Early Life[]
Not much had been revealed of Rin's early life prior to her becoming an adventurer who fought as a Wizard, and she was already adventuring alongside Taylor and Keith by the time Dust saved them from being overwhelmed by monsters outside Axel.[1] Despite later allowing the delinquent adventurer to join her party, Rin made it clear how she wouldn't tolerate his advances on her, and emphasised the point with a dagger that nearly got him castrated.[2] Her constantly having to bail Dust out due to him frequently getting arrested for some sort of offense, had also granted her the unwanted privilege from the local police of easily visiting the jail.[3]
Irregular of Axel Arc[]
A week after the whole party celebrated a profitable quest,[4] Rin tried unsuccessfully to stop a Dust drunk at the Guild from provoking Mitsurugi after he sexually harassed Cremea and Fio, resulting in the Swordmaster quickly teaching the delinquent adventurer a painful lesson.[5]
Beginner Adventurer Arc[]
Witnessing Dust, who like always was broke in addition to owing her money, at a general store pestering its owner, Rin came forth to smack him into submission before dragging him off. Unable to talk sense into Dust, she compared him against Mitsurugi, whom she held high regards for. Several days later, Rin checked on Dust to see if he had found work, but instead heard him proclaiming of earning a fortune soon, so suspicious of him engaging in something illegal, she decided to follow him around. They soon ran into Mitsurugi who was frantically looking around for his missing cursed sword, at which Rin was also surprised when Dust offered to sell it back to the Swordmaster for 5 million eris. Despite Dust insisting on him purchasing the sword fair and square, Rin refused to accept the money Mitsurugi had handed Dust for paying her debts. When a subsequent emergency broadcast by the Guild called for adventurers to gather outside the city, Rin followed Keith and Taylor towards the city gate, only to be surprised as she passed by a Dust who was dragging along a huge cart of Tomatoes. Asking for him to share one of the Tomatoes with her once everything settled, she rushed ahead to the city gate where the fierce battle against Beldia was raging before Aqua summoned a flood. Rin afterwards received the rewards from the Guild for participating in the battle against the Devil King's General, though it was spoiled because the salad she was eating at the Guild hall did not contain Tomatoes, until Dust handed her one much to her delight.[3]
Deep Winter Arc[]
Rin who again had to eat a salad without Tomatoes at the Guild was talking with Keith and Taylor about the exploits of the nearby Darkness, Megumin, and Aqua during the prior battle with Beldia, when Dust audibly taunted Kazuma Satou for having a harem of fine ladies despite being the weakest Class. This set off an argument between the two, which cumulated in Dust and Kazuma switching parties for a day. As Rin and her party set out on a quest against Goblins that settled surprisingly close to a nearby road, Kazuma who initially was assigned to bear their luggage surprised them by Enemy Detecting a Beginner's Bane heading their way before hiding everybody with Lurk until it walked passed. Carrying some of her own luggage out of newfound respect for Kazuma, Rin and the others hurried towards the Goblins unexpectedly numbering a full score. Yet despite a tough fight at the start, the quest soon became a piece of cake thanks to Kazuma's skillful application of various basic magic, prompting her along with Keith and Taylor to praise him on the way home. Their return however was blocked by the Beginner's Bane which had turned back and started chasing them, though just as Rin was about to cover for Kazuma's escape, the Adventurer in question blinded the monster with basic magic to allow the whole party to flee. As they finally made it out of danger, Rin became astonished at Kazuma's especially high Luck stats that had helped them through the day. Returning to the Guild late at night, where they were greeted by an apologetic Dust who had a disastrous day with the three pretty but incompetent troublemakers, Rin ended up complying with his plea of them returning to their previous parties.[6]
During the attack of the Mobile Fortress Destroyer, Rin accompanied her party to the emergency meeting at the Guild, and also joined the storming of it following its immobilisation.[7]
Late Winter Arc[]
Rin was one of the adventurers who witnessed Kazuma's arrest for treason by Sena, and later listened in on his trial.[8] She afterwards lauded Kazuma again for his adaptability with magic, before pressing for Dust to pay back his debts to her because she found out about him attempting to trick Mitsurugi into eliminating Orcs in his stead.[9]
One day, Rin was in her inn room when Dust charged in, asking her to be friends with Yunyun, though she flatly refused due to being skeptical of Dust's intentions as well as lacking confidence to make friends with a Crimson Demon Arch Wizard. Subsequent to Yunyun running off in tears, Rin accepted Dust's challenge where she promptly blew him down with magic.[10] Some time later, she ganged up with Keith and Taylor to ignore Dust's pleas to borrow money as a means to teach the spendthrift delinquent a lesson.[11]
Discovering a hungry Dust staring through a bakery's window, Rin offered to borrow him the money for buying bread, only to stomp off in jealousy when a pink-haired petite girl approached Dust in a friendly manner, though Rin still bought him a loaf of bread during his ensuing fortnight of imprisonment.[12]
Early Spring Arc[]
Having teamed up with a temporary party member introduced by the Guild to replace the incarcerated Dust, Rin expressed further distain towards the delinquent following his release by nearly stabbing his hand when he tried to grope her. She subsequently headed out with her reformed party on a quest against Goblins near Keele's Dungeon, though not before specifically requesting Luna to keep their destination a secret from Dust in order to prevent him from disturbing them. Arriving in the area at sundown and setting up camp, Rin as well as Keith and Taylor let the temporary member go to sleep first so he could keep watch while they slept later on. The trio was thus surprised when Dust showed up warning them that the temporary member was actually an accomplice of a criminal organisation aiming to kidnap Rin, an account which they believed upon the pink-haired girl and a noble covering his face with a helmet who traveled alongside Dust confirming it. After the sleeping accomplice was given a traumatising nightmare by the pink-haired girl, Rin expressed her gratitude towards Dust, though she still let him stand watch while everybody else slept some hours later, during which she secretly caught sight of him masterfully wielding a spear to defeat an expert assassin.[13]
Making it back to Axel the next day, she agreed with the decision to reward Dust with all of the reparation money paid by the Guild for recommending a criminal into their party, though its ensuing seizure by Vanir forced the four of them to head out for quests, and on the way Rin hinted to Dust how she glimpsed him fighting much better with a spear.[14]
Magical Stones Arc[]
Rin with her party mainly hung around the Guild during that period,[15] and subsequent to the vanquishing of the Imitation Dragon also participated in the celebrations.[16]
Cursed Relic Arc[]
While Keith and Taylor were forced to work faraway for paying off their gambling debts, Rin who was left in Axel with Dust offered to join Kazuma's adventuring after hearing of his predicament.[17]
At some point during the period, Rin asked Kazuma to accompany her on a quest at the snowfield forest, where she discovered an injured White Wolf cub that cozied up to her because of her tail. Rin thus named it "Chibi", and against Kazuma's advice nursed it back to health, before periodically taking him back to the same spot where the cub was waiting for them to play with it, though her work started to be affected when she got hesitant at fighting White Wolves. Sadly agreeing with Kazuma's suggestion of letting it go, Rin took the cub to areas where White Wolves hunt so that it could rejoin its pack. She subsequently found herself in danger when Winter Running Hawkites attacked, though the cub defeated one of the bigger monsters to save her, before turning to head off. Thanking Kazuma for all his support, Rin and him returned to Axel, where some days later she found at her doorstep a Lovely Rabbit and a Fire Drake along with other items dropped off by the cub.[18]
Following many adventures and battles alongside Kazuma, Rin joined him in defending Axel from the attack of a supergiant Wallavy, then after retrieving with Dust a spent Megumin, proceeded to battle the mutated Wallavy and later its multiple smaller clones so that Kazuma and Aqua could go destroy its core.[19] Several days later, when all the adventurers who had fought in the battle were drinking at the Guild in celebration, Rin enjoyed the delicious warabi mochi Aqua had cut out from Wallavy.[20]
Early Summer Arc[]
When Kazuma one day offered to pay adventurers at the Guild who would help Darkness defeat the Kowloon Hydra dwelling in a nearby lake, Rin also signed up to join the high-risk but high-return endeavour. Under Kazuma's instructions, she and other magic-using adventurers prepared to launch their most powerful spell at the monster on his signal once it had its heads Binded together and heaved ashore, but became horrified upon seeing the Hydra throw off Kazuma who had clambered upon it, and even more so after Dust ignored her warnings and charged out to kill the weakened monster only to be swallowed. She proceeded to launch her most powerful spell at Kazuma's command, but following the Hydra's vanquishing, was driven to tears by the sight of Dust's partially dissolved body that Yunyun recovered, until Aqua managed to Resurrect him. Back at the Guild, Rin alongside Keith once again lauded Kazuma for his remarkable leadership while ridiculing Dust for his incredible idiocy.[21]
Having received a considerable amount of rewards from participating in the Hydra's vanquishing, Rin decided to take it easy and not take quests for a while. She was subsequently approached by a noble, who turned out to be the helmet guy without his helmet, confessing to being in love with Dust and asking for her advice on how to become closer to him. Thus in the ensuing few days, she headed to the inn room the noble was staying at to talk him out of it, though his unrequited love was too strong for him to abandon. On one such instance, the noble asked for her help to take a sexy photo of Dust with his magical camera, prompting Rin to take him downstairs for lunch in order to let him calm down. Yet upon returning to the room, they found Kazuma busy photographing Dust who was wearing nothing but red lacy lingerie and making sexy poses, so after admonishing the pair for their idiotic attempt to disgust the noble, she took Kazuma outside, leaving a horrified Dust to face the advances of the noble that he had brought upon himself. Next hearing from Kazuma how they had initially thought the noble to be in love with her, Rin explained to him what the whole matter was about, before informing him of Darkness' imminent marriage to Alderp.[22]
On the day of Darkness' wedding, like other adventurers in the city, Rin also gathered at the church of Eris where the ceremony was held in hopes of glimpsing the rare sight of the Crusader dressed as a bride, though the governor's guards kept them from drawing too close. Soon witnessing those guards sent flying by Megumin's Explosion and Kazuma's ensuing escape from the church with Darkness, Rin who had ignored Alderp's command to capture Kazuma's fleeing party[23] exasperatedly watched Dust incite the other adventurers into joining him with beating up the recovering guards for covering the party's getaway on top of venting his aggravation at nobles.[24]
Accompanying her party on a quest for exploring some ancient ruins one day, upon Dust accidentally discovering a hidden passageway leading from the derelict abode of the dungeon's master, Rin with him in tow investigated the doorway within leading left while the others searched the right one. Hiding behind Dust as he made to enter, the Wizard expressed exasperation at him sacrilegiously describing Eris' chests as padded, before she made to incinerate the delinquent because he groped her once the lights within the doorway flickered on. Anyhow calming down to look around, she became embarrassed when Dust uncovered a trove of books in an unknown language illustrating all kinds of lewd things being done on girls, prompting her to go look for the others instead. Rin accordingly found Keith and Taylor who peculiarly turned sluggish and lost the motivation to continue exploring, so subsequent to rendezvousing with Dust, she suggested for the party to head back.[25]
Told on the following day by the lethargic Keith and Taylor that they wanted to rest for the next several days, Rin went to inform Dust about it at the Guild in addition to reminding him about them having already accepted a four-member bodyguard quest from some homebound villager against Goblins which was set to be performed in two days, a problem she suggested tackling by hiring temporary members. Then when nobody came answering their advertisement, the two of them began casting the blame on one another, until Rin couldn't stand Dust's sexual harassment and accepted his duel outside the Guild, where this time her surprise Lightning got dodged, before an angry Luna came to kick them out of the surrounding premises. Forced to set up desk in front of the general store that Dust frequently harassed, the embarrassed Rin following his quarrel with the store owner struck a conversation with him about the royalty and nobility, which the delinquent surprisingly expressed reluctance to become involved with.[25]
When the pink-haired girl, regarding whom Rin had been told was a rookie Wizard, approached and heard about their predicament, Rin invited her to join in their quest, and agreed to Dust's suggestion of leaving the pink-haired girl as a reserve in case they cannot recruit somebody else. Accordingly surprised when Darkness, Megumin, and Aqua came applying only to be vehemently rejected by Dust because of their various quirky antics which shocked her, she was forced to acknowledge Yunyun who had been peeking at them the whole time. Following an argument with Dust over what to do with the loner, Rin seeing how he only went round in circles when trying to strike a conversation with Yunyun, took it upon herself to actively invite the Crimson Demon for the team-up.[25]
Unable to recruit anybody else on the following day, the Wizard became exasperated at Dust getting locked up for the night because of brawling with other adventurers. She was anyhow introduced during their rendezvous with Yunyun at the Guild to the pink-haired girl who called herself Lolisa, and subsequently set out on the quest. During the carriage ride alongside the villager who posted the quest back to his village, Rin became impressed with Yunyun vanquishing all attacking monsters by herself, though Dust heaping praise onto the Arch Wizard made her jealous. She thus decided to help take out some attacking Goblins that Dust convinced Yunyun to let them deal with, and later on secretly discussed with the other girls about how Dust's sexual desires unexpectedly fluctuate as well as the possibility of him being bisexual.[25]
Subsequent to completing the quest upon arrival at the village, the party accepted its chief's additional request to eradicate the rest of the Goblins, only to find the cave where the monsters made their nest already abandoned. Rin soon discovered the reason while discussing with Dust the way those Goblins left in a hurry upon spying a Green Dragon in the nearby woods, a dumbfounding situation that she found to her surprise the delinquent reacting at nonchalantly. Further shocked when Dust who still owed her money waved the girls off as he suicidally volunteered to cover their escape, Rin anyhow led the others off, leaving behind only an encouragement for him. Accordingly fleeing a short distance, she and the other girls began discussing how Dust would despicably weasel his way out in addition to the way he sometimes acted respectably, before he surprisingly returned with the treasure gifted to him by the Dragon for helping it pull out a sword embedded into its leg. Next hearing Yunyun talk of the Lain Sheyka who was an expert with the spear, Rin denied Dust's similarity to the famous Dragon Knight, then expressed delight at the quest earning much more than they dreamt of.[25]
Soon after secretly selling the Green Dragon's treasure for paying off Dust's debts, Rin heard him declare in the Guild his plan for treating them to a rehabilitation trip at Arcanletia, something she didn't pay heed to until hearing that it was funded by the tickets gifted from Kazuma. On the day of the trip, after assembling with other companions at the carriage terminal where she was handed gifts by Yunyun, a lot draw for deciding seating saw Rin and the other girls riding in one carriage with Vanir while the men rode on the other.[26]
Following an uneventful day of traveling, Rin and the other girls huddled around the campfire after the caravan set up camp along the highway leading to Arcanletia. Her happy time chatting, however, was marred by the interruption of Dust's sexual harassment, so momentarily shutting her eyes upon a sudden gust of wind, she and the others chided the delinquent away.[26]
As the trip continued on the ensuing day, this time with Rin riding alongside her party members, she became puzzled at the three men who not only wandered off during the night but were now exhausted from some kind of unspeakable nightmare. Anyhow feeling caring for Dust, Rin proceeded to express kindness to him, though as she invited him out upon their arrival at Arcanletia, the moment was spoiled by the intrusion of Yunyun and Lolisa. Next shocked by Yunyun revealing that the city was actually the headquarters of the Axis Order, the group started getting beset by attempts from the locals to hardsell and convert, something Rin managed to run off from eventually.[26]
Unable to suppress her feelings for Dust, subsequent to settling down at the inn, Rin despite acting nonchalant to mixed bathing nevertheless followed the delinquent who had gone bathing in the mixed baths, where she discovered to her fury Yunyun already there bathing with Dust. With Lolisa also barging in, Rin determined to keep Dust for herself decided to fight it out with the other girls. She was suddenly splashed by cold water from Dust, which not only calmed her down but also made the delinquent who ordered the girls to lewdly serve him appear infuriatingly disgusting. Responding by pelting Dust with spells, Rin who clearly remembered what had transpired earlier on ran off embarrassed.[26]
Like her other companions sans Dust who woke up late, on the following day Rin was approached on the streets by all sorts of conversion attempts by Axis followers, and returned to the inn all traumatised and hoping to cut the trip short. Initially expressing reluctance at Chris' plea for them to hit back at the city of lunatics, once hearing the Thief bring up the subject of the lewd books that Dust had secretly circulated in Axel possibly becoming the subject of investigation by the Eris Order, Rin afraid of being seen as an accomplice tried returning her share of the contraband's sales in order to escape responsibility, and had no choice but to comply when Dust agreed to help Chris.[27]
Surprised by Dust later coming up with a costume of Eris for Chris to dress in, Rin worried about committing sacrilege was assured of the goddess' forgiveness by the Eris follower. Next unnerved by concerns that Dust's plan of letting Chris perform great deeds in the guise of Eris for elevating the status of Eris followers will incite the dire ire of the hostile Axis followers, she breathed a sigh of relief upon the delinquent scrapping the idea.[27]
Suddenly hearing the Axis followers outside clamouring about a Demon at the fountain plaza, the Wizard followed them and Chris who was still in her costume to the location, where she found Vanir alongside Lolisa on a stage. Subsequent to the masked man disparaging the patron goddess of the Axis Order by listing Aqua's indolent and rascal antics, which the lunatics instead appreciated as part of their teachings, Rin found Dust's lifestyle very similar to the Axis followers. Next hearing Vanir declare selling the Axis followers photobooks of Aqua at half price, she at Dust's sudden coercion was compelled into helping sell the product, though they turned out to be photobooks of Vanir instead. Soon pursued alongside her travelling companions by the extremely furious Axis followers, Rin successfully escaped back to the inn thanks to Dust splitting off and leading the mob to him.[27]
The exhausted group afterwards took the carriage back to Axel, determined not to set foot in Arcanletia ever again, though Rin still kept her share of the photobooks' sales. As they approached Axel's gates, however, she noticed the guards simply letting people through without questioning as if they lacked the motivation to work. Proceeding to find the townsfolk also acting the same, Rin and her party members headed for the Guild, only to find the employees limply lazing around, a phenomenon that she and Dust realised was identical to what Keith and Taylor had suffered while exploring the ancient ruins. After hearing from the sluggish Luna how people all over the city began turning more and more lethargic ever since their party's trip to Arcanletia, Rin afraid of them also losing motivation over time began discussing possible causes of the phenomenon.[28]
Accordingly visiting Kazuma's mansion for information, the four of them only discovered Yunyun loitering around its entrance because the residents were all out, so at the Crimson Demon's suggestion they went asking Vanir for advice. In Wiz's Shop where they found Wiz crispily zapped for falling to a con scheme, the gang was advised by Vanir to head back into the ruins for finding what was draining motivation from people before Axel's residents starve to death. Without anyone else in the city capable of helping, Rin joined her party as well as Yunyun and Lolisa on the journey there.[28]
By the time their uneventful carriage ride to the ruins ended, however, she felt her motivation severely drained, and eventually had to be carried through the corridors inside by Dust. Later falling asleep in the abode of the dungeon's master, Rin groggily chided the delinquent for forcing three men into surrendering through holding Lolisa as hostage at swordpoint. Unable to shake herself awake for escaping the dungeon as it accordingly began threatening to cave in, Rin was carried outside by one of the men, who took care to cautiously lay her down.[28]
Although her motivation soon returned to normal, the Wizard barely had time to feel refreshed from the long nap, before she was faced with the Prototype Destroyer bursting out from the ruins. Subsequent to Dust valiantly motivating them to destroy to scaled-down version of the Mobile Fortress Destroyer before it destroys Axel, Rin stood back preparing her spells as the others hindered the construct's movements. Once Dust wielding the spear of one of the men who carried her out successfully speared through the unlit eye said to be the weak spot, she at his command cast Lightning at the spear, causing an explosion which destroyed the Prototype Destroyer. Rin and the other girls accordingly approached Dust as he lay on the ground from the shockwave, then upon him asking them to come closer in a blatant attempt to peek under the skirts of Yunyun and Lolisa, Rin responded by stomping on his face.[28] Returning to the remotivated Axel, Rin was given a generous share of rewards by the Guild, where her party and Kazuma's partied along with other adventurers. By nightfall though she became thoroughly drunk, and followed Dust when he stepped outside, then asked if the delinquent was actually keeping something secret from them before she fell asleep.[29]
At some point during the period, Rin questioned Dust over him and Keith periodically keeping sober, then alongside the delinquent secretly tailed Taylor whom they suspected had been privately meeting with a woman after questing, only to find out that he was simply seeing Kazuma so they could vent their frustrations regarding the troublesome members in their respective parties.[30]
Mid Summer Arc[]
Hearing from Dust about Vanir requesting the collection of fruits from Tranquility Girls to serve as ingredients for dietary snacks, the concerned Rin who settled for eating the healthy salad at the Guild agreed to take the job despite not willing to kill the humanoid plant, though the party's ensuing conversation about an instance of somebody cruel enough to cut down one of those alluring monsters somehow earned the ire of the nearby Kazuma. Following Luna's lead about a Tranquility Girl sighted in the forests near the picturesque riverhead lake, the party found dozens of adventurers wandering around the area.[31]
Eventually discovering the Tranquility Girl inside the forest, Rin became enthralled by the plant that looked like a little girl, though after being given one of its addictive fruits filled with narcotics, she couldn't stand it when Dust began pressuring the Tranquility Girl into eating its own fruits, before feeling sorry for the delinquent after he confessed having scavenged rubbish cans for leftover food. After return to Axel, the Wizard waited around at the Guild while Dust went to hand Vanir the fruits, though she later refused another run there for the purpose of more fruits in addition to eliminating the Tranquility Girl.[31]
When the time came for eliminating the masses of summer monsters so that people could hold the upcoming Eris Appreciation Festival in peace, Rin also joined in the days of questing against insect monsters within the forest, despite mishaps on the first day such as Megumin blowing down adventurers with a surprise Explosion and attracting more monsters than they can handle.[32] And on one day she again had to get Dust out of jail because he had an altercation with three noblewomen whom Vanir accompanied.[33]
Late Summer Arc[]
Rin later accompanied Dust to Wiz's Shop where she respectfully greeted the former Ice Witch, before elbowing the delinquent for comparing the shopkeeper's breasts to hers. Accordingly shocked by Vanir zapping Wiz down, the Wizard identified by the masked man to be concerned over her weight became tempted to try out the dietary snacks despite it being addicting, then cast Lightning at Dust for offering to help her lose weight through exercises in bed.[33]
Although feeling queasy over a delivery job offer from Vanir since the reseller whom he wanted to sell some junk inventory to looked suspicious, Rin anyhow forced Dust into accepting the job because they needed the money due to his debts. Later Teleported alongside her party members to the royal capital where the reseller was based, she marveled at the prosperity of Belzerg's core, then became surprised at Dust being more concerned with completing the delivery instead of staying around for sightseeing. Subsequent to witnessing a royal knight and wizard leading a search for somebody and the party expressing more sympathy towards the abnormally serious delinquent, Rin decided to walk around alone once the delivery was completed because Dust wanted to go rest at their inn.[33]
Joining the delinquent after running into him going to buy snacks first, she witnessed Dust stopping a noble girl from being scammed into buying Giant Toad skewers at 100 thousand eris apiece. The accusations of criminal behaviour at Dust by the girl who introduced herself as Illis, however, made Rin apologise to her on behalf of the delinquent. Next hearing from Illis how she had previously mistook Dust for the former Dragon Knight who had once kidnapped a princess, Rin scolded the delinquent for answering the girl's question about him wielding a spear through a lewd joke. She accordingly became puzzled by Illis finding her face familiar despite them having just met, then continued listening to the girl talk more about the former Dragon Knight.[33]
Later seeing Illis in panic because Dust warned her about Claire leading squads of knights in search of the runaway noble girl, Rin also agreed with her going back home, before looking down on Dust turning into a bootlicker upon Illis begging him for freedom in exchange for her signet ring. They accordingly took the girl to see the less savoury aspects of the royal capital, such as the type of ripoff bar that Dust had previously fallen victim to, as well as a scam art exhibition which the delinquent made a scene at and successfully blackmailed money and food from. Happily taking Illis to see more street stalls until dusk fell, Rin also had to flee once the wound-up Claire charged over to collect the noble girl who took her to be Dust's girlfriend.[33]
She heard some time later that Claire and Rain had shown up at the Guild looking for Dust, so heading to the scene, Rin alongside the delinquent listened to the female knight dressed in a white suit vent out during a drunken tirade her stress that originated from Illis frequently sneaking out in hopes of seeing a scummy man who corrupted her. Calling Dust names like Claire did, Rin after Yunyun joined the group cited the delinquent's debt to persuade him into accepting the request for taking the noble pair on an adventure.[34]
Several days later she joined the trip to help Yunyun deal with the troublemaking Dust, and sure enough had to warn him against acting uncourteously towards the nobility when he casually greeted the two arriving noblewomen. On the team's way to fight Giant Toads, Rin observed Megumin's Explosion in the distance which like the ones on prior days had been keeping the amphibians from hibernation, and found the panicked responses from the newcomers amusing. Next worriedly watching Claire charge an approaching knot of Giant Toads, the Wizard witnessed her and Rain quickly getting gobbled up, so subsequent to their rescue suggested taking the slimy and stinking noblewomen to the riverhead lake for them to bathe.[34]
Upon reaching the lake, Rin with Yunyun's help overpowered and tied the untrustworthy delinquent behind a rock facing another direction which prevented him from looking at the noblewomen bathing. Vehemently refusing his pleas for release by brandishing her trusty dagger, she next left Dust behind to rush for the shore because the near-naked Claire and Rain were being attacked by Goblins, but his ensuing encouragement for the monsters in hopes of them making the noblewomen remove the hands covering their breasts enraged her.[34]
Still showing distain towards the delinquent after he woke up from Yunyun's magic barrage, but unable to ditch him because he was the quest accepter needed for collecting the rewards, Rin agreed with them taking the noblewomen who wanted to experience more adventuring onto a dungeon exploration trip at the nearby abandoned castle formerly occupied by Beldia. Nonchalantly accompanying the others through the structure sporting marks of Megumin's Explosions but surprised to find the place having been cleaned up previously, she helped Yunyun set up afternoon tea in a meeting chamber. Yet Rin afterwards behaved reclusively and showed little interest to anything other than eating her snacks, until the embarrassing past of Claire and Rain as well as Beldia's woeful days at the castle in face of Megumin's daily Explosions, which were displayed by a Friendship Crystal that Yunyun had brought along, caught her attention.[34]
The sharp-eyed Wizard in the process noticed from the footage Beldia having fidgeted with one of the pillars in the chamber, and accordingly uncovered a hidden staircase leading downwards. Faced with the possibility of discovering treasure and intelligence on the Devil King's Army within, Rin despite surrounded by many unfamiliar faces agreed to follow inside, only to be left disappointedly speechless upon finding in the secret chamber at the end an awaiting Vanir. Anyhow pointed out by the masked man her concern about her waistline, she couldn't resist the dietary snacks made from the Tranquility Girl's fruits that he put up for sale, and throwing aside her initial worry about their addictiveness after tasting some, ended up buying a bunch of them.[34]
Treating Dust to drinks on the following night despite nagging him, Rin joined him at the Guild upon the next day, and despite getting sexually harassed again, pointed out how he had been acting stranger ever since getting involved with the two noblewomen. Accordingly concerned about the nearby Megumin and Yunyun bickering over crazy plans to help Illis sneak out of her home, she and Dust tailed the Crimson Demons all the way to the royal capital in fear of them sparking huge trouble. Although still nagging the delinquent after he stopped Megumin from casting Explosion at the royal castle, Rin became pleased to hear him suggesting a smarter method to the Crimson Demons.[35]
Hearing his plan of him sneaking alone into the royal castle for cheering up Illis while the girls caused a distraction to thin out the security detail, as well as the helmet worn by the helmet guy being essential for his disguise, Rin told Dust to simply yell aloud on the streets of Axel that he wanted to drink with a male noble in order to summon the man he's looking for. That night once Claire and Rain led a band of soldiers out of the royal castle in response to Megumin's Explosion outside the city, she let loose with spreading rumours about the Silver-Haired Thief Brigade breaking into some noble's residence, and successfully helped sow confusion among the soldiers' ranks. Rin afterwards liaisoned with the local branch of the Axis Order to hide Megumin and Yunyun from soldiers looking for the explosion culprit, then rendezvoused with Dust who had successfully cheered Illis up, before having him promise to tell her the truth of his secret one day.[35]
At some point during the period, Rin in the Guild heard Dust uncharacteristically declare his intent to earn money through working hard, a common sense that she responded nonchalantly to, but then became skeptical over the quest he had accepted which entailed capturing a Giant Toad alive. She supported verifying the matter with Kazuma after hearing that the requester was the perverted Darkness, and although the quest was later cancelled, her party was still paid the cancellation fee.[36]
Early Autumn Arc[]
Axel Hearts Arc[]
Quest Clearing Arc[]
Lightning Spirit Arc[]
Succubus Queen Arc[]
White Dragon Arc[]
Princess and Adventurer Arc[]
Devil King's Attack Arc[]
- ↑ Limelight Light Novel Volume 7, Prologue
- ↑ KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 4
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 2
- ↑ Explosion Light Novel Volume 3, Prologue
- ↑ Explosion Light Novel Volume 3, Chapter 2
- ↑ KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 1
- ↑ KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 5
- ↑ KonoSuba Television Anime Season 2, Episode 1
- ↑ Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 3
- ↑ Consulting Light Novel, Chapter 1
- ↑ Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 4
- ↑ Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 5
- ↑ Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 6
- ↑ Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Epilogue
- ↑ Labyrinth of Hope and the Gathering Adventurers
- ↑ Labyrinth of Hope and the Gathering Adventurers, Epilogue
- ↑ Cursed Relic and the Perplexed Adventurers
- ↑ Cursed Relic and the Perplexed Adventurers, Friendship Events with Rin
- ↑ Cursed Relic and the Perplexed Adventurers, Main Story with Supergiant Wallavy
- ↑ Cursed Relic and the Perplexed Adventurers, Epilogue
- ↑ Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 1
- ↑ KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 7, Chapter 3
- ↑ KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 7, Chapter 5
- ↑ KonoSuba Television Anime Season 3, Episode 11
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 2
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 3
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 4
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 5
- ↑ Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Epilogue
- ↑ Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Bonus Short Story from Toranoana
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 Limelight Light Novel Volume 3, Chapter 1
- ↑ KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 8, Chapter 3
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 Limelight Light Novel Volume 3, Chapter 2
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 Limelight Light Novel Volume 3, Chapter 3
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 Limelight Light Novel Volume 3, Chapter 4
- ↑ Limelight Light Novel Volume 3, Bonus Short Story coming with the E-book