CPP Companion Volume Release 6.0

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CPP Property Services Training Package

Companion Volume Implementation Guide

Release 6.0

November 2018
Copyright Statement

© 2018 Commonwealth of Australia

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While care has been taken in the preparation of this material, Department of Education and Training
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Published by: Artibus Innovation

373 Elizabeth Street
North Hobart, TAS, 7000
Phone: (+61) 03 6218 2841
Webpage: artibus.com.au

Version Details: First published June 2016

Print Version 6.0

Release Date: 15 November, 2018

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 2

Table of Contents

Overview information ........................................................................................................ 5

Version control and modification history ................................................................................... 5
List of AQF qualifications, skill sets and units of competency in the training package ................. 9
Unit mapping information ........................................................................................................ 18
Qualification mapping information .......................................................................................... 48
Imported units and prerequisites ............................................................................................. 55
Key work and training requirements in the industry ................................................................. 57
Regulation and licensing requirements implications for implementation ................................. 60
Implementation information ............................................................................................ 68
Information on the key features of the training package and the industry that will impact on the
selection of training pathways ................................................................................................. 68
Industry sectors and occupational outcomes of qualifications .................................................. 69
Mandatory entry requirements ................................................................................................ 74
Pathways advice ...................................................................................................................... 74
Access and equity considerations ............................................................................................. 76
Foundation skills ...................................................................................................................... 77
Advice on any health and safety implications in the industry ................................................... 78
Resource and equipment relevant to this training package ...................................................... 78
Legal consideration for the learners in the workplace including placements ............................. 78
Further information relevant to implementing of the training package .................................... 79

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About Artibus Innovation

The Property Industry Reference Committee (IRC) represents the workforce training and skills
development needs of the property services industries

Artibus Innovation is the Skills Service Organisation supporting the IRCs of the property services
industries in Australia. It develops, manages, and distributes nationally recognised Training Packages
and associated training and assessment materials.

Refer www.artibus.com.au for more information.

About the property services sectors

The Property Services industry is comprised of diverse profitable sectors that play a key role in the
Australian economy. Australia’s property real estate sector alone is forecast to grow annually at a
rate of 2.5% and reach $49.9 billion in revenue by 2021–22.

The CPP Property Services Training Package provides the only nationally recognised Vocational
Education and Training (VET) qualifications for occupations involved in:

• access consulting
• building design
• cleaning
• facility management
• fire protection inspection and testing
• home sustainability assessment
• pest management
• property development
• property sales and management
• security, public order, and safety
• strata management
• surveying and spatial information services
• swimming pool and spa servicing sector.
• waste management

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Overview information
Version control and modification history

Release Release date Comments


6.0 15 November, Revision of 1 qualification, which is equivalent to its superseded

2018 version in the CPP07 Property Services Training Package:
• CPP31218 Certificate III in Swimming Pool and Spa Service
• Revision of 13 equivalent units of competency.
Updated a native unit, which is equivalent to its superseded
version in the CPP07 Property Services Training Package:
• CPPCMN3005 Complete client documentation
Updated imported units to reflect latest release:
• BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals
• BSBSMB402 Plan small business finances
• BSBSMB404 Undertake small business planning
• BSBSMB407 Manage a small team

5.0 June 2017 Development of 1 new qualification:

• CPP2017 Certificate II in Cleaning
• Development of 14 new units of competency.

4.2 Jan 2017 Revision of 5 qualifications, which are equivalent to their

superseded version in the CPP07 Property Services Training
• CPP30216 Certificate III in Surveying and Spatial Information
• CPP40316 Certificate IV in Spatial Information Services
• CPP40516 Certificate IV in Strata Community Management
• CPP50116 Diploma of Surveying
• CPP50216 Diploma of Spatial Information Services.

Minor release to update current qualifications where a new non-

native equivalent elective unit has superseded imported non-
native units.

4.1 Dec 2016 Updated training package with new imported unit CPCCWHS1001
Prepare to work safely in the construction industry replacing

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 5

Release Release date Comments
superseded CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction

4.0 May 2016 Development of 3 new qualifications:

• CPP30416 Certificate III in Strata Community Management
• CPP40516 Certificate IV in Strata Community Management
• CPP50316 Diploma of Strata Community Management
Redevelopment of 10 new strata community management units.
Revision 39 equivalent strata community management units.

Revision of 2 equivalent cleaning qualifications:

• CPP30316 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations
• CPP40416 Certificate IV in Cleaning Management
Development of 4 new cleaning units of competency
Revision of 34 cleaning units:
• 27 cleaning units equivalent to their superseded versions
• revision of 7 common units of competency.

Revision of three cleaning skill sets equivalent to their superseded

• CPPSS00052 Develop and implement environmentally
sustainable cleaning programs
• CPPSS00053 Implement environmentally sustainable cleaning
• CPPSS00055 Perform environmentally sustainable cleaning
Development of 5 new cleaning skill sets:
• CPPSS00048 Clean and restore hard floors
• CPPSS00049 Clean carpets
• CPPSS00051 Clean residential work sites
• CPPSS00054 Induct cleaning staff
• CPPSS00050 Clean hospitals and aged care facilities.

3.0 May 2016 Revision of 7 qualifications, which are equivalent to their

superseded version in the CPP07 Property Services Training

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 6

Release Release date Comments
• CPP20116 Certificate II in Surveying and Spatial Information
• CPP30216 Certificate III in Surveying and Spatial Information
• CPP40216 Certificate IV in Surveying
• CPP40316 Certificate IV in Spatial Information Services
• CPP50116 Diploma of Surveying
• CPP50216 Diploma of Spatial Information Services
• CPP60116 Advanced Diploma of Surveying
Revision of 54 SSIS units of competency equivalent to their
superseded versions.
Revision of 8 SSIS non-equivalent units of competency.
Development of 2 new SSIS units of competency:
• CPPSIS3021 Visually interpret image data
• CPPSIS4039 Design and produce maps.
Revision of 3 common units, 2 of which are equivalent to their
superseded versions:
• CPPCMN4002 Implement and monitor environmentally
sustainable work practices
• CPPCMN4003 Establish, develop and monitor teams
• 1 non-equivalent to its superseded version:
• CPPCMN3006 Provide effective client service.

2.0 September 2015 Revision of 1 qualification, which is equivalent to its superseded

version in the CPP07 Property Services Training Package.
• CPP30115 Certificate III in Urban Pest Management
Revision of 15 units of competency, which are equivalent to the
equivalent to their superseded versions in CPP07.
Revision of 3 skill sets equivalent to their superseded versions in
• CPPSS00045 Manage complex fumigation operations
• CPPSS00046 Manage non-timber pests
• CPPSS00047 Manage timber pests.

1.0 March 2015 Development of 1 new qualification:

• CPP40115 Certificate IV in Building Design Drafting
• Development of 13 new units of competency.
Primary release.

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Purpose of this guide

This Guide supports the CPP Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package. It has been
developed to assist trainers, assessors, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and others by
providing information about the structure and contents of the training package, as well as other
guidance material.

About training packages

A training package is an integrated set of nationally endorsed competency standards, assessment

requirements and Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications for a specific industry,
industry sector or enterprise.

Each training package:

• provides a consistent and reliable set of components for training and for recognising and
assessing learners’ skills, and may also have optional support materials
• enables nationally recognised qualifications to be awarded through direct assessment of
workplace competencies
• encourages the development and delivery of flexible training that suits learner and industry
• strongly encourages learning and assessment in a work-related environment, which leads to
verifiable workplace outcomes.

Training packages specify the skills and knowledge required to perform effectively in the workplace.
They do not prescribe how an individual should be trained. Trainers and supervisors develop
learning strategies - the ‘how’ - depending on learner needs, abilities and circumstances.

The Training Package Development and Endorsement Process Policy ensures that qualifications,
units of competency and assessment requirements are developed to an agreed quality standard and
are responsive to industry’s existing and future demand for new skills.

The following key principles underpin the process.

• open and inclusive industry-driven improvement, validation and endorsement of training

• strong and clear key stakeholder roles with critical points of intervention and consultation
• high levels of responsiveness in order to meet industry needs and priorities for new skills.

More information about training packages may be found at:


CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 8

List of AQF qualifications, skill sets and units of competency in the training
Summary of the CPP property services training package

The CPP Property Services Training Package comprises:

• 16 qualifications
• 216 units of competency and associated assessment requirements
• 10 skill sets

Training package code and title

Each training package has a unique three letter national code that reflects the industry sector. For
the CPP Property Services Training Package, the letter CPP stand for:

• CP = ‘construction and property’ industries

• P = ‘property services’ industry
Qualification codes

As represented in the figure below, each qualification has a unique eight-character code the:
• first three characters identify the training package
• first number identifies the qualification level
• next two numbers identify the position of the qualification in the sequence of qualifications
at that level
• last two numbers identify the year in which the qualification was endorsed.

AQF Level Year of


CPP 4 01 16 .

Property Services First AQF level 4

Training Package Qualification in the
Training Package

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 9

Units of competency codes

Units of competency are nationally agreed to statements about the skills and knowledge required
for effective performance in the workplace. They identify outcomes as defined by regulatory
requirements and agreed by industry. As such, they identify the skills and knowledge (as outcomes)
that contribute to the whole job function – they do not describe how to perform a particular role.

As represented in the figure below, in the CPP Property Services Training Package, each unit of
competency has a unique nine-character code* where the:
• first three characters identify the training package
• next three characters identify the industry sector
• final four numbers identify the position of the unit in the sequence of units in the sector.

*Please note, units of competency released in previous versions of this document may have a ten-
character code – an additional number in between the industry sector and the first unit for the
sector. Artibus Innovation has decided to remove this number as units of competency do not have
specific AQF levels.

Building Design First Unit for the

Sector Sector

CPP BDN 3 001 .

Property Services Indicative AQF level

Training Package

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 10


Qualifications comprise units of competency that, packaged together, support an industry-agreed

job role.

Qualifications typically comprise several mandatory core units that are required across the entire
industry and a number of elective units that can be chosen to suit the industry sector and regulatory,
enterprise, professional or individual requirements.

The AQF provides a comprehensive, nationally consistent framework for all qualifications in post-
compulsory education and training in Australia.

In the vocational education and training (VET) sector, it assists national consistency for all trainees,
learners, employers and providers by enabling national recognition of qualifications and statements
of attainment. For a full explanation of the AQF, refer to the AQF Second Edition (January 2013),
which may be found at www.aqf.edu.au.

CPP Property Services Training Package Qualifications

Code Title
CPP20116 Certificate II in Surveying and Spatial Information Services
CPP20216 Certificate II in Waste Management
CPP20617 Certificate II in Cleaning
CPP30115 Certificate III in Urban Pest Management
CPP30216 Certificate III in Surveying and Spatial Information Services
CPP30316 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations
CPP30416 Certificate III in Strata Community Management
CPP31218 Certificate III in Swimming Pool and Spa Service
CPP40115 Certificate IV in Building Design Drafting
CPP40216 Certificate IV in Surveying
CPP40316 Certificate IV in Spatial Information Services
CPP40416 Certificate IV in Cleaning Management
CPP40516 Certificate IV in Strata Community Management
CPP50116 Diploma of Surveying
CPP50216 Diploma of Spatial Information Services
CPP50316 Diploma of Strata Community Management
CPP60116 Advanced Diploma of Surveying

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Skill sets

Skill sets are single units of competency or combinations of units of competency from an endorsed
Training Package that link to a licensing or regulatory requirement, or a defined industry need.
Skill sets may provide a bridge between qualifications and respond to regulatory needs or an
identified emerging skill area.

CPP Property Services Training Package Skill Sets

Code Title
CPPSS00045 Manage complex fumigation operations
CPPSS00046 Manage non-timber pests
CPPSS00047 Manage timber pests
CPPSS00048 Clean and restore hard floors
CPPSS00049 Clean carpets
CPPSS00050 Clean hospitals and aged care facilities
CPPSS00051 Clean residential work sites
CPPSS00052 Develop and implement environmentally sustainable cleaning programs
CPPSS00053 Implement environmentally sustainable cleaning programs
CPPSS00054 Induct cleaning staff
CPPSS00055 Perform environmentally sustainable cleaning operations

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Units of competency

A unit of competency is a specification of industry skills and knowledge and the application of those
skills and knowledge to the standard of performance required in the workplace.

Every unit of competency has associated assessment requirements that describe the evidence and
required conditions for assessment.

CPP Property Services Training Package Units of Competency

Code Title
CPPBDN4001 Research and evaluate construction materials and methods for building design
CPPBDN4002 Research and apply compliance requirements to technical construction
CPPBDN4003 Collect, apply and store building design project information
CPPBDN4004 Set up BIM-capable software and files for building design drafting projects
CPPBDN4005 Review and report structural integrity of building designs
CPPBDN4006 Import and transpose information from external sources into digital building
design drawings
CPPBDN4007 Store and retrieve building design documentation
CPPBDN4008 Produce digital building design concept drawings
CPPBDN4009 Analyse building design drawings and review findings
CPPBDN4010 Prepare documentation for planning approval
CPPBDN4011 Prepare documentation for building approval
CPPBDN4012 Provide support to project building designers
CPPBDN4013 Produce construction detail drawings
CPPCCL2008 Clean carpeted floors
CPPCCL2009 Perform basic stain removal from carpets
CPPCLO2002 Clean hard floor surfaces
CPPCLO2005 Maintain glass surfaces
CPPCLO2011 Maintain ceiling surfaces and fittings
CPPCLO2014 Clean and arrange furniture and fittings
CPPCLO2016 Clean wet surfaces
CPPCLO2018 Sort, remove and recycle waste material
CPPCLO2032 Plan basic cleaning activities
CPPCLO2034 Maintain storage area and cleaning equipment
CPPCLO2036 Maintain external surfaces
CPPCLO2042 Clean surfaces using microfibre equipment
CPPCLO2045 Clean rooms for guests and residents
CPPCLO3001 Maintain hard floor surfaces
CPPCLO3002 Restore hard floor surfaces
CPPCLO3003 Clean using safe work practices
CPPCLO3004 Maintain carpeted floors
CPPCLO3005 Confirm and apply privacy and security requirements for cleaning work
CPPCLO3006 Clean carpets
CPPCLO3007 Remove carpet stains
CPPCLO3008 Mitigate carpet water damage
CPPCLO3009 Clean glass surfaces
CPPCLO3010 Apply odour control to carpets
CPPCLO3011 Clean using environmentally sustainable work practices

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CPP Property Services Training Package Units of Competency
Code Title
CPPCLO3012 Repair and reinstall carpets
CPPCLO3013 Clean window coverings
CPPCLO3014 Maintain clean-room environments
CPPCLO3015 Treat complex carpet stains
CPPCLO3016 Apply topical treatments to carpets
CPPCLO3017 Clean wet areas
CPPCLO3018 Clean and maintain furniture and fittings
CPPCLO3019 Remove waste and recyclable materials
CPPCLO3020 Pressure wash and clean surfaces
CPPCLO3021 Clean industrial machinery
CPPCLO3024 Clean fabric upholstery
CPPCLO3029 Inspect sites prior to carpet cleaning
CPPCLO3030 Develop a plan to mitigate water damage and restore carpets
CPPCLO3035 Maintain cleaning storage areas
CPPCLO3036 Clean at heights
CPPCLO3037 Clean external surfaces
CPPCLO3038 Clean food-handling areas
CPPCLO3040 Clean ceiling surfaces and fittings
CPPCLO3043 Clean using microfibre and chemical-free techniques
CPPCLO3044 Prepare rooms for guests and residents
CPPCLO3045 Clean high-touch surfaces
CPPCLO4001 Induct cleaning staff
CPPCLO4002 Develop, implement and monitor new cleaning techniques
CPPCLO4003 Manage cleaning equipment maintenance and supply
CPPCLO4022 Schedule and monitor cleaning tasks
CPPCLO4024 Manage the supply of cleaning stores to the work site
CPPCLO4025 Provide quotation for cleaning services
CPPCMN2002 Participate in workplace safety arrangements
CPPCMN2004 Provide basic client service
CPPCMN3004 Respond to enquiries and complaints
CPPCMN3005 Complete client documentation
CPPCMN3006 Provide effective client service
CPPCMN3007 Support leadership in the workplace
CPPCMN4001 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability
CPPCMN4002 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
CPPCMN4003 Establish, develop and monitor teams
CPPCMN4004 Develop and manage client relations
CPPCMN4007 Manage workplace safety arrangements
CPPCMN4008 Read plans, drawings and specifications for residential buildings
CPPCMN4009 Develop team understanding of and commitment to sustainability
CPPDSM3007 Identify risks and opportunities in the property industry
CPPDSM3009 Maintain workplace safety in the property industry
CPPDSM3010 Meet customer needs and expectations in the property industry
CPPDSM3011 Monitor building facilities
CPPDSM3016 Work in the property industry
CPPDSM3017 Work in the strata community management sector
CPPDSM3019 Communicate with clients in the property industry
CPPDSM3020 Source and extract information from strata plans

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 14

CPP Property Services Training Package Units of Competency
Code Title
CPPDSM3021 Collect and process information relevant to strata communities
CPPDSM4009 Interpret legislation to complete work in the property industry
CPPDSM4020 Present at tribunals
CPPDSM4026 Analyse property and facility information
CPPDSM4027 Analyse resource use in building operations
CPPDSM4028 Identify and analyse risks and opportunities in the property industry
CPPDSM4031 Arrange lease of space
CPPDSM4034 Negotiate and implement strata community management agreement
CPPDSM4040 Contribute to asset life cycle maintenance strategy
CPPDSM4042 Coordinate construction contract
CPPDSM4044 Coordinate maintenance and repair of properties and facilities
CPPDSM4045 Facilitate meetings in the property industry
CPPDSM4047 Implement and monitor procurement process
CPPDSM4048 Implement customer service strategies in the property industry
CPPDSM4049 Implement maintenance program for managed properties
CPPDSM4055 Maintain asset management system
CPPDSM4056 Manage conflicts and disputes in the property industry
CPPDSM4057 Monitor a safe workplace in the property industry
CPPDSM4063 Participate in developing and establishing property or facility contracts
CPPDSM4066 Plan and coordinate property and facility inspection
CPPDSM4071 Promote process improvement in the property industry
CPPDSM4072 Provide leadership in the property industry
CPPDSM4074 Select and appoint contractors in the property industry
CPPDSM4082 Monitor service requirements of owners and occupiers in strata communities
CPPDSM4083 Terminate strata community
CPPDSM4084 Administer insurance for strata communities
CPPDSM4085 Handle strata community funds held on trust
CPPDSM4086 Oversee preparation of strata community budgets
CPPDSM4087 Facilitate operation of owners committee
CPPDSM5006 Coordinate customer service activities in the property industry
CPPDSM5007 Coordinate construction or renovation of facilities
CPPDSM5009 Coordinate risk management systems in the property industry
CPPDSM5018 Ensure a safe workplace in the property industry
CPPDSM5025 Maintain public relations in the property industry
CPPDSM5026 Manage a consultant property project team
CPPDSM5027 Provide facilities and amenities for property users
CPPDSM5029 Manage client relationships and networks in the property industry
CPPDSM5030 Manage projects in the property industry
CPPDSM5039 Meet legal requirements in managing strata communities
CPPDSM5040 Meet ethical and professional standards in managing strata communities
CPPDSM6007 Develop life cycle asset management plans
CPPPMT3002 Assess, advise on options, and develop pest management plans for complex or
high-risk operations
CPPPMT3005 Manage pests without applying pesticides
CPPPMT3006 Manage pests by applying pesticides
CPPPMT3007 Implement pest management plans for complex or high-risk operations
CPPPMT3008 Inspect for and report on timber pests
CPPPMT3010 Control timber pests

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 15

CPP Property Services Training Package Units of Competency
Code Title
CPPPMT3011 Manage organisms by applying fumigants to commodities and environments
CPPPMT3017 Maintain, service and repair pest management equipment
CPPPMT3018 Maintain equipment and pesticide storage area in pest management vehicles
CPPPMT3019 Organise and monitor pest management operations
CPPPMT3026 Select pest management vehicle and equipment
CPPPMT3029 Plan and schedule pest management operations
CPPPMT3042 Install physical termite management systems
CPPPMT3043 Prepare and present pest management proposals for complex or high risk
CPPSIS2012 Assist in collecting basic spatial data
CPPSIS2013 Store and retrieve basic spatial data
CPPSIS2015 Assist with surveying and spatial field activities
CPPSIS2016 Assist with load transfers
CPPSIS3011 Produce basic maps
CPPSIS3015 Collect basic surveying data
CPPSIS3016 Provide field support services for surveying and spatial projects
CPPSIS3018 Transfer loads
CPPSIS3019 Produce basic plans of surveys
CPPSIS3020 Perform basic surveying computations
CPPSIS3021 Visually interpret image data
CPPSIS4022 Store and retrieve spatial data
CPPSIS4024 Source and assess spatial data
CPPSIS4025 Collect spatial data using GNSS
CPPSIS4026 Digitally enhance and process image data
CPPSIS4027 Organise surveying field services
CPPSIS4030 Operate surveying equipment
CPPSIS4031 Perform surveying computations
CPPSIS4032 Conduct field surveying operations
CPPSIS4034 Maintain spatial data
CPPSIS4035 Apply GIS software to solve spatial data problems
CPPSIS4036 Operate spatial software applications
CPPSIS4037 Produce computer-aided drawings
CPPSIS4038 Prepare and present GIS data
CPPSIS4039 Design and produce maps
CPPSIS4040 Collect spatial data using terrestrial technologies
CPPSIS4041 Set out site and building works
CPPSIS5031 Plan spatial data collection
CPPSIS5032 Capture new spatial data
CPPSIS5035 Obtain and validate spatial data
CPPSIS5036 Integrate spatial datasets
CPPSIS5037 Maintain spatial data systems
CPPSIS5038 Develop spatial databases
CPPSIS5039 Plan and implement spatial projects
CPPSIS5040 Interpret and collate spatial data
CPPSIS5043 Design spatial data storage systems
CPPSIS5044 Develop subdivision survey designs for local government approval
CPPSIS5046 Set out stormwater systems
CPPSIS5047 Conduct GNSS surveys

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 16

CPP Property Services Training Package Units of Competency
Code Title
CPPSIS5048 Conduct engineering surveys
CPPSIS5049 Plan and implement surveying projects
CPPSIS5051 Apply land and planning law to surveying
CPPSIS5052 Integrate surveying datasets
CPPSIS5053 Perform advanced surveying computations
CPPSIS5054 Perform geodetic surveying computations
CPPSIS5057 Conduct precision surveys
CPPSIS5058 Conduct geodetic surveys
CPPSIS5060 Develop spreadsheets for spatial data
CPPSIS5061 Locate underground services in surveying practice
CPPSIS5062 Conduct photogrammetric mapping
CPPSIS5064 Coordinate GIS data manipulation and analysis
CPPSIS5065 Design basic engineering structures
CPPSIS6021 Conduct open pit mine surveys
CPPSIS6022 Produce mine drawings
CPPSIS6025 Apply quality control measures to spatial products and services
CPPSIS6031 Design basic mines
CPPSIS6032 Conduct advanced GNSS control surveys
CPPSIS6033 Conduct underground mine surveys
CPPSIS6034 Conduct mining geology operations
CPPSIS6035 Conduct complex engineering set-out surveys
CPPSIS6036 Monitor engineering structures
CPPSIS6037 Conduct advanced remote sensing analysis
CPPSIS6040 Develop 2-D and 3-D terrain visualisations
CPPSIS6041 Compile mine survey plans
CPPSPS3001 Handle, transport and store swimming pool and spa chemicals safely
CPPSPS3002 Perform basic swimming pool and spa measurements and calculations
CPPSPS3003 Maintain swimming pools and spas
CPPSPS3004 Maintain swimming pool and spa water circulation and filtration systems
CPPSPS3005 Maintain swimming pool and spa dosing systems
CPPSPS3006 Maintain swimming pool cleaning and vacuuming systems
CPPSPS3007 Maintain swimming pool and spa heating systems
CPPSPS3008 Work in the swimming pool and spa servicing industry
CPPSPS3009 Maintain swimming pool and spa stock
CPPSPS3010 Sell swimming pool and spa products and services
CPPSPS3011 Use and maintain business technology related to swimming pool and spa
CPPSPS3012 Access and apply information from swimming pool and spa technical manuals

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Unit mapping information

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency

CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
Release 6.0 - TBD
CPPCMN3005 CPPCMN3005A Unit replaces superseded unit E
Complete client Complete client CPPCMN3005A.
documentation documentation
Unit of competency upgraded to
reflects Standards for Training
Packages 2012.
CPPSPS3001 Handle, CPPSPS3001A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
transport and store Handle, transport CPPSPS3001A.
swimming pool and and store swimming
spa chemicals safely pool and spa Unit of competency upgraded to
chemicals safely reflects Standards for Training
Packages 2012.
CPPSPS3002 Perform CPPSPS3002A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
basic swimming pool Perform basic CPPSPS3002A.
and spa swimming pool and
measurements and spa measurements Unit of competency upgraded to
calculations and calculations reflects Standards for Training
Packages 2012.
CPPSPS3003 CPPSPS3003A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain swimming Routinely maintain CPPSPS3003A.
pools and spas swimming pools and
spas Unit of competency upgraded to
reflects Standards for Training
Packages 2012.
CPPSPS3004 CPPSPS3004A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain swimming Routinely maintain CPPSPS3004A.
pool and spa water swimming pool and
circulation and spa water Unit of competency upgraded to
filtration systems circulation and reflects Standards for Training
filtration systems Packages 2012.
CPPSPS3005 CPPSPS3005A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain swimming Routinely maintain CPPSPS3005A.
pool and spa dosing swimming pool and
systems spa dosing systems Unit of competency upgraded to
reflects Standards for Training
Packages 2012.
CPPSPS3006 CPPSPS3006A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain swimming Routinely maintain CPPSPS3006A.
pool cleaning and swimming pool and
vacuuming systems spa cleaning and Unit of competency upgraded to
vacuuming systems reflects Standards for Training
Packages 2012.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 18

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
CPPSPS3007 CPPSPS3007A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain swimming Routinely maintain CPPSPS3007A.
pool and spa heating swimming pool and
systems spa heating systems Unit of competency upgraded to
reflects Standards for Training
Packages 2012.
CPPSPS3008 Work in CPPSPS3008A Work Supersedes and is equivalent to E
the swimming pool in the swimming CPPSPS3008A.
and spa servicing pool and spa
industry servicing industry Unit of competency upgraded to
reflects Standards for Training
Packages 2012.
CPPSPS3009 CPPSPS3009A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain swimming Maintain swimming CPPSPS3009A.
pool and spa stock pool and spa stock
Unit of competency upgraded to
reflects Standards for Training
Packages 2012.
CPPSPS3010 Sell CPPSPS3010A Sell Supersedes and is equivalent to E
swimming pool and swimming pool and CPPSPS3010A.
spa products and spa products and
services services Unit of competency upgraded to
reflects Standards for Training
Packages 2012.
CPPSPS3011 Use and CPPSPS3011A Use Supersedes and is equivalent to E
maintain business and maintain CPPSPS3011A.
technology related business technology
to swimming pool related to swimming Unit of competency upgraded to
and spa servicing pool and spa reflects Standards for Training
servicing Packages 2012.
CPPSPS3012 Access CPPSPS3012A Read Supersedes and is equivalent to E
and apply and apply CPPSPS3012A.
information from information from
swimming pool and swimming pool and Unit of competency upgraded to
spa technical spa technical reflects Standards for Training
manuals manuals Packages 2012.
Release 5.0 – June 2017
CPPCCL2008 Clean N/A New unit
carpeted floors
CPPCCL2009 Perform N/A New unit
basic stain removal
from carpets
CPPCLO2002 Clean N/A New unit
hard floor surfaces
CPPCLO2005 N/A New unit
Maintain glass

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 19

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
CPPCLO2011 N/A New unit
Maintain ceiling
surfaces and fittings
CPPCLO2014 Clean N/A New unit
and arrange
furniture and fittings
CPPCLO2016 Clean N/A New unit
wet surfaces
CPPCLO2018 Sort, N/A New unit
remove and recycle
waste material
CPPCLO2032 Plan N/A New unit
basic cleaning
CPPCLO2034 N/A New unit
Maintain storage
area and cleaning
CPPCLO2036 N/A New unit
Maintain external
CPPCLO2042 Clean N/A New unit
surfaces using
CPPCLO2045 Clean N/A New unit
rooms for guests and
CPPCMN2002 CPPCMN2002A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Participate in Participate in CPPCMN2002A.
workplace safety workplace safety Minor changes to performance
arrangements arrangements criteria, Knowledge Evidence, and
inclusion of Foundation Skills.
CPPCMN2004 N/A New unit.
Provide basic client
Release 4.0 – May 2016
CPPCLO3012 Repair CPPCCL2006A Single unit replaces combined E
and reinstall carpets Identify carpet fibre content of three superseded units:
and construction CPPCCL2006A, CPPCCL3011A and
Perform carpet Minor changes to elements,
repair and performance criteria and
reinstallation assessment requirements to remove
CPPCCL3012A duplication and improve clarity.
Perform carpet

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 20

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
colour repair and
CPPCLO3013 Clean CPPCLO3013A Clean Supersedes and is equivalent to E
window coverings window coverings CPPCLO3013A.
Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3014 CPPCLO3014A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain clean-room Maintain clean- CPPCLO3014A.
environments room environments Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3015 Treat CPPCCL3015A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
complex carpet Perform advanced CPPCCL3015A.
stains stain removal Change to title. Minor changes to
elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3016 Apply CPPCCL3016A Apply Supersedes and is equivalent to E
topical treatments to topical treatments CPPCCL3016A.
carpets Minor changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3017 Clean CPPCLO2017A Clean Supersedes and is equivalent to E
wet areas wet areas CPPCLO2017A.
Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3018 Clean CPPCLO2015A Single unit replaces combined E
and maintain Maintain furniture, content of two superseded units:
furniture and fittings fittings and room CPPCLO2015A and CPPCLO3016A.
dressing Minor changes to elements,
CPPCLO3016A Wash performance criteria and
furniture and fittings assessment requirements for clarity.
Performance criteria 2.2 and 3.1
added for use of drop sheets, and
2.4 and 3.3 for checking that fittings
are in working order.
CPPCLO3019 CPPCLO2019A Sort Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Remove waste and and remove waste CPPCLO2019A.
recyclable materials and recyclable Minor changes to title, elements,
materials performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3020 CPPCLO3020A Clean Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Pressure wash and using pressure CPPCLO3020A.
clean surfaces washing Change to title. Minor changes to
elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 21

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
CPPCLO3021 Clean CPPCLO3021A Clean Supersedes and is equivalent to E
industrial machinery industrial machinery CPPCLO3021A.
Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3024 Clean CPPCCL3014A Clean Supersedes and is equivalent to E
fabric upholstery fabric upholstery CPPCCL3014A.
Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3029 Inspect CPPCCL3019A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
sites prior to carpet Inspect sites prior to CPPCCL3019A.
cleaning cleaning or Minor changes to title, elements,
treatment performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3030 CPPCCL3018A Single unit replaces combined N
Develop a plan to Inspect sites with content of two superseded units:
mitigate water water damage CPPCCL3018A and CPPCCL3020A.
damage and restore CPPCCL3020A Significant changes to elements,
carpets Develop a plan to performance criteria and
mitigate water assessment requirements to remove
damage and restore duplication and increase clarity.
CPPCLO3035 CPPCLO2035A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain cleaning Maintain cleaning CPPCLO2035A.
storage areas storage areas Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3036 Clean CPPCLO3036A Clean Supersedes and is equivalent to E
at heights at high levels CPPCLO3036A.
Minor changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3037 Clean CPPCLO2037A Clean Supersedes and is equivalent to E
external surfaces external surfaces CPPCLO2037A.
Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3038 Clean CPPCLO3038A Clean Supersedes and is equivalent to E
food-handling areas food-handling areas CPPCLO3038A.
Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3040 Clean CPPCLO2010A Clean Supersedes and is equivalent to E
ceiling surfaces and ceiling surfaces and CPPCLO2010A.
fittings fittings

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 22

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3043 Clean CPPCLO2043A Clean Supersedes and is equivalent to E
using microfibre and using microfibre CPPCLO2043A.
chemical-free techniques Minor changes to title, elements,
techniques performance criteria and
assessment requirements to remove
need to communicate benefits to
CPPCLO3044 Prepare CPPCLO2044A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
rooms for guests and Prepare rooms for CPPCLO2044A.
residents guests and residents Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3045 Clean CPPCLO3044A Clean Supersedes but is not equivalent to N
high-touch surfaces using steam CPPCLO3044A.
sanitising Significant changes to title,
techniques elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to remove
references to use of steam and
sanitisation and the need to
communicate benefits to clients.
CPPCLO4001 Induct N/A New unit.
cleaning staff

CPPCLO4002 N/A New unit.

Develop, implement
and monitor new
cleaning techniques

CPPCLO4003 N/A New unit.

Manage cleaning
maintenance and

CPPCLO4022 CPPCLO4022A Supersedes and is equivalent to E

Schedule and Organise and CPPCLO4022A.
monitor cleaning monitor cleaning Minor changes to title, elements,
tasks operations performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO4024 CPPCLO4024A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Manage the supply Control the supply CPPCLO4024A.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 23

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
of cleaning stores to of resources to the Minor changes to title, elements,
the work site work site performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO4025 Provide CPPCLO4025A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
quotation for Provide quotation CPPCLO4025A.
cleaning services for cleaning services Minor changes to performance
criteria and assessment
requirements for clarity.
CPPCMN3004 CPPCMN3004A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Respond to enquiries Respond to CPPCMN3004A.
and complaints enquiries and Minor changes to elements and
complaints performance criteria for clarity;
edited content added to element 6,
and element 7 deleted. Changes to
required skills and knowledge, range
of conditions and assessment
CPPCMN3007 CPPCLO3039A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Support leadership Support leadership CPPCLO3039A.
in the workplace in the workplace Minor change to performance
criterion 2.5 and assessment
requirements for clarity.
Cleaning-specific content removed
to enable unit to be recoded as
CPPCMN4001 CPPCMN4001B Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Develop workplace Develop workplace CPPCMN4001B.
policies and policies and Minor changes to elements,
procedures for procedures for performance criteria and
sustainability sustainability assessment requirements for clarity.

CPPCMN4004 CPPCMN4004B Supersedes and is equivalent to E

Develop and manage Facilitate effective CPPCMN4004B.
client relations client relationships Minor changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCMN4007 CPPCMN4007A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Manage workplace Manage workplace CPPCMN4007.
safety arrangements safety arrangements Changes to assessment
requirements for clarity.
CPPCMN4008 CPPCMN4008A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Read plans, drawings Read and extract CPPDSM4008A.
and specifications information from Change to title for clarity. Range of
for residential plans, drawings and conditions, foundation skills and
buildings specifications for assessment requirements added in
residential buildings

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 24

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
line with Standards for Training
Types of plans broadened to include
lot and common property plans
relevant to strata community
CPPCMN4009 CPPCMN4009A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Develop team Develop team CPPCMN4009A.
understanding of understanding of Minor changes to performance criteria
and commitment to and commitment to for clarity. Range of conditions,
foundation skills and assessment
sustainability sustainability
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM3007 CPPDSM3007B Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Identify risks and Identify risks and CPPDSM3007B.
opportunities in the opportunities in the Minor changes to performance criteria
property industry property industry for clarity. Range of conditions,
foundation skills and assessment
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM3009 CPPDSM3009A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain workplace Maintain workplace CPPDSM3009A.
safety in the safety in the Minor changes to elements and
property industry property industry performance criteria for clarity. Range
of conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in line
with Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM3010 CPPDSM3010B Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Meet customer Meet customer CPPDSM3010B.
needs and needs and Minor changes to performance criteria
expectations in the expectations in the for clarity. Range of conditions,
property industry property industry foundation skills and assessment
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM3011 CPPDSM3011B Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Monitor building Monitor building CPPDSM3011B.
facilities facilities Minor changes to performance criteria
for clarity. Range of conditions,
foundation skills and assessment
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM3016 CPPDSM3016A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Work in the property Work in the CPPDSM3016A.
industry property industry Minor changes to elements and
performance criteria for clarity. Range
of conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in line
with Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM3017 CPPDSM3017A Unit replaces superseded non- N
Work in the strata Work in the strata equivalent unit: CPPDSM3017A.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 25

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
community community New elements and performance
management sector management sector criteria to provide clarity and better
reflect industry practice. Range of
conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with changes to elements and
performance criteria and Standards
for Training Packages.
CPPDSM3019 CPPDSM3019B Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Communicate with Communicate with CPPDSM3019B.
clients in the clients as part of Change to title to clarify relevance
property industry agency operations across property industry. Minor
changes to performance criteria for
clarity. Range of conditions,
foundation skills and assessment
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM3020 Source N/A New unit.
and extract
information from
strata plans
CPPDSM3021 Collect N/A New unit.
and process
information relevant
to strata
CPPDSM4009 CPPDSM4009B Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Interpret legislation Interpret legislation CPPDSM4009B.
to complete work in to complete agency Change to title to clarify relevance
the property work across property industry. Minor
industry changes to elements and
performance criteria for clarity.
Range of conditions, foundation
skills and assessment requirements
added in line with Standards for
Training Packages.
CPPDSM4020 CPPDSM4020A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Present at tribunals Present at tribunals CPPDSM4020A.
Minor changes to performance criteria
for clarity. Range of conditions,
foundation skills and assessment
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM4026 CPPDSM4026A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Analyse property Analyse property CPPDSM4026A.
and facility and facility Minor changes to performance criteria
information information for clarity. Range of conditions,
foundation skills and assessment

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 26

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM4027 CPPDSM4027A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Analyse resource use Analyse resource CPPDSM4027A.
in building use in building Minor changes to performance criteria
operations operations for clarity. Range of conditions,
foundation skills and assessment
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM4028 CPPDSM4028A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Identify and analyse Identify and analyse CPPDSM4028A.
risks and risks and Minor changes to performance criteria
opportunities in the opportunities in the for clarity. Range of conditions,
property industry property industry foundation skills and assessment
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM4031 CPPDSM4031A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Arrange lease of Arrange lease of CPPDSM4031A.
space space Minor changes to performance criteria
for clarity. Range of conditions,
foundation skills and assessment
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM4034 CPPDSM4034A Supersedes but is not equivalent to N
Negotiate and Negotiate and CPPDSM4034A.
implement strata implement strata Significant changes to elements and
community community performance criteria to reflect industry
management management practice and for clarity. Range of
agreement agreement conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in line
with Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM4040 CPPDSM4040A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Contribute to asset Contribute to life CPPDSM4040A.
life cycle cycle maintenance Minor changes to performance criteria
maintenance strategy for clarity. Range of conditions,
strategy foundation skills and assessment
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM4042 CPPDSM4042A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Coordinate Coordinate CPPDSM4042A.
construction construction Minor changes to elements and
contract contract performance criteria for clarity.
Range of conditions, foundation
skills and assessment requirements
added in line with Standards for
Training Packages.
CPPDSM4044 CPPDSM4044A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Coordinate Coordinate CPPDSM4044A.
maintenance and maintenance and Minor changes to elements and
performance criteria for clarity.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 27

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
repair of properties repair of properties Range of conditions, foundation
and facilities and facilities skills and assessment requirements
added in line with Standards for
Training Packages.
CPPDSM4045 CPPDSM4045A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Facilitate meetings in Facilitate meetings CPPDSM4045A.
the property in the property Minor changes to performance criteria
industry industry for clarity. Range of conditions,
foundation skills and assessment
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM4047 CPPDSM4047A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Implement and Implement and CPPDSM4047A.
monitor monitor Minor changes to performance
procurement procurement criteria for clarity. Range of
process process. conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPDSM4048 CPPDSM4048B Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Implement customer Implement CPPDSM4048B.
service strategies in customer service Minor changes to performance
the property strategies in the criteria for clarity. Range of
industry property industry conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPDSM4049 CPPDSM4049A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Implement Implement CPPDSM4049A.
maintenance maintenance plan Minor change to title, elements and
program for for managed performance criteria for clarity.
managed properties properties Range of conditions, foundation
skills and assessment requirements
added in line with Standards for
Training Packages.
CPPDSM4055 CPPDSM4055A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain asset Maintain asset CPPDSM4055A.
management system management Minor changes to performance
system criteria for clarity. Range of
conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPDSM4056 CPPDSM4056A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Manage conflicts Manage conflicts CPPDSM4056A.
and disputes in the and disputes in the Minor changes to performance
property industry property industry criteria for clarity. Range of
conditions, foundation skills and

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 28

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPDSM4057 CPPDSM4057A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Monitor a safe Monitor a safe CPPDSM4057A.
workplace in the workplace in the Minor changes to elements and
property industry property industry performance criteria for clarity.
Range of conditions, foundation
skills and assessment requirements
added in line with Standards for
Training Packages.
CPPDSM4063 CPPDSM4063A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Participate in Participate in CPPDSM4063A.
developing and developing and Minor changes to elements and
establishing property establishing performance criteria for clarity.
or facility contracts property or facilities Range of conditions, foundation
contracts skills and assessment requirements
added in line with Standards for
Training Packages.
CPPDSM4066 Plan CPPDSM4066A Plan Supersedes and is equivalent to E
and coordinate and coordinate CPPDSM4066A.
property and facility property and facility Minor changes to performance
inspection inspection criteria for clarity. Range of
conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPDSM4071 CPPDSM4071A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Promote process Promote process CPPDSM4071A.
improvement in the improvement in the Minor changes to performance
property industry property industry criteria for clarity. Range of
conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPDSM4072 CPPDSM4072A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Provide leadership in Provide leadership CPPDSM4072A.
the property in the property Minor changes to performance
industry industry criteria for clarity. Range of
conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPDSM4074 Select CPPDSM4074A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
and appoint Select and appoint CPPDSM4074A.
contractors in the contractors in the Minor changes to elements and
property industry property industry performance criteria for clarity.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 29

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
Range of conditions, foundation
skills and assessment requirements
added in line with Standards for
Training Packages.
CPPDSM4082 N/A New unit.
Monitor service
requirements of
owners and
occupiers in strata
CPPDSM4083 N/A New unit.
Terminate strata
CPPDSM4084 N/A New unit.
Administer insurance
for strata
CPPDSM4085 Handle N/A New unit.
strata community
funds held on trust
CPPDSM4086 N/A New unit.
Oversee preparation
of strata community
CPPDSM4087 N/A New unit.
Facilitate operation
of owners’
CPPDSM5006 CPPDSM5006A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Coordinate customer Coordinate CPPDSM5006A.
service activities in customer service Minor changes to performance
the property activities in the criteria for clarity. Range of
industry property industry conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPDSM5007 CPPDSM5007A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Coordinate Coordinate CPPDSM5007A.
construction or construction or Minor changes to performance
renovation of renovation of criteria for clarity. Range of
facilities facilities conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPDSM5009 CPPDSM5009A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Coordinate risk Coordinate risk CPPDSM5009A.
management management

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 30

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
systems in the system in the Very minor change to title. Minor
property industry property industry changes to performance criteria for
clarity. Range of conditions,
foundation skills and assessment
requirements added in line with
Standards for Training Packages.
CPPDSM5018 Ensure CPPDSM5018A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
a safe workplace in Ensure a safe CPPDSM5018A.
the property workplace in the Minor changes to elements and
industry property industry performance criteria for clarity.
Range of conditions, foundation
skills and assessment requirements
added in line with Standards for
Training Packages.
CPPDSM5025 CPPDSM5025A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain public Maintain public CPPDSM5025A.
relations in the relations in the Minor changes to performance
property industry property industry criteria for clarity. Range of
conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPDSM5026 CPPDSM5026A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Manage a consultant Manage a CPPDSM5026A.
property project consultant property Minor changes to performance
team project team criteria for clarity. Range of
conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPDSM5027 CPPDSM5027A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Provide facilities and Provide facilities and CPPDSM5027A.
amenities for amenities for Minor changes to elements and
property users property users performance criteria for clarity.
Range of conditions, foundation
skills and assessment requirements
added in line with Standards for
Training Packages.
CPPDSM5029 CPPDSM5029A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Manage client Manage client CPPDSM5029A.
relationships and relationships and Minor changes to performance
networks in the networks in the criteria for clarity. Range of
property industry property industry conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 31

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
CPPDSM5030 CPPDSM5030A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Manage projects in Manage projects in CPPDSM5030A.
the property the property Minor changes to performance
industry industry criteria for clarity. Range of
conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPDSM5039 Meet N/A New unit.
legal requirements in
managing strata
CPPDSM5040 Meet N/A New unit.
ethical and
standards in
managing strata
CPPDSM6007 CPPDSM6007A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Develop life cycle Develop life cycle CPPDSM6007A.
asset management asset management Minor changes to performance
plans plan criteria for clarity. Range of
conditions, foundation skills and
assessment requirements added in
line with Standards for Training
CPPCLO3001 CPPCLO2001A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain hard floor Maintain hard floor CPPCLO2001A.
surfaces surfaces Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria for clarity.
CPPCLO3002 Restore CPPCLO3002A Single unit replaces combined N
hard floor surfaces Restore hard floor content of two superseded units:
surfaces CPPCLO3002A and CPPCLO3003A.
CPPCLO3003A Changes to elements, performance
Replace a hard floor criteria and assessment
finish requirements for clarity. Added
performance criteria 2.4 and 3.3.
Included content from
CPPCLO3003 Clean CPPCLO2033A Plan Single unit replaces combined N
using safe work for safe and efficient content of two superseded units:
practices cleaning activities CPPCLO2033A and CPPCMN3003A.
CPPCMN3003A New element 4 added to cover
Contribute to finalising cleaning tasks.
workplace safety CPPCLO2033A:
arrangements Performance criteria 1.3 and 1.6
addressing staff and time allocation

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 32

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
for tasks and amending cleaning
schedules, deleted
Element 3 relating to work site risks
deleted and covered in new unit
Performance criteria 4.1 and 4.2
covering identifying and providing
training removed and focus changed
to undertaking training and
coaching programs.
CPPCLO3004 CPPCLO2004A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain carpeted Maintain carpeted CPPCLO2004A.
floors floors Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3005 N/A New unit.
Confirm and apply
privacy and security
requirements for
cleaning work
CPPCLO3006 Clean CPPCCL2001A Use Single unit replaces combined N
carpets hot water content of five superseded units:
extraction, CPPCCL2001A, CPPCCL2002A,
CPPCCL2002A Use CPPCCL2003A, CPPCCL2004A and
bonnet cleaning, CPPCCL2005A.
dry foam shampoo,
dry absorbent
compound and
wet foam shampoo
CPPCLO3007 CPPCCL2007A Supersedes but is not equivalent to N
Remove carpet Perform basic stain CPPCCL2007A.
stains removal Minor changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to include
steps required to finalise stain
CPPCLO3008 CPPCCL3008A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Mitigate carpet Mitigate water CPPCCL3008A.
water damage damage Minor changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3009 Clean CPPCLO2009A Clean Supersedes and is equivalent to E
glass surfaces glass surfaces CPPCLO2009A.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 33

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3010 Apply CPPCCL3010A Apply Supersedes and is equivalent to E
odour control to odour control to CPPCCL3010A.
carpets carpets Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements for clarity.
CPPCLO3011 Clean CPPCMN3001B Supersedes but is not equivalent to N
using Clean using CPPCMN3001B.
environmentally environmentally Changes to sector component of
sustainable work sustainable work code, title, elements, performance
practices practices criteria and assessment
requirements to reflect needs of the
cleaning sector.
Release 3.0 – May 2016
CPPSIS2012 Assist in CPPSIS2012A Assist Supersedes but is not equivalent to N
collecting basic in the collection of CPPSIS2012A.
spatial data spatial data Minor change to title. Changes to
elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity, better reflect industry
practice, and remove the
requirement to conduct operational
maintenance of equipment.
CPPSIS2013 Store CPPSIS2013A Assist Supersedes and is equivalent to E
and retrieve basic in the storage and CPPSIS2013A.
spatial data retrieval of spatial Minor changes to title, elements,
data performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
CPPSIS2015 Assist CPPSIS2015A Assist Supersedes and is equivalent to E
with surveying and in field activity CPPSIS2015A.
spatial field activities Minor changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
CPPSIS2016 Assist CPPSIS2016A Assist Supersedes but is not equivalent to N
with load transfers with load transfer CPPSIS2016A.
Minor change to title. Changes to
elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity, better reflect industry
practice, and remove the
requirement to operate a vehicle.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 34

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
CPPSIS3011 Produce CPPSIS3011A Apply Supersedes and is equivalent to E
basic maps map presentation CPPSIS3011A.
principles Changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to better
reflect industry practice.
CPPSIS3015 Collect CPPSIS3015A Collect Supersedes but is not equivalent to N
basic surveying data spatial data CPPSIS3015A.
Changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to better
reflect industry practice and remove
the requirement to conduct
operational maintenance of
CPPSIS3016 Provide CPPSIS3016A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
field support services Provide field CPPSIS3016A.
for surveying and support services Minor changes to title, elements,
spatial projects performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
CPPSIS3018 Transfer CPPSIS3018A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
loads Transfer personnel CPPSIS3018A.
and loads Changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
CPPSIS3019 Produce CPPSIS3019A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
basic plans of Perform basic CPPSIS3019A.
surveys drafting Changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
CPPSIS3020 Perform CPPSIS3020A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
basic surveying Perform basic CPPSIS3020A.
computations surveying Changes to elements, performance
computations criteria and assessment
requirements to provide clarity and
better reflect industry practice.
CPPSIS3021 Visually N/A New unit.
interpret image data

CPPSIS4022 Store CPPSIS4022A Store Supersedes and is equivalent to E

and retrieve spatial and retrieve spatial CPPSIS4022A.
data data Changes to elements, performance
criteria and assessment

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 35

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
requirements to provide clarity and
remove duplication.
CPPSIS4024 Source CPPSIS4024A Collect Supersedes and is equivalent to E
and assess spatial and set out spatial CPPSIS4024A.
data data Changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and remove duplication.
CPPSIS4025 Collect CPPSIS4025A Collect Supersedes and is equivalent to E
spatial data using basic GNSS data CPPSIS4025A.
GNSS Changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
CPPSIS4026 Digitally CPPSIS4026A Read Supersedes but is not equivalent to N
enhance and process and interpret image CPPSIS4026A.
image data data Significant changes to title,
elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to better
reflect technologies and industry
CPPSIS4027 Organise CPPSIS4027A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
surveying field Organise field CPPSIS4027A.
services services Minor changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
CPPSIS4030 Operate CPPSIS4030A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
surveying equipment Operate surveying CPPSIS4030A.
equipment Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
CPPSIS4031 Perform CPPSIS4031A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
surveying Perform surveying CPPSIS4031A.
computations computations Changes to elements, performance
criteria and assessment
requirements to provide clarity and
better reflect industry practice.
CPPSIS4032 Conduct CPPSIS4032A Plan Supersedes and is equivalent to E
field surveying and conduct survey CPPSIS4032A.
operations expeditions Significant changes to title,
elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to better
reflect current industry terminology
and practice.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 36

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
CPPSIS4034 Maintain CPPSIS4034A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
spatial data Maintain spatial CPPSIS4034A.
data Changes to elements, performance
criteria and assessment
requirements to provide clarity and
remove duplication.
CPPSIS4035 Apply CPPSIS4035A Apply Supersedes and is equivalent to E
GIS software to solve GIS software to CPPSIS4035A.
spatial data problem-solving Changes to title, elements,
problems techniques performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
CPPSIS4036 Operate CPPSIS4036A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
spatial software Operate spatial CPPSIS4036A.
applications software Changes to elements, performance
applications criteria and assessment
requirements to provide clarity and
better reflect industry practice.
CPPSIS4037 Produce CPPSIS4037A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
computer-aided Produce computer- CPPSIS4037A.
drawings aided drawings Significant changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
CPPSIS4038 Prepare CPPSIS4038A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
and present GIS data Prepare and present CPPSIS4038A.
GIS data Changes to elements, performance
criteria and assessment
requirements to provide clarity and
remove duplication.
CPPSIS4039 Design N/A New unit.
and produce maps

CPPSIS4040 Collect CPPSIS4029A Collect Unit replaces superseded N

spatial data using and set out basic CPPSIS4029A.
terrestrial surveying data Skills and knowledge relating to data
technologies set-out have been removed.
Significant changes to title,
elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to focus
the work outcome on spatial data
collection using a total station.
CPPSIS4041 Set out CPPSIS4029A Collect Unit replaces superseded N
site and building and set out basic CPPSIS4029A.
works surveying data Skills and knowledge relating to data
collection have been removed.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 37

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
Significant changes to title,
elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to focus
the work outcome on spatial data
set-out relating to site and building
CPPSIS5031 Plan CPPSIS5031A Plan Supersedes and is equivalent to E
spatial data spatial data CPPSIS5031A.
collection collection and Changes to title, elements,
validation performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and remove duplication.
CPPSIS5032 Capture CPPSIS5032A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
new spatial data Capture new spatial CPPSIS5032A.
data Changes to elements, performance
criteria and assessment
requirements to provide clarity and
remove duplication.
CPPSIS5035 Obtain CPPSIS5035A Obtain Supersedes and is equivalent to E
and validate spatial and validate spatial CPPSIS5035A.
data data Changes to elements, performance
criteria and assessment
requirements to provide clarity and
remove duplication.
CPPSIS5036 CPPSIS5036A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Integrate spatial Integrate spatial CPPSIS5036A.
datasets datasets Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and remove duplication.
CPPSIS5037 Maintain CPPSIS5037A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
spatial data systems Maintain complex CPPSIS5037A.
spatial data systems Minor changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and remove duplication.
CPPSIS5038 Develop CPPSIS5038A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
spatial databases Develop a complex CPPSIS5038A.
spatial and spatial Change to title. Minor changes to
database elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and remove duplication.
CPPSIS5039 Plan and CPPSIS5039A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
implement spatial Produce spatial CPPSIS5039A.
projects project deliverables Changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 38

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and remove duplication.
CPPSIS5040 Interpret CPPSIS5040A Collate Supersedes and is equivalent to E
and collate spatial and interpret spatial CPPSIS5040A.
data data Minor changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and remove duplication.
CPPSIS5043 Design CPPSIS5043A Design Supersedes and is equivalent to E
spatial data storage a spatial data CPPSIS5043A.
systems storage system Minor change to title. Changes to
elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and remove duplication.
CPPSIS5044 Develop CPPSIS5044A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
subdivision survey Develop a CPPSIS5044A.
designs for local subdivision survey Licensing statement included
government design for local relating to cadastral surveying.
approval government Minor change to title. Changes to
approval elements and performance criteria
to provide clarity. Significant
changes to assessment
CPPSIS5046 Set out CPPSIS5046A Design Supersedes and is equivalent to N
stormwater systems a stormwater CPPSIS5046A.
system Significant changes to title,
elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to remove
the design focus and better reflect
industry practice.
CPPSIS5047 Conduct CPPSIS5047A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
GNSS surveys Conduct an CPPSIS5047A.
advanced GNSS data Change to title. Minor changes to
collection and set elements, performance criteria and
out survey assessment requirements to provide
CPPSIS5048 Conduct CPPSIS5048A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
engineering surveys Conduct an CPPSIS5048A.
engineering survey Minor change to title. Changes to
elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
CPPSIS5049 Plan and CPPSIS5049A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
implement surveying Conduct an CPPSIS5049A.
projects engineering Significant changes to title,
surveying project elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 39

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
clarity and better reflect industry
CPPSIS5051 Apply CPPSIS5051A Apply Supersedes and is equivalent to E
land and planning land and planning CPPSIS5051A.
law to surveying law to surveying Licensing statement included
relating to cadastral surveying.
Changes to elements, performance
criteria and assessment
requirements to provide clarity and
better reflect industry practice.
CPPSIS5052 CPPSIS5052A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Integrate surveying Integrate surveying CPPSIS5052A.
datasets datasets Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and remove duplication.
CPPSIS5053 Perform CPPSIS5053A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
advanced surveying Perform advanced CPPSIS5053A.
computations surveying Significant changes to elements,
computations performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
CPPSIS5054 Perform CPPSIS5054A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
geodetic surveying Perform geodetic CPPSIS5054A.
computations surveying Significant changes to elements,
computations performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
CPPSIS5057 Conduct CPPSIS5057A Carry Supersedes and is equivalent to E
precision surveys out a precision CPPSIS5057A.
survey Changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
CPPSIS5058 Conduct CPPSIS5058A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
geodetic surveys Conduct geodetic CPPSIS5058A.
surveying Minor change to title. Changes to
elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
CPPSIS5060 Develop CPPSIS5060A Use Supersedes and is equivalent to E
spreadsheets for complex CPPSIS5060A.
spatial data

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 40

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
spreadsheets for Changes to title, elements,
spatial information performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity, remove duplication, and
better reflect industry practice.
CPPSIS5061 Locate CPPSIS5061A Locate Supersedes and is equivalent to E
underground underground CPPSIS5061A.
services in surveying services in surveying Licensing statement included.
practice practice Significant changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
CPPSIS5062 Conduct CPPSIS5062A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
photogrammetric Conduct CPPSIS5062A.
mapping photogrammetric Changes to elements, performance
mapping criteria and assessment
requirements to provide clarity and
better reflect industry practice and
CPPSIS5064 CPPSIS5064A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Coordinate GIS data Manipulate and CPPSIS5064A.
manipulation and analyse GIS data Changes to title, elements,
analysis performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
practice and technologies.
CPPSIS5065 Design CPPSIS5050A Create Single unit replaces combined N
basic engineering engineering content of two superseded units:
structures drawings CPPSIS5050A and CPPSIS5056A.
CPPSIS5056A Design Two units merged into one work
road and railway outcome covering the skills and
knowledge required to use
surveying methods to create
drawings for basic engineering
structures. Specialised design
aspects have been removed.
CPPSIS6021 Conduct CPPSIS6021A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
open pit mine Conduct open mine CPPSIS6021A.
surveys pit surveying Minor change to title. Licensing
statement included relating to
mining surveying. Significant
changes to elements, performance
criteria and assessment
requirements to provide clarity and
better reflect industry practice and

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 41

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
CPPSIS6022 Produce CPPSIS6022A Create Supersedes and is equivalent to E
mine drawings mine drawings CPPSIS6022A.
Licensing statement included
relating to mining surveying. Minor
changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
practice and technologies.
CPPSIS6025 Apply CPPSIS6025A Apply Supersedes and is equivalent to E
quality control quality control CPPSIS6025A.
measures to spatial measures to spatial Minor change to title. Change to
products and information services elements, performance criteria and
services industry assessment requirements to provide
clarity and remove duplication.
CPPSIS6031 Design CPPSIS6031A Carry Supersedes and is equivalent to E
basic mines out basic mine CPPSIS6031A.
design Licensing statement included
relating to mining surveying. Minor
changes to title, elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
practice and technologies.
CPPSIS6032 Conduct CPPSIS6032A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
advanced GNSS Conduct an CPPSIS6032A.
control surveys advanced GNSS Minor change to title. Changes to
control survey elements, performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
practice and technologies.
CPPSIS6033 Conduct CPPSIS6033A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
underground mine Conduct CPPSIS6033A.
surveys underground mine Licensing statement included
surveying relating to mining surveying. Minor
change to title. Significant changes
to elements, performance criteria
and assessment requirements to
provide clarity and better reflect
industry practice and technologies.
CPPSIS6034 Conduct CPPSIS6034A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
mining geology Conduct mining CPPSIS6034A.
operations geology operations Licensing statement included
relating to mining surveying.
Significant changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 42

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
clarity and better reflect industry
practice and technologies.
CPPSIS6035 Conduct CPPSIS6035A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
complex engineering Conduct complex CPPSIS6035A.
set-out surveys engineering set out Changes to elements, performance
surveys criteria and assessment
requirements to provide clarity and
better reflect industry practice and
CPPSIS6036 Monitor CPPSIS6036A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
engineering Monitor complex CPPSIS6036A.
structures engineering Changes to title, elements,
surveying structures performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
clarity and better reflect industry
CPPSIS6037 Conduct CPPSIS6037A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
advanced remote Conduct advanced CPPSIS6037A.
sensing analysis remote sensing Minor changes to elements,
analysis performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
CPPSIS6040 Develop CPPSIS6040A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
2-D and 3-D terrain Develop 2-D and 3-D CPPSIS6040A.
visualisations terrain visualisations Minor changes to elements,
performance criteria and
assessment requirements to provide
CPPSIS6041 Compile CPPSIS6041A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
mine survey plans Compile mine CPPSIS6041A.
survey plan Licensing statement included
relating to mining surveying.
Changes to elements, performance
criteria and assessment
requirements to provide clarity.
CPPCMN4002 CPPCMN4002B Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Implement and Implement and CPPCMN4002A.
monitor monitor Minor changes to elements,
environmentally environmentally performance criteria and
sustainable work sustainable work assessment requirements for clarity.
practices practices
CPPCMN4003 CPPCMN4005A Unit replaces two superseded units: E
Establish, develop Facilitate effective CPPCMN4005A and CPPCMN4006A.
and monitor teams teamwork Minor changes to elements,
CPPCMN4006A performance criteria and
Facilitate effective assessment requirements to remove
duplication and improve clarity.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 43

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
CPPCMN3006 CPPCMN2003A Supersedes but is not equivalent to N
Provide effective Provide effective CPPCMN2003A.
client service client service Minor change to title. Significant
changes to elements, performance
criteria and assessment
requirements to include need to
obtain client agreement to provide
service and need to obtain human
resources to deliver service.
Elements 5 and 7 deleted.
Release 2.0 – September 2015
CPPPMT3002 Assess, CPPPMT3002A Single unit replaces combined E
advise on options, Assess pest content of two superseded units:
and develop pest management CPPPMT3002A and CPPPMT3009A.
management plans options Minor changes to elements and
for complex or high- CPPPMT3009A performance criteria for increased
risk operations Advise clients on clarity. Performance criteria 5.3 and
pest management 5.4 deleted.
options New element 6 relating to providing
advice to the client added –
covering PC5.3 and 5.4, and content
from the now superseded
Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
* Refer to comment at table end for
information relevant to recognition
of prior learning (RPL) for holders of
CPPPMT3005 CPPPMT3005A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Manage pests Modify environment CPPPMT3005A.
without applying to manage pests Minor changes to elements and
pesticides performance criteria for increased
clarity. Change to element 1
incorporating performance criteria
2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.
Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
CPPPMT3006 CPPPMT3006A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Manage pests by Apply pesticides to CPPPMT3006A.
applying pesticides manage pests Minor changes to elements and
performance criteria for increased
clarity. Change to element 1

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 44

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
incorporating performance criteria
2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.
Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
CPPPMT3007 CPPPMT3007A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Implement pest Implement pest CPPPMT3007A.
management plans management plans Very minor changes to performance
for complex or high- criteria for increased clarity.
risk operations Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
CPPPMT3008 Inspect CPPPMT3008A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
for and report on Inspect and report CPPPMT3008A.
timber pests on timber pests Very minor changes to performance
criteria for increased clarity.
Performance criterion 3.4 added to
cover requirements for further
inspections in range of conditions.
Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
CPPPMT3010 CPPPMT3010A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Control timber pests Control timber pests CPPPMT3010A.
Minor changes to performance
criteria for increased clarity.
Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
CPPPMT3011 CPPPMT3011A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Manage organisms Conduct fumigation CPPPMT3011A.
by applying Very minor changes to performance
fumigants to criteria for increased clarity.
commodities and Performance criterion 4.6 added.
environments Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
CPPPMT3017 CPPPMT3017A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain, service Repair and maintain CPPPMT3017A.
and repair pest service equipment Very minor changes to performance
management criteria for increased clarity.
equipment Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
CPPPMT3018 CPPPMT3018B Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Maintain equipment Maintain equipment CPPPMT3018B.
and pesticide

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 45

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
storage area in pest and chemical Minor changes to performance
management storage areas criteria for increased clarity,
vehicles particularly in regard to on-vehicle
storage area only.
Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
CPPPMT3019 CPPPMT3019A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Organise and Organise and CPPPMT3019A.
monitor pest monitor pest Very minor changes to performance
management management criteria for increased clarity.
operations operations Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
CPPPMT3026 Select CPPPMT3026A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
pest management Select and obtain CPPPMT3026A.
vehicle and pest management Very minor changes to performance
equipment vehicles, equipment criteria for increased clarity.
and materials Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
CPPPMT3029 Plan CPPPMT3029A Plan Supersedes and is equivalent to E
and schedule pest and schedule pest CPPPMT3029A.
management management Very minor edits to performance
operations operations criteria.
Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
CPPPMT3042 Install CPPPMT3042A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
physical termite Install physical CPPPMT3042A.
management termite barriers Very minor changes to performance
systems criteria for increased clarity.
Changes to required skills and
knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
CPPPMT3043 CPPPMT3043A Supersedes and is equivalent to E
Prepare and present Prepare and present CPPPMT3043A.
pest management pest management Minor changes to performance
proposals for proposals criteria for increased clarity.
complex or high-risk Changes to required skills and
operations knowledge, range of conditions and
assessment requirements.
Release 1.0 – March 2015
CPPBDN4001 N/A New unit
Research and

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 46

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
materials and
methods for building
design projects
CPPBDN4002 N/A New unit
Research and apply
requirements to
CPPBDN4003 Collect, N/A New unit
apply and store
building design
project information
CPPBDN4004 Set up N/A New unit
software and files for
building design
drafting projects
CPPBDN4005 Review N/A New unit
and report structural
integrity of building
CPPBDN4006 Import N/A New unit
and transpose
information from
external sources into
digital building
design drawings
CPPBDN4007 Store N/A New unit
and retrieve building
CPPBDN4008 N/A New unit
Produce digital
building design
concept drawings
CPPBDN4009 N/A New unit
Analyse building
design drawings and
review findings

CPPBDN4010 N/A New unit

documentation for
planning approval

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 47

Mapping of CPP Property Services Units of Competency
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package

CPPBDN4011 N/A New unit

documentation for
building approval

CPPBDN4012 N/A New unit

Provide support to
project building

CPPBDN4013 N/A New unit

construction detail

Qualification mapping information

The mapping table below details the units of competency in the CPP Property Services Training
Package with comments about their relationship to units of competency in the CPP07 Property
Services Training Package.

Mapping of CPP Property Services Training Package Qualifications

CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
Release 6.0 - TBD
CPP31218 Certificate CPP31212 Certificate Supersedes and is equivalent to E
III in Swimming Pool III in Swimming Pool CPP31212 Certificate III in
and Spa Service and Spa Service Swimming Pool and Spa Service
Release 5.0 – June 2017
CPP20617 N/A New qualification.
Certificate II in
Release 4.2 – January 2017
CPP30216 Certificate CPP30216 Certificate Revised qualification deemed E
III in Surveying and III in Surveying and equivalent to CPP30216.
Spatial Information Spatial Information
Services Services
CPP40316 Certificate CPP40316 Certificate Revised qualification deemed E
IV in Spatial IV in Spatial equivalent to CPP40316.
Information Services Information Services

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 48

Mapping of CPP Property Services Training Package Qualifications
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
CPP40516 Certificate CPP40516 Certificate Revised qualification deemed E
IV in Strata IV in Strata equivalent to CPP40516.
Community Community
Management Management
CPP50116 Diploma CPP50116 Diploma Revised qualification deemed E
of Surveying of Surveying equivalent to CPP50116.
CPP50216 Diploma CPP50216 Diploma Revised qualification deemed E
of Spatial of Spatial equivalent to CPP50216.
Information Services Information Services
Release 4.1 – December 2016
Updated training package with new imported unit CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the
construction industry replacing superseded CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction
Release 4.0 – May 2016
CPP30416 Certificate N/A New qualification.
III in Strata
CPP40516 Certificate N/A New qualification.
IV in Strata
CPP50316 Diploma N/A New qualification.
of Strata Community
CPP40416 Certificate CPP41011 Certificate Qualification replaces E
IV in Cleaning IV in Cleaning superseded qualification:
Management Management CPP41011.
Total number of units required
to achieve qualification has
increased from 13 to 14. Core
reduced from eight to seven and
required number of elective
units increased from five to
CPPCLO4001 Induct cleaning
staff is a new unit added to the
core units required for the
CPP30316 Certificate CPP31011 Certificate Qualification replaces E
III in Cleaning III in Cleaning superseded qualification:
Operations Operations CPP31011.
Total number of units required
to achieve the qualification
reduced from 19 to 14. Number
of core units required increased
from four to five. Elective units

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 49

Mapping of CPP Property Services Training Package Qualifications
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
that may be selected has
decreased from 15 to nine, with
the allowance of units that can
be drawn in from other
qualifications increased from
two to three.
The three core units in the now
deleted CPP10211 Certificate I in
Cleaning Operations are now
embedded in CPP30316.
The cleaning units in the now
deleted CPP20611 Certificate II
in Cleaning Operations are now
revised and included in
CPP30316 where appropriate.
Industry-nominated carpet
cleaning units previously in the
now deleted CPP20711
Certificate II in Carpet Cleaning
Operations and CPP31111
Certificate III in Carpet Cleaning
Operations have been
redesigned where appropriate
and included in this revised
CPPCLO3005 Confirm and apply
privacy and security
requirements for cleaning work
is a new unit that has been
added to the core units required
for the qualification.
Release 3.0 – May 2016
CPP20116 Certificate CPP20112 Certificate Qualification replaces E
II in Surveying and II in Surveying and superseded qualification:
Spatial Information Spatial Information CPP20112.
Services Services Total number of units required
to achieve qualification
unchanged at eight.
Composition of core and
elective units changed.
CPP30216 Certificate CPP30112 Certificate Qualification replaces E
III in Surveying and III in Surveying and superseded qualification:
Spatial Information Spatial Information CPP30112.
Services Services Total number of units required
to achieve qualification
unchanged at 11. Composition

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 50

Mapping of CPP Property Services Training Package Qualifications
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
of core and elective units
CPPSIS3021 Visually interpret
image data and CPPSIS4039
Design and produce maps are
revised units developed and
added to elective listing.
CPP40316 Certificate CPP40212 Certificate Qualification replaces E
IV in Spatial IV in Spatial superseded qualification:
Information Services Information Services CPP40212.
Total number of units required
to achieve qualification
unchanged at 15. Composition
of core and elective units has
Three new units added to
elective listing: CPPSIS4040
Collect spatial data using
terrestrial technologies,
CPPSIS4041 Set out site and
building works, and CPPSIS4039
Design and produce maps.
Elective unit listing tightened by
reducing number of imported
and CPP common units, and by
reducing duplication within
native units.
CPP50216 Diploma CPP50212 Diploma Qualification replaces E
of Spatial of Spatial superseded qualification:
Information Services Information Services CPP50212.
Total number of units required
to achieve qualification reduced
from 16 to 15. Number of core
units required decreased from
seven to six. Elective units that
may be selected unchanged at
Composition of core and
elective units changed.
Elective unit listing tightened by
reducing number of imported
units from 12 to nine and by
reducing duplication within
native units.
Relevant content from the now
deleted CPP60112 Diploma of
Building Surveying integrated as

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 51

Mapping of CPP Property Services Training Package Qualifications
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
appropriate into CPP50216
CPP40216 Certificate CPP40112 Certificate Qualification replaces E
IV in Surveying IV in Surveying superseded qualification:
Total number of units required
to achieve qualification reduced
from 15 to 14. Number of core
units required decreased from
seven to six. Elective units that
may be selected unchanged at
Composition of core and
elective units has changed.
CPPSIS4029A Collect and set out
basic surveying data
redeveloped into two revised
core units: CPPSIS4040 Collect
spatial data using terrestrial
technologies and CPPSIS4041
Set out site and building works.
CPPSIS4039 Design and produce
maps is a new unit developed
and added to elective listing.
Elective unit listing tightened by
deleting imported units and
reducing number of CPP
common units to two.
CPP50116 Diploma CPP50112 Diploma Qualification replaces E
of Surveying of Surveying superseded qualification:
Total number of units required
to achieve qualification
unchanged at 16. Composition
of core and elective units has
Core unit CPPSIS5050A Create
engineering drawings merged
with elective unit CPPSIS5056A
Design road and railway to
create a larger new core unit
CPPSIS5065 Design basic
engineering structures.
Elective unit listing tightened by
updating imported units and
reducing their number from six
to four.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 52

Mapping of CPP Property Services Training Package Qualifications
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
CPP60116 Advanced CPP60312 Advanced Qualification replaces E
Diploma of Surveying Diploma of Surveying superseded qualification:
Total number of units required
to achieve qualification
unchanged at nine. Entry
requirement for qualification
relating to CPP50116 Diploma of
Surveying or its equivalent has
Composition of core and
elective units changed. Elective
unit listing tightened by
removing duplication within
native units. Revised equivalent
units CPPSIS6021 Conduct open
pit mine surveys and
CPPSIS6022 Develop mine
drawings included in elective
Release 2.0 – September 2015
CPP30115 Certificate CPP30911 Certificate Qualification replaces E
III in Urban Pest III in Pest superseded qualification:
Management Management CPP30911.
CPPPMT3002A Assess pest
management options and
CPPPMT3009A Advise clients on
pest management options
combined due to identified
duplicate content, with number
of core units in qualification
therefore reduced by one unit
to a total of nine.
Number of elective units that
may be selected increased to
four, with number of units
allowed from outside
qualification increased from one
to two.
Grouping of elective units
removed and choice of imported
units in former Group B reduced
from five to the following two
BSBSMB407 Manage a small
HLTAID003 Provide first aid.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 53

Mapping of CPP Property Services Training Package Qualifications
CPP Property CPP07 Property Comments Equivalence
Services Training Services Training statement
Package Package
Release 1.0 – March 2015 (Primary Release)
CPP40115 Certificate N/A New qualification.
IV in Building Design

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 54

Imported units and prerequisites

Imported Units of Competency

AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package
AHCLPW404 Produce maps for land management purposes
BSB Business Services Training Package
BSBADM409 Coordinate business resources
BSBADM502 Manage meetings
BSBCMM401 Make a presentation
BSBFIA301 Maintain financial records
BSBFIA402 Report on financial activity
BSBFIM501 Manage budgets and financial plans
BSBFLM303 Contribute to effective workplace relationships
BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
BSBITS401 Maintain business technology
BSBLDR503 Communicate with influence
BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals
BSBMGT402 Implement operational plan
BSBMGT502 Manage people performance
BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan
BSBMGT605 Provide leadership across the organisation
BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans
BSBPMG522 Undertake project work
BSBREL401 Establish networks
BSBRKG304 Maintain business records
BSBRSK501 Manage risk
BSBSMB402 Plan small business finances
BSBSMB404 Undertake small business planning
BSBSMB407 Manage a small team
BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package
CPCCOHS2001A Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry
CPCSUS5002A Develop action plans to retrofit existing buildings for energy efficiency
CPC Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package
CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry
CPP07 Property Services Training Package
CPPBDN5007A Inspect and analyse sites and produce measured drawings for small scale building
design projects
CPPBDN5017A Produce 2 D drawings for building design projects using CAD software
CPPCMN4012A Contribute to sustainable solutions throughout a building's life cycle
CPPCMN4013B Operate a sustainable business
CPPCMN5001A Plan for a sustainable business
CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package
CUAACD301 Produce drawings to communicate ideas
FNS Financial Services Training Package

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 55

Imported Units of Competency
FNSORG501 Develop and manage a budget
FNSORG508 Analyse and comment on management reports
FNSORG601 Negotiate to achieve goals and manage disputes
HLT Health Training Package
HLTAID003 Provide first aid
HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures
HLTINF003 Implement and monitor infection prevention and control policies and procedures
ICP Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package
ICPKNW322 Develop knowledge of the printing and graphic arts industry
ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package
ICTDBS502 Design a database
ICTICT101 Operate a personal computer
ICTICT102 Operate word processing applications
ICTICT105 Operate spreadsheet applications
ICTICT203 Operate application software packages
ICTICT210 Operate database applications
ICTICT211 Identify and use basic current industry specific technologies
ICTICT302 Install and optimise operating system software
ICTICT307 Customise packaged software applications for clients
ICTICT308 Use advanced features of computer applications
ICTICT409 Develop macros and templates for clients using standard products
ICTWEB401 Design a website to meet technical requirements
ICTWEB411 Produce basic client side script for dynamic web pages
ICTWEB429 Create a mark-up language document to specification
LGA04 Local Government Training Package
LGACOMP008A Apply conflict resolution strategies
MSF Furnishing Training Package
MSFID5014 Use CAD applications to complete models and documentation for interior design
PSP Public Sector Training Package
PSPLND001 Investigate tenure and land use history
PSPLND002 Compile and check survey plans
PSPLND012 Review planning documents and environmental assessments
RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package
RIISTD201D Read and interpret maps
SIS Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package
SISCAQU001 Test pool water quality
SISCAQU304 Develop and implement pool water maintenance procedures
TLI Transport and Logistics Training Package
TLIC2025 Operate four-wheel drive vehicle


Individual prerequisite requirements are specified in a unit of competency and must be assessed and
awarded prior to a learner being awarded the unit that has a prerequisite.

There are no units of competency in the CPP Property Services Training Package with prerequisite
unit requirements.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 56

Key work and training requirements in the industry
Cleaning industry

Cleaning Operators work in a range of workplace settings. The cleaning sector employs large
numbers of part-time and casual employees, with most work – especially in commercial premises –
taking place out of business hours.

Cleaning Operators use a range of different tools, equipment, chemicals, and non-chemical-based
cleaning products to perform their duties.

The public perception of cleaning as an occupation is that it is low-skilled manual work. While
cleaning may be highly labour intensive it is however skilled work, which if not performed correctly
may result in costly damage to assets and potentially cause illness, largely through the misuse of
Domestic or residential cleaning takes place in private homes where the work site may range from a
large family home to a small apartment. This type of work is typically contracted out by small
cleaning businesses or franchises employing Cleaning Operators, again on a part-time or casual
basis. In these contexts, Cleaning Operators usually make use of the cleaning equipment and
products provided on site by the client.

Cleaning companies tender for cleaning contracts that result in contracted work for cleaning staff
over a fixed period of the contract. Cleaning Operators may be required to work alone or as part of a
team of Cleaning Operators at different work sites. The standard of cleaning expected by clients is
high, and attention to detail is paramount. Work sites such as hospitals, aged care homes and
catering facilities require meticulous attention to hygiene as the health implications of inadequate
cleaning are that it can lead to serious illness or death.

Evidence suggests that some employers are reluctant to invest in training Cleaning Operators due to
the comparatively high staff turnover in some parts of the industry. In response to this, industry has
been consulted to develop skill sets to provide entry-level training for new workers in specific areas
to meet more immediate skill demands.

Pest management industry

Pest management technicians require well developed customer service skills as well as a sound
knowledge of pests and integrated pest management. A pest management technician mostly works
alone, operating from a vehicle carrying a range of pesticides to treat various pests as well as
equipment and materials required for the particular types of jobs scheduled for each working day.

Whether working for a larger company – with a work order supplied by the business – or as an
owner operator, the pest management technician must be self-managing in terms of ensuring the
timeliness, efficiency, effectiveness, safety, and quality of all aspects of the work at each site.

Surveying and spatial services industry

The surveying and spatial information services sector relates to vocational training in the following

• mapping science
• remote sensing

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 57

• surveying
• cartography
• town planning
• geographic information services.

The table below provides a summary of the main occupational profiles at each qualification level.

Qualification Surveying Spatial Information Services

Certificate II Entry (VET in Schools) Entry (VET in Schools)

Surveying Field Hand, Data

Certificate III Surveying Field Hand, Data Collection Assistant
Collection Assistant

GIS Assistant
Certificate IV Surveyor’s Assistant Mapping Assistant
Town Planning Assistant

Town Planning Officer Cartographer

Diploma Surveying Technician
GIS Officer Mapping Officer

Advanced Manager or Supervisor in: Remote Sensing, Surveying, Cartography, Town Planning,
Diploma Mapping, Geographic Information Systems, etc.

GIS Analyst
Senior Surveyor Photogrammetrist
Degree Specialist Surveyor Remote Sensing
Senior Cartographer
(e.g. Geodetic) Specialist
Senior GIS Analyst
Spatial Controller

The surveying and spatial information services sector strongly supports the use of units of
competency as a way to define training needs and drive delivery of vocational education and
training for the industry.
Strata management industry

A strata scheme is a system of multiple ownership of a building or collection of buildings. The

concept only came into being 50 years ago, and there are now more than 270,000 such schemes
encompassing more than two million individual lots across Australia.

Each owner owns a portion (called a 'lot'), which is usually an apartment or townhouse, but every
owner shares ownership of any common property (e.g. foyers, driveways, and gardens) if it is
indicated on the title. The multiple ownerships are combined in a legal entity called the owners
corporation – or body corporate, strata company or community association, depending on the State
or Territory in which the scheme exists. Although the term for an owner’s corporation varies across
Australia, its role is essentially the same in every State and Territory. It is responsible for the good
management of the strata scheme.

All owners can vote on management decisions at an Annual General Meeting (AGM), but decisions
are usually made on behalf of the owner’s corporation by a committee of owners who are elected at
the AGM. Some strata schemes manage the day-to-day financial, maintenance, and other

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 58

administrative duties themselves, but given that they are complex, most choose to use the services
of a professional strata manager.

Strata managers are engaged by the strata scheme's owners committee to manage the day-to-day
affairs of the scheme. Strata schemes are becoming larger and more complex. Strata managers may
perform the following tasks:

• arrange routine maintenance, repair and upkeep of the common property

• keep bank and other accounts for maintenance contributions (strata levies)
• pay accounts and outgoings
• maintain the strata records
• organise and conduct strata meetings
• arrange insurance.

The role of strata managers varies depending on the size and type of property and involves people
management, as well as someone who is organised and able to handle difficult clients from time-to-

Occasionally strata managers are appointed to solve intractable problems, including those involving
relationship breakdowns between lot owners. Strata managers are experts in the administration of
all aspects of owners’ corporations.

They work to ensure owners corporations are compliant with their legal responsibilities and strive to
protect owners’ assets. Strata managing agents may also offer management services to residential
and commercial properties, retirement villages, hotels and resorts, industrial schemes and shopping

Other terms used to describe strata managers are body corporate manager, owners, corporation
manager, community title manager, and managing agent.

Swimming pool and spa service industry

Swimming pool and spa service activities include routine pool and spa servicing, monitoring, and
maintaining water quality and general work skills in domestic, commercial, and public settings.
Summary of activities:

• Identify risk and apply risk management processes

• Follow site occupational health and safety requirements
• Read and apply information from swimming pool and spa technical manuals
• Assess and treat water problems in swimming pools and spas
• Estimate cost of swimming pool and spa products and services
• Comply with regulatory requirements for swimming pool and spa servicing
• Monitor pool water quality
• Maintain pool water quality
• Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry
• Inspect, service and repair aquatic facility plant and equipment
• Establish maintenance plans for swimming pools and spas
• Drain and acid wash swimming pools and spas
• Detect leaks in swimming pools and spas.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 59

Regulation and licensing requirements implications for implementation
Cleaning industry

Cleaning is not a licensed occupation.

Pest management industry

Pest management is a licensed occupation, where the minimum requirement for operating as an
independent pest manager in all jurisdictions except Western Australia (WA) is the completion of the
skill set CPPSS00046 Manage non-timber pests.

There are two other skill sets used for licensing and these are:
• CPPSS00045 Manage complex fumigation operations
• CPPSS00047 Manage timber pests.

Many people employed in the pest management industry will complete one or more of these skill
sets, depending on the core business of the company employing them, or if entering into the sector
themselves, on which services they wish to offer as an owner operator.

The use of these skill sets for licensing sub-sectors of the industry goes some way to explaining the
relatively low enrolment and completion figures for the Certificate III in Pest Management compared
to the number of companies and technicians operating in the pest management sector.
Western Australia allows for a person who has achieved competence in the unit CPPPMT3006
Manage pests by applying pesticides to obtain a provisional licence.

This provisional licence is valid for 12 months – to continue to practise as a pest management
technician, provisional licence holders in WA must achieve the Certificate III in Urban Pest
Management (13 units of competency) over a period of 12 months.

It is recommended that CPP Property Services Training Package users contact the relevant state or
territory department(s) to confirm regulatory and licensing requirements that may apply.

Licensing requirements: Pest management

Jurisdiction Licensing authority
ACT Territory and Municipal Services
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Work Cover NSW
New South Wales (NSW)
Department of Health and Families
Northern Territory (NT)
Queensland Building and Construction Commission
Queensland (Qld)
Queensland Health
Department of Health
South Australia (SA)
Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
Tasmania (TAS)
Department of Human Services
Victoria (Vic)

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 60

Department of Health WA
Western Australia (WA)

Surveying and spatial industry

There is currently no common licensing regime in Australia for the use of spatial data. Government
agencies, individual organisations and businesses have their own separate agreements and licensing
arrangements in place.

Cadastral and mining surveying are licensed activities with regulatory requirements differing across
the States and Territories. It is recommended that CPP Property Services Training Package users
contact the relevant state or territory regulatory authorities to confirm regulatory and licensing
requirements that may apply.

Licensing Requirements: Surveying and Spatial Information Services

Jurisdiction Licensing authority
Australian Capital Surveying licensing
Territory (ACT) Registration is compulsory for cadastral surveyors in the ACT under the
Surveying Act 2007. Surveyors are registered with the NSW Board of
Surveying and Spatial Information and registration is transferred to the ACT
upon application.
Regulatory authority
ACT Planning and Land Authority
Ground Floor South, Dame Pattie Menzies House
16 Challis Street, Dickson ACT 2602
T: 02 6207 1923
W: www.planning.act.gov.au
New South Wales Surveying licensing
(NSW) The Board of Surveying and Spatial Information of NSW is constituted
under the Surveying Act 2002 to provide for the registration of land and
mining surveyors, to regulate the making of surveys and to advise the
Minister on spatial information.
Registration is available for land surveying (cadastral, land and town
planning) and mine surveying. A surveying technician or survey assistant is
not required to be registered while working under the supervision of a
registered surveyor.
Regulatory authority
Board of Surveying and Spatial Information of NSW
PO Box 143, Bathurst NSW 2795
T: 02 6332 8238
E: [email protected]
W: www.bossi.nsw.gov.au
Northern Territory Surveying licensing
(NT) The Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory is constituted under Section
8 of the Licensed Surveyors Act to regulate the practice of land boundary
surveying and the registration of land boundary surveyors.
Registration is compulsory for cadastral surveyors. As in other jurisdictions,
a surveying technician or survey assistant is not required to be registered
while working under the supervision of a registered surveyor.
Regulatory authority
Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 61

Licensing Requirements: Surveying and Spatial Information Services
Jurisdiction Licensing authority
GPO Box 1154, Darwin NT 0801
T: 08 8999 1826
W: www.surveyorsboard.nt.gov.au/
Queensland (Qld) Surveying licensing
The Surveyors Board Queensland is constituted under Section 7 of the
Surveyors Act 2003. It keeps a register of surveyors who have been
assessed as competent. Registered surveyors are required to adhere to a
Code of Practice.
Registration is compulsory for cadastral surveyors. As in other jurisdictions,
a surveying technician or survey assistant is not required to be registered
while working under the supervision of a registered surveyor.
Regulatory authority
Surveyors Board Queensland
PO Box 656, Spring Hill QLD 4000
T: 07 3839 7744
E: [email protected]
W: http://sbq.com.au/
South Australia (SA) Surveying licensing
The Surveyors Board of South Australia is a sub-committee of the Institute
of Surveyors Australia. It is responsible for the registration or licensing of
land boundary surveyors under the Survey Act 1992 of South Australia.
Registration is compulsory for cadastral surveyors. As in other jurisdictions,
a surveying technician or survey assistant is not required to be registered
while working under the supervision of a registered surveyor.
Regulatory authority
Surveyors Board of South Australia
GPO Box 1349, Adelaide SA 5001
T: 08 8212 0343
E: [email protected]
W: www.surveyorsboardsa.org.au/
Tasmania (TAS) Surveying licensing
The Tasmanian Land Surveyors Accreditation Board (TLSAB) is the body that
assesses the professional competence of a person seeking registration to
practise as a land surveyor under the provisions of the Surveyors Act 2002.
The requirements for registration as a land surveyor are stipulated in the
Surveyors Regulations 2003.
As in other jurisdictions, registration is compulsory to undertake cadastral
surveying but not required for surveying technicians or survey assistants
while working under the supervision of a registered surveyor.
Regulatory authority
The Tasmanian Land Surveyors Accreditation Board
GPO Box 1194, Hobart TAS 7001
T: 03 6272 2034
E: [email protected]
W: www.tassurveyorsboard.org.au/tlsab.nsf
Victoria (Vic) Surveying licensing
In Victoria, a surveyor who performs cadastral surveys must be licensed
under the Surveying Act 2004 and be registered with the Surveyors
Registration Board of Victoria. Cadastral surveying is the process of

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 62

Licensing Requirements: Surveying and Spatial Information Services
Jurisdiction Licensing authority
determining the legal boundaries of property. A licensed surveyor is the
only person legally entitled to undertake such a survey.
If you are registered as a licensed surveyor in another jurisdiction (national
or international), you may apply for registration in Victoria under the
Mutual Recognition Act 1992 or via the Bureau for Assessment of Overseas
Qualifications (BAOQ).
Regulatory authority
Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria
Level 17, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3001
T: 03 8636 2555
E: [email protected]
W: www.surveyorsboard.vic.gov.au/
Western Australia Surveying licensing
(WA) In Western Australia, a surveyor who performs cadastral surveys must be
licensed under the Licensed Surveyors' Act 1909 and registered with the
Surveyors' Licensing Board of Western Australia.
As in other jurisdictions, registration is compulsory to undertake cadastral
surveying but not required for surveying technicians or survey assistants
while working under the supervision of a registered surveyor.
Regulatory authority
The Land Surveyors Licensing Board of Western Australia
PO Box 2222, Midland WA 6936
T: 08 9273 7104
W: www.lslb.wa.gov.au

Strata management industry

The licensing requirements for strata managers differ in each State and Territory and are
summarised in the table below.

The regulatory departmental names and contact details provided in the table below are subject to
change, and users are advised to check with source.

It is recommended that CPP Property Services Training Package users contact the relevant state or
territory department(s) to confirm regulatory and licensing requirements that may apply.

Licensing requirements: Strata Community Management

Jurisdiction Licensing Authority
Australian Capital Territory Office of Regulatory Services
(ACT) http://www.ors.act.gov.au/
ACT does not have occupational licensing requirements for strata
New South Wales (NSW) NSW Office of Fair Trading
NSW has occupational licensing requirements for strata
Northern Territory (NT) Department of Justice

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 63

NT has occupational licensing requirements for strata managers.
Queensland (Qld) Office of Fair Trading
Qld does not have occupational licensing requirements for strata
South Australia (SA) Office of Consumer and Business Affairs
SA does not have occupational licensing requirements for strata
Tasmania (TAS) Property Agents Board
Tasmania does not have occupational licensing requirements for
strata managers.
Victoria (Vic) Business Licensing Authority
Vic does not have occupational licensing requirements for strata
Western Australia (WA) Consumer Protection, Department of Commerce
WA does not have occupational licensing requirements for strata

In addition to specific regulatory or licensing requirements for working as strata community

manager, companies and personnel must comply with environmental, industrial and WHS legislation
and regulations.

Swimming pool and spa service

The licensing requirements for swimming pool and spa service differ in each State and Territory and
are summarised in the table below.

The regulatory departmental names and contact details provided in the table below are subject to
change, and users are advised to check with source.

It is recommended that CPP Property Services Training Package users contact the relevant state or
territory department(s) to confirm regulatory and licensing requirements that may apply.

Industry Bodies and Associations: Swimming Pool & Spa Service

Swimming Australia: www.swimming.org.au
Swimming Pool and Spa Association (SPASA): www.spasa.com.au
Jurisdiction Association
New South Wales www.spasa.org.au
South Australia www.spasaadelaide.com.au
Victoria www.sasavic.com.au
Western Australia www.spasawa.com.au
Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB): www.abcb.gov.au
Jurisdiction Regulator

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 64

Industry Bodies and Associations: Swimming Pool & Spa Service
Planning & Infrastructure: www.planning.nsw.gov.au
NSW Division of Local Government, Department of Premier & Cabinet:
Building Commission (Victoria): ww.buildingcommission.com.au
State Government of Victoria
Department of Planning and Community Development
Website: www.dpcd.vic.gov.au
Government of South Australia
Department of Planning and Local Government - Planning in South Australia
Website: www.planning.sa.gov.au
Department of Planning and Local Government - Office for State/Local
Government Relations
Website: www.localgovt.sa.gov.au
Government of Western Australia
Department of Regional Development and Lands
WA Website: www.rdl.wa.gov.au
Department of Local Government
Website: dlg.wa.gov.au
Queensland Government
Department of Local Government and Planning
QLD Building Codes Queensland
Website: http://www.qbcc.qld.gov.au/home-building-owners/pool-
Tasmania Government
Department of Justice - Workplace Standards Tasmania
TAS Website: www.wst.tas.gov.au/industries/building
Department of Premier and Cabinet – Local Government Division
Website: www.dpac.tas.gov.au/divisions/lgd
ACT Government
ACT ACT Planning & Land Authority
Website: www.actpla.act.gov.au
Northern Territory Government
Department of Lands and Planning
NT Website: www.dpi.nt.gov.au
Department of Housing, Local Government and Regional Services
Website: www.localgovernment.nt.gov.au

The table below provides details on Standards information that may be of interest to those within
the private pools and spas industry.

The following industry and community issues include:

• Australian Standards and Safety

• Workplace occupational health and safety
• Water and energy conservation
• National training and licencing standards.

*This is not an exhaustive list and users should also check with their local regulator and licencing authority.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 65

Standards Guide: Swimming Pool & Spa Service
Building Contracts
Australian building contracts are covered by:
• AS 2124, General conditions of contract - Annexures Series
• AS 4000, General conditions of contract Series
• AS 4300, General conditions of contract for design and construct Series
• AS 4902, General conditions of contract for design and construct Series
Manufacturing and Installation
Manufacturers and installers of spa baths should conform to the requirements outlined in AS
3861-1991, Spa baths and AS 2610.2-2007, Spa pools – Private spas.
Electrical Equipment
Electrical equipment used with spas should be installed by following the details that are included
in AS/NZS 3000:2007, Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules).
A table providing information on zoning and ingress protection levels for electrical equipment
used with pools and spas is also included in this Standard.
Filtration Equipment
Filtration equipment, outlet devices and skimmer boxes used with pools and spas should be
designed and installed by following the information in AS 2610.2-2007, Spa pools - Private spas
and AS 1926.3-2010, Swimming pool safety – Water recirculation systems. Diagrams illustrating
recommended dimensions for skimmer boxes are also included in AS 1926.3-2010, Swimming
pool safety - water recirculation systems. These Standards cover product safety requirements for
fittings that are supplied with pools and spas.

Information on details for filtration systems, outlet devices and pumps used with large public
pools and spas is included in HB 241-2002, Water Management for Public Swimming Pools and
Plumbing Fittings
Plumbing products and fittings with swimming pools and spas should be installed by following the
information that is included in AS/NZS 3500.1:2003, Plumbing and drainage – Water services and
AS/NZS 3500.4:2003, Plumbing and drainage – Heated water services. These Standards are also
available as AS/NZS 3500 (Set):2003, Plumbing and drainage Set.
Fences for Pools and Spas
Barriers designed to prevent young children entering pools and spas should be manufactured by
following the information that is included in AS 1926.1-2007, Swimming pool safety – Safety
barriers for swimming pools. This Standard specifies requirements for the design, construction
and performance of fences, gates, retaining walls, windows, door sets, and balconies intended to
form a barrier that will restrict the access of young children to swimming pools.

Information on the options for the location of safety barriers intended to restrict access to
swimming pools is included in AS 1926.2-2007, Swimming pool safety – Location of safety barriers
for swimming pools. This Standard may be regulated in different ways by State and Territory
building regulators.
Pool Safety
Ladders and diving boards used with pools and spas should be designed to meet the requirements
described in AS 2818-1993, Guide to swimming pool safety. General information on safety and
maintenance requirements for pools and spas is also included in this Standard. Flotation aids used
to assist persons with swimming should be tested to the requirements covered in AS 1900-2002,
Flotation aids for water familiarization and swimming tuition.

Water safety signs placed near pools and spas should follow the recommendations in:

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 66

Standards Guide: Swimming Pool & Spa Service
• AS/NZS 2416.1:2010, Water safety signs and beach safety flags – Specifications for water
safety signs used in workplaces and public areas (ISO 20712-1:2008, MOD)
• AS/NZS 2416.3:2010, Water safety signs and beach safety flags – Guidance for use.
Water Quality Levels
Information on recommended chlorination levels for private pools and spas are included in AS
3633- 1989, Private swimming pools – Water quality. A table listing properties for different types
of water sanitizing products is also included in this Standard.

Information on recommended water quality requirements for public pools and spas is included in
HB 241-2002, Water Management for Public Pools and Spas. Detailed information on types of
equipment that may be used to determine water quality is also included in this Handbook.
Water quality levels can be also being assessed by following the types of tests that are included in
the AS 4276, Water microbiology Series.
Storing Chemicals
Large quantities of corrosive substances may be stored by owners and operators of pools and
spas. These types of dangerous goods should be stored by following the information that is
included in AS 3780-2008, The storage and handling of corrosive substances.
There may also be circumstances where different classes of chemicals (dangerous goods) are
stored in the one location.
In these types of cases, the storage requirements described in AS/NZS 3833:2007, The storage and
handling of mixed classes of dangerous goods in packages and intermediate bulk containers can
be followed.
Disability Access
Administrators, designers and owners of public pools and spas should ensure persons with
disabilities have equal and unimpeded access to facilities. This can be achieved by following the
information that is included in AS 1428.1-2009, Design for access and mobility – General
requirements for access – New building work.

This Standard includes diagrams illustrating required circulation spaces and building access
(including the use of ramps, handrails and stairs) that are accessed by persons with disabilities.

Tactile ground surface indicators used to assist persons with visual impairment should be
designed and located by following the information in AS 1428.4.1-2009, Design for access and
mobility – Means to assist the orientation of people with vision impairment – Tacticle ground
surface indicators

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 67

Implementation information
Information on the key features of the training package and the industry that
will impact on the selection of training pathways
To meet the demands of industry and the requirements of VET stakeholders, Training Packages and
the qualifications and units they contain are subject to change.

Training Packages are version controlled and users are advised to check training.gov.au for the latest
version of CPP. From 2015 onwards, further versions of this Training Package will be released as
more qualifications, skill sets, and units of competency are transitioned into CPP from CPP07.

Training and assessment pathways

Pathways generally define a path or sequence of learning or experiences that can be followed to
attain competency. They are not mandatory and may vary depending on the qualification or training
program and the needs of the learner. They should be based on the learner’s education and
experience and the needs of the workplace as required.

Assessment by any pathway must comply with the assessment requirements associated with the
unit of competency and the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) current at the
time of assessment.

Maintaining currency in the property services training package

To effectively deliver units of competency from CPP Property Services Training Package, trainers and
assessors will need to maintain currency of knowledge, skills and industry experience.

It is strongly recommended that to maintain their vocational currency, trainers and assessors should
have undertaken work experience or professional development related to the industry sector for the
respective qualification within the past two years.

Assessment conditions

The assessment requirements document that relates to each CPP unit of competency contains an
Assessment Conditions section that lists a range of requirements for assessment, typically under the
following categories:

• equipment
• materials
• specifications
• relationships with team member and supervisor
• relationship with clients.

Where training and assessment are conducted in a real work site, safety and workplace induction
requirements for RTO staff and learners may apply. In these situations, RTOs must ensure that any
requirements to access and operate on the work site are met. This may include the safe handling
and operation of plant, equipment and materials. When training and assessment are conducted in a
close simulation to the workplace, RTOs are also required to ensure that safety requirements related
to the simulated work site.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 68

Industry sectors and occupational outcomes of qualifications
The table below details the sectors covered in CPP Property Services Training Package.

Industry Sectors Covered in CPP Training package

Competency Field Code Identifier
Building Design BDN
Cleaning Operations CLO
Common CMN
Strata community management DSM
Pest management PMT
Surveying and spatial information services SIS
Swimming Pool and Spa Service SPS

Occupational outcomes

Qualifications in Training Packages are usually aligned to occupational outcomes for each of the
industry-specific sectors.

Occupational Outcomes of CPP Qualifications

Qualification Occupational outcome Comments
CPP31218 Certificate This is an entry level No licensing, legislative,
III in Swimming Pool qualification regulatory, or certification
and Spa Service that provides the competencies requirements apply to this
required by swimming pool and qualification at the time of
spa technicians to routinely maintain endorsement.
swimming pools and spas in
domestic, commercial and public

CPP20617 Certificate This qualification reflects the role of No licensing, legislative,

II in Cleaning individuals who have a defined and regulatory, or certification
limited range of cleaning operational requirements apply to this
skills and basic industry knowledge. qualification at the time of
They are mainly involved in routine endorsement.
and repetitive tasks and work under

This qualification provides a pathway

to further learning and work in
various cleaning roles and settings
including but not limited to:

• administration, support and

correctional services;
• health care and social
• accommodation and food
services, and
• education and training.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 69

Occupational Outcomes of CPP Qualifications
Qualification Occupational outcome Comments

CPP20116 Certificate This qualification applies to those No licensing, legislative,

II in Surveying and undertaking pre-vocational programs regulatory, or certification
Spatial Information or entering the workforce and requirements apply to this
Services working under close supervision and qualification at the time of
possibly assisting in simple surveying endorsement.
or spatial information services

They can operate in the field and

may use a computer to assist in
collecting, storing and retrieving
basic spatial data.
CPP30116 Certificate This qualification reflects the roles of Licensing, legislative, regulatory
III in Urban Pest pest management technicians who or certification requirements
Management identify common urban pests, assess apply to pest management in
pest problems, consider pest all states and territories.
management options, develop pest
management plans, liaise with Relevant state and territory
customers and implement pest regulatory authorities should
management strategies. be consulted to confirm those
In most cases, the technician will
work alone and have responsibility
for managing chemicals and
equipment used in pest management
as well as for a pest management
vehicle, including the vehicle storage
area. In the case of complex or high-
risk operations the technician may
work as part of a team.
CPP30216 Certificate This qualification reflects the role of Licensing, legislative, regulatory
III in Surveying and surveying or spatial information or certification requirements
Spatial Information assistants. These people provide apply in some States where
Services support under supervision to a cadastral and mining surveying
surveying and spatial information must be undertaken under the
services team. supervision of a registered
They perform a range of duties, from
collecting basic spatial data and Relevant state and territory
providing field support services, to regulatory authorities should
simple drafting and map production. be consulted to confirm those
CPP30316 Certificate This entry level qualification into the No licensing, legislative,
III in Cleaning cleaning industry reflects the role of regulatory, or certification
Operations Cleaning Operators responsible for requirements apply to this
undertaking a range of routine and qualification at the time of
non-routine tasks according to work endorsement.
schedules, liaising with clients and in

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 70

Occupational Outcomes of CPP Qualifications
Qualification Occupational outcome Comments
some cases members of the public,
and operating in a range of general
residential and commercial settings
as well as specialist cleaning

Cleaning Operators typically work

alone or under limited supervision
and have responsibility for selecting,
preparing and using appropriate
cleaning methods for a range of
cleaning situations while ensuring
safe work practices.
CPP30416 Certificate This qualification reflects the role of Licensing, legislative, regulatory
III in Strata those involved in working in or certification requirements
Community administrative and support roles in apply to strata community
Management the strata community management management in some states
sector. and territories.

In most situations, the individual will Relevant state and territory

work as part of a strata community regulatory authorities should
management team and will assist be consulted to confirm those
with the administration of strata requirements.
communities by facilitating meetings
of strata community members,
monitoring the condition of building
facilities and maintaining financial
records associated with the
management of strata communities.
CPP40115 Certificate This entry level qualification into the Drafts person
IV in Building Design building design industry provides Assistant Building Designer
Drafting building design drafters with the Licencing, legislative,
competencies required to support regulatory certification
building designers or architects. requirements may apply to
Building design drafters may work on building design drafting in
a wide range of building design different states and territories.
projects, including high rise
commercial projects, under the In some jurisdictions, a
supervision and instruction of an certificate IV in Building Design
appropriately licenced or accredited Drafting may lead to licencing
architect or building designer. to perform some types of
building design work.
The role of the drafter includes using Candidates are advised to
BIM- capable current industry consult with the relevant
standard building design software to regulatory authorities.
produce drawing and documentation
required by clients and stakeholders,
and for the planning and building
authorisation processes. It also

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 71

Occupational Outcomes of CPP Qualifications
Qualification Occupational outcome Comments
involves research and applying
relevant information including
drawings and reports from other
construction professional and
compliance requirements relevant to
specific to projects.

The drafter also provides

administrative support to the design
team, including data collection and
storage and file management
CPP40216 Certificate This qualification reflects the role of Surveying Technician
IV in Surveying surveying technicians who work Surveyor’s Assistant
under supervision to support a Licensing, legislative, regulatory
surveying team. or certification requirements
apply in some States where
They perform a range of duties using cadastral and mining surveying
surveying tools and equipment, must be undertaken under the
including total stations and global supervision of a registered
navigation satellite systems (GNSS). surveyor.

Relevant state and territory

regulatory authorities should
be consulted to confirm those
CPP40316 Certificate This qualification reflects the role of GIS Assistant
IV in Spatial geographic information systems (GIS) Town Planning Assistant
Information Services technicians who work under Mapping Assistant
supervision to support a spatial No licensing, legislative,
information services team. regulatory, or certification
requirements apply to this
They perform a range of duties using qualification at the time of
various geospatial technologies endorsement.
including global navigation satellite
systems (GNSS) and specialised
geospatial software.
CPP40416 Certificate This qualification reflects the role of Cleaning supervisor
IV in Cleaning cleaning industry personnel who use Cleaning manager
Management well developed skills and a broad No licensing, legislative,
knowledge base in a wide variety of regulatory, or certification
cleaning management contexts. requirements apply to this
qualification at the time of
They may be responsible for wide- endorsement.
ranging operational cleaning
management activities and are also
responsible for managing staff,
providing quotations, planning and
overseeing work, and providing
customer support.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 72

Occupational Outcomes of CPP Qualifications
Qualification Occupational outcome Comments
CPP40516 Certificate This qualification reflects the role of Strata Manager
IV in Strata those involved in providing Licensing, legislative, regulatory
Community management services for strata or certification requirements
Management communities. apply to strata community
management in some States.
In most situations, the individual will
work independently but may operate Relevant state and territory
as part of a strata community regulatory authorities should
management team. In this role, the be consulted to confirm those
person will perform all functions requirements.
associated with the administration of
strata communities, including
facilitating meetings of strata
community members, administering
insurance for strata communities,
handling strata community funds, as
well as maintaining business records
and reporting on the financial
activities of strata communities.
CPP50116 Diploma This qualification reflects the role of Surveying Technician
of Surveying skilled surveying technicians. These Licensing, legislative, regulatory
people hold advanced surveying or certification requirements
skills, and perform duties involving apply in some States where
the carrying out of precise cadastral and mining surveying
measurements and setting out must be undertaken under the
structures using specialised surveying supervision of a registered
equipment. surveyor.

Relevant state and territory

regulatory authorities should
be consulted to confirm those
CPP50216 Diploma This qualification reflects the role of No licensing, legislative,
of Spatial skilled geographic information regulatory, or certification
Information Services systems (GIS) technicians. requirements apply to this
qualification at the time of
They perform advanced data endorsement.
manipulation, including spatial
dataset updating and management,
and use a range of technologies such
as global navigation satellite systems
(GNSS) and specialised geospatial
CPP50316 Diploma This qualification reflects the role of Licensing, legislative, regulatory
of Strata Community those involved in managing strata or certification requirements
Management communities. apply to strata community
In most situations, the individual will management in some states
work independently but will usually and territories.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 73

Occupational Outcomes of CPP Qualifications
Qualification Occupational outcome Comments
also have responsibility for a strata Relevant state and territory
community management team. regulatory authorities should
be consulted to confirm those
In this role, the person will perform requirements.
all functions associated with
managing strata communities,
including assessing and
implementing strata community
management agreements, analysing
and commenting on management
reports prepared for strata
communities, developing life cycle
asset management plans, and
implementing maintenance
programs for managed properties.
CPP60116 Advanced This qualification reflects the role of Licensing, legislative, regulatory
Diploma of Surveying surveyors. These people carry out or certification requirements
highly specialised surveying functions apply in some states and
in areas such as mining and territories where cadastral and
engineering construction. mining surveying must be
undertaken under the
Duties involve carrying out precise supervision of a registered
measurements and control surveys surveyor.
relating to complex engineering
structures and mine sites using highly Relevant state and territory
specialised surveying equipment. regulatory authorities should
be consulted to confirm those

Mandatory entry requirements

Entry requirements are the skills, knowledge and experience required to enter a qualification. These
requirements may be expressed in terms of competency from a lower level qualification or
vocational expertise – including job roles – or both; and where they exist, they must be
demonstrated prior to entering the qualification or being issued the qualification.

Where entry requirements exist for a qualification, they are stipulated at qualification outset.

Pathways advice
The AQF provides a comprehensive, nationally consistent framework for qualifications in compulsory
post-education and training in Australia. The framework helps to provide consistency in the VET
sector for all trainees, learners, employers and providers by enabling recognition of qualifications
and Statements of Attainment.

The framework enables learners to have flexible pathways than can cover more than one provider,
pathways that are horizontal (across AQF qualifications at the same level) and vertical (between

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 74

qualifications at different levels) and eliminates unnecessary and unfair barriers to AQF

Swimming pool and spa service

People who have achieved CPP31218, Certificate III in Swimming Pool and Spa Service may wish to
enrol directly into CPP41312, Certificate IV in Swimming Pool and Spa Service.


There are flexible pathways available when enrolling into CPP2017 Certificate II in Cleaning:

• A person can undertake CPP2017 Certificate II in Cleaning upon completion of FSK10213

Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways.
• Another pathway for entrants into CPP2017 Certificate II in Cleaning is through SIT10216
Certificate I in Hospitality.
• A person could undertake and complete CPP2017 Certificate in Cleaning and enrol, upon
completion, into CPP30316 Certificate III Cleaning Operations.
• There are two training pathways for entry into CPP30316 Certificate III Cleaning Operations.
• A person could complete one or more of the cleaning skill sets available in CPP and gain
credit towards CPP30316.
• A pathway for entrants wanting to develop their language, literacy and numeracy skills while
at the same time gaining vocational skills in cleaning, is by completing FSK20113 Certificate II
in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways, which requires eight core FSK units and allows
the importation of six vocational units. These six vocational units could be selected from
CPP30316 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations.

People who have achieved CPP30316 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations may wish to enrol directly
in CPP40416 Certificate IV in Cleaning Management or undertake CPPSS00052 Develop and
implement environmentally sustainable cleaning programs, which contains two units that are also
included in CPP40416.

Pest management

Currently, there are no formal training pathways into the pest management industry. In States and
Territories where a full Certificate III in Urban Pest Management is not required for licensing, a
person can commence work in the industry by completing the CPPSS00046 Manage non-timber
pests’ skill set or other units in the Certificate III.

A person could complete one or more of the pest management skill sets and gain credit towards the
complete qualification.

Surveying and spatial

The qualifications’ structure for surveying and spatial information services provides formal training
pathways from the pre-vocational level at Certificate II, through to the Diploma level for spatial
information services, and the Advanced Diploma level for surveying. The surveying and spatial
information services sectors are highly technical in nature therefore the qualifications provide
pathways into higher education.
CPP20116 Certificate II in Surveying and Spatial Information Services is considered an induction
qualification for the industry with the purpose of providing entrants with an introduction into the

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 75

work undertaken in both sectors. Entry into the workforce usually commences with CPP30216
Certificate III in Surveying and Spatial Information Services. This qualification is also designed to give
workers the basic skills and knowledge required in both surveying and spatial information services,
before moving into fields of specialisation which commence with CPP40216 Certificate IV in
Surveying and CPP40316 Certificate IV in Spatial Information Services.

In surveying, specialist pathways continue from the Certificate IV level to CPP50116 Diploma of
Surveying and CPP60116 Advanced Diploma of Surveying, which both provide direct pathways into
higher education. The specialist nature of surveying means that people operating at the Diploma
level are usually still working under the supervision of a qualified surveyor. In Western Australia,
completion of both CPP50116 and CPP60116 can achieve eligibility for authorisation as a mines

In spatial information services, the key qualifications are CPP40316 Certificate IV in Spatial
Information Services and CPP50216 Diploma of Spatial Information Services. As with all surveying
and spatial information services qualifications, the packaging of core and elective arrangements in
these qualifications facilitates progression in the industry.

Strata management

CPP30416 Certificate III in Strata Community Management is an entry-level qualification into the
strata community management industry. It has been designed to meet the needs of individuals
working in administrative and support roles in the strata community management sector. Graduates
of CPP30416 could progress to CPP40516 Certificate IV in Strata Community Management.
CPP40516 applies to individuals involved in providing management services for strata communities.
In most situations, these individuals will work independently but may operate as part of a strata
community management team. To promote pathways into CPP40516, the packaging rules of
CPP30416 contain a number of units that are also in the packaging rules of CPP40516.

It is envisaged that after further work experience in the industry, graduates of CPP40516 could
progress to senior strata management roles in larger enterprises or establish their own strata
community management agencies. To progress to the next level, it is envisaged that graduates of
CPP40516 would undertake CPP50316 Diploma of Strata Community Management.

The three strata community management qualifications, particularly CPP30416 Certificate III in
Strata Community Management, have been designed to articulate with a new industry-developed,
non-accredited short course that Strata Community Australia is in the process of introducing for new
entrants to the industry. Once implemented, this will ensure that new entrants have access to an
industry-endorsed induction program that links with nationally recognised qualifications.

Credit arrangements for the CPP access and equity considerations

At the time of endorsement of CPP Training Package no national credit arrangements exist between
qualifications in CPP and higher education qualifications.

Access and equity considerations

An individual’s access to the assessment process should not be adversely affected by restrictions
placed on the location or context of assessment beyond the requirements specified in the CPP
Property Services Training Package and must be bias-free.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 76

Training Packages must reflect and cater for the increasing diversity of Australia’s VET clients and
Australia’s current and future workforce. The flexibilities offered by Training Packages should
enhance opportunities and potential outcomes for all people so that we can all benefit from a wider
national skills base and a shared contribution to Australia’s economic development and social and
cultural life.

Reasonable adjustment

It is important that education providers take meaningful, transparent and reasonable steps to
consult on, consider and implement reasonable adjustments for disadvantaged learners.

Under the Disability Standards for Education 2005, education providers must make reasonable
adjustments for people with a disability to the maximum extent that those adjustments do not cause
that provider unjustifiable hardship. While ‘reasonable adjustment’ and ‘unjustifiable hardship’ are
different concepts and involve different considerations, they both seek to strike a balance between
the interests of education providers and the interests of people with and without a disability.

An adjustment is any measure or action that a learner requires because of their disability and which
has the effect of assisting the learner to access and participate in education and training on the same
basis as those without a disability. An adjustment is reasonable if it achieves this purpose while
considering factors such as the nature of the learner’s disability, the views of the learner, the
potential effect of the adjustment on the learner and others who might be affected, and the costs
and benefits of making the adjustment.

An education provider is also entitled to maintain the academic integrity of a course or program and
to consider the requirements or components that are inherent or essential to its nature when
assessing whether an adjustment is reasonable.

The Disability Standards for Education 2005 and the Disability Standards for Education Guidance
Notes may be downloaded at http://education.gov.au/disability-standards-education.

Foundation skills
Foundation skills are the non-technical skills that support an individual’s participation in the
workplace, in the community and in education and training.

In this training package (and all training packages developed by Artibus Innovation) the foundation
skills incorporate the language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills described in the Australian Core
Skills Framework (ACSF), and the employability skills described in the Core Skills for Work
Developmental Framework (CSfW).

The skills included in these two frameworks are illustrated in the table below.

Australian Core Skills Framework Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework
• Learning • Navigate the world of work
• Reading • Manage career and work life
• Writing • Work with roles, rights, and protocols
• Oral Communications • Interact with others
• Numeracy • Communicate for work
• Technological • Connect and work with others

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 77

Australian Core Skills Framework Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework
• Recognise and utilise diverse perspectives
• Get the work done
• Plan and organise
• Make decisions
• Identify and solve problems
• Create and innovate
• Work in a digital world

Where foundations skills essential to performance in a unit are explicit, the following statement will
be included under the foundation skills field:

‘Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this
unit of competency’.

Where foundation skills essential to performance in a unit are not explicit, then they will be listed in
the foundation skills field in that unit.

Advice on any health and safety implications in the industry

Where required, WHS elements have been addressed in the qualification and units of competency of
the CPP Property Services Training Package.

Relevant state or territory work health and safety regulators for further information. See Table

State and Territory Work Health and Safety Regulators

State Regulator
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) www.worksafe.act.gov.au
New South Wales (NSW) www.workcover.nsw.gov.au
Northern Territory (NT) www.worksafe.nt.gov.au
Queensland (QLD) www.worksafe.qld.gov.au
South Australia (SA) www.safework.sa.gov.au
Tasmania (TAS) www.worksafe.tas.gov.au
Victoria (VIC) www.worksafe.vic.gov.au
Western Australia (WA) www.commerce.wa.gov.au/WorkSafe/

Resource and equipment relevant to this training package

The assessment conditions section of the assessment requirements for each unit of competency
specifies resources or equipment required for assessment.

Legal consideration for the learners in the workplace including placements

Legal requirements for learners in the workplace or involved in work experience that apply to
industry-specific sectors covered in the CPP Property Services Training Package vary across each
state and territory and can change from time to time.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 78

Users should contact the relevant state or territory training authorities provided at the end of this
Guide to check if legal requirements apply.

Work placements should always involve appropriate supervision and guidance from individuals in
the workplace as well as from RTO trainers and assessors and must adhere to required legislation
that applies in the jurisdiction.

Apprenticeships and traineeships are formal training arrangements between an employer and an
employee that have been established by a state or territory training authority. Where a qualification
is used for an apprenticeship or traineeship, the training must be recognised by the state or territory
training authority. This includes the form and registration of indenture.

Further information relevant to implementing of the training package

Where imported units of competency are used as part of CPP Property Services qualifications, RTOs
must consider and meet the specific training and assessment requirements of those imported units
and their parent Training Packages.

These requirements may include specific legal, WHS, resourcing and equipment requirements, as
well as unique trainer and assessor requirements, including industry experience.

CPP Companion Volume Implementation Guide – Release 6.0 79

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