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Caronan - Math q1 Journal

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Caronan, Chelclairish Gresha DL.

10 – Argon
Submitted to: Ma’am Farah Madison
- Patterns and Sequence - Finding the Nth term of an Arithmetic Sequences
- Introductions to Arithmetic Sequences - Arithmetic Means
- Sum of Arithmetic Sequences
Our first meeting taught me a lot. We mostly talked
about patterns and how we can figure out how they I was amazed by how many topics we covered in an hour this

work or what sequence they have, we also learned about week, but it was acceptable because I learnt how to get a

arithmetic sequences, which are a sequence with a random missing term from an arithmetic sequence, how to

common difference, which means that if you subtract calculate the total of an arithmetic sequence, and how to get

any two consecutive numbers in an arithmetic sequence, the mean/s in between two terms of an arithmetic sequence.

the difference will be the same as the other consecutive

- Introductions to Geometric Sequences - Finding the Nth term of a Geometric Sequences
- Geometric Mean
We talked at the geometric sequence and how - Sum of the terms of a Finite Geometric Sequences
it differs from arithmetic sequences this week. - Sum of the terms of an infinite Geometric Sequences
It was easy to spot because there was
a difference. They are similar in that they both I learned how to get the nth term, which means, I'm
follow the same  term pattern. The geometric still a little confused in the finite and infinite part. I
sequence has a common ratio, while the was overwhelmed too because we covered the topics
arithmetic sequence has a common difference. in just 1 hour.
WEEK 5 - Polynomials
- Application of Sequences
Since the first part was only a recall, I learned new things
I have learned how it may be used to several aspects of this week as well. I learnt long division, which was pretty
my life, including the ability to predict, analyze, and simple actually, but I'm not going to use it because synthetic
monitor the outcome of a situation or event, as well as division is much easier for me.
assisting us in making decisions.
WEEK 7-8

eca u se it w a s th e first day of

m b e r, w e di d n 't have class on the
No ve
rned how to
seventh week. I lea
in e th e ra ti o n al root. Getting the
an d c o m b in in g th em to get at
focus. We had a
a root was the main
isc u ss io n ab ou t th ese lessons last
. N o t o n ly di d w e learn those two
we ek
e pt s , b u t w e a ls o learned how to put
them into practice.

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