Friday 20 September 2024

Friday Post

Hi Everybody!
Where did the week go? Once again it disappeared in a flash, and I didn't get much done at all. That's okay as I am supposed to be taking things easy, and next week I go into hospital again.

Today is Friday, that means Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF.
This is a collage made from torn paper scraps and there are also faces on it:

David Zinn:

Love this precious photo:

And some faces made for a 'back to school' challenge many years ago. The photo in the background is the school I used to teach at in England:

This was me a long time ago:

One of my favourite faces:

Two of my Modigliani knock-offs:

This was my husband at about 14:

And some thinkies, funnies and photos:

These three photos were taken at ALDI on Tuesday. The incoming planes heading for the airport skim over the lights and the the supermarket. It looks scary:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like your paper collage and all those faces on it Valerie. Plus it's fun to see all your other faces too, some that I remember and some that are new. The school you used to teach at looks so classic English-was it English? I hope you have a nice weekend, and good luck in the hospital next week. I hope it's not for anything too serious. Or even a little serious. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The school was very English, and was once a stately home. They are going to remove the stent from my insides and then we will see how it goes! Hugs!

  2. I'm partial to collage and really like yours. Perfect for Friday Face Off👍

  3. George Michael may have been a bit naughty, but he was one of the kindest and most giving, caring of souls. We need more people like him in the world today. I miss his warmth and gentle humour. I miss his voice. As you say, more Christian than many who profess to be.
    Hope all goes well for you next week, Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks, Deb, that's so true. He was a wonderful person and will be missed by many. Hugs!

  4. Interessante Papiercollage und all die anderen Gesichter. Ein hübscher Junge war dein Ehemann. Das muss doch so laut gewesen sein wenn das Flugzeug so tief flog...
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes geruhsames Wochenende und drücke dir die Daumen fürs Krankenhaus!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke! In the meantime the collage has been cut into various shapes to make something else. Uuuuups, ich war wieder bei Englisch! Bei Aldi it immer sehr laut, die Fluzeuge fliegen ständig darüber. Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende, Ales Liebe!

  5. Hi Val, good morning. I'm up early as I have an appointment at the dentist this morning, not nice but necessary! Have a great day, take care, hugs from all! Sarah

    1. I hope the dentist is gentle with you! Take care, hugs!

  6. Good morning ( I am awake in the middle of the night again) I enjoyed your post love the art and enjoyed the photos and memes-hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy. I am awake in the night a lot, too, but then I read or listen to an audible book. Happy weekend, hugs!

  7. Valerie, I need to remember, "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." Thanks for this great post. Be well.

    1. Thanks Tom. I am a dreamer so I need to remind myself of that very often. Happy weekend, hugs!

  8. Sorry to hear that you are once again making the trip back to the hospital, Valerie. I bet you are fed up with all of this. If I could wave a magic wand and make you well, believe that I would do it. In the nature bubble in which I live, I had no inclination of George Michael’s acts of kindness; I am not sure that I even knew his name. But if ever there was an illustration of acts speaking louder than words, this seems to be it. To hell with religious hypocrites. Good luck with your treatment. I’ll be thinking of you. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David! Yes, I am fed up with this in and out and soething else all the time, it's not really fun! George Michael was a man who helped everyone he could. When I think of some of the 'Godfearing' men in the USA and elsewhere, it turns my stomach. I don't need religious hypocrites in my life. Those who just plain do good without publicity and press, they are the good ones.
      Thaks for the good wishes, it will just be -3 days this time (I hope!). Have a great weekend, hugs to you and Miriam!xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. I am “old people” too. And I would rather hang with George Michael than with many of the “christians” that I know

  10. So much to see, read, and enjoy today but I'm completely taken with the article on George Michael. What an amazing and caring human being he was in addition to being a great singer. The press doesn't care to print heartwarming articles like that about celebs unfortunately. Those planes would frighten me out of my wits flying that low! I can relate to the password creation too - been there/done that and this one was really funny LOL Sending big hugs as you have to go back to the hospital again soon. I hope this will all be behind you soon. In the meantime, take good care and keep smiling :) That's the best face to wear :)

  11. Love all the faces and pics-it shows George Michael did it for the right reasons not for publicity! Sorry to hear you are going back in hospital, hope you are soon recovered and back home.
    Carol x

  12. I'm sorry to hear you're heading back to the hospital again, Valerie.
    I’m captivated by the article on George Michael. He was not only a phenomenal singer but also such a kind and compassionate person.

    Hugs and blessings

  13. That old people joke made me laugh aloud. So true and so me!

  14. Wow! I love the collage. So many interesting faces. Your art is always to clever and creative. Great shots of the plane. Sorry you have to go into the hospital again. I hope you are just going to rest. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a very nice weekend.

  15. I'm in a flight path and I know it..not with big planes though like international, but big enough so I know its there, glad to see your post pop up today and hope all is well, loved all the pictures and faces, always a pleasure..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  16. The airplane photos are quite amazing. Hoping you will feel better soon!

  17. Good luck with your procedure to remove your stent. I hope your recovery is fast and total, and you can be over and done with the endless hospital visits.
    About the planes: if you think about the actual size of those planes, they would cover the entire photo if they were flying significantly low. The depicted ones are actually quite far from the camera. If you have flown on a plane recently: think about how big it looks when you are in the terminal looking out at the end of the jetway!
    best, mae at


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