Wykes Family[]
Otis Vayhur Wykes[]
Otis is Lucas’s father. While the two have not been seen interacting, it can be inferred that they are not very close by his father’s reaction towards Lucas death. Lucas is the son of Otis’s elf slave, whom he created for the sole purpose of increasing the power of the Wykes family. Otis sees his son more of as a tool and less as his child, though as a son of their noble house, he spoiled him greatly and would ensure that anyone who harmed him would be met with severe consequences, though this was more for the image and dignity of the Wykes House rather than out of concern for his son.
According to Lucas, his father has never approved or acknowledged Lucas no matter what merits he achieved, constantly comparing him to his older brother who was considered the pride of the Wykes House. His desperation for his father's approval seems to have been the main source of motivation for Lucas to become stronger. After Lucas died however, Otis proved just how little he cared for him as he was more enraged over Lucas tarnishing the Wykes name as well as wasting years worth of resources than the death of his offspring. Otis felt no grief for his child's death, even ordering his servant to take care of Lucas's funeral as he casually continued reading.
Bairon Wykes[]
Bairon is Lucas’s older half-brother. Based on their interactions, it is apparent that they do not have a normal sibling relationship. While Lucas always shows arrogance and disrespect to those around him, Bairon seems to be the only person Lucas fears as he will tremble in Bairon’s presence. Lucas seems to have an inferiority complex towards his brother, as his brothers mere presence is a stark reminder of how weak he is in comparison with Bairon, a well-accomplished mage and one of the six Lances of Dicathen. Bairon seems rather cold towards his younger brother as he looks down on his brother for his arrogance and cowardice. Bairon also has a low opinion of Lucas for relying on others to improve his power rather than actually try on his own.
Growing up, Lucas was always compared to his older brother, desperate to escape his overwhelming shadow and finally be acknowledge by their family. His desperation was strong enough that he was willing to side with Draneeve and the Alacryan's to finally be seen for the great mage he perceived himself to be. Nevertheless, Bairon may have been the only person that Lucas genuinely cared for as with his final breath he called out for Bairon before dying. Bairon also appeared devastated when his brother died, to the point that he tried to kill his brother’s murderer. Unfortunately for him, he was intercepted by the other Lances, hence why Arthur survived the encounter. However, it turns out that he actually was more angered by the fact that a commoner dared to disgrace his family than by his brothers death, as Bairon mentioned himself.[citation needed]
Draneeve is the leader of the Radical cultists who planned to destroy Xyrus Academy. Unlike the other arrogant nobles that Draneeve had under his thumb, Lucas especially stood out for his great pride and indifference to anyone that isn't himself. Draneeve found Lucas amusing over his personality and believed him to be the perfect ally in his plans. Draneeve was able to easily recruit Lucas due to his ongoing rivalry with Arthur Leywin, promising him power that could rival the prodigy mage. After Lucas successfully gained control over the Alacryan Runes, Draneeve gained a greater respect for Lucas, and referred to him by his rebirth name Lukiyah. However, Draneeve made sure that Lucas knew his place as a tool, forcing the arrogant noble to his knees and making him declare himself as one just for questioning him.
Charles Ravenpor II[]
Charles is a noble well as a student of Xyrus Academy. While Charles held a low opinion of Lucas due to his elf lineage, he was willing to associate with the arrogant noble due to House Wykes's power and influence. The two however had a mutual hatred for Arthur Leywin, albeit for different reasons, and were shown together confronting the commoner after Lucas's recent skirmish with Arthur during their class exercise. On Draneeve's orders, Charles recruited Lucas to the Radical Group to help overthrow Xyrus Academy. The two were shown to be quite similar in terms of personality, but while they both were cowardly and arrogant for relying on their families for power, Lucas was shown to be a more powerful mage compared to Charles, refusing to let the bratty noble order him around. When it seemed as though Lucas would die consuming the Alacryan elixir, just like Marcois did, Charles wasted no time in mocking Lucas, proclaiming he was nothing but a mutt with or without his family's influence, condemning him to death. This would prove to be Charles' biggest mistake as Lucas effortlessly murdered Charles in retaliation.
Arthur Leywin[]
Arthur is a student of Xyrus Academy, as well as Lucas's archenemy, though their feud began long before the two attended Xyrus Academy. During his years as an adventurer, Lucas was admitted alongside a fellow rookie adventurer named Note, though he was jealous of Note's power as he was able to fight evenly with the Adventurer's Guild Master Kaspian Bladeheart. During their years as adventurers, the animosity between them grew, though it never amounted to anything more than snide remarks from Lucas. However, this all changed during their last mission as adventurers, where the two were assigned to the same party to explore a dungeon. Lucas chose to sacrifice and abandon his party rather than assist them in defeating the boss monster and escaping together. Once reunited after escaping the dungeon, Note immediately cut Lucas's ear with his dagger, but restrained himself so as not to cause any more problems for his friends and himself. During the ensuing hearing, Lucas managed to escape punishment, but was expelled from the adventurer's guild, while Note was prohibited from entering Xyrus City during Lucas attendance at Xyrus Academy. Unbeknownst to Lucas, his trial was orchestrated by Note who was, in reality Arthur Leywin so that he could exact his revenge against Lucas without facing repercussions from the Wykes family.
Upon reuniting as students of Xyrus Academy, Lucas wasted no time in expressing his animosity towards Arthur without even knowing that he is Note, merely for Arthur’s commoner background and his position in the Disciplinary Committee, a position that he was denied. Arthur as well struggled to keep his composure around Lucas as he nearly attacked him upon seeing him again, but managed to regain his composure. Their hostility towards each other never wavered as they both chose to fight each other during the mock duel in their Team-Fighting Mechanics class. Arthur once again proved that he was a superior mage to Lucas, which further fueled his hatred for Arthur as he managed to escape Lucas's Inferno Cage and save Tessia Eralith instantaneously. When Lucas corners Arthur on campus, he demanded to know how Arthur managed to escape his spell, going as far as to accuse him of using an artifact. This further emphasizes just how arrogant and ignorant Lucas is as he refused to believe there was a commoner stronger than he was, even going as far as to incriminate Tessia, accusing her of giving Arthur an artifact. Arthur however was just as indifferent to Lucas's petty taunts as he was during their Adventurer years. Once Arthur was attacked by Marcois Hutchom, Lucas did nothing to stop the assault, falsely claiming he was an innocent bystander and leaving Arthur to the rage induced noble, hoping Arthur would not walk away unharmed. Once Arthur came face to face with Lucas's brother Bairon, he was forced to acknowledge just how wide the gap between him and the Lance was, and would need to bide his time before he could exact his revenge against the traitorous half-elf.
Over time, Arthur ignores him during most of his stay in Xyrus Academy, to that point where he nearly let his desire for revenge go, as he deemed Lucas as nothing more than an annoying wasp. This however did not stop Arthur from openly mocking Lucas whenever the opportunity presented itself, such as when Lucas attempted to boast about his accomplishments as an Adventurer, before Arthur revealed to their class how Lucas ran away with his tail between his legs at the first sign of danger. Lucas accused Arthur of being jealous of how popular he was and tried to start a fight with him and would have too if they were not interrupted. During the Beast Glade Excursion, the animosity they held for each other would forever solidify into unbridled hatred. When the class was nearly killed at the hands of a hoard of Snarlers, Lucas witnessed as Arthur revealed his true power to a select few as he assisted everyone in escaping the dungeon. Lucas was not only insulted that Arthur had saved his life, but was in fact hiding his full power from everyone, believing Arthur was looking down on Lucas the entire time.
While his inferiority complex towards his brother was the original source of Lucas's desire for power, Arthur became the main reason for his decision in joining the Radicals, as he refused to let a no-name commoner look down on him. When the two were face to face during the Attack on Xyrus Academy, Lucas revealed the true reason as to why he despised Arthur, as not only was he insulted that a commoner was more powerful than he was, but that his power was so overwhelming that he was afraid of Arthur; even more so than he was of Bairon. When he was face to face with Arthur's dragon bond, even the legendary beast seemed like a harmless lizard compared to Arthur. His refusal to admit his fear would be the beginning of Lucas's end as his desire to break Arthur in both body and spirit resulted in him targeting his lover and best friend Tessia Eralith, whom Lucas openly stated would rape while Arthur would watch. Arthur refused to sit back any more and let Lucas get away with hurting his friends. He broke Lucas's spirit when he finally unleashed his full power and slowly tortured Lucas to death, removing his limbs one by one, believing it was the only punishment fitting for an inhumane monster like Lucas. As a final act of torture, Arthur crushed Lucas's pelvis, to ensure Lucas would never pass his disgusting seed on to the next generation, ignoring Lucas's pleas for mercy. Arthur's hatred for Lucas proved to be so strong that he condemned Lucas's soul, praying that his suffering would carry over into his next life.
Elijah Knight[]
Elijah is a fellow student of Xyrus Academy as well as a former Adventurer admitted at the same time as Lucas. Elijah at first did not have much of an opinion of Lucas besides regarding him as a spoiled brat like many others do. However his hatred for Lucas would foster greatly after the Venture Into the Dire Tombs Incident. Elijah and Lucas were assigned to the Dire Tombs Exploration Party where after encountering an Elderwood Guardian, Lucas chose to sacrifice his teammates while he escaped, going as far as to attack them so that they could act as bait for the monster. After narrowly surviving the dungeon thanks to Arthur, Elijah did not hesitate to attack Lucas upon their reunion, only stopping himself when Arthur asked him to. Upon reuniting as students of Xryus Academy, their hatred for each other had not diminished, though Elijah was forced to keep his distance due to Lucas hiding behind his family's influence. During the Attack on Xyrus Academy, when Lucas was revealed to be working with Draneeve and was responsible for kidnapping and attacking Tessia, Elijah did not hesitate to kill Lucas, only failing to do so as he passed out just before he could strike Lucas.
Tessia Eralith[]
Tessia is the Student Council President of Xyrus Academy. Like he was to most people, Lucas held no respect for Tessia and considered her beneath himself despite being a royal princess. Tessia was familiar with Lucas's reputation and was quite displeased with the arrogant noble. Nevertheless, the two would not interact much during their time in Xyrus Academy until the Dungeon Excursion in the Beast Glades, where Lucas was upset that Tessia was appointed as their group leader instead of himself. During the Attack on Xyrus Academy, Lucas sided with the radicals led by Draneeve and set his sights on the royal princess due to her relationship with Arthur Leywin. When Lucas confronted her during the Attack on Xyrus Academy, Tessia was not intimidated by Lucas, nor would he submit to him, but rather taunted Lucas over his pathetic spite and pettiness to be superior to Arthur. Lucas was enraged by Tessia's remarks to the point he begain to beat her in frenzy, threatening to break her if she said one more word. Lucas knocked Tessia unconscious before being taken to Xyrus Academy, where she was dragged by her hair and held as a hostage by the radicals. Despite his orders not to harm Tessia any further, Lucas's desire to break Arthur's spirit was more important to Lucas as he taunted Arthur over Tessia's beating and maniacally declared he would "make her into a woman" while Arthur watched. Tessia was eventually saved by Arthur who brutally mutilated Lucas in retaliation for what he did to Tessia.