Girl Genius
Girl Genius

The following characters appear in Volume 2-2: The City of Lightning

Page number note: The page numbers are zero-padded to match the format used in the online images.

Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Name 1st Page Notes
Heterodyne, AgathaAgatha Heterodyne 20150119 Page 001

Beast, TheThe Beast 20150119 Page 001
Zeetha, Daughter of Chump 20150121 Page 002
Blitzengaard, Martellus vonMartellus von Blitzengaard 20150121 Page 002
Wooster, ArdsleyArdsley Wooster 20150121 Page 002 This character is shown from a distance so he not clearly seen, but the identification given seems very likely.
Violetta 20150121 Page 002 This character is shown from a distance and from the back so she not clearly seen, but the identification given seems very likely.
Krosp I 20150121 Page 002
Ulm, BrotherBrother Ulm 20150121 Page 002
Vadaxxus, BrotherBrother Vadaxxus 20150211 Page 011
König 20150211 Page 011
Matthias, BrotherBrother Matthias 20150213 Page 012 He may have been shown before in this volume, from a distance in a crowd scene, but this is the first page on which he is clearly identified.
Wolkerstorfer, CountCount Wolkerstorfer 20150225 Page 017 At this point in the story, only his voice is heard. He is shown on the next page.
Wulfenbach, GilgameshGilgamesh Wulfenbach 20150325 Page 029 At this point in the story, only his voice is heard. He is shown on the next page.
DuPree, BangladeshBangladesh DuPree 20150325 Page 029 At this point in the story, only her voice is heard. She is shown on the next page.
Gerät, FatherFather Gerät 20150327 Page 030
Bohrlaikha 20150327 Page 030
Tybalt 20150413 Page 037 Tybalt is not identified by name, but how many other humanoid Sparkhounds are likely to be serving tea and cake in St. Szpac?
Wasp eater, Agatha'sAgatha's Wasp eater 20150413 Page 037
Dimo 20150504 Page 046
Doc Bear 20150504 Page 046 Shoutout to “Doc” Nickel; unlikely to be explicitly named or appear after this scene.
Blitzengaard, Xerxsephnia vonXerxsephnia von Blitzengaard 20150603 Page 059 AKA Seffie. She is only an unidentified voice on this page, but she is revealed as the speaker on the next.
Gorgo 20150603 Page 059 Lizard-like chauffeur of Seffie's limousine.
Spüdna, MistressMistress Spüdna 20150608 Page 061 Spy working for Gil.
Higgs, AxelThe Unstoppable Higgs 20150608 Page 061
Pantagruel, GrithaGritha Pantagruel 20150612 Page 063
Susa 20150615 Page 064 Very small woman working as scout/spy for Gil.
Woger 20150615 Page 064 Apparently normal man Scout/spy working for Gil.
Stron, Pierre vanPierre van Stron 20150724 Page 068 A student. This character is unnamed on this page, but is identified on the next one.
Hoffmann, JiminezJiminez Hoffmann 20150727 Page 069 A student. This page is actually numbered 059, but this is clearly an error, as the last page was numbered 68 and there already has been a page 59 a while ago (Wednesday, June 3, 2015).
Beausoleil, DrususDrusus Beausoleil 20150731 Page 071 Count Drusus Beausoleil may be a Professor of Philosophy and the Ars Mechanica as he says but he definitely turns out to be an agent of the Master of Paris.
Jenna 20150731 Page 071 A student. She is not named until page 078.
Du Quay 20150805 Page 073 On his first appearance he is addressed only as "Your Excellency." His name is finally revealed on page 079.
Heterodyne, CastleCastle Heterodyne 20150810 Page 075 This isolated part of the Castle, located in Paris, identifies itself by name on the next page.
Voltaire, SimonSimon Voltaire 20150817 Page 078 Also known as the Master of Paris. First "in person" appearance in the entire series so far. Previously seen in seen in The Works and a marionette show.
Voltaire, ColetteColette Voltaire 20150819 Page 079 First "in person" appearance in the entire series so far. Previously seen in The Works.
Grandmother 20151002 Page 098 This page is her first appearance in the comic, although she has been mentioned many times before.
Varpa 20151005 Page 099 This character reappears nearly a volume later.
Desmana, MadameMadame Desmana 20151012 Page 102 A personality sculpted on a clank core. The organic Desmana is dead.
Velix, MadameMadame Velix 20151021 Page 106 She is a Geisterdame.
Mole King 20151113 Page 116 King of the Talpini. He is addressed on the previous page while he is off panel.
Tryggvassen, OtharOthar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer 20151123 Page 120 Just extracted, in perfect condition, from time-frozen Mechanicsburg.
Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor
