CES 2025
A Whirlwind Tutorial on Creating Really Teensy ELF Executables for Linux She studied it carefully for about 15 minutes. Finally, she spoke. "There's something written on here," she said, frowning, "but it's really teensy." [Dave Barry, "The Columnist's Caper"] If you're a programmer who's become fed up with software bloat, then may you find herein the perfect antidote. This document explores metho
#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("goodbye, dad\n"); return 0; }
This page is a complete guide to everything I've written about creating teensy ELF executable for Linux. Take a look at your /bin directory: how big is the smallest ELF executable in there? Try writing the smallest hello-world program you can. Can you get it under, say, 1K? This is precisely what I set out to do one day, and I ended up with a minor obsession over creating the smallest possible exe
Brainfuck is the ungodly creation of Urban Müller, whose goal was apparently to create a Turing-complete language for which he could write the smallest compiler ever, for the Amiga OS 2.0. His compiler was 240 bytes in size. (Though he improved upon this later -- he informed me at one point that he had managed to bring it under 200 bytes.) I originally started playing around with Brainfuck because