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0917SM R PDF
0917SM R PDF
Water Security
Evaluating the role
of wastewater reuse.
Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence may
enhance cybersecurity.
0917 Cover C.indd 2 08/23/2017 2:48:20 PM
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“Our roles are broader than our assigned tasks. Our responsibilities
should be viewed not as standalone tasks, but as related
components within our roles as risk security managers.”
Brian J. Allen, CPP, on enterprise security risk management (ESRM) and why security
practitioners should embrace the concept. PAGE 40
“Some gaming regula- “If it is a sensitive crime, and
tors are now requiring if you have a familiar face
or a peer who is part of an
a copy of a licensee’s
organization like ours, we
active shooter plan.”
would hope that would make
The number of people
who work from a cowork space Chuck Barry, vice president reporting that crime just a
globally. One such space, COCO, of security and surveillance at
recently updated its access control Tropicana Entertainment, on little bit easier.”
to accommodate new members. gaming security trends. PAGE 55
University of Iowa Police Captain
Mark Bullock on the student
security officer program. PAGE 65
“The company
The worth of the
artificial intelligence staff home,
market by 2020, according to
PricewaterhouseCoopers. PAGE 33 without warning,
four hours before
the protest was
expected to start.”
The number of deaths, worldwide, Martin Herman, president and CEO of Special
caused by water contamination Response Corporation, on preparing for mass
and poor sanitation. PAGE 16 protests at corporate sites. PAGE 52
Security Management (ISSN 0145-9406) Volume 61, Number 9, is published monthly by the ASIS International, 1625 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; 703/519-6200; fax: 703/519-
6299. Subscriptions: ASIS members—$60 for 1 year (included in dues, non-deductible). Nonmembers in US, Canada, and Mexico—1 year, $60; 3 years, $162. All others—air
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Copyright © 2017 ASIS International, Inc. This information is protected by copyright and trade mark laws under U.S. and International law. No part of this work may be reproduced without the
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Quantity reprints of 100 or more copies of each article may be requested from Security Management Reprints Dept. at 703/518-1451.
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Peter J. O’Neil
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chief executive officer
[email protected]
Michael Gips
chief global knowledge
and learning officer
[email protected]
Alexandria, VA 22314
fax 703/519-6299 Five concepts describe what ESRM
can do for security managers.
By Rachelle Loyear and Brian J. Allen, CPP
Sales Representatives PREPARING FOR PROTESTS
Jeffrey B. Dembski, Steve Loerch
Proactive assessment and planning by security
[email protected] professionals can make the difference between a
[email protected] peaceful protest and an out-of-control riot.
By Martin Herman
Southern/Mid-Atlantic & Europe
Sales Representative
Shawn Register HOUSE RULES
334/270-4060 Chuck Barry of the ASIS International Gaming
[email protected] and Wagering Protection Council discusses
security trends in gaming.
Northeastern Sales Representative By Holly Gilbert Stowell
Charlotte Lane
[email protected] PEER-TO-PEER PROTECTION
The University of Iowa is using student security
officers to patrol its campus to ensure safety and build
a greater sense of community.
By Megan Gates
An educational organization in Long Island, New
York, joins a pilot program that shares its video feeds
with law enforcement in real time.
By Holly Gilbert Stowell
Managers can prepare for crises by learning
On the Cover: the business, making alliances, assessing risk,
Illustration and identifying vulnerabilities.
by Steve McCracken By Clint Hilbert
Teresa Anderson
[email protected]
Mark Tarallo
senior editor
[email protected]
Megan Gates
associate editor
[email protected] NEWS & TRENDS
Holly Gilbert Stowell
Managing global water scarcity,
associate editor and fighting financial crime.
[email protected] By Mark Tarallo
Lilly Chapa
assistant editor
[email protected]
Flora Szatkowski
editorial assistant/staff writer
[email protected]
New this month: emergency commu- School Security Grant.
Tyler Stone
art director nications, international intelligence
[email protected] sharing, and the future of AI.
Keith Schilling
manager, publishing production ASIS BOARD OF DIRECTORS
[email protected]
Caitlin Donohue
graphic designer
[email protected]
Emotions and risk. 132
Molly Fu
graphic designer
Court cases on labor unions and
medical marijuana, legislation
on encryption, and more.
[email protected]
The intelligence network among By Megan Gates
Matthew Kreider nations can be fragile.
publishing specialist
[email protected] By Lilly Chapa
Jeremy Orloski INDUSTRY NEWS
production specialist
[email protected] By Flora Szatkowski
1625 Prince Street
A coworking space controls access
via the cloud.
By Holly Gilbert Stowell
Alexandria, VA 22314
fax 703/519-6299
MISSION STATEMENT Artificial intelligence could be a
Security Management is written boon to cybersecurity.
primarily for security professionals. It
also makes vital security information By Megan Gates
understandable to a general business THE LIST
audience, helping ASIS International Why uniform color matters.
advance security worldwide. Readers
receive timely information on emerging By Dan Mendelson
security threats and practical solutions, PRELIMINARY GUIDE TO
which they can use to protect people, THE ASIS INTERNATIONAL
property, and information. CHECK OUT MORE ONLINE at
EXHIBITS www.securitymanagement.com
U.K. communications regulator Ofcom fined mobile network operator Three
£1.9 million (approximately $2.4 million) for weaknesses in its emergency call
network. An Ofcom investigation found that Three broke an important rule
designed to ensure that everyone can always contact emergency services, even
when the network experiences technical problems. In this case, Three’s emer-
gency call service was vulnerable to a single point of failure, and did not provide
back-up routes for diverting emergency calls.
and more
nder the classical view of standpoint, it’s trapped in a dark,
emotional expression, emo- silent box called your skull, and has
tions are things that happen no access to the causes of the sen-
to you. Being angry or sad sations it receives,” Barrett said to
is an unbidden reaction. This school WIRED’s Emma Bryce. “I think the
of thought posits that emotions are way emotions are made is not special:
universal expressions, common to all your brain makes an emotion by using
humans and in all cultures. prior experiences of emotion to predict
Except, maybe they aren’t. When it and explain incoming sensory inputs
comes to feeling emotion and reading and guide action,” Barrett said.
the emotions of others, the latest sci- If applied to security, this activity
ence says that your mileage may vary. is strikingly similar to the process of
In her new book How Emotions are managing risk. Not only does risk vary
Made, Lisa Feldman Barrett claims from company to company, but secu-
that emotions aren’t objective. rity managers must evaluate inputs,
Barrett, a professor of psychology at apply past experiences, and predict
Northeastern University in Boston, future outcomes to protect people,
contends that emotions are learned property, and assets. One organization
behavior and are developed differently may be willing to accept a particular
in each individual’s brain. An emotion, risk that another cannot tolerate.
she says, is not your reaction to the This month’s cover story discusses
world, it’s your brain’s interpretation the industry best practice for man-
of the world. And these interpretations aging risk: enterprise security risk
vary widely from culture to culture. management (ESRM). By adopting
If this theory is correct, emotions ESRM, security managers can develop
can’t be used as a cultural barome- effective security programs to address
ter because they are not universally all potential threats from cybercrime
shared. In an episode of the Invisibilia to theft to reputation management.
podcast, Barrett said, “For every emo- Security professionals can also ensure
tion category that we have in the U.S. that, as strategic corporate leaders,
that we think is biologically basic and they have a seat at the table.
universal, there’s at least one culture Learn more about your inputs at
in the world that doesn’t really possess ASIS 2017 in Dallas, Texas, September
a concept for that emotion and where 25-28. From ESRM education to risk
people don’t really feel that emotion.” mitigation strategies in the exhibit
Barrett says that emotions are just hall, the entire week is dedicated to
the brain’s way of processing inputs helping security professionals process
and predicting what they might mean. timely information and turn it into
“If you think about it from a brain’s action.
Recycled wastewater
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A FEW YEARS AGO in Australia, a
Elsevier.com; 204 pages; $79.95. group of industry representatives and
Australian government officials got
THE SECOND EDITION of Physical upgrades, training security staff, and together to make a plan. They wanted
Security: 150 Things You Should finding justification for best practices
Know is an excellent reference for with the C-suite. Many sections are
to fight financial crime and terrorism in
security practitioners and managers. nothing more than easy-to-follow a way never done before, by designing
Written by Lawrence J. Fennelly checklists, so retrieving the informa- a new system for discovering, interpret-
and Marianna Perry, CPP, the book tion is remarkably simple and quick. ing, and disrupting financial crime.
covers the most common concepts The broad range of topics
and concerns in security today; addressed in the book makes it
In May, the plan came to fruition
from lighting and CPTED to cyber impossible for the authors to dig too with the formal launch of the Fintel
and drones. To borrow from the deep on any single issue, so many of Alliance, an initiative that is being
book’s opening lines, it is a roadmap the sections do not offer full expla- billed as the world’s first private-pub-
to building and enhancing an nations. This, however, does not take
organization’s security program. anything away from the quality or
lic partnership aimed at combatting
The authors do a great job of usefulness of the book. money laundering and terror financ-
organizing an overwhelming amount The concepts are outlined in care- ing. The alliance was established by
of material. The book is likely to serve fully selected paragraphs that provide the Australian Transaction Reports
more as a go-to reference for a partic- just enough detail to jog the memory
ular topic rather than to be read from or provide a starting point for further
and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC), which
cover to cover. research from more-focused sources. is Australia’s financial intelligence
A security practitioner with a fun- All in all, this book offers great ideas agency with regulatory responsibility
damental understanding of security and best practices for a broad range for anti-money laundering and coun-
will find this book to be an excep- of security topics, not just physical
tional resource for planning security security.
terterrorism financing.
Organizers say that one of the unique
REVIEWER: Yan Byalik, CPP, is the security administrator for the City of aspects of the alliance is that its diverse
Newport News Virginia. He is a graduate of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets team members—representatives from the
and has worked in a variety of security roles in higher education, amusement
park, and telecommunication security sectors since 2001. He is the assistant financial sector, nongovernmental orga-
regional vice president for ASIS Region 5A in southeast Virginia. nizations, law enforcement, and national
security agencies—work cheek-by-jowl
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in AUSTRAC’s operations hubs in Sydney fraudulent facades, and wherever else terrorism financing, and the profits of
and Melbourne. it leads. organized crime.”
This collaboration, they say, means “We aim to make Australia the most The alliance has three operational
agility—intelligence that is drawn from difficult jurisdiction in the world for goals: to help private sector partners
close to real-time information can be organized crime and terrorism finan- identify and report suspicious transac-
exchanged quickly, using the best ciers to operate in,” the group said tions more easily; to help law enforce-
tracking tools. This agility and coop- when it was launched earlier this year. ment partners arrest and prosecute
eration enables the alliance to follow “Fintel Alliance will be relentless criminals more quickly; and to work
the money trail down holes, behind in pursuing serious financial crime, with academia to build knowledge and
gather insight.
Under the alliance umbrella, indus-
try leaders and government agencies
Because crime can occur even with tight security, will attempt to advance these goals by
working together to design initiatives
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are bolstered by military support or attacker and photos of bomb fragments advance so that they could disseminate
a dependence on the oil trade, more from the attack. information to partners who may be
traditional alliances are expected to British intelligence officials imme- able to help them with the investiga-
last through thick and thin—although diately announced that they would tion. The assumption would be that the
recent concerns based on leaks, per- no longer share information from the recipient would not be sharing it with
sonal data protection, and the increased investigation with their American the media at all, or especially more or
flow of information can put a strain on counterparts; Manchester Mayor Andy less immediately.”
the sharing relationships. Burnham told newspaper reporters that The EU has its own intelligence-shar-
Just weeks after Trump passed the country couldn’t risk sharing any ing challenges. Although Europol has
on Israeli intelligence to Russia, the more information. established several means of intelli-
attack at an Ariana Grande concert in The change in policy upsets a history gence sharing across Europe, it has
Manchester, United Kingdom, shocked of open information sharing between continued to face problems connecting
the world. While British authorities were the United Kingdom and the United the dots.
scrambling to track down the perpetra- States during crises, Walsh notes. “The recent terrorist attacks in
tors, American news media published “They share this kind of intelligence Belgium and France have once again
details of the ongoing investigation, on autopilot, and maybe with good highlighted the contradiction between
including the name of the suspected reason,” he says. “They planned it in the seemingly free movement of ter-
rorists across Europe and the lack of
EU-wide intelligence sharing,” notes
BOOK Oldrich Bureš in the policy journal
REVIEW European View. “Due to their earlier
criminal activities, most perpetrators of
SOFT TARGETS the attacks in both Paris and Brussels
were known to the various security
BY JENNIFER HESTERMAN AND MICHAEL FAGEL; CRC Press; crcpress.com; 494 agencies in several EU member states.”
pages; $89.95. Indeed, a man who gave logistical sup-
port to the terrorists who carried out the
Once upon a time, security pro- Along with a host of eminent
fessionals did not worry about soft contributors, authors Fagel and November 2015 Paris attacks had been
targets and crisis management. Hesterman walk the reader through investigated by both Belgian and Dutch
The security management function all the different phases of an event police, but neither the EU nor French
was compartmentalized, and the from planning to recovery to business authorities were aware of the man.
discipline of crisis management did continuity, highlighting the steps
not yet exist. Those days are gone that can be taken along the way to While Europol has established
forever. Today, security managers prevent or mitigate the damage from multiple tools for reporting and col-
are expected to be multi-disciplined an attack. lecting national security and terrorism
business partners with the ability to This book is general enough to intelligence, it cannot conduct its own
perform several functions at once: recommend an all-hazards approach
security director, emergency planner, for routine events, yet specialized investigations and instead facilitates the
first responder, analyst, teacher, and enough to include segments on exchange of information. However, given
trainer are just some of the roles they church security, hospital business the cultural and linguistic diversity of
might fill. continuity, sports venues, schools, the 28 EU member states, as well as their
How can one be expected to public health systems, and active
understand so many diverse yet shooter scenarios. It contains differing political and judicial frame-
interconnected roles at the same updates to historically tried-and-true works, sharing intelligence through
time? Reading Soft Targets and concepts such as target hardening, Europol may not be as effective as more
Crisis Management may help. This while articulating the need for less– informal arrangements.
impressive book is the best security conventional–strategies like fusion
and crisis management compendium centers for sharing intelligence and Likewise, the United Nations’
available today. It is an essential tool cybercrime defenses. counterterrorism efforts lack coher-
that should be in the library of every This is a well written must-read ence, according to an issue brief by the
security and emergency manager for security managers, emergency Council on Foreign Relations. The UN
concerned that the evolution of crime planners, and first responders. It
and terrorism has made soft targets is also an excellent textbook for alone runs more than 30 agencies that
fair game. instructors and professors. conduct counterterrorism activity.
“Too often, these various elements
REVIEWER: Jim Murray, CPP, is an adjunct professor at Buena Vista are uncoordinated and even compet-
University. He has extensive experience in the areas of law enforcement, ing,” the report notes. A UN committee
corporate security, and crisis management. created a consolidated list of individuals
subject to sanctions because of terrorist
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activity, but the report finds that the agencies agreed to share secrets more damage an intelligence-sharing rela-
impact was negligible “given the lack freely with each other to prevent tionship—there were no significant
of regular updates and expansion of another large attack. However, the effort changes to the United States–Germany
the list, making it an inflexible mech- backfired when leaks through Edward relationship after it was revealed that
anism,” especially as terrorist groups Snowden and WikiLeaks made agencies the United States had been tapping
become less hierarchical. scale back their sharing to need-to- German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s
Walsh points out that even successful know information. private phone. However, too many leaks
intelligence-sharing relationships face “It’s really hard to know when and faux pas by the new administration
larger philosophical concerns—deter- you actually have ironclad intelli- could eventually take a toll.
mining when to share information, and gence that something bad is going to “It’s troubling that the Manchester
whether the receiving country will treat happen,” Walsh explains. “You have investigation leaks happened so shortly
that information appropriately. so much intelligence that’s collected after the Israel episode,” Walsh says. “It
“Typically, when you cooperate with on individual people, like travel might suggest to foreign governments
another country, say on trade policy records, so the problem is connecting that there’s a pattern, especially if that
or an alliance, you want to be able to the dots. How do we even know that information was shared with the United
observe how they’re behaving to see if we should share that?” States and it was leaked by the White
they’re living up to their commitments,” Trust is essential to intelligence-shar- House, in particular.”
Walsh explains. “That’s exceptionally ing relationships, whether it’s trusting
hard to do in the area of intelligence that the information is accurate or trust-
because it’s information and secrets.” ing that the receiving country will treat To view the Global Studies
Nations also need to know whether it the information appropriately. report and the European View
is necessary to share intelligence they Despite Trump’s gaffe, Walsh points article, visit SM Online.
have collected. After 9/11, intelligence out that it takes a great deal to seriously
The number of suspects arrested
for religiously inspired/jihadist
terrorism in the European Union
continues to rise.
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What are your main security concerns related to Bring Your Own Device?
Responses from 800 cybersecurity professionals on the LinkedIn Information Security Community
edge,” she notes. “So as soon as we COCO turned to Brivo’s OnAir, a boo. Using Brivo, COCO can easily dis-
came in to the Chicago space, one of our cloud-based access control system that tribute keycards to its clients and man-
top priorities was to get a really solid ac- easily integrated into the company’s age membership usage and levels.
cess and security system in place.” membership dashboard, called Bam- To set up the system, Brivo represen-
tatives come to COCO’s space and add
card readers to the appropriate doors.
They also set up schedules and the
different access levels for membership
COCO has one membership accoun-
tant who works out of the company’s
headquarters and oversees assign-
ing new members a keycard number
through Brivo. “It’s all digital, so it can
be done remotely,” she notes.
A community manager at the mem-
ber’s location—the lead COCO employee
for that site—can then log on to Brivo
and see which card number has been
assigned for that client, add the number
to their member profile in Bamboo, and
distribute it.
Changing, granting, and revoking
access levels, as well as keeping track of
when members come and go throughout
the building, are all managed through
the Brivo platform.
“Say you want to upgrade a member
from part-time to full-time. We’re able
to just go into Brivo and quickly change
your access. It’s active the moment
that you do it,” she notes. “That’s ac-
tually been really helpful for us, given
we have all this variability in types of
See us at ASIS Booth 4438 For product info #17 securitymgmt.hotims.com
When a member badges in, a wealth amount of delinquent payments that we “The goal is to try to get the member
of information comes up on the Brivo have, and receive that payment.” to come back. So if you have that card
dashboard for the community manager When a member badges in, Brivo also and you come back, you’re already set
to see. “Their picture, their name, their alerts the community manager if that up in our system, all we have to do is
membership level, how many times person hasn’t been in the space very of- reactivate the card and then we’ll also
they’ve checked in already that month, ten that month. waive any setup fees,” Dorn says.
it immediately shows up,” she says. “So “If we can find a member who we She notes the combination of security
it tells you in real time exactly who’s in consider at-risk, who hasn’t been using and business insights from Brivo has
your space and when.” the space, and we’re alerted to that we been tremendous for COCO.
The business value of OnAir is im- can reach out to them, invite them to an “Brivo as a security system has
mense for COCO, Dorn points out, be- event, or try whatever we can to reen- helped us go from being a group of
cause the company can tell how often gage them,” Dorn says. people working out of a space to a full-
members are actually using the space, COCO is also in the initial stages of us- fledged company,” she says. “It really
and whether they have made payments, ing Brivo MobilePass, which lets COCO helps us manage all of the different
as soon as they present their access card staff remotely lock and unlock doors via types of membership and the stages of
to the door reader. a smart device, for members who want business they’re in.”
“Let’s say someone is delinquent to access the space after-hours but for-
on payment. As soon as the member get their keycard.
checks in, there’s going to be big red Because of how easily it can deacti- FOR MORE INFORMATION:
circle with an exclamation point [on the vate and reactivate access, COCO also Nicki Saffell, [email protected],
www.brivo.com, 301.664.5242
dashboard]–you can’t miss it,” she says. encourages members who leave the
“It’s definitely helped us lower the sheer company to keep their keycards.
See us at ASIS Booth 4583 For product info #18 securitymgmt.hotims.com
Bell Telephone Laboratories.
The authors requested a two-month,
10-man study of AI to attempt to find
• DOES IT USE SUPERVISED • WHAT SUCCESS HAS THE out “how to make machines use lan-
OR UNSUPERVISED MACHINE PRODUCT HAD WHILE USING guage, form abstractions and concepts,
solve kinds of problems now reserved
• WHAT ALGORITHMS DOES • WHAT’S THE FALSE POSITIVE RATE? for humans, and improve themselves,”
IT USE? according to the proposal.
• WHAT’S THE TRUE POSITIVE RATE? Since then, AI has advanced, and
there are now many broad areas that fit
SOURCE: Ely Kahn, cofounder and vice president of business development of Sqrrl
under the overall umbrella of AI, includ-
ing deep learning, cognitive computing,
set of grand challenges, developing and handle problems that machines are data science, and machine learning,
advanced general algorithms that not yet capable of. says Anand Rao, partner at PwC and
could one day help scientists as they “The goal of AI in cybersecurity is global artificial intelligence lead.
tackle some of our most complex prob- to make people more efficient, to be Machine learning is one of the larg-
lems, such as finding new cures for a force multiplier,” says Ely Kahn, est areas getting attention right now,
diseases, dramatically reducing energy cofounder and vice president of busi- Rao says. Machine learning is what
consumption, or inventing revolution- ness development for threat hunting its name describes—the science and
ary new materials,” Deep Mind said in platform Sqrrl. “There’s a huge labor engineering of making machines learn,
a press release. “If AI systems prove shortage in the cybersecurity industry. according to PwC.
they are able to unearth significant I think AI has the ability to help with This is done by feeding a machine large
new knowledge and strategies in these that by making the existing cybersecu- amounts of data, then having it learn an
domains too, the breakthroughs could rity analysts more productive.” algorithm to figure out what is considered
be truly remarkable. We can’t wait to The basics. AI is defined as the devel- normal and abnormal behavior.
see what comes next.” opment of computer systems to perform “In machine learning, the idea is you
Neither can the rest of the world. tasks that typically require human don’t know exactly what the rules are, so
The AI market is projected to
reach $70 billion by 2020 and will
impact consumers, enterprises, and
governments, according to The Future
of AI is Here, a PricewaterhouseCoopers
(PwC) initiative.
“Some tech optimists believe AI could
create a world where human abilities
are amplified as machines help man-
kind process, analyze, and evaluate the
abundance of data that creates today’s
world, allowing humans to spend more
time engaged in high-level thinking, cre-
ativity, and decision-making,” PwC said
in a recent report, How AI is pushing
man and machine closer together.
And this is where cybersecurity pro-
fessionals and experts have shown the
most interest in AI—in its ability to cre-
ate a workforce of the future where AI
works to amplify the human workforce, 9LVLWXVDWERRWK
freeing it up to look at the bigger picture
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security has been considered a trade, with
practitioners fighting for proper standing
in the institutions they protect. But the
industry is now at a crossroads.
Before us lie two paths. One is a continu-
ation of the status quo. We may continue to
glide down this road, but it is not a self-de-
termined path. It has been chosen for us
because we have not clearly defined secu-
rity’s role. Given this failure to self-define,
security has traditionally been defined
by others by the task it performs, such as
information security, investigations, phys-
ical security, or executive protection. This
type of definition diminishes the value of
the security function; our role is more than
just our allocated tasks.
The second road is one of self-determina-
tion and opportunity. It offers a chance for
the industry to advance from a trade to a
fully respected profession. On this road, we
can take control of the dialogue, shape the
conversation surrounding our field, and
make our own way forward. As an indus-
try—with ASIS taking the lead—we can
keep advancing until security is considered
a profession.
How can we advance on this second
road? First we need a clear definition of
the role of security in the private sector. We
also need a core base of knowledge that
supports our understanding of that role,
which can be taught—not only to college
students, but to transitioning personnel
coming into our industry and to our hiring
managers. There also needs to be an estab-
lished expectation that practitioners will
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1010110100101110101010010100101 10101101001011101010100101
0101 1010110100101110101010010100101
01010 10101101001011101010100101001011 10101
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economy has allowed 100 to
businesses 1010110100101110101010010100101
cen- landscape to the Internet10100101 1010110100101111010110100101110101010010100101
of Things (IoT) engaged, which 011101 010101001010010
means that senior man-
10101101001011101010100 1010110100101110101010010100101
tralize operations 1 1
and practices. While 10100101
have the1010110
potential to cause more harm agement101
10 0101010010100101
0 also become engaged,
must 00101 1010110100101110
1010110100101110101010010100101 10100101
this consolidation 001 1010110100101111010110100101110101010010100101
may have increased to businesses 01010010 0101010010100101
compared with the nega- 0101 01001011101010100
and someone will have to101011010010111010101001010
step in and fill
efficiency, it has1010110100101110101010010100101
also made those cen- tive10101101001011101010100 01 that gap. That10100101
effects they suffered in1010110100101110101010010100101
the past01011
due110 could be a chief risk offi-
01 10101101001011101010100
tralized operations to loss of information.
more susceptible to1010110100101110101010010100101 cer,
10100101 10101101001 a board-level committee, an internal
1010110100101110101010010100101 10101101001011101010
disruption. 0101010010100101 00101more
operations were Many executives understand
1010110100101110101010010100101 the audit unit…or security.
101011 1010110100101110101010010100101 Hopefully, it will
1010110100101110101010010100101 10101
geographically dispersed, vulnerabil- significance of these risks, and they are be the latter, but to step up and meet
ities were more spread out. Now, the looking for answers beyond the typical this challenge, security professionals
concentrated risks may have a more siloed approach to security, in which must be able to consistently define their
serious negative impact to the business. physical security and information secu- role beyond simply defining their tasks.
We are also moving beyond tradi- rity are separately pursued. They realize
tional information security and the that the rising cyber risks, in tandem
protection of digitalized data. Now, with the increasing centralization of
cybersecurity risks pose threats of business operations, have caused a gap Making the Transition
greater business disruption. For in security that needs to be closed. What we need is a roadmap toward
example, the threats within the cyber Boards are also becoming more professionalization.
HERE ARE FIVE overall concepts that provide
Riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, and Berkeley. Disruptions at airports coast to coast. Pipeline site
blockades and sabotage. Out-of-control town hall meetings and campus speeches.
These stories have been filling headlines and social media company is targeted by protesters or is expected to be in their
feeds at a seemingly constant pace. Less trumpeted, however, path, the security director should focus on traditional security
are the protests that fizzled out or were kept calm thanks to concerns: protecting the company’s people, property, informa-
smart security planning. What makes the difference between tion, and reputation.
a protest that boils over into violence and major disruption In a protest or riot situation, the protective effort takes on
and a protest that is steered, subtly or boldly, toward a peace- special urgency and requires different methods from those
ful outcome? employed during normal operations. Protests and riots are
A security director may not be able to determine in advance unstable, high-tension events that can have outcomes as serious
whether a protest will be peaceful or legal, but it is not his or as loss of life, severe personal injuries, major property damage,
her task to stop people from protesting. Therefore, when a and complete stoppage of legitimate business activities.
In some cases, invisible counter- are aware of surveillance techniques protesters guessing. That way, they will
surveillance may be appropriate. For and have published guides for detecting not know what types of security mea-
example, before a major international and eluding them. sures to combat. For example, if there
economic summit, the author’s secu- Planning. Intelligence collection is a risk of insider collusion with the
rity firm determined that a famous, should lead to some understanding of protest, the company can send workers
well-organized activist group wanted the adversary, which in turn should home early, without any advance notice,
to embarrass a company that was suggest an overall approach to pro- to reduce opportunities for sabotage.
headquartered in the city. To protect tecting the site. However, finesse is Calm can also be preserved through
that company, the author’s company required. In some cases, a high-visi- disciplined behavior by security staff
put the facility under covert surveil- bility, high-security, high-deterrence during the protest. They should not
lance before the summit. The goal was approach is appropriate. If the pro- engage in arguments with protesters or
to detect odd behavior, such as a car testers are known to be violent or the return any abusive language. Protesters
passing by the site multiple times to site is especially vulnerable, a strong like to goad security officers into inap-
conduct advance work for protesters, approach may be called for. In many propriate responses.
or someone walking past the site and corporate settings, by contrast, a low- Officers should control any urge to
taking pictures or notes, possibly for er-profile, less-provocative approach is confront the protesters and instead
planning a protest. Surveillance was appropriate as a way to set expectations calmly use deflection and redirection,
also designed to covertly determine for peaceful behavior without doing with phrases like, “I hear and under-
the best places for protesters to hang anything to inflame the protesters. stand what you are saying, but...”
banners. The company then took steps Potential conflicts may be quelled Insulting protesters emboldens and
to make those locations unavailable. through unpredictability. The company empowers them, whereas keeping cool
Surveillance and countersurveillance should generally not broadcast its strengthens an officer’s control over the
are not foolproof. Dedicated protesters security plans but should aim to keep situation and increases safety.
Make the company a less attractive the incident. Issues to address include
target by removing loose items that EMPLOYEE whether the business will continue to
could be used as projectiles from the operate during the incident and whether
property and locking trash receptacles PROTECTION security efforts will be high or low visi-
to decrease locations where protesters DURING PROTESTS bility. Management should also consider
could plant bombs or set fires. Moving how to protect the company from the
company trucks inside the security Companies that are bracing for effects of the protest, including docu-
perimeter prevents vandalism against protests in their vicinity should menting illegal behavior by protesters,
those vehicles, and locking up propane discuss best practices with meeting legal obligations, protecting
and oil tanks on-site keeps protesters employees to keep them safe. the corporate reputation, speaking with
from igniting those items. the media, and designating someone
• Carry a cell phone. to address unexpected issues that arise
TAKING ACTION • Consider carpooling for during the protest or riot.
If the intelligence-based risk assessment moral support and to reduce Put it in writing. Protests and riots
suggests a significant risk, security the number of cars that must can create chaotic conditions, and a
directors should assess the site’s enter the site. variety of support documents are needed
physical security strengths and vulner- • When leaving home for work, to bolster decision making and protect
abilities and develop a well-rounded prepare yourself mentally for against legal ramifications. For example,
security plan—long before a security being stopped or jeered by the security effort may require a list of
response is required. A detailed plan protesters. employees and contractors authorized
is needed regardless of whether the • Try to approach the site to enter the site during the incident;
company itself or an outside security in such a way that you will detailed emergency and contingency
firm will be providing security during enter by making a right turn plans; written rules on access control
the incident. and will not have to block during the incident; a list of on-site haz-
Site assessment. Taking stock of traffic. Watch for directions ardous material and its location; detailed
a site’s strengths and vulnerabilities from security officers. external and internal maps of the facility
makes it possible to identify gaps that • Keep vehicle doors locked for fire and police units; and forms for
may need to be filled before the inci- and windows up. Drive very reporting violence and other crimes that
dent. Site strengths might include a slowly as you approach pro- occur during the incident.
high or isolated position, perimeter bar- testers. Be prepared to stop The plan should specify required
riers, building access control, security quickly if one steps in front security staffing levels, fixed and roving
video cameras and intrusion alarms, of you. security officer posts, task assignments,
fire protection, emergency plans, and • Do not shout taunts or shift schedules, supervision responsi-
a security officer force. Vulnerabilities profanities at protesters, no bilities, command center arrangements,
might include a low position, a lack of matter what they say or do and evidence management procedures.
setback from the street, multiple routes to you. Education. The company needs a
in and out, and a location that is close • If they block you, stay as way to notify employees if an incident is
to a riot’s point of origin. long as it is safe—longer underway or about to begin, as well as
Having completed the assessment, delays are more actionable whether they should report to work and
the company will have a better idea in court. If you have to leave, whom to contact for more information.
of what additional security measures do not go home but proceed It is also essential to establish communi-
are necessary to protect the site during to a place where you can cation channels with local law enforce-
the incident. For example, it might opt safely phone the company’s ment so the company will be informed
to strengthen key controls, establish security team. Tell them what of impending risks. In addition, the
an outer perimeter with a temporary happened and ask for trans- company may choose to contact distrib-
chain link fence, increase protection of portation assistance. utors, customers, and vendors regarding
hazardous material areas, reposition • If your vehicle is damaged whether business will continue during a
security cameras, and trim foliage that while entering the site, report protest or riot.
could provide hiding places or help it to a security officer as soon If the company’s usual security officers
intruders scale fences. as you are safely inside. will be responsible for security during
The security director will likely need • If your vehicle is damaged the incident, they will need training
to work with senior management to while leaving, drive to a safe on how to act during the disturbance.
make important policy decisions that place and report the incident Nonsecurity employees will also need
will shape security operations during to security right away. training on how to conduct themselves
and what to do if they show up to work went about the city. Because rioters Sometimes the best approach is
and encounter a demonstration. were all around and the client was a soft to remove protesters’ targets—this
Resources. A large-scale event will target, the author’s company kept a low approach can minimize risk for all con-
require additional equipment, materi- profile, standing only an arm’s length cerned. The author’s firm was asked to
als, and services that address temporary protect a corporate headquarters where
needs. These include visible marking of OFFICERS SHOULD a large-scale labor protest was expected.
property lines and “No Trespassing/No Only 10 to 15 police officers would be
Parking” signs, and additional lighting CONTROL ANY URGE available to help deal with more than
and cameras. To prepare for disaster TO CONFRONT THE 1,000 protesters. To reduce opportuni-
response, procure identification badges PROTESTERS AND INSTEAD ties for trouble, the company sent all
for special service providers during the its headquarters staff home, without
incident, emergency medical supplies, CALMLY USE DEFLECTION warning, four hours before the protest
fire and HAZMAT response equipment, AND REDIRECTION. was expected to start, and removed
and food and sleeping arrangements if trash cans that could be thrown. To
security personnel will be required to reduce protesters’ hope of good photo
stay on-site for long periods. away from reporters, watching the sur- opportunities, the company’s main
The plan should require employees to roundings carefully, and standing ready headquarters sign was covered and
wear identifi
ide cation badges at all times to carry out the evacuation plan. company trucks bearing the firm’s name
and clari
clarify any changes to work access Disruptions at meetings. If pro- were moved out of sight. Photographers
hours and
an locations. It should also spec- testers come to a town hall or annual were posted on the roof to document the
ify how employees should report secu- shareholder meeting, the best approach event. These protection measures kept
rity con
concerns and protester offenses. is to send a positive message that event key assets safe.
hosts expect the meeting to proceed in Airport protests. Sometimes a
THE SPECTRUM an orderly fashion. One approach is to disruptive protest can be prevented or
OF SITUATIONS mount temporary cameras on tripods or dispersed by emphasizing its illegality.
Duri a full-scale riot, a high-level,
During walls around the room. Mounting them In January 2017, protesters opposed
clear visible deterrent posture to makes them seem less aggressive than to federal immigration policy massed
prote life and property is usually most having a person hold each camera and at numerous U.S. airports, blocking
effeective. If people are moving through point it at attendees. Large video moni- pedestrian and vehicle movement.
a city in large numbers, burning cars tors should be placed around the room, Most airports allowed the protests to
and buildings
bui and looting stores, a clearly showing participants that they continue, but protesters who tried
low-key approach
a to security—such as are on camera, and a single local law to assemble at Denver International
clearly m marked property lines and “No enforcement officer should be visible Airport were turned away by police
Trespassi signs—will likely fail. on-site. Experience shows that difficult because they did not have a permit
If a company’s
c intelligence effort sug- or disruptive people will not comply as required by airport regulations.
gests that a riot may follow an upcom- the first or second time they are asked Restrictions on speech activity at air-
ing event, such as a controversial court to behave, but if the request is made ports were upheld by the U.S. Supreme
decision or a campus speech, or a recent properly, somewhere around the third Court, which states that an airport
event such as a shooting by police, or fourth time most people will comply. can impose reasonable restrictions on
the company should use high-profile Mass protests at company sites. protest activity.
security measures to set an expectation, Some special techniques for events The goal of security in an era of pro-
namely that rioters should move on such as protests against the Dakota tests is a safe outcome—the avoidance
and not attack the company’s facility. Access Pipeline and the Atlantic Coast of death, injury, destruction of property,
The author’s firm was tasked with Pipeline include using high locations the hindering of legitimate business
protecting industrial facilities during for photography, perhaps capturing activities, and damage to reputation.
the 2015 Baltimore riots following the multiple angles from a roof. Employee
death of Freddie Gray while he was in training on reporting threats and safe MARTIN HERMAN IS PRESIDENT
p custody. The firm’s approach was practices for driving to and from the AND CEO OF SPECIAL RESPONSE
to deter attacks—not combat them—by site should be reinforced—especially CORPORATION. HE IS A MEMBER OF
prom deploying security officers what to do if followed when leaving. ASIS INTERNATIONAL AND A PAST
and cameras.
cameras For legal protection, clearly mark prop- ASIS CHAPTER CHAIRMAN. HE SERVES
A different technique
te was required erty lines and take video of the act of ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR
when the author’s firm was tasked with posting “No Trespassing” signs in case THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF
protecting television news crews as they they are torn down. SECURITY COMPANIES.
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For product info #28 securitymgmt.hotims.com
Chuck Barry is vice president of security and
surveillance at Tropicana Entertainment in Las Vegas
and a member of the ASIS International Gaming and Wagering
Protection Council. He discusses security trends in gaming
with Security Management. His comments have been edited for clarity.
Q. How are gaming security pro- control solution that is integrated with a actions are compared to what the elec-
fessionals leveraging technology hotel and casino’s surveillance record- tronic data is coming out of that POS–
to protect their assets? ing system, which identifies errors in and hopefully they are going to match.
A. While the protection of gaming procedures and theft. If you see any anomalies in the data,
assets is important, what about the With a point-of-sale (POS) terminal, then you can go back and watch what
nongaming areas of the operation you basically have a cashier device actually happened, which is very help-
su as food and beverage outlets, of some type, such as a register. That ful in catching any improper actions,
n bars, lounges, and transmits data to the server, where the mistakes, or thefts.
retail outlets? Many security
Chuck Barry
professionals believe the • Has 30 years of experience
Q. Some thieves have learned
second most-observed area for in both law enforcement to steal thousands of dollars
surveillance personnel should and corporate security. by hacking and cheating slot
be food and beverage. Data • Worked in corporate secu- machines. How can these inci-
fr Moody’s Investors Service rity for Hilton Hotels Cor- dents be avoided?
from September 2016 said that non- poration and Harrah’s En- A. In 2009, virtually all gambling was
tertainment Corporation.
gaming revenue was 55 to 65 percent of outlawed in Russia, so the casinos
the revenue of a gaming property, with there had to sell their slot machines
food and beverage being the largest data is analyzed and stored. Depending to whoever would buy them. A lot of
portion of that. So no matter what on what the food and beverage manage- their machines wound up in organized
city or property patrons visit, of the ment team wants and what their param- crime groups. In 2011 the casinos in
disposable income that people bring to eters are, the POS generates reports. For Europe started noticing certain brands
the gaming industry, it appears that the example, if you’re talking about a bar, of slot machines that were losing large
food and beverage revenue is becoming you have data on who the employee is, amounts of money, but no physical
at least as important to casinos as the the time of day, what drink was ordered, cheating was noticed. That led to
gaming revenue. what drink was served, what food was the theory that maybe the cheaters
To more closely monitor losses and ordered, and what food was served. The had figured out a way to predict slot
possible theft in the food and
p solution takes that data and overlays it machine behavior.
beverage departments, secu-
b with the video of that POS terminal. You It was later discovered that cheaters
rity teams can leverage can go back and see what the employee were uploading footage of slot machines
an effective point-of-sale is actually ringing up, and what their to technical staff in Russia. Someone
Year V7.17
V7.17 ASIS,
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The PC
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unsecure desktop
short cuts).
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and can
The Wireless
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alarms or
LynxIcons can
popup messages
messages on
. sand
HDMI Monitors,
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Overhead PAs,
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One Lynx
more than
one message
message and
and uses
uses text
The popup
popup message
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Tornado Warning
Daisy Torres wants to pursue a career year of college in 2016 she found
in law enforcement after she gradu- out about another opportunity for
ates from the University of Iowa in undergraduates to work with the
Iowa City, Iowa. So, when she was University’s Department of Public
looking for student employment Safety: becoming a student security
opportunities, she discovered that the officer.
university hired students to work in its Torres filled out an application,
public safety dispatch center. interviewed, passed a background
She applied for a position, but check, and was offered a position as
wasn’t hired. That didn’t deter her, an officer that fall, patrolling the cam-
however, and during her sophomore pus and interacting with students.
“At first, the whole thing was intimi- Approximately 33,000 students are security division. The police division is
dating, but the officers have been very enrolled each semester, and most fresh- made up of roughly 45 armed state-
helpful and supportive. They guide man undergraduates live on campus. certified police officers who patrol
you,” Torres says. “They encourage you Protecting the campus community campus around the clock. The security
to ask questions to make sure you don’t is the University of Iowa Public Safety division is made up of nine full-time
mess up.” Department, which has two major security officers.
The experience has also offered her divisions: the police division and the The university also has a dispatch
a chance to see what a career in law
enforcement might look like and gain
a better understanding of how first
responders interact with students and
respond to incidents.
“As a regular person, you just see the
ambulance come or you see the officer
coming to take care of something—but
going through the training you realize
this is hard work,” she explains. “It
definitely humanizes the process, so
An Education
it’s really fun for me. It’s fun getting to
know the people, the officers you are
working with. You get to see the person An educational organization in Long Island, New
behind the badge.” York, joins a pilot program that shares its video
That’s the goal of the Student feeds with law enforcement in real time.
Security Officer Program at the
University of Iowa, which was created
in the fall of 2016 when Assistant Vice
President and Director of Public Safety ith a staff of more than 2,000 people and an annual operat-
Scott Beckner was hired to lead the ing budget of $360 million, Eastern Suffolk Board of Cooperative
Public Safety Department. Educational Services (Eastern Suffolk BOCES) provides a variety of
Beckner has spent more than 30 support for K-12 schools in Long Island, New York.
years in law enforcement, including “It could be things such as the schools’ IT support; we can host
25 in higher education law enforce- their computers and their servers; we can help out with test grading
ment with roles at Georgia College and professional development for their staff,” says Ryan Ruf, associate
and State University in Milledgeville, superintendent for management services at Eastern Suffolk BOCES.
Georgia; Shepherd University in “And there are dozens and dozens of other services that we provide
Shepherdstown, West Virginia; and to public schools.” There are 51 school districts, called component
Michigan State University in East districts, that the organization serves.
Lansing, Michigan. Located in 37 different buildings that Eastern Suffolk BOCES either
“I believe in a community policing rents or owns, the organization puts a priority on security to protect
philosophy, meaning that our police the wealth of sensitive student and school information that it houses.
and security officers need to go where “Since the safety and security of our students and staff are our
the students are comfortable to build number one priority, we have the responsibility to deploy proven
positive relationships with them, even integrated security technology systems to achieve this goal,” Ruf
if it’s not the environment in which the explains, noting the organization has turned to several vendors to
officers themselves are most comfort- make up a network of cameras, access control, and visitor manage-
able,” Beckner says. “This enables both ment systems to maintain security.
parties to establish meaningful com- “There are hundreds of cameras installed throughout our locations
munication and receive better feedback that are available on a platform where we can view them remotely,”
from both the law enforcement officers Ruf notes. Most cameras are from Axis, and the video management
and the students.” system is by IP Video.
Access control is another priority for the organization, says Ruf,
The Program who notes the growing number of active shooters in educational
The University of Iowa covers 1,880 environments. “Not that many years ago, most school buildings on
acres that straddle the Iowa River. Long Island, in New York state, and throughout the country were
center, which is the main dispatch cen- of Iowa Art Museum. Based on his approach,” Beckner says. “It gives our
ter for campus 911 calls and the back-up experience at prior institutions, Beckner officers another opportunity to connect
dispatch center for the county. wanted to expand the university’s use of with students to get a pulse of what’s
When Beckner came on board in student employees for campus security happening on campus from the student
2016, the university hired students as positions. perspective.”
dispatchers in the dispatch center and “Hiring student security officers is With this mind-set, Beckner
also as security staff at the University another layer of our community policing instructed the department to create the
open—parents could walk through and monitors their health to per- Ruf notes that many of Eastern
the front door, drop off a lunch for form any repairs that may be Suffolk BOCES’ buildings are large,
their kids, and leave,” he explains. needed. “That way, if an incident and possibly difficult to navigate
But now that the situation has does occur, things are working well for someone who isn’t familiar
changed, Ruf says Eastern Suffolk soon after,” Ruf says. “We don't with the layout. “This way, police
BOCES is staying on top of the necessarily have the people power already have an eye inside of our
security threat, with the ability to to walk around and check every- building that's talking to the [first
lock down buildings remotely and thing out every few hours and make responder], directing them to the
control which staff members have sure everything is operational.” northeast corner of the building,
access to which buildings. While the technologies it has or the south of the campus,” he
“When you’re a big agency such installed greatly improve its secu- explains.
as ourselves, and you have daily rity posture, Eastern Suffolk BOCES Eastern Suffolk BOCES is part
transactions with staff coming took its ability to handle serious of the larger pilot program in
and going….you need to have the threats like active shooter to the Suffolk County facilitated by A+
ability to control that,” he says. This next level when it signed up for a Technology. The technology com-
includes shutting off access for an pilot program with A+ Technology pany has worked with other schools
employee who no longer needs it or and the local police department. and businesses to install “tens of
going through the proper protocols Since December 2016, it has given thousands of cameras” that connect
when someone resigns, he adds. Eastern Suffolk County Police head- to police headquarters, according
Eastern Suffolk BOCES also uses quarters access to its surveillance to David Antar, president of A+
a visitor management platform cameras in an emergency. Technology.
from Raptor Technologies, which To connect its cameras to police “The system leverages something
allows front desk employees to headquarters, Eastern Suffolk called the AVFusion by IP Video
quickly process anyone wishing BOCES built a fiber optic cable Corporation, which takes many
to gain access to the building by network that can be tapped into disparate sources of information
running their state-issued identifi- should other school districts want and brings them back to a common
cation. Eastern Suffolk BOCES also to leverage the same fiber in the operating picture at police head-
built security vestibules in its lob- future. quarters,” says Antar.
bies, holding areas of sorts, where “With this new Ethernet line, we With such a large stakeholder
visitors must wait while their IDs are would be able to just route those community, Ruf says Eastern Suffolk
being processed. individual component districts back BOCES benefits tremendously from
“Raptor does a background to Suffolk County Police,” Ruf says, having a one-stop-shop for law
check, and cross-references the ID “and we view that as the next step enforcement to view its cameras.
with the sex offender list. It also in this program.” “There are 51 component districts.
records certain key information When an emergency call comes We can’t have 51 different systems
for us in case we needed to find in—whether it’s for an active that police are looking at, it has to
out who was in our building at any shooter or another type of threat— be one uniform system,” Ruf notes,
particular time,” Ruf says. If every- police can automatically pull up “We think this A+ solution is the
thing checks out, a temporary ID is the camera feeds from the location one that makes the most sense.”
generated for the visitor. where the incident is occurring.
A+ Technology & Security From there, law enforcement can CONTACT ASSOCIATE EDITOR HOLLY
Solutions, Inc., is the integrator that direct first responders with real- GILBERT STOWELL AT HOLLY.STOW-
installed and manages those secu- time information based on what the [email protected]. FOLLOW HER
rity platforms for the organization, camera shows. ON TWITTER: @HOLLYWGILBERT.
students assigned to Nite Ride—a trans- because students sit at a desk, greet the dispatch office and a police officer
portation service that provides rides for people who come into the building, or security officer will be sent to their
students between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 and keep an eye on the building’s video location to respond.
a.m.—act as dispatchers, taking calls camera feeds, making it a relatively low- “First and foremost, students are
and managing the app that sends the key assignment. trained to be the eyes and ears of the
vehicle out to pick students up. The other assignment for
Dorm patrol requires that students students is Hawkeye Storage Lot,
walk the dormitories, using a pipe which is vulnerable to thefts from
check-in system from Guard1Plus to parked cars because it is separated
track their progress throughout the from the main campus, Hartsock Students are trained to
campus. “A student could potentially says.
walk five or six miles a night, especially “We have students that also be the eyes and ears of
on the weekends, looking for any safety sit out there and do patrols every
concerns, damage to property, and half hour in an electric car around the university only.
things like that,” Hartsock says. the lot for about 10 minutes,” he
Student officers have similar respon- explains.
sibilities when they are assigned to Students on patrol wear yellow
the libraries or the Voxman Music polos and black pants and have utility university only,” according to Hartsock.
Building, which is a new building on belts with pipes for the check-in system, “In no way are they to physically or ver-
campus that houses valuable musical masks for CPR, and radios to reach the bally intervene…we train them on what
equipment. dispatch office. If they notice suspicious could potentially get them in danger,
The art museum job is a“sought-af- activity or an incident unfolding, stu- and to use their best judgment.”
ter” assignment, Hartsock says, dent officers are instructed to radio into So far, the university has had no
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incidents of harm to a student secu- Bullock says. “It’s a well-known thing students are much more likely to bring
rity officer while on duty, according to that sexual assaults are underreported. that up to a student security officer on
Hartsock. We would like to do anything we can to dorm patrol than to a security officer.
“We have the benefit of our student make the occurrences go down—ideally Students are “not going to be as open
security officers carrying radios—the eliminate them completely. But at least to saying that to a police officer as they
same exact radios that our police offi- knowing about them is a step in the would to one of their peers,” he adds.
cers and our full-time security officers right direction.” “General quality of life issues within
carry—so they are literally a key click For less serious offenses, such as our campus have been easier to report
away from our dispatch,” he adds. smoking in a dorm room, Bullock says by having a peer to talk to.”
“And a lot of times our police officers
are scanning our student security offi-
cer channels, and they can start head-
ing that way even before it is actually
dispatched by a dispatcher.”
Campus Impact
When Torres was initially hired, her
friends and fellow students’ first
question was: Do you get to carry a
gun? Student security officers are not
armed, but they are taken seriously by
their peers and this support has helped
them build relationships on campus.
“I’ve been the night dispatcher for
Nite Ride and [my friends] don’t bother
calling the phones because they know
I’m working, so they’ll text me and say,
‘Is there a chance you could send a
Nite Ride my way?’” Torres says. “They
think it’s interesting because they get
to see me in the dorm sometimes and
say, ‘I know the security officer.’”
Building this sense of community
helps give credibility to the campus
police because the student security
officers get to know police officers as
real people, says Police Captain Mark
“Kids, when they talk about these
officers as people rather than as a
profession, it takes away some of those
barriers that may have previously been
there,” he explains.
Another benefit to having the stu-
dent security officers on patrol is that it
can make reporting a sensitive crime,
such as a sexual assault, easier for
students because they are talking to a
peer instead of a police officer.
“If it is a sensitive crime, and if you
have a familiar face or a peer who is
part of an organization like ours, we
would hope that would make report-
ing that crime just a little bit easier,”
See us at ASIS Booth 2041 For product info #35 securitymgmt.hotims.com
And in instances like smoking in equipped with a radio, "so it’s a direct
You get to see the a prohibited space, student security line of access to the police so informa-
officers have several options on how tion is coming in in real time,” accord-
person behind the to handle the situation, including ing to Bullock. “There’s nothing lost in
reporting it to the residence assistant translation.”
badge. on duty, the front desk of the building
they are in, or dispatch for a police Future Plans
response, if necessary. The Student Security Officer Program
Student security officers are all has been viewed as a success so far,
and the university plans to expand it
during the fall of 2017 to hire approx-
imately 125 student officers for the
academic year.
“We’re actually getting ready to do
a very large hiring surge of possibly 40
to 50 more students just to cover one
assignment that’s in the works right
now,” says Hartsock, who declined to
provide more detail about what the
assignment was.
The department itself is also making
a push to have student security officers,
police officers, and security staff be
increasingly more involved with campus
life in their off hours. One initiative is
paying for staff to participate in intra-
mural sports on campus.
“So you’re interacting with the univer-
sity community, humanizing us in the
sense that students get to know us per-
sonally, see a familiar face out of uni-
form as well as in uniform,” Hartsock
explains. “Being more approachable
and being looked at in a way that we’re
really genuinely here to help.”
All of this goes back to Beckner’s
focus of creating a community policing
approach to campus security at the
“If University of Iowa officers can
begin to know students on a personal
level—when it’s not in the context of
punitive action—I believe we’ll be able
to solve more problems proactively,”
he says. “One of my early goals was
to begin to break down the barriers
between students and campus police,
and I think this program is helping us
do that.”
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in the
stop. What further complicated matters emotional frailty, and operational igno- management best practices, managers
was the U.S. government’s refusal, or rance during the event. can greatly improve their chances of
inability, to assist with any form of safe But it is also important to realize that being an effective crisis leader. This arti-
passage from Lebanon. Still, we were crisis leadership begins long before the cle explores these practices and prepa-
able to complete relocations
by using several dangerously
remote and unpopulated routes
to reach Jordan through Syria.
An event of this magnitude—
an actual war—is difficult to
navigate, and can be wholly An event of this
draining. While the war crisis
proceeded, the company con- magnitude—an actual
tinued to operate, so long hours
were a requirement. For three
war—is difficult to navigate.
days after that first call, I didn’t
get many chances to sleep.
Managing a serious crisis as a group actual crisis occurs. The right prepara- ration, including building technical
leader can be stressful, both physically tion is essential for being an effective expertise, assessing situations, develop-
and emotionally. It is crucial to recog- crisis leader, and for a security executive ing relationships with key stakeholders,
nize that your effectiveness in success- this groundwork can start from day one and training for emergencies.
fully leading others will diminish if you on the job. By focusing on preparation,
openly demonstrate indecisiveness, and by consistently practicing certain BUILD EXPERTISE
Knowing the business you support is
the most critical factor to your suc-
cess as a crisis management leader.
Thus, if you’re new to an organization,
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manager at Paramount Pictures. Due to being part of the inner circle at your trouble—what we called “a smoldering
the earthquake, almost all of the film business. For example, as a matter of issue”—the affected business units were
industry’s specialized magnetic record- practice, GE security leaders routinely identified, and key revenue processes
ing and video storage tape became gathered for periodic operational were analyzed for potential impacts and
unavailable. Sony, with its entire tape continuity development sessions. In vulnerabilities.
manufacturing business located in these meetings, we shared intelligence Often, a smoldering issue has the
Japan, was the exclusive maker of such derived from in-country leaders, paid potential to challenge several exposed
tape, and its production stopped cold. global intelligence services, and geo- operational and distribution channels,
This was a supply chain crisis for political analysts. At the first signs of and the material or human resources
sure, and we at Paramount were
scrambling for tapes. Fortunately, our
security team had enough operational
and business continuity knowledge to
know where to look and who to call. By
volunteering to help secure tapes for the
many television productions on the lot,
our team knew where to find hundreds
of new and reusable tapes in dozens
of secure storage locations. It was like
an Easter egg hunt gone wild. Armed
with this knowledge and with very little
effort, the security department was able
to secure dozens of the remaining tapes,
which kept our production teams going
until other recording methods were
Sometimes, it takes great effort to
avoid being constrained into a depart-
mental silo and stuck in the dark when
it comes to internal business workings.
But the effort is worth it. Get out there
and mingle, don’t be afraid to ask
questions and build relationships and
alliances. Learn the business so you can
contribute to its survival.
Another important component of
crisis leadership preparation is staying
current on domestic and international
events, especially if your company is
a global one. Third-party providers of
intelligence and communications ser-
vices can be useful here. Many of these
providers even offer crisis forecasting by
region and country to keep your team
abreast of problem areas.
This global understanding, combined
with business knowledge, will allow
you to see the big picture and anticipate
which operations might be interrupted
if a crisis starts to unfold.
Moreover, demonstrating this
knowledge improves your chances of
See us at ASIS Booth 2023 For product info #42 securitymgmt.hotims.com
a panic in the entire office building, middle of a crisis to learn more about HE HAS SERVED AS A SECURITY
which took hours to calm. the business, means you haven’t EXECUTIVE FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC,
The example shows that even learned the business well enough and PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC, AND
accomplished managers can succumb you aren’t prepared to lead. PARAMOUNT PICTURES. EARLIER IN
to pressure. However, specialized crisis HIS CAREER, HE WAS A COMMANDER
be invaluable in reducing the chances CORPORATE PROTECTION TECH- U.S. DELEGATION TO NATO FOR THE
is often an important component of BASED PRIVATE INVESTIGATION FIRM. COMMAND.
this type of training; many programs
provide guidance on how bad news can
be communicated without embellish-
ment, panic, or fear, and how correct
communication can provide stability
and hope by demonstrating a confident
resolve—indicating that something is
being done immediately, or will be in
the near future.
In addition, crisis training helps
managers better understand the anat-
omy of a crisis, which is an essential
element in remaining rational and
functioning calmly. Drills can help build
response memory, which in turn helps a
leader avoid freezing or panicking.
In cases where in-house crisis train-
ing is unavailable, security managers
should consider building their own
training. With a little research online
about crisis management planning,
managers can first assemble the basics: SDC’S EE6200 Magnetic
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A Preliminary Guide
to the ASIS International
SEPTEMBER 25-28TH, 2017
EXHIBIT GUIDE Management staff is available daily tised in this issue are highlighted
This guide to the exhibit hall is throughout the convention center. throughout this preliminary guide.
given to each person attending the In addition to an array of articles Please check the advertiser index
seminar and exhibits. It lists all about seminar events, a special on page 147. Booth numbers of
exhibitors alphabetically by booth Product Guide in the center of each those advertisers that will be in
number and by product or service issue introduces selected products the exhibit hall are included at the
category. A detailed floor plan of and services on display in the ex- bottom of their ads.
the convention center exhibit hall hibit hall.
is also provided in this handy di- The following listing of exhibitors
rectory. SECURITY and their booth numbers by prod-
MANAGEMENT uct or service category is current
ASIS SHOW DAILY This issue is filled with advertise- as of August 8, 2017. A list of all
The official ASIS seminar news- ments from numerous exhibitors. the categories used is included on
paper produced by the Security The exhibitors who have adver- pages 80 and 81.
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
ACCESS CONTROL (ENTRY Visitor Pass Solutions by Data Transmitter Solutions ............................... 1923
AND EXIT—PHYSICAL OR Management, Inc ...................................... 2143 Vanderbilt Industries................................ 4261
VIRTUAL/COMPUTER) Xtec, Inc....................................................3047 VisionLabs ................................................ 2543
BADGES AND BADGE PRINTERS BIOMETRICS Xtec, Inc....................................................3047
Access Specialties International, LLC. ...... 1943 Access Specialties International, LLC. ...... 1943 BOLLARDS
AES Cybersecurity ....................................1048 AES Cybersecurity ....................................1048 Ameristar Security Products ..................... 3517
AlertEnterprise .........................................1009 Alarm Lock ............................................... 3120 Aventura Technologies .............................2947
Allegion .................................................... 2333 AlertEnterprise .........................................1009 B&B Roadway and Security Solutions ......4367
AllStar Industries Inc ................................1448 Allegion .................................................... 2333 Betafence USA ........................................... 540
Alvarado Turnstiles ..................................4433 AllStar Industries Inc.. ..............................1448 Designed Security, Inc .............................. 2723
AMAG Technology, Inc.... ......................... 3823 Alvarado Turnstiles ..................................4433 FAAC International .....................................425
Apollo .......................................................3033 Apollo .......................................................3033 Gibraltar ..................................................... 811
Aventura Technologies .............................2947 ARH, Inc ................................................... 1015 International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191
AWID, Inc ................................................. 2139 Aventura Technologies .............................2947 Nasatka Security ...................................... 1000
B-Id, LLC. ................................................. 4476 B-Id, LLC. ................................................. 4476 PRO Barrier Engineering ........................... 3981
BQT Solutions ........................................... 1423 BQT Solutions ........................................... 1423 Ross Technology Corporation ................... 2133
CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620 Brivo ......................................................... 4353 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333
ColorID, LLC. ............................................2248 CaptureTech .............................................4370 TagMaster North America, Inc ..................3885
Convergint Technologies, LLC. ................. 1332 CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620 TCP-Security Solutions ............................. 4552
Deister Electronics USA, Inc ..................... 2033 ColorID, LLC. ............................................2248 Total Automation Group, Inc ......................333
Document Security Alliance .....................4283 Convergint Technologies, LLC. ................. 1332 DOCUMENT CONTROL
ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 Document Security Alliance .....................4283 AES Cybersecurity ....................................1048
Fast Pass Visitor Management .................. 4173 ENSCO ...................................................... 4553 AlertEnterprise .........................................1009
FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 EPCOM ...................................................... 4591 AlutelMobility ........................................... 2547
G4S ........................................................... 3733 EyeLock .................................................... 1201 Apollo .......................................................3033
Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 Fast Pass Visitor Management .................. 4173 ARH, Inc ................................................... 1015
Hexicurity, Inc ..........................................4269 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 AWID, Inc ................................................. 2139
HID Global ............................................... 3009 G4S ........................................................... 3733 CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620
i3 International, Inc ..................................2843 Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 Cyber Defense Labs...................................1046
ID Connection ........................................... 2110 Gorilla Technology, Inc ........................... 4069 Document Security Alliance .....................4283
IdentiSys, Inc ............................................ 2015 HID Global ............................................... 3009 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973
Identiv ...................................................... 3617 ID Connection ........................................... 2110 Hexicurity, Inc ..........................................4269
IDIS .......................................................... 3846 IdentiSys, Inc ............................................ 2015 IDScan.net ..................................................916
Iris, Ltd., Inc .............................................3966 IDScan.net ..................................................916 Information First ...................................... 1052
Isotec Security ..........................................1648 Innovise Software, Ltd. ...............................414 Iron Mountain Government Services ....... 4398
iView Systems ........................................... 1601 International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 iView Systems ........................................... 1601
KEY-BAK ................................................... 1643 Invixium .......................................................... KEY-BAK ................................................... 1643
MorphoTrak ..............................................1607 Iris ID Systems, Inc ...................................1309 Kingston Technology ................................ 3791
Open Options, L.P. ......................................625 Isotec Security ..........................................1648 Parabit Systems, Inc .................................3041
Parabit Systems, Inc .................................3041 Marks USA ................................................ 3120 Peripheral Dynamics, Inc .........................2240
Peripheral Dynamics, Inc .........................2240 Matrix ComSec, Pvt., Ltd............................ 740 Trust Farm, LLC. ........................................ 946
PetroCloud, LLC. ....................................... 4163 Modular Security Systems, Inc .................. 909 FENCING AND GATES
Protection 1 ............................................... 3533 MorphoTrak ..............................................1607 ACTi Corporation ......................................4345
PSA Security Network ...............................2548 Napco Security Technologies, Inc............. 3120 AlutelMobility ........................................... 2547
RS2 Technologies, LLC. ............................. 3754 Open Options, L.P. ......................................625 Alvarado Turnstiles...................................4433
Securitag Assembly Group........................3883 Princeton Identity .....................................2847 AMAG Technology, Inc. ............................. 3823
Securitas Electronic Security, Inc .............2708 Protection 1 ............................................... 3533 Ameristar Security Products ..................... 3517
Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333 RS2 Technologies, LLC. ............................. 3754 Apollo ....................................................... 3033
Sielox, LLC. ............................................... 1533 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333 AutoGate, Inc. ........................................... 2539
Site-Secure ................................................. 500 Sielox, LLC. ............................................... 1533 Automatic Systems S.A. ............................4461
STOPware, Inc .......................................... 2247 Stanley Security ........................................ 3133 Aventura Technologies .............................2947
Team NiSCA ............................................... 840 Stone Lock Global .....................................4455 AWID, Inc.................................................. 2139
Unipro Uniforms .......................................2026 Tascent .......................................................901 B&B Roadway and Security Solutions.......4367
Vanderbilt Industries ................................ 4261 Telaeris, Inc ..............................................2646 Betafence USA ........................................... 540
Vision Database Systems ............................ 611 Transformational Security, LLC. ...............3867 Boon Edam, Inc. ...................................... 4003
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
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For product info #45 securitymgmt.hotims.com
Brivo ......................................................... 4353 Modular Security Systems, Inc................... 909 Betafence USA ........................................... 540
Cochrane USA ............................................. 513 Nasatka Security ...................................... 1000 Blast Structures ........................................1054
CodeLynx, LLC .......................................... 1620 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests .....................4569
CyberLock, Inc. ......................................... 2214 PetroCloud, LLC ........................................ 4163 CyberLock, Inc. ......................................... 2214
Designed Security, Inc. ............................. 2723 Prime Base, Inc. ........................................ 4391 Deansteel Manufacturing Company, Inc. ...2116
DeTekion Security Systems, Inc. .............. 2008 PRO Barrier Enginering............................. 3981 ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197
DoorKing, Inc............................................ 2520 Protech/Protection Technologies, Inc. ...... 1100 Fast Pass Visitor Management .................. 4173
Dynetics, Inc. .............................................. 519 Q-SAQ, Inc. ............................................... 1548 IDScan.net ..................................................916
ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 Razor Ribbon ............................................ 2109 International Road Dynamics, Inc. ........... 4191
Electric Guard Dog ..................................... 405 Ross Technology Corporation ....................2133 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849
ENSCO ...................................................... 4553 Security-Net, Inc. ...................................... 4333 Modular Connections, LLC........................ 1524
EPCOM ...................................................... 4591 Senstar, Inc. ..............................................4296 Modular Security Systems, Inc................... 909
FAAC International .....................................425 Surelock McGill ......................................... 4177 Par-Kut International, Inc. ....................... 4438
Future Fibre Technologies ..........................825 System Surveyor ........................................ 905 Prime Base, Inc. ........................................ 4391
Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 TagMaster North America, Inc. .................3885 Prosegur .....................................................433
Gibraltar ..................................................... 811 TCP-Security Solutions.............................. 4552 Shield Security Doors ................................1525
HID Global ............................................... 3009 Total Automation Group, Inc. .....................333 Surelock McGill ......................................... 4177
HySecurity Gate Operators ........................ 1733 Transmitter Solutions ............................... 1923 TCP-Security Solutions.............................. 4552
International Road Dynamics, Inc. ........... 4191 Vanderbilt Industries ................................ 4261 KEYS AND LOCKS
Isotec Security ..........................................1648 Wallace Perimeter Security ....................... 1041 Alarm Lock ............................................... 3120
KEY-BAK ................................................... 1643 WireWall by Riverdale Mills ........................502 Allegion .................................................... 2333
Matrix ComSec, Pvt., Ltd.............................740 GUARD SHELTERS AND EQUIPMENT iversal Security Services ........................... 2733
Maxstop by: C.E. Shepherd CO., L.P. .........4077 AmberBox ................................................... 725 BEKEY A/S .................................................1921
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
BQT Solutions ........................................... 1423 Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 AWID, Inc ................................................. 2139
Brivo ......................................................... 4353 Prosegur .....................................................433 BEKEY A/S .................................................1921
BTU Research ...........................................3601 Security Center .........................................4692 Bosch Security Systems ............................ 3333
CaptureTech .............................................4370 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333 BQT Solutions ........................................... 1423
ColorID, LLC. ............................................2248 Shield Security Doors ................................1525 Brivo ......................................................... 4353
CyberLock, Inc .......................................... 2214 Sielox, LLC. ............................................... 1533 CaptureTech .............................................4370
DIRAK .........................................................714 Surelock McGill......................................... 4177 CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620
DMP .......................................................... 2833 TOUGHDOG SECURITY SYSTEMS ............. 3501 ColorID, LLC. ............................................2248
DoorKing, Inc ........................................... 2520 Townsteel, Inc ........................................... 2111 Convergint Technologies, LLC. ................. 1332
Dortronics Systems, Inc ............................ 1925 Transmitter Solutions ............................... 1923 CyberLock, Inc .......................................... 2214
ELC Security Products............................... 1539 TydenBrooks Security Products Group .....1504 Cypress Integration Solutions ....................2115
Essentra Components .............................. 4084 Vanderbilt Industries................................ 4261 Dahua Technology USA, Inc ..................... 4145
FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 READERS Deister Electronics USA, Inc ..................... 2033
Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 Access Specialties International, LLC. ...... 1943 DIRAK .........................................................714
GeoVision, Inc .......................................... 3547 AES Cybersecurity ....................................1048 Document Security Alliance .....................4283
InstaKey Security Systems ........................ 3142 Aiphone Corporation .................................1321 DoorKing, Inc ........................................... 2520
International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 Alarm Lock ............................................... 3120 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973
KEY-BAK ................................................... 1643 AlertEnterprise .........................................1009 G4S ........................................................... 3733
Lifesafety Power, Inc ................................ 1341 Allegion .................................................... 2333 Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241
Marks USA ................................................ 3120 Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733 GeoVision, Inc .......................................... 3547
Matrix ComSec, Pvt., Ltd............................ 740 AlutelMobility ........................................... 2547 Handheld .................................................. 1622
McGard, LLC. ........................................... 4440 Alvarado Turnstiles ..................................4433 Hexicurity, Inc ..........................................4269
Morse Watchmans, Inc ............................. 1633 Apollo .......................................................3033 HID Global ............................................... 3009
Napco Security Technologies, Inc............. 3120 ARH, Inc ................................................... 1015 Identiv ...................................................... 3617
Open Options, L.P. ......................................625 Aventura Technologies .............................2947 IDScan.net ..................................................916
Integrated Control Technology (USA), TagMaster North America, Inc ..................3885 KeyTrak, Inc.............................................. 2641
LLC./ICT.................................................... 3991 Telaeris, Inc ..............................................2646 Kingston Technoloigy ............................... 3791
International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 TOUGHDOG SECURITY SYSTEMS ............. 3501 Prime Base, Inc. ........................................ 4391
Iris ID Systems, Inc ...................................1309 Transmitter Solutions ............................... 1923 Security Center .........................................4692
Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119 Vanderbilt Industries................................ 4261 Security-Net, Inc. ...................................... 4333
Monitor Dynamics .................................... 3143 Viking Electronics..................................... 2022 Shield Security Doors ................................1525
NEDAP ........................................................619 Vision Database Systems ............................ 611 Transformational Security, LLC ................3867
NVT Phybridge .........................................2443 Xtec, Inc....................................................3047 WireWall by Riverdale Mills ........................502
Peripheral Dynamics, Inc .........................2240 SAFES, VAULTS, AND SECURITY SMART CARDS
Protection 1 ............................................... 3533 CONTAINERS Access Specialties International, LLC. ...... 1943
Resolver .................................................... 2741 AmberBox ................................................... 725 AlertEnterprise .........................................1009
RS2 Technologies, LLC. ............................. 3754 Crotega .................................................... 4480 AlutelMobility ........................................... 2547
Securitas Electronic Security, Inc .............2708 CyberLock, Inc. ......................................... 2214 AMAG Technology, Inc ............................. 3823
Security Center .........................................4692 Deansteel Manufacturing Company, Inc. ...2116 AmberBox ................................................... 725
Sielox, LLC. ............................................... 1533 Deister Electronics USA, Inc...................... 2033 Apollo .......................................................3033
Smarter Security ....................................... 4253 ELC Security Products ............................... 1539 Aventura Technologies .............................2947
Stanley Security ........................................ 3133 Gunnebo Entrance Control ....................... 2533 AWID, Inc ................................................. 2139
STOPware, Inc .......................................... 2247 Iron Mountain Government Services ....... 4398 B-Id, LLC. ................................................. 4476
System Surveyor ........................................ 905 Key Tracer Systems, Inc. ........................... 3441 BQT Solutions ........................................... 1423
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620 Monitor Dynamics .................................... 3143 Apollo .......................................................3033
ColorID, LLC. ............................................2248 MorphoTrak ..............................................1607 Automatic Systems S.A. ............................4461
Convergint Technologies, LLC. ................. 1332 NEDAP ........................................................619 Aventura Technologies .............................2947
CyberLock, Inc .......................................... 2214 NVT Phybridge .........................................2443 Betafence USA ........................................... 540
Deister Electronics USA, Inc ..................... 2033 Open Options, L.P. ......................................625 Boon Edam, Inc ....................................... 4003
DIRAK .........................................................714 Peripheral Dynamics, Inc .........................2240 CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620
Document Security Alliance .....................4283 Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 Convergint Technologies, LLC. ................. 1332
Fast Pass Visitor Management .................. 4173 Protection 1 ............................................... 3533 Delta Turnstiles, LLC. ...............................3869
FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 RS2 Technologies, LLC. ............................. 3754 Designed Security, Inc .............................. 2723
G4S ........................................................... 3733 Securitag Assembly Group........................3883 ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197
Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 Security Center .........................................4692 EPCOM ...................................................... 4591
Handheld .................................................. 1622 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333 FAAC International .....................................425
Hexicurity, Inc ..........................................4269 Sielox, LLC. ............................................... 1533 Fast Pass Visitor Management .................. 4173
HID Global ............................................... 3009 TagMaster North America, Inc ..................3885 G4S ........................................................... 3733
ID Connection ........................................... 2110 Team NiSCA ............................................... 840 Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241
IdentiSys, Inc ............................................ 2015 TOUGHDOG SECURITY SYSTEMS ............. 3501 Gunnebo Entrance Control ....................... 2533
Identiv ...................................................... 3617 Transmitter Solutions ............................... 1923 Hexicurity, Inc ..........................................4269
Integrated Control Technology (USA), TydenBrooks Security Products Group .....1504 Horton Automatics ................................... 1033
LLC./ICT.................................................... 3991 Vanderbilt Industries................................ 4261 International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191
International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 Vision Database Systems ............................ 611 Isotec Security ..........................................1648
Iris ID Systems, Inc ...................................1309 Xtec, Inc....................................................3047 Modular Security Systems, Inc .................. 909
Iris, Ltd., Inc .............................................3966 TURNSTILES Orion Entrance Control, Inc ......................4381
Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119 Access Specialties International, LLC. ...... 1943 Q-SAQ, Inc ................................................ 1548
KEY-BAK ................................................... 1643 Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333
Matrix ComSec, Pvt., Ltd............................ 740 Alvarado Turnstiles ..................................4433 Smarter Security ....................................... 4253
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
Every day.
Liberty Uniform Manufacturing G4S ........................................................... 3733 Telgian Corporation .................................. 1541
Company, Inc ...........................................4366 Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 Transformational Security, LLC. ...............3867
On Guard Apparel .....................................4091 GeoVision, Inc .......................................... 3547 ANNUNCIATORS
Unipro Uniforms .......................................2026 Integrated Control Technology (USA), Alertus Technologies ................................2246
Unitex Direct, Inc......................................4166 LLC./ICT .................................................... 3991 Bosch Security Systems ............................ 3333
WEAPONS (NON-LETHAL AND International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 Convergint Technologies, LLC. ................. 1332
FIREARMS) Isotec Security ..........................................1648 Designed Security, Inc .............................. 2723
AmberBox ................................................... 725 Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119 DeTekion Security Systems, Inc ............... 2008
Crotega .................................................... 4480 KeyTrak, Inc ............................................. 2641 DMP .......................................................... 2833
KINETIC CONSULTING............................... 849 Lifesafety Power, Inc ................................ 1341 Dortronics Systems, Inc ............................ 1925
On Guard Apparel .....................................4091 Micro Technology Services, Inc................. 3967 ENSCO ...................................................... 4553
ALARM SYSTEMS Napco Security Technologies, Inc............. 3120 Micro Technology Services, Inc................. 3967
CONTROL PANELS NVT Phybridge .........................................2443 Napco Security Technologies, Inc............. 3120
AmberBox ................................................... 725 Open Options, L.P. ......................................625 NVT Phybridge .........................................2443
Apollo .......................................................3033 Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 OPTEX.......................................................1807
Bosch Security Systems ............................ 3333 Prosegur .....................................................433 Patlite (U.S.A.) Corporation ...................... 4577
BrickHouse Security .................................2249 Protection 1 ............................................... 3533 Rath Security .............................................. 917
Convergint Technologies, LLC. ................. 1332 Rath Security .............................................. 917 Securitas Electronic Security, Inc .............2708
Designed Security, Inc .............................. 2723 Resolver .................................................... 2741 Security Center .........................................4692
DMP .......................................................... 2833 Securitas Electronic Security, Inc .............2708 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333
Dortronics Systems, Inc ............................ 1925 Security Center .........................................4692 TAKEX America, Inc ................................ 4666
ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333 CENTRAL STATION MONITORING
Electric Guard Dog ..................................... 405 System Surveyor ........................................ 905 AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, Inc..... 2138
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
ACTi Corporation ......................................4345 Security Center .........................................4692 Napco Security Technologies, Inc. ............ 3120
Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733 Security Information Systems, Inc ............ 1642 NASCOM ..................................................... 821
AmberBox ................................................... 725 Security USA Services, LLC. ....................... 504 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443
Apollo .......................................................3033 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333 Prime Base, Inc. ........................................ 4391
Axis Communications ...............................4032 SentryNet ...................................................2222 Quanergy .................................................. 3771
Battelle .....................................................4292 Southwest Microwave, Inc ........................ 2232 Resolver .................................................... 2741
Bold Technologies, Ltd. ............................ 1032 Stanley Security ........................................ 3133 Security Center .........................................4692
BrickHouse Security .................................2249 V5 Systems............................................... 4290 Security USA Services, LLC ........................ 504
CNL Software, Inc .....................................3656 ViewZ ........................................................ 3891 Security-Net, Inc. ...................................... 4333
Dynetics, Inc ............................................... 519 Vismo Global Tracking Solutions............. 4469 System Surveyor ........................................ 905
ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 Weiser Security Services, Inc ....................2208 Transformational Security, LLC ................3867
Edwards .................................................... 1301 DOOR AND WINDOW, HARDWARE, V5 Systems ............................................... 4290
ENSCO ...................................................... 4553 ELECTRONIC ARTICLE SURVEILLANCE BLAST MITIGATION AND
G4S ........................................................... 3733 SENSORS BULLET RESISTANCE AND
Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 Battelle .....................................................4292 BLAST RESISTANT MATERIALS
GeoVision, Inc .......................................... 3547 B-Id, LLC .................................................. 4476 BLAST RESISTANT WALLS
Gorilla Technology, Inc ........................... 4069 Bosch Security Systems ............................ 3333 AmberBox ................................................... 725
International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 BrickHouse Security ................................. 2249 ArmorCore by Waco Composites ................ 609
Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119 CodeLynx, LLC .......................................... 1620 Betafence USA ........................................... 540
PetroCloud, LLC. ....................................... 4163 DMP .......................................................... 2833 Blast Structures ........................................1054
Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 GeoVision, Inc. ......................................... 3547 BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests .....................4569
Prosegur .....................................................433 HSI Sensing .............................................. 3877 Deansteel Manufacturing Company, Inc.... 2116
Protection 1 ............................................... 3533 Isotec Security ..........................................1648 Isotec Security ..........................................1648
Securitas Electronic Security, Inc .............2708 Lifesafety Power, Inc..................................1341 Modular Connections, LLC........................ 1524
Securitas Security Services USA, Inc ....... 2809 Magnasphere Corp ................................... 2009 Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843
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TCP-Security Solutions ............................. 4552 Shield Security Doors ................................1525 KeyTrak, Inc ............................................. 2641
BUILDING MATERIALS Surelock McGill ......................................... 4177 Kingston Technology ................................ 3791
ArmorCore by Waco Composites ................ 609 System Surveyor ........................................ 905 Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391
Blast Structures ........................................1054 Townsteel, Inc ........................................... 2111 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333
BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests .....................4569 FRAMING SYSTEMS Shield Security Doors ................................1525
Deansteel Manufacturing Company, Inc.... 2116 Blast Structures ........................................1054 Transformational Security, LLC. ...............3867
Kelly’s 5 Distribution, LLC. ....................... 1647 Deansteel Manufacturing WireWall by Riverdale Mills........................502
Modular Connections, LLC........................ 1524 Company, Inc.... .........................................2116 WINDOWS (GLAZING, FILMS)
Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 Isotec Security ..........................................1648 AmberBox ................................................... 725
Shield Security Doors ................................1525 Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843 Blast Structures ........................................1054
Signals Defense, LLC. .............................. 4076 PENETRATION TESTING Covestro, LLC. .......................................... 4085
TCP-Security Solutions.............................. 4552 AmberBox ................................................... 725 Deansteel Manufacturing
DOORS AND HARDWARE Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843 Company, Inc.... .........................................2116
Allegion .................................................... 2333 Shield Security Doors ................................1525 Isotec Security ..........................................1648
Blast Structures ........................................1054 SAFES, VAULTS, AND SECURITY LTI Group, The ......................................... 4083
Boon Edam, Inc ....................................... 4003 CONTAINERS Madico Window Films .............................. 4193
Deansteel Manufacturing Company, Inc.... 2116 AmberBox ................................................... 725 Ross Technology Corporation ....................2133
Horton Automatics.................................... 1033 Crotega .................................................... 4480 Security Center .........................................4692
Isotec Security ..........................................1648 CyberLock, Inc .......................................... 2214 Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843
Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 Deansteel Manufacturing Company, Inc....2116 Shield Security Doors ................................1525
Ross Technology Corporation ....................2133 Deister Electronics USA, Inc ..................... 2033 Signals Defense, LLC. .............................. 4076
Security Center .........................................4692 Iron Mountain.......................................... 4398 COMMUNICATION
Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843 Key Tracer Systems, Inc ............................3441 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEMS
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
3SI Security Systems ................................. 2124 INTERCOM SYSTEMS Viking Electronics ..................................... 2022
Activist Map ..............................................4472 Access Specialties International, LLC. ...... 1943 MASS NOTIFICATION
AlutelMobility ........................................... 2547 ACTi Corporation ......................................4345 AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, Inc..... 2138
AT-RISK International ............................... 4271 Aiphone Corporation .................................1321 Alertus Technologies ................................2246
BrickHouse Security ................................. 2249 AmberBox ................................................... 725 All Traffic Solutions ..................................4467
ELC Security Products ............................... 1539 Aventura Technologies .............................2947 AmberBox ................................................... 725
FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 Bosch Security Systems ............................ 3333 Battelle .....................................................4292
Guardian Zone .......................................... 4178 Code Blue Corporation ...............................1741 Cambridge Sound Management ............... 4099
Handheld .................................................. 1622 Commend, Inc ..........................................1409 Code Blue Corporation ...............................1741
Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215 Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332 Convergint Technologies, LLC ....................1332
International Road Dynamics, Inc. ........... 4191 DoorBird ................................................... 2350 DHS Infrastructure Protection .................. 1147
Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119 DoorKing, Inc............................................ 2520 Edwards .................................................... 1301
KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 Emergency Communications Network ...... 4371
Live Earth..................................................4079 GAI-Tronics Corporation ............................1915 ENSCO ...................................................... 4553
NC4, Inc. .....................................................501 International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973
NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 Louroe Electronics .................................... 3243 G4S ........................................................... 3733
Ontario-Canada Delegation ........................507 Matrix ComSec, Pvt., Ltd.............................740 GAI-Tronics Corporation ............................1915
Qognify ......................................................1515 Micro Technology Services, Inc................. 3967 Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241
Resolver .................................................... 2741 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 Guardian Zone .......................................... 4178
Safety Vision .............................................. 409 Open Options, L.P. ......................................625 Hedge Tactical Solutions ..........................4299
Security Centres International Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 IJET International ..................................... 3763
USA, LLC ...................................................1843 Rath Security .............................................. 917 International Road Dynamics, Inc. ........... 4191
Sensitech .................................................. 1639 Rave Mobile Safety....................................4676 IPVideo Corporation ..................................1114
Site-Secure ................................................. 500 Security USA Services, LLC. ....................... 504 iView Systems ........................................... 1601
Stratfor .....................................................4583 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333 Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119
The Anvil Group, Ltd. ............................... 1241 Systech Electronics Limited ......................2447 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849
TrackTik ......................................................733 System Surveyor ........................................ 905 Micro Technology Services, Inc................. 3967
Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469 Talkaphone ................................................1123 NC4, Inc. .....................................................501
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
Stratfor .....................................................4583
Talkaphone ................................................1123
TrackTik ......................................................733
Trust Farm, LLC.......................................... 946
UrgentLink ................................................ 1053
V5 Systems ............................................... 4290
Viking Electronics ..................................... 2022
Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469
ACTi Corporation ......................................4345
ComNet ..................................................... 1509
Epiq Solutions ......................................... 4690
Guardian Zone .......................................... 4178
Intercoax Company, Ltd. ...........................2648
International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191
Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119
Matrix ComSec, Pvt., Ltd.............................740
NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443
Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391
Proxim Wireless ........................................4376
Rath Security .............................................. 917
Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333
Surf Communication Solutions ................. 4571
UrgentLink ................................................ 1053
Battelle .....................................................4292
Crotega .................................................... 4480
Cyrun ........................................................4072
G4S ........................................................... 3733
GAI-Tronics Corporation ............................1915
Guardian Zone .......................................... 4178
International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191
iView Systems ........................................... 1601
Live Earth..................................................4079
Locktek, Inc .............................................. 1801
Motorola Solutions ................................... 2347
NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443
Omnigo Software ........................................518
Resolver .................................................... 2741
Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333
Site-Secure ................................................. 500
Trackforce ................................................. 2747
TrackTik ......................................................733
UrgentLink ................................................ 1053
Neighborhood Watch for Corporations ...... 420 Resolver .................................................... 2741 Alpha Recon ............................................. 1707
NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 RF Technologies........................................ 2147 Diversified................................................. 1746
Omnigo Software ........................................518 SAM, Inc. .................................................. 2142 Emergent Risk International, LLC .............. 390
Patlite (U.S.A.) Corporation ...................... 4577 Security USA Services, LLC ........................ 504 Evans Federal Solutions .............................338
PlanetRisk..................................................1141 Security-Net, Inc. ...................................... 4333 Grupo Securitas Mexico ........................... 2809
Qognify ......................................................1515 Sielox, LLC .................................................1533 Guardian Zone .......................................... 4178
QuickSeries Publishing.............................. 920 Singlewire Software .................................. 4572 HX Global ................................................ 4390
Rath Security .............................................. 917 Site-Secure ................................................. 500 IJET International ..................................... 3763
Rave Mobile Safety....................................4676 STOPware, Inc. ......................................... 2247 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
Kingston Technoloigy ............................... 3791 ODNI’s National Counterintelligence and DHS Infrastructure Protection .................. 1147
Medjet ....................................................... 3971 Security Center .......................................... 643 Edwards .................................................... 1301
On Call International ................................4596 On Call International ................................4596 EVAC+CHAIR North America, LLC. ........... 1326
Pinkerton ................................................. 2809 Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843 G4S ........................................................... 3733
Securitas Canada, Ltd. ............................. 2809 Stratfor .....................................................4583 Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119
Security Centres International USA, LLC.. 2809 The Anvil Group, Ltd. ............................... 1241 Key Tracer Systems, Inc ............................ 3441
Stanley Security .........................................3133 Trust Farm, LLC. ........................................ 946 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849
Telaeris, Inc. .............................................2646 Verint Systems, Inc ................................... 2623 Live Earth..................................................4079
The Anvil Group, Ltd. ............................... 1241 Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469 Napco Security Technologies, Inc ............. 3120
Trust Farm, LLC.......................................... 946 MANAGEMENT CONSULTING NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443
UrgentLink ................................................ 1053 Emergent Risk International, LLC. ............3970 Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391
Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469 Global Security News Wire ....................... 3868 Protection 1 ............................................... 3533
Welund ......................................................4113 International Association of Professional Qognify ......................................................1515
EVENTS Security Consultants (IAPSC)................... 4095 QuickSeries Publishing.............................. 920
ISC Events/Security Industry Iris ID Systems, Inc ................................... 1309 Rath Security .............................................. 917
Association ................................................. 413 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 Securitas Electronic Security, Inc..............2708
INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843 Singlewire Software .................................. 4572
CAP Index, Inc .......................................... 3433 Trust Farm, LLC. ........................................ 946 System Surveyor ........................................ 905
Emergent Risk International, LLC. ............3970 CRISIS AND EMERGENCY Telaeris, Inc ..............................................2646
FARO .........................................................2647 MANAGEMENT Telgian Corporation ...................................1541
Global Security News Wire ....................... 3868 FIRE PREVENTION AND SAFETY MASS NOTIFICATION
Gorilla Technology, Inc ............................ 4069 Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733 AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, Inc..... 2138
HX Global ................................................ 4390 Apollo ....................................................... 3033 Alertus Technologies ................................2246
IJET International ..................................... 3763 Battelle .....................................................4292 All Traffic Solutions ..................................4467
KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332 AmberBox ................................................... 725
Arbor Insight, LLC. .................................... 420 Resolver .................................................... 2741 beTravelwise ............................................. 1549
Battelle .....................................................4292 RF Technologies........................................ 2147 CodeLynx, LLC .......................................... 1620
Cambridge Sound Management ............... 4099 SAM Inc .................................................... 2142 Department of Homeland Security/Emergency
Code Blue Corporation ...............................1741 Security USA Services, LLC. ....................... 504 Services Sector .......................................... 1149
Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333 EAGL Technology ....................................... 504
Emergency Communications Network ...... 4371 Sielox, LLC. ................................................1533 EVAC+CHAIR North America, LLC ............ 1326
ENSCO ...................................................... 4553 Singlewire Software .................................. 4572 Everbridge..................................................1101
G4S ........................................................... 3733 STOPware, Inc .......................................... 2247 FAM International Security .......................4169
GAI-Tronics Corporation ............................1915 Stratfor .....................................................4583 Fast Pass Visitor Management .................. 4173
Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 TrackTik ......................................................733 G4S ........................................................... 3733
Hedge Tactical Solutions ..........................4299 V5 Systems ............................................... 4290 Groundwork .............................................. 1447
IJET International ..................................... 3763 Viking Electronics ..................................... 2022 Grupo Securitas Mexico ........................... 2809
International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 Vismo Global Tracking HX Global ................................................ 4390
iView Systems ........................................... 1601 Solutions.................................................. 4469 Hypersight ................................................1449
Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119 TRAVEL SAFETY & EMERGENCY IJET International ..................................... 3763
Micro Technology Services, Inc................. 3967 SERVICES International Critical Incident Stress
NC4, Inc ......................................................501 AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, Inc..... 2138 Foundation ...............................................3997
NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 AFIMAC.....................................................3856 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849
Omnigo Software ........................................518 All Traffic Solutions ..................................4467 Kingston Technology ................................ 3791
Patlite (U.S.A.) Corporation ...................... 4577 Alpha Recon ............................................. 1707 LiveSafe, Inc. ............................................ 1246
PlanetRisk..................................................1141 AmberBox ................................................... 725 Medjet ....................................................... 3971
Qognify ......................................................1515 Amika Mobile..............................................507 NC4, Inc. .....................................................501
QuickSeries Publishing.............................. 920 ARC Training............................................ 4082 Omnigo Software ........................................518
Rath Security .............................................. 917 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271 On Call International ................................4596
Rave Mobile Safety....................................4676 Babel Street............................................... 1748 Pinkerton ................................................. 2809
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
16MP Panoramic 6MP IR Bullet HDCVI 3.0 6MP IR 8MP IR Dome 8MP IR Bullet
with PTZ IP Camera IP Camera Bullet Camera IP Camera IP Camera
Qognify ......................................................1515 Emergency Communications Network ...... 4371 SAM, Inc. .................................................. 2142
SAM, Inc. .................................................. 2142 ENSCO ...................................................... 4553 Security USA Services, LLC ........................ 504
Securitas Canada, Ltd. ............................. 2809 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 Security-Net, Inc. ...................................... 4333
Securitas Critical Infrastructure Services . 2809 G4S ........................................................... 3733 Sielox, LLC .................................................1533
Securitas Security Services USA, Inc. ....... 2809 GAI-Tronics Corporation ............................1915 Singlewire Software .................................. 4572
Singlewire Software .................................. 4572 Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 Site-Secure ................................................. 500
Stanley Security .........................................3133 Guardian Zone .......................................... 4178 STOPware, Inc. ......................................... 2247
Stratfor .....................................................4583 Hedge Tactical Solutions ..........................4299 Stratfor .....................................................4583
Telaeris, Inc ..............................................2646 IJET International ..................................... 3763 Talkaphone ................................................1123
The Anvil Group, Ltd ................................ 1241 International Road Dynamics, Inc. ........... 4191 TrackTik ......................................................733
topo AI ...................................................... 4567 IPVideo Corporation ..................................1114 Trust Farm, LLC.......................................... 946
Trust Farm, LLC.......................................... 946 iView Systems ........................................... 1601 UrgentLink ................................................ 1053
UrgentLink ................................................ 1053 Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119 V5 Systems ............................................... 4290
Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 Viking Electronics ..................................... 2022
Wanco .......................................................4682 Micro Technology Services, Inc................. 3967 Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469
Zenitel Group ..............................................923 NC4, Inc. .....................................................501 DETECTION
WORKPLACE VIOLENCE Neighborhood Watch for Corporations ...... 420 BIO-CHEMICAL
AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, Inc..... 2138 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 AES Cybersecurity.....................................1048
Alertus Technologies ................................2246 Omnigo Software ........................................518 Battelle .....................................................4292
All Traffic Solutions ..................................4467 Patlite (U.S.A.) Corporation ...................... 4577 ChemImage .................................................410
AmberBox ................................................... 725 PlanetRisk..................................................1141 ENSCO ...................................................... 4553
Battelle .....................................................4292 Qognify ......................................................1515 Heuresis ...................................................... 312
Cambridge Sound Management ............... 4099 QuickSeries Publishing.............................. 920 Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215
Code Blue Corporation ...............................1741 Rath Security .............................................. 917 International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191
Convergint Technologies, LLC ....................1332 Rave Mobile Safety....................................4676 Qognify ......................................................1515
DHS Infrastructure Protection .................. 1147 Resolver .................................................... 2741 Smiths Detection........................................1415
Edwards .................................................... 1301 RF Technologies........................................ 2147 SRC, Inc .................................................... 1421
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
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Telgian Corporation ...................................1541 AFIMAC.....................................................3856 International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191
VMI ............................................................2215 Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733 Isotec Security ..........................................1648
BOMBS AND EXPLOSIVES Battelle .....................................................4292 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443
Adani Systems, Inc .....................................633 BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests .....................4569 On Guard Apparel .....................................4091
AmberBox ................................................... 725 K2 Solutions, Inc .......................................4067 Parabit Systems, Inc ................................. 3041
Asqella Oy................................................. 1403 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 Smiths Detection........................................1415
Autoclear/Scintrex .................................... 4153 Prosegur......................................................433 System Surveyor ........................................ 905
Battelle .....................................................4292 FORENSIC ANALYSIS LABS Tek 84 Engineering ...................................2549
Bruker Detection Corporation ................... 1014 Adani Systems, Inc .....................................633 VMI ............................................................2215
ChemImage .................................................410 AmberBox ................................................... 725 MOTION DETECTORS
Databuoy Corporation ..............................4268 Battelle .....................................................4292 Access Specialties International, LLC. ...... 1943
ENSCO ...................................................... 4553 ChemImage .................................................410 Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733
GreyScan Pty. Ltd. .................................... 4098 FARO .........................................................2647 AmberBox ................................................... 725
Heuresis ...................................................... 312 Heuresis ...................................................... 312 ARH, Inc ................................................... 1015
International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 Aventura Technologies .............................2947
K2 Solutions, Inc .......................................4067 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 Axis Communications ...............................4032
Louroe Electronics .................................... 3243 SeeQuestor, Inc .........................................4497 Battelle .....................................................4292
Nuctech Company Limited ..........................941 VMI ............................................................2215 Bosch Security Systems ............................ 3333
Qognify ......................................................1515 IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES CAST Lighting, LLC. ................................. 4384
Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843 Commport .................................................4377 CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620
Smiths Detection........................................1415 ImmerVision ............................................. 2014 DMP .......................................................... 2833
SRC, Inc .................................................... 1421 METAL DETECTORS DoorBird ................................................... 2350
Tek 84 Engineering ...................................2549 AmberBox ................................................... 725 ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197
Telgian Corporation ...................................1541 Autoclear/Scintrex .................................... 4153 ENSCO ...................................................... 4553
VMI ............................................................2215 Aventura Technologies .............................2947 Future Fibre Technologies ..........................825
CANINES Fisher Labs ............................................... 2114 G4S ........................................................... 3733
3SI Security Systems ................................. 2124 Galls.......................................................... 4672 GeoVision, Inc .......................................... 3547
Activist Map ..............................................4472 Garrett Metal Detectors ............................. 2223 Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
Hikvision USA ........................................... 3703 Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215 Heuresis ...................................................... 312
International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 Hikvision USA ........................................... 3703 InFocus .......................................................801
Isotec Security ..........................................1648 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191
Magnasphere Corp ................................... 2009 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443
NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391
OPTEX.......................................................1807 Quanergy .................................................. 3771 Research Electronics ................................. 2324
Parabit Systems, Inc ................................. 3041 Turing Video .............................................. 649 Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843
PetroCloud, LLC. ....................................... 4163 U.S. Security Associates ............................4205 Security USA Services, LLC. ....................... 504
Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 TAMPER-RESISTANT SEALS & LABELS Sengex ........................................................ 421
Protech/Protection Technologies, Inc ....... 1100 ACTi Corporation ......................................4345 SpearTip ...................................................4441
Protection 1 ............................................... 3533 Cambridge Security Seals .........................2546 Telgian Corporation ...................................1541
PureTech Systems ....................................... 915 ELC Security Products ............................... 1539 Transformational Security, LLC. ...............3867
Qognify ......................................................1515 Essentra Components .............................. 4084 Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469
Resolver .................................................... 2741 G4S ........................................................... 3733 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
Security Center .........................................4692 International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 & SYSTEMS
Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843 Securitag Assembly Group ........................3883 ACCESS CONTROL AND
Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333 Telgian Corporation ...................................1541 AUTHENTICATION
SightLogix.................................................1005 TydenBrooks Security Products Group ..... 1504 Access Specialties International, LLC. ...... 1943
Southwest Microwave, Inc ........................ 2232 TECHNICAL SURVEILLANCE ACTi Corporation ......................................4345
SRC, Inc .................................................... 1421 COUNTERMEASURES (TSCM) AES Cybersecurity.....................................1048
System Surveyor ........................................ 905 AFIMAC.....................................................3856 AlertEnterprise .........................................1009
TAKEX America, Inc................................. 4666 AmberBox ................................................... 725 AMAG Technology, Inc .............................. 3823
Transformational Security, LLC. ...............3867 ARC Training............................................ 4082 Apollo ....................................................... 3033
V5 Systems ............................................... 4290 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271 Aventura Technologies .............................2947
ROBOTICS Battelle .....................................................4292 Avigilon ................................................... 4056
AES Cybersecurity.....................................1048 BrickHouse Security ................................. 2249 AWID, Inc.................................................. 2139
Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733 CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620 BEKEY A/S .................................................1921
Cobalt Robotics ...........................................852 Department 13 .............................................653 Betafence USA ........................................... 540
FARO .........................................................2647 Epiq Solutions ......................................... 4690 B-Id, LLC. ................................................. 4476
G4S ........................................................... 3733 Feather-Light Technologies LLC................4293 BTU Research............................................3601
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
© 2016-2017, Avigilon Corporation. All rights reserved. AVIGILON, the AVIGILON logo, AVIGILON APPEARANCE SEARCH and TRUSTED SECURITY SOLUTIONS are trademarks of Avigilon Corporation.
Other names or logos mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
CaptureTech..............................................4370 Management, Inc ...................................... 2143 TEAM Software, Inc .................................. 2023
CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620 Xtec, Inc ....................................................3047 Telaeris, Inc ..............................................2646
ColorID, LLC..............................................2248 APPLICATION SOFTWARE TrackTik ......................................................733
Continental Access ................................... 3120 AES Cybersecurity.....................................1048 Travel Recon ............................................. 1707
Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332 AlertEnterprise .........................................1009 Verint Systems, Inc ................................... 2623
Cyber Defense Labs ...................................1046 Alertus Technologies ................................2246 Vintra, Inc.................................................3968
CyberLock, Inc .......................................... 2214 AlutelMobility ........................................... 2547 Vision Database Systems ............................ 611
Cypress Integration Solutions ....................2115 Babel Street............................................... 1748 Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469
DIRAK .........................................................714 BEKEY A/S .................................................1921 Vistacom .....................................................933
ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 BriefCam, Ltd. ...........................................3866 Xtec, Inc ....................................................3047
Echoworx ....................................................507 Celayix Software ...................................... 2640 DATA RECOVERY SERVICES
Focal Point Data Risk, LLC. ......................... 325 CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620 AES Cybersecurity.....................................1048
FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 ConnectWise ...............................................710 ConnectWise ...............................................710
G4S ........................................................... 3733 Continental Access ................................... 3120 Cyber Defense Labs ...................................1046
Genetec ..................................................... 3147 Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332 Data Comm for Business ........................... 1641
GeoVision, Inc .......................................... 3547 Cyber Defense Labs ...................................1046 DDN Storage .............................................. 938
Gorilla Technology, Inc ............................ 4069 Cyrun ........................................................4072 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973
Handheld .................................................. 1622 ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 Iron Mountain Government Services ....... 4398
Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215 Echosec Systems, Ltd. .................................839 Protiviti ...................................................... 408
Hexicurity, Inc ..........................................4269 ENSCO ...................................................... 4553 SpearTip ...................................................4441
i3 International, Inc ..................................2843 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 ENCRYPTION
Identiv ...................................................... 3617 G4S ........................................................... 3733 AES Cybersecurity.....................................1048
IDScan.net ..................................................916 Genetec ..................................................... 3147 Cyber Defense Labs ...................................1046
Information First ...................................... 1052 GeoVision, Inc .......................................... 3547 Data Comm for Business ........................... 1641
International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 Handheld .................................................. 1622 Echoworx ....................................................507
Iris ID Systems, Inc ................................... 1309 Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973
Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119 HTX Labs ..................................................2649 i3 International, Inc ..................................2843
KeyTrak, Inc.............................................. 2641 i3 International, Inc ..................................2843 KBC Networks ...........................................1909
Kingston Technology ................................ 3791 IDScan.net ..................................................916 Kingston Technology ................................ 3791
Matrix ComSec, Pvt., Ltd.............................740 InFocus .......................................................801 Xtec, Inc ....................................................3047
Micro Technology Services, Inc................. 3967 Information First ...................................... 1052 HARDWARE THEFT PREVENTION
Milestone Systems ....................................3945 Innovise Software, Ltd. ...............................414 CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620
Monitor Dynamics .................................... 3143 InstaKey Security Systems ........................ 3142 Continental Access ................................... 3120
MorphoTrak .............................................. 1607 IronYun .....................................................4168 Cyber Defense Labs ...................................1046
Napco Security Technologies, Inc ............. 3120 iView Systems ........................................... 1601 DIRAK .........................................................714
NEDAP ........................................................619 Kelly’s 5 Distribution, LLC. ....................... 1647 IPVideo Corporation ..................................1114
NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 Key Tracer Systems, Inc ............................ 3441 Key Tracer Systems, Inc ............................ 3441
Ontario-Canada Delegation ........................507 Matrix ComSec, Pvt., Ltd.............................740 Kingston Technology ................................ 3791
Open Options, L.P. ......................................625 Milestone Systems ....................................3945 McGard, LLC. ........................................... 4440
Parabit Systems, Inc ................................. 3041 Motorola Solutions ................................... 2347 Napco Security Technologies, Inc ............. 3120
Peripheral Dynamics, Inc .........................2240 Napco Security Technologies, Inc ............. 3120 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443
PetroCloud, LLC. ....................................... 4163 NEDAP ........................................................619 PetroCloud, LLC. ....................................... 4163
Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 Neighborhood Watch for Corporations ...... 420 INTRUSION DETECTION AND
Protiviti ...................................................... 408 Omnigo Software ........................................518 PREVENTION
S2 Security Corporation ............................ 3423 Open Options, L.P. ......................................625 AES Cybersecurity.....................................1048
Sielox, LLC. ................................................1533 Paperless Proposal.................................... 1738 Betafence USA ........................................... 540
Stanley Security .........................................3133 Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 BriefCam, Ltd. ...........................................3866
System Surveyor ........................................ 905 Protiviti ...................................................... 408 CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620
TagMaster North America, Inc ..................3885 S2 Security Corporation ............................ 3423 ConnectWise ...............................................710
Tascent .......................................................901 SAM, Inc ................................................... 2142 Continental Access ................................... 3120
Telaeris, Inc ..............................................2646 Senstar, Inc ...............................................4296 Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332
TrackTik ......................................................733 Site-Secure ................................................. 500 Crotega .................................................... 4480
Viking Electronics ..................................... 2022 SpearTip ...................................................4441 Cyber Defense Labs ...................................1046
Vision Database Systems ............................ 611 STOPware, Inc .......................................... 2247 DIRAK .........................................................714
Visitor Pass Solutions by Data SUSE .........................................................4453 Dynetics, Inc ............................................... 519
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
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Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
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Providing the highest level of ser vice and support and a full portfolio of
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D i s c ove r u n p a ra l l e l e d s e c u r i t y ex p e r t i s e f o r yo u r b u s i n e s s .
V I S I T U S AT A S I S 2 0 1 7
B O OT H # 2 7 0 8
Crotega .................................................... 4480 Micro Technology Services, Inc................. 3967 COMPLIANCE AND ETHICS
Cyber Defense Labs ...................................1046 Motorola Solutions ................................... 2347 ARC Training............................................ 4082
DIRAK .........................................................714 Napco Security Technologies, Inc ............. 3120 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271
Echoworx ....................................................507 NEC Corporation of America ...................... 947 Babel Street............................................... 1748
ENSCO ...................................................... 4553 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 BriefCam, Ltd. ...........................................3866
Focal Point Data Risk, LLC. ......................... 325 Ontario-Canada Delegation ........................507 CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620
FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 Open Options, L.P. ......................................625 Focal Point Data Risk, LLC. ......................... 325
G4S ........................................................... 3733 Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 G4S ........................................................... 3733
Garner Products, Inc ................................. 2242 Protection 1 ............................................... 3533 Gavin de Becker and Associates .................1116
Genetec ..................................................... 3147 Protiviti ...................................................... 408 Hexicurity, Inc ..........................................4269
Guardian Zone .......................................... 4178 Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843 Information First ...................................... 1052
Hexicurity, Inc ..........................................4269 SpearTip ...................................................4441 Kingston Technology ................................ 3791
Information First ...................................... 1052 UrgentLink ................................................ 1053 Neighborhood Watch for Corporations ...... 420
International Association of Professional Viking Electronics ..................................... 2022 Open Options, L.P. ......................................625
Security Consultants (IAPSC)................... 4095 Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469 Trust Farm, LLC. ........................................ 946
iView Systems ........................................... 1601 Vistacom .....................................................933 DUE DILIGENCE
KBC Networks ...........................................1909 Winncom Technologies.............................4073 AFIMAC.....................................................3856
Key Tracer Systems, Inc ............................ 3441 WIRELESS SECURITY ARC Training............................................ 4082
KeyTrak, Inc.............................................. 2641 3SI Security Systems ................................. 2124 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271
Kingston Technology ................................ 3791 Activist Map ..............................................4472 Babel Street............................................... 1748
Motorola Solutions ................................... 2347 AES Cybersecurity.....................................1048 CAP Index, Inc .......................................... 3433
Neighborhood Watch for Corporations ...... 420 Apollo ....................................................... 3033 Focal Point Data Risk, LLC. ......................... 325
Omnigo Software ........................................518 BEKEY A/S .................................................1921 Gavin de Becker and Associates .................1116
PlanetRisk..................................................1141 BTU Research............................................3601 Hexicurity, Inc ..........................................4269
Protiviti ...................................................... 408 CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620 Information First ...................................... 1052
SAM, Inc ................................................... 2142 Continental Access ................................... 3120 iView Systems ........................................... 1601
Security USA Services, LLC. ....................... 504 Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332 Kingston Technology ................................ 3791
Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333 Cyber Defense Labs ...................................1046 Neighborhood Watch for
Singlewire Software .................................. 4572 CyberLock, Inc .......................................... 2214 Corporations .............................................. 420
Site-Secure ................................................. 500 Cypress Integration Solutions ....................2115 Site-Secure ................................................. 500
SpearTip ...................................................4441 ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 Stratfor .....................................................4583
Stratfor .....................................................4583 Epiq Solutions ......................................... 4690 Trust Farm, LLC. ........................................ 946
Telgian Corporation ...................................1541 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 EXPERT WITNESS
The Anvil Group, Ltd. ............................... 1241 G4S ........................................................... 3733 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271
topo AI ...................................................... 4567 Guardian Zone .......................................... 4178 CAP Index, Inc .......................................... 3433
Travel Recon ............................................. 1707 IronYun .....................................................4168 Cyber Defense Labs ...................................1046
Trust Farm, LLC. ........................................ 946 KBC Networks ...........................................1909 International Association of Professional
Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469 Napco Security Technologies, Inc ............. 3120 Security Consultants (IAPSC)................... 4095
Vistacom .....................................................933 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 iView Systems ........................................... 1601
SECURE COMMUNICATIONS Ontario-Canada Delegation ........................507 Trust Farm, LLC. ........................................ 946
AES Cybersecurity.....................................1048 PetroCloud, LLC. ....................................... 4163 FRAUD
Alertus Technologies ................................2246 Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391 AFIMAC.....................................................3856
CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620 Security Centres International AT-RISK International ............................... 4271
Continental Access ................................... 3120 USA, LLC. ..................................................1843 Babel Street............................................... 1748
Cyber Defense Labs ...................................1046 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333 G4S ........................................................... 3733
Echoworx ....................................................507 Sielox, LLC. ................................................1533 Neighborhood Watch for Corporations ...... 420
FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 SpearTip ...................................................4441 Resolver .................................................... 2741
Genetec ..................................................... 3147 Systech Electronics Limited ......................2447 Verint Systems, Inc ................................... 2623
Guardian Zone .......................................... 4178 Truen Co., Ltd. ........................................... 508 INSURANCE
Identiv ...................................................... 3617 V5 Systems ............................................... 4290 AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, Inc..... 2138
Intercoax Company, Ltd. ...........................2648 Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469 AFIMAC.....................................................3856
iView Systems ........................................... 1601 Winncom Technologies.............................4073 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271
KBC Networks ...........................................1909 Xtec, Inc ....................................................3047 Brownyard Group.......................................2132
Kingston Technology ................................ 3791 LEGAL, INSURANCE, AND Brownyard Programs ................................ 2041
McGard, LLC. ........................................... 4440 REGULATORY G4S ........................................................... 3733
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
iView Systems ........................................... 1601 TEAM Software, Inc .................................. 2023 Securitas Security Services USA, Inc ........ 2809
Neighborhood Watch for Corporations ...... 420 TrackTik ......................................................733 Stratfor .....................................................4583
On Call International ................................4596 U.S. Security Associates ............................4205 topo AI ...................................................... 4567
Site-Secure ................................................. 500 Weiser Security Services, Inc ....................2208 U.S. Security Associates ............................4205
POLITICAL/SECURITY RISK Whelan Security ........................................4113 Verint Systems, Inc ................................... 2623
Emergent Risk International, LLC. ............3970 DRUG TESTING, SUBSTANCE ABUSE Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469
Kingston Technology ................................ 3791 EDUCATION FIRST AID TRAINING
On Call International ................................4596 Galls.......................................................... 4672 AS Solution A/S ........................................ 4561
Pinkerton ................................................. 2809 EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYMENT SCREENING AT-RISK International ............................... 4271
Securitas Critical Infrastructure Adani Systems, Inc .....................................633 Galls.......................................................... 4672
Services.................................................... 2809 AFIMAC.....................................................3856 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849
Trust Farm, LLC. ........................................ 946 AlutelMobility ........................................... 2547 Omnigo Software ........................................518
PERSONNEL AmberBox ................................................... 725 Security Guard Management ....................4491
CERTIFICATION AS Solution A/S ........................................ 4561 TRAVEL SAFETY & EMERGENCY
AFIMAC.....................................................3856 Asqella Oy................................................. 1403 SERVICES
American Military University .................... 4176 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271 AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, Inc..... 2148
ARC Training............................................ 4082 Babel Street............................................... 1748 Adani Systems, Inc. ....................................633
AT-RISK International ............................... 4271 Commissionaires ......................................3976 AFIMAC.....................................................3856
Axis Communications ...............................4032 G4S ........................................................... 3733 All Traffic Solutions ..................................4467
CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620 Innovise Software, Ltd. ...............................414 Alpha Recon ............................................. 1707
G4S ........................................................... 3733 K2 Solutions, Inc .......................................4067 Amika Mobile..............................................507
HTX Labs ..................................................2649 Micro Distributing .......................................419 ARC Training............................................ 4082
International Association of Professional Pinkerton ................................................. 2809 AS Solution A/S ........................................ 4561
Security Consultants (IAPSC)................... 4095 Point 2 Point Global Security .................... 1701 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271
International Foundation for Protection Securitas Critical Infrastructure Babel Street............................................... 1748
Officers......................................................4194 Services.................................................... 2809 beTravelwise ............................................. 1549
Omnigo Software ........................................518 Securitas Security Services USA, Inc ........ 2809 BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests .....................4569
Point 2 Point Global Security .................... 1701 Site-Secure ................................................. 500 EVAC+CHAIR North America, LLC ............ 1326
Site-Secure ................................................. 500 Trust Farm, LLC. ........................................ 946 FAM International Security .......................4169
The Loss Prevention Foundation ..............4295 EXECUTIVE/VIP PROTECTION Fast Pass Visitor Management .................. 4173
TrackTik ......................................................733 Adani Systems, Inc .....................................633 Groundwork .............................................. 1447
Univeristy of Denver ................................. 1638 AFIMAC.....................................................3856 Intelligent Devices, Inc. ............................ 1346
CONTRACT SECURITY AS Solution A/S ........................................ 4561 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849
AFIMAC.....................................................3856 Asqella Oy................................................. 1403 Kingston Technology ................................ 3791
AS Solution A/S ........................................ 4561 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271 Medjet ....................................................... 3971
AT-RISK International ............................... 4271 Babel Street............................................... 1748 Neighborhood Watch for Corporations ...... 420
Commissionaires ......................................3976 BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests .....................4569 Occly ........................................................... 742
DSI Security Services, Inc ......................... 1742 CAP Index, Inc .......................................... 3433 On Call International ................................3596
ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 Crotega .................................................... 4480 Qognify ......................................................1515
FAM International Security .......................4169 ENSCO ...................................................... 4553 Securitas Security Services USA, Inc. ....... 2809
G4S ........................................................... 3733 FAM International Security .......................4169 Stanley Security .........................................3133
Grupo Securitas Mexico ........................... 2809 G4S ........................................................... 3733 Stratfor .....................................................4583
Innovise Software, Ltd. ...............................414 Gavin de Becker and Associates .................1116 topo AI ...................................................... 4567
K2 Solutions, Inc .......................................4067 Grupo Securitas Mexico ........................... 2809 Trust Farm, LLC.......................................... 946
KEY-BAK ................................................... 1643 Intelligent Devices, Inc ............................. 1346 UrgentLink ................................................ 1053
KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ..............4461
Kingston Technology ................................ 3791 Kingston Technology ................................ 3791 WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT
Motorola Solutions ................................... 2347 Occly ........................................................... 742 (STAFFING)
Off Duty Services........................................1322 Off Duty Services........................................1322 AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, Inc..... 2138
Point 2 Point Global Security .................... 1701 Pinkerton ................................................. 2809 AFIMAC.....................................................3856
Securitas Canada, Ltd. ............................. 2809 Point 2 Point Global Security .................... 1701 American Military University .................... 4176
Securitas Critical Infrastructure SAM, Inc ................................................... 2142 AS Solution A/S ........................................ 4561
Services.................................................... 2809 Securitas Canada, Ltd. ............................. 2809 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271
Securitas Security Services USA, Inc ........ 2809 Securitas Critical Infrastructure Babel Street............................................... 1748
Site-Secure ................................................. 500 Services.................................................... 2809 BriefCam, Ltd. ...........................................3866
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
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Crotega .................................................... 4480 TEAM Software, Inc .................................. 2023 American Military University .................... 4176
Emergent Risk International, LLC. ............3970 Trackforce ................................................. 2747 ARC Training............................................ 4082
FAM International Security .......................4169 TrackTik ......................................................733 AS Solution A/S ........................................ 4561
G4S ........................................................... 3733 Trust Farm, LLC. ........................................ 946 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271
Gorilla Technology, Inc ............................ 4069 U.S. Security Associates ............................4205 Babel Street............................................... 1748
Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215 Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469 Battelle .....................................................4292
Innovise Software, Ltd. ...............................414 WORKPLACE VIOLENCE BriefCam, Ltd. ...........................................3866
Kingston Technology ................................ 3791 AFIMAC.....................................................3856 Crotega .................................................... 4480
Occly ........................................................... 742 Alertus Technologies ................................2246 FAM International Security .......................4169
Omnigo Software ........................................518 Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733 Fast Pass Visitor Management .................. 4173
Resolver .................................................... 2741 AmberBox ................................................... 725 G4S ........................................................... 3733
Gavin de Becker and Associates .................1116
Hexicurity, Inc. .........................................4269
HTX Labs ..................................................2649
International Association of Professional
Security Consultants (IAPSC)................... 4095
International Critical Incident Stress
Foundation ...............................................3997
Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119
KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849
Louroe Electronics .................................... 3243
Micro Technology Services, Inc................. 3967
Neighborhood Watch for Corporations ...... 420
Occly ........................................................... 742
Omnigo Software ........................................518
Pinkerton ................................................. 2809
Point 2 Point Global Security .................... 1701
Qognify ......................................................1515
QuickSeries Publishing.............................. 920
Rave Mobile Safety....................................4676
Resolver .................................................... 2741
RF Technologies........................................ 2147
Securitas Canada, Ltd. ............................. 2809
Securitas Critical Infrastructure
Services.................................................... 2809
Securitas Security Services USA, Inc. ....... 2809
Security Guard Management ....................4491
Security USA Services, LLC ........................ 504
Singlewire Software .................................. 4572
Site-Secure ................................................. 500
Stratfor .....................................................4583
Telgian Corporation ...................................1541
The Anvil Group, Ltd. ............................... 1241
topo AI ...................................................... 4567
Trust Farm, LLC.......................................... 946
ASIS International .....................................1613
Campus Security & Life Safety ................. 4078
College Planning & Management ............. 4078
EH Media ..................................................3879
Global Security News Wire ....................... 3868
Hand Media ............................................... 506
International Foundation for Protection
KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849
School Planning & Management .............. 4078
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
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SDM & Security Magazines .......................... 2320 Drone Nerds ................................................746 Rugged Science, LLC. .................................1227
Security Guard Management ....................4491 ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 SCI Technology, Inc .................................. 4157
Security Today ......................................... 4078 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 Security Centres International
SecurityGuyTV.com.....................................314 Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215 USA, LLC. ..................................................1843
Southcomm.com ........................................2125 Hikvision USA ........................................... 3703 Turing Video .............................................. 649
Stratfor .....................................................4583 Isotec Security ..........................................1648 SURVEILLANCE
ROBOTICS KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 CAMERAS
UNMANNED SYSTEMS NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 ACTi Corporation ......................................4345
Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733 Ontario-Canada Delegation ........................507 Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733
Cobalt Robotics ...........................................852 Quanergy .................................................. 3771 AmberBox ................................................... 725
Apollo ....................................................... 3033
Apollo Video Technology ......................... 4494
Arecont Vision, LLC. ..................................3221
ARH, Inc ................................................... 1015
Asqella Oy................................................. 1403
Aventura Technologies .............................2947
Avigilon ................................................... 4056
Axis Communications ...............................4032
Betafence USA ........................................... 540
Bo Xin Photoelectric Company, Ltd. ......... 4499
Bosch Security Systems ............................ 3333
BrickHouse Security ................................. 2249
Brivo ......................................................... 4353
BTU Research............................................3601
Clinton Electronics Corporation................ 4183
CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620
Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332
Costar Video Systems ................................2209
Crotega .................................................... 4480
Dahua Technology USA, Inc ..................... 4145
DMP .......................................................... 2833
DoorBird ................................................... 2350
Dynetics, Inc ............................................... 519
ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197
Electro Optical Industries, Inc ...................2121
EPCOM ...................................................... 4591
FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973
G4S ........................................................... 3733
Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241
Galls.......................................................... 4672
GeoVision, Inc .......................................... 3547
Geutebruck USA, Inc .................................3956
Hanwha Techwin ...................................... 3523
Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215
Hikvision USA ........................................... 3703
Hinovision Solutions, LLC. ....................... 4277
i3 International, Inc ..................................2843
ID Connection ........................................... 2110
IdentiSys, Inc ............................................ 2015
IDIS .......................................................... 3846
IndigoVision, Inc ...................................... 1023
Inet Security and Surveillance, Inc ............. 533
InFocus .......................................................801
International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191
IPVideo Corporation ..................................1114
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 Matrix ComSec, Pvt., Ltd.............................740 U.S. Security Associates ............................4205
EPCOM ...................................................... 4591 Milestone Systems ....................................3945 Uniview / All CCTV Supply .......................2943
G4S ........................................................... 3733 Monitor Dynamics .................................... 3143 Vanderbilt Industries ................................ 4261
Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 Nasatka Security ...................................... 1000 Videotec Security, Inc ............................... 1001
Genetec ..................................................... 3147 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 Vintra, Inc.................................................3968
Geutebruck USA, Inc .................................3956 OpenEye ...................................................2449 Wanco .......................................................4682
Hanwha Techwin ...................................... 3523 ORION Images Corporation........................ 807 Wireless CCTV, LLC. ....................................707
Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215 Parabit Systems, Inc ................................. 3041 LENSES
Hikvision USA ........................................... 3703 Prosegur......................................................433 Arecont Vision, LLC. ..................................3221
Hinovision Solutions, LLC. ....................... 4277 Protection 1 ............................................... 3533 Aventura Technologies .............................2947
i3 International, Inc ..................................2843 Qognify ......................................................1515 Axis Communications ...............................4032
ID Connection ........................................... 2110 S2 Security Corporation ............................ 3423 Bo Xin Photoelectric Company, Ltd. ......... 4499
IdentiSys, Inc ............................................ 2015 SavvyTech ................................................ 3980 Bosch Security Systems ............................ 3333
IDIS .......................................................... 3846 Securitas Electronic Security, Inc..............2708 Clinton Electronics Corporation................ 4183
IndigoVision, Inc ...................................... 1023 Security Center .........................................4692 Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332
Inet Security and Surveillance, Inc ............. 533 Security Centres International .................1843 Dahua Technology USA, Inc ..................... 4145
Intercoax Company, Ltd. ...........................2648 Security USA Services, LLC. ....................... 504 Hanwha Techwin ...................................... 3523
International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333 i3 International, Inc ..................................2843
Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119 SightLogix.................................................1005 IDIS .......................................................... 3846
K2 Solutions, Inc .......................................4067 SPECO Technologies ................................. 3773 ImmerVision ............................................. 2014
KBC Networks ...........................................1909 Stealth Monitoring ................................... 4096 International Road Dynamics, Inc.... ........ 4191
KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 Surf Communication Solutions ................. 4571 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849
Live Earth..................................................4079 Total Automation Group, Inc ......................333 Quanergy .................................................. 3771
Louroe Electronics .................................... 3243 TOUGHDOG SECURITY SYSTEMS ............. 3501 SavvyTech ................................................ 3980
March Networks ........................................ 4522 Transformational Security, LLC. ...............3867 Security Center .........................................4692
Security Centres International Stealth Monitoring ................................... 4096 G4S ........................................................... 3733
USA, LLC. ..................................................1843 TOUGHDOG SECURITY SYSTEMS ............. 3501 Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241
SPECO Technologies ................................. 3773 Winncom Technologies.............................4073 GeoVision, Inc.... ...................................... 3547
Videology Imaging Solutions, Inc.... ......... 4341 PATIENT/EMPLOYEE MONITORING Geutebruck USA, Inc.... .............................3956
ViewZ ........................................................ 3891 ACTi Corporation ......................................4345 Hanwha Techwin ...................................... 3523
LIGHTING Alpha Recon ............................................. 1707 Hikvision USA ........................................... 3703
Betafence USA ........................................... 540 Apollo ....................................................... 3033 Hinovision Solutions, LLC. ....................... 4277
Bo Xin Photoelectric Company, Ltd. ......... 4499 Babel Street............................................... 1748 i3 International, Inc.... ..............................2843
CAST Lighting, LLC. ................................. 4384 Bo Xin Photoelectric Company, Ltd. ......... 4499 IDIS .......................................................... 3846
Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332 BriefCam, Ltd. ...........................................3866 IndigoVision, Inc.... .................................. 1023
ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 Convergint Technologies, LLC ....................1332 Inet Security and Surveillance, Inc.... ......... 533
IDIS .......................................................... 3846 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 Intelligent Devices, Inc.... ......................... 1346
International Road Dynamics, Inc.... ........ 4191 G4S ........................................................... 3733 International Road Dynamics, Inc.... ........ 4191
KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 IPVideo Corporation ..................................1114
Nightstick .................................................4266 Ganz Security Solutions ............................ 2748 IronYun .....................................................4168
NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 Gorilla Technology, Inc. ........................... 4069 Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119
On Guard Apparel .....................................4091 i3 International, Inc. .................................2843 Kelly’s 5 Distribution, LLC. ....................... 1647
Parabit Systems, Inc.... ............................. 3041 IDIS .......................................................... 3846 Key Tracer Systems, Inc.... ........................ 3441
Patlite (U.S.A.) Corporation ...................... 4577 International Road Dynamics, Inc. ........... 4191 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849
Security Centres International Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119 Louroe Electronics .................................... 3243
USA, LLC. ..................................................1843 March Networks ........................................ 4522 March Networks ........................................ 4522
Security USA Services, LLC. ....................... 504 Matrix ComSec, Pvt., Ltd.............................740 Matrix ComSec, Pvt., Ltd.............................740
Senstar, Inc.... ...........................................4296 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443
System Surveyor ........................................ 905 PlanetRisk..................................................1141 OnSSI (On-Net Surveillance
Videotec Security, Inc.... ........................... 1001 Qognify ......................................................1515 Systems, Inc.) ...........................................4445
ViewZ ........................................................ 3891 Quanergy ................................................. 4694 OpenEye ...................................................2449
NIGHT VISION EQUIPMENT Security Centres International Parabit Systems, Inc.... ............................. 3041
ACTi Corporation ......................................4345 USA, LLC ...................................................1843 PetroCloud, LLC. ....................................... 4163
Aventura Technologies .............................2947 Security-Net, Inc. ...................................... 4333 Prime Base, Inc.... ..................................... 4391
CAST Lighting, LLC. ................................. 4384 Site-Secure ................................................. 500 PureTech Systems ....................................... 915
Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332 Stanley Security .........................................3133 Qognify ......................................................1515
DoorBird ................................................... 2350 Trust Farm, LLC.......................................... 946 Quantum Corporation ...............................4170
ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469 S2 Security Corporation ............................ 3423
Electro Optical Industries, Inc.... ...............2121 Zenitel Group ..............................................923 Safety Vision .............................................. 409
Feather-Light Technologies LLC................4293 RECORDING EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS Securitas Electronic Security, Inc..............2708
Fisher Labs ............................................... 2114 ACTi Corporation ......................................4345 Security Center .........................................4692
G4S ........................................................... 3733 Aiphone Corporation .................................1321 Security Centres International
Galls.......................................................... 4672 Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733 USA, LLC. ..................................................1843
Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215 AMAG Technology, Inc.... .......................... 3823 Security-Net, Inc ....................................... 4333
Hikvision USA ........................................... 3703 Apollo Video Technology ......................... 4494 Sielox, LLC. ................................................1533
Hinovision Solutions, LLC. ....................... 4277 Avigilon ................................................... 4056 SPECO Technologies ................................. 3773
ID Connection ........................................... 2110 Axis Communications ...............................4032 Stealth Monitoring ................................... 4096
IdentiSys, Inc.... ........................................ 2015 Betafence USA ........................................... 540 TOUGHDOG SECURITY SYSTEMS ............. 3501
IDIS .......................................................... 3846 Bo Xin Photoelectric Company, Ltd. ......... 4499 V5 Systems ............................................... 4290
International Road Dynamics, Inc.... ........ 4191 Bosch Security Systems ............................ 3333 Vanderbilt Industries ................................ 4261
Kelly’s 5 Distribution, LLC. ....................... 1647 BrickHouse Security ................................. 2249 Verint Systems, Inc.... ............................... 2623
KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 BTU Research............................................3601 ViewZ ........................................................ 3891
Nasatka Security ...................................... 1000 Clinton Electronics Corporation................ 4183 Vintra, Inc.................................................3968
NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620 VIVOTEK USA, Inc ....................................3863
On Guard Apparel .....................................4091 Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332 REMOTE VIDEO
Prime Base, Inc.... ..................................... 4391 Costar Video Systems ................................2209 ACTi Corporation ......................................4345
Qognify ......................................................1515 Crotega .................................................... 4480 Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733
Quanergy .................................................. 3771 Dahua Technology USA, Inc.... ................. 4145 Apollo ....................................................... 3033
Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843 ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 Apollo Video Technology ......................... 4494
SightLogix.................................................1005 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 Axis Communications ...............................4032
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
Bo Xin Photoelectric Company, Ltd. ......... 4499 Grupo Securitas Mexico ........................... 2809 Matrix ComSec, Pvt., Ltd.............................740
BrickHouse Security ................................. 2249 Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215 Napco Security Technologies, Inc ............. 3120
Brivo ......................................................... 4353 Hikvision USA ........................................... 3703 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443
BTU Research............................................3601 Hinovision Solutions, LLC. ....................... 4277 Ontario-Canada Delegation ........................507
CodeLynx, LLC. ......................................... 1620 i3 International, Inc ..................................2843 OpenEye ...................................................2449
Convergint Technologies, LLC....................1332 IDIS .......................................................... 3846 PetroCloud, LLC. ....................................... 4163
DoorBird ................................................... 2350 IndigoVision, Inc ...................................... 1023 Prime Base, Inc ......................................... 4391
ECAMSECURE ........................................... 4197 Inet Security and Surveillance, Inc ............. 533 Protection 1 ............................................... 3533
ENSCO ...................................................... 4553 International Road Dynamics, Inc ............ 4191 PureTech Systems ....................................... 915
FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 IronYun .....................................................4168 Qognify ......................................................1515
G4S ........................................................... 3733 Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119 Rugged Science, LLC. .................................1227
Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 KBC Networks ...........................................1909 S2 Security Corporation ............................ 3423
GeoVision, Inc.... ...................................... 3547 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 Securitas Electronic Security, Inc..............2708
Geutebruck USA, Inc.... .............................3956 March Networks ........................................ 4522 Security Center .........................................4692
Highlighted exhibitors advertised in this issue. Please see the advertiser index on page 147.
Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 Omnigo Software ........................................518
Security-Net, Inc.... ................................... 4333 Ontario-Canada Delegation ........................507 STOPware, Inc. ......................................... 2247
SightLogix.................................................1005 Qognify ......................................................1515 SERVICES/CASH
SPECO Technologies ................................. 3773 Resolver .................................................... 2741 3SI Security Systems ................................. 2124
Stealth Monitoring ................................... 4096 Safety Vision Security Centres Activist Map ..............................................4472
Sun Surveillance, Inc.... ............................1004 International ............................................. 409 G4S ........................................................... 3733
Surf Communication Solutions ................. 4571 Sensitech .................................................. 1639 UrgentLink ................................................ 1053
Systech Electronics Limited ......................2447 Site-Secure ................................................. 500 WIRELESS/RADIO/TELEMETRY/LONG
TOUGHDOG SECURITY SYSTEMS ............. 3501 Stratfor .....................................................4583 RANGE MONITORING
TrackTik ......................................................733 The Anvil Group, Ltd. ............................... 1241 AmberBox ................................................... 725
Truen Co., Ltd. ........................................... 508 TrackTik ......................................................733 Aventura Technologies .............................2947
U.S. Security Associates ............................4205 USA, LLC. ..................................................1843 Bo Xin Photoelectric Company, Ltd. ......... 4499
V5 Systems ............................................... 4290 Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469 BTU Research............................................3601
Vanderbilt Industries ................................ 4261 HANDLING/COURIER SERVICES Dahua Technology USA, Inc ..................... 4145
Verint Systems, Inc..... .............................. 2623 3SI Security Systems ................................. 2124 Data Comm for Business ........................... 1641
Vintra, Inc.................................................3968 Activist Map ..............................................4472 Department 13 .............................................653
Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469 AlutelMobility ........................................... 2547 Electro Optical Industries, Inc.... ...............2121
Wanco .......................................................4682 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271 ENSCO ...................................................... 4553
Weiser Security Services, Inc.... ................2208 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 EPCOM ...................................................... 4591
Winncom Technologies.............................4073 Kingston Technology ................................ 3791 Epiq Solutions ......................................... 4690
Wireless CCTV, LLC. ....................................707 Milestone Systems ....................................3945 FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973
TRACKING/MONITORING Security Guard Management ....................4491 Guardian Zone .......................................... 4178
ARMORED CAR PATIENT/EMPLOYEE MONITORING KBC Networks ...........................................1909
3SI Security Systems ................................. 2124 Alpha Recon ............................................. 1707 Micro Technology Services, Inc................. 3967
Activist Map ..............................................4472 AmberBox ................................................... 725 Newmar ....................................................4097
AFIMAC.....................................................3856 Apollo ....................................................... 3033 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443
Apollo Video Technology ......................... 4494 AT-RISK International ............................... 4271 Occly ........................................................... 742
AT-RISK International ............................... 4271 Biometric Signature ID............................... 903 Ontario-Canada Delegation ........................507
BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests .....................4569 Bo Xin Photoelectric Company, Ltd. ......... 4499 PetroCloud, LLC. ....................................... 4163
KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 CodeLynx, LLC .......................................... 1620 Prime Base, Inc.... ..................................... 4391
The Anvil Group, Ltd. ............................... 1241 Cyber Defense Labs ...................................1046 Qognify ......................................................1515
CANINES FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 Security Centres International USA, LLC...1843
3SI Security Systems ................................. 2124 G4S ........................................................... 3733 Site-Secure ................................................. 500
Activist Map ..............................................4472 Galaxy Control Systems ............................ 2241 Southwest Microwave, Inc.... .................... 2232
AFIMAC.....................................................3856 Gorilla Technology, Inc. ........................... 4069 Trackforce ................................................. 2747
Allied Universal Security Services ............ 2733 Handheld .................................................. 1622 UrgentLink ................................................ 1053
Battelle .....................................................4292 HX Global ................................................ 4390 V5 Systems ............................................... 4290
BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests .....................4569 IJET International ..................................... 3763 Vismo Global Tracking
K2 Solutions, Inc.... ...................................4067 Iris ID Systems, Inc. .................................. 1309 Solutions.................................................. 4469
GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEMS Key Tracer Systems, Inc. ........................... 3441 Winncom Technologies.............................4073
3SI Security Systems ................................. 2124 Milestone Systems ....................................3945 TRAINING
Activist Map ..............................................4472 NVT Phybridge ..........................................2443 THREAT ASSESSMENT
AlutelMobility ........................................... 2547 Occly ........................................................... 742 CAP Index, Inc.... ...................................... 3433
AT-RISK International ............................... 4271 Omnigo Software ........................................518 Emergent Risk International, LLC. ............3970
BrickHouse Security ................................. 2249 On Call International ................................4596 HX Global ................................................ 4390
ELC Security Products ............................... 1539 Ontario-Canada Delegation ........................507 International Association of Professional
FRONTSTEPS ............................................ 3973 Qognify ......................................................1515 Security Consultants (IAPSC)................... 4095
Guardian Zone .......................................... 4178 STANLEY Healthcare..................................3133 KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849
Handheld .................................................. 1622 Stanley Security .........................................3133 On Call International ................................4596
Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure................1215 STOPware, Inc. ......................................... 2247 Pinkerton ................................................. 2809
International Road Dynamics, Inc.... ........ 4191 The Anvil Group, Ltd. ............................... 1241 Securitas Canada, Ltd. ............................. 2809
Johnson Controls ...................................... 4119 Trust Farm, LLC.......................................... 946 Securitas Critical Infrastructure
KINETIC CONSULTING ............................... 849 Vismo Global Tracking Solutions ............. 4469 Services.................................................... 2809
Live Earth..................................................4079 PROPERTY MARKING Stratfor .....................................................4583
NC4, Inc.... ..................................................501 CodeLynx, LLC .......................................... 1620 Trust Farm, LLC. ........................................ 946
struction, renovations, and asbestos re-
moval for the 1950s building, there was
little more the school could afford to
THIS MONT TH, THE DA ALLAS INDEP PENDENT SCHOOL DIS STRICT opens the doors improve security. These funds will go a
to its newest transformational school, which is designed specifically for high school long way to provide students and staff a
students interested in architecture, urban planning, environmental science, and safe and secure learning environment.”
community development. CityLab High School will offer students the opportunity The school identified a number of
to leverage the city of Dallas as their own hands-on laboratory. needed security upgrades, including
But this cutting-edge “best-fit-school” concept, part of the city's public school network improvements, new security
choice program, comes with a daunting challenge: ensuring a safe and secure cameras, access control devices, and
environment in an urban city center, and doing so on a limited budget. classroom intercoms covering all five
floors of the building.
That’s where the School Security kind donation of cameras and other “In a large urban school district with
Grant Competition, started by ASIS equipment. limited funds, the responsibility of
International and the ASIS Foundation ASIS 2017 Host Committee Chairman campus safety falls within the school’s
in 2003, plays a critical role. This Martin Cramer, CPP, worked closely with budget,” wrote CityLab High School
year, in conjunction with the ASIS the Dallas Independent School District Principal Tammy Underwood, in her
International 63rd Annual Seminar Police Department to get the word out grant competition application. “This
and Exhibits, ASIS is awarding about the grant and to identify the grant is an amazing opportunity for
CityLab High School a $22,000 grant school with the greatest need. CityLab students and staff to be in a safe
to pay for upgrades to the school’s “CityLab really stood out,” said environment so that they can focus on
camera system, access control system, Cramer. “Parents had voiced concerns their highest educational goals.”
and classroom intercoms. Axis about the school’s proximity to down- The School Security Grant Com-
Communications is making an in- town Dallas, a busy interstate highway, petition is just one of the many ways
discussions on career development. Af- vital that security professionals in every advice, and professional development
terwards, attendees will have a chance focus area can collaborate and identify that will be available.”
to further build on those discussions comprehensive solutions for the risks Whether attendees are new to the
when they take part in the “Career De- facing citizens, industry, and govern- security field and looking for those first
velopment in Security” session, which ments around the world. valuable connections, or seasoned vet-
will offer young security professionals Career Coaching and résumé reviews erans of the industry seeking to further
the tools and best practices they need to will take place during exhibit hours. their existing careers, the Career Center
grow their security careers. Stop by to book an appointment. offers a world of opportunity ready to
The Career Center wraps up with “ASIS has been instrumental to be explored.
a bang on Thursday with two of its my professional development and as
most impactful sessions. The first, cochair of the Young Professionals INTERNATIONAL BUYER
“Mentoring: Guiding Tomorrow’s Council, it has PROGRAM HELPS EX-
Leaders” will provide the next been particularly PAND ASIS 2017’S GLOBAL
generation of security industry leaders rewarding to FOOTPRINT
with another avenue to hone their skills help shape the Attendees and exhibitors at ASIS 2017
to achieve their career goals, whether high-caliber will have the chance to expand the
it’s to embark on a new challenge or programming. From scope of their business opportunities
advance within their organization. CSO perspectives to a global level. Thanks to the U.S.
Panelists will examine the importance to employer hiring ANGELA
Department of Commerce International
of mentoring, as well as what to look for needs to mentorship OSBORNE, PCI Buyer Program (IBP), a joint govern-
in a mentor, key factors in building an best practices and leadership skills, ment-industry effort, hundreds of global
effective relationship, and the qualities ASIS 2017 will provide security buyers from multiple delegations will
of a successful mentee. professionals at every stage of their attend ASIS 2017 for business-to-busi-
Attendees will continue examining careers with the tools they need to ness matchmaking with exhibitors and
the future of security with a conver- succeed in today’s job environment,” attendees. The buyers represent security
gence panel that will explore the says Angela Osborne, PCI, regional professionals from around the world.
ever-changing relationship between director for Guidepost Solutions. “I “The International Buyer Program
information technology and physical encourage security professionals across provides an excellent opportunity
security. As threats around the globe every sector to take advantage of the for security professionals globally to
become increasingly sophisticated, it is breadth of career-enhancing education, benefit from the collective wisdom of
Professional Certification Board
proudly recognize the
of the
ASIS Board Certification Program.
23-24 CPP, PCI, PSP Certification
Reviews, Dallas, Texas, USA
24 Successful Security Consulting,
Dallas, Texas, USA
24 IT Security for Physical Security
Professionals—In Plain English,
Dallas, Texas, USA
24 Security Risks and Mitigation
Strategies for Financial Institutions,
Dallas, Texas, USA
The ASIS Diamond Club Security 15-20 ASIS Wharton Program for
Buyers Forum in late July brought Security Executives
together security decision makers
and leading solutions providers for
tailored buying opportunities, as 6-7 Security Force Management, New
well as education and networking. Orleans, Louisiana, USA
6-8 Conducting Advanced Internal
Investigations, New Orleans, Louisi-
the 22,000 attendees and exhibitors at the on-site International Trade Center, ana, USA
ASIS 2017,” says Godfried Hendriks, where companies can meet privately 6-8 Risk, Threat, and Vulnerability
CPP, managing consultant at GOING with prospective international buyers, Assessment, New Orleans, Louisiana,
Consultancy BV and secretary of the prospective sales representatives, and USA
ASIS International Board of Directors. other business partners. 9-10 Executive Protection, New
“In today’s threat environment, security To assist in facilitating conversations, Orleans, Louisiana, USA
professionals need a global community international trade specialists will be
9-10 Soft Target Hardening, New
of peers they can turn to year-round for available on-site in the International Orleans, Louisiana, USA
support, best practices, and information Trade Center to provide matching as-
sharing. ASIS 2017 will help facilitate sistance and expert trade counseling to ASIS
these relationships.”
Every year, the IBP generates ap-
global delegates and U.S. exhibitors.
Don’t miss out on the chance to ex-
proximately $1 billion in new business pand your global footprint. Stop by the SEPTEMBER
for U.S. companies, primarily through International Trade Center on the expo 25-28 63rd Annual Seminar and
increased international attendance at floor to learn more. Exhibits, Dallas, Texas, USA
participating U.S. trade shows. NOVEMBER
ASIS 2017’s participation in the IBP ALL THE HUB-BUB 5-7 ASIS Middle East 2017, Manama,
provides attendees with access to a ASIS 2017 promises a show floor filled Bahrain
broad array of security professionals, with fantastic networking opportuni-
qualified international buyers, repre- ties, groundbreaking security products
sentatives, and distributors. It also in- and service solutions from indus- WEBINARS
creases the chances of finding the right try-leading exhibitors, and second-to- SEPTEMBER
international business partner. Not only none education opportunities. At the 13 Creating Effective Emergency Man-
will attendees meet more global buyers, center of it all is the ASIS Hub, an enor- agement Tabletop Exercises
representatives, and distributors, but mous 1,600-square-foot presence on the OCTOBER
exhibitors’ products and services can show floor that is serving as the place
11 Negotiating, Drafting, and
be listed in the Export Interest Directory for all things ASIS International.
Enforcing Service Agreements
and distributed to all international visi- The Hub is the primary location for
tors for additional awareness. meeting with ASIS staff and learning View the full education lineup at
Once a potential partner is identified, more about becoming a member, ob-
attendees have complimentary use of taining one of the three board certifi-
a widespread challenge that every-
one in the security business has
experienced at one time or another—the
effective control and accountability of
key and access systems. Aside from six years for 33 years. He was inspired to become a
Neely employs first-person narrative in the U.S. Navy and Certified Protection Professional® (CPP)
to recount his professional history and a short stint working in the 1980s while working as a consulting
how he invented for a marine elec- engineer for the Pitney Bowes Corporation
key and access tronics company, in Stamford, Connecticut. During that time,
control systems,
“I’ve been self-em- he also designed a video conference system
relying too much
ployed my whole between the Riker’s Island Male House of
on personal de-
life,” says Felix Detention and the Bronx Criminal Court so
scription for a
professional publi- Giannini, CPP, presi- hearings could be conducted over a micro-
cation. dent of Lexco Security Systems in Fairfield, wave link. And he designed the first cam-
Nonetheless, the Connecticut. Intrigued by electronics as a era system for the Statue of Liberty.
author does a su- teenager, he repaired audiovisual equip- Giannini earned a bachelor of science
perb job of bring- ment and maintained a state-of-the-art degree in fire protection systems engi-
ing to life the adage that necessity is the video broadcast system while attending neering and is working on a master’s in
mother of invention. After experiencing
high school in Mamaroneck, New York. The emergency management. He applies edu-
a series of expensive lost key episodes,
two men who managed those operations cational concepts to assessing a company’s
he created a system to more effectively
manage keys. Valuable first-hand sto- had an alarm business on the side. “So in risks and hazards and designing mitigation
ries help round out the problem-im- the 1970s I began installing security sys- strategies. “It’s not about the systems we
pact-solution triad. tems,” Giannini recalls. “I was trained by install,” he says. “It’s about the people, the
Neely chronicles the financial and workmanship fanatics,” he says, “and that programs, and the training.”
legal impacts that inadequate controls has influenced my whole career.” As a CPP, Giannini earns respect from
can bring. For example, a single set of Instilling professional workmanship client companies. “It says that I have an
lost master keys cost a university nearly
practices and standards within the awareness level and that I speak their lan-
$350,000. The impact doesn’t end with
security installer community is extremely guage,” he says. “It’s not just about selling
the bottom line, but it can also adversely
important to Giannini. He believes that cameras and monitors…it’s a much bigger
affect legal documents and court cases,
as well as an organization’s reputation. low standards—a lack of professional picture and a lot more responsibility.”
The Key to Keys has some instructive training among company owners, reduced Giannini has been vice chair of the
value to students of security manage- educational requirements for licensed Southern Connecticut Chapter for five
ment, but it goes too far in promoting the low-voltage electrical contractors, and years. He is proud of his chapter affiliation
author’s products. Further, some of the scant funds for enforcement—lead to and has been instrumental in attracting
photos, tables, and figures lack defining increased false alarms and a profession speakers on such topics as social media
labels or captions, are presented out of
relegated to insignificance. and personal branding. He also helped cre-
focus, or do not adequately line up.
Giannini’s company focuses on large ate the first ASIS “Sister Chapter” relation-
The most valuable lesson from this
book is that motivation and initiative commercial, industrial, and institutional ship between his chapter and ASIS Italy.
can inspire an earnest practitioner to systems in the United States and overseas. Being a member of ASIS has been
not only safeguard people and prop- He works with clients not only as a sys- an “incredible benefit,” says Giannini,
erty, but also to take that next step and tems integrator but also as a consulting but not because he uses it as a vehicle
invent new and effective ways to help engineer and project manager. In those to get work.” I don’t want to ever taint
improve security practices. roles, he is aware of the potential for con- my membership,” he says. “It’s been an
REVIEWER: Terry Lee Wettig, CPP, is flicts of interest. “If I design and manage inspiration to be a professional, especially
an independent security consultant. He
a project, I have no business also install- as a systems integrator.”
was previously director of risk manage-
ing,” he says. “The systems are designed
ment with Brink’s Incorporated and a
U.S. Air Force chief master sergeant. He and implemented in the best interests PROFILE BY MARY ALICE
is a doctoral candidate in organizational of the company, not the local vendors.” DAVIDSON, PRINCIPAL, DAVIDSON
management and a member of ASIS. Giannini has been a member of ASIS COMMUNICATIONS
end er
4 Octob
COERCION. In the first decision of its told the FBI that Doggart was recruiting DISCRIMINATION
kind, the U.S. National Labor Relations
people online to carry out an armed at- Rosebud
Board (NLRB) has ruled that an employer
tack on Islamberg, a community in New Restaurants,
committed an unfair labor practice when
a manager texted an employee asking York that is home to a large number of Inc., will pay $1.9
whether the employee’s loyalties lay Muslims. “Doggart specifically targeted million and other
with the company or the labor union. the mosque because it was a religious relief to settle a class race discrimination
RHCG Safety Corp. (Redhook) is a building, and he discussed burning it lawsuit brought by the U.S. Equal
general construction contractor in down or blowing it up with a Molotov Employment Opportunity Commission
New York City. During an organizing cocktail or other explosive device,” ac- (EEOC). According to the EEOC, 13 of
campaign during the summer of 2015,
cording to the U.S. Department of Justice. Rosebud’s restaurants “refused to hire
a construction union attempted to
(U.S. v. Doggart, U.S. District Court for the African-Americans because of their
convince employees to vote in favor
of union representation. During the Eastern District of Tennessee at Chatta- race” and Rosebud’s owner “used racial
campaign, Redhook employee Claudio nooga, No. 1:15-cr-39-CLC-SKL-1, 2017) slurs to refer to blacks” in violation of
Anderson needed to take time off to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
travel to Panama to care for his mother. FRAUD The settlement requires Rosebud to
Anderson’s supervisor, David Three Nigerian nationals were sentenced pay $1.9 million to African-American
Scherrer, allowed Anderson to take for their roles in a large scale international applicants Rosebud did not hire, along
the time off. Before Anderson left for
fraud network. The men were extradited with requiring it to create hiring goals for
Panama, however, he visited the union’s
from South Africa and found guilty qualified black applicants and prohibiting
offices and signed an authorization
card indicating that he supported of mail fraud, wire fraud, identity it from engaging in race discrimination
union representation. His mother’s theft, credit card fraud, and theft of in the future. (EEOC v. Rosebud, U.S.
health also improved at the same time, government property for their role in District Court for the Northern District
so Anderson decided not to take a several Internet-based fraud schemes of Illinois, No. 13-cv-6656, 2017)
leave of absence from work and texted
Scherrer about returning to work.
Scherrer responded, according
STATUS: Enacted STATUS: Enacted
SIGNIFICANCE: Requires employers SIGNIFICANCE: Gives lawmakers an
to provide reasonable break times to additional $25,000 to cover security costs
accommodate employees and a room—other at their offices or public events, as long as
than a toilet stall—near their work areas to the event is for official business.
express milk privately.
r ly bi r d
rates er
l 1 5 N ovemb
STATUS: Passed STATUS: Enacted
SIGNIFICANCE: Would require the SIGNIFICANCE: Sets rules for defining
secretary of defense to report to Congress terrorism, acts of terrorism, freezing
any attempt by the Russian government— funding, and financing terrorism in an
or Russian actors—to attack the U.S. effort to counter accusations that Qatar
Department of Defense’s systems. supports terrorism.
or otherwise penalize a person solely “This meant that Three’s emer- If adopted, the proposal would be
for his or her status as a cardholder.” gency call service was vulnerable to at odds with the U.K., U.S., Australia,
Callaghan disclosed to Darling that a single point of failure,” Ofcom said and even some European governments’
she was a medical marijuana card in a press release. “Three’s network stances that technology firms should
holder and user; Darling’s refusal to should have been able to automatically create backdoors to help fight terrorism.
hire her after she made the disclosure divert emergency calls via back-up
violated state law, the court said. routes in the event of a local outage. United States
Judge Richard Licht also wrote in But these back-up routes would also UTILITIES. The U.S. House of Rep-
his opinion that Darling’s position have failed because they were all resentatives is considering legisla-
would place medical marijuana users directed through this one point.” tion that aims to reduce the threat
in a worse position than recreational Ofcom issued the penalty to re- of wildfires to electric transmis-
users who might also apply for jobs flect the “seriousness of the breach, sion and distribution facilities.
with the company. For instance, a given the potential impact on pub- The resolution (H.R. 1873) would
recreational marijuana user could lic health and safety,” it said. amend the Federal Land Policy and
stop using for long enough to pass Management Act of 1976 to ensure that
the preemployment drug test and
not be subject to future tests.
LEGISLATION all existing and future rights-of-way
established by grant, special use au-
“The medical user would not be able European Union thorization, and easement for electrical
to cease for long enough to pass the ENCRYPTION. The European Par- transmission and distribution facilities
drug test, even though his or her use liament Committee on Civil Liberties, include provisions for utility vegeta-
is necessary to treat or alleviate pain, Justice, and Home Affairs has endorsed tion management, inspection, and
nausea, and other symptoms associated a new amendment to require end-to-end operation and maintenance activities.
with certain debilitating medical con- encryption on all communications. The resolution would require trans-
ditions,” Licht explained. (Callaghan The committee released a draft pro- mission and distribution facility owners
v. Darlington Fabrics, Rhode Island Su- posal (amendment 16) that recommends and operators to create a plan for vege-
perior Court, No. PC-2014-5680, 2017) introducing regulations to enforce tation management that “provides for
end-to-end encryption on all communi- the long-term, cost-effective, efficient
LEGAL CASE: Barbuto v. Advantage Sales and CASE: EEOC v. Chemtrusion, Inc.
VENUE: Massachusetts Supreme Court STATUS: Settled
STATUS: Ruled in favor of Barbuto SIGNIFICANCE: Chemtrusion will pay
SIGNIFICANCE: Allows Barbuto’s case $145,000 and other relief to settle a disability dis-
against her former employer to move crimination lawsuit alleging it refused to hire job
forward, alleging handicap discrimination applicants based on medical information from
for firing her for using medical marijuana. preemployment examination.
Early-bird savings
end September 30.
Even if you can’t join us in Dallas, you can still get valuable education
and inspiring keynotes delivered directly to your desktop in real
time—no travel required! Plus, receive access to the recorded
virtual sessions and the option to purchase all ASIS 2017
conference recordings and presentations at a discounted rate.
will become a Quantum value-added re- for technology products and related Award for best risk solution.
seller and strategic alliance partner. services from the city of Charlotte, Crowe Horwath has been designated
Razberi Technologies will embed Cy- North Carolina. as a HITRUST CSF Assessor by HITRUST.
lancePROTECT software from Cylance in The STRATTON U.S. Coast Guard At KuppingerCole’s recent Euro-
Razberi ServerSwitchIQ appliances. cutter recently deployed with a small pean Identity & Cloud Conference in
Security Door Controls added unmanned aerial system, the Insitu Munich, Germany, the Danfoss IoT
Ascheman Marketing Group to its ScanEagle, which helped in four interdic- security framework project was rec-
national family of security industry tions—seizing more than 1,676 kilograms ognized with an award in the Best IoT
sales and support centers. of illicit contraband and apprehending Security Project category.
Siklu Inc. signed a distribution 10 suspected drug traffickers. EventTracker announced that SC
agreement with ALLNET, which will Nextdoor social network for neighbor- Magazine awarded EventTracker SIEM-
carry Siklu’s complete line of millime- hoods is partnering with the U.S. Fed- phonic with a perfect five-star rating
ter wave wireless radios. eral Emergency Management Agency in the 2017 UTM/SIEM/NGFW annual
TierPoint, LLC, is partnering with to support its mission to help communi- product Group Test review.
Compass Datacenters to build a new ties prepare for and mitigate all hazards. EyeLock LLC received a U.S. patent
facility in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. UL received a grant from the U.S. for enabling a single camera to acquire
Defense Advanced Research Proj- iris biometrics, as well as a face image, by
GOVERNMENT ects Agency for cybersecurity testing providing suitable illumination for both.
CONTRACTS of Internet of Things (IoT) gateways for FreeWave Technologies, Inc., an-
American Traffic Solutions won a con- industrial control system applications nounced that its ZumLink 900 Radio
tract from the Houston-Galveston Area to help mitigate security risks. Series and Industrial IoT Programmable
Council for traffic control, enforcement, Radio were named bronze award win-
and signal pre-emption equipment. AWARDS AND ners by the American Business Awards
ASPIDER-NGI and SURFnet, the CERTIFICATIONS and the IT World Awards, respectively.
Dutch National Research and Education Forbes named Allied Universal to its G2’s Payment Laundering Detection
Network, are partnering on eSIM to de- America’s Best Employers list for 2017. was named a 2017 Pay Awards winner in
velop applications with an initial focus on ByteGrid Holdings LLC was the Fraud Fighter category. The selection
identity management and authentication. awarded FedRAMP Ready status by the was made by a panel of payment indus-
Axon announced that the Alameda U.S. Federal Risk and Authorization try experts assembled by Paybefore.
County Sheriff’s Office in California Management Program. The G4S North America Training
purchased Axon Body 2 cameras and a ClearDATA was granted EU-U.S. Pri- Institute was named one of the best
five-year Evidence.com license. vacy Shield Certification. organizations for learning and develop-
An updated Disaster Resilience Concurrent Technologies Corpo- ment by Chief Learning Officer maga-
Scorecard was developed for the ration was recognized as a 2017 Best zine for the fourth consecutive year.
United Nations Office for Disaster for Vets employer by Military Times. Hikvision announced that its DS-
Risk Reduction by AECOM and IBM Conformance Technologies an- 2TD4035D-25 Bi-Spectrum PTZ Camera
with support from USAID and the Eu- nounced that its InConRadar offering System was named the 2017 ESX Inno-
ropean Commission. received the Electronic Transactions vation Award winner in the video
Mosaic451 was awarded a contract Association’s PayPal Tech Innovation surveillance category.
Hillard Heintze announced that it DataPath, Inc., expanded operations USAV, a team of audio-visual integra-
achieved ISO/IEC 27001:2013 information in the Washington, D.C., area to comple- tors, and its affiliate CI Edge.
security certification from the BSI Group. ment its existing Maryland office. The Security Industry Association
NAPCO Security Technologies an- Detection Technology Plc. com- (SIA) established the SIA Public Safety
nounced that its StarLink Connect was pleted the expansion of its Beijing factory, Working Group to develop recommen-
awarded a 2017 ESX Innovation Award with a larger production floor and new in- dations to improve the safety, security,
in the intrusion systems category. vestments in automation and technology. and sustainability of cities.
OpSec Security gained ISO 14298 Frontier Services Group Limited Security On-Demand Inc. acquired
security standard accreditation for its acquired 25 percent of the Interna- Infobright Approximate Query tech-
Washington and Leicester facilities. tional Security and Defense College nology and intellectual property assets
The Protection Bureau announced in Beijing, becoming the largest private from Infobright Corporation.
that The Monitoring Association security training school in China. Software Assurance Forum for
renewed its TMA Five Diamond Moni- F-Secure acquired Digital Excellence in Code released two best
toring Center designation. Assurance, a U.K.-based security practices documents to help combat
Zenitel Group announced that TMC consultancy firm. growing security vulnerabilities. One
named Vingtor Stentofon’s TCIV-6 IP SIP The former Giesecke & Devrient is on threat modeling, and the other is
Video Intercom a 2017 Unified Communi- Banknote business unit is now the about third-party components.
cations Product of the Year Award winner. Giesecke+Devrient Currency Technol- Tyco Security Products is partnering
ogy independent subgroup. with the mayor of Boston and the Bos-
ANNOUNCEMENTS Sheriff ’s agencies will use the Lock- ton Women’s Workforce Council in
Boon Edam Inc. announced that a new heed Martin Indago quadrotor small a program designed to close the gender
production line for its Lifeline Optical unmanned aerial system to perform wage gap for women in the Boston area.
Turnstiles is now operational at the com- search-and-rescue operations as part of In a team-building exercise, Vector
pany’s Lillington, North Carolina, factory. the Project Lifesaver International Security’s managers and senior execu-
Continental Access, a division of program that supports clients with au- tives constructed travel-version wheel-
NAPCO, launched a newly revitalized tism, Down syndrome, and dementia. chairs for donation to the Keystone
website at www.cicaccess.com. The Master Lock Company relo- Chapter of the Paralyzed Veterans
The Cross-Cultural Institute intro- cated its headquarters to a newly reno- of America.
duced Badges2Bridges, a new training vated campus in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Vision-Box reinforced its support
program that helps police officers and Point Blank Enterprises acquired to border control officials in Portugal,
law enforcement professionals work ef- Gould and Goodrich. sponsoring the Conference “SEF and
fectively with minority communities. PSA Security Network acquired the Economy.”
TUV RHEINLAND ACQUISITION 2MC The acquisition strengthens TUV Rheinland’s mission
of addressing challenges at the intersection between
man, technology, and the environment.
IRIS GLOBAL TRUTAG The two parties will develop a portfolio of smartcard
CORPORATION COLLABORATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC. and secure label products for government and private
BHD customers around the world.
ALLIED ACQUISITION ALERT PROTECTIVE Both companies combine technology with manpower
UNIVERSAL SERVICES to provide optimal solutions. Alert brings a portfolio of
residential communities to Allied Universal.
CISCO COLLABORATION IBM SECURITY The companies are working together on products, ser-
vices, and threat intelligence to address the growing
global threat of cybercrime.
AlarmNet 360 Insights business management platform from HONEYWELL of Melville, New York, is an interactive dashboard
that helps security dealers and central stations explore customer data and expose problem areas. Using a wide range of filters—
such as communication types, communicator models, services, and remote services—users can learn about their current cus-
tomer base, protect the business, and identify areas for growth. Data is updated daily so dealers can be informed and proactive.
The platform is free to use for all AlarmNet dealers and central stations. 901
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A comprehensive access control portfolio from SIELOX of Password Checker is an automated solution that verifies
Runnemede, New Jersey, addresses complex security challenges that network cameras are not using default or common
with layered access control and lockdown systems for better passwords—which can jeopardize camera cybersecu-
control and response to problem situations. The Crisis Lockdown rity. New from VIAKOO, INC., of Mountain View, Cal-
Alert Status System (CLASS) offers emergency notification and ifornia, Password Checker helps ensure compliance to
lockdown features. The Pinnacle Advanced access control solu- many standards, including PCI, NERC, and NIST, which
tion and the 1700 Intelligent Controller, which fully integrates specify that surveillance networks be protected. The
with Schlage wireless locks, provide management and protec- feature examines HTML authentication points to test
tion. A new Lock Toggle for the 1700 Controller allows users to a variety of common URL entry points and frequently
lock and unlock doors without a second credential to override used passwords. Operators are alerted if they need to
preset schedules. Users can lockdown a building, change alert change passwords. Checks can be run on demand or on
levels, and communicate with law enforcement in real time. 904 a schedule. Beta-testing began in April. 905
GALAXY CONTROL SYSTEMS of Walkersville, Maryland, SPYRUS of San Jose, California, is a Microsoft partner that
unveiled the Galaxy Cloud Concierge solution, a turnkey, delivers security solutions to work with the full Microsoft
cloud-based, fully hosted and managed access control and ecosystem. The suite of self-encrypting storage devices
monitoring solution. With round-the-clock management, includes Windows to Go live drives that turn personal com-
the system supports industry standard access technologies. puters into compliant
Three configurations include an onsite, user-managed sys- enterprise Windows 8,
tem; a remote user-managed, integrated system; and a re- 8.1, or 10 desktops, with
mote integrator-managed system. Data is secured via AES en- or without connectivity.
cryption. Multi-layered filtering and partitioning allows end The drive boots the op-
users to access their information, while the service provider erating system directly
can access all customers’ information. 907 from the hardware en-
crypted compartment
and completely bypasses
the host computer’s
hard drive. No footprint
is left behind when the
drive is shut down. The
hardware devices come
in various form factors to
support different devices
and use cases, including
smartphones and tab-
lets. 908
ONEEVENT TECHNOLOGIES of Mount Horeb, Wisconsin, LILIN AMERICAS of Arcadia, California, is including
created the OnePrevent system that can predict disasters before a free license for peer-to-peer (P2P) networking soft-
they occur and alert users to prevent misfortune. A powerful ware with the purchase of its NVR Series network video
cloud-based analytical engine constantly monitors factors such recorders, thus enabling remote viewing on smart-
as temperature, air quality, motion, and moisture to learn what is phones and tablets. This nullifies the need to open a
normal in a space. If the system receives an abnormal reading, it port and log into a router for mobile viewing, making
can determine potential risks and alert property managers of the connections more secure. Mobile devices are connected
possibility of a disaster, such as a fire or flood, before the event directly to the NVR via a QR code. Once the user creates
occurs. In testing, the system and stores a configuration file in a P2P account, it can
anticipated fires up to 20 min- be imported into a mobile device for the simplified
utes before smoke alarms went setup of multiple devices. 913
off. The flexible system can be
installed where buildings are
at risk for events such as fire,
water damage, gas leaks, and
unauthorized access. 912
12 Abloy Security, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 44 DSI (Designed Security Inc.) . . . . . . . . . . .81 17 Par-Kut International, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
19 Access Specialties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 38 DSX Access Systems, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 47 PATLITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
02 ADT | Protection 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 75 DSX Access Systems, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . 150 11 Prosegur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
06 Allied Universal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 32 GAI-Tronics Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 57 Quantum Secure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
-- Altronix Corp.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 34 Garrett Metal Detectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 13 Red Hawk Fire & Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
49 Ameristar Security Products . . . . . . . . . . .91 48 Genetec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 14 Research Electronics, Int’l . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
55 ASSA ABLOY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 37 Hanwha Techwin America . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 43 SDC – Security Door Controls. . . . . . . . . 77
56 Avigilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 05 Hikvision USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 03 SecurAmerica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
04 Axis Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 23 Hikvision USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 59 Securitas Electronic Security . . . . . . . . 109
33 B.I.G. Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 08 Honeywell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 52 SIERRA-OLYMPIC Technologies Inc. . . . 97
10 Brownyard Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 50 Horton Automatics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 26 Special Response Corporation . . . . . . . . 49
35 Brownyard Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 51 iView Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 18 Stratfor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
22 CAP Index, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 07 Keyper Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 60 Talkaphone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
41 Cognitec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 20 LossPreventionSolution.com . . . . . . . . . . 34 42 TEAM Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
25 Commport Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 54 Mercury Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 27 Unitex Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
63 Comnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 31 Micro Technology Services, Inc. . . . . . . . 57 28 Unitex Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
53 Dahua. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 74 Mission 500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 36 Winsted Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
09 Detex Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 45 NAPCO Security Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 21 WM Security Services, Inc. (WMSSI). . . 39
16 dormakaba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 46 NC4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
62 dormakaba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 15 Open Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
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Abloy Security, Inc. Commport Technologies Horton Automatics Red Hawk Fire & Security
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Ameristar Security Products dormakaba Micro Technology Services, Inc. SIERRA-OLYMPIC Technologies Inc.
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ASSA ABLOY DSI (Designed Security Inc.) Mission 500 Special Response Corporation
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CAP Index, Inc. Hikvision USA Prosegur WM Security Services, Inc. (WMSSI)
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1. PERCEPTION. Color theory isn’t an exact science,
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