Many of the Castle Heterodyne inmates are there, in a meta sense, to be background color or get spectacularly killed to make a point (Zola's evil, the Castle is dangerous, etc.). However, as long as the Professors have gone to the bother of presenting them, we can go to the bother of indexing them.
Snapper Boikov ✣
Brown hair, fair-skinned, mouth is covered by/replaced by a clank mouth with pointy fangs, strapped around his head This Castle prisoner was "a killer", according to Herr Diamant, and while apparently most of the inmates are violent criminals (people who merely pissed off the Baron notwithstanding), Snapper was something special -- one of only two people he felt the need to specifically warn ✣ Agatha Heterodyne about. Snapper was leading the charge ✣ to kill Agatha, but his neck was snapped ✣ by Sanaa Tryggvassen. To look at, his most obvious identifying characteristic was that his human mouth has been replaced with a machine strapped to the lower part of his face. It includes a voicebox[1] and some sharp-looking metal teeth. Why he needed it was not made clear. He is noted to be a cannibal and (while drooling) states that Human flesh tastes like pork. ✣ We haven't seen his last name in the story, but we have it on good authority that it's Boikov.GGCLAE |
Bubble-brain ✣
Black or dark brown hair, fair skinned, beard stubble, brawny build, top of skull has been replaced with a glass dome held in place by a brass gasket and screws A Castle Heterodyne prisoner who has been seen standing around in the background. He was present when Veilhat was shot. Killed on the orders of ✣ Hristo Tiktoffen. |
"Cucaracha" ✣ (a/k/a The Bully Agatha Meets When She Enters the Castle)
Bald, fair-skinned, nasty scar on the left side of his mouth He "greets" ✣ Agatha Heterodyne when she first enters Castle Heterodyne as a prisoner and wants to examine what she is bringing in - we find out later ✣ that he has been stealing the conspiracy's castle-killing parts from the supplies for leverage. He is knee-capped by Zola "Heterodyne" for his pains. And pain. Possibly dead from all that pain, or dead from Tiktoffen's massacre. |
Clankhead ✣
Brass-colored clank body with Wulfenbach-style triple lenses in the head, but with a fair-skinned human-normal mouth and chin; scraggly little goatee A Castle Heterodyne prisoner who has been seen standing around in the background. Possibly deceased inside Castle Heterodyne, and possibly alive inside a time-trapped Mechanicsburg. |
Green Hood ✣
Wears a pointed green hood with eyeholes which draws down over his nose, very wide fangy mouth, pointed ears A Castle Heterodyne prisoner who has been seen standing around in the background. He was present when Veilhat was shot, and when Agatha finds the last repair site. There is a good chance he died in Tiktoffen's massacre, but no corpse is spotted. |
Jack A'Horned ✣
Black hair, high forehead, ovine horns, lip beard/goatee, reddish skin (not in a normal skintone range); may have only three-fingers-thumb per hand and two toes per foot A Castle Heterodyne prisoner who has been seen standing around in the background. He was present when Veilhat was shot. According to Othar, his name is Jack A'Horned and he's "really sorry" for eating farmers in Southern Hungary. There is a chance he is still alive but there is also a chance he was somehow killed off-screen. The truth may never be learned. Rest in joy, Jack. |
Dr. Mittelmind ✣
Thick short grey hair, very pale skin, always wearing goggles, has a control or calculating panel set into his chest A Castle Heterodyne prisoner who was one of Professor Diaz's castle-killer team. He was present when Zola was captured by Agatha and immediately transferred his allegiances ✣ . He is a mad social-scientist ✣ , he was seeking funding involving 1000 orphans, a maze and cheese when he was committed to the Castle. His very best minion is Frl. Snaug. He's a soft touch ✣ - he let all but his control group out of containment for Christmastime. |
Man With Glasses ✣
Black hair, balding, chin curtain beard, glasses, medium-toned skin, wearing tool baldric and lots of pockets A Castle Heterodyne prisoner who has been seen standing around in the background. He was present when Veilhat was shot, and when Agatha found the last repair site inside the Castle. Most likely died in Tiktoffen's massacre, but his corpse is definitely impossible to identify if it is there. |
Professor Mezzasalma ✣
Thick short black hair, dark olive skin, blue vest last; lower body has been replaced with mechanical spider-like legs (only hexapodal) A Castle Heterodyne prisoner who was one of Professor Diaz's castle-killer team. He transferred allegiances to Agatha and subsequently maintained her Si Vales Valeo equipment during the procedure. See: Professor Mezzasalma. |
Mister Tattoos ✣ aka Squinaldo
Black curly hair, tea-brown skin with darker tattoos similar to those of the Maori (although his features are more generally African), barechested A Castle Heterodyne prisoner who has been seen standing around in the background. He was present when Veilhat was shot. He ran a slaver ring until Othar broke that up. He likes to talk of himself in the third person, and has a tendency to poison any drink he makes. He survives Agatha's visit to the Castle, gains his freedom when the Doom Bell is rung, and joins Moloch's Roving Band of Heroic Repairmen. |
Number 5 ✣
Shoulder-length golden blond hair, fair skin, androgynous appearance (at least from the neck up), has silver "5" on forehead A Castle Heterodyne prisoner who has been seen standing around in the background. He or she was present when Veilhat was shot. Whether or not number five survived the Castle is unknown, until the corpse is identified there is always hope. |
Pince-nez ✣
Grey-white short hair, fair skin, pince-nez spectacles, distinctive vertical scar traversing from forehead across right eye down to chin A Castle Heterodyne prisoner who has been seen standing around in the background. He was present when Veilhat was shot, and when Agatha discovered the last repair site. He probably died in Tiktoffen's massacre. |
R-79 ✣
Black hair (what there is of it), gray skin, construct stitches, forehead electrodes, big fangy teeth A Castle Heterodyne prisoner who has been seen standing around in the background. He talks. He seems to be a pessimist and wonders if maybe human flesh tastes like chicken. He has "R-79" on his chest, and mentions R-76 and R-78 ✣ . He survives Agatha's visit to the Castle, gains his freedom when the Doom Bell is rung, and joins Moloch's Roving Band of Heroic Repairmen. |
Fräulein Snaug ✣
Brown hair, fair skin, alarmingly normal-looking, wears a green vest over workclothes Dr. Mittelmind's best minion ✣ , and one of Professor Diaz's castle-killer team. She was present when Zola was captured by Agatha and immediately transferred her allegiances ✣ . See: Fräulein Snaug. |
Vasquez ✣
Black hair, moustache, olive skin, red bandana tied around neck This Castle prisoner is "a killer", according to Herr Diamant, and while apparently most of the inmates are violent criminals (people who merely pissed off the Baron notwithstanding), Vasquez is something special -- one of only two people he felt the need to specifically warn ✣ Agatha Heterodyne about, the other being Snapper Boikov. Considering the knife he's casually cleaning his nails with, this sounds like a good idea. With the poinard, the clothes, and complexion, he looks the very image of a Spanish scoundrel. Vasquez has not yet reappeared in the mob pursuing Agatha for "gold and freedom", but he may yet be daring enough to show up in an unmapped area to try to kill her. He's certainly been provided with enough motivation. Presumed killed by Hristo Tiktoffen his corpse is not recognizable among the already dead. |
Veilhat ✣
Dusky skin, buxom, clothing has an SE Asian sort of style Veilhat (earlier called "Ms. Lampshade" in this wiki) isn't this character's real name, but she was never given one before her untimely demise at the hands of Zola "Heterodyne", so the descriptive name will have to do. She first showed up [3], among the inmates of Castle Heterodyne who responded when Zola and her entourage came calling. Then, and later, she was wearing odd-looking headgear that justified her nicknames. Not too long afterward, she quite sensibly objected when Zola and her minions ordered the inmates to hunt down and kill Agatha and Moloch von Zinzer, who'd fled into the unexplored (and therefore terminally dangerous) interior of the castle. Unfortunately, she overlooked one key fact: Zola had a gun. Her resulting death at the hands of Zola and her unexpected weapon made a point to the rest of the inmates: Castle Heterodyne will probably kill you, but if you don't play ball, Zola certainly will. We don't know what she was doing time for, and in all likelihood, never will. However, she's played her role in the story, like any number of red-shirted ensigns before her, and many yet to come. |
Sanaa Wilhelm ✣
Pretty cute She is the second person to meet Agatha on her entrance to the Castle. She seems relatively kind and level headed for someone sentenced to the Castle for attempted murder. She successfully left Castle Heterodyne alive, and is currently in Moloch's Roving Band of Heroic Repairmen. See: Sanaa Wilhelm |
Thanos the Wrenchman ✣
Dark blond, balding, full beard and mustache, wears buckled wrist bracers and is seen carrying a spanner A Castle Heterodyne prisoner who has been seen standing around in the background. He was present when Veilhat was shot. His master ran the doom ships which Othar later destroyed. He called dibs on Snapper Boikov's shoes ✣ . When Agatha arrives at the last repair site he immediately transfers his allegiance to Agatha. He survives Agatha's visit to the Castle, gains his freedom when the Doom Bell is rung, and joins Moloch's Roving Band of Heroic Repairmen. The Girl Genius print novels give his name as Thanos Wrenchetkya, and note that he is a rare Spark with no desire to Take Over The World, and that he goes on to be one of Agatha's most valuable assistants. |
Eyepatch ✣
Rich dark skin. Good looking, Elegantly dressed in white including her eyepatch. She is very well informed, even on current events. She knew Thanos the Wrenchman by name. Saw Tarvek's picture while doing knife work for a client. Keeps up on what is going on outside the castle. Like Green Hood during Tiktoffen's massacre her corpse is not seen among the dead. |
Inmates that were not Indexed[]
- Unknown female inmate 1 ( from image below called Chez Kestle)
- Unidentified inmate 2 (from image below called Chez Kestle)
- Lady with pink round metalic objects for ears and a pony tail on an otherwise bald head, first seen here(f). Her name is one of two Franz, or Zonia, as identified by Tiktoffen on page(e).
- Person with goggles a white buttoned coat and black hair, first seen standing next to Squinaldo on this page(g).
- A person frothing at the mouth between Thanos and R79 on this page(g).
- Doctor Merlot
- Moloch von Zinzer
- Short Silver-Back Koala, between Zola, Tiktoffen, and a minion dressed in black on this page(a).
- The smiling Asian behind Zola and to the right of Sanaa on this page(a).
- The minion with teeth behind Squinaldo, Green Hood, and Snapper Boikov, on this page(b). (possibly unidentified inmate 2, and/or the frothing at the mouth person between Thanos and R79 on page(g))
- Professor Diaz
- Dr. Ott - mentioned on this page(c).
- Thug 1 - To Vole's right and wearing a brown coat on this page(d). Not an inmate, but doesn't need to be to be classed as a Castle Heterodyne torture toy aka inmate.
- Thug 2 - To Vole's left and wearing a red hat and red coat on this page(d). Not an inmate, but doesn't need to be to be classed as a Castle Heterodyne torture toy aka inmate.
- Soldier Boy 1 ( city version) dude dressed in red and white soldier uniform on this page(e). Not an inmate, but died after entering Castle Heterodyne like an inmate.
- Soldier Boy 2 (village version) to the right of Soldier Boy 1 on this page(e). Not an inmate, but shared Soldier Boy 1's fate.
- All of the named (Franz, Zonia, Krag) ,and some of the unnamed recently deceased on this page(e).
- Hristo Tiktoffen
- The comic also mentions/depicts two unnamed prisoners who managed to accumulate enough points to get out alive: Sanaa tells ✣ Agatha that she saw a woman do it, and we see a flashback ✣ of a man triumphantly leaving the castle in more or less one piece.
Chez Kestle[]
Point to each character for more info.