Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 white fizh wavez everee one
& wel come two a trout tee vee
re run oh 
a re run 
oh a re run

N starrin two nite 
R palz

who a greed to coppee N paste
R pie rantz day shantee
onze again

HIT IT ♫♪♫♫♪♫
                            a blak spot upon yur sole 
ye bass terd chckn burd
ye will walk de gang plank 
a squawk will knot bee hurd
little did ye noe 
ye haz been measured for yur chainz
scurveez iz in yur sole 
N scurveez in yur brainz
we shall splice de main brace 
afturr ewe iz gone
  bee watchin ewe ye bass terd chckn
shoot a crozz de lawn
we haz rigged sum chain shot 
ta shoot ye two de mooned
N ther ye stay ye bass terd chckn
yez ye bee marooned
dead men they tell noe talez 
  thiz inn cloodz ye bass terd burd
tis davey jonez locker for ye 
ye betcha... this iz werd
now we think we shall take a caulk 
coz we iz done with R song
two all ewe R pie ratz palz
 heerz two health de hole yeer long ~

heerz two a happee healthee 
week oh end

peace out N rock on
long live de shantee

© SEPTEMBER 18, 2024
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 11, 2024



white fizh wavez everee one
N wel come two nother 
trout tee vee eppa soda
eye am callin 

lunch brake 
at de drive throo window

~~~~ cracklin voiz :

that will be 195.50
please pull up to the next window
to pick up yur order


damn if de price oh a fizh 
thatz knot even on bread
haz knot gone up in price 


heerz two a happee 
healthee week oh end
peace out N rock on
long live catz that
can drive ther own carz :) 

© sepember 11, 2024
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 4, 2024



whitefish wavez everee one
trout tee vee

will ree zoom next week 

 az de followin izza troo storee 

az toll ta me mackerull 
bye de food servizz gurl 
N iz called 

de easturr rabbitz wild hare cuzinz

~~~~ ore ~~~~

a crime against foli age

thiz iz de mom oh de wild hare cuzin 

N it was over hurd what her said
letz listen~~~

 mom hare: ewe R now oh an age 
when ewe knead ta lurn de fax oh life

ewe knead ta lurn ta bee ree source full
N eat any N all foli age ewe see

venture forth N snax well

small hare: 
eye will lurn ta bee ree morse full
oh de foli age eye con soom

mom hare: noe...knot ree MORSE ful
ewe must bee ree SOURCE ful

small hare: will ewe join me 
in de crime a gainst foliage

mom hare: damn strait eye will

two date theez harez haz consoomed:

three full sized english daizy
one geranium
a black eye susan
8 dusty miller
two gerbera daizy
all de bloomz off de day lilleez
de hydrangea leeevez
7 mariogold
an umbrella plant
hosta leavez
pea tunie ya and
peppermint plantz

heerz two a happee healthee 
week oh end 
peace out N rock on 
long live top soil

©september 4, 2024
All Rights Reserved