Phoenotopia Wikia

Not to be confused with Daea City, the capital city of this region.


While the Daea region is known for its high population, it also has some sizable forests and fields.

The Daea region is the most populated region in the kingdom of Castella in Phoenotopia: Awakening. Besides the capital city and two state-of-the-art laboratories, many fountains established by the royal family decades ago are also built here.

This region connects to north of the Atai region and west of the Cosette, and beyond the wall is the Forbidden Lands at the north where not even regular soldiers are allowed to venture into.

Main Locations[]

Thomas's Laboratory[]

This is a state-of-the-art laboratory established in the northwest of Daea, operated by the genius golem scientist Thomas. This place is staffed almost entirely by golems, and contains various test rooms and a rare vending machine.

Daea City[]

This is the capital city of Castella located in the east of the region. The city is surrounded by numerous windmills and fountains. The commoner sections can be divided into the main streets and the underground tunnels, both jam-packed with people, shops, and services. Underneath is the Aqua Line accessible only by the Light Casters.

Aqua Line[]

Located beneath Daea City, this is where the water that runs through the numerous fountains is provided from. This area is not well-illuminated and often infested with enemies such as gummies and bats, which is why constant maintenance from the Light Casters is required. This area connects to the secret access to the Dungeons, and the entrance of Subterra.


This is where the prisoners in the Daea region are kept. It lies directly beneath the castle of Daea City, and is implemented with a proper security system and heavy guards, such as the moth mines and Castella knights.

White Towers[]

Standing on the east side of Daea City, this area is where the royal family of Castella supposedly reside in. Because of the events in Phoenotopia: Awakening, climbing to the top of the tower now requires utilising puzzle orbs to navigate through the rubbles.

Connecting Areas[]

Moonlight Ravine[]

This serene waterfront village connects the Atai and Daea regions. In both ends of this area are two ports that provide ferrying service, which has seen an increase in popularity due to the destruction of Kingdom Bridge, seeing as this area is now the only means of traveling between the regions for commoners.

Kingdom Bridge[]

This bridge connects the Atai and Daea regions. Much like the South Castella Bridge, it was destroyed by the Ouroboros Bandits sometime prior to the events in Phoenotopia: Awakening. The north side of the bridge is somehow intact.

Wheat Road[]

This road connects the Daea and Cosette regions. Cutting through the giant wheat field, several barn houses and silos can also be seen in this area. The watchtower at the west ends prevents entry of commoners without an approval from a Castellan official.

The First Wall[]

This area connects the Daea region and Old Castles. While it serves as the barrier that protects commoners from the monsters beyond The Last Wall, this location is tranquil and free of threats, leading to it becoming a tourist attraction nowadays.


This area connects the Daea and Cosette regions. Deeper into the Aqua Line is a cave filled with water and orange gemstones, which eventually leads to the Forgotten Pier. This area is protected by a gate that only Castellan royalties are allowed to pass through normally.

Optional Locations[]

Lake Laboratory[]

A state-of-the-art research laboratory located next to a giant lake alongside the GEO Club, operated by Fran and her assistants on teleportation research. With enough Moonstones provided, Fran can activate the Franways that connect to other regions, allowing long-distance traveling with ease.

GEO Club[]

The main base for all GEO-related activities in Castella located next to a giant lake alongside the Lake Laboratory. With an annual fee of 200 RIN, members can join the club to complete GEO Dungeons and exchange the GEO Tickets received for various prizes.

Antique Shop[]

Located southwest of Daea City is the home to an artifact collector Astrid and her colleague Gaspar. Instead of selling, Astrid is only purchasing Lunar Artifact from contributors for display purposes. She would offer theories on the backstories behind any submitted Lunar Artifact, and offer a higher price for the new ones that Gail came across.

Cupid's Fountain[]

A fountain northwest of Daea City with a Cupid statue on it, this location is said to let generous donators to the fountain meet their soulmate according to legends. This place is also surrounded by other statues, one of which has a Ouroboros Shrine hidden underneath.


There are also several other locations with ??? as their entrance name.



Following the Great Awakening, the Daea region was likely the majority of the Castella, as it's where the capital city is. The people of the Daea region found the Aqua Line, and the first King of Castella ordered the Aqua Line to be worked into Daea City, which was subsequently built. The windmills were allegedly designed by Mills Gusto and the tunnels were designed by Terra Digsby. During this time, the King of Castella also built many fountains because he liked them, which had the added benefit of supplying the city's drinking water. The king originally commissioned 20 fountains, and by the time of his death there were over 50. The city likely was able to afford all of these developments because of their famous vinyards. The grapes and products that came with them, such as wine and grape cake, caused lots of money to come into the city, and the newfound developments caused tourism to increase.

Outside of Daea City, the Daea region remained fairly undeveloped. At some point in time the GEO Club was reestablished on a beach by Daea city, and they built a GEO House nearby. Paths were built from the bridge to the city, but wild boars and toads still infest them. Later still, Thomas and Fran established Laboratories in the region.

Events with confirmed dates[]

  • In the year 175, 75 years before the events of Phoenotopia: Awakening, a dragon allegedly took over Daea City. The details of this event are conflicting, however. It's unknown if it was a fire, sand, or ice dragon, or if it even happened at all.
  • In the year 179, 72 years before the events of the game, a restaurant called Lunch and Boxing was created. It was a hybrid resturaunt-boxing stadium. Due to complaints, they eventually rebranded, likely to the Blue Lobster.
  • In the spring of 185, 66 years before the game, Daea recieved a lot of heavy rain, and the Aqua Line flooded. Afterwards, the Light Casters were formed to repair the damaged Aqua Line and upkeep it in the future.
  • In the year 192, 59 years before the events of the game, the Cosettan famine happened. To counteract this, the Daean government handed out gummy gel to prevent the populace from starving.
  • In the year 194, 57 years before the game, there were allegedly fights with bears for sport.
  • In the year 201, 50 years before the game, a Daean prince allegedly was going to be married, and the city prepared for the event. But the princess he was to be married to ran off with a sea captain in the night, and the event was replaced with a "cheer-up party"
  • In the year 215, 36 years before the game, telegraphs were rolled out by the Peace Ministers. They were removed in the following year for unspecified reasons.

Overworld Encounters[]

The music that plays in the Overworld is Overworld Castella, and is replaced with Overworld Castella (Encounter) during an overworld encounter.

Locations in Phoenotopia: Awakening
Panselo Region

ObjectRinGPanselo VillageDoki Forest ( OuroGuardKeyAnuri Temple ) •
Sunflower RoadMoonCrystalFranway - Panselo

Atai Region

South Castella BridgeObjectRinGAtai TownAdar's House
ObjectRinGRhodus CheckpointOasisMoonCrystalFranway - Atai
Ancient GEO DungeonSand Drift Ruins ( OuroGuardKeyOuroboros Hideout )

Daea Region

Moonlight RavineKingdom BridgeOuroGuardKeyThomas's Laboratory
MoonCrystalLake LaboratoryGEO ClubAntique ShopThe First Wall
ObjectRinGDaea City ( Aqua LineOuroGuardKeyDungeonsOuroGuardKeyWhite TowersSubterra )

Cosette Region

Wheat RoadObjectRinGCosette VillagePooki FarmsFar Beach
MoonCrystalFranway - CosetteBeacon TowersOuroGuardKeyRoyal Archives

Forbidden Lands

Old CastlesThe Last WallScorched Lands ( Ancient GEO Base ) •
Mul CavesMoonCrystalForgotten TeleporterOcean CliffsOuroGuardKeyAurantia ( ObjectRinGTerrelum ) •
SPHERE ( Megalith FieldsObjectRinGPristine CityOuroGuardKeyE.D.E.N )
