Reflection Paper On Every Child Is Special
Reflection Paper On Every Child Is Special
Reflection Paper On Every Child Is Special
Every teacher plays an important role in the development of his/her learners. This one holds true in
the movie “Every Child is Special” which is about the boy, Ishaan Awasthi, who was suffering from
dyslexia and the teacher who changed his life. Ishaan had difficulty in recognizing letters and
numbers and could hardly read and write. The condition his parents and his teachers had no idea of.
Because no one understood him, he felt different from the rest. Parents and teachers thought he’s
dumb and lazy. These gave him a feeling of isolation.
Though his talent in painting and creativity is usually exceptional, he’s just like almost every kid, he
loves to perform and goof around. But the problem is, he was unable to handle school the way in
which other children does. He has repeated the third class, and still he did not present any
improvement. He fails to read and write effectively that’s for what reason he was not able to pass
his subjects.
On his first day of school, Ishaan’s instructors were raise red flags by his poor efficiency in class. His
Art teacher even whacked his knuckles five times. Ishaan was traumatized simultaneously because
of how strict the teacher was. This individual became stressed out and unhappy. Also, he is unable to
attend to himself; buttoning his shirt or tying his shoe ribbons. A kid with the age of 9 has the ability
to do all of those things, unfortunately for Ishaan he is not, as he suffered from dyslexia.
In the movie, Ishaan met Mr. Ram Shankar Nikumbh, a substitute art teacher. With his persistence
to help the young boy, he found out the boy’s condition (dyslexia) and so offered extra time to teach
him in areas he had not mastered yet. For me, the character of Mr. Ram Nikumbh shows us some
qualities of a great teacher. A teacher who does not only teach, but inspires as well. A teacher who is
not afraid to use unique and unconventional ways in teaching his learners. Furthermore, a teacher
who exhibits a broad knowledge of Psychology in teaching and using positive approaches in dealing
and addressing students’ concerns. The teacher’s persistence to truly understand the boy changes
everything. From a lazy, dumb boy as others thought he was, turned a very smart and gifted boy in
the end. An artist to remember. He gave his time, patience and care just to help Ishaan find himself,
and win the competition. His painting became the front cover of the school’s yearbook and his
family was very proud of him.
Moving forward, all children should be treated equally with love and care, just like what Ram said “It
takes a big hug, a kiss in the cheek or by saying the words I love you my child” to show them that you
care. The movie is like telling us that we should show concern not only for the children but also to
ourselves. Being different is not bad, what is bad is people who judge you and underestimate your
abilities without knowing what else you can do, and what knowledge and talents do you have.
Almost all parents wanted their children to be geniuses they are forcing them on the things that
children don’t have interest. We know that all parents just want the best for their child but
sometimes, what they think or know is not always right.
Oftentimes we are blinded by the strict rules and high standards in meeting academic requirements,
that, we fail to see the person’s worth. We believe that an underperforming child, someone who can
hardly read and write and demonstrate certain skills and knowledge in the given situation is not
worth of our time. In my personal point of view, teachers should help a child in every way they can.
They should look into the child’s potentials as a learner and of what motivates a child and what does
not. Other than having a broad knowledge on subject-matter, curriculum and standards, teachers
must have strong desire to make a difference in the lives of young people.