Dimension Stone Test Methods, Guides, and Standards
Dimension Stone Test Methods, Guides, and Standards
Dimension Stone Test Methods, Guides, and Standards
June 2014
© 2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.
Volume VII, Issue I - Dimenstion Stone Test Methods, Guides, and Standards June 2014
are considered to be commands, and therefore compliance • C1515 Standard Guide for Cleaning of Exterior Dimension
with the statement is mandatory. The use of mandatory Stone,Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces, New or Existing,
verbiage contributes to the strict and uniform interpretation five pages in length, covers cleaning methods, cleaning
of test method and specification documents. Guides are chemicals, and stone type identification to prescribe
commonly written either completely or partially with cleaning and stain removal methods that are both ef-
the use of “permissive” language. Verbs such as should, fective and non-damaging to stone surfaces.
may, and might are considered to be recommendations, • C1528 Standard Guide for Selection of Dimension Stone is
and therefore compliance with the statement is preferred, a rather extensive work designed to assist those who are
but not necessarily required. Guides are intentionally written relatively inexperienced in selecting and/or specifying
to provide some flexibility in interpretation by using these natural stone products. It provides a background of what
verbs. Additionally, an ASTM Guide is generally considered research, testing, and evaluations should be performed
to be a “description of best practice,” which is intentionally to properly assess the variety of available stone products
above and beyond the minimum required for life safety and make an informed decision regarding selection.
preservation. Conversely, building codes are written to
• C1721 Standard Guide for Petrographic Examination of
describe the minimum requirements for life safety, so guides Dimension Stone includes the recommendations of what
will frequently suggest component or procedure choices that sampling, analytical techniques, observations, and
are notably superior to those required by applicable build- reporting are necessary to adequately provide the miner-
ing codes. Since building codes define minimum standards, alogical composition, textural properties, and integral
the interpretation of them is not intended to be flexible, and structure descriptions of the stone fabric. It is intended
are therefore written in mandatory language. It is for this to be used by professional petrographers and mineralogists
reason that while ASTM Test Procedures or Material Specifi- as an aid in providing a comprehensive analysis and report.
cations are frequently referenced in building codes, ASTM
Guides are rarely referenced in building codes because their • C1722 Standard Guide for Repair and Restoration of Dimension
permissive language would soften the mandatory compliance Stone pertains primarily to the structural repair and
requirements sought by the authors of code. stabilization of exterior stone facades. Repair, anchor
replacement, and patching of existing stone cladding
3.0 Standard Terminology units are covered in this document.
There is currently one terminology standard published by 5.0 Standard Specifications
ASTM that pertains to dimension stone nomenclature,
There are eight Standard Specifications for dimension stone.
and that document is C119 Standard Terminology Relating to
They are all very similar in format, in that all include some
Dimension Stone. It is a seven page document defining slightly
general notes about material quality, and all include a table
more than 100 terms. The definitions range from brief, single
of physical and mechanical properties against which the
sentence definitions to discussions of several paragraphs which
actual properties of the material are to be compared. The
may include graphics, depending on the usage of the term. tables have been developed using values of known stones
4.0 Standard Guides within that group that have demonstrated repeated successful
There are currently seven Standard Guides published by performance. Therefore, they are not always considered to be
ASTM for the dimension stone industry: absolute minimum or maximum values. Indeed, numerous
materials have been successfully used that do not meet one
• C1242 Standard Guide for Selection, Design, and Installation or more of the requirements of the tables. The limestone and
of Dimension Stone Attachment Systems is a seventeen page quartz-based specifications differ from the rest in that they
document, and provides comprehensive guidance for contain multiple tables to cover varying density ranges (catego-
mechanically anchoring or adhesive bonding of stone ries I, II, and III in the limestone) or stone types (sandstone,
units. It includes discussion on metallurgy, common quartzitic sandstone, and quartzite in the quartz-based). There
anchor devices, cutting of anchor preps, safety factors, currently is no specification published for soapstone or onyx.
moisture control, supervision, and inspection. The eight existing specifications include:
• C1496 Standard Guide for Assessment and Maintenance of • C406 Standard Specification for Roofing Slate
Exterior Dimension Stone MasonryWalls and Facades is a seven • C503 Standard Specification for Marble Dimension Stone
page document that is intended for use by building own- • C568 Standard Specification for Limestone Dimension Stone
ers and maintenance personnel to aid them in recogniz- • C615 Standard Specification for Granite Dimension Stone
ing common symptoms in stone facades. It also offers • C616 Standard Specification for Quartz-Based Dimension Stone
guidance in determining if those symptoms are simply • C629 Standard Specification for Slate Dimension Stone
typical aging of the façade, or signs of distress which • C1526 Standard Specification for Serpentine Dimension Stone
require remedial measures. • C1527 Standard Specification for Travertine Dimension Stone
2 © 2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.
Volume VII, Issue I - Dimenstion Stone Test Methods, Guides, and Standards June 2014
6.0 Standard Test Methods to evaluate the use of the C880 procedure for slate, since
Standard Test Methods exist for determining various physical the C880 procedure uses a four-point beam loading fixture,
and mechanical properties of dimension stone. In some cases, which has some advantages (see discussion under C880,
two test methods are available to measure the same property, below).
although there is usually an advantage in using one over the C121 Standard Test Method forWater Absorption of Slate is used
other. Very seldom is there a requirement to use both methods. primarily for roofing slate, because it accommodates speci-
C97 Standard Test Methods for Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity men sizes that can be obtained from the thin, cleft roofing
of Dimension Stone is the test method used to determine the slate stock.
absorption of water, expressed as a percent by weight, and C170 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Dimension
the bulk specific gravity, which is the means by which density Stone is used for all dimension stone types, using a specimen
is determined. Water absorption by weight is a bit deceiving, that is a rectangular prism, cube, or cylinder. Specimens must
in that the density of the stone influences the expression. be between 2" and 3" in all dimensions, and the height must
Since stone is denser than water, it should be noted that be equal to or greater than the width (or diameter). The
the water absorption by volume would be greater than the compressive strength is reported as the failure stress in either
water absorption by weight. Similarly, if a low density stone lbs/in² or MPa. A diagrammatic view of this test procedure is
and a high density stone have the same water absorption as a shown in Figure 2.
percentage by weight, the higher density stone would have
actually absorbed more water by volume. Density, or mass
per unit volume, is determined by this test procedure also.
What is actually measured is the bulk specific gravity, which
is the ratio of the stone’s unit weight to that of water. The
saturated stone specimen is weighed in air, and then the
same specimen is weighed while suspended in water. The
comparison of the two provides the bulk specific gravity of
the stone. Since we know the density of water, once we have
the bulk specific gravity of the stone we can determine the
stone’s density by simple arithmetic conversion. An example
of the typical test setup for recording the weight suspended
in water is shown in Figure 1. This method is used because it
© 2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America. 3
Volume VII, Issue I - Dimenstion Stone Test Methods, Guides, and Standards June 2014
test this size specimen in stone when it doesn’t represent any include this element. The quarter-point loading configuration
typical stone application. The C99 testing fixture (Figure 3) in this fixture produces a region of constant bending moment
holds the specimen over two supports (originally knife edges, between the load applications, which results in roughly 50%
but later revised to rods), and loaded at the center of the of the test specimen experiencing the maximum stress. This
span with a third knife edge (also later changed to rods). configuration does a much better job of seeking the weaker
For decades, the test procedure was largely untouched, portion of the test specimen, which provides a much more
since stone usage was mostly in cubic sizes which resulted realistic value of the actual bending strength of the material.
in extremely low flexural stresses. Therefore the property of See Figure 5 for a comparison of the bending and shear stresses
bending strength was commonly used merely for comparison experienced by the test specimens in the two procedures.
purposes between stones, and infrequently used for structural
design purposes. As stone applications, particularly cladding,
utilized thinner panels, stone units would now experience
significant flexural stress, and modulus of rupture data was
used to determine safe loading levels. These analyses uncov-
ered two shortcomings in the test procedure. First, the short,
deep test specimen, with its high shear to moment ratio,
wasn’t experiencing as pure of a flexural stress as desired
due to its thick beam behavior. The reported results of the
test were a bit higher than realistic due to this. The second
problem was the single load application line at the center of
span, which concentrated the bending stresses along that line.
This resulted in the reporting of higher than actual values, Figure 5: Comparison of Shear & Moment
since the stone could have a much weaker region which would Distribution in C99 Modulus of Rupture
remain undetected because it wasn’t at the point of the & C880 Flexural Strength Test Fixtures
concentrated load.
In 1978, a new bending test procedure was approved and The C880 procedure also allows for modification to better
published as C880 Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of suit the project for which the tests are being run. It calls for
Dimension Stone. This procedure addresses the two shortcom- the actual (or proposed) project thickness to be used, allows
ings of C99: it called for specimen depth of the actual project for an actual (or proposed) project finish to be applied, and
thickness, and a span of ten times the depth. This eliminated allows for the spans to be increased at the discretion of the
the thick beam behavior problem, and allowed for more specifier of the test. It has been suggested that in light of the
representative sampling because test specimens could be advantages of the C880 procedure, the C99 procedure should
cut from actual production slabs. The C880 fixture was also be withdrawn and discontinued altogether. There have been
different, in that it loaded the test specimen along two lines, two successful arguments against this, the first being that the
each 25% of the span from each support. Figure 4 shows C880 procedure, requiring actual thickness and spans of
a view of a test fixture compliant with this test procedure. It ten times that, uses extremely unwieldy test specimens when
should be noted that this test procedure calls for a 1" diameter testing cubic stone applications of 3", 4", or greater thicknesses.
loading/support rod with a smaller, unspecified diameter rod Suppliers of these stone materials prefer to use the C99
sharing the same central axis, about which the larger rod is procedure due to the smaller test specimen size, although
free to rotate. Consensus does not exist as to whether the they would perhaps be better served by using the C880
incorporation of this smaller diameter rod is actually influen- procedure but limiting the thickness to 2". The second
tial to the test’s results, and many laboratories’ fixtures do not argument for preserving the C99 test procedure is the ample
4 © 2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.
Volume VII, Issue I - Dimenstion Stone Test Methods, Guides, and Standards June 2014
history of data from many quarries, and the fact that since Two test methods exist for measuring the abrasion resistance
the procedure is seldom modified, it becomes a more valid of stone intended for use as walking surfaces. The original
tool to evaluate stone strength variation in a stone deposit method, C241 Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of
over the history of that quarry. Stone Subjected to Foot Traffic was first approved in 1950.
C1201 Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior It used a custom designed, custom built apparatus that ground
Dimension Stone Cladding Systems by Uniform Static Air Pressure the stone specimen on a lapping wheel while an abrasive was
Difference is designed to be a performance mockup test using fed to the wheel. Only three of these custom machines were
full size panels with actual anchorage and either actual or built, and today, only one machine remains in the hands of a
simulated building frame components. In this way it differs commercial testing laboratory, so the availability of vendors
from the C1354 procedure, which only tests an individual to provide this testing service is woefully inadequate. Further
anchor. The use of static air pressure differences for panel complication results from the fact that the manufacturer of
loading simulates wind load on an exterior cladding panel. the specified abrasive has changed the formulation of the
The significance of this test is that it includes the entire load abrasive, making it significantly more aggressive than the
path, starting with the stone, back to the building frame. original product. This resulted in lower values for stones
This accounts for the influence that one component’s reaction tested with the new abrasive. Citing the lack of equipment
to the load has on the other components. For instance, if a and the changed abrasive, a new procedure, C1353 Standard
component deforms significantly, allowing an anchor to rotate Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Dimension Stone Subjected
from its original position, the reduced capacity of the anchor to Foot Traffic Using a Rotary Platform, Double-Head Abraser was
would be realized in this test. Configuration of the apparatus developed and originally approved in 1996. The lengthy title
used varies widely due to the variety of stone and anchorage of the standard is actually a generic description of the Taber
configurations that could be tested with this method. A simple Abraser, which is a commercially available laboratory instru-
version of the test setup is depicted in Figure 6. ment used for measuring abrasion properties of a variety of
materials. During development of this test procedure, inter-
laboratory study (a.k.a. “round robin” testing) was performed
by multiple laboratories on the same test specimen lots to
verify reproducibility of the test method. During this phase,
the test procedure was adjusted to establish a correlation
with the existing C241 procedure. Establishing this correlation
eliminated the need to modify all of the material specifications,
since if a material had an abrasion index of 10.0 using the
old method, it would still have an index of 10.0 if tested by
the new method. In establishing this correlation, the study
was centered about the softer stone varieties, those that had
abrasion indices of 6 to 15. This was the critical range of
values, since this was the range where stones were likely to
either pass or fail the specified value for various applications.
The hard stones, with abrasion indices of 50 to 100, were not
studied, since a stone of this hardness would easily exceed any
existing specification. It was ultimately determined that the
Taber Abraser was not capable of actually abrading the hard
stones, for instance granite, and the reported values were
ridiculously high as a result. This discovery eliminated the
ability to withdraw the original C241 procedure, since it was
still needed to test the harder varieties of stone. Efforts are
Figure 6: Typical Test Setup for ASTM C1201
currently underway to develop drawings and specifications
from the original C241 machinery from which additional
C1352 Standard Test Method for Flexural Modulus of Elasticity of machines can be built. Once available, there will be a decision
Dimension Stone is necessary for computer simulation of stone made as to whether both procedures will remain with each
panel deformation and stress, more commonly known as being specific to certain varieties of stone, or if the C1353
Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Without knowing the modulus procedure will be withdrawn and all testing standardized
of elasticity, or resistance to bending, of the stone, the com- under one procedure.
puter simulation would be invalid. The test is set up very C1354 Standard Test Method for Strength of Individual Stone
similar to the C880 flexural strength procedure, with the Anchorages in Dimension Stone is a very simple, small scale test
inclusion of indicators to measure the deflection of the stone intended to determine the capacity of an individual anchor
specimen under load. in stone. An actual anchor is fitted to the preparation in the
© 2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America. 5
Volume VII, Issue I - Dimenstion Stone Test Methods, Guides, and Standards June 2014
stone specimen, and a load is applied and smoothly increased available instrument, the BOT-3000 (Binary Output Tribom-
until failure. Fillers intended to be used in the anchor prepa- eter), but with very specific protocols regarding the redressing
ration may be included, although the test procedure requires of the test foot between tests to ensure reliability and repeat-
that the bond between the filler be divorced at either the ability. Substantial data collection was done with ceramic
stone or the anchor. This rather conservative mandate stems products to establish a correlation between the new method
from the fact that many stone clad buildings are built for and existing methods. In February of 2014, the C21 Commit-
exceptionally long service lives, and the assumption is that tee formally withdrew the C1028 test procedure, since it was
the bond may fail over the life of the building. Due to the huge no longer being used for ceramic products. This left the stone
variety of stone anchorage devices, this procedure is inten- producers and users without a method to measure frictional
tionally written to allow laboratory modifications as required properties of stone surfaces. Discussions have been held at
to accommodate the particular device to be tested. Loads are the C18 Dimension Stone Committee meetings regarding the
normally applied in one direction, after which a subsequent lack of a test procedure. Research of all available test meth-
test is performed with the load direction reversed. Simultaneous ods is being conducted to determine which one would be
bidirectional loading is occasionally required, for instance, to the most appropriate to replace the now obsolete C1028 test
model the forces upon an anchor that is responsible for both method. Once a test procedure has been chosen, data collec-
gravity (vertical) and wind (lateral) load resistance. While such tion and round robin testing with natural stone products will
bidirectional loading is referenced in the procedure, it should be required to establish a level of confidence for using the test
be noted that this is difficult to replicate in a laboratory setting, method in stone products. While work has begun on this topic,
and as such, is only done when deemed absolutely necessary. consensus standards development is a time consuming process.
Friction Testing: Committee C18 on Dimension Stone has never It may be a year or more before the formal endorsement of a
authored a test procedure for testing frictional properties of procedure for stone friction testing is made.
natural stone walking surfaces. Committee C21, which governs 7.0 Utilizing Existing Test Data
standards of ceramic products, produced a test method to
measure this property entitled: ASTM C1028 Standard Test Confusion exists within the industry as to when test data
Method for Determining the Static Coefficient of Friction of Ceramic Tile becomes too old to be a reliable indicator of the performance
and Other Like Surfaces by the Horizontal Dynamometer Pull-Meter of a product from a given quarry. For most stones, from most
Method. Since, as far as frictional performance is considered, quarries, the Marble Institute of America considers test data
stone surfaces are “like surfaces,” the stone committee had from the previous five years to be reasonably representative of
simply adopted the use of C1028 as the appropriate test method the product that is currently being produced. Certain factors,
for stone surfaces as well as ceramic surfaces. The C1028 such as high variability in the stone deposit, significant lateral
procedure used a very simple drag sled method of measuring or vertical movement of operations within the quarry deposit,
friction, and its validity came under attack from a variety of uncertainty of the origin or validity of the existing test data,
sources for generally two reasons: One, the load application was or a design that requires the material be taken to the limits
not automated, and therefore substantial operator influence of its performance envelope will reduce the time range over
was experienced in the load application rate, directional bias, which data is considered valid. In all cases, test data should
and uniformity. Second, since the test apparatus took some be submitted on the laboratory’s stationery, clearly dated,
time to set up, it did not produce reliable data for testing in with the stone’s origin clearly identified. Data should include
wet conditions, and could in fact produce data suggesting that results from individual specimens as opposed to a summary of
frictional properties are improved by wetting of the substrate. all tested specimens, as without these data one can not evalu-
To address these concerns, the Tile Council of North America ate variability of the material. Summaries of material proper-
developed an entirely new procedure which measures not ties as are frequently seen on marketing literature are useful
static, but dynamic friction to assess walkway safety. The new for preliminary comparison of materials, but such summaries
procedure, first published in the ANSI A137.1-2012 document is are not comprehensive enough to be relied upon for final
entitled the “DCOF AcuTestSM” method. It uses a commercially design decisions.
6 © 2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.
Volume VII, Issue I - Dimenstion Stone Test Methods, Guides, and Standards June 2014
8.0 Required Tests the test specimens in a ventilated oven for a period of time,
Two problems commonly exist in architectural specifications. usually 48 hours prior to testing. The wet condition is accom-
The first is that an inadequate variety of testing is specified. plished by submerging the specimens in room temperature
The second, and actually more common problem, is that the water for a period of time, usually 48 hours prior to testing.
In both the drying and saturating procedures, the specimens
specified testing includes test procedures which will provide
are to be weighed at the 46th, 47th, and 48th hour to verify
no useful design or product evaluation information for the
that equilibrium has been achieved. Some stone varieties show
proposed application. In the case of the latter, compliance
very little difference in their values whether tested wet or dry,
with the specification results in a waste of both time and and those that do show a significant difference, typically show
funds. As a general rule, the table below can be referenced lower strength values in wet conditions. This has lead many
as a test regimen that should be considered: specifiers of stone testing procedures to eliminate the require-
ment for dry testing. This results in either a lower cost for the
testing regimen by reducing the number of specimens, or in
producing data of higher statistical confidence by testing twice
as many specimens in the wet condition.
11.0 Anisotropy
The root of the above word stems from the Greek word tro-
pos, which means turn, or direction. The prefix iso, also of Greek
origin, stems from the Greek word isos, meaning equal. The prefix
an simply means not. So when the three syllables are combined
in one word, the word anisotropic simply means not equal
when turned. A material that is directionally specific, having
different visual or structural properties based on direction is
described as being anisotropic.
Dimension stone products range from those that are isotropic
or mildly anisotropic, as in the case of many igneous rocks, to
those that have pronounced anisotropy, as in the case of many
sedimentary rocks.
Obviously, anytime a material displays a significant level of
anisotropy, this must be addressed in the preparation of the
test specimens. For example, in the case of a bending strength
9.0 Sample versus Population Size test, there are three primary directional orientations that
could be tested with respect to the rift planes of the material.
Generally, most ASTM procedures call for a minimum of five In Figure 7, the first condition
specimens to be tested for each subcondition of each test. has the planes of rift parallel
Therefore, if one is testing for a given property, and wishes to the planes upon which the
to include both wet and dry preconditioned samples, as well support and load rollers will
as samples cut from two different orientations with respect contact. This condition is
to rift, there would be five samples required for each of the generally referred to as “test-
four conditions, or a total of twenty samples required. Since ing perpendicular to the rift,”
most natural stone products have a rather high degree of and is so named because the
variability, five samples actually provides a rather poor level of anticipated fracture surface
statistical confidence. It is not uncommon for the specifier of will be roughly perpendicu-
the test procedure to increase the number of specimens required lar to the planes of the rift.
to achieve a greater pool of data from which statistical evaluation The second condition has the
can be more accurately accomplished. Similarly, there may not planes of rift parallel to the
be a large degree of reliability that the supplied specimens are ends of the sample, and is
truly representative of the subsequent production stock. This is generally referred to as “test-
usually addressed by implementing an ongoing testing program Figure 7: Rift Orientation ing parallel to the rift,” since
throughout the supply of the project. the anticipated fracture surface
is roughly parallel to the rift. A third orientation is possible,
10.0 Preconditioning of Test Specimens in which the planes of rift are parallel to the long edges of the
Many of the test procedures call for testing in both wet and sample. This condition is rarely tested in ASTM procedures,
dry conditions. The dry condition is accomplished by placing as its tested results should logically fall between the values
© 2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America. 7
Volume VII, Issue I - Dimenstion Stone Test Methods, Guides, and Standards June 2014
of the other two orientations. Common practice is to test it appears that at least in some stone types this effect is noted.
the first and second orientation, and consider those to be the Density is also tested by ASTM C97, but in EN procedures
extreme high and low conditions. The EN test procedures do it is tested by EN 1936 Method of Real and Apparent Density,
address this third orientation, and reference it as “load applied and of Total and Open Porosity. While the EN procedure includes
perpendicular to the edges of anisotropy.”
additional sub procedures testing varying properties, the
Testing in a variety of rift orientations is necessary when Apparent Density value is tested similarly to how density
the rift orientation of the supplied product is unknown, or is determined in the ASTM system.
if the product will be supplied in multiple, or random rift
ASTM C170 or EN 1926 Determination of Uniaxial Compressive
orientations. In cases where the material will be supplied
in only one rift direction, and the visual properties of the Strength are very similar procedures using similar specimen
material ascertain that adherence to this direction can be sizes for the purpose of determining compressive strength.
verified, testing in multiple directions is unwarranted. Modulus of Rupture per ASTM C99 can be compared to EN
For example, there would be no influential data gained from 12372 Determination of Flexural Strength under Concentrated Load.
testing a travertine in a veined direction when it is known The latter includes more latitude in the finishes of the provided
that the entire project will be supplied as crosscut direction. sample and uses a deeper and longer specimen. More signifi-
12.0 ASTM / CEN Compatibility cantly, the EN procedure calls for a span-to-depth ratio of 5:1,
while the ratio in the ASTM procedure is slightly over 3:1.
In general, the test procedures published by ASTM test This would predictably skew the results; however the two
stone to evaluate the same properties determined by the procedures would be expected to have at least some level of
test procedures authored by CEN. Despite this, there exists correlation. It should be noted that neither procedure would
no correlation between the values obtained in certain ASTM be the preferred method for determining bending strength.
procedures and their CEN counterparts. Abrasion resistance
and friction are two examples where the test methods differ The ASTM C880 Flexural Strength procedure is similar to
so greatly that one cannot make a reasonable correlation the EN 13161 Determination of Flexural Strength under Constant
between the results of the two procedures. Therefore, having Moment procedure. The most significant difference is the span
data obtained from one system doesn’t allow one to make to thickness ratio, which is 10:1 in the ASTM procedure versus
even a rough estimate of what the results would have been 5:1 in the EN method. The second significant difference is that
if tested in the other system. the loading rollers are at 1/4 and at 1/3 of the span in the ASTM
There are five properties, however, where the test methods and EN methods, respectively. Both of these variations would
are similar: Absorption, Density, Compressive Strength, be expected to produce slightly higher values in the EN method.
Modulus of Rupture, and Flexural Strength. Not a test method, but rather an analysis, the ASTM C1721
The procedures to test absorption, ASTM C97, and its and EN 12407 methods for petrographic analysis of dimension
counterpart, EN 13755 Determination of Water Absorption at stone are similar. Either of these is likely to be significantly
Atmospheric Pressure, use a similar sized specimen with a similar modified by the user to tailor them to the specific stone type.
procedure. The primary difference is the mode of immersion, While the above suggests that there is good correlation in
in which case the ASTM method immerses the test specimen these particular tests, such correlative data is likely only
completely without delay. The EN procedure immerses the usable for preliminary study and evaluation. Final engineer-
specimen to only ½ of its depth for the first hour, then to ¾ ing and specification compliance will normally require data
of its depth for the second hour, and completely immersed obtained from the exact, specified test procedure.
for the remainder of the time. The rationale behind this
13.0 Obtaining Copies of the ASTM Documents
protocol is that a cubic shaped stone sample, if immediately
submerged, can trap the equivalent of an air bubble in its All ASTM documents are copy written by ASTM International,
interior fabric and never achieve full saturation. By stepped 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken,
immersion, this air is more efficiently evacuated from the sample. PA, 19428-2959 USA. Copies can be obtained in printed, CD,
Some study of this has been done by ASTM Committee C18, and or downloadable formats at www.astm.org.
This technical bulletin contains general guidelines.The Marble Institute of America and its member companies are not responsible for any use or misuse that causes damage of any
kind, including loss of rights, materials, and personal injury alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this document.This bulletin is intended as
an educational tool for natural stone professionals and other stakeholders (e.g. architects, interior designers, etc.).
8 © 2014 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.