Ed 327 Lesson Plan Template 2023

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Step 1: Create the LP using this template and share with your CMT (in advance of your teaching).

Step 2: Implement
the LP and write a short reflection (see prompts at the bottom of your LP template).

Date: 3/20/24 Teacher Name & CMT: Ms. Modisher and Mr. McKinley Class: transition

Grade Level: 6th Unit Name/Topic: Reasoning with tape diagrams Lesson Number: 1 Length: 45 minutes

Stage 1: Desired Results

Note: Only list the desired results that are relevant for THIS lesson plan, not the entire unit.

Academic Content Standard(s):

7.EE.B4 Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construct simple equations and
inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities.

Enduring Understandings / Goals (Why): Essential Questions:

Students will understand that . . . Students will keep considering . . .
Tape diagrams can be used to represent relationships between quantities How can they use these to represent other equations?
in a situation. How can we represent the same kind of equations in different ways?

Resource for Backward Design:

https://files.ascd.org/staticfiles/ascd/pdf/siteASCD/publications/UbD_Whi Questions to elicit deeper thinking or build upon about the topic…
tePaper0312.pdf How can we use these to understand real-world word problems?

Student (SMART) Objectives(s):

Outcome(s) students will be able to demonstrate . . .
Be able to understand when to use these and why they are helpful.

SMART objectives are:

• Specific: Concrete, detailed, and well defined so that you know where you are going and what to expect when you arrive
• Measureable: Numbers and quantities provide means of measurement and comparison
• Achievable: feasible and easy to put into action
• Realistic: Considers constraints such as resources, personnel, cost, and time frame
• Time-Bound: A time frame helps to set boundaries around the objective

Stage 2: Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Performance Task(s) tied to: Other Evidence
Students will show their learning by . . . Completing the exit ticket at the Formative: Exit ticket
end of the day.

Evaluative Criteria: Summative (if any beyond the performance task): Test at the
Students success would look like. . . Them being able to answer all the end of the chapter
questions on the exit ticket.

Stage 3: Learning Plan

General Methods for Instruction:

(Highlight all that apply)
Group Discussion Guided Practice Question/Answer Teacher Modeling Problem-based Simulation Cooperative Learning Lab Learning

Stations Writing to Learn Inquiry Learning Independent Learning Small Group Direct Instruction Workshop Role Play Game


Where will this lesson take place? General Education Classroom Resource Room or Other: General Education

Targeted Support(s) for Diverse Learners Technology Integration (purpose): Using an iPad to do the
Specific Support and Who will provide that
Why? What’s the intention
Needed (Special support?
Education Support (support be provided? and/or accommodations
and modifications): N/A

Intentional Co-Teaching or Grouping Strategies:

❏ 1 Teach 1 Observe (gather specific data)

❏ 1 Teach 1 Assist (float to support/engage)
❏ Parallel Teaching (same material/smaller groupings)
❏ Station Teaching (divide content, repeat to groups)
❏ Alternative Teaching (grouping specialized
❏ Team Teaching (delivering lesson together)
Lesson Agenda with Discipline-Specific Learning Activities

Time: Teacher Will Be (Planned Supports tied to objectives Students Will Be (Learning Tasks connect Rationale: (Based
& build in checks for understanding) to prior knowledge & assets): on Research/theory)

5 minutes Greeting students as they walk in telling them what page to turn Walking in and flipping to the page getting started if Gives the teacher time to take
to in the book they want to. attendance and talk to those
they need to talk to before
addressing the whole class and
getting started with the day.

5 minutes Going over the warm-up making sure all the students Students will be engaged answering questions when This can help show the teacher
understand what we are going to talk about today. called on showing that they know what they are going what students already know
to learn. and what they don’t.

15 minutes Go through page 583 with the students allowing them to ask Following along as I go through the page with them. This can ensure that students
and answer questions. Staying engaged by answering questions. will be actively listening and
learning what they need to

15 minutes Introduce page 585 and have the students get in groups and Students will be working together in groups to figure Students are learning from each
work on the page. Walking around to make sure everyone is on out the answers to the questions. When going over it, other when working in the
task and understanding. Then go over it after giving them time students should be answering the questions when groups to figure out the
to do it. asked to. answers.

5 minutes Have the students fill out an exit ticket and turn it in before Students should be answering the exit ticket questions This gives the teacher feedback
leaving. and then starting to pack up and clean up their area. about what the students
learned today and what they
didn’t learn.

Data-Driven Reflection and Decisions

Based on the specific objective(s), Performance Task(s), and Evaluative Criteria set for today’s lesson, what was the result? How well did the
class do collectively on meeting the objective at the level you expected? Were there any patterns, collective misconceptions/gaps? Who needs
specific support/reteach? Now, justify your next step in planning. What will you do next? Why (research-based)? What do you anticipate the
result to be?

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