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So, Dejá Vu gets it's own post, for length. This is one of those vids where I probably wasn't qualified to say anything, but I went ahead and said lots and lots, anyway.

vid: Dejá Vu
by: f1renze
fandom: Veronica Mars

I had two radically different reactions in watching this vid the first and second time. The first time I was all: “Omg, wtf, TALKING EMO HEADS.” The second time it was more like, “Oh, okay, this vid is way too smart for me.”

This vid, for me, is the definition of a Living Room Vid. A vid which should be watched, multiple times, in your living room, with access to a remote and a pause and a rewind button, so that you can go back and forth and catch everything that the vidder has packed into it. Because there is a LOT, and all of it means something very specific, and I have to say, I could never have followed this if the only viewing I had of it was on a big screen at a convention. I would think that for someone who didn’t know the fandom, this vid would be beyond confusing. The lyrics are pretty important in this vid, considering how closely the vidder built a very complicated story around them, and in many spots, I wish they were a little easier for me to hear. The result is, I’m going to do a lot of quoting here, and breaking out of what I got out of things, line by line.

The first verse is basically an intro to Lilly’s murder, and tells us something of her personality (“they light me up with certainty” is very apt for Lilly), and Veronica’s subsequent determination to discover the truth of what happened. There’s a large chunk, very quickly, filled with images that are important to the case – pictures, evidence bags with sneakers, case files, the connection between Jake and Lianne, and, of course, Abel Koontz – all of which are absolutely on target for what happened, and which would be random objects to a viewer with no knowledge of this show.

This is followed by the first set of the chorus, and “Baby can’t see through” is a nice acknowledgement of Veronica’s inability at first to determine who is a true friend and who is false. Jake, Celeste, and Lianne are packed into this section very quickly, and it’s Lianne’s presence in this location, and others in this vid, that has a certain – bite to it.

That said, she’s got a series of transitions at the end of the second line that left me puzzled – “All this matter and make up and déjà vu.” We have Jake, possibly cheating, Celeste, suspicious and false, and then a memory of Lianne with a cake. This goes to a fast dissolve of Veronica in front of an apartment complex talking, and then Lilly vanishing into the high school’s bathroom. While I’m totally following for the first half of this lyric, and riveted, particularly by Lianne, what the followup is meant to mean eludes me. I would have preferred, possibly, a longer hold on Lianne, and then the dissolve directly to Lilly – or to something else that held more meaning given the setup.

“We drift here alone” with Keith walking away from Veronica actually hurt me, since I was all “NO NO! Keith would never leave her!” so I was much comforted by his reappearance towards the end of the line, after what, I assume, was Veronica deciding whether or not to read the results of her paternity test.

“She wants to meet her fate, but travel by free will” is very much a section with regards to those she thinks she loves, or could love, but who she can’t be sure she trusts. Duncan, Logan, and Weevil all get some time here, although I note that with Weevil, the clips chosen give me much more of a feeling of simple true friendship, rather than the attraction evident with Logan and Duncan.

“I’ll be the luckiest man in the universe if cause and effect doesn’t get there first.” This section goes back to Lilly, and the investigation of Duncan and Abel. Lilly truly could have had everything, if the world hadn’t just “happened.” This line, as compared to the next “But she keeps looking for patterns and the world just happens,” seems slow and easy to follow. There’s so much packed into the next section that even after multiple viewings, I wasn’t able to follow it all, or understand why some of it made it in. The overall impression is certainly one of the fast-moving inevitability life can have. But, the mix of Duncan, Logan, Lilly, Veronica and unrelated clips was a bit too much for me here.

We return to “Cause baby can’t see through” in the next moment, and Veronica’s inability to know who to trust. We get a glimpse of, I believe, Weevil? and then Lianne. Once again, Lianne’s presence in these sections was the most cutting, since she was the one person Veronica could truly never see the truth about. In both cases, the cuts on the person she’s watching/looking at was so quick, I would have preferred just a few frames more, to be sure of just who that person was, and the context.

We get a fairly long, and nice montage next, of Veronica, in essence, chasing Lilly’s ghost.

I've held off until the end discussing some of the most important reccurring lyrics in this vid, "Until one of us makes the other one come true" because it's the progressions of these repeated sections, throughout the vid, how it subtly changes, that's really important. At the very beginning, it's very much about Veronica, searching for the truth about Lilly. "Until one of us makes the other one come true," seemed to indicate Veronica's wanting to remember Lilly, find the truth about what had happened, bringing her back to life, in whatever form she could. But as each repetition goes, the POV shifts, slightly. By the second iteration, it's already more about Veronica living up to her own potential, in light of Lilly's effect on her – but it's still Veronica remembering Lilly, and seeing Lilly's ghost.

This is followed by a section that parallels Lilly's death, and Veronica's brush with death by the same hands. You never see Aaron with Veronica – even though those who know the scenes know it's his presence putting her in danger, in this final section. Instead, you have Lilly's final moments that led to this.

From here we go to "So just let me be here with you" and by this point, it feels very much to me as though Lilly is now speaking, and it's her POV, rather than Veronica's

It's a beautifully choreographed 180 turn throughout the song.

So, uh. That was my take on it, anyway. I thought this was a fabulous vid. I did not think this was a vid that would do well with a single viewing, or for anyone who wasn't familiar with the source. But for those of us who are – just gorgeous.


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