Every Child Is Special Review

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“Every Child is Special” Movie Review

Ishaan Awasthi is a boy who is suffering from dyslexia, a neurological disorder. From his
perspective, letters and numbers were dancing and written upside down. He is having a hard time
following simple instructions and has poor motor skills. In Ishaan’s case, being different from
other normal growing children, he is always thought to be dumb and lazy for his teachers and
classmates did not recognize his condition even his family. He was sent to a boarding school and
his situation worsened. He was depressed due to his separation from his family and there were no
improvements on his end. He became distant from his classmates and family, and nobody knows
what he was going through. Until Ram Shankar Nikumbh, a substitute art teacher came to school
and able to recognize his special needs. He went to Ishaan’s house and talked to his parents
regarding his condition. Parents must be extra careful with their special children because they
have special needs to be attended. They need to be understood by their family and everyone
around them to gain more confidence about themselves and can interreact well. Ishaan’s teachers
and even the principal thought that he must be dealt in special education program and not to be
places in the regular school. But Mr. Nikumbh insisted that even special child has the right to
formal and quality education and believes that every child has his own capabilities, desires and
pace of learning. With the help of Mr. Nikumbh, Ishaan shows progress in his academic records.
Little by little, he was gaining his confidence back and was able to showcase his talents.

We all know that there’s a difference between special children and normal children, but
both have similarities. They both have talents and perspective towards life. Being in a learning
environment where children with or without disabilities are taught together as equals. This kind
of environment will give opportunity for the students to work as a team. It also serves awareness
to the community that children with disability have also the right to a proper and quality
education. It became beneficial to all.

As a teacher, we play different roles in the classroom. Each role has a goal which is for
the betterment of the learners. By engaging different roles, you will be able to know how to
employ the most effective teaching and learning strategies that can help your learners to improve
and grow. As a second parent to our students, we play a big part in giving the students the
opportunity to express themselves. By accepting each other’s perspective will help them create a
friendly classroom atmosphere where they will be able to freely interact with each other and
work together.

As a future educator, I always believe in this quote of mine “Teaching: A Career, with
lifelong learning and inspiration”. I chose this quote because I always believe that teaching
plays a big part in shaping one’s life and personality. This profession gives you an opportunity to
impart your learnings and values to your students. You will always keep on growing and be an
inspiration not just to your students but to others as well. Overall, the movie was inspiring and
eye-opener that every child has its own pace of learning and teachers must have a strong desire
to make a difference in the lives of young people.

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