Friday, May 17, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. Saturday per my request we had an early Mother's Day dinner courtesy of Harry's and then we watched  the new Doctor Who.

2. I received Mother's Day greetings from The Young One and other family members

3. One of my continuing students got the green light from his surgeon to take my class. It was so nice to see him.

4. I emailed the IT Manager to ask if I needed a special app to cast or mirror the iPad to the monitor in the studio. He said it would just be plug and play and he also had the Lightning to HDMI connector so I wouldn't have to buy one.

5. Himself's birthday celebration. Take-out from Outback,  made from scratch yellow cake with chocolate frosting

How was your week?


  1. That cake caught my eye, and now I wish I still had the one I made awhile back on the kitchen counter-boy do I want a piece- hee hee. Sounds like a good week. Mine has been too. Enjoy this day. Right now we have sun-do you?

  2. Sounds like a great week!
    I finished the project in time, ,have plus instead of minus hours, managed one other job and started a second, did training and had lunch with a friend.

    1. Work and social time is a good balance to a productive week

  3. It sounds like a good, productive week. Happy birthday to Himself.

  4. calli N quill, hope yur dad hada grate birthday and he got sum thin way kewl aza prezent, like…oh, cat nip treetz ore may bee a new cat perch 🎂🍦🐟😺‼️

    1. None of those things, but Quill got to enjoy a little crumb of the yellow birthday cake. Just like Mitty and Ink, Quill seems to have a sweet tooth. Must be a male thing because Calli isn't interested.

  5. Well Happy Belated Birthday to Himself!
    * Rain
    * Tornadoes missed us
    * Grass (weeds) got mowed before the rain
    * Daughters hubby made it in safe and sound from OK for a two week stay...
    * Hubby is in a golf tournament tomorrow = Craft Day!!
    Sounds like you had a great week CJ! Hope it continues into the weekend! Hugs! deb

    1. Glad to hear the tornadoes missed you. Let's hope that continues this season

  6. What a great week, filled with celebration! That cake looks delicious 👍

  7. Happy BDay to Himself. The HH always chooses take out for Outback for his bday too:)
    Sounds like you had a nice Mother's Day.
    Have a grand weekend.

  8. My week was busy, lots of appointments, but NO CAKE!!!!! Hugs!

  9. Divers the cake turned out great. I cheated though and used tub frosting

    Sandra- Outback is a good choice. I like the coconut shrimp appeteasers and it was a nice Mother's Day

    Valerie- C'mon over. Your choice of Keurig pods and there is still plenty of cake left

  10. Erika - we had sun pretty much all day and mild temps. I've been stuck inside doing work, but I did go outside to fill the bird feeders.

  11. the cake looks so good. It has been ages since I made a cake. My wkend was a bunch of starts and stops.

  12. Happy belated birthday to Himself. I understood "Plug and Play." I can relate.

    That cake looks awesome. I've never eaten at Outback. I'm not even sure if we have one in Wichita.

  13. Forgot to mention, I love that plate on which the cake is sitting.

  14. My Lady, the cake recipe came from Land O'Lakes, the butter people. In texture, the cake was more of a pound cake, but it was delicious especially with the chocolate frosting courtesy of Duncan or Betty.


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