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気になったので mrs green apple columbus videoでXを検索してみた。



Japanese music band Mrs. GREEN APPLE who did the opening, Inferno for Fire Force, has pulled their latest music video, "Columbus", after huge outrage for depicting themselves as explorers and the native people as monkeys.

The band has issued an apology stating that their intension was to depict these Historical figures having a "fun house party".


オープニング曲炎炎ノ消防隊』を担当した日本音楽バンドMrs. GREEN APPLEは、自分たち探検家原住民を猿に見立てて描いたことに大きな怒りがあったため、最新ミュージックビデオコロンバス」を取り下げた。


Jpop band Mrs. Green Apple’s latest MVColumbushas been pulled just 1 day after release. The highly problematic video features the 3 band members dressed as Christopher Columbus colonizing apes

Can’t believe people thought this was a good idea


even as someone who cannot stand mrs green apple, making the music video for a song called "columbus" like this is astonishingly bad. this was aimed at a GLOBAL AUDIENCE. at least the MV is being wiped from history but why did no one question civilised explorers finding monkeys?!


People saying conservatives were even shocked 🥴 this is one of the reasons why the Japanese market is so insular—they can get away with racist shit all the time and there’s no outside reaction bc of copyrights creating barriers for their artists content.



Japanese people depicting us as monkeys is crazy lol. Now if a Native band wanted to talk about them in the aftermath of Nagasaki and Hiroshima....nevermind. My people would never sink so low. 👎🏼




Watch bunch of fucking Twitter and TikTok morons use this as a Gotcha moment, to be racist towards the Japanese. Fully ignoring the fact that they were forced to apologize for the shit they did by the Japanese themselves.

"I seen a Japanese band do something Racist so I'm gonna bring up Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and be racist to the entirety of Japan"

~ Random Twitter/TikTok morons probably ~





1.Revolver / The Beatles

2.Beggars Banquet / The Rolling Stones

3.Who's Next / The Who

4.Led Zeppelin 2 / Led Zeppelin

5.Paranoid / Black Sabbath

6.Trout Mask Replica / Captain Beefheart

7.Live at the Harlem Square Club / Sam Cooke

8.Red / king Crimson

9.Tarkus / Emerson, Lake & Palmer

10.Close To The Edge / YES

11.Piper At Gates Of Dawn / Pink Floyd

12.Live / magma

13.Future Days / Can

14.Stand By / Heldon

15.Strange Days / The Doors

16.White Light White Heat / The Velvet Underground

17.Marquee Moon / Television

18.Radio Ethiopia / Patti Smith

19.End Of The Century / Ramones

20.Blank Generation / Richard Hell & The Voidoids

21.Remain In light / Talking Heads

22.Buy / James Chance & The Contortions

23.Never Mind The Bollocks / Sex Pistols

24.Damned Damned Damned / The Damned

25.London Calling / The Clash

26.Inflammable Material / Stiff Little Fingers

27.No More heroes / The Stranglers

28.Ace Of Spades / Motorhead

29.Over The Edge / Wipers

30.Dameged / Black Flag

31.Rock For Right / Bad brains

32.Why / Discharge

33.Heaven Up Here / Echo & The Bunnymen

34.Substance / Joy Division

35.Substance / New Order

36.Killing Joke / Killing Joke

37.Odyshape / The Raincoats

38.Cut / The Slits

39.Songs About Fucking / Big Black

40.Y / The Pop Group

41.Metal Box / Public Image Limited

42.This Heat / This heat

43.In"Jane Fron Occupied Europe" / Swell Maps

44.Heroes / David Bowie

45.Purple Rain / Prince & The Revolution

46.Our Favourite Shop / The Style Council

47.Psycho Candy / The Jesus and Mary Chain

48.Kollaps / Einstürzende Neubauten

49.Daydream Nation / Sonic Youth

50.Appetite For Destruction / Guns N' Roses

51.Nevermind / Nirvana

52.Wish / The Cure

53.Green Mind / Dinosaur jr.

54.Loveless / My Bloody Valentine

55.Screamadelica / Primal Scream

56.The Comforts Of Madness / Pale Saints

57.Siamese Dream / Smashing Punmpkins

58.Odelay / Beck

59.Parklife / Blur

60.Definitely Maybe / Oasis

61.OK Computer / Radiohead

62.Weezer (Blue Album) / Weezer

63.Satori / Flower Travellin' Band

64.PYG! / PYG

65.EVE / Speed, Glue & Shinki

66.晩餐 / Food Brain

67.一触即発 / 四人囃子

68.風街ろまん / はっぴいえんど

69.楽しい夕に / RC SUCCESSION

70.燃えつきる キャロルラストライヴ!! 1975.4.13. / CAROL

71.Public Pressure / Yellow Magic Orchestra

72.Welcome Plastics / Plastics

73.虫 / The Stalin

74.Deathtopia / Auto-Mod

75.蔵六の奇病 / 非常階段

76.Fight or Flight / The Mods

77.Boys & Girls / ARB


79.Phew / Phew

80.青盤 / あぶらだこ

81.ピース / 有頂天


83.Shambara / Dead End

84.裸の王様 / じゃがたら

85.DETESTation / G.I.S.M

86.服部 / ユニコーン



89.ヘッド博士世界塔 / Flipper's Guitar

90.Mother / LUNA SEA

91.空中キャンプ / Fishmans

92.Super Ae / BOREDOMS

93.フェイクファー / スピッツ

94.C.B.Jim / Blankey Jet City

95.ココロに花を / エレファントカシマシ

96.GEAR BLUES / thee michelle gun elephant

97.Kocorono / Bloodthirsty Butchers

98.Sim City / 平沢進

99.Buzz Songs / Dragon Ash

100. 無罪モラトリアム / 椎名林檎


すみませんJimi Hendrixを完全に入れ忘れてしまいました。

追記② 2/21

Sonic Youth綴りが違う、ご指摘感謝。訂正しました。

Stone RosesやSmithsあたりはTOP110なら入ったと思います

追記③ 2/22








Mentally Retarded

海外ゲームmodフォーラムみてたら、すげー初歩的なミスバグが起きてる人が質問をしてて、「それ○○やで」って回答に対して”nevermind, I’m mentally retarded”(忘れてくれ、俺が知的障害だった)って返してて面白かった

retardとかmentally retardedが「ガイジ」相当なんだろうな フォーマルな場で言ったら社会的に死にそうな点も含めて日本の状況と似ててすてき














Ok ComputerNevermindといったロック名盤や、その頃に流行っていたLet go (Avril Lavigne)、

それから、Deathrace King (The Crown)、狂気ピンク・フロイド)、危機Yes)なんかもレビューされてた。

あ、Dizzy Mizz Lizzyなんかもあったな(←いちばん好き)








A Tribe Called Quest / The Low End Theory

Ambitious Lovers / Lust

Arvo Pärt / Miserere

Carlos D'Alessio / India song et autres musiques de films

Dinosaur Jr. / Green Mind

dip in the pool / Aurorae

Doom / Human Noise

Eddi Reader with The Patron Saints Of Imperfection / Mirmama

Elliott Sharp/Carbon / Tocsin

Ensemble Ecclesia / Old English Carols

Fugazi / Steady Diet of Nothing

Gonzalo Rubalcaba / Discovery (Live At Montreux)

Guns n' Roses / Use Your Illusion

Guns n' Roses / Use Your Illusion

Guy Klucevsek - Ain't Nothin' But A Polka Band / Polka Dots And Laser Beams

La Pat / La Gabbia dÓro

Lenny Kravitz / Mama Said

Nirvana / Nevermind

Painkiller / Guts of A Virgin

Pascal Comelade / Ragazzin' the Blues

Pizzicato Five / 女性上位時代

Primus / Sailing The Seas Of Cheese

Red Hot Chili Peppers / Blood Sugar Sex Magik

Simon Fisher Turner / Soundtrack of 'Edward II'

SION / かわいい

Tamia - Pierre Favre / Solitudes

This Mortal Coil / Blood

U2 / Achtung Baby

さかな / 夏

小川美潮 / 4 to 3

浅川マキ / BLACK-ブラックにグッドラック

矢野顕子 / LOVE LIFE

柴野さつき / rendez-vous



133 名盤さん [] Date:2008/05/10(土) 00:11:05 ID:uW+7WZgx Be:

NME 年間ベストアルバム1980-2007

1980 Joy Division / Closer

1981 Grace Jones / Nightclubbing

1982 Marvin Gaye / Midnight love

1983 Elvis Costello / Punch The Clock

1984 Bobby Womack / Poet 2

1985 Tom Waits / Rain Dogs

1986 Prince & the Revolution / Parade

1987 Public Enemy / Yo bum rush the show

1988 Public Enemy / It Takes A Nation Of Millions..

1990 De La Soul / 3 Feet high & rising

1990 Happy Mondays / Pills 'n' thrills and bellyaches

1991 Nirvana / Nevermind

1992 Sugar / Copper Blue

1993 Bjork / Debut

1994 Oasis / Definitely Maybe

1995 Tricky / Maxinquaye

1996 Beck / Odelay

1997 Spiritualized / Ladies And Gentleman We Are Floating In Space

1998 Mercury Rev / Deserters Songs

1999 The Flaming Lips / The Soft Bulletin

2000 Queens Of The Stone Age ? Rated R

2001 The Strokes / Is This It

2002 Coldplay / A Rush Of Blood To The Head

2003 The White Stripes / Elephant

2004 Franz Ferdinand / Franz Ferdinand

2005 Bloc Party ? Silent Alarm

2006 Arctic Monkeys / Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not

2007 Klaxons / Myths Of The Near Future

134 名盤さん [] Date:2008/05/10(土) 00:12:00 ID:uW+7WZgx Be:

Rolling Stone 年間ベストアルバム1980-2007

1980 The Clash / London Calling

1981 Rolling Stones / Tatoo You

1982 Bruce Springsteen / Nebraska and R. & L. Thompson / Shoot out the lights

1983 R.E.M. / Murmur

1984 Bruce Springsteen / Born In The U.S.A.

1985 Talking Heads / Little Creatures

1986 Paul Simon / Graceland

1987 Bruce Springsteen / Tunnel Of Love

1988 Midnight Oil / Diesel and Dust

1989 Neil Young / Freedom

1990 Sinead O'Connor / I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got

1991 R.E.M. / Out Of Time

1992 R.E.M. / Automatic For The People

1993 Nirvana / In Utero

1994 Hole / Live Through This

1995 PJ Harvey / To Bring You My Love

1996 Beck / Odelay

1997 Bob Dylan / Time Out Of Mind

1998 Lauryn Hill / The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill

1999 Rage Against The Machine / The Battle of Los Angeles

2000 Eminem / The Marshall Mathers LP

2001 Bob Dylan / Love and Theft

2002 Beck / Sea Change

2003 OutKast / Speakerboxxx/The Love Below

2004 Kanye West / The College Dropout

2005 Kanye West / Late Registration

2006 Bob Dylan / Modern Times

2007 MIA / Kala

135 名盤さん [] Date:2008/05/10(土) 00:42:04 ID:uW+7WZgx Be:


rockin'on 年間ベストアルバム 2002-2007

2002 Red Hot Chili Peppers / By the Way

2003 Radiohead / Hail to the Thief

2004 Green Day / American Idiot

2005 Oasis / Don't Believe The Truth

2006 Red Hot Chili Peppers / Stadium Arcadium

2007 Radiohead / In Rainbows

SNOOZER 年間ベストアルバム 1997-2007

1997 Radiohead / OK Computer

1998 Elliott Smith / XO

1999 Super Furry Animals / Guerilla


2001 Super Furry Animals / Rings Around The World

2002 Beck / Sea Change

2003 Outkast / Speakerboxxx/The Love Below

2004 The Libertines / The Libertines

2005 Hard-Fi / Stars Of CCTV

2006 Arctic Monkeys / Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not

2007 Radiohead / In Rainbows

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