Sample Math Lesson
Sample Math Lesson
Sample Math Lesson
Instructional Context
What do I know about my students that will inform this lesson?
Students were quickly able to comprehend how to solve the middle unknown in lesson
series 1.
Students that are part of kid talks will need frequent check-ins.
A few students will need a separate worksheet to help organize their thinking
○ 3 read worksheet {will be attached below}
A few students are easily distracted so I will briefly check in to help them stay focused.
Some students may need to reference math guide posters located at the front board.
How does this lesson connect with and build on the previous lesson?
In previous lessons students practiced solving word problems missing the middle
unknown. They used strategies such as count up, subtraction and count back that they
will use to help them find the beginning unknown.
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to represent and solve addition and subtraction word problems
with the start unknown.
Students determine the unknown start quantity in addition and subtraction equations.
Name Formative Assessment(s)
Pennies Problem Worksheet
○ Refer to images below
Observance of progress through group participation.
Observance of progress through students' individual problem solving at their desk.
Observance of partner problem solving and collaboration.
During observation, take note of students using key words and units to justify their
Student Supports
List what you are using to support student/learning/organization
White Board
Linking cubes
Math toolkit folder
○ Contains: number line, tape diagram, ten frames.
Guided lesson
Read aloud