Girl Genius
Girl Genius

Historian and wife of Professor Phil Foglio, the brilliant and beautiful Professoressa Kaja Foglio[3] (nee Murphy[4]) is one of the few recognized authorities on the early life of Agatha Heterodyne. (Together, the Foglios are known to fans as the Professors.) Along with her husband, Phil, and Professor Cheyenne Wright, Prof. Foglio has compiled an exhaustive collection of stories[5] about the young heroine in a fun and easy to read format for her dedicated students at Transylvania Polygnostic University. The author information in Volume VI also describes her as "an enthusiast of some of the more esoteric practices of the select Asian subculture known as O-ta-ku" and notes that "Her knowledge of implausible coeducational harem comedies has been invaluable...."

Kaja, the Character[]

She is one of the primary culprits behind the Agatha Heterodyne radio plays, and has appeared a few times in the comic proper , though it's not entirely clear if she's supposed to be the same in-universe character each time. (In none of these is she overtly named.)

  • Commenting on the Storm King opera in Vienna.
  • Much later, as a newly-hired Professoressa of Transylvania Polygnostic, along with Pavel Moxylotyl, retrieving a wayward colleague from the Paris underworld so that he can face official review back at the college. It is in the process of this that she meets Agatha for the first time and hits upon the idea of making our heroine her subject of study.
  • Not too long after that, as a party-guest at Albia's big soiree in Londinium, who seems to have gotten the wrong impression about Jaegers thanks to reading a series of imaginative romance novels by one Lady Torrida Von Swak.
  • She is the protagonist of A Mechanicsburg Solstice Story, a flash-forward set after the Other War, detailing how as a newly-married and still-low ranking TPU minion, she visits the eponymous town with her storyteller husband and eagerly allows herself to be used as an Agatha stand-in during the town's Winter Solstice festival. (This at least is almost certainly the same gal we meet in Paris.)
  • As for how the two lovebirds meet, we've now seen two seemingly contradictory scenes, the first one set in an unidentified library, where she accidentally drops a copy of the works of Masat on Philbert's head, and then a chance roadside encounter : Kaja arrives on the outskirts of Mechanicsburg to continue her Agatha studies, and learns to her horror from some scruffy musical mendicant that Agatha is already inside the time-bubble, Pushing The Button on the Take-Five Bomb.

Outside World[]

Mc-suleiman med

Suleiman's Legacy, done for Magic: The Gathering

Because too many sparks fail to understand the need for dramatic tension, the Professors Foglio are now in our dimension, where they have found a more appreciative audience for their tales of adventure. Before Girl Genius, Kaja Foglio was perhaps best known for her artwork in collectible card games, becoming a fan favorite for her prolific work in early editions of Magic: The Gathering.

Bottle gnomes

Charming and quirky Bottle Gnomes. Note background cogs.

She has also produced original artwork for convention programs and posters, and illustrated several fantasy novels, including the World Fantasy Award winning Bridge of Birds.

Kaja founded Studio Foglio, LLC in 1995, originally for independent distribution of her art prints, but it has since turned its primary focus to being the extremely productive publisher and distributor of Girl Genius. Airship Entertainment, a branch of the Studio that has now moved to Topatoco has an on-line store offering paperbacks, cloisonné pins, a bewildering amount of patches and a variety of other things including mugs and T-shirts (via Cafe Press).

One of her Girl Genius-specific projects was writing and co-illustrating the Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game, powered by GURPS (Generic Universal Roleplaying System) and published by GURPS creator and iconic gaming publisher Steve Jackson Games. According to a phone interview conducted on January 27, 2008 (Part 2 is here), Kaja said that Agatha's story was approaching a pausing point which would allow the RPG to be published with both crystallized concepts and characters, and without spoiling the storyline for readers. She also mentioned that Steve Jackson is the most patient man in the world. Kaja has referred to the RP manual as a sort of Secret Blueprints Volume II. The RPG was finally published in 2021.

Phil and Kaja

Phil and Kaja from the Marcon Con, 2018

Kaja has frequently been spotted traveling about and attending various steam powered conventions., where she has entertained audiences by reading the part of Agatha in the radio plays. She used to comment intermittently on her LiveJournal (now deleted) in-between catching up on copious amounts of blog comments and e-mail, and directing the renovation of the Studio Foglio/Airship Entertainment website. Presently much of her time is now taken by running Kickstarter campaigns.

(Also, she has a husband, a couple of kids—Victor Foglio and Experiment #2, an office reported to be buried in paper, and a stack of manga). See "The Cat on the Dovrefjell" for a peek at her comic style artwork -- not to mention a good story about a girl and her bear.[6]

See also[]


  1. First syllable rhymes with pie.
  2. But what's in the upper left corner here? Aww!
  3. Holds the rights to the subject of this wiki
  4. Wedding invitation
  5. Available at low, low prices! On sale at the Studio Foglio Store and through your favorite comic book retailers.
  6. Hmm...

External links[]
