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Created on 2009-03-29 15:11:50 (#7297), last updated 2024-06-05 (30 weeks ago)
14,488 comments received, 7,756 comments posted
1,014 Journal Entries, 70 Tags, 0 Memories, 13 Icons Uploaded
Name: | stultiloquentia |
Location: | United States |
One part pretension, two parts squee.
academic novels, age of sail, authorship, avatar: the last airbender, baking, beta reading, buffy, canoes, chanticleer, check please, christopher fry, dramaturgy, dumb shakespeare humor, editing, etymology, fandom, farscape, feminism, femslash, fractals, fullmetal alchemist, gender theory, guardian, het, hiking, hoary marmots, hornblower, jackknives, jane austen, john donne, kazoos, librarians, literacy, meta, milton, modern spinsterhood, music and company, night prowls, omnivorousness, organization for transformative works, p.d.q. bach, pedagogical theory, poco, poetry, politics, pomo, primadonna on a moose, publishing, sabotaging binary paradigms, science fiction, sequentia, shakespeare, silly walks, slash, slings and arrows, snowdinosaurs, stehplätze, stories, the untamed, theatre, tolkien, tony kushner, trans canada trail, vegetables, vids, wellesley, wim wenders, writing
People [View Entries]
a2zmom, abyssinia, ainsley, alias_sqbr, anna_wing, arduinna, ayelle, azephirin, azurewaxwing, bironic, bluemeridian, brownbetty, cadenzamuse, cathexys, celli, cesy, cinco, commodorified, coyotegestalt, disgruntled_owl, drdulosis, elaineofshalott, ellen_fremedon, espresso_addict, evil_barb, fairestcat, femmenerd, forodwaith, genarti, giandujakiss, gillo, gingerschnapps, girlguidejones, hermionesviolin, hilarytamar, icmezzo_archive, jjhunter, katzenfabrik, kouredios, kyriacarlisle, lettered, likeadeuce, likeasouffle, linaerys, lola, lotesse, luminosity, lynnenne, macha, marginaliana, meretricula, minxy, misqueue, mollyamory, monanotlisa, my_daroga, oliviacirce, out_there, paian, porcupinegirl, princessofgeeks, pumpernickel, quinara, rahirah, recessional, rhysiana, rydra_wong, sandy_s, sanj, sarah, sebenikela, serenadestrong, snickfic, sobsister, spodumene, spuffyduds, staranise, starlady, stellar_dust, sterlinglikesilver, stilloranged, swingandswirl, synecdochic, tafadhali, the_shoshanna, thedeadparrot, toft, umadoshi, unfinishedidea, vulgarweed, wintercreek, wintrymix, xparrot
a2zmom, abyss_valkyrie, abyssinia, ainsley, alexseanchai, alias_sqbr, alightbuthappypen, amadi, anghraine, anna_wing, anne, anonymous_sibyl, applegnat, arduinna, ariaste, astolat, astridv, asya_ana, aurora, axiom_of_stripe, ayelle, azephirin, azurelunatic, azurewaxwing, batdina, bayleaf, beatrice_otter, bedlamsbard, bironic, bladedweapons, bloodygoodgirl, bluemeridian, bob_fish, bobcatmoran, bonibaru, bookshop, bowdlerized, branchandroot, breathedout, brithistorian, brownbetty, bruttimabuoni, cadenzamuse, calvinahobbes, carbonel, carriecmoney, cathexys, celli, cereta, cesperanza, cesy, chimney_swift, china_shop, ciaccona, ciderpress, cimorene, cinco, clarasteam, clevermanka, cofax7, coffeeandink, coffeeontherocks, commodorified, corbae, coyotegestalt, cupidsbow, dancing_serpent, deird1, denise, detectorist, dingsi, dira, disgruntled_owl, dragongirlg, drdulosis, ehyde, ein_myria, elaineofshalott, elbren, elisem, elizacake, ellen_fremedon, elvenjaneite, elynross, elz, erinptah, eruthros, espresso_addict, evadare_volney, evil_barb, extrapenguin, fadedwings, fairestcat, felinejumper, femmenerd, fiercynn, finch, firecat, flaming_muse, flourish, flummery, forestofglory, forodwaith, fruitdaze, fth2023offerings, galadhir, galaxysoup, galeni, geckoholic, genarti, giandujakiss, gillo, gingerschnapps, gingicat, girlguidejones, glymr, goss, gracenm, grammarwoman, green, greywash, hannah, hasna, heresluck, hermionesviolin, herself_nyc, hilarytamar, hils, holli, icmezzo_archive, ilanala, indywind, ingloriousheist, inkstone, isis, ithiliana, jadelennox, jae, jcd1013, jedusaur, jenett, jjhunter, jo_lasalle, juliet, kaberett, karmageddon, karnythia, kass, katzenfabrik, kilerkki, kimboo_york, kinetikatrue, king_touchy, knitmeapony, kolleh, kore, kouredios, krait, kyriacarlisle, labelleizzy, lannamichaels, lareinenoire, larkspur_9, laurashapiro, laurel, lettered, libitina, lightgetsin, likeadeuce, likeasouffle, linaerys, lirazel, lirelyn, littledust, lizbee, lola, lotesse, loveandwar, luminosity, lunesque, lunylovegoodlover, luzula, lynnenne, macha, madchenm, marginalia, marginaliana, marina, marycrawford, melannen, merelydovely, meretricula, mhalachai, minoanmiss, minxy, misqueue, mistresscurvy, mollyamory, momijizukamori, monanotlisa, moonyeyedwalrus, morgandawn, mrsronweasley, multicorn, my_daroga, naraht, narie, naye, nerdflighter, newredshoes, nicolasechs, nnozomi, no_detective, northofallmusic, nwhepcat, nyctanthes, oliviacirce, oracne, oursin, out_there, paian, pameladean, pandarus, pene, pensnest, petals42, pir8fancier, poisontaster, porcupinegirl, princessofgeeks, ptahrrific, pumpernickel, qikiqtarjuaq, queenbookwench, quinara, quinfirefrorefiddle, rachelmanija, rahirah, ranalore, recessional, recrudescence, resonant, rheasilvia, rhysiana, rosefox, runpunkrun, rydra_wong, sakana17, sandy_s, sanj, sara, sarah, sassbandit, satsuma, scribe, sea_changed, seascribble, sebenikela, seldnei, seperis, serenadestrong, sharpiefan, sherlockianonfire_91, shipperslist, sholio, singeli, skygiants, snickfic, sobsister, sofiaviolet, solo, sophia_sol, sophiap, sovay, sparkymonster, spodumene, spookykingdomstarlight, spuffyduds, starandrea, staranise, starlady, stellar_dust, sterlinglikesilver, stilloranged, stultiloquentia, sunshine304, superborb, swingandswirl, sylvaine, synecdochic, tabacoychanel, taennyn, tafadhali, talitha78, tassosss, templemarker, the_shoshanna, thedeadparrot, thefourthvine, theladyscribe, therienne, thingswithwings, thirdblindmouse, thirtysixsavefiles, thuviaptarth, tishaturk, tkingfisher, toft, torch, torrilin, toujours_nigel, trascendenza, trobadora, troyswann, tucuxi, tyellas, umadoshi, unfinishedidea, unjapanologist, ursamajor, via_ostiense, viklikesfic, vulgarweed, wakeupnew, waterscroll, westiec, winter_blossom, wintercreek, wintrymix, wisdomeagle, wowbright, x_los, xiuzhe, xmarksthespotwhereistand, xparrot, yantantether, yatima, yhlee
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