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Ansi Asabe s319.4 Feb2008

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2 JUN1983 (R2009)
Definitions of Powered Lawn and Garden Equipment

T ASABE is a professional and technical organization, of members worldwide, who are dedicated to advancement of

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ASABE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659, USA ph. 269-429-0300, fax 269-429-3852, [email protected]
ANSI/ASAE S323.2 JUN1983 (R2009)
Approved May 1989; reaffirmed January 2010 as an American National Standard

Definitions of Powered Lawn and Garden Equipment

Developed by the Definitions Subcommittee of the ASAE Small Tractor 2.7 Garden ride-on tractor: A self-propelled machine, designed and
and Power Equipment Committee; approved by the Power and advertised for general purpose garden work, having the following
Machinery Division Standards Committee; adopted by ASAE as a characteristics:
Tentative Standard June 1969; reclassified as a full Standard February 2.7.1 Designed to supply power for home garden implements.
1971; revised March 1974; reconfirmed December 1978; revised June 2.7.2 Generally designed for gardening work.
1983; reconfirmed December 1988; approved as an American National
Standard May 1989; reaffirmed by ASAE December 1993, 1994; 2.7.3 Must have all implements separate from the tractor.
reaffirmed by ANSI December 1995; reaffirmed by ASAE December 2.7.4 Provides means to lift an implement such as a moldboard plow,
1999; reaffirmed by ANSI June 2000; reaffirmed by ASAE February tiller, cultivator, snow thrower, sweeper, dozer blade, etc.
2005; reaffirmed by ANSI March 2005; reaffirmed by ASABE December 2.7.5 May provide for a mower attachment for moving lawns.
2009; reaffirmed by ANSI January 2010.
2.8 Grounds maintenance tractor: A self-propelled machine, designed
Keywords: Definitions, Equipment, Lawn, Mower, Tractor and advertised for general purpose grounds maintenance work, having
1.1 The purpose of this Standard is to classify and define various types the following characteristics:
of machines and terms so that these definitions may be used in future 2.8.1 Designed to supply power for grounds maintenance implements.
ASAE Standards and to aid in clear-cut communication. 2.8.2 Generally designed for mowing lawns.
2.8.3 Must have all implements separate from the tractor.
2 Definition of terms 2.8.4 Provides means to lift an implement such as a moldboard plow,
2.1 Lawn and garden ride-on tractor: A self-propelled machine, tiller, snow thrower, sweeper, dozer blade, etc.
designed and advertised for general purpose lawn and garden work, 2.9 Home garden: An area prepared, planted, cultivated and harvested
having the following characteristics: for the personal consumption and enjoyment of a family unit (a non-
2.1.1 Designed to supply power for home lawn, home garden and yard commercial enterprise).
maintenance implements. 2.10 Grounds maintenance: The mowing, grooming and general care
2.1.2 Generally designed for mowing lawns. of non-home lawns and grounds, such as industrial parks, schools,
2.1.3 Must have all implements separate from the tractor. cemeteries and golf courses.
2.1.4 Provides means to lift an implement such as a moldboard plow, 2.11 Powered unit: A machine having an electric motor or internal
tiller, cultivator, snow thrower, sweeper, dozer blade, etc. combustion engine as one of its components, for the purpose of
providing power to the machine and, when required, to attachments for
2.2 Lawn ride-on tractor: A self-propelled machine, designed and such machine.
advertised for general purpose lawn work, having the following
characteristics: 2.12 Power take-off (PTO): A power outlet such as a shaft, tube, pulley,
etc., to provide rotational power to an implement or attachment.
2.2.1 Designed to supply power for home lawn and yard maintenance
implements. 2.13 Attachment: Any machine or implement which is connected to a
powered unit for the purpose of accomplishing work such as mowing,
2.2.2 Generally designed for mowing lawns. plowing, etc.
2.2.3 May have implements separate from the tractor. 2.14 Accessory: A part or mechanism that may be added to a functional
2.2.4 May provide for means to lift an implement such as a sweeper or powered unit, not utilizing its mechanical power, for the purpose of
snow thrower. enhancing the performance of that unit.
2.3 Ride-on lawn mower: A self-propelled machine, designed and 2.15 Attachment drive: The pulleys, belts, chains, shafts, universal
advertised for mowing lawns, having the following characteristics: joints, connectors and fasteners provided with the attachment to transmit
2.3.1 Has a seat upon which the operator rides and guides the mower. rotational power from the PTO of the powered unit to the first driven
component on the attachment, such as a gear set, pulley, sprocket, or
2.3.2 Has cutting assemblies which are an integral part of the unit.
2.4 Lawn and garden walk-behind tractor: Generally a self-propelled,
2.16 Ground driven components: Components powered by the turning
single-axle, wheel-driven machine designed and advertised for general
motion of a wheel as the equipment travels over the ground.
purpose lawn and garden work having the following characteristics:
2.17 Control: A device which will control the operation of a powered
2.4.1 Controlled from an operator position located at the rear of the
unit, attachment, accessory, or any specific operating function thereof.
machine by an operator who is on foot or on a trailing sulky.
2.18 Rotary mower: A power mower in which one or more elements
2.4.2 Must have all implements separate from the tractor.
rotate about a vertical axis and cut by impact.
2.5 Mowing height: The minimum static-condition distance between the
2.19 Snow thrower: A powered machine or attachment designed for
cutting edge of the blade and a plane-smooth floor while the mowing unit
throwing snow.
is resting upon that floor. Tire pressure shall be adjusted to the
manufacturers recommendation. For ride-on machines a 91 kg (200 lb) 2.20 Service brake: The primary braking system used for decelerating
operator (or equivalent) shall be seated upon the seat. The cutting height and stopping wheel motion of the machine.
shall be measured to the nearest 5 mm (0.25 in.). 2.21 Parking brake: The system used to hold one or more brakes or
2.6 Working width: The actual measured width of the working element braking means continuously in the applied position.
of the machine, measured at a right angle to the direction of travel. If the 2.22 Functional component: A working mechanism of an attachment or
machine housing determines the working width, then the measured width implement designed to perform a specific task, such as the rotary blades
of that housing shall be the working element. of rotary mowers or the reel and shear bar of reel mowers.


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