Beck Depression Inventory Scoring

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Beck Depression Inventory

Purpose All three versions of the Beck respondents unaided, or can be administered by
Depression Inventory (BDI-I, BDI-IA, and interview. Requires 5–10 min for testing. The
BDI-II) are designed to rate the severity of most recent version, the BDI-II, is particularly
respondents’ depression in the weeks preceding recommended for use with patients who may
questionnaire completion. Suited to both clini- have sleeping difficulties, as it has been updated
cal and research populations, the 21-item instru- to reflect the fact that sleep can both increase and
ment evaluates a variety of cognitive and decrease as a result of depression.
physical symptoms of depression. One question
in each version relates directly to sleep con- Reliability and Validity On revising the original
cerns: Question 16 asks respondents to indicate BDI, Beck and colleagues [2] performed a study
if they have experienced a recent disturbance analyzing the psychometric properties of the BDI-II
in their sleeping habits. However, depression and found an internal consistency of a = .91.
appears to be especially prevalent among patients
diagnosed with sleep disorders; thus, some Obtaining a Copy Published by Pearson
researchers have suggested that administration Authors: Aaron T. Beck, Robert A. Steer, &
of a depression scale like the BDI should be a Gregory K. Brown
routine step in the diagnosis and treatment of Visit the publisher’s Web site at: http://pearson-
sleep disorders [1]. The 28 items of the scale are
drawn from the 111 items shown on the follow-
ing pages. Scoring Each of the 21 questions presents four
different statements and asks respondents to
Population for Testing Patients between 13 and select the option that best represents them.
80 years of age. Statements refer to depressive states in varying
degrees of severity (from “I do not feel sad” to “I
Administration A self-report, paper-and-pencil am so sad or unhappy that I can’t stand it”), and
format; the questionnaire can be completed by this is reflected in the scoring process which

A. Shahid et al. (eds.), STOP, THAT and One Hundred Other Sleep Scales, 63
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-9893-4_8, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
64 8 Beck Depression Inventory

Simulated Items similar to those in the Beck References

Depression Inventory−II. Copyright © 1996 by
Aaron T. Beck. Reproduced with permission of 1. Vandeputte, M., & de Weerd, A. (2003). Sleep disor-
the publisher NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights ders and depressive feelings: a global survey with the
Beck depression scale. Sleep Medicine, 4(4), 343–345.
reserved. 2. Beck, A. T., Steer, R. A., Ball, R., & Ranieri, W. F.
“Beck Depression Inventory” and “BDI” are (1996). Comparison of Beck depression inventories-
trademarks, in the US and/or other countries, of IA and –II in psychiatric outpatients. Journal of
Pearson Education, Inc. Personality Assessment, 67(3), 588–597.
Information concerning the BDI®-II is available
NCS Pearson, Inc. Attn: Customer Service Representative Studies Using Scale
19500 Bulverde Road San Antonio, TX 78259
Beck, A. T., Brown, G., Berchick, R. J., Stewart, B. L., &
Phone: (800) 627.7271 Fax: (800) 232-1223 Steer, R. A. (1990). Relationship between hopeless-
Web site: ness and ultimate suicide: a replication with psychiat-
Email: [email protected] ric outpatients. American Journal of Psychiatry,
147(2), 190–195.
Perlis, M. L., Giles, D. E., Buysse, D. J., Tu, X., & Kupfer,
D. J. (1997). Self-reported sleep disturbance as a pro-
assigns higher values to responses indicating dromal symptom in recurrent depression. Journal of
Affective Disorders, 42(2–3), 209–212.
more acute symptoms of depression.

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