulfenbach. The Jägers object, as does Gil.
Dose Heterodyne Gurls (Agatha, Zola), Hyu poppa, De kessel

2008-02-29 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 17 (012)
Forum:2008-02-29 (Friday)
Gil, Vole, Dimo, Jenka, Oggie
Gil attacks Vole.
SFX, panel 1

2008-03-03 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 18 (013)
Forum:2008-03-03 (Monday)
Gil, Vole
Gil and Vole fight.
"The Heterodyne Girl" (Agatha)
SFX, panel 3

2008-03-05 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 19 (014)
Forum:2008-03-05 (Wednesday)
Gil, Vole
Gil trounces Vole.
Gil: "This must be how my father feels ... all the time!"
Agatha, my father
SFX, panel 5

2008-03-07 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 20 (015)
Forum:2008-03-07 (Friday)
Gil, Vole, Maxim, Jenka, Dimo, Ognian
Gil gives the subdued Vole new orders: find the head of whoever was in charge of the war clanks. The Baron's monograph On How to Communicate in the Workplace is discussed.
Gil: "All seven popes ordered it burned."
my father, Doctor Sun, seven Popes
Bonk! x3
SFX, panel 4

2008-03-10 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 21 (016)
Forum:2008-03-10 (Monday)
Dimo, Gil, Ognian, Maxim, Jenka
With Vole gone, Gil collapses. While discussing romantic advice, Jenka and Da Boyz take him to get fixed up.
Maxim: "Hy vill teach him to impress de gorls!"
Oggie: "Hy vill teach him about de birds und de veasles."
Dimo: "Und I will teach him how to avoid those two."
Jenka: "Ah. Den he may haff a chence."
SFX, panel 3

Agatha Learns about the Kitchen[]

Location: In and out of Venthraxus Heterodyne's personal kitchen in Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-03-12 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 22 (017)
Forum:2008-03-12 (Wednesday)
Moloch, Agatha
Agatha and Moloch come to an agreement.
Agatha: "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you act stupid!"

Moloch: "Really? You're not going to kill me?"
Agatha: "Not unless I have to."
Moloch: "Okay— I can work with that."

2008-03-14 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 23 (018)
Forum:2008-03-14 (Friday)
Agatha, Moloch, Castle Heterodyne#Kitchen
Agatha meets the kitchen.
Moloch: "Oh, they haven't found the Master Kitchen yet. This one was built for Venthraxus Heterodyne's favorite cook."

Castle: "Welcome, foolish creature! I am your DOOM!"
the Baron, Venthraxus Heterodyne, Some Borgia

2008-03-17 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 24 (019)
Forum:2008-03-17 (Monday)
Agatha, Moloch, Castle Heterodyne#Kitchen
Agatha tries to control the kitchen.
"I am Agatha Heterodyne! And I am your new master!"

2008-03-19 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 25 (020)
Forum:2008-03-19 (Wednesday)
Castle Heterodyne#Kitchen, Moloch, Agatha
The kitchen does not immediately submit to Agatha's will. It is no longer in communication with the fragment in the Crypt. Demanding she prove her claim, it slices her arm.
the crypt
Clang Clang Ting Spang Tong Bing
SFX, panel 1
SFX, panel 6

2008-03-21 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 26 (021)
Forum:2008-03-21 (Friday)
Agatha, Castle Heterodyne#Kitchen, Moloch
Agatha and Moloch flee the kitchen.
Moloch: "You'll... you'll collapse my soufflé!"

2008-03-24 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 27 (022)
Forum:2008-03-24 (Monday)
Agatha, Moloch
Moloch and Agatha discuss the Castle's fragmented personality, repairing the Castle, and how Moloch is definitely not a minion.
Moloch: "I am not your minion."
Agatha: "Got it. … Can you help me carry these tools?"
Moloch: "Oh, yeah. Sure."
the Castle, the people in here, the Baron

Zola and Agatha Meet Again[]

Location: Various corridors in in Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-03-26 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 28 (023)
Forum:2008-03-26 (Wednesday)
Moloch von Zinzer, Agatha, Silas Merlot, Zola "Heterodyne"
While discussing how bad it would be if they ran into the "other Heterodyne girl", Moloch and Agatha run into Zola and Merlot, at which point they run from the Heterodyne girl.
Moloch: "This is a terrible plan!"
Professor Tiktoffen

2008-03-28 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 29 (024)
Forum:2008-03-28 (Friday)
Merlot, Zola, Hristo Tiktoffen, Zola's gang including Zola's Minions, Snapper Boikov, Sanaa Wilhelm, R-79, Green Hood, and Veilhat
Zola and her minions give chase.
Zola: "Freedom and gold for whoever kills her!"
Miss Clay, Heterodyne Girl (Agatha)

2008-03-31 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 30 (025)
Forum:2008-03-31 (Monday)
Moloch, Agatha, Zola's gang including Snapper, Mister Tattoos, Green Hood
Following the Castle's map, Agatha and Moloch flee into an area the inmates have not yet charted.
Green Hood: "They're heading for the Red Hall!"

Moloch: "Whoa! Wait! We can't go in there! That's uncharted territory! It's full of traps! The castle will get us for sure!"
"Corridor of Fish" / "HATE THIS PLACE / Hell Yes" / "Knives" / "Corridor of Glass" / "Traps" / "Nein"

2008-04-02 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 31 (026)
Forum:2008-04-02 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Zola's gang including Veilhat, Green Hood, Snapper, Mister Tattoos, Moloch
Zola's mob refuses to enter the hallway of unknown traps. Agatha and Moloch get to know one of the traps a little better.
Moloch: "We're now completely at the mercy of a sadistic mechanical monster!"
Agatha: "But it's my sadistic mechanical monster– and I'm here to make sure it knows it."
SFX, panel 3
SFX, panel 4
SFX, panel 5

2008-04-04 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 32 (027)
Forum:2008-04-04 (Friday)
Zola, Zola's gang including Veilhat, Sanaa Wilhelm, Pince-nez, Jack A'Horned, Thanos the Wrenchman, Mister Tattoos, Green Hood, Man With Glasses
Zola urges her gang onward by shooting Veilhat.
Corridor of Smoke" / "Traps"
Notes, panel 2
SFX, panel 3

Gil Wakes Up[]

Location: A back room of the secret Mamma Gkika's.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-04-07 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 33 (028)
Forum:2008-04-07 (Monday)
Gil, \Zeetha
Gil wakes up.
Blink Blink
SFX, panel 1

2008-04-09 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 34 (029)
Forum:2008-04-09 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, Gil
Zeetha offers Gil a drink, and suggests he not try anything. Gil mentions he's been told that someone resembling Zeetha is out to kill him - Zeetha finds this intriguing.

2008-04-11 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 35 (030)
Forum:2008-04-11 (Friday)
Gil, Zeetha
Gil does try something, but in his weakened state, is no threat to Zeetha. They discuss his intentions towards Agatha.
Agatha, "a goon" (Vole), the Baron, The Other

2008-04-14 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 36 (031)
Forum:2008-04-14 (Monday)
Zeetha, Gil
Gil is torn between his love for Agatha, and the death and destruction that would follow if she does become The Other.
Zeetha: "So, basically what you're saying is: 'Golly, I kind of think I might sorta like her, but maybe she's like, all mind-bendingly evil and stuff. So I'd better knock her on the head and haul her back to Dad's lab so he can experiment on her. And if we're wrong, and she's innocent, I'll zap her back, apologize, and invite her to tea.' Good one, Romeo."
Agatha, Dad, my father, The Other

Zeetha Bring Gil Up To Speed[]

Location: A back room of the secret Mamma Gkika's.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-04-16 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 37 (032)
Forum:2008-04-16 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, Gil, <Lucrezia#Agatha, <Agatha
Zeetha explains Agatha's possession by the Other, and Agatha's Locket.
my father, Sturmvoraus

2008-04-18 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 38 (033)
Forum:2008-04-18 (Friday)
Gil, Zeetha
Zeetha discusses priorities with Gil. Gil discovers he is not wearing pants.
Gil: "I am reasonably certain that there are more important considerations than that–"
Zeetha: "Not if you want to avoid kissing The Other. EEEW."

Zeetha: "—asks the man with no pants."
Agatha, The Other
SFX, panel 6

"Jäger Girls" and Mama[]

Location: A back room of the secret Mamma Gkika's.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-04-21 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 39 (034)
Forum:2008-04-21 (Monday)
Zeetha, Gil, Jägerfräulein
Gil meets the Jägerfräulein.
Mamma Gkika

2008-04-23 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 40 (035)
Forum:2008-04-23 (Wednesday)
Gil, Jägerfräulein, Mamma Gkika's hand
The Jägerfräulein and Gil talk about the bar. Previously the bar where Jägers drank, it is now ostensibly a Jäger-free tourist attraction. He deduces there must be something more to the bar than meets the eye, at which point the something enters the conversation.
"A magnificent perversion of science"
The Lady Heterodyne, Professor Strout

2008-04-25 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 41 (036)
Forum:2008-04-25 (Friday)
Mamma Gkika, Gil
Mamma Gkika arrives to check on Gil. He realizes she is a genuine Jäger.
Mamma Gkika: "Ven pipple see lots ov false Jägers, dey don't look so hard for de real vuns."

2008-04-28 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 42 (037)
Forum:2008-04-28 (Monday)
Mamma Gkika, Zeetha, Gil
Mamma checks a device attached to Gil's profunda femoris artery. Realizing Gil is recovering faster than normal, and that the device is ready for removal, she abruptly yanks it out.
Mamma Gkika: "Vell, how 'bout dot. Hy guess hyu poppa gots more ov our secrets den he lets on."
tik tik Sss Ding!
SFX, panel 3
SFX, panel 6

2008-04-30 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 43 (038)
Forum:2008-04-30 (Wednesday)
Mamma Gkika, Gil, Zeetha
Gil's wound is almost completely healed. Thinking he's been incapacitated for days, he demands to leave. When Madam Gkika grabs him, he flies into a rage.
Agatha, my father

2008-05-02 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 44 (039)
Forum:2008-05-02 (Friday)
Mamma Gkika, Gil, one of the Jägerfräulein (Black hair), Zeetha
Mamma calms Gil without a calming pie. He learns he's only been out for a couple of hours, thanks to being dosed with Jäger Battle-Draught. On being told that the side effects include childish rages, he's happy to avail himself of the excuse.
On bottle: "Slightly better than death."

2008-05-05 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 45 (040)
Forum:2008-05-05 (Monday)
Mamma Gkika, Gil, Jägerfräulein, Maxim, Dimo, Oggie
Da Boyz bring Gil some clothes. Mamma tells Gil that some people are waiting to talk to him.
Jägerfräulein: "Maybe later I'll give you a private show, heh?"
Miz Agatha

Gil Paper Doll[]

Location: A back room of the secret Mamma Gkika's.

The wiki has an archive of all the paper doll images and links to high resolution versions.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-05-07 (Wednesday)
Vol. p.  RotWQ
Forum:2008-05-07 (Wednesday)
~Gil, Fashion Clank
Gil Paper Doll part 1
Fashion Clank: "He shames Paris!"

2008-05-09 (Friday)
Vol. p.  RotWQ
Forum:2008-05-09 (Friday)
Fashion Clank
Gil Paper Doll part 2

2008-05-12 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 46 (041)
Forum:2008-05-12 (Monday)
Zeetha, Gil, Maxim, Mamma Gkika
Gil doesn't like his clothes, but everyone else does.
General Khrizhan

A Diplomatic Meeting[]

Location: The main room of the secret Mamma Gkika's.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-05-14 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 47 (042)
Forum:2008-05-14 (Wednesday)
Jägers, Dimo, Gil, Vanamonde von Mekkhan, Krosp
Gil goes into Mamma Gkika's main room with his Magnificent Hat.
Jägers: "Hey– Nize Hat!"
De Baron, Reindeer Boys (Polar Ice Lords?) On bottle: "Killer Brau"; On hat: "Gilgemesh Wulfenbach/Schmott Guy!"

2008-05-16 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 48 (043)
Forum:2008-05-16 (Friday)
Gil, Van, Krosp, Zeetha
Gil's conversation with Van and Krosp gets off to a bad start, but Zeetha persuades him to stay.
Krosp: "I think you're just out to use Agatha as a pawn in some inferior plot to overthrow your father and take over the world! Well, I'm on to you, Pal -- and you're cutting into my territory!"
Agatha, your father See an alternate version.

2008-05-19 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 49 (044)
Forum:2008-05-19 (Monday)
Zeetha, Van, Krosp, Gil, Jägerfräulein, bar patrons (mostly Jägers), Higgs? (to the right of Zeetha)
Zeetha introduces everyone, including herself, and gives more details on what Mamma Gkika's actually does.
Mechanicsburg, Agatha, Mamma Gkika, Jägers, Heterodyne, Chump
Red Dragon 1788, Gas Wiz…
Trophy signs, panel 3
"—but I STILL have my HAT."
Stage song, panel 3

2008-05-21 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 50 (045)
Forum:2008-05-21 (Wednesday)
Gil, Zeetha, Van, Krosp
Van and Krosp want to know what the Baron is up to. Gil is surprised his father is up at all.
Krosp: "tsk. So even his son underestimates him."
Agatha, my father

Klaus Take A Stroll[]

Location: Inside and then outside the Great Hospital at Mechanicsburg.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-05-23 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 51 (046)
Forum:2008-05-23 (Friday)
Doctor Sun Jen-djieh, Bangladesh DuPree, Baron Klaus Wulfenbach, flunkies, medical staff
Klaus leaves his hospital bed in a Medical Trainer clank.
Medical Tra…, 573A
Clank, panel 4

2008-05-26 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 52 (047)
Forum:2008-05-26 (Monday)
Doctor Sun, Klaus
Doctor Sun strenuously objects to his patient discharging himself. Klaus' excuse is that he has a war to fight.
Sun: "You are a terrible patient!"
The Other, my son
Kick Kick
SFX, panel 3

2008-05-28 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 53 (048)
Forum:2008-05-28 (Wednesday)
Sun, Klaus, Sun Daiyu, Vole, head of Rudolf Selnikov
Before Sun can implement his threat to dismantle the Medical Trainer clank, he is interrupted by Daiyu. As Gil had ordered, Vole has found the commander of the war stompers, Selnikov, who got a little a head of himself.
Vole: "He is in need ov medical attention."
Master Gilgamesh

2008-05-30 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 54 (049)
Forum:2008-05-30 (Friday)
Klaus, Vole, Sun, Daiyu, Selnikov, <Vole, <guard, Bang
Vole reports to Klaus, eliding certain details about his recent interactions with Gil. Concerned about Vole's confirmation that the Castle will listen to Agatha, Klaus has some new orders for Vole to deliver, ones that he doesn't want Gil to hear.
Vole: "Dot's not as much fun az it sound like."

Klaus: "I have got to get that boy married."
Heterodyne Girl, The Other, Castle Heterodyne, Gil, Mamma Gkika's

Gil Works it Out[]

Location: The main room of the secret Mamma Gkika's.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-06-02 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 55 (050)
Forum:2008-06-02 (Monday)
Gil, Krosp, ~road crew supervisor with rumbletoys, ~firefighter with Ninth Aetheric Vapor Squad, ~communications specialist with Heliolux Air Fleet, Zeetha, Van
Gil realizes the Baron plans to destroy the Castle.
Van: "This is... not perfect."
Castle Heterodyne, the old Heterodynes, my father, Agatha

Barfight! Also: Higgs[]

Location: The main room of the secret Mamma Gkika's.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-06-04 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 56 (051)
Forum:2008-06-04 (Wednesday)
Van, Gil, Gkika, random Jägers
Van and Gil's debate over evacuating Mechanicsburg is interrupted by the evening's scheduled entertainment.
Gkika: "Zo — vait for de vistle, now!"

Van: "It's the evening bar fight."
SFX, panel 7

2008-06-06 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 57 (052)
Forum:2008-06-06 (Friday)
Krosp, Van, Gil, random Jägers, Zeetha, Higgs
Higgs and Zeetha meet cute, bar fight style.
Higgs: "That wasn't a weapon, that was a chair."
Zeetha: "Well then! Give me a chair!"
Bonk! Whak
SFX, panel 3
Rozen M[aiden]
Cap tally, panel 4
SFX, panel 5

2008-06-09 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 58 (053)
Forum:2008-06-09 (Monday)
Higgs, Zeetha, random Jägers
Dodging punches, furniture and cheese, Higgs and Zeetha make their way towards her "smart guy" friends.
Higgs: "Miss, you look so incredibly dangerous, I wouldn't think of implying anything."
Zeetha: "Awww…"
[Rozen] Maiden
Cap tally, panel 1
SFX, panel 2

2008-06-11 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 59 (054)
Forum:2008-06-11 (Wednesday)
Van, Gil, Dimo, Oggie, Maxim, Krosp, Zeetha, Higgs
Gil is ready to leave, and Da Boyz arrive to see him off. Gil is convinced to bring his Magnificent Hat, and gives it to Higgs to carry.
Van: "Krosp, that was very diplomatic."
Krosp: "Are you kidding! It makes him look like an absolute idiot!"
SFX, panel 5
[Rozen] Maiden
Cap tally, panel 6
SFX, panel 7

2008-06-13 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 60 (055)
Forum:2008-06-13 (Friday)
Higgs, Gil, Van, Maxim, Dimo, Zeetha, Oggie
Gil meets "Airman Third Class, Axel Higgs". Higgs is ordered to follow Gil.
Higgs: "You're just sending me out for a crate of balloon juice...right?"

Mechanicsburg Tourism[]

Location: Outside the secret Mamma Gkika's, and into the touristy Mamma Gkika's.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-06-16 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 61 (056)
Forum:2008-06-16 (Monday)
Gil, Van, Ognian, Zeetha, Higgs, Mimmoth, Dimo, Maxim, Franz, Krosp,
Gil admires the subterranean scenery and charming local inhabitants of Mechanicsburg as they climb up out of the underground Mamma Gkika's.
Franz: "yah. yah. heterodynes forever. now shotop. trying to sleep. here."
the Heterodynes

2008-06-18 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 62 (057)
Forum:2008-06-18 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, Dimo, Oggie, Maxim, Gil, Van
Dimo explains that the Jägers need to stay underground. Maxim and Ognian pretend to have a suicide pact.
Van: "One last gauntlet and we're out."
Gil: "What--more monsters?"
Van: "Tourists."

2008-06-20 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 63 (058)
Forum:2008-06-20 (Friday)
Jägerfräulein, Tourists, Van, Krosp, Gil
Touristy Mamna Gkika's with an Oom-Pah band.
Oompah! x 7
SFX, panel 5

2008-06-23 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 64 (059)
Forum:2008-06-23 (Monday)
Gil, a guy with a mug, one of the Jägerfräulein (Brown hair), Tourists, Van, Krosp
Gil's plan to leave quietly is thwarted when a guy pulls him onto the stage.
"Hey, look! It's Gilgamesh Wulfenbach! The guy who saved the town!"

Back in the Castle[]

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-06-25 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 65 (060)
Forum:2008-06-25 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Moloch von Zinzer, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel
Agatha tells the Castle that she is the real Heterodyne, and the people following her are minions of a false Heterodyne. The castle attacks Moloch for following Agatha.
Castle: "This is amusing. They want to kill you, so they kill each other. Why? Don't they know that is my job?"

Castle: "Ah. Then perhaps you should have said 'The people after us.' "
"that crazy pink person", her minions
Inside Castle Heterodyne–
Narration, panel 1
SFX, panel 4

2008-06-27 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 66 (061)
Forum:2008-06-27 (Friday)
Agatha, Moloch, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel
Agatha and Moloch arrive at the stuck library door. Moloch foolishly tries to force it open.
Castle: "These books contain the secrets of the Heterodyne family!"
Moloch: "What— like: 1001 ways to kill people?"
Castle: "Oh, far more than that!"
Narration, panel 1
Door, panel 1

2008-06-30 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 67 (062)
Forum:2008-06-30 (Monday)
Agatha, Moloch, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel
Moloch succeeds in getting through the door, only to find it's a door in the outside wall of the castle.

2008-07-02 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 68 (063)
Forum:2008-07-02 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Moloch, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel
The voice insists the library is reachable. Moloch climbs inside while flying stones assemble a bridge. Agatha takes a leap of faith onto the bridge.
Agatha: "There's nothing here at all!"
Moloch: "Yes! Lots of nothing!! Help me!"

2008-07-04 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 69 (064)
Forum:2008-07-04 (Friday)
Agatha, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel
Agatha complains to the castle about the games it is playing. The castle agrees to end the games, then drops Agatha down a trap door.

The Test[]

Location: Chapel of Bones in Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-07-07 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 70 (065)
Forum:2008-07-07 (Monday)
Agatha, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel
Agatha slides down into the Chapel of Bones, where she finds an altar, a chalice, and a broken stained-glass window. Unsurprisingly, the walls are lined with bones.
Castle: "This is not a game. This is where you will prove your claim—or die."
SFX, panel 1

2008-07-09 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 71 (066)
Forum:2008-07-09 (Wednesday)
Castle Heterodyne#Chapel, <Heterodyne claimants, <army, Agatha
The castle explains that other claimants have appeared when the castle's "masters" were away, and the room is decorated with the bones of those who failed the test.
Castle: "Now, it's your turn. I've even saved a place for you."
Agatha: "Fine. Then let's get started."

2008-07-11 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 72 (067)
Forum:2008-07-11 (Friday)
Agatha, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel
A clank stands up from underneath the skulls.
Castle: "Yes. Let's."
SFX, panel 2

2008-07-14 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 73 (068)
Forum:2008-07-14 (Monday)
Agatha, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel
The Castle tells Agatha to put a hand in the clank's mouth so it can tell whether she is a Heterodyne. The clank closes its mouth and takes a blood sample.

Gil's Great Plan[]

Location: Mechanicsburg streets.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-07-16 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 74 (069)
Forum:2008-07-16 (Wednesday)
Krosp, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Zeetha, Jägerfräulein, Vanamonde von Mekkhan, The Unstoppable Higgs, townsfolk, Upper balcony: Theopholous DuMedd, Sleipnir
Gil explains his previous plan to Krosp, as they lead townsfolk through the street.
Klaus: "That's— not a bad plan. Got another? Preferably one that, instead of stealth, involves half the town?"
Gil: "I'm working on it."
"My father", Sun "Aracioti's"

2008-07-18 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 75 (070)
Forum:2008-07-18 (Friday)
Krosp, Torchmen, townsfolk, street vendor, Gil, Van
The Torchmen on street lamps go FOOM! and flare up. Gil asks Van for an explanation.
Van: "The Lady Heterodyne— she must have woken something. The city is defending itself!"
The Lady Heterodyne
SNAILS / Garlic! Cheese! S…! / New! Chocolate
Cart, panel 2
SFX, panels 2, 3

On the Pink Airship[]

Location: The Pink Airship, Above Mechanicsburg.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-07-21 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 76 (071)
Forum:2008-07-21 (Monday)
Pink airship crew, Keller, Kraddok, Un-named Airship Captain
Crew change time on the Pink Airship. Kraddok is nervous. A crew member notices "fire on the ground".
Ding! Ding! Ding!
SFX, panel 2

2008-07-23 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 77 (072)
Forum:2008-07-23 (Wednesday)
Un-named Airship Captain, Keller, Pink airship crew, Duke Strinbeck, Kraddok
The captain and Strinbeck argue about reporting the fire to the town. More fires are spotted ("dozens") and Kraddok freaks. Strinbeck threatens the crew.
Kraddok: "Get us out of Mechanicsburg airspace! It's the Torchmen!"
Strinbeck: "I will shoot any man who tries to move this ship."
Town watch, Oublenmach, Torchmen
CLAK wheeeeeeeeee
SFX, panel 8

2008-07-25 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 78 (073)
Forum:2008-07-25 (Friday)
Un-named Airship Captain, Duke Strinbeck, Pink airship crew, Kraddok, Keller
The Captain strongly objects to Strinbeck's gun and treatment of the crew. When the Torchmen start moving, he hits Strinbeck and orders evasive maneuvers.
Strinbeck: "Are you threatening me, Hireling?"
Captain: "That's Captain, to you!"

2008-07-28 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 79 (074)
Forum:2008-07-28 (Monday)
airship crew (speaking), Un-named Airship Captain (speaking), Steersman (speaking), Torchmen
The captain's orders are carried out. The Torchmen evaluate the pink airship and target the ship.
"Heterodyne mark—" "False." "Destroy"
Mister Owlwick, Mr. Ajayi

2008-07-30 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 80 (075)
Forum:2008-07-30 (Wednesday)
Many Torchmen (over 120 pictured) fly up toward the pink airship.
"Destroy" "Destroy" "Destroy" "Destroy" "Destroy"
Heterod… …fels…

2008-08-01 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 81 (076)
Forum:2008-08-01 (Friday)
Pink airship crew, Keller, Kraddok, Un-named Airship Captain, Strinbeck
The airship crew frantically tries to lighten the load to escape. Strinbeck gets up and is angry.
Kraddok: "If you'd live to see the end of day, from Mechanicsburg two leagues stay."
Crewman: "And what's that in kilometers?"

Strinbeck: "You scum. You dare to strike my royal personage?! I'll have every member of your crew flayed alive!"
Airship control, panel 1

2008-08-04 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 82 (077)
Forum:2008-08-04 (Monday)
Un-named Airship Captain, Keller, Pink airship crew
The Captain and an officer return from doing something with Strinbeck. The airship is pulling away from the Torchmen, but ends up right in front of Castle Wulfenbach.
Officer: "So… we pirates now?"
Captain: "NO. He didn't count."
Officer: "Just checkin'."

Gil Makes a New Plan[]

Location: Mechanicsburg streets.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-08-06 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 83 (078)
Forum:2008-08-06 (Wednesday)
Van, Krosp, Gil(!), townsfolk, Torchman
The crowd watches the Torchmen. Gil pushes Van out of the way as a Torchman crashes in front of them. Gil starts entering the madness place but Krosp pulls him back. Gil gets worried that the Torchmen will make the Baron think Agatha is more of a threat, but he has an idea.
Van: "Back then, "Made in Mechanicsburg" really meant something!"
Krosp: "…It meant death and destruction."
Van: "That's something."

Gil: "It can't be good for tourism."
my father
Yank! CRASH!
SFX, panel 2

2008-08-08 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 84 (079)
Forum:2008-08-08 (Friday)
Gil, Krosp, Vole, troops, clanks, Big Green Hairy Guy (Sergeant), Zeetha, townsfolk
Gil's plan depends on the Baron wanting Gil safe. Then Vole shows up at the front of an army of soldiers, clanks, and a Big Green Hairy Guy to escort Gil to the safety of Castle Wulfenbach.
Vole: "Hy haff been told dot I ken beat der stuffings out ov hyu if hyu giff me de teeny veeniest problem."
Gil: "…He does care!"
father/Hyu Poppa "…olate…" ("Chocolate"?) above the door of a building.

2008-08-11 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 85 (080)
Forum:2008-08-11 (Monday)
Gil(!), Krosp, Big Green Hairy Guy, troops, one of the Jägerfräulein (Brown hair), Higgs, Zeetha, townsfolk
Vole realizes that Gil is in the madness place and asks the Sergeant to "tek him out" quickly. The Sergeant tells the troops to avoid hitting the crowd. Gil raves about his plan to be seen entering the castle and what he and Agatha could do. Krosp bites him to get him out of the madness place. Then Gil disappears.
Sergeant: "Stun rounds only! Do not hit the crowd, or I'll eat your ears!"
"father", Agatha "PAF!"

Got the Job?[]

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-08-13 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 86 (081)
Forum:2008-08-13 (Wednesday)
Moloch von Zinzer, Torchmen
Moloch watches a bridge assemble, with large golden chains flying around. (Left half of two-page spread.)
"Wow. Um…"

2008-08-15 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 87 (082)
Forum:2008-08-15 (Friday)
Agatha, Moloch (voice)
Agatha walking over a fancy bridge being constructed.
Moloch: "So, you got the job, then?"
Agatha: "Oh, yes."
Elegant and finely-crafted link to the combined image.

2008-08-18 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 88 (083)
Forum:2008-08-18 (Monday)
Moloch, Agatha, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel
Agatha discusses her future problems and plan for gaining control of Castle Heterodyne and talking with the Baron. Moloch says the Baron will be "pretty mad".
Agatha: "Mad?! Mad about what?! … What did you do?"
Castle: "I did what you told me to do."
Agatha: "AAAH!"
Throne of Faustus Heterodyne entity, other castle entities, Pinky and her thugs (how's that for a band name?) (Zola and Zola's Minions), the Baron (Klaus)

2008-08-20 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 89 (084)
Forum:2008-08-20 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Torchmen, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel, <~Castle Heterodyne, <~Agatha, Moloch
Agatha argues with the castle about whether she authorized the attack of the Torchmen on Castle Wulfenbach. The second of the three lights is lit.
(According to the Castle's version of events)
Castle: "How may I serve you?"
Agatha: "Oh, goody! Who can you kill for me?"
Castle: "I can kill people in the sky!"
Agatha: "Yay! Do that! Kill everyone in the sky."

2008-08-22 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 90 (085)
Forum:2008-08-22 (Friday)
<Castle Heterodyne#Chapel, <Agatha, ~<townsfolk, ~<priest, ~<princes, Agatha
Agatha recalls her conversation with the Castle, and realizes she needs to be very careful about what she says.
Castle: "Welcome home, My Lady! How may I serve you?"
Agatha: "Um— That's it?"
Castle: "Yes, well— Ordinarily when a new Heterodyne takes control, the Doom Bell rings— [picture of cowering townsfolk] there's a quaint little ceremony in the Red Cathedral— [picture of a priest stabbing with a knife] the people parade around singing folk songs— [picture of townsfolk carrying torches] and the Princes of Europa offer you tribute and beg you not to plunder their lands."

Agatha: "Seriously, I just wish I could chase her stupid pink airship out of here." Castle: "Really? I can do that! I can keep all your enemies out of Mechanicsburg airspace!" Agatha: "There you go! That would make me very happy!"
The usurper (Zola)

2008-08-25 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 91 (086)
Forum:2008-08-25 (Monday)
Agatha, Moloch, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel
Agatha gets into the idea of controlling Mechanicsburg and approves of the attack on Castle Wulfenbach.
Moloch: "What are you doing? The Baron—"
Agatha: "—has his flagship looming over my town."

Castle: "Then—you're not angry?"
Agatha: "Nah, you did good."
Castle: "'Good.' … Hrm. Perhaps… you could phrase it some other way?"
The Baron (Klaus), the Heterodynes (House Heterodyne)

Do You Have a Boyfriend?[]

Location: Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-08-27 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 92 (087)
Forum:2008-08-27 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel, Moloch, <Skull-Queen of Skral, <Dagon Heterodyne
The clank opens a secret door to the library, and Agatha and Moloch go through the door and descend a set of stairs. The clank asks if Agatha has a boyfriend. She says she doesn't, but Moloch mentions Gilgamesh Wulfenbach. The clank heartily approves of Gil because of his defeat of the invaders.
Castle: "The Skull-Queen of Skral sent two hundred warrior homunculi to pique the interest of Dagon Heterodyne. I expect standards have slipped a bit. She was your ancestress, you know, so obviously it all worked out rather well. Lovely woman."
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, That thug (Vole)

2008-08-29 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 93 (088)
Forum:2008-08-29 (Friday)
Castle Heterodyne#Chapel, Moloch, Agatha
Discussion of Gil continues. Agatha asks if the discussion has a point and the clank mentions someone else has entered.
Castle: "What's to know? His family is powerful, his spark burns strong, he's already taken with you, —and you cannot deny that he has a magnificent death ray."
Agatha: "That's hardly a basis for a stable relationship."

Castle: "All the Wulfenbach Sparks are known for their oversized machinery, you know. I mean, just look at Castle Wulfenbach. What exactly are we trying to say, here?"

Castle: "A young gentlemen and his attendant have just slipped in through the Phosphorous Gate. I was wondering if he was yours."
Gilgamesh, Klaus, a young gentlemen and his attendant (Tarvek, Violetta)

2008-09-01 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 94 (089)
Forum:2008-09-01 (Monday)
Agatha, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel, Moloch
The castle says the new occupants of the castle are wearing stealth cloaks, and are in a dangerous part of the castle not controlled by this castle entity ("a dead zone"). Agatha, assuming is it Gil, wants to save them. Moloch expects to die whether he follows Agatha or not.
Moloch: "Tall, fit, aristocratic, weird hair."
Agatha: "Nice hair."
Moloch: "Oh, yeah, you're one to talk."

Moloch: "Wait. Are you talking about the Devil Dogs?!"
Castle: "Technically they're called: 'Fun-Sized Mobile Agony and Death Dispensers.' "

Moloch: "Can't you just find a new boyfriend?"
Agatha: "Hurry!"
Gilgamesh, Fun-Sized Mobile Agony and Death Dispensers

2008-09-03 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 95 (090)
Forum:2008-09-03 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel, Moloch, Devil Dog
Agatha, the clank, and Moloch discuss how to deal with Devil Dogs. Then a door behind them is slammed shut by the arm of a Devil Dog.
SFX, panel 6

Don't Move, or it Will See You[]

Location: A room with a Devil Dog in Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-09-05 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 96 (091)
Forum:2008-09-05 (Friday)
Agatha, Devil Dog, Moloch
Agatha and Moloch face down a Devil Dog, trying to find a way to escape. The Devil Dog is distracted by being hit in the head with a boot.
SFX, panel 3

2008-09-08 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 97 (092)
Forum:2008-09-08 (Monday)
\Tarvek Sturmvoraus (voice), Devil Dog, Moloch, Agatha
Tarvek and Agatha discuss the Devil Dog. Tarvek is pessimistic, but Agatha has her plan.
Agatha: "But I need a head start."

2008-09-10 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 98 (093)
Forum:2008-09-10 (Wednesday)
Tarvek, Agatha, Moloch, Devil Dog, \Violetta (voice)
Tarvek questions Agatha to determine which entity is in control, and then jumps onto the Devil Dog. Everyone screams, including Tarvek's companion Violetta.
Tarvek: "What did you do to Vrin?"

Agatha: "Well, I kind of hit her with a broom . I kind of hit her with a broom a lot."

Riding the Tiger[]

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-09-12 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 99 (094)
Forum:2008-09-12 (Friday)
Violetta, Agatha, Moloch, Tarvek, Devil Dog
Violetta appears from the ceiling and starts screaming at Tarvek. Tarvek rides the Devil while Agatha and Moloch drag Violetta toward the door.
Violetta: "No! After all that trouble getting your worthless butt out of that hospital— you're not gonna commit suicide! Grandma will have me flayed! Did you hear me?! You moron? I haaate this jooob! And I hate YOU!"

2008-09-15 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 100 (095)
Forum:2008-09-15 (Monday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Moloch, Violetta, Devil Dog
Agatha, Moloch, and Violetta scatter. The Devil Dog chases Moloch. Agatha thinks the the door is locked, but Violetta says it is just jammed. Tarvek asks Violetta to "take up" Agatha.
Violetta: "MOVE! Highly trained Smoke Knight, comin' through! … This is jammed! How am I supposed to work with that?!"
Agatha: "Um— Really quickly!"
Tarvek: "Violetta! Take her up!"

2008-09-17 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 101 (096)
Forum:2008-09-17 (Wednesday)
Violetta, Agatha, Devil Dog, Tarvek, Moloch
Violetta pulls out a grapnel gun and lifts Agatha to the rafters, narrowly avoiding the chomp of the Devil Dog. Moloch also made it to the rafters, so Violetta assumes he's a Smoke Knight. Agatha finds another door.
Violetta: "You've trained in the Way of Smoke?"

Violetta: "Chapter Sixteen of the Yellow Codex! Who sent you?!"
Moloch: "Nobody 'sent me.' I don't have any 'secret knowledge.' I just didn't want to die."
Violetta: "I don't believe you! That's cheating!"
SFX, panel 1
Zip Chomp!
SFX, panel 2

2008-09-19 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 102 (097)
Forum:2008-09-19 (Friday)
Violetta, Agatha, Moloch, Mimmoth
Violetta uses her "hunting light" to show Agatha the dangers of the room. (There appears to be a Mimmoth trapped in the spiderroach web.) Violetta concludes there's nothing useful in the room, but Agatha disagrees and reaches for something.
"Bloodbats" / "Spiderroach web. … They'll pour out and strip the flesh from your bones." / "Venomous Rafter Toad. Didn't know they came this far north." / "Allow me." "Hey!"
SFX, panel 2
SFX, panel 6

2008-09-22 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 103 (098)
Forum:2008-09-22 (Monday)
Tarvek, Devil Dog, Agatha
With Tarvek's position on the Devil Dog growing tenuous, Agatha focuses Violetta's hunting light through a lens from Agatha's glasses to create a moving spot on the floor. Chasing the dot, the Devil Dog crashes through the door.
SFX, panel 7

2008-09-24 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 104 (099)
Forum:2008-09-24 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel, Tarvek, Devil Dog, \Violetta
Agatha orders the castle to destroy the Devil Dog and, with a little prompting, requests that Tarvek be spared. The castle obeys with precision. While marveling at the work, Tarvek is hit in the head with a boot.
Tarvek: "That's… That's amazing! I'm completely unhurt!"
Violetta: "Here's your boot, Your Majesty."
SFX, panel 3
SFX, panel 6

Violetta is Displeased[]

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-09-26 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 105 (100)
Forum:2008-09-26 (Friday)
Violetta, Tarvek, Agatha, Moloch
Violetta and Tarvek fight while they explain their relationship and how they got to the castle.
Tarvek: "This useless nitwit is my loyal servent. … Her branch of the family has served mine for generations. She's been trained since birth."
Violetta: "And I hate it!"

Violetta: "… the moron they've got in the hospital gets herself killed trying to off the Baron—"
Local Burgermeister (Burgermeister Zuken), the Moron in the Hospital, Baron (Klaus), Wulfenbach Guards, flaming gargoyles (Torchmen)
Boot! Boot! Boot!
SFX, panel 2
SFX, panel 3
Baf! Baf! Baf!
SFX, panel 5

2008-09-29 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 106 (101)
Forum:2008-09-29 (Monday)
Moloch, Violetta, Agatha, Tarvek, Castle Heterodyne
Agatha realizes Tarvek is related to the Pink Airship plan and yells at him. Violetta puts a knife to Agatha's throat, and the castle knocks her down. Tarvek talks about the long-term plot to "install a false Heterodyne".
Tarvek: "I didn't say they weren't idiots! I didn't tell them to go ahead! We know nothing about Young Wulfenbach! I've never even met him!"
Agatha: "He's a bossy, violent idiot who thinks he knows what's best for everyone, even though he can't keep himself in one piece. You'll like him."
flaming gargoyles (Torchmen), False Heterodyne (Zola), my father (Aaronev Wilhelm Sturmvoraus ) and his men, Baron (Klaus), Baron's Son/Young Wulfenbach (Gil)
SFX, panel 3

Gil Catches Up With Old Friends[]

Location: An apartment in Mechanicsburg, then streets.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-10-01 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 107 (102)
Forum:2008-10-01 (Wednesday)
Gil, Weird bird, Theo, Sleipnir
Gil escapes to an apartment in Mechanicsburg where Theo and Sleipnir are staying. They have the Heterodyne device, which was used to help Gil vanish. Gil asks why they are there since Theo was going to look for his father's lab in India. Theo had promised to meet Agatha in Mechanicsburg. Sleipnir says that they did not tell Gil their plans since they did not entirely trust him.
Theo: "Sleipnir here thinks she knows where the Eye of the Snake Eater is hidden."

Sleipnir: "I'm sorry, Gil. It's because we didn't entirely trust you."
Theo's father, the Snake Eater

2008-10-03 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 108 (103)
Forum:2008-10-03 (Friday)
Gil, Theo, Sleipnir
Gil explains Agatha's possession. Sleipnir says they now trust Gil.
Gil: "But, unlike my father, I'll give her a chance."
Sleipnir: "Listen to you. That's why we can trust you."
soldiers, Agatha, The Other, my father (Klaus)

2008-10-06 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 109 (104)
Forum:2008-10-06 (Monday)
Gil, Theo, Sleipnir
Gil drinks a mixed drink prepared by Theo and passes out. When he wakes up they plan to head to the castle, with Theo and Sleipnir carrying the tools so Gil won't leave them behind.
Gil: "…It's still one of Theo's. Remember his `Electric Acid 200 Proof Sugar Doom?'"
Sleipnir: "This from a guy who once made an aperitif with toothpaste and Hedgehogs?"
Gil: "They still sell that."

Gil: "I'm just gonna have to build a mechanical shoplifter."
Narration, panel 3

We Forgot the Crowd![]

Location: Mechanicsburg streets.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-10-08 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 110 (105)
Forum:2008-10-08 (Wednesday)
Two Wulfenbach guards, Gil, Theo, Sleipnir
Two guards watch the Torchmen return, glad Castle Wulfenbach is safe but worried about the Torchmen heading toward them. Gil (with his lightning staff connected to the Heterodyne device), Theo, and Sleipnir approach, and the guards order them to halt. Gil starts to make a speech, but stops.
Gil: "Know that I—"
Theo: "WAIT!"
Sleipnir: "We forgot the crowd!"
Gil: "You are kidding me. I didn't think I could go three meters in this town without a crowd." "Hold on!" "Yeah! We'll be right back!"

2008-10-10 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 111 (106)
Forum:2008-10-10 (Friday)
Theo, Gil, Sleipnir, \Zeetha
Gil is carrying the Heterodyne device attached by a cord to his lightning wand. In the background there's a dragon-head statue covered with birds, but some birds are falling off. Discussion on how to get a crowd, them Zeetha calls out to Gil and he suggests a fight.
Sleipnir: "We'll just have to build a new crowd."
Gil: "What?! But that would take weeks!"
Theo: "Yeah! And the graveyard's all the way across town!"

Now We Must Fight![]

Location: Mechanicsburg streets.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-10-13 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 112 (107)
Forum:2008-10-13 (Monday)
Zeetha, Krosp, Higgs, Gil, Theo, Sleipnir (hands)
Gil stages a fight with Zeetha to attract a crowd. Zeetha unsheathes her swords, Gil pulls out a strange gun.
Gil: "She is my chosen bride, any any who would harm her will answer to me! Oh, jeez, did I really just say that?"
SFX, panel 9

2008-10-15 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 113 (108)
Forum:2008-10-15 (Wednesday)
Gil, Zeetha, Krosp, Higgs
Gil fires his "death ray" into the air to make a noise and flash to attract people, then he switches to his hand-cranked runcible gun. The gun shoots sporks at Zeetha, who deflects them back at Gil with her swords.
SFX, panel 1
Spork! Spork! Spork!
SFX, panel 4
Ting Tong Ping!
SFX, panel 5

2008-10-17 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 114 (109)
Forum:2008-10-17 (Friday)
Gil, Krosp, Higgs, Zeetha
Zeetha dives over Gil and grabs at him. He escapes and attaches a device to her back.
SFX, panel 5

2008-10-20 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 115 (110)
Forum:2008-10-20 (Monday)
Zeetha, Gil, Sleipnir, Theo, townsfolk
Gil tells Zeetha he put a Jolly Fun Oxidation Enhancer on her, but he got it mixed up with a Wacky Weave Destabilizer so the group attracted a crowd.
Gil: "Gah! Why do all of Bunbury's stupid devices look so much alike?!"
Sleipnir: "Why do you even have one of those?!"
Theo: (Whistles nonchalantly.)
Gil: "Well…um…Well! Now we're even ."
Dr. Prometheus Bunbury
SFX, panel 2
SFX, panel 5

Always Wear Under Wear[]

Location: Mechanicsburg streets.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-10-22 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 116 (111)
Forum:2008-10-22 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, Gil, townsfolk
Zeetha disparages the Bunbury device Gil set off, so he sets off one of his own creation, an "automatic trap cage…thing" which expands and strikes the ground as Zeetha jumps away from it.
tik tik tik
SFX, panel 2
Clak! Sproing!
SFX, panel 3
Smak! Zip!
SFX, panel 6

2008-10-24 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 117 (112)
Forum:2008-10-24 (Friday)
Zeetha, Gil, townsfolk (including Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer?), Theo, Sleipnir, Krosp
The automatic trap cage…thing heads toward the townsfolk looking for someone to capture. A girl offers it a flower. Gil starts to disable it, using hand-cranked motor-powered hedge-clippers. He asks for help, and Theo and Sleipnir are excited at the opportunity (and Krosp is frightened).
"Hello, Clank! Are you a flowerpot?"
Agatha "poit!"

2008-10-27 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 118 (113)
Forum:2008-10-27 (Monday)
Theo, townsfolk, Sleipnir, Krosp, Zeetha, Gil
Theo uses a Stalagmite Gun to create a fence and Sleipnir uses her bagpipe-like Hot Pipes on the monster, but the result isn't helpful. Zeetha and Gil fight the clank.
Krosp: "Great. Now the crowd is trapped by the stalagmites while the flaming monster advances."
"ZORK!" "Mite! Mite! Mite! Mite!" "FOOM!" "choppity choppity chop[pity?]"

2008-10-29 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 119 (114)
Forum:2008-10-29 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, little girl and mother, Krosp, Gil, other townsfolk
Krosp asks Gil about the working of the machine, then proceeds to shove the little girl at it, putting an end to the fight as the automatic trap cage…thing happily shuts down. Zeetha is not pleased, and neither is the mother, who proceeds to punch Gil in the gut.
"Wait! Krosp! Don't–!" "'Relax. I'll be fine." shove "WHEEE!"
Prince Myshkin "SHOVE" "CLAK!" "FWEEE!" "POP!"

2008-10-31 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 120 (115)
Forum:2008-10-31 (Friday)
Krosp, Zeetha, Sleipnir, flower girl, Gil, flower girl's mother, townsfolk, Theo, pickpocket
Sleipnir releases the flower girl from the cage. When Gil starts to speak to the girl, the girl's mother slugs him again. A child appears to be picking the pocket of a man in the crowd. Gil starts to introduce himself. The crowd thinks the group has been busking and tosses coins at Gil.
"Hyu bad man! Hyu no talk to my leedle gurl!" / "People of Mechanicsburg! I suppose you're wondering what this is all about!"
Shirt: Buck Godot / Ding! Clink Clang Ding! Ting

Gil Introduces Himself[]

Location: Mechanicsburg streets.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-11-03 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 121 (116)
Forum:2008-11-03 (Monday)
Gil, Townsfolk, Krosp, Zeetha, Theo, Sleipnir
Gil introduces himself and the crowd laughs, still assuming the group are street performers. Gil gets mad, but controls himself and realizes it doesn't matter why the crowd follows him.
Heckler: "I get it! And that's the Baron's dog, is it? And she's the Baron's daughter!"
Gil: "Ha ha! That's right! So follow me, folks! 'Cause the show's just starting!"
Baron (Klaus), Storm King

2008-11-05 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 122 (117)
Forum:2008-11-05 (Wednesday)
Two Wulfenbach guards, Gil, Theo, Sleipnir, crowd
The group approaches the guards (with a crowd this time). Gil approaches and is refused entry while the crowd laughs. (Compare the first four frames with the first time we saw those two guards .)
Gil: "Hi! I'm Gilgamesh Wulfenbach! Can I please go in the castle?"
Guard: "No."
Gil: "There, everyone! You heard me! I asked nice!"
Guard: "Wait— You're who?"
Professor Phosphorous

Agatha Catches the Show[]

Location: Inside and outside Castle Heterodyne, near the Gate of Lamps.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-11-07 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 123 (118)
Forum:2008-11-07 (Friday)
Agatha, Moloch, Tarvek, Violetta, Castle Heterodyne#Chapel
Loud noises are heard, and the castle says it is an attack on the Gate of Lamps. Tarvek directs them to a window to view the gate and they see a mob, lightning, and Gil.
Tarvek: "A Wulfenbach assault on the castle? Not good."
SFX, panel 1
SFX, panel 4
SFX, panel 5

2008-11-10 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 124 (119)
Forum:2008-11-10 (Monday)
Gil, Two Wulfenbach guards, Higgs, crowd (possibly including Vidonia Orkalina?), Theo, Sleipnir, Krosp, Zeetha
After attracting attention with lightning bolts, Gil tries prove he really is Gilgamesh Wulfenbach. Higgs puts the Magnificent Hat on Gil's head, and the crowd is impressed.
the True Heterodyne Heir (Agatha) "Gilgamesh Wulfenbach/Schmott Guy!" / "TA-DAH!"

2008-11-12 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 125 (120)
Forum:2008-11-12 (Wednesday)
Moloch, Violetta, Agatha, Tarvek, /Zeetha[2], /Gil
The group in the castle watches and listen to the events outside. Agatha gets upset when a friend of Gil says that Gil intends to "wed most vigorously" the Lady Heterodyne.
Violetta: "Huh. Now it looks like they're doing some sort of musical number."

Gil: "Aaah! What are you guys… Shut up!! Don't help me!"

Tarvek: "Agatha— just say the word— and I'll do anything in my power to sort this fellow out for you."
Agatha: "I appreciate that. I really do. Because by the time 'I get through with him, I expect there'll be a lot of pieces to sort!

Gil is Surprised[]

Location: Inside Castle Heterodyne, near the Gate of Lamps.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-11-14 (Friday)
Vol.VIII p. 126 (121)[3]
Forum:2008-11-14 (Friday)
Higgs, Gil, Zeetha, Krosp, Sleipnir, Theo, \Zola
Gil and friends enter the castle, with Gil complaining about how his friends behaved (talking about Zeetha's dance and hand gestures). Zola calls to Gil from further in.
Higgs: "Sir—I would like to point out that we are now inside Castle Heterodyne: A hideous uncontrolled death trap?"
Gil: "Now you're just trying to cheer me up. Well, it won't work. I'm still mad."

Zola: "GIL!? Is that you?"[4]
Agatha, my father (Klaus) Soon—

An Old Friend Returns[]

Location: Near a balcony of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-11-17 (Monday)
Vol.VIII p. 127 (122)
Forum:2008-11-17 (Monday)
Torchmen, Von Pinn (arms only), Castle Heterodyne (fragment)
The torchmen return from harassing Castle Wulfenbach away from Mechanicsburg to perch on lamp posts. Two return to seats near a castle balcony carrying an unidentified person. The balcony door opens and the castle speaks.
Castle: "Ah. You've returned."

Final Page of Volume 8 (SPOILER)[]

Location: On a balcony of Castle Heterodyne.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-11-19 (Wednesday)
Vol.VIII p. 128 (123)
Forum:2008-11-19 (Wednesday)
Torchmen, Von Pinn
Two torchmen deposit Von Pinn on the balcony.
"Of course. A Heterodyne has come home. An so must I."
A Heterodyne (Agatha)
SFX, panel 8

Fairy Tale Theatre Break: Cinderella[]

As described in Kaja's LiveJournal, "our usual end-of-the-year goofiness" and "there are characters in need of NEW OUTFITS".

Location: Backstage, then city.

Names Used Text Extras

2008-11-21 (Friday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 1
Forum:2008-11-21 (Friday)
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Phil Foglio, Dimo, Tarvek Sturmvoraus, Ognian, Othar Tryggvassen, Maxim, Kaja Foglio, Zeetha, Agatha Heterodyne, Cheyenne Wright
Phil deals with annoyed actors, especially the two princes. The ladies are in favor of two boyfriends.
"I'm the Prince! I'm all tortured and driven by love!" "Feh. I'm the misunderstood one with the mysterious agenda. Muy sexy." "I'll kill you both and use your understudy!" / "Mine is the biggest hat in de show!" / "The doors are sealed. The audience cannot escape."
"Holiday Script 2008 'Cinderella'" / "A Chil… Tale" / "[Dan]gerous [Pro]ps" / "[N]o [Smo]king" / "Ladies UnDressing Room"

2008-11-24 (Monday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 2
Forum:2008-11-24 (Monday)
Proclamation reader (Mr. Tock), Stepmother (Mamma Gkika), Stepsister (Dimo), Stepsister (Ognian), Stepsister (Maxim)
A proclamation is read about a Science Faire. Stepmother wants her daughters to enter, but they "ain't gots no brains".
"Let it be known that the— um—Twin Princes have declared that there is to be a glorious Science Faire!"
Twin Princes [introduction to Cinderella] // "This proclamation paid for by ~ // Schlock Mercenary / Cheap goods for thrifty heroes / We buy estate goods! // Good food with no Jagers / Sunset Grill // Skin Horse / …'s not …gt for [brea]kfas[t] / [an]y mor[e] // Ask Dr. Eldritch! / Pets found! Warts explained! Crops blighted! Family curses lifted! // "Blip" / "My Dream Girl" "Big lie! Ho ho!" / Start of building name: "BICR…" The proclamation is paid for by webcomics.

2008-11-26 (Wednesday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 3
Forum:2008-11-26 (Wednesday)
Stepmother, Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin (called Cinderella) (Agatha Heterodyne)
Stepmother asks Cinderella for science projects "hyu sisters ken pretend dey made". Cinderella's first projects confuse her stepmother, but simple ones are accepted (vinegar and baking soda volcano, potato clock, and an ant farm).
"She gonna vin dis ting vit a houseplant and a dead mouse .", "Let's see… I've got a balloon animal that proves Fermat's Last Theorem, a fish that can recite the complete works of William Shakespeare, or this amusing machine for getting parallel lines to meet!" "So pleased to make your acquaintance!" "Likewise, I'm sure!" / "I'll set those up before I start my own project." … "Vait. Vat hyu mean, hyu 'own project?' "
sisters "Innocent town"

2008-11-28 (Friday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 4
Forum:2008-11-28 (Friday)
Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin (Agatha), Stepmother (Mamma Gkika), Stepsister (Ognian), The Goldfish, voice of Fairy Godmother (Zeetha)
Stepmother destroys some of Cinderella's projects and grounds her so she can't go to the science faire. She stays home snacking and listening to the goldfish quote Hamlet when a voice is heard.
"I'll have grounds more relative than this— The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King."
"Crimson Dark Winter Ale" / "Octopus Pie Chips / Just Like Gram… Made"

2008-12-01 (Monday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 5
Forum:2008-12-01 (Monday)
Fairy Godmother(Zeetha), Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin (Agatha), Goldfish
The Fairy Godmother shows up and convinces Cinderella to attend the Science Fair. Cinderella is at first reluctant, and thinks the prize of marrying the prince (one of them) is inappropriate, but is convinced to attend when she is told the princes are fond of miniature volcanoes.
"…get you off your fat butt…" "…the term you want is callipygian, you cow." / "—have we eaten on the insane root, that takes the reason prisoner?" / "The winner will marry the prince!" "Which prince?" "Shut up! Who cares?" / "Let's show these rubes some real science."
the princes

2008-12-03 (Wednesday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 6
Forum:2008-12-03 (Wednesday)
Fairy Godmother (Zeetha), Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin (Agatha)
The Fairy Godmother explodes a pumpkin trying to prepare a coach, then turns her wand on Cinderella. (The castle is patterned after Wilson Hall at Fermilab.)
Agatha: "Look. I'm a girl with needs. Okay?"
the princes "Soon—"; On wand: "Ral Partha"

2008-12-05 (Friday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 7
Forum:2008-12-05 (Friday)
Fairy Godmother (Zeetha), Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin (Agatha), Dingbots
Cinderella grabs the wand, opens it up, fixes it, and then activates it.
"Jeez—you had toad eyes slotted into your newt eye grid—and that was throwing off your ætheric vibrations." / "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!"
Target gourd matrix analyzed. Description theory encoder enginettes engaged. Preparing to overwrite "reality."
2008-12-08 (Monday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 8
Forum:2008-12-08 (Monday)
Fairy Godmother (Zeetha), Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin (Agatha)
The pumpkin has turned into a fancy chair suspended from a pumpkin balloon.
2008-12-10 (Wednesday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 9
Forum:2008-12-10 (Wednesday)
Stepsister (Ognian), Prince (Tarvek), Prince (Gil), participant, Stepsister (Maxim)
The princes review science projects. They are discouraged (and worried about marrying "Princess Whomper and Lady Gronk") until they see the miniature volcano. They drink milk produced by the ant farm (presumably from Stepsister Dimo).
"I don't understand it! I'm supposed to be really good at the sneaky planning!"
Princess Whomper, Lady Gronk, the Mole people "Meanwhile, at the Royal Palace—" // "Le Chronometri… Pomme de Terre" / "Why Potatoes and time are friends" / "Why time is good" / "Keeps watches busy" / "I don't know" / "Whipped Mashed Au Gtatin Fries Baked Tots – Now with a clock – How cool is that?" // "Basic Instructions 1) Don't eat paint 2) or lead 3) …" // "Goblins" " Goblins — Threat or food?" // "Geeks next door?" // "Planet Earth: A Scary Go Round we live on" // "Why the world needs Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic" // "Innocent town" (Shoutouts to other webcomics.)
2008-12-12 (Friday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 10
Forum:2008-12-12 (Friday)
Prince (Tarvek), Prince (Gil), Stepsister (Maxim)
The princes find themselves in an abandoned town and see a volcano erupting toward them. They run and jump off a cliff, leaving them on the floor beside the volcano model. Then Prince (Gil) sees something.
"Innocent Town"
2008-12-15 (Monday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 11
Forum:2008-12-15 (Monday)
Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin, Dingbots, Stepsister (Maxim), Prince (Tarvek), Prince (Gil)
Cinderella walks down a fancy set of stairs, escorted by Dingbots, and claims credit for the projects of the stepsisters. Stepsister (Maxim) is annoyed.
2008-12-17 (Wednesday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 12
Forum:2008-12-17 (Wednesday)
Stepsister (Maxim), Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin, Prince (Tarvek), Prince (Gil), Dingbots, Walking Steps
The princes fawn over Cinderella. It is revealed that Cinderella brought in her own steps to make an impressive entrance.
"Everyone else says it's too weird. The fools…"
(writing on ant farm milk bottle) "Moo!" / "Go to the ant, thou sluggard", on stairs: "Cinderella Scene 5"
2008-12-19 (Friday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 13
Forum:2008-12-19 (Friday)
Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin, Prince (Gil), Prince (Tarvek), observers, Peter Schickele, Stepsister (Maxim)
Cinderella asks about the "Grand Ball". Prince (Gil) says the announcement was a "printer's error", but Prince (Tarvek) asks Cinderella to dance. Music is played by Peter Schickele. Prince (Gil) is annoyed at the lost opportunity, and agrees to dance when asked by Stepsister (Maxim).
On kettle drum: P. D. Q. Bach Engine
2008-12-22 (Monday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 14
Forum:2008-12-22 (Monday)
Prince (Tarvek), Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin, Stepsister (Maxim), other dancers
Prince (Tarvek) dances with Cinderella while trash-talking Prince (Gil), until Cinderella get sneakily replaced with Stepsister (Maxim).
"Und sneekier den hyu?" "Oh, it is so on."
brother (Prince (Gil))
2008-12-24 (Wednesday)
Vol. p. 
Forum:2008-12-24 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Gil, Tarvek, Dingbot
We're actually on vacation today. For once. No kidding. Sketch of Agatha surrounded by Gil and Tarvek, with a hovering Dingbot holding mistletoe.
2008-12-26 (Friday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 15
Forum:2008-12-26 (Friday)
Prince (Tarvek), Stepsister (Maxim), Robot Prince, Robot Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin, other dancers, Prince (Gil), Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin
Prince (Tarvek) plans to get Prince (Gil) to wear "clockwork pants" when the dance ends, but it doesn't end and he discovers Prince (Gil) and Cinderella were replaced by clockwork dancers. Prince (Gil) and Cinderella are walking and talking geek when the moon rises early. It's a wind-up moon made by Prince (Tarvek) which knocks out Prince (Gil).
"Dis iz August Mobius' Infinite Valtz."
August Mobius
2008-12-29 (Monday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 16
Forum:2008-12-29 (Monday)
Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin, Prince (Tarvek), Prince (Gil), lackeys
Prince (Tarvek) tries to impress Cinderella with machines, and the thought of repairing and improving them. Prince (Gil) shows up with lots of tools to use.
2008-12-31 (Wednesday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 17
Forum:2008-12-31 (Wednesday)
Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin, Prince (Tarvek), Prince (Gil), lackeys
The game between the princes degenerates into fisticuffs. Cinderella asks a lackey to push a red button on her back, and the outer layer of her costume comes off, showing her tool belt.
"I admit, I allowed myself to be distracted by those engines… but I do have a schedule to keep."
2009-01-02 (Friday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 18
Forum:2009-01-02 (Friday)
Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin, Barista clank, Prince (Tarvek), Prince (Gil)
Cinderella asks to be shown all of the Princes' tech. They show her, but it doesn't include any weapons. The clock then strikes midnight.
"I think it's time to reveal my science fair project. Ah. Midnight already? I'd better hurry."
2009-01-05 (Monday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 19
Forum:2009-01-05 (Monday)
Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin (Clank), Prince (Tarvek), Prince (Gil)
At midnight, the balloon turns back into a pumpkin, and Cinderella turns back into a clank.
2009-01-07 (Wednesday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 20
Forum:2009-01-07 (Wednesday)
Prince (Gil), Prince (Tarvek), ~Herald, ~Prince (Gil), ~Prince (Tarvek), ~woman, someone (voice)
The princes discuss how to search for Cinderella, and end up fighting.
2009-01-09 (Friday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 21
Forum:2009-01-09 (Friday)
Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin (Agatha), giant battle clanks, Prince (Tarvek), Prince (Gil)
Cinderella shows up with her project, an army of battle clanks, and captures the princes.
"And thus, Cinderella won the science fair, became Supreme Ruler of the Kingdom, and, might I add, showed them, showed them all."
2009-01-12 (Monday)
Vol.2008 Holiday Nonsense "Cinderella" p. 22
Forum:2009-01-12 (Monday)
Sleeping Beauty Snow White Rapunzel Ozma Rose Red Riding Hood Rumpelstiltskin (Agatha), Prince (Gil), Prince (Tarvek), King (Krosp I), Stepmother (Mamma Gkika)
The princes blame the weak state of the country on the king. They wake up the king (Krosp I). Cinderella gives him a dead mouse and a pot of catnip, and he lets Cinderella keep the princes. The Stepmother's comment refers to her statement on an earlier page .[5]
Stepmother: "Hy knew it!"
Your mother (queen) "His Maj[esty's] Sleepy Be[d]"[6] / "End!"


  1. This character bears a striking resemblance to Kaja Foglio, as she is portrayed on pages drawn by Phil showing events outside of the continuity of Girl Genius.
  2. The next page suggests the voice is possibly Zeetha , a theory confirmed in Agatha H. and the Voice of the Castle, Ch. 6.
  3. The page number on the comic (when first posted) is "Page 021".
  4. Not revealed as Zola until later .
  5. Compare the cat and mouse with WHAT'S NEW with Phil & Dixie reprinted the day before. (The Foglios' website for What's New with Phil and Dixie is currently offline, so a link to a copy of the page on the Internet Archive is provided.
  6. The rest of the text is visible in the paper doll version .

Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor
