Lesson Plan Procedures

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Katelyn Searle Professional Experience

Student ID: 2219439 Lesson Plan 4 (Procedures)

Lesson Plan: English (Procedures)

Learning Area: English Year Level: 1/2 (25 students)
Strand/Unit Title: Procedural Texts Time: Monday 16/5/2022 (45 minutes)
Lesson Topic: Creating a referrable procedure for brushing your teeth

Aims: To develop understanding in the conventions of a procedural text.

Relevant Achievement Standards
Year 1
They identify that texts serve different purposes and that this affects how they are organised.
They create short texts for a small range of purposes.
Year 2
Students understand how similar texts share characteristics by identifying text structures
and language features used to describe characters and events, or to communicate factual
information. They listen for particular purposes. Students create texts, drawing on their own
experiences, their imagination and information they have learnt.

Relevant Content Descriptors

Year 1
Understand that the purposes texts serve shape their structure in predictable ways (ACELA1447)
Year 2
Understand that different types of texts have identifiable text structures and language features that
help the text serve its purpose (ACELA1463)
Use of the General Capabilities
 Literacy
Student Learning Outcomes/Learning Intentions: (What will students learn?)
 Know: Students will know that procedures have a certain structure.
 Do: Students will construct a procedure with the teacher using the correct conventions and
 Understand: Students will understand that procedures follow a certain structure that helps it
to meet its purpose.
Student Assessment: (How will you know if students have learned or not?)
 The structure of the procedures in the books will be an indicator of student learning and
 The exit card at the end of the lesson will demonstrate students’ knowledge of the genre of
 The teacher will write brief observational notes.
Self-Assessment: (How will you assess your own performance and student learning?)
 The teacher will self-reflect on how much the students engaged in the lesson and followed
 The flow of the lesson will be important to evaluate and self-reflect on.
Key References and Resources:
 Procedure example for brushing teeth
 Whiteboard and markers
 25 x exit cards (see below)
 English workbooks
Katelyn Searle Professional Experience
Student ID: 2219439 Lesson Plan 4 (Procedures)

Teaching Process
Time Teaching Steps Comments
10 minutes Introduction and Explicit Teaching  Questions: Are procedures written in
 The teacher will introduce the lesson by modelling a paragraphs? What can you see? What is
procedure for how to brush your teeth. This will be pre- this text trying to do?
made and shown on the board.  Resources: Procedure example, whiteboard
 The teacher and the students will discuss what they can and markers
see.  Need to remember: Looking for title, goal,
 This will be brainstormed on the board. equipment, steps, conclusion, bossy verbs,
 This will be a prompt for how procedures should be set leaving a line, sub-headings
out and will lead into the next activity.  Management strategies: Zahlee and Sidd
engaged and sitting at the front. Beau
sitting up properly. Owen and Danny not
chatting and distracting others. Focusing
on positive reinforcement of those people
that are doing the right thing and listening
20 minutes Explicit Teaching and Exploration: Writing instructions  Need to remember: Constantly ask children
 The students will be back at their desks. The class together to repeat information back (eg. what did
with the teacher will be writing a procedure. The teacher we do first? What was our goal again?)
will be using ideas from Stephen Graham to conduct this  Management strategies: Getting students
process. to look at the teacher/put hands on heads
 Before beginning, the teacher will ask students to remind when they have completed the stage that
them what the procedure is on, who the procedure is for the teacher is on.
and what is the purpose.  Noise level will be at a minimum
 The explicit instruction will be as follows:  Try doing check ins (eg. you should be up
o Drawing up a margin and writing the date to this stage by now).
o Writing the title  Go around with a pen and mark off the
o Writing the goal sub-heading, then writing the students work that you have seen. Have
goal on the next line. high expectations of student work.
o Leaving a line between the goal and the  Differentiation: Students who understand
equipment. what to do may go ahead for the steps
o Writing the equipment sub-heading, then writing section. Those needing extra support
the equipment on the next line. (Emily, Zahlee, Yuxuan, Paige, Sidd) may
o Leaving a line between the equipment and the have their ideas scribed for them.
o Writing the steps sub-heading.
o Writing numbered steps for the instructions
o Leaving a line between the numbered steps and
the conclusion
 The teacher will be guiding the class to follow these steps.
Students will pause and put their eyes on the teacher
when they have finished a step.
 The teacher will use ideas from Stephen Graham to
constantly repeat and get the structure of procedures into
the students.
 This will be done through constant questioning such as
“Student X, what was your title?” “Student Y what was
your goal? What came before your goal again?”
 This process will continue until the students have a written
procedure in their books that they can refer to throughout
the unit.
10 minutes Exploration  Management: for those students who need
Katelyn Searle Professional Experience
Student ID: 2219439 Lesson Plan 4 (Procedures)

 For those students who have completed their procedure, extra support, this may be time for them to
they will be given the opportunity to draw a picture to work with the teacher as a smaller group.
complete their procedure.  Those students who complete their
 The teacher will work with those still completing their pictures will be given the task of going back
procedures. to their getting ready for swimming
procedure and looking at how they can
improve the structure of that.
5 minutes Conclusion: Exit Card  Exit Card Question: What is the purpose of
 The teacher will conclude the lesson by getting students to a procedure?
complete an exit card.
 This will gauge their understanding of the purpose of the
genre and will give the teacher an indication of how
effective their teaching has been.

Exit Card
What is the purpose of a procedure? What
are they used for?

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