Teacher's Survival Kit: General English Teaching Tips
Teacher's Survival Kit: General English Teaching Tips
Teacher's Survival Kit: General English Teaching Tips
Teaching Skills
Monitor appropriately
Help the underperforming students. Extend the task if the better student finishes earlier.
Be responsive to arising needs from students but allow them to face challenges.
Practice pronunciation
Set the clear aims for drilling the specific lexis and communicate them to students. Drill both chorally
and individually - especially when pre-teaching functional exponents.
Draw learners’ attention to word stress, sentence stress, intonation and features of connected
Teach with awareness of learners’ needs, interests, learning styles and backgrounds
Factors to consider:
- job/pre-experienced learners
- priority of the skills
- language level
1. Good/bad model
View or listen to a good (or bad) model of a presentation, meeting, etc.
Focus on the key functions of the skill. Explore the functional exponents and the language.
Set up production practice -> Students deliver a presentation, participate in a meeting, etc.
3. Test-Teach-Test = Diagnostic
Learners first complete a task or activity without help from the teacher, e.g. fill in the gaps in the
transcript of a negotiation. Then, based on the problems seen reformulation and extension of the
language follow. Then the learners do another task to practise the new language.
4. Output-feedback
With minimal guidance from the teacher, the students prepare and give a presentation or participate
in a negotiation, etc. Feedback on the outcome and then on language points follow. The language
produced by the students is improved by reformulation and extension. Students have another go.
Demand high
Challenge clients by demanding high. Set tasks that are slightly above their current ability.
Before giving the task communicate its purpose.
Show progress
Use the output-feedback approach to teaching skills. Record students’ performance.
Recycle the skills taught earlier. Test the skills and language.
(Grammar explanation and practice)
(Look for the ‘grammar games’ link.)
(Guide for grammar and writing)
(Grammar and vocabulary quizzes)
(Vocabulary – low level)
(Vocabulary explanation and practice)
(Business English vocabulary tests)
(Business English vocabulary exercises – advanced level)
(Business English resource with links to other sites)
(List of key business terms – no exercises)
(An online IH language course. Fees apply.)
EFL Bookshops
If you are interested in buying EFL books while you are abroad, we recommend you contact BEBC,
based in Bournemouth. The website address is [email protected] or phone 01202 712394. You can
open an account for them and they deliver outside the UK.
1. www.tefl.com
2. www.englishjobmaze.com
3. www.eslemployment.com
4. www.tefl.net
5. www.eflweb.com
6. www.eslcafe.com
You can also try the Guardian on Tuesdays, the Times Educational, EFL Gazette and many more
publications and websites.
1. www.onestopenglish.com
Free downloads including lesson plans
2. www.bbc.co.uk
Has transcripts of radio programmes and lots more of course
3. www.penguindossiers.com
Downloadable worksheets
4. www.lyrics.com
All the lyrics you ever wants
5. www.its-teachers.com or www.its-online.com
Interactive and attractive site for students and teachers
6. www.breakingnewsenglish.com
A good source of material at different levels based on current affairs.
7. www.developingteachers.com
Well designed and easy to use site for teachers
8. www.esl-lab.com
Clearly designed exercises and simple to use technology
9. www.eslcafe.com
US website with lots of activities and links
10. www.discoveryeducation.com/free-puzzlemaker/
Make your own puzzle or crosswords (criss-cross)
- #ELTchat http://eltchat.org/
- #eltpics http://eltpics.com
- #eltpics photosets http://www.flickr.com/photos/eltpics/
- British Council Seminars http://englishagenda.britishcouncil.org/previous-seminars
- IATEFL www.iatefl.org
- Dedicated to CPD http://www.cambridgeenglishteacher.org/
- Russell Stannard http://www.teachertrainingvideos.com/
- Dedicated to CPD http://www.englishagenda.britishcouncil.org/continuing-professional-
- http://www.teachitelt.com/
- http://www.onestopenglish.com
- #ELTchat https://www.facebook.com/groups/eltchat/
- IATEFL https://www.facebook.com/groups/iatefl/
- IATEFL Poland https://www.facebook.com/groups/107139292691760/
- #eltpics https://www.facebook.com/groups/eltpics/
- TESOL France https://www.facebook.com/groups/tesol.france/
- IATEFL BESIG https://www.facebook.com/groups/320393281327880/
- NNEST = non-native English speaker teachers https://www.facebook.com/groups/nnest/
- Cambridge DELTA (CELT Athens) https://www.facebook.com/groups/celtaathensdelta/
- 30 Goals for Educators https://www.facebook.com/groups/30Goals/
- IATEFL Poland https://www.facebook.com/iateflpoland?ref=profile
- Centre for English Learning and Teaching at the University of Westminster
- Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley
- British Council https://www.facebook.com/britishcouncil?ref=profile
- Teaching English – British Council
- International Teacher Development Institute (iTDi)
- The Consultants-E https://www.facebook.com/TheConsultantsE?ref=profile
- Onestopenglish https://www.facebook.com/onestopenglish?ref=profile
- Lessonstream.org (Jamie Keddie)
-There are many more… The ELT Publishers have their pages as well, you just need to put their names
in the search.
In no particular order:
- Sandy Millin http://sandymillin.wordpress.com/
- Hugh Dellar http://hughdellar.wordpress.com/
- Andrew Walkley http://blog.westminster.ac.uk/celt/
- Jeremy Harmer http://jeremyharmer.wordpress.com/
- Leo Sellivan http://leoxicon.blogspot.co.uk/
- Mike Harrison http://www.mikejharrison.com/
- Bethany Cagnol http://freelanceteacherinfrance.blogspot.co.uk/
-Demand High ELT (Jim Scrivener and Adrian Underhill) http://demandhighelt.wordpress.com/
- Rachael Roberts http://elt-resourceful.com/
- Marek Kiczkowiak http://teflequityadvocates.com/the-blog/
- Willy C. Cardoso http://authenticteaching.wordpress.com/
- Christina Rebuffet-Broadus http://ilovetefl.wordpress.com/
- Chia Suan Chong http://chiasuanchong.com/
- Laura Patsko http://laurapatsko.wordpress.com/
- Mura Nava http://eflnotes.wordpress.com/
- Jo Gakonga http://www.elt-training.com/
- Scott Thornbury – AN A-Z of ELT http://scottthornbury.wordpress.com/
These can help you organize the information
- Netvibes http://www.netvibes.com/
- Diigo http://www.diigo.com/
- Evernote http://evernote.com/
- Pearltrees http://www.pearltrees.com/
- Delicious http://delicious.com/
Business English
http:// www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/general/
- Market Leader (Third Edition) – Cotton, Falvey, & Kent (Longman) range of levels
Good general balance of topics, texts, & skills. Excellent case study material.
- In company 3.0 (Third Edition) – Powell & Allison (Macmillan) range of levels
Lexical approach to communication skills, based on listening text.
Supplementary books
Methodology books
The following are the most up-to-date books that will consolidate what we’ve covered on the course
and will give you an insight into what is currently going on in the ELT world.