Request for help with bizarre video format
Jan. 8th, 2009 09:26 amSo, on the remote chance one of you tech savvy people has a clue about this, I post this request for help here:
A company called Jpeg2000 makes a closed circuit tv security camera and dvd setup. It allows for 16 different camera feeds, and when saving down the file, what you get is a single file ending in the ajp extension.
So, I have the file with all 16 feeds bundled in, and I have a player (on my computer, not the hardware) that will let me view the feeds. What I need is a way to convert the file into something that I can burn to watch on a DVD player/tv. A single feed at a time, not all 16 on splitscreen. The player will let you do this despite the single file nature.
The player itself lets you "backup" a single frame at a time. It looks like newer versions of the player have an avi-save feature, but they refuse to open this file.
Is there anyone with any info on how to convert an ajp to avi or anything else useful (I googled till I dropped yesterday), or, alternatively, with ideas about an output setup I could somehow recapture?
Thanks in very frustrated advance.
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