Final Paper Classroom Management
Final Paper Classroom Management
Final Paper Classroom Management
management is so things dont get out of hand and take away from learning
time. The more behavior problems that occur during a day the less academic
learning time there is available (Wong & Wong, 2001). When a teacher has to
stop and address behavior for an extended amount of time it can either take
away from teaching the actual lesson or can distract other students from
their work. This is why it is crucial that rules and guidelines for school
behavior along with classroom behavior are clearly stated/posted within the
classroom and gone over thoroughly several times throughout the year.
Harry Wong suggests a maximum of five rules clearly stated and visible
throughout the room that cover the essentials of positive behavior (Wong &
Wong, 2001). This way all students know what is expected of them when
they are in the classroom and in other areas of the school and can refer to
them when needed; this should help cut down on behavior problems. The
last purpose I have for behavior management is that it helps communication
between students and their peers and students with their teachers. Problem
solving techniques can be implemented into a behavior management plan so
that when there is a conflict between two students they can find different
ways to work it out on their own, this then goes back to them becoming
more accountable. The teacher should be able to effectively communicate
their guidelines and expectations to students and the students should be
able to talk out problems with their teacher when they arise. This will also
help cut down on behavior issues because the students can use their words
to resolve issues before they get out of hand.
Kagan, Kyle, and Scott say that is very important that both the teachers and
students needs are met (Kagan, Kyle, & Scott, 2004). I think as a teacher, I
need students to equally work with me as I work with them. I will do
everything in my power to meet their needs as the teacher by being there
for them, communicating my expectations, modeling appropriate behavior,
and regulating the class. But in order for a positive classroom environment
they need to meet my needs of behaving appropriately, paying attention
during class, working hard on material/trying their best, communicating with
me and one another, and striving to meet new goals. If they can do this and
work together with me, the year will go very smoothly. Some attributes I will
have when it comes to classroom management is trying to meet a three on
the assertiveness scale, this means not being too hostile while also not being
too easy-going and relaxed but being assertive enough where the students
respect your authority (Evertson & Emmer, p.183). I also want to be
organized and prepared for as many situations as possible. I would like to
create a management and disciple plan as Wong talks about in The
Classroom Management Book. These are two separate books that are kept by
the teacher that lists daily procedures and class rules/expectations (Wong &
Wong, 2014). Its a great organization technique that is a good reference
point for me as the teacher and gives guidelines for substitutes or foreign
persons to the classroom to follow. As a teacher, I also hope to be friendly
enough where students feel comfortable to come to me for guidance and
dont feel scared/threatened by the fact that I am the authority in the class.
classroom to be easy going and enjoyable for me and my students and any
behavior that distracts or takes away from that will have consequences.
implemented, I think my five main rules would include three made from this
1. Follow directions quickly
2. Makes smart choices
3. Make your dear teacher happy (Battle, 2015).
And two rules of my own:
4. Respect others
5. Stay focused and do your best!
In Whole-Brain Learning, there are gestures to go along with each rule
and the rules should be rehearsed about three times per day. When the
teacher thinks a rule isnt being followed, she can say the number of the rule
and the students respond with the rule and gesture to go along with it
(Battle, 2015). I think I would follow this aspect of the strategy as well
because it helps students become familiar with the rules and accountable for
knowing them. I would put these five rules along with some of the more
specific ones the students came up with I felt were very important into my
discipline plan.
I would also make sure the students knew the school policies and rules.
A lot of times these are the rules that get looked over because they are in
the handbook but dont often get discussed. I would just briefly run over
these rules with the students and discuss the schools policies on what
happens if those rules are broken.
Analysis, prevention, & support strategies:
board somewhere throughout the room where they can add little star stickers
every time I or another teacher sees them show a positive character trait or
follows the rules extremely well. Other teachers that they see throughout the
week (specials) will be aware of this reward system and can also give
symbols to the students. When a student receives 10 stars they get a letter
home to their caregiver explaining they reached the star student limit and a
small treat from a box only I have access too. They will then start over on a
new card and try to fill that one up. These letters home will also have them
work towards recognition by trying to make their teacher and caregivers
happy. If I see a student not getting as many stars as I think they can I will
use it to motivate them in an individualized conference where I positively
encourage them to reach their goals. This reward system will be described in
detail in the discipline book.
Like Ive stated several times throughout the paper, the most
important thing to me is that all my students are trying their best each and
every day. I will encourage and compliment them when I see they are
showing a great deal of effort, rather than only when they get an A. I want
them to know that I care and believe in them so they have confidence in
their abilities and strive to reach new heights. I want students to work
together as much as possible and also work with me to create a fun learning
environment that meets all students needs.
Response to misbehavior:
misbehavior describing the things we discussed in the meeting and will write
it during lunch along with walking ten minutes of laps at recess. If the case is
severe or recurring- my student, the principal, and I will meet to discuss
further consequences. All of these possible consequences to different
misbehaviors will be reported in the discipline plan so that punishments
remain equal for all students and I always have something to refer to. When
new misbehaviors occur, I will note them in the plan and what consequence
was linked to it.
If misbehavior was commonly occurring as a class, I would get the
groups attention by doing the Whole-Brain learning strategy of saying class,
class, class and they would respond yes, yes, yes and then say the
number rule that was being broken and have them repeat back the rule
(Battle, 2015). We could then discuss why that rule wasnt being followed
correctly and what we needed to do to fix it. If this kept occurring the whole
day as a group there would be a whole group consequence such as not doing
a fun activity we had planned, all walking laps for the first five minutes of
recess the next day, etc.
Battle, J. (2015). Five classroom rules. Retrieved from
Evertson, C.M., & Emmer, E.T. (2013). Classroom management for
elementary teacher (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Kagan, S., Kyle, P., & Scott, S. (2004). Win-Win Discipline. San Clemente, CA:
Kagan Publishing.
Wong, H.K., & Wong, R.T. (2001). How to be an effective teacher: the first
days of school. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.
Wong, H.K., & Wong, R.T. (2014). The classroom management book.
Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.