Feedback Maureen 2022

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1 ROBI Relaxing Obsessing over Being Myself
2. LINDA Being Strategic in Having people Taking self-care seriously
networking cross my Having the spirit of initiation and
Managing my boundaries finishing projects
professional brand Being modest in my Being articulate
Being active on Linkedin career/goals Fostering team spirit
Reading industry news
on international level
Next level investing
3. HILDA Accepting that I can’t Having too much Striving to be a better person
control everything faith in people Living my life and doing things that make
Being okay with failing Placing too much me happy
sometimes expectation on
Showing up too
much for people

4 JOYCE Being in the moment Expecting too Watching my words

Accepting and much from myself Making time for people who matter
appreciating what I have Sidelining people Being me
Keeping a diary because
I forget too much
5 OKAL Being more aggressive Being complacent Being Principled
for my desires Being too Being present for those I love
Taking more and comfortable at my Being adventurous
demanding more of the job Being committed to myself
world Being open and non-judgmental
Being generous
6 KEVIN Reach out to the rest of Trying to be in Therapy
the family control of Being there for my loved ones
everything Being there for Abby
7 CHRISTINE Working out-because I Extending or Being almost always visibly happy
BETH enjoy running, aerobics, exerting myself Having a positive outlook on life
dancing and being active more than I can or Being honest and rational
for my physical health more than which Consistently working on myself through
Setting boundaries with supports my therapy/coaching
friends and family mental health Showing up for friends, family
Being authentic in my interactions and
engagements with everyone
Showing genuine interest and respect for
everyone I meet
Having confidence in myself and my
Having a strong work ethic and drive to
grow my career
Being adaptable
Communicating effectively, being
Growing my network by being a part of
different communities e.g rotary

8 ISAAC Treating myself more- Forgetting to live Keeping a close circle of friends and
Get that BMW X1 now because of being an intentional and amazing friend
worrying too much Not being a people pleaser
about the future Being mature and objective
Taking life as it is and going with the
Being result oriented
9 CAROL Being honest with myself Pleasing people at Being Kind, caring , considerate
NYAGA and people around me the expense of my Looking out and showing up for people I
Looking out for myself own happiness care
first Letting people take Going out of my way to come through for
Delegating advantage of my others
Letting others look out positive traits Building myself holistically
for me and take care of Fearing to be
me judged
Setting firm but
reasonable and workable
Expressing myself
exhaustively especially
in difficult conversations
10 FURAHA Saying things exactly Being too Being understanding and patient
and more directly accommodating Accommodating of other people’s needs
especially when Being too Being confident and not afraid of
offended understanding confessing to my wrongs
Saying No Being indecisive Being happy

11 STEVE Seeing people for who Too trusting Being a good soul
they are and not what I Making promises Being generous
expect them to be when happy that I Being the bigger person
Having a poker face-my don’t fulfill Knowing when to walk away from toxic
facial expressions easily situations
tell how I feel Thinking of my people and trying to
uplift them

12 ANDREW Clarifying instead of Avoiding Reading books

generalizing conflict/discomfort Self-discovery
Voicing my worries Generalizing Self-growth/ improvement
Examining my thoughts Living my best life
objectively Setting boundaries
Being deliberate with my relationships,
my time, my well being, my health
13 EVANS Reading books
OBUYA Taking the wonderful journey of self-
My ability to move a crowd and relate to
14 ESTHER Following my heart Having too high Therapy and life coaching
ANGÁWA Forgive myself for not expectations of Choosing to love my husband everyday
following my heart myself Putting myself first
before Being there for my friends
Relax my expectations
of myself and those
close to me
Forgive my father

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