09/30 | |
アメリカの経済記事は無理のようです |
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/27 | |
NY市場は戻りつつある? |
「債券王が玉座を降ろされた」。26日の米株式市場ではダウ工業株30種平均が急反発して投資家に安心感を与えたが、債券市場には需給不安という暗雲が広がった。債券運用大手ピムコが共同創業者であるビル・グロス氏の退社を発表したためだ。この日は長期金利が上昇するなど相場へ与えた影響は無視できるものではなかった。(9.26.14 日経オンライン)
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/26 | |
暴落ではないよ! |
DJIA 16,945.80 -264.26 (-1.54%)
NASDAQ 4,466.75 -88.47 (-1.94%)
S&P 500 1,965.99 -32.31 (-1.62%)
Russell 2000 1,110.24 -18.07 (-1.60%)
10 Yr Treasury Index 25.11 -0.58 (-2.26%)
S&P 500指数は、1.62%下げたわけである。だが、暴落ではない。売られた原因は、「世界は不安定になっている」という地政学上の紛争を懸念する心理なのだ。イスラム国空爆はアメリカへ飛び火するのじゃないか?航空機が自爆テロで空中で飛散するんじゃないか?マレーシア機がインド洋で消えた~マレーシア機がウクライナ上空で撃ち落とされた、、プーチンがロシア国内の外国資産を凍結するという手段に出た、、ンじゃあ、米経済は?実は、失業者申請の数は予期したよりも少なかった~耐久消費財(自動車、航空機、冷蔵庫など)の売れ行きは好調だった。新築住宅の売れゆきも好調だったのである。したがって、株は売られたが、米ドルも、金(きん)も、米国債もみんな上げたのだ。金曜日の日本市場はどうなるだろうか?円が相対的に差g多わけだから、買いなのか?それとも、NYと連携して、大きく売られるのか?伊勢爺さんにも判らないが、「売られる」に賭けておくわな(笑い)。日本株が買われるのも、短期なのだ。なぜなら、米最大のオンライン証券会社のSCWABのチーフが、「アベノミクスは疑われている」と書いたからだ。伊勢平次郎
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
The S&P 500 reached an all-time high on Sept. 18, and trades at 17.8 times the reported earnings of its companies, near the highest level since 2010. While the gauge is down 1.9 percent for the month, paring a gain for the quarter, it has not had a four-day losing streak this year and has not fallen more than 10 percent in three years.
Data yesterday showed American factories received more orders for machinery, communications gear and electrical equipment in August as an improving economy gave companies the confidence to expand. The number of applications for unemployment benefits increased less than forecast last week.
A report today will show gross domestic product grew 4.6 percent in the second quarter, more than the previous estimate of 4.2 percent released Aug. 28, according to a Bloomberg survey of analysts.
Treasuries rose yesterday as the highest yields relative to Group of Seven counterparts in almost seven years and a strengthening dollar burnished the appeal of U.S. government securities to international investors.
The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index is heading for its biggest quarterly gain since the period ended Sept. 30, 2011, and closed at the highest level since June 2010 yesterday. (9.25.14 7.47 pm)
09/25 | |
伊勢爺さんの米国株式大学(その2) |
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/24 | |
バブルの臭い? |
さて、今日火曜日も、S&P 500は下げたが、その原因は、1)米国政府が大企業の脱税の取締りを始めた~2)欧州が景気後退~3)米小売りが鈍化~4)シリア空爆開始、、一方では、チャイナの製造に光りが見えた、、などであった。下げた最大の原因は、牛の群れが暴走する心理である。伊勢爺さんは、しばらくこういった状態だろうと思っている。やはり、アリババは、IPOから三日目の今日も売られた。大体、株価が実態とか経済のファンダメンタルに対して過熱している。だから「弾ける」ではない。イエレン女史の利息操縦によって、持続可能な米経済を語る大手投資機関のマネージャーや、全米一の投資コンサルタントのZACKSがそうである。彼らは、「今年末まで、微震が続くが、S&Pは$2100に向かうと。伊勢平次郎
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
Posen’s fear, outlined in an interview in his office last week, is that Abe reneges on a plan to raise Japan’s consumption tax to 10 percent, from the 8 percent level it was boosted to in April. If that happens, prepare for international investors to dump Japanese stocks and the yen, says the former U.K. central banker.
“If Prime Minister Abe decides to postpone, let alone cancel, he runs a real risk of crashing the stock market,” said Posen.
As disappointment with Abe’s structural deregulation pledges mounts, he also is weighing whether to raise the sales levy, which was enacted by the previous government. With a decision set by year-end, what’s giving the prime minister pause is the damage inflicted by the initial bump in April -- the sharpest economic contraction in more than five years.
To Posen, delaying the tax measure would test the patience of international investors who have backed Abe’s efforts to both propel his economy from 15 years of deflation and restore fiscal order to a nation where government debt now tops 240 percent of gross domestic product.
函館の夜景に過疎の闇 「人口病」克服へ街を小さく強く
5年前の夏、伊勢夫婦は、羽田~知床へ飛んだ。タラバカニ~ラーメン~名物の豚カツなどを食い食い同級生と一周した。札幌から小樽へ電車で行き、寿司屋へ入った。うちのは大トロを喜んだ。汽車で函館に着いた。ドイツ風のビヤホールで、ソーセージとビールがぶ飲み。丘の上のホテルは夜景が美しかった。実は、来年の夏に函館へウチのを連れて行く約束をした。は、は、は 伊勢
09/23 | |
米株式市場に陰り? |
今年中は、S&P 500が$2000を境界にして、押し合うと見ている。今日は、$2000を下回ったから、明日の火曜日は、上げる傾向と言えるだろう。ンじゃあ、来年はってかい?伊勢爺の予測では、S&P 500は、$2100へ向かう。
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
Posen’s fear, outlined in an interview in his office last week, is that Abe reneges on a plan to raise Japan’s consumption tax to 10 percent, from the 8 percent level it was boosted to in April. If that happens, prepare for international investors to dump Japanese stocks and the yen, says the former U.K. central banker.
“If Prime Minister Abe decides to postpone, let alone cancel, he runs a real risk of crashing the stock market,” said Posen.
As disappointment with Abe’s structural deregulation pledges mounts, he also is weighing whether to raise the sales levy, which was enacted by the previous government. With a decision set by year-end, what’s giving the prime minister pause is the damage inflicted by the initial bump in April -- the sharpest economic contraction in more than five years.
To Posen, delaying the tax measure would test the patience of international investors who have backed Abe’s efforts to both propel his economy from 15 years of deflation and restore fiscal order to a nation where government debt now tops 240 percent of gross domestic product.
09/22 | |
菊と秋刀魚 |
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
Posen’s fear, outlined in an interview in his office last week, is that Abe reneges on a plan to raise Japan’s consumption tax to 10 percent, from the 8 percent level it was boosted to in April. If that happens, prepare for international investors to dump Japanese stocks and the yen, says the former U.K. central banker.
“If Prime Minister Abe decides to postpone, let alone cancel, he runs a real risk of crashing the stock market,” said Posen.
As disappointment with Abe’s structural deregulation pledges mounts, he also is weighing whether to raise the sales levy, which was enacted by the previous government. With a decision set by year-end, what’s giving the prime minister pause is the damage inflicted by the initial bump in April -- the sharpest economic contraction in more than five years.
To Posen, delaying the tax measure would test the patience of international investors who have backed Abe’s efforts to both propel his economy from 15 years of deflation and restore fiscal order to a nation where government debt now tops 240 percent of gross domestic product.
09/20 | |
伊勢爺さんの米国株式大学 |
「S$P 500」って、な~に?
S&P500(Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index)は、アメリカ合衆国の投資情報会社であるスタンダード・アンド・プアーズ社が算出しているアメリカの代表的な株価指数。ニューヨーク証券取引所、アメリカン証券取引所、NASDAQに上場している銘柄から代表的な500銘柄の株価を基に算出される、時価総額加重平均型株価指数である。機関投資家の運用実績を測定するベンチマークとして利用されている。(エンサイクロぺデイア)
さて、相場師は、この「S$P 500の指数」を体温計として、株価の上下を推測するのだ。ここ数週間は、S&Pが$2000を境にして押し合った。それよりも、ニヶ月前は、$1900が境だった。実際は、「50日平均値」とか、もっと繊細なのだが、解説する紙面がない。個人投資家や何兆円も預託されている投資機関のマネージャーの心理というのは、S&Pが$100上げた壁に来ると押し合う。今朝は、伊勢爺さんは、1)アリババは投資しない~2)スコットランドの国民が独立に反対した~3)まだ、イエレン議長の「利息」に関するスピーチのフィーバーが残っている、、と判断して、上げた株を売り~下げた株や、季節モノ銘柄(天然ガス)を買ったわけだ。何の銘柄を買ったかは書くことが出来ない。盲従されることを避けるためにね。伊勢爺の銘柄は「買って~ロングに持つ」ではない。刻々と万華鏡のように変わる情報にあわせて、何%売ったり~買ったりして、「銘柄や持ち比率の統廃合」をやるからだ。すると、みなさんが、伊勢爺に盲従していると、伊勢爺は「もうその銘柄は売り払ったよ」などという、びっくり仰天のショックが待っているのである。
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
S&P500(Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index)は、アメリカ合衆国の投資情報会社であるスタンダード・アンド・プアーズ社が算出しているアメリカの代表的な株価指数。ニューヨーク証券取引所、アメリカン証券取引所、NASDAQに上場している銘柄から代表的な500銘柄の株価を基に算出される、時価総額加重平均型株価指数である。機関投資家の運用実績を測定するベンチマークとして利用されている。(エンサイクロぺデイア)
さて、相場師は、この「S$P 500の指数」を体温計として、株価の上下を推測するのだ。ここ数週間は、S&Pが$2000を境にして押し合った。それよりも、ニヶ月前は、$1900が境だった。実際は、「50日平均値」とか、もっと繊細なのだが、解説する紙面がない。個人投資家や何兆円も預託されている投資機関のマネージャーの心理というのは、S&Pが$100上げた壁に来ると押し合う。今朝は、伊勢爺さんは、1)アリババは投資しない~2)スコットランドの国民が独立に反対した~3)まだ、イエレン議長の「利息」に関するスピーチのフィーバーが残っている、、と判断して、上げた株を売り~下げた株や、季節モノ銘柄(天然ガス)を買ったわけだ。何の銘柄を買ったかは書くことが出来ない。盲従されることを避けるためにね。伊勢爺の銘柄は「買って~ロングに持つ」ではない。刻々と万華鏡のように変わる情報にあわせて、何%売ったり~買ったりして、「銘柄や持ち比率の統廃合」をやるからだ。すると、みなさんが、伊勢爺に盲従していると、伊勢爺は「もうその銘柄は売り払ったよ」などという、びっくり仰天のショックが待っているのである。
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/19 | |
アリババをどう見極める? |
アリババのIPOが終わった。21.8 ビリオン・ドルを集めた。2兆円だが、歴史を書き換えた。IPOというのは、アリババの筆頭株主であるヤフーや、CEOのジャック・マー本人がアリババの株をJPモーガン・チェース銀行やバンク・オブ・アメリカに一株$68ドルで売ったのである。さて、その集めた金で、ジャック・マーはアメリカのどの製造業を買う?IPOを引き受けた大手銀行は、それをNY証券取引所へ持ち込んで売るわけである。
金曜日の朝に売買が始まる。伊勢爺さんはどうするのか?sit out and watch(静観して、市場の反応を見る)のか、それとも、小額でも買うか?これは「博打」なのである。このアリババのビジネス・モデルは、「B to B」なのだ。つまり、売り手のエージェントで、直接、商品を買うのではない。アマゾンは、アリババの9倍の売り上げだが、商品を製造者から買って売るわけである。アリババの配達は9日はかかるが、アマゾンは二日である。さらに、製品に保証が付く。アリババは、スキャンダルが多い。盗品まで売るからだ。それと、利益が最優先だ。アマゾンはマーケット・シェアに利益をつぎ込んでいる。どちらも、「賭け」である。
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/19 | |
日本政府はなぜ米国債を売らないのか? |
所詮 日本はアメリカの犬だからです。アメリカは 怖いです。
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
所詮 日本はアメリカの犬だからです。アメリカは 怖いです。
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/18 | |
伊勢爺さんは、米国株式相場大学を卒業した |
フェデラル・ファンド金利 (フェデラルファンドきんり、Federal funds rate)とは、米国の中央銀行である連邦準備銀行(設立の歴史的経緯から12行ある)の統括機関である連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)が、短期金融市場を操作する目的で調整する政策金利のこと。金利の変更は連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)で決定される。
• 1990年7月13日の金利は8.0%だったが、1992年9月4日には3.0%まで下落した。 [1]
• 1992年9月4日の金利は3.0%だったが、1995年2月1日には6.0%まで上昇した。
• 2008年1月22日の金利は3.5%だったが、同年4月30日には2.0%まで下落した。
• 金融危機の影響から断続的に利下げが行われ、2008年10月29日の0.5%利下げで1.0%となったのち、2008年12月17日には更に0.75%引き下げられて0.25%となった(誘導目標年0%~0.25%、米国史上初のゼロ金利政策)。
Fed Officials Predict Fed Funds Rate to Rise to 1.375% End-2015
By Craig Torres Sep 17, 2014 1:00 PM CT
( Bloomberg) Federal Reserve officials raised their median estimate for the federal funds rate at the end of 2015 to 1.375 percent, compared with 1.125 percent in June.
The rate will be at 3.75 percent at the end of 2017, the Fed said today for the first time as it included that year in its Summary of Economic Projections. That is the same as Fed officials’ longer-run estimate. The median estimate in June for the long-run fed funds rate was also 3.75 percent.
Fed Chair Janet Yellen will elaborate on the outlook at her press conference scheduled for 2:30 p.m. today in Washington.
The central tendency estimate for the longer-run growth rate ranged from 2 percent to 2.3 percent, compared with 2.1 percent to 2.3 percent in June. A year ago, Fed officials forecast the economy’s potential growth rate at around 2.2 percent to 2.5 percent.
Fed officials’ central tendency estimates for 2017 showed gross domestic product expanding at 2.3 percent to 2.5 percent, with the inflation, measured by the personal consumption expenditures price index, rising by 1.9 percent to 2 percent. The unemployment rate will average 4.9 percent to 5.3 percent in the final quarter of that year.
The nation’s GDP will rise 2.6 percent to 3 percent in 2015, the projections showed, and 2.6 percent to 2.9 percent in 2016. The unemployment rate will range from 5.4 percent to 5.6 percent at the end of 2015 and 5.1 percent and 5.4 percent at the end of 2016, the Fed said.
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/17 | |
切羽つまった日本経済 |
「株の売買は、一般大衆には向かない」と判断しました。ほとんどの大衆は、日本は、まだ大丈夫だと思い込んでいる~業界用語を知らない~ダウが指標だと思っている~ハイテクは危険とも知らない、、ところで、昨日買った貨車と貨車製造と液化ガスの船の株が高騰したので、30%売った。4PMの終了ベルには売られると判断。明日も、売られるか、いきなり急上昇か?なんですが、SPXが、さっき、$2001になったのね。すると、ど~んと上がるとも思われない。こ ういう状態を「priced-in」と言います。もう「折込み済み」という意味です。あすの午後には、「利益獲得の売り」です。そこで、20%買い戻す。今年中にSPXは、$2400に向かうでしょう。来年のことは早すぎる。どんどん上がらないし、ウクライナで、欧米VSロシアが折り合えば、その数日は大きく上げる。「折り合うのか?」 答えは、来月にも折り合う。もうひとつのスコットランド独立の国民投票は木曜日。これも、ネガな投資家は売りに走る。伊勢爺は「独立しない」に賭けている。こういう、地政学上の要素は、米国内の貨車や国内産業にはあまり影響しないものだ。人間は、必ず、妥協するからだ。石油とドルが少々上げた。これも、イエレン女史の発表が楽観を市場にもたらすと、米ドルは上げ~金(ゴールド)が下げる。そろそろ、金(きん)を段階的に買い出そうかな?と思っている。金(きん)は、現金で持っているよりも有利なだけだ。よって、自己資本の10%を超えてはいけないよ!伊勢平次郎
れません。(9.16.14 日経オンライン)
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/16 | |
第一次試験は通過した、、 |
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/15 | |
2%消費税を上げないとどうなる? |
2014年09月15日 09時35分
(2014年09月15日 09時35分 読売新聞)
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
2014年09月15日 09時35分
(2014年09月15日 09時35分 読売新聞)
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/14 | |
嘘も方便 |
嘘を付いて、与党の総理大臣に復帰した男である。方便とは、ある目的を達するための便宜上の手段。「うそも方便」という日本の伝統芸だ。この悪習が、欧米に日本人が尊敬されない最も大きな理由だろう。つまり、二重人格者だと。「本音と建前」も同じ精神構造だ。英語では、duplicityという身を守るための姿勢とされる。だが、嘘を付く必要はあっただろうか?民主党は惨敗することは明らかだったからだ。欧米では、"Honest is the best policy"と嘘を付く為政者を諌める伝統がある。
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/13 | |
日本の外で起きていること |
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/12 | |
みなさんは、英語で論争が出来ますか? |
Iseheijiro • 6 minutes ago
Putin is not visiting Japan this fall said the Russian ambassador in Tokyo yesterday.Russia blames Japan for its participation on sanctions. Japan's sanctions are small as ban of Russians entry to Japan but it hurts Putin's love with Japan. Its a divorce indeed.
Jack Bluebird • 19 hours ago
Seems like US and EU is never quite happy with the outcome and has constant urge to kick the bear. The sad part is that it will be reasonable people in the EU who will suffer the most for their obvious misjudgement.
Rob Brown Jack Bluebird • 17 hours ago
Read Jack Bluebird's message above carefully and decide for yourself if his message is the message you want motivating you today. Do you believe that Russia is the victim? Or, is Ukraine the victim? Is Putin the victim? Or, is that abducted Estonian citizen the victim?
Konstantin Jack Bluebird • 19 hours ago
Why do you refuse to Europeans in their desire to unite in the fight for democratic values, you believe that they are less passionate than people in Russia are ?
Kage Peint Jack Bluebird • 17 hours ago
Reasonable people on both sides unfortunately.
Jan • 20 hours ago
As a dictator willing to move troops on the ground, Putin has enormous first-strike advantages, but do not underestimate the slow, but more powerful, deliberative democracies. They will gradually negotiate among themselves an array of sanctions and threats they are all united behind and then impose those terms on Putin. It just takes longer for a coalition of democracies to act, but the soft and hard power ultimately at their disposal can easily defeat Putin.
Gordon Jan • 20 hours ago
Horse sh*t, you troll.
AnalyticalThinker Jan • 19 hours ago
Yea, all these recent deals being struck among Russia and its eastern allies sure does signify Western sanctions are "working". NOT. This conflict with Russia has only pushed forward the day that western currencies suffer a significant and irreparable blow.
The sacrificial lamb here is the EU---a War with Russia is an act of desperation among the West as their REAL economies are sinking and each is engaged in unprecedented monetary policy, while sinking deeper into NIRP and ultimately bankruptcy.
Jan AnalyticalThinker • 19 hours ago
Your elegant escatology aside (analytical thinker??), it really is Merkel making this sanctions decision, not Obama. The sanctions are working, they just take time and are being phased in gradually with an appropriate recognition by the EU that to some extent they harm both Russia and Europe and a compromise solution should be sought. I think Merkel will lead on that. It is Europe that has enough sense of the complexity of Ukraine to make a solution, not the USA.
Rob Brown Jan • 16 hours ago
Well said. Russians try to drive a wedge between the EU and American allies. They often pick out particular issues as talking points that concern one EU country more than another. That is their way of spreading fear and uncertainty.
Merkel is in charge. I wish I could vote for her here in the U.S.A.. It will be quite interesting to see how she and Hillary Clinton get along if Clinton is elected next year.
Thank you for having let us know your thoughts and for your previous reply.
Rob Brown AnalyticalThinker • 16 hours ago
Take a good look at the words of AnalyticalThinker above and decide for yourself if this Russian troll is your friend or your enemy. Is he trying to intimidate and scare you or is he bring to empower you?
You decide and then know why all trade needs to end between the EU?US and Russia.
DoctorKolbasa Rob Brown • 16 hours ago
"if this Russian troll is your friend or your enemy" - LOL
Rob Brown DoctorKolbasa • 15 hours ago
Iseheijiro Jan • 18 hours ago
Yes Jan, I agree. Europeans understand Russians well. Exxon should not go North arctic. This morning oil and gas fell at market. One reason is US has stockpile and the other the technologies helped profits that means they don't have to produce so much. Actually too much production is hurting them. Putin is not businessman, spent too much time for military strategy that is stupid. We West should not relax sanctions against war monger. We should keep pressure permanently. Buy Russian gas just enough for Putin can buy food. Hahahaha
Rob Brown Iseheijiro • 16 hours ago
I agree with you and believe that sanctions should be permanent.
There is no need to do business with someone who demands that you do business with him. Intimidation by threat of turning off heating fuel is the act of a gangster, not a friend with whom you want to do business.
It is time to end all trade with Russia.
If Russia wants to trade with China or India, that's their business. But, for the EU and for America, it is time to look out for each other because allies and friends support each other. Russia is neither an ally or a friend to the EU. Just look at what they did to Ukraine.
Rob Brown Jan • 16 hours ago
It will defeat Putin.
fake like fake • 19 hours ago
I wonder what kind of info the NSA has about European leaders that can end they career or put them in prison because the way they are acting against Russia look like someone has been blackmailing them.
Rob Brown fake like fake • 17 hours ago
I wonder what kind of Information Putin has about China's nuclear arsenal aimed at the Russian people. Good luck with that increased trade thing. Fear of Nato? Fear of China? It's all the same in the end, isn't it?
fake like fake Rob Brown • 8 hours ago
You are so stupid. Are you American?
Oh My God fake like fake • 7 hours ago
Simply want to say your article is as surprising. The clearness in your post is just spectacular and i could assume
you are an expert on this subject. Fine with your permission let me to
grab your RSS feed to keep updated with forthcoming post.
Thanks a million and please keep up the gratifying work.
Iseheijiro fake like fake • 8 hours ago
This guy does not discuss or argue intelligently. I have seen this kind remarks a lot among Russians.
Stan fake like fake • 17 hours ago
There's a lot of pressure from the USA of course, but other than that, they're simply sick of misguidance. They want to resolve all their issues as fast as possible. Greece struggle. Upcoming sudden unrest in Iraq. That Scotland thing... And Russia. Not easy being cheesy, my friend.
MrRFox • 19 hours ago
Exactly the wrong move at exactly the wrong time, but guess you can't expect better from a hive-mind of 28 egos in search of a stroke. WTF?
It's like they're daring Vlad to step on them with both feet. German auto makers should prepare to suffer.
Konstantin MrRFox • 19 hours ago
German automakers have already suffered because of the euro is high. Sales in Russia fell by half.
Rob Brown Konstantin • 17 hours ago
Yep, Russian aggression will cost both sides but in the end it really comes down to supporting your friends and knowing who is your enemy.
Do you really want to support someone who tries to intimidate you by telling you how much you have to lose by not doing business with him?
Read Konstantin russian troll above carefully and decide for yourself if his message is the message you want motivating you today. Look at your children and think of their future. Are you afraid? Or, are you angry now? Do you want to kowtow? Or, do you feel your inner strength speaking?
Konstantin Rob Brown • 15 hours ago
he's crazy, i agree. no doubt.
Konstantin Rob Brown • 16 hours ago
sorry, where did you find any aggression motives in my replyca?
i am so far from any aggression moreover personaly I spend more time in Europe than in Russia.
but any way your annoying democracy bring increasingly of pain then pleasure for all the people, isn't it
Rob Brown Konstantin • 15 hours ago
Annoying democracy belies your true motivation.
John Black • 18 hours ago
The US has no skin in the game. Sanctions and counter-sanctions will sink the EU economies which are already in depression - unemployment has increased 5 pct over the past four years, inflation is at less than half a percent. The US has nothing to lose and everything to gain by egging everyone on.
Rob Brown John Black • 17 hours ago
John Black,
Respectfully, this has nothing to do with having skin in the game and everything to do with ending trading support of a menace to the EU. It would be worth paying 20% more for heating fuel than allow the profits from those sales go to supporting Putin and the corrupt state he represents.
It is time to end all trade with Russia and keep that permanent until such time as Russia stops seeing the West as its enemy. If that never happens, then so be it. Let Russia trade with China or any country that wants to have that trading relationship. But, the time has come for the EU and America to end all trade with Russia.
You cannot force someone to trade with you by intimidation. Russian gas can and will be replaced.
You cannot call someone your enemy and then see yourself as a victim when they no longer trust you and no longer want to do business with you.
John Black Rob Brown • 17 hours ago
Rob Brown, "Menace" is a matter of perception. Who started this brawl? Recent history in the Middle East shows that the bigger global menace issues from Washington's thoughtless use of military power. Qui bono? Who benefits from all these conflicts? Certainly, not Russia. As you have so competently pointed out the Russian economy will suffer. The beneficiary is the US as every global conflict strengthens the USD.
Rob Brown John Black • 15 hours ago
There is no doubt that Russia is perceived as a menace to Ukraine, to Finland, to Rumania, to the Baltic States, and to every country in Europe that has decided to join NATO and take their chances as a member of the alliance which purpose is to protect them from the menace of the Russian menace. There is no matter of perception in doubt. That's why NATO exists.
Remember, it was Russia that invaded Europe and held millions of people hostage under communist dictatorships for generations. No, John Black, the matter of perception is quite clear in Europe.
bleech John Black • 14 hours ago
"Rob Brown, 'Menace' is a matter of perception. Who started this brawl?"
The short answer: Two Vladimirs--Lenin and Putin.
John Black bleech • 9 hours ago
Because you didn't like the way they looked at you?
bleech John Black • 15 hours ago
The EU and American economies can "stand a little rain" longer than the Russian economy. USSR 1.0 didn't work out so well, and Mr. Putin's fantasy of a USSR 2.0 shows all the promise of another dismal failure.
John Black bleech • 7 hours ago
It remains to be seen who is having fantasies. Checked the national debt lately?
Aleksey Shishin bleech • 13 hours ago
So interesting about USSR 2.0. Collapse of USSR it was a real tradegy. For local people it was for sure. It was a tradegy because it was not propertly organised. Yes, we really beleive in all USA freedom values indeed. But it was not necessary to make country collapse. It was possible to change course. All people of Russia was happy to change the country. The problem is in the methods. The methods how it was performed were very bad. What is why Putin mentioned it was a tradegy. But he never told about USSR 2.0. And of course, he never mentioned Russia to be again evil empire. USSR 2.0 is not funny.
bleech Aleksey Shishin • 12 hours ago
"All people of Russia was happy to change the country."
--------------------Most Russians have benefited by the reforms Mr. Gorbachev initiated. But one person especially unhappy with the changes is Mr. Putin. It matters little if most Russians are happy or not with the end of USSR 1.0. It matters only that Mr. Putin isn't happy with it, and is now attempting to insinuate, intimidate, and annex into a USSR 2.0 the territory of erstwhile USSR 1.0. Crimea, Ukraine, then on to Estonia, etc. etc.
What is insanity? One definition = "Repeating the same mistakes, but expecting a different outcome."
"USSR 2.0 is not funny."
----------------------Insanity not only is not funny, it can be downright dangerous.
Aleksey Shishin bleech • 11 hours ago
Sorry, I never hear from Putin if he is unhappy in this way you mentioned. All we need from Putin is to protect us from NATO threat. Deffence only. I hear what Putin speaks about, sometimes I disagree. But I do not really beleive about such mad things you mentioned.
Rob Brown • 19 hours ago
It's time to end all trade with Russia. Make it permanent. Do you really want to do business with Putin? Do you really believe anything will make Putin be a good neighbor ? Are you more concerned about appeasing Putin than living your life free from the Russian menace in Europe?
Are you tired of reading the replies from paid Russian trolls who will inevitably answer these questions with disparaging remarks? Are they the kind of people with whom you want to do business? Is it the worth paying 20% more for your gas in order to maintain EU freedom and self respect? Are you going to live with Putin forever?
It's time to end all trade with Russia.
Behumble Besimple Rob Brown • 18 hours ago
I also agree
Rob Brown Behumble Besimple • 18 hours ago
Thank you Behumble. We need to let our EU and American leaders know that this is the best policy. Please spread the word.
By the way, I watched a BBC documentary last night about New York City in 1951. There just happened to be a couple of still photos of people protesting in front of the brand new United Nations building. Guess what the protest signs read? They read' "Russians Out Of Ukraine". I guess this Russian aggression has been going on for a very long time. I wish I could upload the photos. I guess I should have not been surprised.
ThatsJustHowISeeIt Rob Brown • 19 hours ago
I agree. Putin is scheming to invade and break up Europe so why make his job easier.
Aleksey Shishin Rob Brown • 18 hours ago
I am in Russia and I totally agree with you. I am from other side, but I 100% agree! USA+NATO are the same as Hitler with whom we had peace\trade agreement. He betrayed as you will do. We need to stop any relations. War is closing. We need to focus on nukes not on trade!
Rob Brown Aleksey Shishin • 18 hours ago
Aleksey Shishin,
Respectfully, I disagree with you in your view that war is closing. There is no need for military conflict. Think of this as a divorce. You go your way and we go our way. You stay on your side and we stay on our side.
Your statement raising the specter of nuclear warfare is unnecessary and if you are trying to scare people in the EU or America, you are wasting your time. Trying to scare people into making them do business with you is not going to increase Russian standing in the West.
In any event, I wish you good luck and good riddance.
PS: For what it's worth, it was Russia that stabbed France and England in the back by signing that Russian/Nazi peace agreement in 1939. And, it was Russia that invaded Poland from the East when the Nazis invaded Poland from the West. So much for Russian friendship in Europe. Russia made the agreement with the Nazis, not America, not England, not Poland. For what it's worth...
Iseheijiro Rob Brown • 7 hours ago
It was Russia that broke neutrality pact with Japan and 1.6 million lowdown of rapists invaded Manchuria in the midnight of August 9th 1941. I was born there, took my American wife to China/Russia border 8 years ago. She understood what had happened there. Rob Brown, thank you for reminding me of the ugly ugly Russian history.
Kage Peint Rob Brown • 17 hours ago
Agreed Russia is perhaps not the best party to do business with but who will you follow? The hypocritical Americans. Remember they have scared many countries into not doing business with Cuba for over 50 years.
Rob Brown Kage Peint • 15 hours ago
This is not an issue about following anyone or any particular country. The EU should follow their hearts and decide for themselves who is their ally and friend and who is trying to intimidate them into a relationship.
The US does not scare any nation into doing business with America or not doing business with Cuba. There are plenty of Canadian business people in Cuba. There are plenty of Mexican business people in Cuba. There are plenty of Europeans doing business in Cuba.
Actually, America is one of the last countries still boycotting Cuba and that probably has more to do with the large Cuban American population in America that hate Castro.
Doryphore Rob Brown • 13 hours ago
The sad reality is that if the USA lifts its Cuban embargo, doing so would end Castro's and Russia's influence in Cuba very quickly.
Rob Brown Doryphore • 13 hours ago
I am in favor of lifting the embargo with Cuba in a slow but steady manner. Castro is a spent force but his communist party down there still hold the people by the cojones. There could be a spasm of violence when the embargo ends if the Cuban people rise up against their communist overlords. I would not like to see that happen if it can be avoided.
There are many people, especially those who lived through the revolution, to whom communism is still attractive. It's ironic, but it's the young people who want to break out and join the rest of the world as capitalists. I guess everyone wants to get rich, or at least, to own a nice car, home, and travel around a bit.
When Cuban/American relations are normalized, the standard of living on that island will become among the highest in the Caribbean. There is a huge cruise ship industry ready to build docks and other infrastructure in Cuba. Havana is a wonderful bay. And the island is huge with a lot of varied landscape from tropical rain forest to white sand beaches.
But, we digress from the route of our original topic.
Aleksey Shishin Rob Brown • 17 hours ago
Bob Brown,
Military conflict is unavidable. NATO at our gates and prepares to intervene. Russian people never accept our govenment to do first strike. We do not need Baltia or Poland to pay for their high level live as it was during Soviet times. But modern warfare is automated and fast. Finally some robot will push the trigger.
Russia is just a victim of US\NATO agression. It is clear for 100%. See on the map NATO is closing and surrounding us with full military rithoric.
I wish you good luck.
Lamlot Aleksey Shishin • 17 hours ago
The Soviet Union was a failed state and Russia is turning into a rogue state.
Lamlot Aleksey Shishin • 17 hours ago
They have to lock you up. You have been brainwashed to many times and you can't be cured anymore.
arrotoxieta Rob Brown • 18 hours ago
You cannot end trade with Russia. If there is a profit to make, investors will arrive. It's capitalism.
The only way to defeat Russia is to be brave and declare war. Only open, total war will stop the Russians.
Aleksey Shishin arrotoxieta • 17 hours ago
Actually, war with us is not impossible to win. We have 8000+ nuclear warehead. USA can hit not more then 10%. The delivery time is now about 22,5 minutes. All Russia's enemies will die during 1 hour with more than 300% guarantee. Russia will be stopped, nevertheless, due to global disaster. All humankind will die in several months after this 1 hour conflict.
BTW. 20 years ago the delivery time was 40 minutes. We have sighnificant progress in missile technology.
Rob Brown Aleksey Shishin • 15 hours ago
Do you know how many Chinese nuclear warheads are aimed at Russian cities right now? Just curious...
Rob Brown arrotoxieta • 18 hours ago
Respectfully, I disagree with you. The cost in human lives and suffering would be too great with a military conflict between Russia and the West. I am sure that no one on either side would want that to happen.
It is better to just end the trading relationship and let each side go their own way. There is no need to rattle bombs and mayhem at each other.
I do understand your thought that Western investors will undermine a non trading policy but I feel sure that, if it is the will of the people in the West, the volume of illegal trade will be at the bare minimum.
Ultimately, it is the best policy for all nations. Let Russia find its own way in the world. If they are so afraid of the West then let them trade with the East if that is what Russians want to do.
It's this constant anger at the West coming from Russia that makes me feel that they have a completely different view of us then we have of ourselves. So, let them go and find out if they are right or if they are wrong.
But, there is no need to rain bombs down upon each other as long as they keep to their side of the fence and we keep to ours.
arrotoxieta Rob Brown • 5 hours ago
Hitler was not stopped by sanctions. Yes, it took a lot of suffering, but it was worth it. Europe will have to absorb significant levels of casualties, but eventually they will destroy their secular enemy once for all, acquiring significant space to buffer China and immense natural resources.
AnalyticalThinker • 19 hours ago
Economic sanctions without the BRICS, and more importantly China, are non-efficacious.
The EU will continue to be the loser in all this, as they already have been thus far...
Rob Brown AnalyticalThinker • 17 hours ago
Nonsense. Russia has BRICKS in the head. If they think trading with India and Brazil is a replacement for the EU and America, let Russia believe that BRICS will build them a better home.
The EU and America should end all trade with Russia. If Russia wants to trade with China and if China is so inclined then let it be. The more important point is that the EU and America need not have to empower Putin and his gang by doing any business with him or them.
Do not let anyone intimidate you into thinking that you have to do business with them. That's called the Mafia. You do as you see fit and if paying 20% more for gas is a way of maintaining your self respect then pay the extra 20% and do not empower those who see you as the enemy.
It's as simple as that. Respect yourself. Respect your neighbors. Respect your allies. Know the enemy. Know your friends and support your friends, not your enemy.
American boys have died in the tens of thousands in two world wars. You can see their names in the graveyards across Europe. That's the real deal. But, there is no need for violence now and no need of fear of the Russians in the EU. Just be true to yourself and your children and know that Americans support you because Americans share your belief in democracy.
Our cheese may suck but our heart is with you as is the might and strength of the American economy.
Aleksey Shishin AnalyticalThinker • 18 hours ago
You are right. We will switch economy to other countries like malasya or Israel + BRICS + America Latina. We will buy evething and sell everithing there. We will not accept any further movement of NATO toward us. We are ready to pay.
Rob Brown Aleksey Shishin • 17 hours ago
Aleksey Shishin,
Now you are talking turkey! Go trade with your BRICS and good luck and good riddance.
By the way, you are so afraid of Nato and are looking for increasing trade with China. Do you know how many Chinese nuclear warheads are aimed at Russian cities today?
Iseheijiro Aleksey Shishin • 7 hours ago
Hey Alex, you don't seem to understand economy as Putin
doesn't. When US FED ends buying bonds and increases FF interest,
all emerging countries cash dries up! Its simple, money
goes to where money can be made which are US and EU. China is no
difference. Their cash will run out! Vy ponimaete?
Aleksey Shishin Iseheijiro • an hour ago
Yes, I do understand. But we have huge reserves we can use to run out of dollars and Euros since we do not plan to trade anymore. We can use our own currencies to trade with China and BRICS instead. Dollar became not reliable just after we started to think it is not. BTW, if Russian bank would face the necessaty to change all roubles to dollars at ones, the rate of rouble would fall not more than about 20-25%. We do not need to be US colony anymore.
Iseheijiro AnalyticalThinker • 18 hours ago
You depend on China man? CCP is running out money. Don't you know that? China is as corrupt as Russia. Don't you know that? You are the loser. Don't you know that? Hahahaha
Rob Brown Iseheijiro • 17 hours ago
Does Putin know how many Chinese nukes are aimed at Russian cities? Russian internal propaganda is always talking about NATO and now Putin is signing trade agreements with China. Is it any wonder that the Russian people have no idea of how the Chinese can nuke the cities of Russia?
Peter L • 20 hours ago
good to hear that these sanctions are going ahead ... there seem to be several whingers in the EU who are happy to let other countries give up everything as long as their little economies are okay.
the longer west ukraine is given to reform the more likely that it will be able to bring donbas back into the fold ... this wasn't the tactic i was hoping for, i preferred immediate arming of kiev; but perhaps a longer term policy of grinding down russian imperialism will work.
Rob Brown Peter L • 19 hours ago
I agree. It is time to end all trade with Russia. Just look at the paid replies from the Russian trolls here. They degrade and disrespect the EU and EU leadership. They are not friends of the EU or America.
Why do any business with them? Appeasement is a broken concept and never works out well.
They should just be left behind and ignored. We should trade with whom we respect and with whom we have a friendly relationship.
Peter L Rob Brown • 17 hours ago
while i agree with you in principle, it's not possible to end all trade with russia overnight ... it seems that the most promising line now is to use sanctions as a method of reining russia in ... putin must be outmanoeuvred ... the ukraine army and economy need to be rebuilt ... europe needs to find alternatives to russian gas in particular ... the smaller EU economies which are entirely reliant on russian energy need to be 'leaned on' ... the ukraine/russia border needs to be sealed ...
whilst i have never supported such actions before, the CIA should get active in Ukraine (weapons can be brought in covertly through Poland, ukraine military can receive covert training etc.) and there could also be covert support for siberian separatism, the development of the moldovan army etc.
it's a process which will take many years ... it's a process which the americans had identified as early as the early 1990s but which seems to have been ignored until now ...
Rob Brown Peter L • 16 hours ago
I agree with you in that ending all trade overnight is unrealistic. Steps should be taken over the course of a few years. Remember, the Russians will retaliate and lash out as the process unfolds so the faster, the better.
I expect Putin to invade and control Ukraine sooner or later. Only NATO nations will survive against Russian aggression. It may already be too late for Ukraine. I don't think the EU would be willing to support Ukraine with weapons or with Nato bases.
Ukraine is only one piece of the equation. The bigger pieces are the Baltic countries, Poland, and Rumania as well as Germany and Finland. They are the spearhead of NATO.
I do not support arming or encouraging separatist movements within Russia's borders unless Putin stirs up trouble in EU/NATO countries.
Ending trade need not be a reason for causing violence.
Peter L Rob Brown • 16 hours ago
i'm surprised that you think the game is up for ukraine ... russia won't invade the ukraine in the near future for several reasons ...
1. russia would get bogged down in a 'vietnam style' conflict. if putin invades, i think it's certain that there would be a continous flow of arms from the west into ukraine. i think the ukrainians would be up for the fight. putin's loose-lipped bluffing about nuclear war would be exposed.
2. russia would be crippled economically ... even to keep a nation of 45 million under control is going to be be very expensive (bear in mind that the russian population itself is only 140 million). but there is also the question of how russia would support a shattered ukrainian economy ... they couldn't just let the people of ukraine 'go to the dogs' ... much as they'd like to
3. there would have to be a reaction from the west ... heavy sanctions would have to come into force. russia would be isolated for decades.
i'm certain that putin is dreaming of rebuidling the territorial reach of the soviet union but russia doesn't have the power to 're-take' the baltics or poland
Rob Brown Peter L • 15 hours ago
I have a different point of view.
I do not see a Vietnam style conflict as the terrain is not suited for guerrilla warfare in Ukraine. Russian tanks would roll over Ukraine in less than ten days. There would be certain nationalist soldiers who would fight back and that could go on for awhile but it will not significantly change the situation for Ukraine.
In fact, Russia has ethnically cleansed Ukraine after the Second World War by the mass deportation of Crimean Tatars who lived their for many generations. Putin is capable of sending Ukrainians to Siberia by the trainload.
The reaction from the West would have to be more than just a refusal of trade if Putin invades Ukraine but the West will not go to war over Ukraine. There is no will in the European or American people for that war.
yurakm1 Rob Brown • 2 hours ago
BS. Not only Putin does not intend to send Ukrainians to Siberia, but is is technically impossible.
There are / were about 200,000 Crimean Tatars. There are about 45 millions Ukrainians vs. 140 millions Russians. Not to mention that pretty much every Russian has some Ukrainian ancestors. In parts of Siberia ethnic Ukrainians are the majority - the descendants of paisant farmers who moved there before WWI, when the land was free.
Iseheijiro Peter L • 16 hours ago
Peter, I agree. It will take 30 years or so for EU and NATO secure their energy source and borders. Importance is 1) security~2) trade with Russia. I kind of prefer to cut off trade with Russia for one year or so. I understand Rob Brown's anger but we must to be patient. We Japanese will do anything to curve Putin's aggression. Don't doubt!
ThatsJustHowISeeIt • 19 hours ago
What are they waiting on? They should have imposed crippling sanctions when Putin first invaded Ukraine by occupying Crimea.
Rob Brown ThatsJustHowISeeIt • 17 hours ago
Time to forget sanctions and eliminate all EU/US trade with Russia. End all of it.
Herzegovina Rob Brown • 17 hours ago
US trade definitely. Don't force the EU into it. Theres lots of cheap energy from a reliable supplier there, who don't turn around and fund terrorists that behead your citizens. You must be dreaming of those LNG tankers crossing the Atlantic.
Rob Brown Herzegovina • 15 hours ago
No one is forcing the EU to do anything except Russian trolls who constantly harp on the idea that Europeans will freeze in the winter if they do not do business with Russia.
It comes down to EU folks deciding whether they want to accept that Russian intimidation or seek out another path. Angela Merkel will lead the way, not Obama. But, Americans stand firmly in support of EU energy independence from Russia.
The reliable supplier to whom you refer is considered by most Europeans to be a dangerous entity that Europeans know has already enslaved millions of people behind an Iron Curtain for decades.
And, that supplier has invaded Ukraine and turned off the gas to Ukraine. Not very nice.
Aleksey Shishin Rob Brown • 13 hours ago
Rob, Russia did not turned off gas to Ukraine. Ukraine just decided not to pay at all. But Ukraine do transit gas without problems to Europe. All the problems are in technical state of ukrainian pipes, very old and requiring maintanance. Ukraine will be happy get gas for free and Russia gave some for free. Now Ukraine must to pay. BTW, price for Ukraine is 385 and 400 for Poand. Normal and fairy price.
Moreover, Ukraine will steal the gas this winter as it is obvious. And Russia will forgive it.
Only bad trolls can tell you so really bad and anfair things like to cut off gas in winter. Russia will obey contracts. It is trade, not politics.
Rob Brown Aleksey Shishin • 13 hours ago
Russia turned off the gas to Ukraine. The rest is just double speak. We'll see what happens this winter.
Aleksey Shishin Rob Brown • 11 hours ago
In this case it is just impossible to turn off. The same pipe is used to export gas by transit to the Customers in EU. So, phisically it is not turned off. Ukraine has a commercial offer but do not buy. If I could see something I want to buy but could not pay the price it does not mean I am not allowed to buy. Ukrainians just preffer not to buy.
BTW, in same supermarket I look there items are produced. If I see cheese from EU - I will not buy. I tried to buy some beer, but all was US or EU brands or made on the factories used such brands. I did not buy anything. I was not enforced, like Ukraine now.
Rob Brown Aleksey Shishin • 10 hours ago
Good for you. Stay away from doing business with the EU and America. Soon, those products will no longer appear on the shelf in your country.
In regard to the Russian pipeline closure to Ukraine, please read this from the BBC in June:
"Ukraine says Russia has cut off all gas supplies, in a major escalation of a dispute between the two nations.
"Gas supplies to Ukraine have been reduced to zero," Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuri Prodan said."
Herzegovina ThatsJustHowISeeIt • 17 hours ago
Sanctions should also be applied to those that invaded Iraq, Libya and the rest. Those that break the Geneva convention at will. More sanctions for not getting UN approval and abiding by international law, Russia included. That would be real justice.
Stan ThatsJustHowISeeIt • 17 hours ago
"Crippling" as in #SochiProblems?
armdkny • 14 hours ago
Once again Bloomberg uses unverified info from Ukrainian sources.
"8000 Russian soldiers wounded and 2000 Russian soldiers dead"??
LOL!! I'm outta here.
David Brinton armdkny • 14 hours ago
And, remarkably, they seem to have no ability to quote anyone from eastern Ukraine.
Aleksey Shishin armdkny • 14 hours ago
Bloomerg just points on what do they speak. It is clear Ukrainian authorities are corruptive and unefficient evil liers.
BunnynSunny - Verax armdkny • 13 hours ago
Bloomie's is the mouthpiece of the Kiev Ministry of Hate and Lies. Its motto to its readers should be "Ignorance is strength."
Виталий Татаринцев armdkny • 14 hours ago
Bloomberg has many clowns in their East-European middle-office)
rick08 • 18 hours ago
Watching the EU deciding how and if to confront Putin, one is too easily reminded of Chamberlain and Hitler where Chamberlain lacked the guts and will to take a hard forceful position with Hitler. Instead Hitler was encouraged to invade Poland thus launching WW II and the resulting carnage. The EU lacks courage and foresight and would prefer to stick their heads under their pillows and hope whatever Putin does will not affect their particular interests, or if things really get bad, the US will ride to their rescue - once again!
Rob Brown rick08 • 17 hours ago
I think you may be right about this but I hope EU leadership have learned from the past.
The time has come to end all EU and American trade with Russia.
Doryphore Rob Brown • 13 hours ago
Sadly, I don't think EU has learned from history.
Rob Brown Doryphore • 13 hours ago
I guess we will see how this turns out in due course. So far, the EU has been especially cautious but they have sent a united message, weak as it may be, to Putin.
Now that Merkel is on board, Germany will add a lot more weight in the direction of more powerful sanctions. I tell you, I would not want to be on her bad side. I think she is the most powerful politician in this whole situation.
Pretty soon, the Russian trolls will be trying to sell us on how she is selling out the Baltic States or some other bit of disinformation nonsense.
Rodolfo Plancarte Rob Brown • 13 hours ago
Interesting on your statement about Merkel. Thanks for pointing that out.
Rob Brown Rodolfo Plancarte • 12 hours ago
Look at the photo of Merkel in yesterday's Assocaited Press article:
She looks deadly. I would do as she says I should do.
Doryphore rick08 • 13 hours ago
You are very much right. EU does not want to stand up to Putin. They like cheap/convenient gas and oil. They also know if anything goes wrong, the US will be there again to fight for them. They need to deal with their own issues.
AnalyticalThinker • 19 hours ago
This foreign policy blunder should prove itself a spectacular failure when the populous of the EU, are hungry, broke, jobless, AND COLD. When internal dissension reaches new highs, there will be greater state threats forming inside their own borders...
Rob Brown AnalyticalThinker • 19 hours ago
As you read the comment above from AnalyticalThinker, are you willing to be degraded by Russian trolls who work for Putin? It is time to end all trade with Russia.
Keith_Fenton • 13 hours ago
Mr. Putin is an enemy of all 'open societies.'
Виталий Татаринцев Keith_Fenton • 13 hours ago
Maybe. ISIS sponsors, Albanian and Ukrainian allies.
ロシア側が負けているのが判る?は、は、は 伊勢平次郎
「米国株の推薦」をメールで提供します。そうですね、一ヶ月、二千円でどうでしょうか?退会も自由ですよ。まずは、メールをください。[email protected] 伊勢平次郎
Putin is not visiting Japan this fall said the Russian ambassador in Tokyo yesterday.Russia blames Japan for its participation on sanctions. Japan's sanctions are small as ban of Russians entry to Japan but it hurts Putin's love with Japan. Its a divorce indeed.
Jack Bluebird • 19 hours ago
Seems like US and EU is never quite happy with the outcome and has constant urge to kick the bear. The sad part is that it will be reasonable people in the EU who will suffer the most for their obvious misjudgement.
Rob Brown Jack Bluebird • 17 hours ago
Read Jack Bluebird's message above carefully and decide for yourself if his message is the message you want motivating you today. Do you believe that Russia is the victim? Or, is Ukraine the victim? Is Putin the victim? Or, is that abducted Estonian citizen the victim?
Konstantin Jack Bluebird • 19 hours ago
Why do you refuse to Europeans in their desire to unite in the fight for democratic values, you believe that they are less passionate than people in Russia are ?
Kage Peint Jack Bluebird • 17 hours ago
Reasonable people on both sides unfortunately.
Jan • 20 hours ago
As a dictator willing to move troops on the ground, Putin has enormous first-strike advantages, but do not underestimate the slow, but more powerful, deliberative democracies. They will gradually negotiate among themselves an array of sanctions and threats they are all united behind and then impose those terms on Putin. It just takes longer for a coalition of democracies to act, but the soft and hard power ultimately at their disposal can easily defeat Putin.
Gordon Jan • 20 hours ago
Horse sh*t, you troll.
AnalyticalThinker Jan • 19 hours ago
Yea, all these recent deals being struck among Russia and its eastern allies sure does signify Western sanctions are "working". NOT. This conflict with Russia has only pushed forward the day that western currencies suffer a significant and irreparable blow.
The sacrificial lamb here is the EU---a War with Russia is an act of desperation among the West as their REAL economies are sinking and each is engaged in unprecedented monetary policy, while sinking deeper into NIRP and ultimately bankruptcy.
Jan AnalyticalThinker • 19 hours ago
Your elegant escatology aside (analytical thinker??), it really is Merkel making this sanctions decision, not Obama. The sanctions are working, they just take time and are being phased in gradually with an appropriate recognition by the EU that to some extent they harm both Russia and Europe and a compromise solution should be sought. I think Merkel will lead on that. It is Europe that has enough sense of the complexity of Ukraine to make a solution, not the USA.
Rob Brown Jan • 16 hours ago
Well said. Russians try to drive a wedge between the EU and American allies. They often pick out particular issues as talking points that concern one EU country more than another. That is their way of spreading fear and uncertainty.
Merkel is in charge. I wish I could vote for her here in the U.S.A.. It will be quite interesting to see how she and Hillary Clinton get along if Clinton is elected next year.
Thank you for having let us know your thoughts and for your previous reply.
Rob Brown AnalyticalThinker • 16 hours ago
Take a good look at the words of AnalyticalThinker above and decide for yourself if this Russian troll is your friend or your enemy. Is he trying to intimidate and scare you or is he bring to empower you?
You decide and then know why all trade needs to end between the EU?US and Russia.
DoctorKolbasa Rob Brown • 16 hours ago
"if this Russian troll is your friend or your enemy" - LOL
Rob Brown DoctorKolbasa • 15 hours ago
Iseheijiro Jan • 18 hours ago
Yes Jan, I agree. Europeans understand Russians well. Exxon should not go North arctic. This morning oil and gas fell at market. One reason is US has stockpile and the other the technologies helped profits that means they don't have to produce so much. Actually too much production is hurting them. Putin is not businessman, spent too much time for military strategy that is stupid. We West should not relax sanctions against war monger. We should keep pressure permanently. Buy Russian gas just enough for Putin can buy food. Hahahaha
Rob Brown Iseheijiro • 16 hours ago
I agree with you and believe that sanctions should be permanent.
There is no need to do business with someone who demands that you do business with him. Intimidation by threat of turning off heating fuel is the act of a gangster, not a friend with whom you want to do business.
It is time to end all trade with Russia.
If Russia wants to trade with China or India, that's their business. But, for the EU and for America, it is time to look out for each other because allies and friends support each other. Russia is neither an ally or a friend to the EU. Just look at what they did to Ukraine.
Rob Brown Jan • 16 hours ago
It will defeat Putin.
fake like fake • 19 hours ago
I wonder what kind of info the NSA has about European leaders that can end they career or put them in prison because the way they are acting against Russia look like someone has been blackmailing them.
Rob Brown fake like fake • 17 hours ago
I wonder what kind of Information Putin has about China's nuclear arsenal aimed at the Russian people. Good luck with that increased trade thing. Fear of Nato? Fear of China? It's all the same in the end, isn't it?
fake like fake Rob Brown • 8 hours ago
You are so stupid. Are you American?
Oh My God fake like fake • 7 hours ago
Simply want to say your article is as surprising. The clearness in your post is just spectacular and i could assume
you are an expert on this subject. Fine with your permission let me to
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Thanks a million and please keep up the gratifying work.
Iseheijiro fake like fake • 8 hours ago
This guy does not discuss or argue intelligently. I have seen this kind remarks a lot among Russians.
Stan fake like fake • 17 hours ago
There's a lot of pressure from the USA of course, but other than that, they're simply sick of misguidance. They want to resolve all their issues as fast as possible. Greece struggle. Upcoming sudden unrest in Iraq. That Scotland thing... And Russia. Not easy being cheesy, my friend.
MrRFox • 19 hours ago
Exactly the wrong move at exactly the wrong time, but guess you can't expect better from a hive-mind of 28 egos in search of a stroke. WTF?
It's like they're daring Vlad to step on them with both feet. German auto makers should prepare to suffer.
Konstantin MrRFox • 19 hours ago
German automakers have already suffered because of the euro is high. Sales in Russia fell by half.
Rob Brown Konstantin • 17 hours ago
Yep, Russian aggression will cost both sides but in the end it really comes down to supporting your friends and knowing who is your enemy.
Do you really want to support someone who tries to intimidate you by telling you how much you have to lose by not doing business with him?
Read Konstantin russian troll above carefully and decide for yourself if his message is the message you want motivating you today. Look at your children and think of their future. Are you afraid? Or, are you angry now? Do you want to kowtow? Or, do you feel your inner strength speaking?
Konstantin Rob Brown • 15 hours ago
he's crazy, i agree. no doubt.
Konstantin Rob Brown • 16 hours ago
sorry, where did you find any aggression motives in my replyca?
i am so far from any aggression moreover personaly I spend more time in Europe than in Russia.
but any way your annoying democracy bring increasingly of pain then pleasure for all the people, isn't it
Rob Brown Konstantin • 15 hours ago
Annoying democracy belies your true motivation.
John Black • 18 hours ago
The US has no skin in the game. Sanctions and counter-sanctions will sink the EU economies which are already in depression - unemployment has increased 5 pct over the past four years, inflation is at less than half a percent. The US has nothing to lose and everything to gain by egging everyone on.
Rob Brown John Black • 17 hours ago
John Black,
Respectfully, this has nothing to do with having skin in the game and everything to do with ending trading support of a menace to the EU. It would be worth paying 20% more for heating fuel than allow the profits from those sales go to supporting Putin and the corrupt state he represents.
It is time to end all trade with Russia and keep that permanent until such time as Russia stops seeing the West as its enemy. If that never happens, then so be it. Let Russia trade with China or any country that wants to have that trading relationship. But, the time has come for the EU and America to end all trade with Russia.
You cannot force someone to trade with you by intimidation. Russian gas can and will be replaced.
You cannot call someone your enemy and then see yourself as a victim when they no longer trust you and no longer want to do business with you.
John Black Rob Brown • 17 hours ago
Rob Brown, "Menace" is a matter of perception. Who started this brawl? Recent history in the Middle East shows that the bigger global menace issues from Washington's thoughtless use of military power. Qui bono? Who benefits from all these conflicts? Certainly, not Russia. As you have so competently pointed out the Russian economy will suffer. The beneficiary is the US as every global conflict strengthens the USD.
Rob Brown John Black • 15 hours ago
There is no doubt that Russia is perceived as a menace to Ukraine, to Finland, to Rumania, to the Baltic States, and to every country in Europe that has decided to join NATO and take their chances as a member of the alliance which purpose is to protect them from the menace of the Russian menace. There is no matter of perception in doubt. That's why NATO exists.
Remember, it was Russia that invaded Europe and held millions of people hostage under communist dictatorships for generations. No, John Black, the matter of perception is quite clear in Europe.
bleech John Black • 14 hours ago
"Rob Brown, 'Menace' is a matter of perception. Who started this brawl?"
The short answer: Two Vladimirs--Lenin and Putin.
John Black bleech • 9 hours ago
Because you didn't like the way they looked at you?
bleech John Black • 15 hours ago
The EU and American economies can "stand a little rain" longer than the Russian economy. USSR 1.0 didn't work out so well, and Mr. Putin's fantasy of a USSR 2.0 shows all the promise of another dismal failure.
John Black bleech • 7 hours ago
It remains to be seen who is having fantasies. Checked the national debt lately?
Aleksey Shishin bleech • 13 hours ago
So interesting about USSR 2.0. Collapse of USSR it was a real tradegy. For local people it was for sure. It was a tradegy because it was not propertly organised. Yes, we really beleive in all USA freedom values indeed. But it was not necessary to make country collapse. It was possible to change course. All people of Russia was happy to change the country. The problem is in the methods. The methods how it was performed were very bad. What is why Putin mentioned it was a tradegy. But he never told about USSR 2.0. And of course, he never mentioned Russia to be again evil empire. USSR 2.0 is not funny.
bleech Aleksey Shishin • 12 hours ago
"All people of Russia was happy to change the country."
--------------------Most Russians have benefited by the reforms Mr. Gorbachev initiated. But one person especially unhappy with the changes is Mr. Putin. It matters little if most Russians are happy or not with the end of USSR 1.0. It matters only that Mr. Putin isn't happy with it, and is now attempting to insinuate, intimidate, and annex into a USSR 2.0 the territory of erstwhile USSR 1.0. Crimea, Ukraine, then on to Estonia, etc. etc.
What is insanity? One definition = "Repeating the same mistakes, but expecting a different outcome."
"USSR 2.0 is not funny."
----------------------Insanity not only is not funny, it can be downright dangerous.
Aleksey Shishin bleech • 11 hours ago
Sorry, I never hear from Putin if he is unhappy in this way you mentioned. All we need from Putin is to protect us from NATO threat. Deffence only. I hear what Putin speaks about, sometimes I disagree. But I do not really beleive about such mad things you mentioned.
Rob Brown • 19 hours ago
It's time to end all trade with Russia. Make it permanent. Do you really want to do business with Putin? Do you really believe anything will make Putin be a good neighbor ? Are you more concerned about appeasing Putin than living your life free from the Russian menace in Europe?
Are you tired of reading the replies from paid Russian trolls who will inevitably answer these questions with disparaging remarks? Are they the kind of people with whom you want to do business? Is it the worth paying 20% more for your gas in order to maintain EU freedom and self respect? Are you going to live with Putin forever?
It's time to end all trade with Russia.
Behumble Besimple Rob Brown • 18 hours ago
I also agree
Rob Brown Behumble Besimple • 18 hours ago
Thank you Behumble. We need to let our EU and American leaders know that this is the best policy. Please spread the word.
By the way, I watched a BBC documentary last night about New York City in 1951. There just happened to be a couple of still photos of people protesting in front of the brand new United Nations building. Guess what the protest signs read? They read' "Russians Out Of Ukraine". I guess this Russian aggression has been going on for a very long time. I wish I could upload the photos. I guess I should have not been surprised.
ThatsJustHowISeeIt Rob Brown • 19 hours ago
I agree. Putin is scheming to invade and break up Europe so why make his job easier.
Aleksey Shishin Rob Brown • 18 hours ago
I am in Russia and I totally agree with you. I am from other side, but I 100% agree! USA+NATO are the same as Hitler with whom we had peace\trade agreement. He betrayed as you will do. We need to stop any relations. War is closing. We need to focus on nukes not on trade!
Rob Brown Aleksey Shishin • 18 hours ago
Aleksey Shishin,
Respectfully, I disagree with you in your view that war is closing. There is no need for military conflict. Think of this as a divorce. You go your way and we go our way. You stay on your side and we stay on our side.
Your statement raising the specter of nuclear warfare is unnecessary and if you are trying to scare people in the EU or America, you are wasting your time. Trying to scare people into making them do business with you is not going to increase Russian standing in the West.
In any event, I wish you good luck and good riddance.
PS: For what it's worth, it was Russia that stabbed France and England in the back by signing that Russian/Nazi peace agreement in 1939. And, it was Russia that invaded Poland from the East when the Nazis invaded Poland from the West. So much for Russian friendship in Europe. Russia made the agreement with the Nazis, not America, not England, not Poland. For what it's worth...
Iseheijiro Rob Brown • 7 hours ago
It was Russia that broke neutrality pact with Japan and 1.6 million lowdown of rapists invaded Manchuria in the midnight of August 9th 1941. I was born there, took my American wife to China/Russia border 8 years ago. She understood what had happened there. Rob Brown, thank you for reminding me of the ugly ugly Russian history.
Kage Peint Rob Brown • 17 hours ago
Agreed Russia is perhaps not the best party to do business with but who will you follow? The hypocritical Americans. Remember they have scared many countries into not doing business with Cuba for over 50 years.
Rob Brown Kage Peint • 15 hours ago
This is not an issue about following anyone or any particular country. The EU should follow their hearts and decide for themselves who is their ally and friend and who is trying to intimidate them into a relationship.
The US does not scare any nation into doing business with America or not doing business with Cuba. There are plenty of Canadian business people in Cuba. There are plenty of Mexican business people in Cuba. There are plenty of Europeans doing business in Cuba.
Actually, America is one of the last countries still boycotting Cuba and that probably has more to do with the large Cuban American population in America that hate Castro.
Doryphore Rob Brown • 13 hours ago
The sad reality is that if the USA lifts its Cuban embargo, doing so would end Castro's and Russia's influence in Cuba very quickly.
Rob Brown Doryphore • 13 hours ago
I am in favor of lifting the embargo with Cuba in a slow but steady manner. Castro is a spent force but his communist party down there still hold the people by the cojones. There could be a spasm of violence when the embargo ends if the Cuban people rise up against their communist overlords. I would not like to see that happen if it can be avoided.
There are many people, especially those who lived through the revolution, to whom communism is still attractive. It's ironic, but it's the young people who want to break out and join the rest of the world as capitalists. I guess everyone wants to get rich, or at least, to own a nice car, home, and travel around a bit.
When Cuban/American relations are normalized, the standard of living on that island will become among the highest in the Caribbean. There is a huge cruise ship industry ready to build docks and other infrastructure in Cuba. Havana is a wonderful bay. And the island is huge with a lot of varied landscape from tropical rain forest to white sand beaches.
But, we digress from the route of our original topic.
Aleksey Shishin Rob Brown • 17 hours ago
Bob Brown,
Military conflict is unavidable. NATO at our gates and prepares to intervene. Russian people never accept our govenment to do first strike. We do not need Baltia or Poland to pay for their high level live as it was during Soviet times. But modern warfare is automated and fast. Finally some robot will push the trigger.
Russia is just a victim of US\NATO agression. It is clear for 100%. See on the map NATO is closing and surrounding us with full military rithoric.
I wish you good luck.
Lamlot Aleksey Shishin • 17 hours ago
The Soviet Union was a failed state and Russia is turning into a rogue state.
Lamlot Aleksey Shishin • 17 hours ago
They have to lock you up. You have been brainwashed to many times and you can't be cured anymore.
arrotoxieta Rob Brown • 18 hours ago
You cannot end trade with Russia. If there is a profit to make, investors will arrive. It's capitalism.
The only way to defeat Russia is to be brave and declare war. Only open, total war will stop the Russians.
Aleksey Shishin arrotoxieta • 17 hours ago
Actually, war with us is not impossible to win. We have 8000+ nuclear warehead. USA can hit not more then 10%. The delivery time is now about 22,5 minutes. All Russia's enemies will die during 1 hour with more than 300% guarantee. Russia will be stopped, nevertheless, due to global disaster. All humankind will die in several months after this 1 hour conflict.
BTW. 20 years ago the delivery time was 40 minutes. We have sighnificant progress in missile technology.
Rob Brown Aleksey Shishin • 15 hours ago
Do you know how many Chinese nuclear warheads are aimed at Russian cities right now? Just curious...
Rob Brown arrotoxieta • 18 hours ago
Respectfully, I disagree with you. The cost in human lives and suffering would be too great with a military conflict between Russia and the West. I am sure that no one on either side would want that to happen.
It is better to just end the trading relationship and let each side go their own way. There is no need to rattle bombs and mayhem at each other.
I do understand your thought that Western investors will undermine a non trading policy but I feel sure that, if it is the will of the people in the West, the volume of illegal trade will be at the bare minimum.
Ultimately, it is the best policy for all nations. Let Russia find its own way in the world. If they are so afraid of the West then let them trade with the East if that is what Russians want to do.
It's this constant anger at the West coming from Russia that makes me feel that they have a completely different view of us then we have of ourselves. So, let them go and find out if they are right or if they are wrong.
But, there is no need to rain bombs down upon each other as long as they keep to their side of the fence and we keep to ours.
arrotoxieta Rob Brown • 5 hours ago
Hitler was not stopped by sanctions. Yes, it took a lot of suffering, but it was worth it. Europe will have to absorb significant levels of casualties, but eventually they will destroy their secular enemy once for all, acquiring significant space to buffer China and immense natural resources.
AnalyticalThinker • 19 hours ago
Economic sanctions without the BRICS, and more importantly China, are non-efficacious.
The EU will continue to be the loser in all this, as they already have been thus far...
Rob Brown AnalyticalThinker • 17 hours ago
Nonsense. Russia has BRICKS in the head. If they think trading with India and Brazil is a replacement for the EU and America, let Russia believe that BRICS will build them a better home.
The EU and America should end all trade with Russia. If Russia wants to trade with China and if China is so inclined then let it be. The more important point is that the EU and America need not have to empower Putin and his gang by doing any business with him or them.
Do not let anyone intimidate you into thinking that you have to do business with them. That's called the Mafia. You do as you see fit and if paying 20% more for gas is a way of maintaining your self respect then pay the extra 20% and do not empower those who see you as the enemy.
It's as simple as that. Respect yourself. Respect your neighbors. Respect your allies. Know the enemy. Know your friends and support your friends, not your enemy.
American boys have died in the tens of thousands in two world wars. You can see their names in the graveyards across Europe. That's the real deal. But, there is no need for violence now and no need of fear of the Russians in the EU. Just be true to yourself and your children and know that Americans support you because Americans share your belief in democracy.
Our cheese may suck but our heart is with you as is the might and strength of the American economy.
Aleksey Shishin AnalyticalThinker • 18 hours ago
You are right. We will switch economy to other countries like malasya or Israel + BRICS + America Latina. We will buy evething and sell everithing there. We will not accept any further movement of NATO toward us. We are ready to pay.
Rob Brown Aleksey Shishin • 17 hours ago
Aleksey Shishin,
Now you are talking turkey! Go trade with your BRICS and good luck and good riddance.
By the way, you are so afraid of Nato and are looking for increasing trade with China. Do you know how many Chinese nuclear warheads are aimed at Russian cities today?
Iseheijiro Aleksey Shishin • 7 hours ago
Hey Alex, you don't seem to understand economy as Putin
doesn't. When US FED ends buying bonds and increases FF interest,
all emerging countries cash dries up! Its simple, money
goes to where money can be made which are US and EU. China is no
difference. Their cash will run out! Vy ponimaete?
Aleksey Shishin Iseheijiro • an hour ago
Yes, I do understand. But we have huge reserves we can use to run out of dollars and Euros since we do not plan to trade anymore. We can use our own currencies to trade with China and BRICS instead. Dollar became not reliable just after we started to think it is not. BTW, if Russian bank would face the necessaty to change all roubles to dollars at ones, the rate of rouble would fall not more than about 20-25%. We do not need to be US colony anymore.
Iseheijiro AnalyticalThinker • 18 hours ago
You depend on China man? CCP is running out money. Don't you know that? China is as corrupt as Russia. Don't you know that? You are the loser. Don't you know that? Hahahaha
Rob Brown Iseheijiro • 17 hours ago
Does Putin know how many Chinese nukes are aimed at Russian cities? Russian internal propaganda is always talking about NATO and now Putin is signing trade agreements with China. Is it any wonder that the Russian people have no idea of how the Chinese can nuke the cities of Russia?
Peter L • 20 hours ago
good to hear that these sanctions are going ahead ... there seem to be several whingers in the EU who are happy to let other countries give up everything as long as their little economies are okay.
the longer west ukraine is given to reform the more likely that it will be able to bring donbas back into the fold ... this wasn't the tactic i was hoping for, i preferred immediate arming of kiev; but perhaps a longer term policy of grinding down russian imperialism will work.
Rob Brown Peter L • 19 hours ago
I agree. It is time to end all trade with Russia. Just look at the paid replies from the Russian trolls here. They degrade and disrespect the EU and EU leadership. They are not friends of the EU or America.
Why do any business with them? Appeasement is a broken concept and never works out well.
They should just be left behind and ignored. We should trade with whom we respect and with whom we have a friendly relationship.
Peter L Rob Brown • 17 hours ago
while i agree with you in principle, it's not possible to end all trade with russia overnight ... it seems that the most promising line now is to use sanctions as a method of reining russia in ... putin must be outmanoeuvred ... the ukraine army and economy need to be rebuilt ... europe needs to find alternatives to russian gas in particular ... the smaller EU economies which are entirely reliant on russian energy need to be 'leaned on' ... the ukraine/russia border needs to be sealed ...
whilst i have never supported such actions before, the CIA should get active in Ukraine (weapons can be brought in covertly through Poland, ukraine military can receive covert training etc.) and there could also be covert support for siberian separatism, the development of the moldovan army etc.
it's a process which will take many years ... it's a process which the americans had identified as early as the early 1990s but which seems to have been ignored until now ...
Rob Brown Peter L • 16 hours ago
I agree with you in that ending all trade overnight is unrealistic. Steps should be taken over the course of a few years. Remember, the Russians will retaliate and lash out as the process unfolds so the faster, the better.
I expect Putin to invade and control Ukraine sooner or later. Only NATO nations will survive against Russian aggression. It may already be too late for Ukraine. I don't think the EU would be willing to support Ukraine with weapons or with Nato bases.
Ukraine is only one piece of the equation. The bigger pieces are the Baltic countries, Poland, and Rumania as well as Germany and Finland. They are the spearhead of NATO.
I do not support arming or encouraging separatist movements within Russia's borders unless Putin stirs up trouble in EU/NATO countries.
Ending trade need not be a reason for causing violence.
Peter L Rob Brown • 16 hours ago
i'm surprised that you think the game is up for ukraine ... russia won't invade the ukraine in the near future for several reasons ...
1. russia would get bogged down in a 'vietnam style' conflict. if putin invades, i think it's certain that there would be a continous flow of arms from the west into ukraine. i think the ukrainians would be up for the fight. putin's loose-lipped bluffing about nuclear war would be exposed.
2. russia would be crippled economically ... even to keep a nation of 45 million under control is going to be be very expensive (bear in mind that the russian population itself is only 140 million). but there is also the question of how russia would support a shattered ukrainian economy ... they couldn't just let the people of ukraine 'go to the dogs' ... much as they'd like to
3. there would have to be a reaction from the west ... heavy sanctions would have to come into force. russia would be isolated for decades.
i'm certain that putin is dreaming of rebuidling the territorial reach of the soviet union but russia doesn't have the power to 're-take' the baltics or poland
Rob Brown Peter L • 15 hours ago
I have a different point of view.
I do not see a Vietnam style conflict as the terrain is not suited for guerrilla warfare in Ukraine. Russian tanks would roll over Ukraine in less than ten days. There would be certain nationalist soldiers who would fight back and that could go on for awhile but it will not significantly change the situation for Ukraine.
In fact, Russia has ethnically cleansed Ukraine after the Second World War by the mass deportation of Crimean Tatars who lived their for many generations. Putin is capable of sending Ukrainians to Siberia by the trainload.
The reaction from the West would have to be more than just a refusal of trade if Putin invades Ukraine but the West will not go to war over Ukraine. There is no will in the European or American people for that war.
yurakm1 Rob Brown • 2 hours ago
BS. Not only Putin does not intend to send Ukrainians to Siberia, but is is technically impossible.
There are / were about 200,000 Crimean Tatars. There are about 45 millions Ukrainians vs. 140 millions Russians. Not to mention that pretty much every Russian has some Ukrainian ancestors. In parts of Siberia ethnic Ukrainians are the majority - the descendants of paisant farmers who moved there before WWI, when the land was free.
Iseheijiro Peter L • 16 hours ago
Peter, I agree. It will take 30 years or so for EU and NATO secure their energy source and borders. Importance is 1) security~2) trade with Russia. I kind of prefer to cut off trade with Russia for one year or so. I understand Rob Brown's anger but we must to be patient. We Japanese will do anything to curve Putin's aggression. Don't doubt!
ThatsJustHowISeeIt • 19 hours ago
What are they waiting on? They should have imposed crippling sanctions when Putin first invaded Ukraine by occupying Crimea.
Rob Brown ThatsJustHowISeeIt • 17 hours ago
Time to forget sanctions and eliminate all EU/US trade with Russia. End all of it.
Herzegovina Rob Brown • 17 hours ago
US trade definitely. Don't force the EU into it. Theres lots of cheap energy from a reliable supplier there, who don't turn around and fund terrorists that behead your citizens. You must be dreaming of those LNG tankers crossing the Atlantic.
Rob Brown Herzegovina • 15 hours ago
No one is forcing the EU to do anything except Russian trolls who constantly harp on the idea that Europeans will freeze in the winter if they do not do business with Russia.
It comes down to EU folks deciding whether they want to accept that Russian intimidation or seek out another path. Angela Merkel will lead the way, not Obama. But, Americans stand firmly in support of EU energy independence from Russia.
The reliable supplier to whom you refer is considered by most Europeans to be a dangerous entity that Europeans know has already enslaved millions of people behind an Iron Curtain for decades.
And, that supplier has invaded Ukraine and turned off the gas to Ukraine. Not very nice.
Aleksey Shishin Rob Brown • 13 hours ago
Rob, Russia did not turned off gas to Ukraine. Ukraine just decided not to pay at all. But Ukraine do transit gas without problems to Europe. All the problems are in technical state of ukrainian pipes, very old and requiring maintanance. Ukraine will be happy get gas for free and Russia gave some for free. Now Ukraine must to pay. BTW, price for Ukraine is 385 and 400 for Poand. Normal and fairy price.
Moreover, Ukraine will steal the gas this winter as it is obvious. And Russia will forgive it.
Only bad trolls can tell you so really bad and anfair things like to cut off gas in winter. Russia will obey contracts. It is trade, not politics.
Rob Brown Aleksey Shishin • 13 hours ago
Russia turned off the gas to Ukraine. The rest is just double speak. We'll see what happens this winter.
Aleksey Shishin Rob Brown • 11 hours ago
In this case it is just impossible to turn off. The same pipe is used to export gas by transit to the Customers in EU. So, phisically it is not turned off. Ukraine has a commercial offer but do not buy. If I could see something I want to buy but could not pay the price it does not mean I am not allowed to buy. Ukrainians just preffer not to buy.
BTW, in same supermarket I look there items are produced. If I see cheese from EU - I will not buy. I tried to buy some beer, but all was US or EU brands or made on the factories used such brands. I did not buy anything. I was not enforced, like Ukraine now.
Rob Brown Aleksey Shishin • 10 hours ago
Good for you. Stay away from doing business with the EU and America. Soon, those products will no longer appear on the shelf in your country.
In regard to the Russian pipeline closure to Ukraine, please read this from the BBC in June:
"Ukraine says Russia has cut off all gas supplies, in a major escalation of a dispute between the two nations.
"Gas supplies to Ukraine have been reduced to zero," Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuri Prodan said."
Herzegovina ThatsJustHowISeeIt • 17 hours ago
Sanctions should also be applied to those that invaded Iraq, Libya and the rest. Those that break the Geneva convention at will. More sanctions for not getting UN approval and abiding by international law, Russia included. That would be real justice.
Stan ThatsJustHowISeeIt • 17 hours ago
"Crippling" as in #SochiProblems?
armdkny • 14 hours ago
Once again Bloomberg uses unverified info from Ukrainian sources.
"8000 Russian soldiers wounded and 2000 Russian soldiers dead"??
LOL!! I'm outta here.
David Brinton armdkny • 14 hours ago
And, remarkably, they seem to have no ability to quote anyone from eastern Ukraine.
Aleksey Shishin armdkny • 14 hours ago
Bloomerg just points on what do they speak. It is clear Ukrainian authorities are corruptive and unefficient evil liers.
BunnynSunny - Verax armdkny • 13 hours ago
Bloomie's is the mouthpiece of the Kiev Ministry of Hate and Lies. Its motto to its readers should be "Ignorance is strength."
Виталий Татаринцев armdkny • 14 hours ago
Bloomberg has many clowns in their East-European middle-office)
rick08 • 18 hours ago
Watching the EU deciding how and if to confront Putin, one is too easily reminded of Chamberlain and Hitler where Chamberlain lacked the guts and will to take a hard forceful position with Hitler. Instead Hitler was encouraged to invade Poland thus launching WW II and the resulting carnage. The EU lacks courage and foresight and would prefer to stick their heads under their pillows and hope whatever Putin does will not affect their particular interests, or if things really get bad, the US will ride to their rescue - once again!
Rob Brown rick08 • 17 hours ago
I think you may be right about this but I hope EU leadership have learned from the past.
The time has come to end all EU and American trade with Russia.
Doryphore Rob Brown • 13 hours ago
Sadly, I don't think EU has learned from history.
Rob Brown Doryphore • 13 hours ago
I guess we will see how this turns out in due course. So far, the EU has been especially cautious but they have sent a united message, weak as it may be, to Putin.
Now that Merkel is on board, Germany will add a lot more weight in the direction of more powerful sanctions. I tell you, I would not want to be on her bad side. I think she is the most powerful politician in this whole situation.
Pretty soon, the Russian trolls will be trying to sell us on how she is selling out the Baltic States or some other bit of disinformation nonsense.
Rodolfo Plancarte Rob Brown • 13 hours ago
Interesting on your statement about Merkel. Thanks for pointing that out.
Rob Brown Rodolfo Plancarte • 12 hours ago
Look at the photo of Merkel in yesterday's Assocaited Press article:
She looks deadly. I would do as she says I should do.
Doryphore rick08 • 13 hours ago
You are very much right. EU does not want to stand up to Putin. They like cheap/convenient gas and oil. They also know if anything goes wrong, the US will be there again to fight for them. They need to deal with their own issues.
AnalyticalThinker • 19 hours ago
This foreign policy blunder should prove itself a spectacular failure when the populous of the EU, are hungry, broke, jobless, AND COLD. When internal dissension reaches new highs, there will be greater state threats forming inside their own borders...
Rob Brown AnalyticalThinker • 19 hours ago
As you read the comment above from AnalyticalThinker, are you willing to be degraded by Russian trolls who work for Putin? It is time to end all trade with Russia.
Keith_Fenton • 13 hours ago
Mr. Putin is an enemy of all 'open societies.'
Виталий Татаринцев Keith_Fenton • 13 hours ago
Maybe. ISIS sponsors, Albanian and Ukrainian allies.
ロシア側が負けているのが判る?は、は、は 伊勢平次郎
「米国株の推薦」をメールで提供します。そうですね、一ヶ月、二千円でどうでしょうか?退会も自由ですよ。まずは、メールをください。[email protected] 伊勢平次郎
09/12 | |
米国株の推薦メール |
毎日、メールで情報を提供します。そうですね、一ヶ月、二千円でどうでしょうか?退会も自由ですよ。まずは、メールをください。[email protected] 伊勢平次郎
09/12 | |
保全経済会事件も知らない日本の大衆 |
それでは、「米国株の推薦」をご期待ください。伊勢平次郎 ルイジアナ
09/11 | |
ゴールドのゆくえ |
ゴールドは、$1100 オンスぐらいまで下がると伊勢は予想している。$1200を切った辺りから、少しずつ買う考えだ。そうだね、ポートフォリオ(PF)の2%ぐらいを買って~下がる度に同額買う。下がりきった辺りで、PFの10%ならセーフでしょう。伊勢平次郎
09/09 | |
日本は、CIAの飼い犬 |
CIA自身が収集した情報の他に、国家安全保障局、国家偵察局、国防省情報本部 (DIA)、各軍の情報部、財務省情報部、エネルギー省情報部といったアメリカ政府の情報機関から構成されるインテリジェンス・コミュニティーからの情報を集めて分析し、大統領と国家情報長官に報告する。
情報収集活動 - 情報機関として行う基本的な活動~アメリカ軍が関与する戦闘地域へ潜入しての軍事的情報の収集 ~直接CIA構成員が現地へ潜入して行うものの他、局に所属する無人偵察機を使用したものを含む。
*潜在的敵対国にとっての反政府組織やゲリラなどの人材・資金面での援助、育成 - 内戦発生地域における親米組織への援助はこれにあたる。
第二次世界大戦中の1942年に改組設立されたOffice of Strategic Services(OSS、戦略事務局)がCentral Intelligence Group(CIG、中央情報グループ)及びOffice of Political Coordination(OPC、政策調整局)を経て1947年に成立した国家安全保障法により改組され誕生した。
*職員数 - 約20,000人(はっきりした数字は定まらない。)
*国外ラジオ放送部 (FBIS)
2005年4月21日まで(ボーダー・J・ゴスの任期中)は長官はCIAだけでなく、アメリカのインテリジェンス・コミュニティーの統括役でもあったため、「局」の字がない“中央情報長官” (DCI; Director of Central Intelligence) と呼ばれていた。2005年4月21日以降は専属の“中央情報局長官” (DCIA; Director of the Central Intelligence Agency) となり、インテリジェンス・コミュニティーはアメリカ合衆国国家情報長官が統括している。
これはThe Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004(2004年の情報改革及びテロ予防法)により国家安全保障法が改正されたことを受けた措置である。副長官も、中央情報副長官DDCIがおり、通常は中将が任命される(もっともCIA本部で勤務するが)。CIAには副長官がおらず、次官だけ複数いる。例えば工作担当次官はDDO、情報担当次官はDDIなど。
なお、CIAの日々の業務はExective Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (EXDIR) が総括することとなっている(2004年4月時点での組織図では、CIA長官のDeputyとしてDDCI、EXDIRのDeputyとしてD/EXDIRが記載されている)。
日本は核を持たない限りは、アメリカの属国なのである。ま、それでもいいか、、核以外では独立しているんだからね。だが、CIAは日本の内政にも関与して来た。「はいはい」とご主人さまに従順だったのは保守なのだ。その中でも優等生は岸信介だろう。岸信介は、正力松太郎などとともに中央情報局(CIA)から資金提供を受けていたとされる。2007年に米国務省が日本を反共の砦とするべく岸信介内閣、池田勇人内閣および旧社会党右派を通じ、秘密資金を提供し秘密工作を行い日本政界に対し内政干渉していたことを公式に認めている。第61 - 63代内閣総理大臣佐藤栄作は実弟、第90・第96代内閣総理大臣安倍晋三は外孫である。 伊勢平次郎
09/08 | |
やりたいことをやれ! |
先着50名さまに、月額1000円 X 12ヶ月分=12、000円で、月火水木金 X 52週(240日)のニュース~その分析~伊勢爺が売買した銘柄と結果を知らせます。一年の授業料が、1万2千円だと思ってください。この50名さまは未来永劫、年額1万2千円とします。後の会員料金は、月額1500円 X 12ヶ月=18、000円です。日本の米国株を扱う証券会社も知らせます。この会員限定のサイトは、会員が一人でも、その日を以って開始します。下記の銀行及び郵貯口座へ振り込んでください。そして、質問は、メールで下さい。[email protected] 伊勢平次郎
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
(bloomberg 9.8.14) Honda Motor Co. (7267) Japan’s No. 3 automaker, plans to cut capital outlays 10 percent this fiscal year, while NTT Docomo Inc. (9437), the nation’s largest mobile-phone carrier by subscribers, forecasts spending will drop about 2 percent. Capital expenditure growth by non-financial companies will slow on aggregate to 1.3 percent next fiscal year from an estimate of 7.9 percent this year, according to a Moody’s Investors Service study of rated companies.
For the quarter, private inventory added 1.4 percentage points to GDP from the previous three months, more than the 1 percent initially estimated.
Japan’s surplus in its widest measure of trade narrowed 30.6 percent from a year earlier in July, underlining headwinds to the economy. The 416.7 billion yen surplus in the current account was smaller than a median estimate of 444.2 billion yen in a survey of 27 economists by Bloomberg.
The economic weakness followed a surge in growth in the three months through March when consumers and companies rushed to make purchases before the tax rose to 8 percent from 5 percent.
09/05 | |
日本は北欧型に向かう? |
2014年09月05日 13時12分
2014年09月05日 13時12分 読売新聞
金子 秀章 · 文化放送キャリアパートナーズ お客様担当部長
返信 · · 8月20日 0:14
Tsutomu Harigaya · 東京都 北区
返信 · · 3 · 1月1日 21:33
石井 敏宏 · トップコメント投稿者 · 館山市議会 議員
返信 · · 2013年12月25日 7:56
Makoto Morita
返信 · · 1 · 2013年9月14日 4:34
佐藤 大 · 勤務先: 不動産関連企業
返信 · · 2013年8月10日 6:16
先着50名さまに、月額1000円 X 12ヶ月分=12、000円で、月火水木金 X 52週(240日)のニュース~その分析~伊勢爺が売買した銘柄と結果を知らせます。一年の授業料が、1万2千円だと思ってください。この50名さまは未来永劫、年額1万2千円とします。後の会員料金は、月額1500円 X 12ヶ月=18、000円です。日本の米国株を扱う証券会社も知らせます。この会員限定のサイトは、会員が一人でも、その日を以って開始します。下記の銀行及び郵貯口座へ振り込んでください。そして、質問は、メールで下さい。[email protected] 伊勢平次郎
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
2014年09月05日 13時12分
2014年09月05日 13時12分 読売新聞
金子 秀章 · 文化放送キャリアパートナーズ お客様担当部長
返信 · · 8月20日 0:14
Tsutomu Harigaya · 東京都 北区
返信 · · 3 · 1月1日 21:33
石井 敏宏 · トップコメント投稿者 · 館山市議会 議員
返信 · · 2013年12月25日 7:56
Makoto Morita
返信 · · 1 · 2013年9月14日 4:34
佐藤 大 · 勤務先: 不動産関連企業
返信 · · 2013年8月10日 6:16
先着50名さまに、月額1000円 X 12ヶ月分=12、000円で、月火水木金 X 52週(240日)のニュース~その分析~伊勢爺が売買した銘柄と結果を知らせます。一年の授業料が、1万2千円だと思ってください。この50名さまは未来永劫、年額1万2千円とします。後の会員料金は、月額1500円 X 12ヶ月=18、000円です。日本の米国株を扱う証券会社も知らせます。この会員限定のサイトは、会員が一人でも、その日を以って開始します。下記の銀行及び郵貯口座へ振り込んでください。そして、質問は、メールで下さい。[email protected] 伊勢平次郎
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/05 | |
伊勢爺さんのクチ喧嘩 |
Iseheijiro comment on Bloomberg
Pure propaganda ~ proxy war ~blaming game,,,
Iseheijiro • 15 hours ago
1945 august 9th Soviet broke neutrality pact with Japan, 1.6 million Russians invaded Manchuria from the east, attacked "tiger's head" fortress, killed 2800 Japanese which women children who ran into the fortress included. The Russians moved to Changchun raped Japanese women with group. The Russian military stayed about 2 years in Manchuria to dismantle all factories, electric power stations, railroads, airfield,,They took everything includes toilets. 66,000 Japanese were taken to Siberia labor camps and only 32,000 returned home. Soviet violated Geneva treaty completely. When soviet collapsed Yeltsin apologized for "inhuman" act to Japan. He needed $10 billion to rebuild new Russia promising return of the islands. He got that $10 billion from my country Japan. Of course Putin broke that promise. Putin is no difference from Joseph Stalin who took our northern islands which was approved by Roosevelt at Potsdam. So the Japanese does not trust either America or Russia on Ukraine unrest. However we stay as ally to US until we get our nuclear war heads.
Alenas Kvasninas Iseheijiro • 13 hours ago
"1945 august 9th Soviet broke neutrality pact with Japan, 1.6 million Russians invaded Manchuria from the east, attacked "tiger's head" fortress, killed 2800 Japanese which women children who ran into the fortress included. The Russians moved to Changchun raped Japanese women with group......66,000 Japanese were taken to Siberia labor camps and only 32,000 returned home."
That would be Manchuria i.e China that Japan had been occupying and butchering the Chinese for a number of years. How many civilians did the Japanese kill in China and the rest of SE Asia?
It is awful how Japanese prisoners of war were treated, when the Japanese are famous for how well they treated allied prisoners of war during WW2. How many was it that they tortured and killed again?
Iseheijiro Alenas Kvasninas • 10 hours ago
You are Ignorant man. The Xinhai Revolution, also known as the Revolution of 1911 or the Chinese Revolution, was a revolution that overthrew China's last imperial dynasty; the Qing dynasty, and established the Republic of China. Neither Qing dynasty or the republic of China (1912) did not rule Manchurian territory. Based on the Lytton Report, League of Nations approved that Manchu Kuo built by Japanese Kandon army an independent state even though Kandon Army blew up s.o.b Chang Tso-lin the Manchurian warlord. Famous? You are mixing the Siberia labor camp in which Russians kept Japanese for 11 years, did not feed them to death and POW who were released right after the Pacific war ended. No western POW were killed nor starved to death. Japanese are civil not Russians. We did not keep the Russian prisoners during Japanese –Russo war 1905. Take no prisoners! Russians lost miserably.
Alenas Kvasninas • 10 hours ago
See? That is how a Japanese has been educated about WII "facts"...
Need we say more...
Iseheijiro mikewang1975 • 9 hours ago
No one in the world trusts Chinese. Chinese are liar by nature. They are born thieves. Don't eat any food produced in China. MacDonald suffered from Shanghai Happy Foods.
Iseheijiro Keith_Fenton • 2 days ago
No I am not in sympathy with IS, rather want to kill them all. Emotion won't win this war but calculation. You have no allies this time not even British will send troops.
Orleans Iseheijiro • 2 days ago
And ISIS will not attack if we leave them alone? Are you incredibly naive?
Iseheijiro Orleans • 2 days ago
Why do you go to war which you don't win? You are one of the Americans who do not listen and understand.
Orleans Ieheijiro • 2 days ago
They will not leave us alone, no matter what we do or don't do. You are a non -American who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Iseheijiro Orleans • a day ago
American knows more than non-American? Have you ever travel to Middle East? I did all of them and North Africa last year as a journalist.
Ieheijiro • a day ago
Americans do not listen until they lose their country which is only 238 years old. You have no allies on this war not as you did have at Gulf war. Not only Obama but George Bush 2 was bad president. Whoever supports invasion to Syria is ignorant. IS will attack American cities just as Bin Laden did 911, you forgot?
rmdyyc Iseheijiro • a day ago
Right. Because the rest of the world supports ISIS? What planet are you from. Ask yourself why European countries want to stop Muslim immigration. More like the islamic world has no allies.
Keith_Fenton Ieheijiro • a day ago
Are you in sympathy with ISIS?
Ieheijiro Keith_Fenton • 20 hours ago
No I am not in sympathy with IS, rather want to kill them all. Emotion won't win this war but calculation. You have no allies this time not even British will send troops.
Orleans Iseheijiro • 26 minutes ago
. “If genuine, we are appalled by the brutal murder of an innocent American journalist, and we express our deepest condolences to his family and friends.”
Yeah? How about the 220,000 innocent women, children and elders killed by a-bombs in Hiroshima/Nagasaki? No deepest condolences? That's why Japan is never your allies and friends.
Karthik Kumar Issy Wise • 8 hours ago
U.S. debt alone more than $17T where as RF debt is less than $1T
Iseheijiro Karthik Kumar • 24 minutes ago
Nobody wants to lend money to Russians. That's why.
frombrussels Iseheijiro • 2 hours ago
Let me remind you, in case you forgot, that USA nuked the sh*t out of your country ! Did you forget or forgave them already? Sho gun became extinct ?
Iseheijiro frombrussels • 31 minutes ago
No we are not forgiving US for the two atomic bombs. Us and Japan are military and economic allies. The bombs you mentioned has nothing to do our alliances. Also, its not your business!
Iseheijiro Issy Wise • 7 hours ago
I just told my wife that West has large financial superiority and technology advantage to Putin's Russia. I am a Japanese live in US and I assure you my friends we the Japanese are supporting US and NATO. We win!
Issy Wise Iseheijiro • 7 hours ago
Ironic isn't it? Russia (GDP $2T) is attempting to parlay its nuclear status into getting the EU and the US (combined GDPs $34T) into accepting the precedent that it can territoriality expand by force.
The Russians don't realize that abandoning the principle of no territorial expansion by force that prevailed in Europe since WWII is precedent setting. If Russia can do it, why not other nuclear powers?
It is the same situation as always, dictators believing their oppression of their own masses make them superior in will to democracies. Russia has to be stopped or we a have to accept a new world order where being nuclear insulates a nation from any restraining pressure to abide with borders.
It's Munich all over for the West. Either stop him now or he'll get up a head of steam and be real hard to stop.
jacob stanley’s comment is in reply to Iseheijiro:
(Iseheijiro) You lost! That matters!
jacob stanley
Iseheijiro • a day ago
NATO of the 28 members Countries two are located in North America (Canada and the United States) and 25 are European countries while Turkey is in Eurasia. All members have military, although Iceland does not have a typical army (it does, however, have a military coast guard and a small unit of soldiers for NATO operations). Three of NATO's members are nuclear weapons states: France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. NATO has 12 original founding member nation states and through April 2009 it has added 16 more member nations. And this large modern military vs. primitive Russian military?
Alenas Kvasninas Iseheijiro • a day ago
The primitive Russian military with its large number of ICBMs... yes such a very good idea for everybody that would be
acob stanley Ieheijiro • a day ago
i'm sorry I missed the part where Nato is at war with Russia? r u from the future?
Iseheijiro jacob stanley • a day ago
Russia lost Kosovo. Yugoslavia was a part of soviet. Never heard of it? You are an ignorant!
jacob stanley Iseheijiro • a day ago
u r Euro Trash, we remember Nato murdering innocent civilians in Yugoslavia, u must have selective memory
Iseheijiro jacob stanley • a day ago
You lost! That matters!
Shawn Moan Ieheijiro • 4 days ago
Say no more.. Our Pentagon is filled with Incompetent high school graduates who couldn't make it in the real world.. So they chose the military....
Bishadi Ieheijiro • 4 days ago
Retired perhaps for being obsolete.
Charles Mitchell Iseheijiro • 4 days ago
wow. crazy that a colonel would call for more troops. have you ever met a retired Vet who DIDN'T call for more war?
Iseheijiro Charles Mitchell • 4 days ago
You are too dumb to discuss serious matter. First, civilian control, administration, congress, committees to discuss and decide whether we send more troops or not. Throwing an opinion as you tells me you are not a good American. Maybe you are not American.
Iseheijiro Ron M • 4 days ago
Ron, I was against Bush 2 war 2003. He lied to Americans, took us to war. However, we are where we are. We are responsible for rebuilding Iraq. ISIS can be destroyed. They are only 10,000 primitive fighters. No match to our well trained professional military. We don't stay out of Iraq until Iraq gets on their foot.
Iseheijiro • 6 days ago
Hundreds of comments. What I understand is that sanctions have been working quite well. This is not physical war but financial war in which West has kept winning because Putin has no financial power. Russian bonds, rubles, Micex kept falling that tells me that sanctions are hurting Putin and his followers. Good! shutdown SWIFT.
Bubba2000 • 7 days ago
If pushed Japan could build a world class blue water navy, air force, etc like they did before and during WWII. They have the technology, organization and discipline to do it. Yes, they are a small country, but they did defeat Imperial Russia in 1905 and gave us a hard time during WWII. Defeated the Mongols, but weather helped. Worse, would be Japan going nuclear.
Iseheijiro Bubba2000 • 7 days ago
Mr. Bubba2000 Actually there's voices in the US Congress regarding nuclear Japan. Colin Powell and Armitage told Japan its up to Japanese people. There are no discussion in Japanese government. Abe promised no nukes at Hiroshima this month However, there is consensus among the top military ranks. When Japanese islands attacked by PLA, Japan will turn to nuclear nation so fast.
emmseff • 6 days ago
Bravo Japan and not a moment too soon. China just can't shake their victim's syndrome and inferiority complex which makes them bent on revenge. A dangerous, belligerent threat which must be met with force - sadly the only language the CCP understands. A formidable, well-armed Japan will insure peace and stability for itself and the region.
kyrifles • 6 days ago
Meanwhile, China is spending 3x as much. The Japanese are still asleep at the switch. They had better hope the US-Japan Mutual Defense Treaty is worth the paper it's written on.
Francis • 7 days ago
I think the chinese would be scared if they didn't about three times this amount per year, and have an offensively capable military
JDL51 Francis • 7 days ago
They might not be scared but they're not very smart. As we speak, every country on their borders is making defense arrangements with everyone else because China, like Russia, is trying to expand its empire at their neighbors' expense.
Iseheijiro JDL51 • 7 days ago
China will be destroyed miserably. I guarantee.
ww20815 Ieheijiro • 6 days ago
How? Please explain your strategy.
Iseheijiro WhatDidYouSay • 6 days ago
Japan & US together have over 80 PC3 & PC8 which PLC does not have. We also have small subs which PLC does not know where they are because they are so quiet. Most of them are in the South China sea near Hainan island. China will lose the battle miserably.
Francisco garyoptica • 6 days ago
The problem is that the Gas will not be stolen from Russia, but from EUROPE. Do U get that?
rob Francisco • 4 days ago
Ya. Its just like Putin to think that Ukraine would do something like that to the EU. Maybe that is what he is hoping for. Turn the EU against Ukraine for stealing EU gas esp. when EU is trying to help Ukraine with sanctions. A snake is always a snake.
Iseheijiro garyoptica • 6 days ago
Ukraine can siphon off the stinking gas and not pay outstanding bill because Putin has severed Crimea off Ukraine, killed Ukrainian for not pay bills. Go ahead siphon the Putin's gas now!
Francisco Iseheijiro • 6 days ago
IT will not be Putin, it would be the European Gas!!! Europe must be TOTALLY INSANE to support the likes of this...
Iseheijiro Francisco • 5 days ago
Why don't you shut down your stinking gas and see what happens. Russia will be ousted from trade forever. We don't need you.
rob Ieheijiro • 4 days ago
Russia has over 10million bbl/day of much needed black gold. If the world looses that much oil...it could devastate.
Iseheijiro rob • 3 days ago
Russians can drink it. Taste like soda pop.
rob Iseheijiro • 3 days ago
An expensive soda pop. Just so they don't drink it with coal ... it may upset their stomachs.
Mohammed Chawla Guest • 6 days ago
A nation with major exports of vodka, guns, contract killings and prostitution.
Gail Mohammed Chawla • 6 days ago
Ieheijiro Gail • 6 days ago
I have to agree with Mohammed. Russia does not make anything but misery. Are Russian prostitutes good? I want to try one.
Iseheijiro • 6 days ago
Putin is a punk. He is not ruling Russia with iron fist as Stalin did. Give some nukes to Ukraine to shut up Putin and his followers.
DeltaV Iseheijiro • 6 days ago
While it is true that Putin has ensured that Russian per capita wealth is only 1/2 that of China, he is definitely not a punk. He is merely monstrously incompetent and immoral. It is funny that in the Free World the argument is about equality and in particular why the top 1% have received all of the benefit of the recent "recovery". In Russia, the current epicenter of the Slave World, the top 0.1% have received all benefits, in every way imaginable, for far longer due to Putin's influence.
More recently, Putin has decided to ignore the territorial integrity of other nations. Ukraine and Georgia should be brought into NATO as full members immediately, as there is no longer any reason to respect the concerns of the outlaw terrorist Russia.
Iseheijiro • 7 days ago
Xi Jinpin is the last Emperor for CCP. The world forgets this moron so fast.
mysaug Ieheijiro • 7 days ago
yes, long live Taiwan as independent free China.
Ieheijiro mysaug • 7 days ago
I support Taiwan from the bottom of my heart. They are richer, stronger and smarter than Japan my country. We are brothers and sisters.
Be Way Iseheijiro • 7 days ago
Another silly lie again. President Xi may be the first President to get the honor to see China claiming back the NO 1 economic power of the world where China reigned for 18 out of 20 centuries.
remied Be Way • 7 days ago
Haha thats funny, you should get into comedy. More like China been stealing and copying technology, making up history; overall being sneaky for 20 out of 20 centuries. Your statement support it.
Be Way remied • 5 days ago
Stealing? When China was one of the most prosperous nation on earth, the warmonger U.S doesn't exist at all and Europe was still under the dark continent where barbarism and cannibalism ruled the land. So copy from who?
remied Be Way • 4 days ago
am a Chinese working as a China analyst at a think tank. It is becoming more and more apparent to many people, that the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) knows it is on its last straw of survival.
The party is facing severe and endlessly increasing systematic stress on all fronts:
1. Increasing external oppositions from all other countries in the world including all of China's neighbors. They are forming more and more alliances and becoming more outspoken with rising strengths against China, in addition to increasing anti-China sentiment from people in all other countries. Many countries including Canada and Australia and U.S. have just tightened their immigration policy to prevent Chinese from entering their countries. Even on these casual internet message boards, when you look past the paid Chinese propaganda professional commenters, you notice rising general anti-China feelings from all over the world.
2. Increasing internal severe and massive violent social unrest and anti-CCP mutiny from people of all Chinese living places. To beat down internal dissent in mainland China, the CCP every year is forced to spend even more money than on its massive military budget. All the semi-external places (Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, Macau) are fighting harder and harder to break free from China. Taiwan is for all practical purposes already a separate democratic country, with its own army specificly trained to fight the PLA, and anti-China sentiment there (especially among younger Taiwanese generation) is at all-time high after seeing how China violently suppress Hong Kong as an example of "reunification". This whole situation is continuously worsened by the free flow of information, with Chinese people knowing more and more from travelling abroad and learning about truths from jumping beyond the "Great Fire Wall" on the internet.
3. Its own economy and social system never able to advance to higher level beyond mass skill-less manufacturing, due to complete absence of law and common morals. High technology and innovations and scientific development all require many citizens working together voluntarily contributing long term in a system they trust, with things like rule of law, no censorship on knowledge, no restrictions on speech and expression, copyrights, open minds, patents, common morals when collaborating and trading with each other etc. These qualities are all destroyed in modern China by the CCP. When was the last time you heard an announcement of technology development or innovations or scientific breakthrough coming from a Chinese organization / company / university? You haven't because there ain't any. Unlike mass manufacturing factory work, high level human developments cannot be forced by or bought with a dictator's central planning. The only way contemporary China gets these things is from stealing and spying from all other countries e.g. secretly installing spywares in foreign executives' electronic devices when they enter China, but that has become much more difficult since the whole world has caught on to their act.
This systematic fatal flaw is why you do not see even one Chinese brand or company that can compete in the international market in any industry of the human race. For example Lenovo, who is already one of the few Chinese brands some people may have heard of, cannot make either the chips that power their computers or the operating system that run them, so it is just one of many plain vanilla boxmakers without any competitive advantage offering only cheap price. Another example Huawei is blacklisted by many countries and international customers because everyone knows Huawei's products send all communication data back to the CCP. This CCP weakness is also why China cannot produce even one home-grown science Nobel Prize winner in its history, nor one famous business guru, nor one cultural figure, not even a third rate national soccer team. No rule of law in China also means no people or businesses, both Chinese and foreign, ever invest in China long-term or on a large scale because everything frequently change on a whim along with the political climate. No one trusts any contract or agreement in China because they are always broken by the Chinese and there is no legal protection whatsoever, meaning China can never advance to a knowledge economy or service economy. Your business can be taken from you any second by the military police working for someone with "guanxi". No rule of law also ensures Shanghai fail to become a financial city despite the CCP dumping huge resources into it for 30 years.
4. China's mass skill-less manufacturing itself is going away to other countries due to sharply increasing costs and openly hostile and unfair business environment full of frauds and sanctioned protectionism and government robberies. The labor force is endlessly more demanding in wages and benefits expectations and working conditions, especially since all of today's Chinese workers are single child used to coddling and indulgement by their own family. It is further worsened by the rise of robotic automatic manufacturing and 3D printing. This situation is a death knock to the "growth-based legitimacy" of the CCP, which is the only thing CCP can rely on for continuing ruling power. For sure Chinese people tolerate or even "like" the CCP when the economy seemingly explodes, but when one day it crashes and the country's hopeless bad shape hit them in the face the people's "support" for the CCP will turn on a dime.
Since six months ago, all the major economic indicators for China have gone on a continuing nosedive - including manufacturing orders, export volume, commercial investments, graduate employment rate, corporate credits, foreign capital inflow, domestic consumptions, real estate prices, consumer spendings, luxury goods demand, HSBC Service PMI, survey of business sentiments etc. Suddenly all the rich Chinese tourists gobbling up luxury goods at different world cities seem to have disappeared altogether. The CCP is on its last resort of printing literally trillions of worthless renminbi to dump into massive failing and zero ROI "state projects" that only enrich corrupted CCP officials. China's huge multi-year increase of M2 money supply (it is afraid to publish the figures citing "national security") causes way more long-term harm on itself than short-term help, and when that is over there is nothing else the CCP can do to prop up the failing economy. China currently ranks 82nd on GDP per capita and that is the highest it can go before falling sharply in the coming near future.
5. Fierce unstoppable purges and mutually-destructive infighting among different factions within the party, who are imprisoning and killing each other every day. This power grab goes on under the laughable thin guise of "anti-corruption drive" when everyone knows all officials in china are corrupted. No work to manage the country or guide the ship is being done while this is going on.
6. Its many previously-suppressed fatal problems have all grown too big to be contained all catching up to the CCP e.g.
- severe carcinogenic poisonous pollution everywhere in air and water and soil and their own food etc, with the WHO issuing multiple warnings on Chinese population having the fastest cancer growth rate in the whole world
- skyrocketing unrepayable bad debts of all kinds everywhere, its true scope no one on Earth knows because all data from China are faked
- biggest housing bubble in human history, in addition to innumerous crumbling "ghost cities" and shoddily-built vanity project "GDP-creating" infrastructure that cannot and will not be used
- rapidly aging demographics with a 140:100 male:female ratio (from one child policy, culture of "leftover women", and many Chinese families killing their own daughters so as to chase boys)
- world's no.1 wealth inequality, with a Gini coefficient rivaling 18th century France just before the French revolution
- complete absence of soft power / cultural influence / social attraction, partly due to CCP censorship. One result of which is minimal and sharply dwindling number of foreign professionals and tourists and students going to China. It also means the CCP only has force as the only tool to use on the international stage
- all Chinese chasing foreign-brand goods and services while ditching low-quality Chinese-brands, who have a well known history of poisoning their own food and their own baby formula so as to make more money. This dashs CCP's hope to build indigenous industries and a domestic consumption economy
- corruptions and fraud throughout the whole rotten core of a system
- desperate mass exodus at all levels of Chinese society to escape the country using emigration or buying houses / study abroad or marriage to foreigners or plain old human smuggling, resulting in all able Chinese leaving taking huge amounts of talents and money out of the country
- the law of large numbers, "middle-income trap", "Minsky moment", "Lewis inflection point" all work against the growth-based legitimacy CCP desperately needs for its survival
Most importantly, the CCP knows that if 1.4 billion Chinese learn about basic human qualities such as morals, truth, justice, human rights, rule of law, fairness, freedom, universal values etc the CCP will be toppled very quickly. Therefore its state-controlled brainwashing education and propaganda machinations ensure a complete lack of morals and regard for laws in all Chinese growing up and beyond. Coupled with the fact that Chinese do not work well together, this results in failure in all basic aspects of human interactions with every modern Chinese, whether it is business trading / personal dealings / technology development / creating innovations / human communications / scientific research / artistic expressions / teamwork collaborations / academic exchange etc. Another propaganda brainwashing technique used by the CCP is to make all Chinese people pathologically nationalistic and very emotional on this issue, so the CCP can always create and point to some "foreign enemies" so as to hide all the domestic crises and government robberies going on. This attention-diverting technique is the same trick magicians have used for more than a thousand years to fool their audience.
An interesting example would be the Chinese reaction to this report - they are expected to dismiss this report as total rubbish, accuse the author "unpatriotic" for saying the truth, shout China will only become richer and stronger than all other countries, yet they will give no counter-arguments and they will make no acknowledgement to the horrible factual conditions and complete lack of basic human qualities listed above in modern China. Ironically, the longer Chinese people deny or refuse to acknowledge the CCP problem, the longer they are only digging themselves into the hole and hurting themselves for any chance of recovery, causing the chinese economy to crash even further. Consider the example of Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Youtube, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram etc - these services are all completely banned in China while at the same time the rest of the planet are on these services every second communicating ideas with each other, making friends, exchanging knowledge, doing business, working together, improving science and technology and arts, and advancing humanity.
Some people say China economically developed a lot in past 20 years, but the truth is this "development" is actually debt borrowed against the future. After the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre of their own students, in order to survive and hang on to power, the CCP was forced to pursue short-term explosive economic growth that sacrifice everything else, including a foundation or potential for long-term economic and social development. This "scorched earth" policy is like winning the lottery for corrupted CCP officials who can rob a lot of money from the country in the short-term before escaping to America. The only entity left to suffer is China's future from this point on, a country that has been turned by the CCP into a place with no law, no morals, no system for future scientific or economic or social development, no spiritual support apart from money, no trust or cooperation among Chinese, no trust or goodwill from foreigners, no other country as friends, all resources sold away cheaply, entire environment and air and water and soil and food fatally polluted, only social recognition is to make a lot of money for "face", no creativity or personal development for Chinese young people, a populus not allowed to know the truths and not allowed to say the truths.
The end result is that majority wealth of this "debt borrowed against the future" has gone to the 0.0000001% elite ruling class "princeling" CCP families (about 250 of them) who have already smuggled trillions of dollars abroad along with their U.S. passports and their own children (all Chinese elites and Politburo members hold foreign passports, with U.S. and U.K. being the most sought after choice). For the CCP in 1989, 1.4 billion people is great central-planning asset when the country start from nothing and you order them to do backbreaking mass manufacturing repetitive factory work 20 hours a day without workers protection of any kind. But in the 2014 borderless knowledge economy when that no longer works, 1.4 billion immoral and uncooperative and selfish and undeveloped and angry Chinese contained in a lawless system without any hopes of growth is very, very dangerous liability for the CCP.
All debts against the future have to be paid back - China is no exception. That moment may arrive a bit later than expected but it surely will come, as it has on 100% of occasions in human history. In normal countries bad conditions correct themselves with short periods of market ups and downs, but in China the CCP suppress all problems and criticisms until inevitable system meltdown. For China the moment has arrived to suffer the consequences for all its own chosen actions in past 30 years. All the festering fundamental systematic problems listed above and much more, are only getting worse and worse everyday until one day when the system can suddenly no longer bear.
Think USSR in 1989.
( Cliff notes summary for the smartphone generation with ADD, ADHD and Asperger's:
- The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) signed a deal with the devil to pursue miraculous short-term economic growth
- Miraculous short-term economic growth has been achieved, now China has hit the wall on its path of no return, many bad conditions have caught up
- CCP cannot go on externally, it cannot go on internally, economy has no way to go but greatly down, many fatal cancers and huge structural problems from the past now overwhelming the country
- Something has to break, what happens is anyone's guess, guaranteed to greatly impact China and the world )
Iseheijiro nyse777 • 7 days ago
We the Japanese are with you. West will provide anything you people need. Gas, oil, food, cash. You can shut the Putin's monkey pipelines anytime you want.
Ilya R Ieheijiro • 7 days ago
Chinese will whip your asses pretty soon.
Iseheijiro • 7 days ago
It does not matter who is right or wrong. Russia will lose miserably again,again and again.
Not Important Iseheijiro • 7 days ago
exactly... people don't understand that right or wrong do not matter on international level when we're talking about war. I believe ww 1 and 2 have taught us that both sides were wrong on some levels, and the fact that Germany lost which is why they were labeled as the aggressor. if they had won, they would have been labeled as suppressed by france and england.... It's winner takes all in these type of games.
Iseheijiro • 9 days ago
Japanese does not trust Putin Neither Obama. Putin is not as good liar as Obama. Russians are primitive so to speak. US and Russia have not changed from the time Roosevelt the big liar and Stalin the primitive ganged up against Japan. Japanese are no longer naive. We get nukes eventually.
Iseheijiro • 10 days ago
I personally don't believe there will be a war between West and Russia. This is a border skirmish. Putin has a big ego and he is fighting for it. In-matured man. Islamist State is not threat to US unless Obama pokes the snake pit. Air strike Syria?Obama is pretty in-matured too. The imminent threat is to Iraq. Sunni invites IS from Syria, kill Kurdish and kill Shiite to grab oil field. When Bush 1 and 2 started wars against Hussein, US lost the war. Only US gained is debt, a big one.
みなさん、ロシア人も、チャイニーズも「論争」に負けていることが判りますか?これさ、伊勢爺の頭の運動なんだよ。は、は、は 伊勢平次郎
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1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
Pure propaganda ~ proxy war ~blaming game,,,
Iseheijiro • 15 hours ago
1945 august 9th Soviet broke neutrality pact with Japan, 1.6 million Russians invaded Manchuria from the east, attacked "tiger's head" fortress, killed 2800 Japanese which women children who ran into the fortress included. The Russians moved to Changchun raped Japanese women with group. The Russian military stayed about 2 years in Manchuria to dismantle all factories, electric power stations, railroads, airfield,,They took everything includes toilets. 66,000 Japanese were taken to Siberia labor camps and only 32,000 returned home. Soviet violated Geneva treaty completely. When soviet collapsed Yeltsin apologized for "inhuman" act to Japan. He needed $10 billion to rebuild new Russia promising return of the islands. He got that $10 billion from my country Japan. Of course Putin broke that promise. Putin is no difference from Joseph Stalin who took our northern islands which was approved by Roosevelt at Potsdam. So the Japanese does not trust either America or Russia on Ukraine unrest. However we stay as ally to US until we get our nuclear war heads.
Alenas Kvasninas Iseheijiro • 13 hours ago
"1945 august 9th Soviet broke neutrality pact with Japan, 1.6 million Russians invaded Manchuria from the east, attacked "tiger's head" fortress, killed 2800 Japanese which women children who ran into the fortress included. The Russians moved to Changchun raped Japanese women with group......66,000 Japanese were taken to Siberia labor camps and only 32,000 returned home."
That would be Manchuria i.e China that Japan had been occupying and butchering the Chinese for a number of years. How many civilians did the Japanese kill in China and the rest of SE Asia?
It is awful how Japanese prisoners of war were treated, when the Japanese are famous for how well they treated allied prisoners of war during WW2. How many was it that they tortured and killed again?
Iseheijiro Alenas Kvasninas • 10 hours ago
You are Ignorant man. The Xinhai Revolution, also known as the Revolution of 1911 or the Chinese Revolution, was a revolution that overthrew China's last imperial dynasty; the Qing dynasty, and established the Republic of China. Neither Qing dynasty or the republic of China (1912) did not rule Manchurian territory. Based on the Lytton Report, League of Nations approved that Manchu Kuo built by Japanese Kandon army an independent state even though Kandon Army blew up s.o.b Chang Tso-lin the Manchurian warlord. Famous? You are mixing the Siberia labor camp in which Russians kept Japanese for 11 years, did not feed them to death and POW who were released right after the Pacific war ended. No western POW were killed nor starved to death. Japanese are civil not Russians. We did not keep the Russian prisoners during Japanese –Russo war 1905. Take no prisoners! Russians lost miserably.
Alenas Kvasninas • 10 hours ago
See? That is how a Japanese has been educated about WII "facts"...
Need we say more...
Iseheijiro mikewang1975 • 9 hours ago
No one in the world trusts Chinese. Chinese are liar by nature. They are born thieves. Don't eat any food produced in China. MacDonald suffered from Shanghai Happy Foods.
Iseheijiro Keith_Fenton • 2 days ago
No I am not in sympathy with IS, rather want to kill them all. Emotion won't win this war but calculation. You have no allies this time not even British will send troops.
Orleans Iseheijiro • 2 days ago
And ISIS will not attack if we leave them alone? Are you incredibly naive?
Iseheijiro Orleans • 2 days ago
Why do you go to war which you don't win? You are one of the Americans who do not listen and understand.
Orleans Ieheijiro • 2 days ago
They will not leave us alone, no matter what we do or don't do. You are a non -American who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Iseheijiro Orleans • a day ago
American knows more than non-American? Have you ever travel to Middle East? I did all of them and North Africa last year as a journalist.
Ieheijiro • a day ago
Americans do not listen until they lose their country which is only 238 years old. You have no allies on this war not as you did have at Gulf war. Not only Obama but George Bush 2 was bad president. Whoever supports invasion to Syria is ignorant. IS will attack American cities just as Bin Laden did 911, you forgot?
rmdyyc Iseheijiro • a day ago
Right. Because the rest of the world supports ISIS? What planet are you from. Ask yourself why European countries want to stop Muslim immigration. More like the islamic world has no allies.
Keith_Fenton Ieheijiro • a day ago
Are you in sympathy with ISIS?
Ieheijiro Keith_Fenton • 20 hours ago
No I am not in sympathy with IS, rather want to kill them all. Emotion won't win this war but calculation. You have no allies this time not even British will send troops.
Orleans Iseheijiro • 26 minutes ago
. “If genuine, we are appalled by the brutal murder of an innocent American journalist, and we express our deepest condolences to his family and friends.”
Yeah? How about the 220,000 innocent women, children and elders killed by a-bombs in Hiroshima/Nagasaki? No deepest condolences? That's why Japan is never your allies and friends.
Karthik Kumar Issy Wise • 8 hours ago
U.S. debt alone more than $17T where as RF debt is less than $1T
Iseheijiro Karthik Kumar • 24 minutes ago
Nobody wants to lend money to Russians. That's why.
frombrussels Iseheijiro • 2 hours ago
Let me remind you, in case you forgot, that USA nuked the sh*t out of your country ! Did you forget or forgave them already? Sho gun became extinct ?
Iseheijiro frombrussels • 31 minutes ago
No we are not forgiving US for the two atomic bombs. Us and Japan are military and economic allies. The bombs you mentioned has nothing to do our alliances. Also, its not your business!
Iseheijiro Issy Wise • 7 hours ago
I just told my wife that West has large financial superiority and technology advantage to Putin's Russia. I am a Japanese live in US and I assure you my friends we the Japanese are supporting US and NATO. We win!
Issy Wise Iseheijiro • 7 hours ago
Ironic isn't it? Russia (GDP $2T) is attempting to parlay its nuclear status into getting the EU and the US (combined GDPs $34T) into accepting the precedent that it can territoriality expand by force.
The Russians don't realize that abandoning the principle of no territorial expansion by force that prevailed in Europe since WWII is precedent setting. If Russia can do it, why not other nuclear powers?
It is the same situation as always, dictators believing their oppression of their own masses make them superior in will to democracies. Russia has to be stopped or we a have to accept a new world order where being nuclear insulates a nation from any restraining pressure to abide with borders.
It's Munich all over for the West. Either stop him now or he'll get up a head of steam and be real hard to stop.
jacob stanley’s comment is in reply to Iseheijiro:
(Iseheijiro) You lost! That matters!
jacob stanley
Iseheijiro • a day ago
NATO of the 28 members Countries two are located in North America (Canada and the United States) and 25 are European countries while Turkey is in Eurasia. All members have military, although Iceland does not have a typical army (it does, however, have a military coast guard and a small unit of soldiers for NATO operations). Three of NATO's members are nuclear weapons states: France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. NATO has 12 original founding member nation states and through April 2009 it has added 16 more member nations. And this large modern military vs. primitive Russian military?
Alenas Kvasninas Iseheijiro • a day ago
The primitive Russian military with its large number of ICBMs... yes such a very good idea for everybody that would be
acob stanley Ieheijiro • a day ago
i'm sorry I missed the part where Nato is at war with Russia? r u from the future?
Iseheijiro jacob stanley • a day ago
Russia lost Kosovo. Yugoslavia was a part of soviet. Never heard of it? You are an ignorant!
jacob stanley Iseheijiro • a day ago
u r Euro Trash, we remember Nato murdering innocent civilians in Yugoslavia, u must have selective memory
Iseheijiro jacob stanley • a day ago
You lost! That matters!
Shawn Moan Ieheijiro • 4 days ago
Say no more.. Our Pentagon is filled with Incompetent high school graduates who couldn't make it in the real world.. So they chose the military....
Bishadi Ieheijiro • 4 days ago
Retired perhaps for being obsolete.
Charles Mitchell Iseheijiro • 4 days ago
wow. crazy that a colonel would call for more troops. have you ever met a retired Vet who DIDN'T call for more war?
Iseheijiro Charles Mitchell • 4 days ago
You are too dumb to discuss serious matter. First, civilian control, administration, congress, committees to discuss and decide whether we send more troops or not. Throwing an opinion as you tells me you are not a good American. Maybe you are not American.
Iseheijiro Ron M • 4 days ago
Ron, I was against Bush 2 war 2003. He lied to Americans, took us to war. However, we are where we are. We are responsible for rebuilding Iraq. ISIS can be destroyed. They are only 10,000 primitive fighters. No match to our well trained professional military. We don't stay out of Iraq until Iraq gets on their foot.
Iseheijiro • 6 days ago
Hundreds of comments. What I understand is that sanctions have been working quite well. This is not physical war but financial war in which West has kept winning because Putin has no financial power. Russian bonds, rubles, Micex kept falling that tells me that sanctions are hurting Putin and his followers. Good! shutdown SWIFT.
Bubba2000 • 7 days ago
If pushed Japan could build a world class blue water navy, air force, etc like they did before and during WWII. They have the technology, organization and discipline to do it. Yes, they are a small country, but they did defeat Imperial Russia in 1905 and gave us a hard time during WWII. Defeated the Mongols, but weather helped. Worse, would be Japan going nuclear.
Iseheijiro Bubba2000 • 7 days ago
Mr. Bubba2000 Actually there's voices in the US Congress regarding nuclear Japan. Colin Powell and Armitage told Japan its up to Japanese people. There are no discussion in Japanese government. Abe promised no nukes at Hiroshima this month However, there is consensus among the top military ranks. When Japanese islands attacked by PLA, Japan will turn to nuclear nation so fast.
emmseff • 6 days ago
Bravo Japan and not a moment too soon. China just can't shake their victim's syndrome and inferiority complex which makes them bent on revenge. A dangerous, belligerent threat which must be met with force - sadly the only language the CCP understands. A formidable, well-armed Japan will insure peace and stability for itself and the region.
kyrifles • 6 days ago
Meanwhile, China is spending 3x as much. The Japanese are still asleep at the switch. They had better hope the US-Japan Mutual Defense Treaty is worth the paper it's written on.
Francis • 7 days ago
I think the chinese would be scared if they didn't about three times this amount per year, and have an offensively capable military
JDL51 Francis • 7 days ago
They might not be scared but they're not very smart. As we speak, every country on their borders is making defense arrangements with everyone else because China, like Russia, is trying to expand its empire at their neighbors' expense.
Iseheijiro JDL51 • 7 days ago
China will be destroyed miserably. I guarantee.
ww20815 Ieheijiro • 6 days ago
How? Please explain your strategy.
Iseheijiro WhatDidYouSay • 6 days ago
Japan & US together have over 80 PC3 & PC8 which PLC does not have. We also have small subs which PLC does not know where they are because they are so quiet. Most of them are in the South China sea near Hainan island. China will lose the battle miserably.
Francisco garyoptica • 6 days ago
The problem is that the Gas will not be stolen from Russia, but from EUROPE. Do U get that?
rob Francisco • 4 days ago
Ya. Its just like Putin to think that Ukraine would do something like that to the EU. Maybe that is what he is hoping for. Turn the EU against Ukraine for stealing EU gas esp. when EU is trying to help Ukraine with sanctions. A snake is always a snake.
Iseheijiro garyoptica • 6 days ago
Ukraine can siphon off the stinking gas and not pay outstanding bill because Putin has severed Crimea off Ukraine, killed Ukrainian for not pay bills. Go ahead siphon the Putin's gas now!
Francisco Iseheijiro • 6 days ago
IT will not be Putin, it would be the European Gas!!! Europe must be TOTALLY INSANE to support the likes of this...
Iseheijiro Francisco • 5 days ago
Why don't you shut down your stinking gas and see what happens. Russia will be ousted from trade forever. We don't need you.
rob Ieheijiro • 4 days ago
Russia has over 10million bbl/day of much needed black gold. If the world looses that much oil...it could devastate.
Iseheijiro rob • 3 days ago
Russians can drink it. Taste like soda pop.
rob Iseheijiro • 3 days ago
An expensive soda pop. Just so they don't drink it with coal ... it may upset their stomachs.
Mohammed Chawla Guest • 6 days ago
A nation with major exports of vodka, guns, contract killings and prostitution.
Gail Mohammed Chawla • 6 days ago
Ieheijiro Gail • 6 days ago
I have to agree with Mohammed. Russia does not make anything but misery. Are Russian prostitutes good? I want to try one.
Iseheijiro • 6 days ago
Putin is a punk. He is not ruling Russia with iron fist as Stalin did. Give some nukes to Ukraine to shut up Putin and his followers.
DeltaV Iseheijiro • 6 days ago
While it is true that Putin has ensured that Russian per capita wealth is only 1/2 that of China, he is definitely not a punk. He is merely monstrously incompetent and immoral. It is funny that in the Free World the argument is about equality and in particular why the top 1% have received all of the benefit of the recent "recovery". In Russia, the current epicenter of the Slave World, the top 0.1% have received all benefits, in every way imaginable, for far longer due to Putin's influence.
More recently, Putin has decided to ignore the territorial integrity of other nations. Ukraine and Georgia should be brought into NATO as full members immediately, as there is no longer any reason to respect the concerns of the outlaw terrorist Russia.
Iseheijiro • 7 days ago
Xi Jinpin is the last Emperor for CCP. The world forgets this moron so fast.
mysaug Ieheijiro • 7 days ago
yes, long live Taiwan as independent free China.
Ieheijiro mysaug • 7 days ago
I support Taiwan from the bottom of my heart. They are richer, stronger and smarter than Japan my country. We are brothers and sisters.
Be Way Iseheijiro • 7 days ago
Another silly lie again. President Xi may be the first President to get the honor to see China claiming back the NO 1 economic power of the world where China reigned for 18 out of 20 centuries.
remied Be Way • 7 days ago
Haha thats funny, you should get into comedy. More like China been stealing and copying technology, making up history; overall being sneaky for 20 out of 20 centuries. Your statement support it.
Be Way remied • 5 days ago
Stealing? When China was one of the most prosperous nation on earth, the warmonger U.S doesn't exist at all and Europe was still under the dark continent where barbarism and cannibalism ruled the land. So copy from who?
remied Be Way • 4 days ago
am a Chinese working as a China analyst at a think tank. It is becoming more and more apparent to many people, that the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) knows it is on its last straw of survival.
The party is facing severe and endlessly increasing systematic stress on all fronts:
1. Increasing external oppositions from all other countries in the world including all of China's neighbors. They are forming more and more alliances and becoming more outspoken with rising strengths against China, in addition to increasing anti-China sentiment from people in all other countries. Many countries including Canada and Australia and U.S. have just tightened their immigration policy to prevent Chinese from entering their countries. Even on these casual internet message boards, when you look past the paid Chinese propaganda professional commenters, you notice rising general anti-China feelings from all over the world.
2. Increasing internal severe and massive violent social unrest and anti-CCP mutiny from people of all Chinese living places. To beat down internal dissent in mainland China, the CCP every year is forced to spend even more money than on its massive military budget. All the semi-external places (Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, Macau) are fighting harder and harder to break free from China. Taiwan is for all practical purposes already a separate democratic country, with its own army specificly trained to fight the PLA, and anti-China sentiment there (especially among younger Taiwanese generation) is at all-time high after seeing how China violently suppress Hong Kong as an example of "reunification". This whole situation is continuously worsened by the free flow of information, with Chinese people knowing more and more from travelling abroad and learning about truths from jumping beyond the "Great Fire Wall" on the internet.
3. Its own economy and social system never able to advance to higher level beyond mass skill-less manufacturing, due to complete absence of law and common morals. High technology and innovations and scientific development all require many citizens working together voluntarily contributing long term in a system they trust, with things like rule of law, no censorship on knowledge, no restrictions on speech and expression, copyrights, open minds, patents, common morals when collaborating and trading with each other etc. These qualities are all destroyed in modern China by the CCP. When was the last time you heard an announcement of technology development or innovations or scientific breakthrough coming from a Chinese organization / company / university? You haven't because there ain't any. Unlike mass manufacturing factory work, high level human developments cannot be forced by or bought with a dictator's central planning. The only way contemporary China gets these things is from stealing and spying from all other countries e.g. secretly installing spywares in foreign executives' electronic devices when they enter China, but that has become much more difficult since the whole world has caught on to their act.
This systematic fatal flaw is why you do not see even one Chinese brand or company that can compete in the international market in any industry of the human race. For example Lenovo, who is already one of the few Chinese brands some people may have heard of, cannot make either the chips that power their computers or the operating system that run them, so it is just one of many plain vanilla boxmakers without any competitive advantage offering only cheap price. Another example Huawei is blacklisted by many countries and international customers because everyone knows Huawei's products send all communication data back to the CCP. This CCP weakness is also why China cannot produce even one home-grown science Nobel Prize winner in its history, nor one famous business guru, nor one cultural figure, not even a third rate national soccer team. No rule of law in China also means no people or businesses, both Chinese and foreign, ever invest in China long-term or on a large scale because everything frequently change on a whim along with the political climate. No one trusts any contract or agreement in China because they are always broken by the Chinese and there is no legal protection whatsoever, meaning China can never advance to a knowledge economy or service economy. Your business can be taken from you any second by the military police working for someone with "guanxi". No rule of law also ensures Shanghai fail to become a financial city despite the CCP dumping huge resources into it for 30 years.
4. China's mass skill-less manufacturing itself is going away to other countries due to sharply increasing costs and openly hostile and unfair business environment full of frauds and sanctioned protectionism and government robberies. The labor force is endlessly more demanding in wages and benefits expectations and working conditions, especially since all of today's Chinese workers are single child used to coddling and indulgement by their own family. It is further worsened by the rise of robotic automatic manufacturing and 3D printing. This situation is a death knock to the "growth-based legitimacy" of the CCP, which is the only thing CCP can rely on for continuing ruling power. For sure Chinese people tolerate or even "like" the CCP when the economy seemingly explodes, but when one day it crashes and the country's hopeless bad shape hit them in the face the people's "support" for the CCP will turn on a dime.
Since six months ago, all the major economic indicators for China have gone on a continuing nosedive - including manufacturing orders, export volume, commercial investments, graduate employment rate, corporate credits, foreign capital inflow, domestic consumptions, real estate prices, consumer spendings, luxury goods demand, HSBC Service PMI, survey of business sentiments etc. Suddenly all the rich Chinese tourists gobbling up luxury goods at different world cities seem to have disappeared altogether. The CCP is on its last resort of printing literally trillions of worthless renminbi to dump into massive failing and zero ROI "state projects" that only enrich corrupted CCP officials. China's huge multi-year increase of M2 money supply (it is afraid to publish the figures citing "national security") causes way more long-term harm on itself than short-term help, and when that is over there is nothing else the CCP can do to prop up the failing economy. China currently ranks 82nd on GDP per capita and that is the highest it can go before falling sharply in the coming near future.
5. Fierce unstoppable purges and mutually-destructive infighting among different factions within the party, who are imprisoning and killing each other every day. This power grab goes on under the laughable thin guise of "anti-corruption drive" when everyone knows all officials in china are corrupted. No work to manage the country or guide the ship is being done while this is going on.
6. Its many previously-suppressed fatal problems have all grown too big to be contained all catching up to the CCP e.g.
- severe carcinogenic poisonous pollution everywhere in air and water and soil and their own food etc, with the WHO issuing multiple warnings on Chinese population having the fastest cancer growth rate in the whole world
- skyrocketing unrepayable bad debts of all kinds everywhere, its true scope no one on Earth knows because all data from China are faked
- biggest housing bubble in human history, in addition to innumerous crumbling "ghost cities" and shoddily-built vanity project "GDP-creating" infrastructure that cannot and will not be used
- rapidly aging demographics with a 140:100 male:female ratio (from one child policy, culture of "leftover women", and many Chinese families killing their own daughters so as to chase boys)
- world's no.1 wealth inequality, with a Gini coefficient rivaling 18th century France just before the French revolution
- complete absence of soft power / cultural influence / social attraction, partly due to CCP censorship. One result of which is minimal and sharply dwindling number of foreign professionals and tourists and students going to China. It also means the CCP only has force as the only tool to use on the international stage
- all Chinese chasing foreign-brand goods and services while ditching low-quality Chinese-brands, who have a well known history of poisoning their own food and their own baby formula so as to make more money. This dashs CCP's hope to build indigenous industries and a domestic consumption economy
- corruptions and fraud throughout the whole rotten core of a system
- desperate mass exodus at all levels of Chinese society to escape the country using emigration or buying houses / study abroad or marriage to foreigners or plain old human smuggling, resulting in all able Chinese leaving taking huge amounts of talents and money out of the country
- the law of large numbers, "middle-income trap", "Minsky moment", "Lewis inflection point" all work against the growth-based legitimacy CCP desperately needs for its survival
Most importantly, the CCP knows that if 1.4 billion Chinese learn about basic human qualities such as morals, truth, justice, human rights, rule of law, fairness, freedom, universal values etc the CCP will be toppled very quickly. Therefore its state-controlled brainwashing education and propaganda machinations ensure a complete lack of morals and regard for laws in all Chinese growing up and beyond. Coupled with the fact that Chinese do not work well together, this results in failure in all basic aspects of human interactions with every modern Chinese, whether it is business trading / personal dealings / technology development / creating innovations / human communications / scientific research / artistic expressions / teamwork collaborations / academic exchange etc. Another propaganda brainwashing technique used by the CCP is to make all Chinese people pathologically nationalistic and very emotional on this issue, so the CCP can always create and point to some "foreign enemies" so as to hide all the domestic crises and government robberies going on. This attention-diverting technique is the same trick magicians have used for more than a thousand years to fool their audience.
An interesting example would be the Chinese reaction to this report - they are expected to dismiss this report as total rubbish, accuse the author "unpatriotic" for saying the truth, shout China will only become richer and stronger than all other countries, yet they will give no counter-arguments and they will make no acknowledgement to the horrible factual conditions and complete lack of basic human qualities listed above in modern China. Ironically, the longer Chinese people deny or refuse to acknowledge the CCP problem, the longer they are only digging themselves into the hole and hurting themselves for any chance of recovery, causing the chinese economy to crash even further. Consider the example of Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Youtube, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram etc - these services are all completely banned in China while at the same time the rest of the planet are on these services every second communicating ideas with each other, making friends, exchanging knowledge, doing business, working together, improving science and technology and arts, and advancing humanity.
Some people say China economically developed a lot in past 20 years, but the truth is this "development" is actually debt borrowed against the future. After the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre of their own students, in order to survive and hang on to power, the CCP was forced to pursue short-term explosive economic growth that sacrifice everything else, including a foundation or potential for long-term economic and social development. This "scorched earth" policy is like winning the lottery for corrupted CCP officials who can rob a lot of money from the country in the short-term before escaping to America. The only entity left to suffer is China's future from this point on, a country that has been turned by the CCP into a place with no law, no morals, no system for future scientific or economic or social development, no spiritual support apart from money, no trust or cooperation among Chinese, no trust or goodwill from foreigners, no other country as friends, all resources sold away cheaply, entire environment and air and water and soil and food fatally polluted, only social recognition is to make a lot of money for "face", no creativity or personal development for Chinese young people, a populus not allowed to know the truths and not allowed to say the truths.
The end result is that majority wealth of this "debt borrowed against the future" has gone to the 0.0000001% elite ruling class "princeling" CCP families (about 250 of them) who have already smuggled trillions of dollars abroad along with their U.S. passports and their own children (all Chinese elites and Politburo members hold foreign passports, with U.S. and U.K. being the most sought after choice). For the CCP in 1989, 1.4 billion people is great central-planning asset when the country start from nothing and you order them to do backbreaking mass manufacturing repetitive factory work 20 hours a day without workers protection of any kind. But in the 2014 borderless knowledge economy when that no longer works, 1.4 billion immoral and uncooperative and selfish and undeveloped and angry Chinese contained in a lawless system without any hopes of growth is very, very dangerous liability for the CCP.
All debts against the future have to be paid back - China is no exception. That moment may arrive a bit later than expected but it surely will come, as it has on 100% of occasions in human history. In normal countries bad conditions correct themselves with short periods of market ups and downs, but in China the CCP suppress all problems and criticisms until inevitable system meltdown. For China the moment has arrived to suffer the consequences for all its own chosen actions in past 30 years. All the festering fundamental systematic problems listed above and much more, are only getting worse and worse everyday until one day when the system can suddenly no longer bear.
Think USSR in 1989.
( Cliff notes summary for the smartphone generation with ADD, ADHD and Asperger's:
- The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) signed a deal with the devil to pursue miraculous short-term economic growth
- Miraculous short-term economic growth has been achieved, now China has hit the wall on its path of no return, many bad conditions have caught up
- CCP cannot go on externally, it cannot go on internally, economy has no way to go but greatly down, many fatal cancers and huge structural problems from the past now overwhelming the country
- Something has to break, what happens is anyone's guess, guaranteed to greatly impact China and the world )
Iseheijiro nyse777 • 7 days ago
We the Japanese are with you. West will provide anything you people need. Gas, oil, food, cash. You can shut the Putin's monkey pipelines anytime you want.
Ilya R Ieheijiro • 7 days ago
Chinese will whip your asses pretty soon.
Iseheijiro • 7 days ago
It does not matter who is right or wrong. Russia will lose miserably again,again and again.
Not Important Iseheijiro • 7 days ago
exactly... people don't understand that right or wrong do not matter on international level when we're talking about war. I believe ww 1 and 2 have taught us that both sides were wrong on some levels, and the fact that Germany lost which is why they were labeled as the aggressor. if they had won, they would have been labeled as suppressed by france and england.... It's winner takes all in these type of games.
Iseheijiro • 9 days ago
Japanese does not trust Putin Neither Obama. Putin is not as good liar as Obama. Russians are primitive so to speak. US and Russia have not changed from the time Roosevelt the big liar and Stalin the primitive ganged up against Japan. Japanese are no longer naive. We get nukes eventually.
Iseheijiro • 10 days ago
I personally don't believe there will be a war between West and Russia. This is a border skirmish. Putin has a big ego and he is fighting for it. In-matured man. Islamist State is not threat to US unless Obama pokes the snake pit. Air strike Syria?Obama is pretty in-matured too. The imminent threat is to Iraq. Sunni invites IS from Syria, kill Kurdish and kill Shiite to grab oil field. When Bush 1 and 2 started wars against Hussein, US lost the war. Only US gained is debt, a big one.
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09/04 | |
NATO軍事同盟 |
2014年09月04日 11時25分
2014年09月04日 11時25分 読売新聞(AP)
先着50名さまに、月額1000円 X 12ヶ月分=12、000円で、月火水木金 X 52週(240日)のニュース~その分析~伊勢爺が売買した銘柄と結果を知らせます。一年の授業料が、1万2千円だと思ってください。この50名さまは未来永劫、年額1万2千円とします。後の会員料金は、月額1500円 X 12ヶ月=18、000円です。日本の米国株を扱う証券会社も知らせます。この会員限定のサイトは、会員が一人でも、その日を以って開始します。下記の銀行及び郵貯口座へ振り込んでください。そして、質問は、メールで下さい。[email protected] 伊勢平次郎
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2014年09月04日 11時25分
2014年09月04日 11時25分 読売新聞(AP)
先着50名さまに、月額1000円 X 12ヶ月分=12、000円で、月火水木金 X 52週(240日)のニュース~その分析~伊勢爺が売買した銘柄と結果を知らせます。一年の授業料が、1万2千円だと思ってください。この50名さまは未来永劫、年額1万2千円とします。後の会員料金は、月額1500円 X 12ヶ月=18、000円です。日本の米国株を扱う証券会社も知らせます。この会員限定のサイトは、会員が一人でも、その日を以って開始します。下記の銀行及び郵貯口座へ振り込んでください。そして、質問は、メールで下さい。[email protected] 伊勢平次郎
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09/03 | |
米国株銘柄の選び方(その4)・アメリカの鉄道 |
先着50名さまに、月額1000円 X 12ヶ月分=12、000円で、月火水木金 X 52週(240日)のニュース~その分析~伊勢爺が売買した銘柄と結果を知らせます。一年の授業料が、1万2千円だと思ってください。この50名さまは未来永劫、年額1万2千円とします。後の会員料金は、月額1500円 X 12ヶ月=18、000円です。日本の米国株を扱う証券会社も知らせます。この会員限定のサイトは、会員が一人でも、その日を以って開始します。下記の銀行及び郵貯口座へ振り込んでください。そして、質問は、メールで下さい。[email protected] 伊勢平次郎
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
09/02 | |
ウクライナは戦争にはならない |
◆インド注目も買い広がらず 株式市場に漏れるため息
日経平均株価の日中変動幅37円――。1日の東京株式相場は緩慢さが極まった。東証1部売買代金も1兆3000億円強と4カ月半ぶりの薄商い。名実ともに秋相場に入ったが、個別材料のでた銘柄だけが散発的に物色される「局地戦」が続いた。この日は「インド」がテーマになったが、それがなお物色の手詰まり感を映し出している。(日経オンライン 9.1.14)
先着50名さまに、月額1000円 X 12ヶ月分=12、000円で、月火水木金 X 52週(240日)のニュース~その分析~伊勢爺が売買した銘柄と結果を知らせます。一年の授業料が、1万2千円だと思ってください。この50名さまは未来永劫、年額1万2千円とします。後の会員料金は、月額1500円 X 12ヶ月=18、000円です。日本の米国株を扱う証券会社も知らせます。この会員限定のサイトは、会員が一人でも、その日を以って開始します。下記の銀行及び郵貯口座へ振り込んでください。そして、質問は、メールで下さい。[email protected] 伊勢平次郎
A) 振込口座
1)金融機関 みずほ銀行・上大岡支店・支店番号 364
2)口座番号 (普通) 2917217
3)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン
B) 郵便局口座
1)口座番号 10940-26934811
2)口座名 隼機関 ハヤブサキカン