Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

The Highway to the City of Water ((すい)()への(かい)(どう)) is the main road connecting Axel to Arcanletia.


The highway, which during the trips taken by Kazuma's party requires one whole day of travel by horse or carriage at a trot, starts out from Axel across its surrounding grassland, then meanders round inhabited areas in the wooded mountains and passes through villages in the plains, before traversing a wide stretch of parched badlands preceding the crags surrounding Arcanletia.[1]

Because many places along the route especially the uninhabited badlands section are known to be dangerous areas, caravans that generally have to stop there for the night frequently hire adventurers to serve as bodyguards for protection against various monsters in addition to human bandits.



  • Parts of the highway in the anime were adapted from places such as the Stelvio Pass.


