Level 4 Overview
Level 4 Overview
Level 4 Overview
Execute Explore
Level 4 teaching content:
1. Topic based LC
2. Clear lesson structure
Lessons 6,12
Assessment 1&2
Some sample slides:
Project presentation in Level 4 is shown in lessons 5, 6, 11 and 12
of each unit.
Unit 1
We have added pre-class and post class material to increase
the efficiency of the actual class.
• 4 short pre-class
videos for each unit
• One computer
homework for each Pre-class
• One paper textbook
for 3 units
Level 4 Entry Point
Level 4
U1 Entry Point 1
U4 Entry Point 2
U7 Entry Point 3
is 8 minutes.
Grammar(U1) Math(U1)
Practice sample slides:
Grammar(U1) Math(U1)
Some Tips for Teachers
You will see that the volume of content is much higher than that in
Level 3. There are 23-25 PPT slides for each lesson, which means the
average time for each slide is 1 minute. Here are some tips to help
you finish the lessons in 25 minutes.
Unit 10 Unit 4
Reading comprehension:
Almost every lesson has a reader in Level 4. These readers are fiction as
well as non-fiction. There is a list of target reading comp skills for the whole
level (compare and contrast, cause and effect, graphic organizers,
retelling the stories…). We practice students’ reading skills mainly by asking
them questions.
Unit 5
High frequency words:
These are the most common activities of HFW: Word speed trials, spelling
and dictation, identify sight words in text, sight word projects (write and
illustrate a sentence for each sight word), scrambled spelling sight words,
fill in the blank sight words, pick out sight words from that unit from a list
containing some non-sight words.
Unit 4 Unit 5
You can find them in readers/read aloud. Not all vocab words are
introduced in one lesson. All words have a picture that explains
meaning. There are written definitions for some words.
Unit 5 Unit 10
Sentence Patterns (SP):
Written SP on slide explicitly introduces SP along with Q/A prompt.
These SP are closely related to the topic of the unit and you can have
students practice SP under the specific context (in order to help them
use SP more naturally).
Unit 2 Unit 5
We teach grammar explicitly. Students may have learned the
examples of simple future tense and present continuous tense in Level 2
and Level 3. However, in Level 4, we explain the grammar rules to some
extent besides teaching grammar in specific topic context. In addition,
we check students’ verb form understanding using previously mastered
verbs and comparing to base verb form.
Check verb form understanding Teach past progressive tense explicitly
Unit 10 Unit 2
There are two key points concerning math:
1. It’s verbal-focused (which means we mainly teach for language,
not skills).
2. The Math Word Problems are in story form. We try to build
connections between math skills and real life problems.
Word problems
Unit 2 Unit 10