Ansi Asabe S277.2 Feb1972 (R2008)

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7 JUL2003 (ISO 11001-1:1993) (R2009)

Agricultural wheeled tractors and implements
Three-point hitch couplers Part 1: U-frame coupler

T ASABE is a professional and technical organization, of members worldwide, who are dedicated to advancement of

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ASABE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659, USA ph. 269-429-0300, fax 269-429-3852, [email protected]
ANSI/ASAE S278.7 JUL2003 (ISO 11001-1:1993) (R2009)
Approved September 2003; reaffirmed May 2009 as an American National Standard

Agricultural wheeled tractors and implements

Three-point hitch couplers Part 1: U-frame coupler

These materials are subject to copyright claims of ISO, ANSI and in Section 4 of the ISO document. The ASAE Table 2 footnotes are listed
ASABE. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in Section 5 of the ISO document. Dimension K1 in Table 2 of ASAE is
including an electronic retrieval system, without the prior written listed in paragraph 5.4 of the ISO document. Dimension b2 shown in
permission of ASABE. All request pertaining to the ANSI/ASAE S278.7 Table 2 of the ISO document was added to completely define the
JUL2003 (ISO 11001-1:1993) (R2009) Standard should be submitted to clearance envelope in this area (the ASAE document was incomplete in
ASABE. this regard). The PTO to hitch dimensions are not made in the ISO
Proposed by Advisory Engineering Committee of Farm and Industrial document, as they are in paragraph 3.2.4 in ASAE, they are contained in
Equipment Institute; approved by ASAE Power and Machinery Division the referenced ISO 730-1.
Technical Committee; adopted by ASAE December 1964; revised 0.3 The responsible committee has reviewed the normative references
December 1965, June 1967; reconfirmed December 1971; revised April listed in ISO 11001-1 and no additional documentation or deviations are
1974, February 1975; corrected editorially April 1977; revised December required.
1978, March 1980; reconfirmed December 1984; revised editorially and 0.4 This standard had been approved as an American National Standard
reconfirmed December 1989; reaffirmed December 1994; revised by ANSI (American National Standards Institute). ASAE technical content
editorially February 1995; reaffirmed December 1999, January 2001, was provided as the original basis for this ISO standard.
December 2001, February 2003. Adoption with modification of ISO
11001-1:1993 (E) and addition of ASAE Forward with deviations July 0.5 ASAE technical deviations from ISO 11001-1 are:
2003. Approved by ANSI September 2003; reaffirmed by ASABE 0.5.1 Special category 3N narrow hitch coupler. The dimensions of
February 2009; reaffirmed by ANSI May 2009. special category 3N shall be as follows: Dimension l1 , l3 , l4 , l5 , l6 and l7 in Table 1 shall be in accordance
Keywords: Coupler, Hitch, Implements, Three-point, Tractors, with Category 2. All other dimensions shall be in accordance with
Category 3.
0 Forward Dimensions l1 and l2 in Table 2 shall be in accordance with
Category 2. All other dimensions shall be in accordance with Category 3.
0.1 This ASAE document, ANSI/ASAE S278.7, Agricultural wheeled
tractors and implements Three-point hitch couplers Part 1: U-frame 0.5.2 Special category 4N narrow hitch coupler. The dimensions of
coupler, is equivalent to ISO 11001-1:1993 (E) except for the technical special Category 4N shall be as follows:
deviations as noted in the following forward sections. These technical Dimension l1 , l3 , l4 , l6 and l7 in Table 1 shall be:
deviations pertain to those provisions where harmonization could not be l1 = 925-930mm (36.42-36.61 in.)
achieved between the ASAE and the International Standard. ISO 11001-
1:1993 does not contain some technical information that has been in the l3 = 858mm (33.78 in.)
content of ASAE Standard S278. The responsible ASAE technical l4 = 1174mm (46.22 in.)
committee considered this information relevant and important to maintain l6 = 858mm (33.78 in.)
in the document.
l7 = 1174mm (46.22 in.)
0.2 It has been found from experience that certain large implements
All other dimensions shall be in accordance with Category 4.
used with dual rear tires and narrow crop row spacing require a special
category narrow hitch. The difference between ISO 11001-1 and ASAE Dimension l1 in Table 2 shall be 919-922mm (36.18-36.30 in.).
S278 is that the Special Hitch Coupler Categories (Category 3N and 4N) Dimension l2 in Table 2 shall be in accordance with Category 3. All other
were omitted from ISO 11001-1. All the dimensions in ASAE S278.6 were dimensions shall be in accordance with Category 4.
exactly the same in ISO 11001-1. The ASAE Table 1 footnotes are noted

ASABE STANDARDS 2009 ANSIASAE S278.7 JUL2003 ISO 11001-1:1993 R2009 1

1 Scope 3 Principle of frame coupler system
This part of ISO 11001 specifies the essential dimensions for the A frame coupler system is a one-phase implement coupler where the
attachment of three-point hitch implements to agricultural wheeled three-point linkage of the tractor (see ISO 730-1, ISO 730-3 or ISO
tractors equipped with a three-point free link hitch according to ISO 8759-2) is fitted with a U-frame and the implement has the provisions to
730-1, ISO 730-3 or ISO 8759-2, and a U-frame hitch coupler. be mounted to the frame. Hitching and unhitching can be operated from
NOTE 1 In general, the dimensions associated with the tractor and the tractor operators seat.
the implement for use with hitch couplers are the same as those for
the three-point linkage specified in ISO 730-1, ISO 730-3 or ISO 4 Coupler dimensions
8759-2, and those for the clearance zone specified in ISO 23321) . Coupler dimensions shall comply with figure 1 and table 1.
The three-point hitch coupler systems constitute a special method of 4.1 The upper hook offset (dimension b5 ) shall be not more than 15,75
implement mounting. The hitch couplers are an additional component mm greater or 6,35 mm less than the lower socket offset (dimension b1 )
located between the three-point linkage and the implement, making it
possible to hitch and unhitch from the operators seat. Due to the special 4.2 The implement shall provide clearance when attached to the coupler
construction and function of hitch couplers, it may be necessary to vary to permit lowering all elements of the coupler 120,9 mm minimum for
the length of the links indicated in the referenced standards. categories 2 and 3, and 146 mm minimum for category 4, to ensure
satisfactory attachment and detachment of the implement from the
This part of ISO 11001 applies to Categories 2, 3 and 4 of agricultural coupler.
wheeled tractors as defined in ISO 730-1 and ISO 730-3.
4.3 The upper hook of the quick coupler shall be at the centre of the
lower sockets within 3 mm.
2 Normative references 4.4 The lower implement attaching point on the quick-attaching coupler
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in shall be located in the vertical position such that the lift range, power
this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO 11001. At the time of range and levelling adjustment, as specified in ISO 730-1 and 150 730-3,
publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to are fulfilled.
revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 11001 are
encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent 4.5 Implement components, other than the hitch pins, that are in
editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO alignment with the lower socket width (dimension 1 ) shall not extend
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. forward of the centreline of the lower socket for a distance of 203 mm
ISO 730-1: 1990, Agricultural wheeled tractors Rear-mounted three- above the lower socket. Components above this height, extending
point linkagePart 1Categories 1, 2 and 3. laterally more than 381 mm from the coupler centreline, shall not extend
ISO 730-3: 1982, Agricultural wheeled tractorsThree-point linkage more than 25 mm forward of the vertical centreline through the upper
Part 3: Category 4. hook opening.
ISO 8759-2:1985, Agricultural wheeled tractors Front-mounted linkage 4.6 The lower socket width ( 1 ) shall be maintained within the area
and power take-off Part 2: Front linkage. defined by dimensions b2 , h6 , h7 and b9 .
4.7 The lower link to coupler pins may be recessed to provide design
ISO 2332: 1983, Agricultural tractors and machineryConnections freedom to obtain structural integrity in the coupler frame, resulting in a
Clearance zone for the three-point linkage of implements. common dimension for l3 and l 6 , and l 4 and l 7 , respectively.

Figure 1 Coupler dimensions

2 ANSIASAE S278.7 JUL2003 ISO 11001-1:1993 R2009 ASABE STANDARDS 2009

Table 1 Coupler dimensions
Dimensions in millimeters

5 Dimensions associated with implement alignment with the lower socket width [dimension 1 (see figure 1 and
Dimensions associated with the implement shall comply with figure 2 and table 1)] shall not extend forward of the centreline of the lower socket for
table 2. a distance of 203 mm above the lower socket.
5.1 For implements with cantilever-mounted lower hitch pins, special Components above this height extending laterally more than 381 mm
quick coupler hitch pins shall be supplied to dimensions d 1 , l 1 , l 2 and d 2 . from the coupler centreline shall not extend more than 25 mm forward of
Adapter bushings may be supplied which convert existing three-point the vertical centreline through the upper hook opening.
hitch pins to dimensions d 1 , l 1 , l 2 and d 2 instead of special quick coupler 5.4 The adapter or lower hitch pin shall be in line within 0,015 mm per
hitch pins. 1 mm of pin length.
For three-point hitch implements on which the lower hitch points consist 5.5 The implement shall provide clearance when attached to the coupler
of straddle-mounted pins, no additional thrust surfaces are required, to permit lowering all elements of the coupler 120,9 mm minimum for
providing the pin diameter and support dimensions conform to categories 2 and 3, and 146 mm minimum for category 4, for satisfactory
dimensions d 1 , l 1 , l 2 and b 1 attachment and detachment of the implement from the coupler.
The method used and dimensions related to attaching the pins or adaptor 5.6 The upper hook opening on the implement shall be at the centre of
bushings to the implement are at the discretion of the implement the lower hitch pin shoulders within 3 mm.
manufacturer. 5.7 Provisions shall be made for adequate upper hook clearance in
5.2 The lower implement attaching point on the quick attaching coupler those implements which require landing or levelling.
shall be located in the vertical position such that the lift range, power
range and levelling adjustment, as specified in ISO 730-1 and ISO 730-3, 6 Locking device
are fulfilled. A positive latch shall be provided to prevent an unintentional separation
5.3 Implement components, other than the hitch pins, that are in of the implement.

ASABE STANDARDS 2009 ANSIASAE S278.7 JUL2003 ISO 11001-1:1993 R2009 3

Figure 2 Dimensions associated with implement

Table 2 Dimensions associated with implement

Dimensions in millimeters

4 ANSIASAE S278.7 JUL2003 ISO 11001-1:1993 R2009 ASABE STANDARDS 2009

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