Phoenotopia Wikia
Fishing HUDs

The old design of the fishing minigame's radar vs. later design. Note that the fish's energy is now represented by a yellow bar placed directly beneath Gail's energy bar, when it was previously indicated by a line of white dots inside the radar.

Fishing is a mechanic debuting in Phoenotopia: Awakening. By casting a Fishing Rod towards a body of water with fish, Gail can initiate the fishing mini-game.

Fishing Rods[]

A Fishing Rod is required for catching a fish. There are three locations that sells Fishing Rods:

In addition, Gail can also obtain a Serpent Rod from Havelock after fulfilling his request.


With a Fishing Rod equipped, Gail can cast the lure into a body of water in front of her. When a fish notices the lure, it will swim towards it for a few seconds before biting, after which begins the fishing mini-game.

To reel in the fish, players have to deplete the stamina of the catch before the energy of Gail herself is completely depleted. To do that, players have to turn their left control stick to match the direction of the red subsection in the fishing ring for long enough time. Then, the fish is fished up and drop as an item right after, usually being the corresponding Consumable Items.

Fishing Tips[]

There is a fisherman in Moonlight Ravine who provides fishing tips for Gail.

  • Try throwing the lure to right in front of the desired catch
    • To throw the lure further, hold the Y button to charge the rod for longer before releasing
    • In case of overshooting, hold Y again to reel the lure closer
    • In case of the lure not thrown far enough, press B to withdraw the lure entirely before casting again
  • Press the X button to spin the lure
    • This boosts the lure in its current trajectory, which make it travel faster and maybe further than normal
    • This also chases away any nearby fish that may be in the way of the specific targeted fish

In addition, energy-recovering items, namely the Honey Drop obtainable from cooking Nectear as well as found in a few food crates across the world, allows for catching larger fish even with a low energy cap.

Types of Fish[]

There are several types of fish that can be found in fishing spots throughout the game.

Types of Fish in Phoenotopia: Awakening
Type Can invert control? Drop Location
Purple Fish No Fish Fillet Appears in all fishing spots
Blue Fish No Prime Fish Fillet Appears in most fishing spots
Orange Fish Yes Gourmet Fish Fillet Appears in many fishing spots
Mollusk No Mollusk Forgotten Pier, Far Beach, Ocean Cliffs
Amber Fish Yes Amber Fish Fillet Subterra, Mul Caves, World's End
Shark Yes Fish Fillet
Prime Fish Fillet
Gourmet Fish Fillet
Far Beach, Ocean Cliffs, World's End

In addition, there is also a turtle found only in the cave north of Sunflower Road in the Panselo region. When caught, it turns into the Turtle quest item. Turtles are not food and thus not consumable.

There are also three types of sea creatures seen only outside E.D.E.N deep underwater. They cannot be caught by the players.

Fishing Spots[]

There are various spots throughout the world. While fish normally drops fillets of the respective variant, some in certain spots would drop collectible items instead, such as a Moonstone, indicated by the glow on their body.

Fishing Spots in Phoenotopia: Awakening
Location Purple Blue Orange Mollusk Amber Shark Others
???? (Panselo south) Yes Yes Yes --- --- --- ---
Doki Forest Yes Yes --- --- --- --- ---
Anuri Temple Yes Yes Yes --- --- --- ---
???? (Panselo north) Yes Yes --- --- --- --- Yes
South Castella Bridge Yes Yes --- --- --- --- ---
Franway - Atai Yes --- --- --- --- --- ---
Oasis Yes Yes Yes --- --- --- ---
Forlorn Ruins Yes Yes Yes --- --- --- ---
Moonlight Ravine Yes Yes Yes --- --- --- ---
Kingdom Bridge Yes Yes --- --- --- --- ---
GEO Club Yes Yes --- --- --- --- ---
Subterra Yes Yes Yes --- Yes --- ---
Forgotten Pier Yes --- --- Yes --- --- ---
Far Beach Yes --- --- Yes --- Yes ---
Old Castles Yes --- --- --- --- --- ---
Mul Caves Yes Yes Yes --- Yes --- ---
Ocean Cliffs Yes Yes Yes Yes --- Yes Yes
Terrelum Yes Yes Yes --- --- --- ---
World's End Yes Yes Yes --- Yes Yes ---


  • While using the D-pad is also viable for fishing, it is not recommended for catching bigger fish due to the area of the red subsection may not be large enough to always be reachable via the 8 cardinal direction using the D-pad
  • Fire Fish, an enemy first seen in Moonlight Ravine, also drops Fish Fillet as well as its prime and gourmet variants upon defeated
    • Unlike Shark, which always drop one of each, Fire Fish can drop between one to three fillets, and they can all be the gourmet variant
  • Mollusks in real world are invertebrates, and thus not technically fish. They are also the largest marine phylum, comprising about 23% of all the named marine organisms
Main Mechanics in Phoenotopia: Awakening
Exploration World MapLocationsSide QuestsTrading Sequence
GEO DungeonsOuroboros ShrinesSong Stones
JournalsCatsBedsBadgesGallery Mode
Items Heart RubiesEnergy GemsMoonstonesRINEquipment
TechniquesSongsToolsQuest ItemsKeys
Consumable ItemsInventory ExpansionHair-Dying
Mini-games CookingFishingTarget RangeFree Running ChallengeHide-and-Seek
Combat EnemiesBossesOverworld Battles
Damage CalculationBoosting EffectStatus Effects