The Beginning After The End Wiki

Season 2[]

A New Generation[]

Lucas Wykes arrived at the Xyrus Adventurer’s Guild the same day as Elijah Knight and a masked boy named Note. Lucas watched from the side as a fellow candidate made her way to the testing arena, but scoffed at her when she tripped on her way to the arena. Lucas was called to the stage to take his test, though arrogantly claimed he should just be skipped over and put straight into A-Class. The examiner Emily, displeased with his arrogance, quickly began the test.

Lucas wasted no time in activating his fire and summoning his Flame Guardian, to which Emily engulfed the guardian in her Earth Tomb. Lucas was unfazed by this and even proclaimed he would be the first to injure a test examiner. Lucas summoned a few dozen fireballs to attack Emily. Emily in response summoned a few dozen rocks to counter the fireballs, though she did not manage to destroy all of them as Lucas rained the fireballs down at Emily. Emily managed to dodge the incoming fireballs and maneuver behind Lucas and create hands from the earth to capture Lucas. Though Lucas tried to counter her attack by redirecting the fireballs at Emily, Emily managed to grab Lucas’s leg and use him as a shield. Believing the fireballs would attack him, Lucas winces as the fireballs approach him and tries to dispel his attack, not realizing that Emily had already protected him by shielding him with her earth.

Despite Emily praising Lucas for his abilities and potential, Lucas attempts to engulf Emily in the fire. Before Emily could respond, a fellow proctor George intervened and dispelled Lucas’s flames. Lucas is reprimanded for breaking regulation, despite Lucas’s infuriated claims that his exam wasn’t over and that he had everything under control. Emily announces that Lucas is qualified to be and placed under B-Class. Lucas, infuriated by his rank and humiliation, claims his father will hear of this.

Lucas would later watch from the side as another candidate with a mask named Note would fight against the Xyrus Adventure’s Guild Master Kaspian Bladeheart. As the two displayed their overwhelming power and fought seemingly toe to toe, Lucas could only watch with awe, jealousy, and anger at Note for being capable of fighting with the Guild Master and being placed in B-Class along with Lucas and Elijah Knight.

Lucas would later encounter Note and Elijah in the Guild hall with his servants. Lucas warns Note that even though they are the same rank, they are not on the same level. Lucas then aggressively shoves Note before leaving.

Season 3[]

Over the next two years Lucas would grow stronger as a mage, eventually breaking through to the Dark-Yellow Stage of his mana core as well as promoted to A-Rank Adventurer. While his animosity for Note remained the same, it never amounted to anything more than snide remarks.

Venture into the Dire Tombs[]

Lucas was recruited into the Dire Tombs Exploration Party as a support mage along with A-Rank conjurer’s Elijah Knight, Samantha Tempest, Oliver Hemmbet; A-Rank augmenters Reginald Bastion, Kriol Masser, and Note; and AA-Rank augmenter’s Jasmine Flamesworth and Brald Landon, the latter being the group’s leader. As the party entered the first level of the dungeon, the group noticed the lack of mana beasts until Brald spotted Batrunners hanging from the ceiling. With everyone in formation, Brald ordered everyone not to waste their mana on the beasts and focused on normal combat. Lucas however, ignored his leader’s orders and engulfed the Batrunners in his Heat Cyclone. Infuriated by his disobedience, Brald scolded Lucas for wasting his mana, though Lucas snidely commented that he got the job done. As the group continued to move, Brald rediscovered the secret entrance he had marked. As everyone climbed to the top, Brald gave one more warning to the group to stay on guard as he still has no idea what other dangers await them.

While navigating the second level, Samatha was distracted by the sudden rise in temperature, when Note saved her from what seemed to be a trap. Brald however revealed that the secret entrance did not contain traps the last time he entered. Note deduced that it was the work of a mana beast. With the group now on high alert, they continued to march forward while enduring the rising heat from the next level. Finally arriving at the exit, Brald stopped the party from moving forward as he could sense there was an ominous pressure coming from the cavern ahead.

While making their way through the cavern of geysers, they are ambushed by the sudden appearance of a giant Cavern Worm beast. Kriol quickly put up a barrier between themselves and the monster as Brald reveals that the monster was not present the last time he explored the level, surprising Kriol. The worm began to act strangely as it made tunnels around the party before retreating into the ground. After Kriol put down his water barrier, Oliver expressed his desire to continue the exploration and asked Samatha to follow along behind him in an effort to impress her. Brald warned Oliver not to continue as they needed to assess the situation. Brald’s warnings only fall on deaf ears as Oliver tried to take charge and walked away from the group. As Brald attempted to pull Oliver back, Note noticed the ground was about to erupt and pulled Brald back to safety as he ordered Lucas to cast heatwave barrier around everyone, which Lucas begrudgingly obeyed. Before Note could warn Oliver to cast a barrier for himself, the entire cavern was engulfed in a sea of fire, bursting from the geysers. As the flames and steam settled, the group could only look in horror at Oliver’s skeletal remains, with even Lucas almost puking at the sight.

As the group regain their composure, Note suggests they should move out. Brald agrees and orders everyone to evacuate before the cavern ruptures again. While they rush towards the exit, they are again attacked by the Cavern Worm. Lucas could only watch from the side as his teammates attacked the worm, while he stayed frozen in fear. Thanks to Arthur’s deduction of the worm’s weakness towards fire, he was able to harm the worm enough to push it back. Before Brald could order Lucas to finish it off, the worm suddenly retreated into the ground. Believing the situation to be dealt with, Brald ordered everyone to evacuate the cavern. Unfortunately, the group realized too late that the worm was in fact distracting them before the next eruption. Lucas, distracted by the sudden quake, dropped his staff. Note quickly rushed to his aid and saved Lucas from the impending flames with his own flame spell. Lucas was not thankful for his help and only pushed Arthur away, before realizing their party leader Brald had sacrificed his right arm to protect Samantha.

Narrowly escaping the cavern, the party took the time to rest while Brald had his arm cauterized by Note. Lucas began to lash out at Brald for their party’s short comings, while Brald argued that Lucas was just as much at fault for freezing up during the fight as well as during the eruption. Note, however, silenced both of them with his aura pressure and reminded them that they have bigger things to worry about. While Lucas tried to fight back, Note made it apparent that while Lucas is powerful, that he is also a liability, silencing the arrogant noble.

Not wanting to give up after coming so far, Brald insisted on continuing the exploration as his final dungeon raid, while appointing Note as the new party leader as he was the most level headed and capable of leading the group. With everyone’s agreement (except Lucas), Note accepted the role and continued the exploration.

Making their way towards the end of the tunnel, the party found themselves at another roadblock, as the tunnel was blocked off by a metal wall. Reginald and Jasmine together bypass the wall with their combined power, where the group find themselves in a forest surrounded in mist. While the group tried to assess the area, Kriol dropped his shield and ran into the mist whilst screaming for his deceased fiancé. Jasmine deduces that the mist in the area is inducing hallucinations, which Brald and Reginald confirm as they witnessed Clara’s death. While Samantha put up a water barrier, Lucas once again lashed out at Brald and Reginald for the party’s misfortunes. Brald, however, does not argue with Lucas this time.

After Jasmine blows the wind away with her Banshee’s Howl, the party are surprised at the sudden appearance of so many vines. Lucas wasted no time in burning the vines with Crescent Ember, only to be shocked that his spell did nothing. As the group did all that they could to destroy the vines, Lucas restored his power by drinking an elixir to cast Fire Fall in order to spread his flames, only to be struck by terror at the sight of the perpetrator of the vines: The Elderwood Guardian.

Frozen in fear at the sight of the S-Class Mana beast, Lucas believed they were doomed and attempted to flee. While Arthur wanted to help save everyone, Lucas chose instead to sacrifice his teammates and shot Arthur pointblank with his staff. Lucas began attacking his former teammates to keep them as bait for the S-Class monster in order to escape alive. Lucas then fired at the ceiling to create an opening as he escaped from the dungeon.

Upon returning to the Adventurer’s Guild, Lucas was surprised to learn that his teammates survived and managed to escape the dungeon. Lucas confronted his surviving teammates Note, Jasmine, and Elijah with a group of guards, while they gave their statements to Kaspian Bladeheart. Elijah and Jasmine immediately charged at Lucas, but were halted by Note. Lucas began mocking his former victims by accusing them of having to sacrifice Brald in order to escape, which prompted Note to throw his sword at Lucas, cutting his ear in the process. While Lucas’s guards attempted to protect him, they were no match for Note’s overwhelming aura and strength. As Lucas stood in fear, when Note approached him, Kaspian begged Note not to harm Lucas before his trial. Note then retrieved his sword before Lucas was sent to the medical ward to have his ear treated.

Lucas and Note were both brought to trial for Lucas’s crimes and for what transpired between them in Kaspian’s office. Lucas was found guilty for sabotaging his teammates, but due to the influence of his family, he was merely stripped of his rank and expelled from the guild rather than imprisoned. Lucas could barely hide his smirk as he escaped justice. Note, on the other hand, was banished from Xyrus City, while Lucas attended Xyrus Academy to protect Lucas. Lucas demanded to know Note’s true identity as he believes Note will remove his mask and enter Xyrus City. The judges however refused to give him Note’s identity, claiming that Note’s identity will only be recorded for the Guild in order to keep peace. As Lucas took his leave, he warned Note to stay as far away from him as possible. Note, however, belittled Lucas for his idle threats, silencing the infuriated Lucas for good. Despite believing this would be their last encounter, Lucas was unaware that Note had orchestrated their trial from the beginning to protect his family.

Season 4[]

In the time leading up to Xyrus Academy's first day of school, Lucas would continue to train in his mana manipulation, eventually gaining a much larger mana pool than he originally had. When the Director of Xyrus Academy Cynthia Goodsky began forming a Disciplinary Committee for her school, the Wykes family strongly advocated for Lucas to join the group, however he was denied due to his history and instead was looked over in favor of another student, Arthur Leywin.

School Days at Xyrus Academy[]

Lucas was present for Team-Fighting Mechanics Class where he came face to face with Arthur Leywin. The two quickly caught each other's gazes before Professor Vanesy Glory arrived to begin class. To start the class off, Vanesy organized a quick mock duel between the Disciplinary Committee and the Student Council that were present for the class. As they were down a member, Lucas volunteered to join the Student Council's team. Lucas made it apparent to Arthur that he would be gunning for him due to taking his spot on the Committee that he was denied.

As the mock battle commenced, Lucas immediately targeted Arthur, entrapping him in his Infero’s cage and surrounding him in fire and showering Arthur with his Ember Wisps. Arthur was able to evade most of Arthur’s attacks thanks to his wind enhanced speed but was unable to extinguish the flames or get close enough to Lucas to deal a critical blow. To Lucas’s surprise however, Arthur began approaching him slowly as the approaching flames began to extinguish around Arthur. As Arthur approached even closer to Lucas, Lucas immediately summoned his Flame Guardian to combat Arthur. Before his Guardian could finish off Arthur however, Arthur somehow managed to escape Lucas’s Infero’s cage and make it to the other side of the training field to shield Tessia Eralith from a critical attack by Curtis Glayder.

Days later, Lucas confronted Arthur along with Charles Ravenpor II and Marcois Hutchom. Lucas demanded to know how Arthur managed to escape his cage spell and protect Tessia. When Arthur refused to answer, Lucas accused him of using an artifact and even claim that he was relying on the backing of Tessia Eralith. When Marcois began acting irrationally and aggressively attacked Arthur, Lucas did nothing to intervene and sarcastically claimed he was not affiliated with Marcois. Lucas and Charles then left Arthur alone to deal with Marcois as he continued to attack Arthur.

Lucas was then confronted later by his older brother Bairon Wykes who arrived at Xyrus Academy on business with the Director. Having learned about his little brother’s trouble making, Bairon scolded Lucas for his behavior and embarrassing their family as well as chastised him on relying on their family to support him in his actions as well as abusing their resources to forcefully make himself stronger. Lucas could only tremble in his brother’s presence, unable to look him in the eye. For his involvement in Marcois’s attack against Arthur, Lucas was suspended from his classes.

Beast Glades Excursion[]

Lucas was grouped up with Arthur, along with Tessia Eralith, Clive Graves, and Roland Alderman for the excursion to the Widow's Crypt dungeon. Lucas took the opportunity to boast to the women in his class about his experience in the Beast Glades, until Arthur embarrassed him by revealing his expulsion from the Adventurer's Guild. Lucas was furious at Arthur's instigation and nearly picked a fight with him before he was stopped by Clive. When discussing who should lead their group into the dungeon, Lucas proclaimed he was the obvious choice but was infuriated when everyone instead voted for Tessia. As the class delved into the dungeon, Lucas noticed there was a distinct lack of mana beasts in the first two floors until the class was ambushed by a hoard of Snarlers. Against the insistence of Vanesy, the class insisted in remaining and fighting off the mana beasts, with Lucas taking the charge after firing a massive fireball at the mana beasts, nearly hitting his teacher. Vanesy complied, although she warned Lucas not to pull another stunt similar again. Despite eliminating a good portion of Snarlers, Vanesy realized the students were getting exhausted the longer their fights dragged out against the never ending mana beasts. Vanesy ordered the class to fall back and exited the dungeon. As the class retreated, Arthur was separated from the group as he stayed behind with Professor Glory to fend off against a mutated Queen Snarler. Lucas could only watch as Arthur assisted Vanesy with the power of his fire magic, revealing his abilities in the process and making Lucas realize that Arthur had been holding back during their duel. Lucas was forced to flee as the Widow's Crypt caved in.

Some time later, after escaping the catastrophe that was the excursion, Lucas was brought to the secret location of a faction of radical noble human students, lead by a man named Draneeve. Draneeve welcomed Lucas to their meeting, however Lucas, as usual, insulted Draneeve over his expectations, causing one of the radicals to lash out at Lucas. Draneeve, in response, set the boy on fire. Unable to sense Draneeve’s mana level from the use of the spell, Lucas admits that Draneeve has caught his interest. Draneeve explains to Lucas that the people present are noble humans who wish to purge Xyrus Academy of all non-human beings, and wishes to recruit Lucas into their cause despite his elf lineage. Lucas however, admits that he couldn’t care less about the students at Xyrus Academy he it human, elf, dwarf, or any of the nobles in their faction.

Just as Lucas was about to leave, Draneeve began provoking Lucas over the one thing that infuriated him the most, Arthur Leywin. Draneeve calls Lucas out on his rivalry with Arthur and that Lucas was already aware of the gap between him and Arthur. Draneeve promises Lucas that if he joins them he would gain the power necessary to kill Arthur by taking the Alacryan drug. Lucas was hesitant however as he remembered Marcois was also under the effect of the same drug and died as a result of taking it. Draneeve further explained that Lucas was not the same as Marcois and that if he was as strong as he claimed to be, then he could withstand it. With a sinister smile, Lucas agreed to join Draneeve.

Season 5[]

On the night before the attack, Lucas was stationed outside of Xyrus Academy with Charles Ravenpor II, Juno, and a water mage. Because the Disciplinary Committee was cracking down harder on the Radical's operations, they were forced to move up their plans. Charles handed Lucas the Alacryan drug that would increase his power. Lucas was less than impressed by the tiny vile of elixir, and questioned why Charles hadn't taken it himself. Charles and his entourage were left embarrassed and speechless as Lucas correctly deduced that Charles and his band of merry bigots were too weak, mocking them and laughing at them for how weak they were. Charles lashed out at Lucas, ordering him not to waste any more time as the Attack on Xyrus Academy was to begin tomorrow, to which Lucas threw fire at Charles, knocking him back, warning him not to boss him around when he was little more than a messenger boy.

Without hesitation, Lucas drank the elixir, which began to mutate his body. His veins became visible as an ominous red aura emitted from his body. Lucas collapsed from the overwhelming power the elixir coursing through his veins, while Charles mocked the arrogant half-elf. Charles continued to taunt Lucas, claiming that with or without his family's influence, Lucas was nothing more than a mutt, stepping on Lucas's head, condemning him to death. Lucas however, immediately grabbed Charles' ankle and unleashed a powerful flame from his palms, burning Charles as he tossed him away. Lucas thought back to his brother scolding him on relying on others to make himself stronger rather than improve on his own. With his newfound power, Lucas began maniacally laughing as his eyes burned, believing he finally surpassed the source of his inferiority complex. His body unleashed the mana from the Alacrya power, that oozed from his body.

Seeing just how powerful Lucas had become, Juno attempted to flee, but Lucas, with just the flick of his finger, engulfed Juno in fire, instantly killing him. In grief, the water mage tried to kill Lucas in revenge by firing water bullets at Lucas. This did nothing however, as the water evaporated before it could even reach Lucas. Instantaneously, Lucas ran straight at the water mage, grabbing her by the throat and pinning her to a tree. The radical begged Lucas to spare her life, but Lucas crushed her throat before she could even finish her sentence, incinerating her body. Lucas slowly approached Charles as he desperately tried to get to his feet, unable to move. Lucas dared Charles to call him a mutt again as he reached for the cowardly noble. Charles desperately begged Lucas, crying for mercy, only for Lucas to put an end to the spoiled brat once and for all.

Attack on Xyrus Academy[]

Now believing he had the power to defeat Arthur, Lucas lead the cultists on the Attack on Xyrus Academy, breaking into the training hall where the Disciplinary Committee was held captive by the Radical Group's informant Kai Crestless. Lucas taunted the gullible officers over their cluelessness, revealing that Kai was a traitor working for them. Before anyone could even react, Lucas swiftly attacked the Disciplinarians all at once, overwhelming them with his mana. Claire Bladeheart attempted to strike Lucas from behind, only for Lucas' fire to instinctively activate and protect Lucas, almost as if it was alive. Theodore Maxwell as well tried to get the drop on Lucas before with Downforce before he incinerated Feyrith Ivsaar III, only for Lucas to grab Theodore by the throat. Before Lucas could crush Theodore "like a bug", Lucas received a call informing him that his target Tessia Eralith, had arrived on the scene. Lucas licked his lips in excitement as he left to apprehend his target, leaving the remaining cultists to finish off the Disciplinarians.

Lucas ambushed Tessia's carriage as it pulled up to Xyrus Academy. Once Tessia stepped out of her carriage to see the barrier surrounding Xyrus Academy, Lucas destroyed the carriage and attacking her coachman, knocking Tessia back as he approached her, ominously greeting her. Tessia attempted to save her coachman from the flames, only for Lucas to finish off the innocent bystander right in front of her. Lucas warns the princess that she should worry about herself rather than a commoner, in her situation. Tessia would not hear anything Lucas had to say, using her wind magic to push back Lucas. Seeing how fatigued Tessia was, Lucas mocked her efforts to thwart him, as she had no chance of defeating him. Lucas grabbed Tessia by the collar, telling her to stay obedient and he would take her as his prize when this was all over, proclaiming that she would enjoy her time with Lucas rather than Arthur.

Now realizing what this was all about, Tessia openly confronts and mocks Lucas over his petty grudge against Arthur and his desperation to fuel his inferiority complex, and was surprised that he would be so pathetic as to resort to becoming a lap dog for the cultists. Insulted by Tessia, Lucas tossed Tessia to the ground as she continued to taunt the selfish brat, proclaiming that Tessia doesn't understand anything about him. Lucas threatens to rip her apart if she didn't shut up, stating that he may not be allowed to kill her, but that doesn't mean he needed to keep her in one piece. With his guard down, Tessia removed her bracelet that restricted her mana and grabbed Lucas as she built up her mana, desperately trying to keep Lucas from taking her hostage. Tessia grabbed Lucas and with her wind magic, tossed Lucas into the air. Tessia proclaimed that she wouldn't let Lucas use her to hurt Arthur, even if it meant not leaving their fight alive. Having had enough playing around, Lucas exploded in rage as the force of his mana knocked Tessia out. Lucas picked up the bracelet to avoid any more needless confrontation as well as to keep Tessia alive. With his objective complete, Lucas then grabbed Tessia by her hair as he dragged her through the portal and into Xyrus Academy.

Lucas arrived at the clock tower where the remaining students and teachers were being held hostage. Draneeve introduced Lucas as their newest member, referring to him by his new name Lukiyah. Noticing Elijah Knight was among them, cursing Lucas, Lucas smiled as he played with Tessia's unconscious body. To his and everyone else's surprise however, Elijah manifested black spikes from beneath himself, indiscriminately attacking anyone close to him. Elijah was surrounded in a dark aura as dark flames were conjured from his hands. Elijah destroyed the barrier with his flames as he marched straight towards Lucas, cutting down the mana beasts that charged at him. Elijah attempted to kill Lucas by launching a black spike at the traitorous half-elf. Lucas barely managed to save himself by moving out of the way, but managed was stabbed in the shoulder. Elijah finally succumbed to his exhaustion as Draneeve approached Elijah, stopping the other cultists from attacking him. Draneeve declared that there would be a change in plans and ordered Lucas to finish off everyone present at Xyrus Academy while he and the rest of his followers returned to Alacrya. Lucas demanded to know why Draneeve was taking Elijah with them, only for Draneeve to overwhelm Lucas with his aura, bringing him to his knees, reminding Lucas that he was a tool, and tools were not to question their masters. Lucas was forced to declare himself Draneeve's tool as Draneeve released Lucas.

Once the portal was ready Draneeve ordered Lucas to follow after them once he finished destroying Xyrus Academy. Draneeve vanished through the portal with Elijah in his arms, as Lucas stayed behind. The professors tried to stop Draneeve from escaping only for Lucas to stand between them. Lucas condemned the annoying bugs to death, unleashing the full might of his flames. The professor who lead the charge, Grenir fought Lucas who grabbed the Arcane professor by the throat with his fire, killing him. As more and more people desperately fought off the cultists, a ferocious roar echoed through the halls of the clock tower. Lucas turned to see as he dropped Grenir's lifeless body, as he trembled at the sight of not only the legendary creature, a dragon, but that it was accompanied by none other than Arthur Leywin.

Lucas was overwhelmed, unable to move or speak, as he questioned how even after surpassing the power of the famed professors of Xyrus Academy and believing he was on equal footing with his brother Bairon, he could not help but feel his insides being torn apart by an icy claw just by the mere presence of Arthur. Refusing to admit he was afraid, Lucas refused to submit to Arthur, as he continued to taunt Arthur, proclaiming that his pet lizard was nothing to be impressed by and was useless against him, Arthur continued to approach Lucas, slowly walking towards the haughty traitor, only to strode past Lucas and prioritize Tessia's wellbeing. Taking Arthur's ignorance as an affront, Lucas continued with his taunts, only this time proclaiming Tessia was crying for Arthur. Lucas further enticed Arthur by proclaiming he would defile Tessia as his final act of revenge against Arthur. While Arthur remained motionless, his dragon roared out in fury. Tired of being ignored, Lucas unleashed his fire as he approached Arthur, proclaiming he would cripple Arthur and make him watch as he raped Tessia. This final taunt however would be Lucas's final nail in his coffin.

Arthur finally reacted to Lucas, unleashing his horrendous bloodlust that extinguished Lucas's flames. Arthur proclaimed that he never considered Lucas a rival or even a wasp worth swatting, but even the holiest saints would kill a pest like Lucas if he bared it's puny stinger at them. Lucas was unable to feel anything but the suffocating pressure from Arthur as his aura nearly consumed Lucas, the closer Arthur walked near him. Lucas's mind snapped in desperation as he forced his body to fight off the instinct to run from Arthur. Lucas demanded Arthur to stay back as he fired his Hell's Rain, a flurry of fire balls even stronger than Ember's Wisp. This attack proved futile however as Arthur unleashed his full power by activating his Integrate Phase. With just the wave of his hand, Arthur extinguished the spell with Absolute Zero. Baffled that Arthur could use Ice magic, Lucas realized too late that Arthur was in fact hiding more than just his affinity for fire magic.

Lucas unrelented however, as he continued to fight using his strongest spell. Inferno Lance; a partisan spear created from his fire, as he lunged it towards Arthur. Arthur proved just how helpless Lucas was as he effortlessly grabbed Lucas's spear with one hand and destroyed it. With his other hand, Arthur shot a bolt of Black Thunder directly at Lucas, severing his left arm. Lucas screamed in agony over his arm, crying from the pain. Lucas looked up to see Arthur standing over him. Arthur grabbed Lucas's other arm an ignited his White FIre, crumbling Lucas's right arm to dust. Lucas's blood curdling screams echoed as he fell to the floor, in his Amelia state. Lucas declared that Arthur had no right to do this to him as he was a Wykes, but Arthur refused to relent as he placed his foot over Lucas's left leg, unleashing his Downforce and severing his third limb.

Arthur demanded information on his leader Draneeve, to which a crying Lucas refused to answer, and resumed his taunting over Arthur, revealing Draneeve had abducted his friend Elijah, proclaiming that Elijah was as good as dead, and so would Arthur once Draneeve returned. Lucas mocked Arthur one last time, proclaiming that regardless of whatever Arthur does to him, he still lost. In response Arthur severed his other leg, leaving Lucas nothing more than a pile of meat, but this would not be the end of Lucas's torture. Arthur admits that he cannot prevent the changes that are to come in the future, but the least he can do is prevent Lucas from spreading his filth to the next generation. Arthur lifted his blood soaked foot and placed it over Lucas's pelvis. Lucas begged Arthur for mercy, but his faux apologies meant nothing. Arthur prayed that his suffering would continue in his next life, as he unleashed Downforce, shattering Lucas's pelvis and finally avenging his friends once and for all. With his final breath, Lucas called out for his brother Bairon who arrived at the scene too late.
