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U2 Ac 2.1 2.2

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Winnie Eldama Arobo - Level 3 Award in Education and Training

Task 2

Learning Outcome 2: Understand ways to maintain a safe and supportive

learning environment.

A positive
A safe A supportive
environment environment

U1 AC 2.1 - Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment.

Safe learning environment Supportive learning environment
Consider health & safety requirements, Arrange the classroom and its
conduct a risk assessment to identify furnishings so that all learners can see
potential hazards and ways which to you and screens/boards.
eliminate or control them.
Use icebreakers at the start of the
Maintain your distance, some cultures course to help learners relax and create
have rules about minimum distances to appositive atmosphere in the room, use
maintain between men and women and energizers throughout the day,
even students/learners. especially after lunch and breaks to
motivate and stimulate the leaner.
Vary speech tone and volume to make
learners feel at ease and safe. Provide sufficient numbers of handouts,
books and learning materials so that
Allow learners to be part of setting the each learner has their own.
Rules, they will be more likely to follow Provide ample breaks to cater for all
them. learners, something as simple as taking
a quick refreshment break can help
Make sure the environment is correct, concentration through the day.
adequate ventilation and heating must
be provided.

Winnie Eldama Arobo - Level 3 Award in Education and Training

U1 AC 2.1 - Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment

Safe learning environment Supportive learning environment
Provide sufficient safety equipment and Provide opportunities for the leaner to
supplies, fire extinguishers and first aid share personal experience’s and to be
kits will need to be available. involved with discussions.

Use appropriate language, body Be patient, not all learners work at the
language and behaviour at all times, do same pace.
not to be offensive or defensive at any
time. Be passionate about the subject to
motivate your learners, involve the
learner as much as possible in the
teaching process, even if it is something
as simple as them writing on the flip
chart when doing lists or tasks.

Where possible be flexible with the

syllabus and let the learner chose what
to study and where to study if possible,
give options for locations of field trips

Winnie Eldama Arobo - Level 3 Award in Education and Training

Task 2

Learning outcome 2: Understand ways to maintain a safe and supportive

learning environment.
U1 AC 2.2 – what is acceptable behaviour?

From learners From yourself

➢ adhering to the ground rules ➢ adhering to relevant
➢ arriving on time policies, procedures and
➢ being polite to others codes of practice
➢ bringing the correct items ➢ arriving early to ensure the
to sessions environment is appropriate
➢ not acting inappropriately being honest, reliable and
➢ not swearing, bullying or belittling trustworthy
others ➢ being organised and efficient
➢ not using electronic devices challenging and managing
during sessions inappropriate behaviour of
➢ submitting work on time others ensuring the learning
environment is tidy, safe and
suitable establishing routines
➢ liaising and working with
others in a professional
manner listening and
responding effectively
➢ maintaining up to date records
➢ making fair decisions and
giving developmental
feedback not overstepping
the boundaries of the
teaching role preparing
adequately for sessions
➢ reporting concerns respecting
➢ returning marked work within
agreed timescales remaining
impartial in any disputes
➢ supporting learners as necessary
➢ using a variety of inclusive
teaching and learning approaches.

Winnie Eldama Arobo - Level 3 Award in Education and Training

Learning outcome 2: Understand ways to maintain a safe and supportive

learning environment.
What is unacceptable behaviour?
From learners From yourself
➢ Use of offensive language ➢ Singling out an individual for any
➢ Use of threatening language or reason
behaviour ➢ Abusing your authority
➢ Bullying of any kind ➢ Being inappropriately dressed
➢ Discrimination of any kind ➢ Being late for lessons
➢ Threats of physical violence ➢ Use of mobile phones in class
➢ Disruptive behaviour ➢ Use of offensive language
➢ Malicious damage ➢ Use of threatening language or
➢ Being under the influence of behaviour
alcohol or non prescription drugs ➢ Bullying of any kind
➢ Being late for lessons ➢ Discrimination of any kind
➢ Use of mobile phones in class ➢ Threats of physical violence
➢ Disruptive behaviour
➢ Malicious damage
➢ Being under the influence of
alcohol or non-prescription drugs

U1 AC 2.2 – Why is it important to promote acceptable behaviour and respect for

Behaving appropriately and respectfully is about interacting with others in a way
that is accepting and doesn’t lower their confidence. The teacher should be
honest, reliable and trustworthy and lead by example. A teacher needs to listen to
other’s points of view and demonstrate that they value others opinions.
By doing this, learners feel accepted and valued and are much more likely to
participate fully in the lessons as they will not be in fear of being judged.

They will be prepared to listen to others and develop an atmosphere of mutual

respect and encouragement where everyone can thrive, it will generally;
➢ Promote a safe and secure environment which is conducive to learning
➢ Encourage good behaviour
➢ Maintain discipline and promote self-discipline and regulate the learners
➢ Helps develop social skills and interaction with peers.

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