Smith Task1 LP
Smith Task1 LP
Smith Task1 LP
Megan Smith
Adjective Lesson (1)
CCGPS or GPS Standard(s):
ELACC2L1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or
e. Use adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified.
Whole Group _____ Small Group _____ One-on-One _____ Students with IEPs/504s _____ ELL Students
Learning - Focus
Essential Question(s)
1-3 BIG ideas! How
can these questions be
used to guide your
Objectives are
measurable and
aligned with the
Academic Language
What is the key
language demand?
What academic
language will you
teach or develop?
What are the key
vocabulary words
The central focus of this lesson is to identify adjectives and understand how an adjective
describes a noun. For example; size, shape, color, texture, smell, and taste. The main
objective of this lesson is that the students will be able to identify adjectives found in
Language Functions (Identify the purpose for which the language is being used, with attention
to goal and audience- the one verb from the standard; ex. demonstrate.)
During this lesson the students will be asked to identify a particular part of speech based
off of the question that is being asked,. For example, if the sentence that is being reviewed
is The blue balloon. I will ask the students to identify each part of speech and then
explain why it is either a noun or adjective.
and/or symbols?
Language Vocabulary (Identify key, content specific words for this lesson: examples of
vocabulary words- drama, prose, structural elements, verse, rhythm, meter, characters, settings,
descriptions, dialogue, stage directions. Additionally, include words within a text necessary for
students comprehension.)
The key vocabulary that will be used in this lesson is noun and adjective.
What resources can be
used to engage
I will use a PowerPoint to introduce adjectives and the information that is important to know in
order to identify an adjective.
Introduction to
Activating Thinking
What is the hook for
the lesson to tap into
prior knowledge and
develop students
interests? This should
tie directly into the
lessons objective and
standard and should
promote higher level
thinking. How will
you introduce the
content specific
vocabulary words?
***Use knowledge of
students academic,
social, and cultural
To begin this lesson, I will start by reviewing nouns. I will ask for a short definition of a
noun and then ask the students to provide me with some examples and determine whether
the example that they provide is a person, place, or thing. Then, I will begin the lesson
with a PowerPoint over Adjectives. This will introduce the key terms and examples of
adjectives modifying nouns.
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
This lesson will require the students to provide oral explanations and participate during a
whole group review.
Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs
and/or 504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
The (3) students that are in my class that have IEPs leave during literature lessons to
participate in an PEC classroom.
Management Plan: During this section of the lesson I will use the management plan that is
used throughout the day were the students have the ability to move their cards up or
down depending on their behavior.
Body of Lesson/
Teaching Strategies
What will you have
the students do after
you introduce the
lesson to learn the
standards? What
questions will you ask
to promote higher
level thinking?
What opportunities
will you provide for
students to practice
content language/
vocabulary? What
language supports
will you offer?
Once the whole group lesson is completed, the students will complete an formative
assessment called, Using Adjectives, practicing the same strategies we used during the
group discussion where the students will first find and circle their noun, and then find the
adjective that is describing the noun. After the students finish, they will then find a
partner who is also finished and work on an activity called, Adjective Challenge, where
they will brainstorm to find adjective that start with certain letters, describe a certain
object, etc.
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
A resource will be hung on the wall in the shape of a flower. The petals will provide clues/
reminders of what adjective do, such as, the shape, color, texture, smell, or taste of the
noun that the adjective is describing.
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs
and/or 504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
The (3) students that are in my class that has IEPs leave during literature lessons to
participate in an PEC classroom.
Management Plan: During this part of the lesson the student will have the opportunity to
get into small groups so that they can complete one of the activities together. I will review
the expectation that are in place during small groups, such as, stay in your bubble, noise
level no higher than a whisper, and be respectful to your partner by helping and working
How will the students
summarize and/or
share what they have
learned to prove they
know and understand
the standard(s) and its
vocabulary? Will you
provide opportunities
for students to apply
new knowledge while
making connections to
prior learning?
To end the lesson, I will ask a few groups to share their responses to the adjective
challenge. I will use this time to clear up any confusion that may occur. For instance, if
they use a verb as an adjective, I will explain that a verb is an action word and that
adjectives are used to describe the noun (person, place, or thing).
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs
and/or 504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
The (3) students that are in my class that has IEPs leave during literature lessons to
participate in an PEC classroom.
Management Plan: At this point in the lesson I will need the students to transition into the
next activity so I will provide them with instructions on what to do next and then have a
child repeat the directions to ensure that everyone is on task.
Every standard listed
above must be
assessed and included.
Questions to consider
while planning:
How will students
exhibit an
understanding of the
lessons objectives?
How will you provide
feedback? What
evidence will you
collect to demonstrate
of the lessons
objective(s) including
their usage of
Assessment Plan for Learning Objectives (This is a plan and should be written as such;
remember to identify both formative & summative assessments throughout the lesson):
To assess this lesson, I will use the worksheet called, using Adjectives as a formative
For the most part this lesson was very effective, however, I did find that on the formative
assessment that I gave the students; they were confusing some of the verbs with adjectives.
This information will be used to help me adjust to lesson to follow.
Reflection includes
characteristics of the
lesson and specific
examples on how it
can be improved.
Improvements are
based on the
supported by evidence
on how well the
objectives were
achieved. Specific
examples to improve
future lessons are
***Credit for this template belongs to Tennessee State University, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
(SCALE), and Columbus State University.
Megan Smith
Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives (2)
CCGPS or GPS Standard(s):
ELACC2L1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or
e. Use adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified.
Learning - Focus
Essential Question(s)
1-3 BIG ideas! How
can these questions be
used to guide your
Objectives are
measurable and
aligned with the
Since in the previous lesson I saw that some students were confusing verbs and adjective, Im
going to teach the three parts of speech together and have the students practice labeling nouns,
verbs, and adjectives.
Academic Language
What is the key
language demand?
What academic
language will you
teach or develop?
What are the key
Language Functions (Identify the purpose for which the language is being used, with attention
to goal and audience- the one verb from the standard; ex. demonstrate.)
In this lesson the students will practice applying their knowledge of nouns, verbs, and
adjectives be determine which word belong to a under each column.
vocabulary words
and/or symbols?
Language Vocabulary (Identify key, content specific words for this lesson: examples of
vocabulary words- drama, prose, structural elements, verse, rhythm, meter, characters, settings,
descriptions, dialogue, stage directions. Additionally, include words within a text necessary for
students comprehension.)
Modify, noun, verb, adjective
Academic Language Demand (Identify one of the following: reading, writing,
listening/speaking, or demonstrating/performing. The demand will require more or less
scaffolding support- depending on the needs of the students throughout the lesson.)
In this lesson the students will demonstrate their knowledge of which part of speech a
certain word should be classified to.
What resources can be
used to engage
I will need cut outs of words with magnets on the back in order to use them on the dry
erase board along with the three categories the words will fall under; noun, verb, or,
The students will need scissors and glue
Worksheets needed: Nouns, verbs, and adjective review, Alien Adjectives, and Ticket out
the Door.
Introduction to
Activating Thinking
What is the hook for
the lesson to tap into
prior knowledge and
develop students
interests? This should
tie directly into the
lessons objective and
standard and should
promote higher level
thinking. How will
you introduce the
content specific
vocabulary words?
***Use knowledge of
students academic,
social, and cultural
To begin the lesson, I will review in a whole group lesson the difference between the three
parts of speech that will study today; noun, verbs, and adjectives. I will ask the three
essential questions listed above to complete this review. Then, the class will participate in
a word sort where students will decide on which category a word belongs to.
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
Students will place words into the category that it belongs to, such as, nouns, verb, and
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
The students will be called on individual to provide answers to the word sort.
Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs
and/or 504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
The (3) students that are in my class that has IEPs leave during literature lessons to
participate in a PEC classroom.
Management Plan:
During this section of the lesson I will use the management plan that is used throughout
the day were the students have the ability to move their cards up or down depending on
their behavior.
Body of Lesson/
Teaching Strategies
What will you have
the students do after
you introduce the
lesson to learn the
standards? What
questions will you ask
to promote higher
level thinking?
After the whole group instruction is completed, the students will complete and
independent practice of determining which part of speech category a word belongs to. I
will use a formative assessment to ensure that each student is capable of determining the
differences between each part of speech. Once the students finish this assessment, I will
give them a summative assessment over adjectives called, Alien Adjectives to see which
students have mastered the skill of identifying adjectives modifying nouns.
What opportunities
will you provide for
students to practice
content language/
vocabulary? What
language supports
will you offer?
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
The students will be able to identify adjectives that describe nouns in sentences.
How will the students
summarize and/or
share what they have
learned to prove they
know and understand
the standard(s) and its
vocabulary? Will you
provide opportunities
for students to apply
new knowledge while
making connections to
prior learning?
At the end of the lesson before the students get ready to transition into our next activity, I
will have them identify the adjective in four different sentences to ensure that they are
able to move on to adverbs. The ticket out the door will serve as a formative assessment
and as a pass for a restroom break before we begin our next lesson.
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
The Ticket out the Door assessment will have the students to identify the word serving
as an adjective in each sentence.
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
Every standard listed
above must be
assessed and included.
Questions to consider
while planning:
How will students
exhibit an
understanding of the
lessons objectives?
How will you provide
feedback? What
evidence will you
collect to demonstrate
of the lessons
objective(s) including
their usage of
Assessment Plan for Learning Objectives (This is a plan and should be written as such;
remember to identify both formative & summative assessments throughout the lesson):
To assess the students on their knowledge of the three parts of speech that we learned
about in this lesson I will collect a formative assessment called, Nouns, Verbs, and
Adjective Review. Then, as a summative to ensure that the students are ready to move
onto adverbs, I will collect a summative assessment called, Alien Adjectives. This
assessment will help me identify the students who are unable to identify the adjective
being used in a sentence.
I found this lesson to be very helpful in clearing up the misconceptions with verbs and
adverbs. There were still a few students who mixed up a few of the words and I plan to
review the meanings of each part of speech and then give them the opportunity to correct
their mistakes.
Reflection includes
characteristics of the
lesson and specific
examples on how it
can be improved.
Improvements are
based on the
supported by evidence
on how well the
objectives were
achieved. Specific
examples to improve
future lessons are
***Credit for this template belongs to Tennessee State University, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
(SCALE), and Columbus State University.
Megan Smith
Learning - Focus
Essential Question(s)
1-3 BIG ideas! How
can these questions be
used to guide your
Objectives are
measurable and
aligned with the
Academic Language
What is the key
language demand?
What academic
language will you
teach or develop?
What are the key
vocabulary words
and/or symbols?
Language Functions (Identify the purpose for which the language is being used, with attention
to goal and audience- the one verb from the standard; ex. demonstrate.)
The students will demonstrate verbs and adverbs to make the connection between the
actions and written words.
Language Vocabulary (Identify key, content specific words for this lesson: examples of
vocabulary words- drama, prose, structural elements, verse, rhythm, meter, characters, settings,
descriptions, dialogue, stage directions. Additionally, include words within a text necessary for
students comprehension.)
Model, adverb, and modify
What resources can be
used to engage
A stack of cards with verbs listened on them and a stack of cards with adverbs listed on
Worksheet called, Working with Adverbs
Worksheet called, Adjectives
Introduction to
Activating Thinking
What is the hook for
the lesson to tap into
prior knowledge and
develop students
interests? This should
tie directly into the
lessons objective and
standard and should
promote higher level
thinking. How will
you introduce the
content specific
vocabulary words?
***Use knowledge of
students academic,
social, and cultural
I will start the lesson by acting like I am running quickly. Ill ask the students, What am
I doing? they may say running or jogging. Then, Ill ask them, how am I running? They
may say fast or quickly. Then explain the difference between verbs and adverbs and how
adverbs describe how when a verb is taking place. Ill them write their statement on the
board and ask which part of speech running would be? Then see if anyone knows what
part of speech is quickly? Next, we will review nouns and adjective and provide examples,
then do the same discussing verbs and adverbs and have the students do the same by
providing examples.
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
Providing examples of nouns adjective, verbs, and adverbs.
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs
and/or 504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
The (3) students that are in my class that has IEPs leave during literature lessons to
participate in a PEC classroom.
Management Plan:
During this section of the lesson I will use the management plan that is used throughout
the day were the students have the ability to move their cards up or down depending on
their behavior.
Body of Lesson/
Teaching Strategies
What will you have
the students do after
you introduce the
lesson to learn the
standards? What
questions will you ask
to promote higher
level thinking?
After the students have reviewed the different parts of speech, we will focus on verbs and
adverbs. In order to provide practice, as a class the students will take turns acting out
various phrases is verbs and adverbs. They will play Adverb Charades. I will call on a
student to come to the front of the class and pull two cards. One card will be a verb and
the next will be an adverb. The student will then act out the phrase and let their classmate
guess what they are doing. Once the students have identified what the student is doing, as
a class we will determine which word is the verb and which word is the adverb. Next, will
then provide the students with an activity where they can practice finding adverbs. The
formative assessment is called, Working with Adverbs. I this activity the student will
have to identify the adverbs then read through a sentence and circle all the adverbs they
find that describe verbs. Finally, they will roll a dice. Whichever number the dice lands on
What opportunities
will you provide for
students to practice
content language/
vocabulary? What
language supports
will you offer?
they will have to complete the phrase by providing a verb and then draw a picture of what
the phrase is describing. While the class is working on this activity, I will pull a few
students to the front row so that I am able to work with them in a small group. From the
previous assessment, I noticed that these students were still hadnt grasped adjectives, so I
will work with them on finding adjectives in sentences by using a worksheet titled,
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
The students will identify the actions that their peers are acting out by providing phrases
describing their actions.
Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs
and/or 504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
The (3) students that are in my class that has IEPs leave during literature lessons to
participate in a PEC classroom.
Management Plan: Since the students will be acting out phrases, I will ask the students to
raise their hands in order to make their guesses to help control the noise level. One the
students are working independently, the activity will require them to use dice. I will
review and model how to properly roll a die to prevent them from rolling around the
room. I will use the card system to keep this in order.
How will the students
summarize and/or
share what they have
learned to prove they
know and understand
the standard(s) and its
vocabulary? Will you
provide opportunities
for students to apply
new knowledge while
making connections to
prior learning?
To bring the lesson to a close I will let the students share some of the phrase that they
made up for the activity today. Once the students have had a chance to share some of their
phrases with a partner I will collect all worksheets completed and use a restroom break to
transition into the next lesson.
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
The students will be able to match a verb to an adverb creating a phrase.
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
used throughout the day were the students have the ability to move their cards up or
down depending on their behavior.
Every standard listed
above must be
assessed and included.
Questions to consider
while planning:
How will students
exhibit an
understanding of the
lessons objectives?
How will you provide
feedback? What
evidence will you
collect to demonstrate
of the lessons
objective(s) including
their usage of
Reflection includes
characteristics of the
lesson and specific
examples on how it
can be improved.
Improvements are
based on the
supported by evidence
on how well the
objectives were
achieved. Specific
examples to improve
future lessons are
Assessment Plan for Learning Objectives (This is a plan and should be written as such;
remember to identify both formative & summative assessments throughout the lesson):
I will collect the formative assessment called, working with adverbs to assess which
student have grasped the concepts and which students still need more practice in the
following lesson.
In this lesson, I thought that the Adverbs Charades was a fun way to have the students
make the connection of how the adverb helps to describe how and when the action word is
taken place. The next time I use this activity I will either make more copies of the stacks of
cards or either split them so that the students can work in small groups to ensure that
each student gets and opportunity to act out the action phrases. I did like how this lesson
gave me the opportunity to work in a small group to provide extra instruction to those
students who still need help identifying adjectives.
***Credit for this template belongs to Tennessee State University, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
(SCALE), and Columbus State University.
Megan Smith
Adjective and Adverb Word Hunt (4)
CCGPS or GPS Standard(s):
ELACC2L1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or
e. Use adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified.
Learning - Focus
Essential Question(s)
1-3 BIG ideas! How
can these questions be
used to guide your
Central Focus/Lesson
Objectives are
measurable and
aligned with the
Academic Language
What is the key
language demand?
What academic
language will you
teach or develop?
What are the key
vocabulary words
and/or symbols?
This central focus in this lesson is that the students will be able to find nouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverb in a story. If the sentence they choose does not contain an adjective
or adverb, then they will be add to add the part of speech to create a new sentence.
Language Functions (Identify the purpose for which the language is being used, with attention
to goal and audience- the one verb from the standard; ex. demonstrate.)
Students will use this activity to demonstrate their ability to locate parts of speech in a
text, as well as, use the different parts of speech that we are studying in their own writing.
Language Vocabulary (Identify key, content specific words for this lesson: examples of
vocabulary words- drama, prose, structural elements, verse, rhythm, meter, characters, settings,
descriptions, dialogue, stage directions. Additionally, include words within a text necessary for
students comprehension.)
In the book that we are reading, Jonathan Jasper Jeremy Jones, there are so verbs used
that the student may not be familiar with. This will be great practice for using their
dictionary skills. I will have student dictionaries, that they are able to comprehend,
Academic Language Demand (Identify one of the following: reading, writing,
listening/speaking, or demonstrating/performing. The demand will require more or less
scaffolding support- depending on the needs of the students throughout the lesson.)
The students will use reading and writing during this lesson to find parts is speech in a
book, as well as, use them in their own writing.
What resources can be
used to engage
Introduction to
Activating Thinking
What is the hook for
the lesson to tap into
prior knowledge and
develop students
interests? This should
tie directly into the
lessons objective and
standard and should
promote higher level
thinking. How will
you introduce the
content specific
vocabulary words?
***Use knowledge of
students academic,
social, and cultural
Body of Lesson/
Teaching Strategies
What will you have the
students do after you
introduce the lesson to
learn the standards?
What questions will
you ask to promote
higher level thinking?
What opportunities
will you provide for
students to practice
content language/
vocabulary? What
language supports
will you offer?
Once we have reviewed the parts of speech (Nouns, verbs, adjective and adverbs), the
students will move on to the next activity. I will introduce the students the book Jonathan
Jasper Jeremy Jones, by Bernice Holland. The students will use this book to go on a word
hunt looking for the four parts of speech that we are learning about. The students will
have to find the nouns and verbs in the book and then add and adjective or adverb
depending on what they are modifying. I will also ask the students to use a number od
their findings to create a sentence. Before the students begin this activity, I will read
through a couple of sentences to model how this activity will work. Then, the students will
begin practicing. This will give me the opportunity to work one on one with students to
ensure that they have grasped the content.
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
The students will use parts of speech to produce complete, detailed sentences.
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs
and/or 504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
The (3) students that are in my class that has IEPs leave during literature lessons to
participate in a PEC classroom.
Management Plan: During part of the lesson I will still use the same management plan
where the students are able to move their cards up or down depending on their behavior.
How will the students
summarize and/or
share what they have
learned to prove they
know and understand
the standard(s) and its
vocabulary? Will you
provide opportunities
for students to apply
new knowledge while
making connections to
prior learning?
To close this lesson, I will ask some of the students to share the parts of speech that they
found, added, or used in a sentence. We will identify each of their finding as nouns, verbs,
adjectives, or adverbs.
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
The students to share the parts of speech that they found, added, or used in a sentence.
Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs
and/or 504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
The (3) students that are in my class that has IEPs leave during literature lessons to
participate in a PEC classroom.
Management Plan:
Every standard listed
above must be
assessed and included.
Questions to consider
while planning:
How will students
exhibit an
understanding of the
lessons objectives?
How will you provide
feedback? What
evidence will you
collect to demonstrate
of the lessons
objective(s) including
their usage of
Assessment Plan for Learning Objectives (This is a plan and should be written as such;
remember to identify both formative & summative assessments throughout the lesson):
I will use the activity guide response sheets as a summative assessment to monitor how well
the students can identify which part of speech is being modified when used studying both
parts of speech (nouns and adjectives, verbs and adverbs) together.
This lesson went really well and allowed the students an opportunity to use and practice
the skills that we have learned over the past week. When I teach this lesson again, I wil
allow the students some time to work together for a brief moment at the end of the lesson
to help the students who struggle with added adjective and adverbs to the nouns and verbs
that they found in the story.
Reflection includes
characteristics of the
lesson and specific
examples on how it
can be improved.
Improvements are
based on the
supported by evidence
on how well the
objectives were
achieved. Specific
examples to improve
future lessons are
***Credit for this template belongs to Tennessee State University, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
(SCALE), and Columbus State University.
Adjective and Adverb Review (5)
CCGPS or GPS Standard(s):
The (3) students that are in my class that has IEPs leave during literature lessons to participate in a PEC
Classroom/Lesson Context (please check the following that apply):
__X__ Whole Group _____ Small Group _____ One-on-One _____ Students with IEPs/504s _____ ELL Students
____ Other (Please specify: _______________________________________________________________________)
Please specify the number of students:
__8___ Girls ___8__Boys
Individual Education Plan Goal(s) and Benchmarks specific to this lesson:
The (3) students that are in my class that has IEPs leave during literature lessons to participate in a PEC
Learning - Focus
Essential Question(s)
1-3 BIG ideas! How
can these questions be
used to guide your
Objectives are
measurable and
aligned with the
This lesson will be a review just before the students complete their post-assessment.
Academic Language
What is the key
language demand?
What academic
language will you
teach or develop?
What are the key
vocabulary words
and/or symbols?
Language Functions (Identify the purpose for which the language is being used, with attention
to goal and audience- the one verb from the standard; ex. demonstrate.)
The students will be able to verbally model that they are aware of the different parts of
speech and can determine what part of speech is being modified
Language Vocabulary (Identify key, content specific words for this lesson: examples of
vocabulary words- drama, prose, structural elements, verse, rhythm, meter, characters, settings,
descriptions, dialogue, stage directions. Additionally, include words within a text necessary for
students comprehension.)
What resources can be
used to engage
Introduction to
Activating Thinking
What is the hook for
the lesson to tap into
prior knowledge and
develop students
interests? This should
tie directly into the
lessons objective and
standard and should
promote higher level
thinking. How will
you introduce the
content specific
vocabulary words?
***Use knowledge of
students academic,
social, and cultural
Hard cop of the worksheet, Adjective or Adverb?
16 copies of the post-assessment
To begin the lesson, I will review in a whole group lesson the difference between the four
parts of speech that we have learned about in this unit; noun, verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs. Then, I will use a worksheet called, Adjective or Adverb? to review as a whole
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
The student will participate in a whole groups review as they help me identify the answers
to a worksheet reviewing the material that will be found on their post- assessment.
Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs
and/or 504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
The (3) students that are in my class that has IEPs leave during literature lessons to
participate in a PEC classroom.
Management Plan:
During this section of the lesson I will use the management plan that is used throughout
the day were the students have the ability to move their cards up or down depending on
their behavior.
Body of Lesson/
Teaching Strategies
What will you have
the students do after
you introduce the
The students will then take the summative assessment and then read quietly as they wait
for the class to finish the assessment.
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
The student will take the post-assessment.
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs
and/or 504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
The (3) students that are in my class that has IEPs leave during literature lessons to
participate in a PEC classroom.
Management Plan: When I previously pre-assessed the students before we started this
unit, I realized while I was grading the assessments that there was possible cheating.
While the students are taking the post-assessment, I will have the students spread out
using all extra area in the class to prevent any possibilities of cheating.
How will the students
summarize and/or
share what they have
learned to prove they
know and understand
the standard(s) and its
vocabulary? Will you
provide opportunities
for students to apply
new knowledge while
making connections to
prior learning?
I will collect the final assessments and then allow the students to have a restroom break
before we transition to the next activity.
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
Every standard listed
above must be
assessed and included.
Questions to consider
while planning:
How will students
exhibit an
understanding of the
lessons objectives?
How will you provide
feedback? What
evidence will you
collect to demonstrate
of the lessons
objective(s) including
their usage of
Reflection includes
characteristics of the
lesson and specific
examples on how it
can be improved.
Improvements are
based on the
supported by evidence
on how well the
objectives were
achieved. Specific
examples to improve
future lessons are
Assessment Plan for Learning Objectives (This is a plan and should be written as such;
remember to identify both formative & summative assessments throughout the lesson):
The students will complete a post-assessment over adjectives and adverbs. The assessment
is the same as the pre-assessment that was administered before we began this unit. This
will be a summative assessment so that I am able to determine the students who may need
to continue practicing this skill.
The next time that I teach this lesson, I think I will have the student complete the
adjective or Adverb worksheet that we used as a whole group to review how to
determine what is being modified. I would have like to have each child do some
independent practice with this so that if they did not do well on the post-assessment, I
could use this worksheet to see where they are having issues. I may even reuse this
worksheet when I do a small group lesson with the students who need extra practice.
***Credit for this template belongs to Tennessee State University, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
(SCALE), and Columbus State University.