SEN Micro Teaching
SEN Micro Teaching
SEN Micro Teaching
Micro – teaching
You have to prepare one video for Micro – teaching along with the corresponding lesson
plan. The topic and the subject will be selected by you.
The video needs to be sent through We Transfer to your coordinator and the lesson plan
should be uploaded in the portal.
Kindly start your lesson with a warmer through a short game or activity which may or may not
be related with the core lesson. Warmer session would help the students to feel comfortable
in the class. After that you would introduce the topic through the context setting stage. You
may use picture/video/realia/body language etc. (related to the lesson) and ask questions to
help the students to anticipate the topic of the lesson. Then you would deal with your main
lesson and that should be followed by the recapitulation session.
Please fill out the lesson plan format which is given below.
Lesson plan no. Date :
Teacher’s name :
Topic : Subject :
Concepts introduced :