Sample Math Lesson

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Name: Britney Heyse

Lesson Title: Lesson Series 2 Day 1.

Date Administered: Thursday February 16th, 2023.

Instructional Context
What do I know about my students that will inform this lesson?
Students were quickly able to comprehend how to solve the middle unknown in lesson
series 1.
Students that are part of kid talks will need frequent check-ins.
A few students will need a separate worksheet to help organize their thinking
○ 3 read worksheet {will be attached below}
A few students are easily distracted so I will briefly check in to help them stay focused.
Some students may need to reference math guide posters located at the front board.

How does this lesson connect with and build on the previous lesson?
In previous lessons students practiced solving word problems missing the middle
unknown. They used strategies such as count up, subtraction and count back that they
will use to help them find the beginning unknown.

How do you expect to build on this lesson in subsequent lessons?

In future lessons students will use what they learned to continue practicing various
strategies to solve for a beginning unknown. As each day goes on they will discover the
start/beginning unknown situation can only be solved by counting on or addition.
Standards Addressed
Common Core State Standards
Name the standard(s) with the full explanation
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
○ Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
■ 1.OA.1. Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving
situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing,
with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations
with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to represent and solve addition and subtraction word problems
with the start unknown.
Students determine the unknown start quantity in addition and subtraction equations.
Name Formative Assessment(s)
Pennies Problem Worksheet
○ Refer to images below
Observance of progress through group participation.
Observance of progress through students' individual problem solving at their desk.
Observance of partner problem solving and collaboration.
During observation, take note of students using key words and units to justify their

Academic Language: Vocabulary/Language

Tape Diagram
Count on/up
Count Back
Unknown (?)
Number line
Whole amount, part & other part

Student Supports
List what you are using to support student/learning/organization
White Board
Linking cubes
Math toolkit folder
○ Contains: number line, tape diagram, ten frames.
Guided lesson
Read aloud

Materials and Resources

Slideshow presentation: containing past and current objectives
Handout (Image attached below)
Materials needed in class
Math toolkit folder
White board markers
Linking Cubes

Learning Tasks & Activities

Time Learning Tasks Teacher Actions Student Actions Purpose
Rough (What will you do?) What will students
Estimate do?)
5 mins Students will review I will begin by Students will first Launch
previous lessons and reviewing what we listen and watch
new learning have been working Students will
objective on and what our contribute any
new objective will thoughts or
be. questions.
I will read aloud
the objectives and
promote discussion
around what it may
5 mins Students will listen Read word problem Read word problem Launch
(10 max) and read word aloud. together. Discuss Gauge which
problem aloud. Ask students what what they notice students will
Students will they notice. about the unknown. need
discover what is Discuss and show Talk about the immediate
different about this different tools they units/quantities. check-ins.
word problem than can use.
previous word
5 Students will work Walk around Students will work Independent
minutes independently at helping students independently for a exploration.
(about) their desk, using get thinking started few minutes to solve
tools and strategies Answer any for the unknown.
to find the unknown. questions.
questions as they
Encourage use of
15 mins Students will work Observe what Partners will have Exploration.
max with partners to strategies and tools their choice of Students will
solve for unknown students are using tools.They will then explore
for lesson closure. compare their different
Maintain behavior solution strategies as strategies to
expectations and they work. help them
ensure all students solve the
are remaining on unknown.
task. Help students
as needed, visit
students who need
more focused
Guide students
who are finished
early to check over
their work to make
sure they answered
all parts.
10 mins 2-3 students will Ask guiding Students will Summarize.
max share their answer questions to further share/listen to
and explain how they explain action. classmates.
got it. Record Acknowledge similar
Representations as thinking.
they share. This
could be in the form
of a ten frame,
linking cube, tape
max 5 Refreshing what we Wrap up what we Students may ask Closure
mins learned and how it learned. any remaining
relates to future Give small insight questions.
lessons. into what they will
work on tomorrow.

Challenges and Misconceptions Universal Support

Students may confuse the order of the parts of Relate each piece of the equation to the visual
the equation. representations and the story.
*If used, students will show their work on the back.

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