Every Child Is Special Reflection

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Every child is Special

“Every child is special” is the most touching story I’ve ever seen. The story is about
Ishaan, a nine-year-old boy who doesn’t know how to read or write, who just doesn’t get
anything right in class, and when he gets in more trouble, he is sent to a boarding
school to be disciplined. He is very sad because he feels abandoned by his family, but
one day a new temporary Art teacher named Ram Shankar Nikumbh arrived at their
school. He instilled in his students the need to think, dream, and imagine. He made his
students feel liberated, and he soon discovered that Ishaan had dyslexia, a neurological
disorder that can affect anyone. This includes difficulties in learning to read or interpret
words, letters, and other symbols, but it has no effect on general intelligence. His
teacher assisted Ishaan in learning to read and write correctly. The teacher approaches
the school principal about holding a painting event to demonstrate that Ishaan is not
who they believe he is. When it came down to who won the judges’ eyes and hearts, it
was none other than Ishaan himself. It simply means that Ishaan is a gifted young man
with his own talent, which is Art.
I learned a lot from watching the film. Consider the situation of a child in which no one,
including his or her parents, understands what he or she is going through. He is not
even given the opportunity to defend himself; he is punished for the smallest mistake,
not knowing why the child is acting this way; and, above all, he was accused of being
lazy and naughty. I know that every parent wants the best for their child, but what
parents think or know is not always what is best for their children. His parents don’t
understand their child, and as a result, the child has become depressed. It is sometimes
necessary to consider a child’s opinion, feelings, and abilities. The parent has the right
to decide what is best for the child, but the child also has the right to follow his or her
wishes, even if they conflict with the parent’s. Involve the child in making decisions,
particularly about what he or she wants for the future. It is not wrong to wish for a bright
future for a child; what is wrong is when people judge and underestimate a child’s
abilities without knowing what else he is capable of, what knowledge and talents he
possesses. To encourage your children to be open to you, always ask them about their
day and take the time to get to know your children better as parents. We must recognize
that every child deserves to be understood. Second, we see different types of teachers
in the film, including their teaching, such as this type of teacher placed a high value on
students' academic performance. They are focused solely on academic performance,
not the child's talent and interests, due to a lack of knowledge about the diversity of a
learner, a teacher who focuses on discipline, and a teacher who whacks his student’s
hand five times because the student could not answer the teacher’s question. A teacher
who threw a child out, causing the students who saw him to mock him rather than
assisting his student, a teacher disappoints him and believes the child is hopeless. Then
there was the teacher who traumatized his students. This type of teachers is more likely
to produce robot students than responsive citizens. On the other hand, we will find a
great, efficient, and effective teacher. Ram Shankar Nikumbh’s character exemplifies
the qualities of a great teacher, a teacher who not only teaches but also inspires, a
teacher who is not afraid to use unique and unconventional methods of teaching his
students. A teacher who uses positive approaches in dealing with and addressing
student concerns, as well as a teacher who offers extra time to teach his student in a
subject he has not yet mastered. What a great teacher, and a true role model.
I realized that the development of a child in the film was slowed because his special
needs were not recognized by his own family or teachers. They accused him of being a
lazy, retarded, stubborn, and hopeless child, not realizing that it was their fault for failing
to recognize a child’s special needs. Ishaan’s mother’s role was dictated by her
husband, so she pressured Ishaan to be the child her husband desired. Because of his
disorder, Ishaan requires his father’s care, understanding, and patience, but his father
was blinded by his ambition for his children, and he constantly compared Ishaan to his
older brother (Yohan), who is the total opposite of Ishaan. The special needs of a child
with a disorder, such as Ishaan, were not recognized by society. When we see a child
like him, we immediately assume that he/she has a mental problem, and we continue to
judge him without realizing that a child with a gifted talent like Ishaan exists. I also
realized that as teachers, we must not only demonstrate patience, love, care, and
kindness to our students, but we must also be aware of their intellectual, physical, and
emotional development in order to meet the needs of every child. Everyone is unique,
and each child has unique needs.
If I am given the opportunity to apply what I have learned and realized, I will use it as a
daily reminder to myself to keep reminding me that as a teacher, it is my responsibility to
meet the needs of my every student for as long as I can, as I am their role model, most
trusted companion, and a second parent who always values their existence, their
needs, and their brightest future. If I am given the opportunity to meet someone like
Ishaan, I will do my best to use all of my knowledge and skills to help them realize their
dreams. I am willing to use any strategy that suits their multiple intelligences and
learning style, similar to what Mr. Ram is doing, to inspire and motivate the child to
further improve their learning and gain self-confidence. As a teacher, you can use any
approach you want as long as you keep the diversity of your students in mind. Mr. Ram
Shankar Nikumbh, for example, engages his class by telling a very well-crafted story full
of rhymes, humor, and surprise in which he presented the difficulties some students had
with reading and writing. Students were surprised when he revealed that these
struggling students included Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Pablo Picasso,
among others. Mr. Ram Nikumbh used a multisensory approach to make reading and
writing more active and concrete by using writing sand, clay, chalk, touch, and
In conclusion, Ishaan’s failure was caused by his parents, particularly his father, his
teachers, and society’s failure to recognize his special needs. His separation from his
family dashed his hopes of ever receiving assistance. We are frequently blinded by the
strict rules and high standards in meeting academic requirements that we fail to see the
value of the children. We may believe that an underperforming child, someone who has
difficulty reading and writing and demonstrating certain skills and knowledge in a given
situation, is not worth our time. Ishaan’s situation is difficult; no one understands him,
and even his family and teachers make him feel different from the rest. They label him
as a slacker and a retarded child. He feels isolated. A lack of patience, love, kindness,
and, most importantly, knowledge of the child’s intellectual, physical, and emotional
development can render the child unworthy and unwanted.

Techniques are necessary and important; in fact, nothing could be evolved in any field
without knowledge of how to do things. Both techniques and principles are necessary,
but principles are more fundamental. Principles not only govern the operation of
technique but also make possible its extension and perfection. Principles- are of great
help in the discovery of new techniques. Principles aid also in the evaluation of
techniques, since they form a broader basis.
1. Effective teaching involves acquiring relevant knowledge about students and
using that knowledge to inform our course design and classroom teaching.
2. Effective teaching involves aligning the three major components of instruction:
learning objectives, assessments, and instructional activities.
3. teaching involves articulating explicit expectations regarding learning objectives
and policies.
4. Effective teaching involves prioritizing the knowledge and skills we choose to
focus on.
5. teaching involves recognizing and overcoming our expert blind spots.
6. teaching involves adopting appropriate teaching roles to support our learning
7. teaching involves progressively refining our courses based on reflection and

I believe that every child has the potential to be a genius. Any child can learn if he or
she wants to, which is why the teacher is so important in education. Through the various
styles of learning, students are assessed to which field they are interested in and learn
well. As a result, teachers are also expected to perform multiple tasks in the preparation
of various activities, knowing that these students learn in a variety of ways.
Furthermore, a child is influenced by his environment and models his behavior after
those closest to him. Knowledge is relative, and a child’s level of success in school is
directly proportional to the amount of support and encouragement he receives at home.
As a result, never underestimate the abilities of any student. They are one-of-a-kind,
and we must understand what makes them one-of-a-kind. Take careful note of which
intelligence they belong to, because every child has the potential to be a genius.

I was struck by the scene in which Mr. Ram visits Ishaan’s home and confronts Ishaan’s
father, asking him why he sent Ishaan to that boarding school. When Ishaan’s father
replied that he sent Ishaan to that school to learn discipline because his son was very
stubborn and did not improve in class. Mr. Ram gets the box with the written statement
in different languages and asks Ishaan’s father to read it, but Ishaan’s father gets angry
because how can he read the statement if he can’t read and understand the language
and starts misbehaving and being naughty, so Mr. Ram makes Ishaan’s father realize
that is exactly what Ishaan is going through. Mr. Ram convinced Ishaan’s parents that
they had misunderstood their son; Ishaan acts this way because he has a neurological
disorder that makes it difficult for him to recognize letters; he can’t read or write, which
is why he acts this way. Mr. Ram made them realize that Ishaan requires support and
understanding from those around him, particularly his parents. They accuse Ishaan’s
behavior without knowing his circumstances; fortunately, he found a great teacher who
made him feel like a gifted boy.

Analysis(Relating) is one of the more advanced stages in which you will be able to
break down any new information acquired into parts. Then, look for evidence to back up
any of your points of view on the topic of your choice. For example, you could start a
discussion about the relationship between frequency and energy. Because you are
already an expert in that field at the level of analysis, you should be able to relate the
relationship between frequency and energy. Following that is Synthesis (creating),
where you are expected to be able to combine various types of information from various
sources and then form alternate solutions. For example, you could assign students to
write a paragraph using information, evidence, or opinions from a variety of sources.
The goal is to help students improve their ability to synthesize information to support
their arguments. Then, if you’re at this level, the evaluation. You are expected to be an
expert in your chosen field. For example, you will be able to rely on opinions, hold
debates, and rely on evidence to form your opinion. Others are free to hold their own
opinions, but you would base them on evidence. You can give your students a topic and
let them find evidence on their own, then let them debate with their evidence and make
judgments based on the evidence found.

Lecture 5

1. The implications of the OBE principles to the teaching-learning process such as;
 Clarity of focus
This means that everything teachers do must be clearly focused on what they want
students to know, understand and be able to do. In other words, teachers should focus
on helping students to develop the knowledge, skills and personalities that will enable
them to achieve the intended outcomes that have been clearly articulated.
 Designing down
It means that the curriculum design must start with a clear definition of the intended
outcomes that students are to achieve by the end of the program. Once this has been
done, all instructional decisions are then made to ensure achieve this desired end
 High expectations
It means that teachers should establish high, challenging standards of performance in
order to encourage students to engage deeply in what they are learning. Helping
students to achieve high standards is linked very closely with the idea that successful
learning promotes more successful learning.
 Expanded opportunities
Teachers must strive to provide expanded opportunities for all students. This principle is
based on the idea that not all learners can learn the same thing in the same way and in
the same time. However, most students can achieve high standards if they are given
appropriate opportunities.
2. I think it would be impossible because direct and deductive instruction is similar to a
traditional approach that is teacher-centered and the Learner receives knowledge
passively from their teachers. In contrast to the constructivist approach, which is
student-centered and believes that students construct knowledge rather than
passively taking in information,

Direct instruction
 Introduction / review – First, you set the stage for learning. This is the opening of
the lesson, and it’s intended to engage students, get their attention, and activate
their prior knowledge.
 Present the new material- Use clear and guided instructions, so students can
begin absorbing the new material. The lesson content should be carefully
organized step-by-step, with the steps building on each other. In the direct
instruction method, you can present new material through a lecture or through a
 Guided practice- the teacher and students practice the concept together. The
student attempts the skill with the assistance of the teacher and other students.
 Feedback and correctives - students don’t understand the lesson material, the
teacher has to correct them and give feedback. This is also very important in the
guided practice, as students have to understand everything in that phase.
 Independent practice - gives the students the repetitions they need to integrate
the new information or skills with previous knowledge or skills.
 Evaluation/ review – Check whether your students know everything before
moving on to a new concept that builds upon what they’ve just learned.
Deductive instruction
Deductive is less time consuming. Much depends on the teacher and the students. You
might try and compare both of these approaches at certain points in your teaching to
see which is more effective for your students.
 Time in the classroom is spent only on the language principle.
 Most material can be easily taught this way.
 It encourages faster learning of material
Constructivist, learning is . .
 Constructed – Students are not blank slates upon which knowledge is etched.
They come to learning situations with already formulated knowledge, ideas, and
understandings. This previous knowledge is the raw material for the new
knowledge they will create.
 Active - The student is the person who creates new understanding for
him/herself. The teacher coaches, moderates, suggests, but allows the students
room to experiment, ask questions, try things that don't work. Learning activities
require the students' full participation (like hands-on experiments).
 Reflective - This process makes them experts of their own learning. The teacher
helps create situations where the students feel safe questioning and reflecting on
their own processes, either privately or in group discussions.
 Collaborative - The main reason it is used so much in constructivism is that
students learn about learning not only from themselves, but also from their peers.
 Inquiry-based - Students use inquiry methods to ask questions, investigate a
topic, and use a variety of resources to find solutions and answers.
 Evolving - Students have ideas that they may later see were invalid, incorrect, or
insufficient to explain new experiences. These ideas are temporary steps in the
integration of knowledge.

When you choose to become a public teacher, you are simply indicating that you are
willing to accept whatever tasks or missions are assigned to you. It also implies that you
are willing to give your students your all as a teacher, regardless of where you are
assigned. If you love your job and are sincere, you can do it anywhere, with any type of
learner, even if it is difficult, because you love your job and are satisfied with what you
do. If I were Teacher Annie, I might be hesitant to accept the task assigned to her, but
as I watched her, I realized that this is what teaching is all about: a determined, sincere,
and good teacher to be emulated by those like me who aspire to be teachers. Perhaps
when I become a teacher and face such challenges, I will be willing to accept them;
after all, why would I deny those like them the right to an education? They have the right
to study, and it is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that they do so.
Maybe we could start with a survey and documentation of the students, teachers,
parents, and community. We can ask them about their suggestions on the school. What
are the fundamental needs of students and teachers for the development of the school,
and what facilities are required to further motivate students to learn and teachers to
teach? Sometimes, children’s learning is dependent not only on the quality of a teacher,
but also on the quality of a school, particularly its facilities, to motivate and inspire
children to learn. Education is a fundamental human right for all people, rich or poor.
Whether in the city or in the middle of the forest, whether the child is clean or dirty, any
type of learner you come across has the right to learn. We can now make a proposal to
DepEd based on the results of the survey. Outline the school’s needs, as well as the
causes and effects of those needs in teacher teaching and student learning.

Lecture method
DepEd mission

Protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and
complete basic education where:

 Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating

 Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.
 Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and
supportive environment for effective learning to happen.
 Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share
responsibility for developing life-long learners.
Maybe, let’s first have a survey and documentation about the students, the teachers,
the parents and the community. We can ask them about their opinions about the school.
What are the basic needs of students and teachers for the development of the school,
what are the facilities needed that will help to further motivate the student to learn and
the teacher to teach. Sometimes, children’s learning does not only depend on the good
quality of a teacher, the good quality of a school is also needed especially its facilities to
motivate and to inspire children to learn. One of the basic human rights is education,
whether it is for one’s education, whether rich or poor. Whether city or at the top of the
forest, and above all whether the child is clean or dirty, it is his right to learn. After the
survey, we can now make a proposal to be presented to DepEd. Lay out the needs of
the school, the cause and the result thereof in the teaching of teachers and the learning
of students.

There are a few essential steps for a lecture to be successful:

State the main points of the lecture.

Introduce a main organizing idea or theme.
Use examples to illustrate each idea.
Use repetition to reinforce the main points.
Summarize and refer back to the main organizing idea.

By using direct instruction, teachers give daily lessons to a class, and then individualize
their instruction as needed. This type of method has numerous advantages, and is very
important to the academic success of our students. Direct instruction is important
because it mirrors the environment that many of our students will return to when they
leave Sunrise. They will be in a class full of other students, they will have to listen to
lectures, they will need to be able work in groups, they will have deadlines, they will
have a work load, and they will not always be able to work at their own pace. Using
direct instruction instead of independent study, I am able to provide more detailed and
varied instruction. Lastly, direct instruction is important because it allows for more
interaction. Students are able to ask more questions and request assistance. They are
also able to discuss their interests, enabling me to add those to my lessons. Students
have a better opportunity to discuss their ideas and feelings in a group. They are able
to get to know one another as well as their teachers. We have been able to better
prepare our students for their academic future, while addressing their individual needs.
A deductive approach to instruction is a more teacher-centered approach. This means
that the teacher gives the students a new concept, explains it, and then has the
students practice using the concept. For example, when

Constructivism is the theory that. As people experience the world and reflect upon those
experiences, they build their own representations and incorporate new information into
their pre-existing knowledge (schemas).
Direct instruction, teachers are the main authority figure in a teacher-centered instruction
model. Students are viewed as “empty vessels” who passively receive knowledge from
their teachers through lectures and direct instruction, with an end goal of positive results
from testing and assessment. In this style, teaching and assessment are viewed as two
separate entities; student learning is measured through objectively scored tests and
assessments. direct instruction approach learners end up attaining same skills and convergent
thinking while in constructivist approach divergent thinking is attained. In this approach learners
think separately and solve their problem independently.

Learners in direct instruction approach are required to learn independently as compared

to constructivists approach where group work is encouraged.

Direct instruction approach old procedural tactics of teaching are used. For instance it
makes use of work sheets and lecturers to assist in learning. In constructivist approach
learners are motivated by exploration and urge to come up with solution to problems

Direct instruction approach learners end up attaining same skills and convergent
thinking while in constructivist approach divergent thinking is attained. In this approach
learners think separately and solve their problem independently.

Analysis represents the “breakdown of a communication into its constituent elements or

parts such that the relative hierarchy of ideas is made clear and/or the relations
between ideas expressed are made explicit.”
Synthesis involves the “putting together of elements and parts so as to form a whole.”
Evaluation engenders “judgments about the value of material and methods for given

Analysis, this is one of the more advanced stages where you would able to break up
any of the new information acquired to parts. Then, also find the evidence to support
any of your views on the topic of your interests. For instance, you can start a debate on
what is the relationship between frequency and energy? You should be able to relate
the relationship between the frequency and energy because you are already expert in
that field at the level the of analysis(Relating). Next, Synthesis(creating), this level you
are expected to be able to combine different types of information from different sources
and then be able to form alternate solutions. For instance, You can ask students to write
a paragraph using information, evidence, or opinions from a selection of different
sources. The aim is to help students develop their skills in synthesis information in order
to support their arguments. Then the Evaluation, if you are on this level. You are
expected to be an expert of the field of your interests. For instance, You will be able to
depend opinions, you would be able to hold debates and you would be able to depend
your opinion based on evidence. Others can have their own views but you would base
them on evidence. You can give a topic to your students and let him find an evidence on
his own then Let them debate with their evidence and Make judgements based on
evidence found.

If given a chance, I will apply

His teacher Ram noticed that Ishaan is a student with dyslexia after having seen his
notebooks and talked to his family. He then prepared this pedagogical intervention with
the whole group to foster.

Ram involves his class by telling a very well crafted story, full of rhymes, humour, and
surprise, in which he presented the difficulties some students had while reading and
writing. To the surprise of students, he revealed that these struggling students were
Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Picasso, among others. By involving students in his
narrative, Ram dismantled the mental concept that struggling students are helpless and
doomed in life. Quite on the contrary, the teacher emphasized that their schools were
limited and that they could not see how these gifted students could see the world
differently. He also explicitly taught the values of perseverence and resilience when he
emphasizing that there was not only inspiration, but mainly a lot of transpiration involved
in reaching success. Well, you probably knew his teacher Ram would say he had
dislexya too, didn’t you? This moment of disclosure is a beautiful one, mainly because
the teacher gains rapport by verbalizing what his father thought of him.

Ram then allows Ishaan to have success by offering an outdoor activity in which he
could use his spatial and creative skills. In this classic teacher movie sequence, we
have Ishaan gaining self-esteem and progressing due to the work of Ram. Ram used a
sensorial diversified approach that made reading and writing active and concrete by the
use of writing sand, clay, chalk, touch, and movement.

As one commom comorbity of dyslexia is ADHD, Ram provided headphones and

electronic games for Ishaan to concentrate himself. Ishaan had the double task of
learning to read and write in both Hindi and English, with their two very different

In conclusion, Ishaan’s failure was due to lack of recognized his special needs from the
his parents especially the father, from his teachers and from society. his separation
from the family shattered his hope of ever getting help and his success was surprising
to him and his family. Oftentimes we ere blinded by the strict rules and High standards
in meeting academic requirements that we fail to see the children’s worth. Sometimes,
we believe that an underperforming child, someone who can difficulty read and write
and demonstrate certain skills and knowledge in the given situation is not worth of our
time. The situation of Ishaan is difficult, no one understood him, even his family and
teachers made him feel that he is different From the rest. They judge him as a lazy and
retarded child. These give him a feeling of isolated. The lack of patience, love, kindness,
and most important knowledge of one’s intellectual, physical, and emotional
development can make the child unworthy and unwanted.

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