Lime Mortars For The Conservation of Historic Buildings
Lime Mortars For The Conservation of Historic Buildings
Lime Mortars For The Conservation of Historic Buildings
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Mortars are constitutedof a binder,such as lime, During the burningof limestone(the calcination
gypsumor cement,and an aggregate,such as sand process), carbon dioxide is drivenoff and porous
or grit.The compositionof mortarsvaries greatly lumps of calcium oxide, oftenreferred to as quick-
and theyare commonlydividedinto hydraulicand lime,remain.These lumpsreactreadilywithwaterto
non-hydraulic mortars,dependingon theirabilityto formcalcium hydroxide,eitheras a dry hydrateor
set underwater.Lime mortaris generallyconsidered putty,dependingon the amount of water available
to be non-hydraulic,but might exhibit hydraulic duringthe exothermic reaction.The hydratedlimeis
propertieswhenmixedwithpozzolanic additives,or mixed with the aggregateand water to form the
when the amountof clays or othersilicatesexceeds mortar.The additionof an aggregateis necessaryto
about 10% in the sourcematerial,such as limestone, reduce crack formationon dryingand to impart
marble or seashells[1, 2]. The main constituentof strength, hardness,and a certaindegreeof porosity
limestoneis calcite,CaCO3 but it can also contain to themortar,whichwillfacilitate carbonation[2, 9].
dolomite, MgCa(CO3)2 and varying amounts of Initialhardeningof the mortaroccursthroughwater
impurities. Generally,lime producedfromlimestone loss: a part of the waterevaporatesand anotherpart
withless then5% of magnesiumcarbonateis classi- is absorbedby the porous masonrysurface.During
fied as high-calciumlime, while limestonewith a the subsequentcarbonationprocess,calciumhydrox-
magnesiumcarbonatecontentabove 20% produces ide reactswithcarbon dioxidedissolvedin waterto
dolomiticlime [3]. Dolomiticlime is frequently
used form calcium carbonate, resultingin a further
forconstruction purposesand exhibitsgood working increasein mechanicalstrength.
includinghigh plasticityand water
characteristics, Historically,limehas been one of themostimpor-
retention[4-6]. However,it has been demonstrated tant binders,and early examples of its use have
thatdolomiticlime is not advisableforconservation been found in Palestine and Turkey, dated
purposes. On the one hand, late hydrationof the c. 12,000BC [10, 11]. However,towardsthemiddleof
magnesiumoxide in dolomiticlime mightresultin the eighteenthcentury,hydrauliclimes began to
poor soundness[6, 7]; on the otherhand, exposure replaceordinarylimemortarsand its use was further
to air pollutantssuch as sulphurdioxidemightcause reducedwiththe developmentof Portlandcementin
the formationof highlysoluble, damagingmagne- the secondhalfof the nineteenth century.This trend
sium sulphates[8]. Thus, in the followingtext,we was certainlyfosteredby difficultiesexperienced
shall confineourselvesto high-calciumlime. regardingthe applicationof lime mortars,including
long settingand hardeningtimes,especiallyat very
ReceivedAugust2000 highrelativehumidity (RH), weak mechanicalprop-
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slakingwith excess water yields a lime puttywith limes, dependingon the calcination conditionsto
greater particle finenessand surface area, having which theywere previouslyexposed. Holmes, Fink
higher reactivity,plasticity,and a slower settling and Mathers [39] as well as Bonnell [41] favour
rate than a hydrateobtainedusingonlythe theoret- lower temperaturesduring slaking with excess
ical amount of water.Not in agreementare recom- water,to obtain a finerproductwithhigherworka-
mendationsby Hedin [42] favouringslaking with bility. Boynton [27] recognizes the disagreement
the smallestpossible quantityof water.Bonnell [41] which persistswith respectto the slakingtempera-
reports findingsshowing that the small particles ture and concludes fromseveral recommendations
obtained duringslakingwith excess water are able that dry hydrationof quicklime should be per-
to surround themselveswith a lubricatingfilm, formedat boiling temperatureor slightlyless and
thereby reducing agglomeration. However, care wet slakingat about 71-93'C.
must be taken not to add a large excess of water
too rapidlyto lump or pebble quicklime,in order
to avoid drowning,where the surfaceof the lime Agingof limeputty
becomeshydratedbut imperviousto waterpenetra-
tion. Accompanied by a decrease in temperature, Ashurst[1] reportsthat slaked lime was tradition-
the hydration process might be stifled,causing ally left to mature for several months, or even
incompleteslaking and producing putties of low years,and recommendsthatthe slaked lime should
water,on the otherhand, can be keptwitha shallow coveringof waterto protect
cause the local generationof excessivelyhigh tem- it fromair fora minimumperiod of two weeks and
peratures(above 2000C), which causes the hydrate preferablylonger (two monthsor more) beforeits
to be burned and may even resultin dehydration use. Carringtonand Swallow [21] give a similar
[27]. recommendation, advocatingstorage of lime putty
The influenceof the slakingtemperatureon the underwaterfora minimumof threemonthsbefore
hydrate quality has been studied by several its use. In historicalsourcessuch as Pliny,Vitruvius
researchers.The hydrationreaction will be more and Alberti, as well, recommendationscan be
rapid withincreasingtemperature and, accordingto found for the improvementof the lime quality on
Hedin [42], particles of the smallest possible size prolonged storage, and an ancient Roman law
could be obtained using water having a high tem- requiredthe lime to be storedunderwaterforthree
perature.However,in orderto avoid aggregationof yearsbeforeuse [1, 2, 37].
crystalsinto larger agglomerates,the mass should Even thoughpracticalexperiencehas shown that
be cooled as rapidlyas possible afterthe instanta- aging has a positiveeffecton the propertiesof lime
neous fast hydrationreaction. Hedin also found putties [44], little is known regardingthe mecha-
that a slow rise in temperatureand lengthyheating nismsleadingto the improvements in plasticityand
duringhydrationresultedin an unplasticproduct. workability,and the available information is some-
Cowper [37] statesthatin lime that has been slaked whatcontradictory. Boynton[27] reportsdifferences
at excessivelyhightemperatures, theminuteparticles in the behaviour of putties prepared from dry
would have the tendencyto coagulate, thus dimin- hydrates and slaked quicklimes. Soaking of dry
ishingplasticity.Miller [43] presentsexhaustivedata hydratesfor periods longer than 24 hours was of
on the slakingof quicklimeusing different amounts no consequence, whereas putties of many slaked
of water (ratios between 2.5 and 25 times the quicklimescontinuedto increasein plasticityforup
weightof calcium oxide) and varyinginitialwater to one year. However,the degree of improvement
temperatures(between 4 and 90'C), resultingin upon aging varied for the differentlime putties.
differentmaximumslakingtemperatures. Generally, Holmes et al. [39] found that slaked lime settled
higherslakingtemperatures, leading to more rapid more slowlywhen it was allowed to stand in con-
slaking, were obtained either by increasing the tact withwaterfor some time.Cowper [37] reports
initial water temperature or by reducing the an increasein plasticityand waterretentioncapac-
water/limeratio. Miller concludes that calcium ity on aging,whichhe attributesto a colloidal dis-
hydroxideof high specificsurface area or small persion of larger,aggregatedparticlesin the lime
particle size requires a high slaking temperature, putty.However, it has also been implied that the
approaching but not exceeding 100oC. Therefore positiveeffectof agingon the lime qualitywould be
the initialwater temperatureneeds to be adjusted due ratherto a completionof the slakingprocess
when the water/limeratio is changed, to avoid than to morphological changes in the calcium
lower slakingtemperatures. Dornap [38] also found hydroxide[4].
that high slakingtemperatures not exceeding100oC Rodriguez-Navarroet al. [45] compared crystal
oftenresultin higherputtyyield;however,tempera- morphologyand size of freshand aged lime putties
ture requirementsmightvary for differentquick- using various analytical techniquesto clarifythe
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47 (2002) 62-75 65
c 'IN: 1
:4. Y..
:. X i .:.
.4.m 2Pmm
. .,..
,[:S :4i: I N-N
M: X:
N i::N
66 47 (2002) 62-75
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et al. [46] confirmthe occurrence of secondary described above to examine two Spanish putties,
nucleation. Nitrogen adsorption data (BET one aged for two years and the otherfor 16 years.
method)presentedby Rodriguez-Navarroet al. [45] X-ray measurementsrevealed that the morphology
revealed an overall surface area increase in lime of the two-year-oldlime puttyis very similar to
puttiesupon aging (Table 1). The change in mor- that of freshlyslaked limeputty,and SEM analysis
phology also suggests greater water adsorption confirmedthe existenceof predominantly largepris-
capacity,whichshould resultin an increasein plas- matic calcium hydroxidecrystals.The surfacearea
ticity,waterretentionand workabilityof lime-putty of the two-year-oldputtyis very low: 4-5m2g-'as
based mortars.Hedin [42] has stated that smaller determinedby nitrogenabsorptionmeasurements.
flat-shapedparticles, which are capable of sur- The 16-year-oldputtyshows similarmorphologi-
roundingthemselveswith a liquid film,yield lime cal featuresto the aged putties in the previous
puttieswithhigherplasticity.Cazalla et al. [47] cal-study[45],exhibitingmainlysmallplatelikecrystals.
culated the surfacearea of portlanditecrystalsof However, its surface area is significantlylower
prismaticand platelikeshape, and found that the (11.3m2g-1)than thatof the lime puttiesin the pre-
latter have a significantlylarger surface area vious study. Hansen et al. [48] used modified
(Figure 3), a findingwhichcoincideswiththe nitro- ASTM test methods for consistency,water reten-
gen absorption data of the two putty samples. tion and Emley plasticity[49] in order to correlate
Hansen et al. [48] continuedthe researchin order the observedmorphologicalchangeswiththe work-
to verify whether crystal morphology and size abilityof the lime putties.The ASTM testsproved
would always evolve in the same manner in aged the poor quality of the two-year-oldputty with
lime putties,and how thesechangesinfluencework- respect to water retentioncapacity and plasticity,
ability.They used the same analyticaltechniquesas thus confirmingobservationson particle size and
shape and on surfacearea (Table 2). The 16-year-
old putty,on the other hand, meets the ASTM
40 standard specification[50], requiring a plasticity
-200, and has a significantly
capacity than the two-year-oldputtysample. The
30 watercontentat ASTM standard[49] consistencyis
E also higher in the 16-year-oldputty than in the
two-year-oldone, the former exhibitingsmaller
20 crystalsand a larger surfacearea (Table 2). This
findingis consistentwith test resultsobtained by
0 Schafer and Hilsdorf [23] demonstratingthat the
'L smaller the particlesize of the binder,the higher
the specificsurfacearea and the higherthe water
demand of the mortar.Hansen et al. [48] concluded
0 | thataging would not always improvethe qualityof
0 10 20 30 lime puttiessufficiently. The plasticityof one lime
putty tested remains below the ASTM standard
Size (pm) even aftertwo yearsof aging,suggestingthataging
does not improve all lime putties to the same
Figure 3 Relation between the surface area of degreeand mightnot be sufficiently effective
Ca(OH)2 crystals,and particle size and shape. the slaked limeis of poor qualityinitially.
Platelike crystals(1) contributeto a largersurface
area thanprismaticones (2), for equal-sizedcrys-
tals. Solid curvesindicatesurfacearea versussizefor Carbonation
(1) platelike portlanditecrystalswith 1.'10 height
(h) to lengthof basal plane (L) aspect ratio, and Once the lime mortaris preparedand initialdrying
(2) prismaticcrystalswith1.1 h.:L aspectratio. has occurred, the transformationof calcium
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*Emleyplasticity at ASTM standard (20 ? 5mm).
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800 Recommendations
0 200 400 600 800
For conservation purposes, soft-burnedporous
quicklimesof highpurityare preferable,since they
Figure6 Lime mortaraverage ultrasoundwavepro- have a highreactivity and slake rapidly.Carrington
pagation speed (Vp) evolutionversus carbonation and Swallow [21] state that the lump lime forslak-
time. ing should be hand-pickedto remove overburned
lumps, which can be recognizedbecause they are
darkerin colour and denser,as well as lime which
on the performanceof the lime mortar[47]. The has become air-slaked,exposing a dusty surface.
formationof Liesegang patternsmightexplain the They recommenda lime/water ratio of 1:2 or 1:3,
presenceof uncarbonatedportlanditein mediaeval the precisequantityof waterrequireddependingon
non-hydrauliclime mortar samples which was the reactivityof the lime. They furtherreportthat
reportedby Marchese[57]. highlyreactivelime will slake readilyin cold water,
Cazalla et al. [47] were able to prove that aging and that the process will be acceleratedas heat is
of lime putties not only significantly affectedthe generated.Less reactivelimes mightneed preheat-
carbonationprocess but also influencedthe behav- ing of the water.Once slakingis underway,stirring
iour of the mortars with respect to different is importantto break up the lumpsand preventthe
binder/aggregateratios. Non-aged commercial formationof a skin of slaked lime around them,
hydratedlimemortarsrequiredhigherbinder/aggre- otherwisethe lime will be drowned.Afterthe slak-
gate ratios (1:3) than aged lime mortars. Lower ing processhas been completed,theputtyshould be
binder/aggregate ratios of 1:4 are preferablein the storedunder water for an extendedperiod of time
case of aged mortars,where higherratios of 1:3 (preferablymore than one year) beforeit is mixed
resultedin crack development.However, using a withthe aggregate[47]. The aging process can sig-
scanning electron microscope,it was possible to nificantly improvethe qualities of the lime mortar,
demonstratethat fissuresdisappeared afterexten- including plasticity,water retention and work-
sive carbonation.The crack developmentupon dry- ability,by inducing changes in particle size and
ing is thought to be due to the higher water shape of the calcium hydroxide.The plasticityof
retentionof small portlanditecrystalsin aged lime the lime putty determinesthe workabilityof the
putties,especially at high binder/aggregate ratios. mortar.High plasticitygenerallycoincides with a
Larger portlanditecrystals in non-aged lime putty high sand-carryingand water-retention capacity,
do not show this behaviour.Nevertheless, carbona- the latter enabling the mortar to retain moisture
tion of smallerportlanditecrystalsin aged putties much longer and resistthe suction imposed from
resultsin smaller,more interlockedcalcite crystals, contact with porous masonry,facilitatinga strong
leadingto a more resistantmortar.Generally,mor- bond [18, 37, 59].
tars with low binder/aggregate ratios exhibit a Before mixingwith the aggregate,it might be
higher degree of carbonation and rigidity,and advisable to sieve or screenthe lime puttyin order
fewercracks upon drying[47]. In an extensionof to remove large unslaked particles of over- or
their investigation,Cazalla et al. [58] used ultra- underburnt lime [37].
sound speed (Vp) measurements (Figure 6) to show Generally,well-gradedsharp sand is preferableto
that neitherin mortarswith aged nor in mortars rounded grains,and the aggregateshould be well
with non-aged lime putties was the carbonation washed to avoid the introductionof unwanted
process completeaftertwo years,even thoughthe soluble salts,clay, siltand organicmatter[1, 2, 21].
samples have a porosityof about 30% and their The use of too finea sand should be avoided since
dimensionswere only 4 x 4 x 16cm.The Vp data it will not allow a proper distributionof the lime,
70 47 (2002) 62-75
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been providedby the GettyConservationInstitute PERONI, S., TERSIGNI, G., TORRACA, G.,
(Project title: 'Preservationof lime mortars and
the under Research ROSSI-DORIA, P., DE REGE, A., PICCHI, D.,
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Este articulorecogeel conocimiento actual sobre tecnologiade morterosde cal, incluyendo el tostado,apa-
gado, envejecimientoy carbonataci6nde la cal. Se prestaespecial fnfasisa los efectosdel envejecimientoen la
evolucidnmorfol6gica de la cal hidrataday en el procesode carbonataci6n, ya que estosaspectosno han sido
discutidosen profundidaden la bibliografiatecnica y de conservaci6n.Las mejoras observadasen las
propiedadesfisicas de la cal hidratadadespuesde un almacenajebajo agua prolongadopuedenser atribuidasa
la reducci6ndel taman-o de particula(<llm) y a los cambiosen morfologia(de cristalesprismdticos a forma
de placas o escamas). Los estudiossobrecarbonataci6nde cal hidratadacomercialno envejecida,y sobrecal
antiguaapagada tradicionalmente, revelannivelesde carbonataci6nmayoresen el caso de la cal antigua.Se
dan, asi mismo,algunasrecomendaciones para el procesadode la cal y para la preparaci6ndel morterode cal
para tratamientos de conservaci6n.El uso de masilla de cal envejecidase recomiendaporque este material,
con una mayorplasticidady capacidad de retenci6nde agua, producemorterosde mayorresistenciaque car-
bonatanmas rcpido.
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47 (2002) 62-75 75