
という論文(原題は「What Caused the U.S. Pandemic-Era Inflation?」)をバーナンキとブランシャールが書いている。以下はその要旨。

We answer the question posed by the title by specifying and estimating a simple dynamic model of prices, wages, and short-run and long-run inflation expectations. The estimated model allows us to analyze the direct and indirect effects of product-market and labor-market shocks on prices and nominal wages and to quantify the sources of U.S. pandemic-era inflation and wage growth. We find that, contrary to early concerns that inflation would be spurred by overheated labor markets, most of the inflation surge that began in 2021 was the result of shocks to prices given wages, including sharp increases in commodity prices and sectoral shortages. However, although tight labor markets have thus far not been the primary driver of inflation, the effects of overheated labor markets on nominal wage growth and inflation are more persistent than the effects of product-market shocks. Controlling inflation will thus ultimately require achieving a better balance between labor demand and labor supply.


Reading Bernanke-Blanchard on inflation, which actually has a fairly startling bottom line: the people who were right about inflation were mostly right for the wrong reasons 1/ https://brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Bernanke-Blanchard-conference-draft_5.23.23.pdf
Key picture on sources of inflation; V/U (the vacancy/unemployment ratio) is the effect of an overheated economy 2/
It's a fairly minor factor! That said, they conclude (and I agree) that the economy is indeed overheated, and needs to cool down. The important question is how much unemployment will rise in the process 3/
Given the recent decline in vacancies without rising unemployment (upper left in this figure), "immaculate disinflation" is still a real possibility 4/
Obviously we don't know if we can pull it off. But this paper is a far more optimistic take than a lot of what we were hearing, say, a year ago 5/

これはかなり小さな要因だったのだ! とは言え、経済は実際に過熱していて、冷却する必要がある、と彼らは結論している(これには私も同意する)。重要な問題は、その過程で失業率がどの程度上昇するか、だ。


ちなみにブランシャールは、この研究を説明したブルッキングス研究所セミナーの講演の最後で、「現段階ではクリス・ウォラーの方がサマーズ=ブランシャール組より良い成果を収めている(At this stage, Chris Waller is doing much better than the Summers-Blanchard team)」と述べている(動画の34分台)。これは以前ベバリッジ曲線論争 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論争について、自分たちの現段階での「負け」を認めた発言である。この言葉を取り上げたWSJのNick TimiraosのツイートをクルーグマンがRTして、「オリビエにとって良いことだ。誤った判断を認めるのはその人の信頼を低めるのではなく高める(Good for Olivier. Acknowledging bad calls makes you more credible, not less)」とツイートしている。

*1:クルーグマンの「immaculate」の用法についてはフィリップス曲線と無垢なインフレ理論と貨幣需要 - himaginary’s diary参照。