
というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「The Political Economy of Geoeconomic Power」で、著者はChristopher Clayton(イェール大)、Matteo Maggiori(スタンフォード大)、Jesse Schreger(コロンビア大)。

Great powers are increasingly using their economic and financial strength for geopolitical aims. This rise of "geoeconomics" has the potential to reshape the international trade and financial system. This paper examines the role of domestic political economy forces in determining a government's ability to project geoeconomic power abroad. We also discuss the role that persuading or coercing foreign governments plays in projecting geoeconomic power around the world.


The world has seen a stunning rise in the willingness of great powers to use their trade and financial relationships for geopolitical ends. This rise of “Geoeconomics” has the potential to reshape the international trade and financial system. Geoeconomic policies include not only sanctions but also the strategic use of export controls, efforts to reshape supply chains for security purposes, the provision of foreign aid to secure political alignment, and the encouragement or pressure on domestic and foreign firms to alter their business relationships. While the foundation of a nation’s geoeconomic power is its economic strength, size and connections alone do not automatically translate into geoeconomic power. Instead, governments seeking to project geoeconomic power abroad need to be able to credibly co-opt or coerce their domestic firms and citizens, and perhaps critical foreign allies, to take part in this power projection. Achieving this involves navigating a range of political economy constraints at home, including legal restrictions, domestic political objectives, interest groups and other forces that limit a government’s ability to exert its influence. An important question for geoeconomic power projection is how far a government can push its own firms or allies to act against their private interests in pursuit of the country’s geopolitical goals.


というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated(IZA)版、説明スライド)。原題は「The Economy, the Ghost in Your Gene, and the Escape from Premature Mortality」で、著者はDora Costa(UCLA)、Lars Olov Bygren(カロリンスカ研究所)、Benedikt Graf(Sustento Group*1)、Martin Karlsson(デュースブルク・エッセン大)、Joseph Price(ブリガムヤング大)。

Explanations for the West's escape from premature mortality have focused on chronic malnutrition or income and on public health or state capacity. We argue that by ignoring the multigenerational effects of variance in ancestors' harvests, we are underestimating the contribution of modern economic growth to the escape from early death at older ages. Using a newly constructed multigenerational dataset for Sweden, we show that grandsons' longevity was strongly linked to spatial shocks in paternal grandfathers' yearly harvest variability when agricultural productivity was low and market integration was limited. We reason that an epigenetic mechanism is the most plausible explanation for our findings. We posit that the removal of trade barriers, improvements in transportation, and agricultural innovation reduced harvest variability. We contend that for older Swedish men (but not women) born 1830-1909 this reduction was as important as decreasing contemporaneous infectious disease rates and more important than eliminating exposure to poor harvests in-utero.


*1:Sustento Group。


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「In-Person Schooling and Juvenile Violence」で、著者はBenjamin Hansen(オレゴン大)、Kyutaro Matsuzawa(同)、Joseph J. Sabia(サンディエゴ州立大)。

While investments in schooling generate large private and external returns, negative peer interactions in school may generate substantial social costs. Using data from four national sources (Uniform Crime Reports, National Incident-Based Reporting System, National Crime Victimization Survey, National Electronic Injury Surveillance System) and a variety of identification strategies, this study comprehensively explores the effect of in-person schooling on contemporaneous juvenile violence. Using a proxy for in-person schooling generated from anonymized smartphone data and leveraging county-level variation in school calendars — including unique, large, localized changes to in-person instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic — we find that in-person schooling is associated with a 28 percent increase in juvenile violent crime. A null finding for young adults is consistent with a causal interpretation of this result. The effects are largest in larger schools and in jurisdictions with weaker anti-bullying policies, consistent with both concentration effects and a peer quality channel. Back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest that relative to closed K-12 schools, in-person schooling generates $233 million in monthly violent crime costs.

HansenとSabiaは、2年前に対面授業と若者の自殺:授業スケジュールとコロナ禍による学校閉鎖の実証結果 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した別の共著者との論文でも自殺に焦点を当ててこの問題を追究している。いじめは日本でも深刻な問題なので、経済コストを同様に評価したらどれくらいになるのか興味が持たれるところである。


というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Accounting for Individual-Specific Heterogeneity in Intergenerational Income Mobility」で、著者はYoosoon Chang(インディアナ大)、Steven N. Durlauf(シカゴ大)、Bo Hu(インディアナ大)、Joon Park(同)。

This paper proposes a fully nonparametric model to investigate the dynamics of intergenerational income mobility for discrete outcomes. In our model, an individual’s income class probabilities depend on parental income in a manner that accommodates nonlinearities and interactions among various individual and parental characteristics, including race, education, and parental age at childbearing. Consequently, we offer a generalization of Markov chain mobility models. We employ kernel techniques from machine learning and further regularization for estimating this highly flexible model. Utilizing data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), we find that race and parental education interact with parental income in children’s economic prospects in ways that can create bottlenecks in mobility.


というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Artificial Intelligence Asset Pricing Models」で、著者はBryan T. Kelly(イェール大)、Boris Kuznetsov(Swiss Finance Institute @ EPFL*1)、Semyon Malamud(同)、Teng Andrea Xu(EPFL(スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校))。

The core statistical technology in artificial intelligence is the large-scale transformer network. We propose a new asset pricing model that implants a transformer in the stochastic discount factor. This structure leverages conditional pricing information via cross-asset information sharing and nonlinearity. We also develop a linear transformer that serves as a simplified surrogate from which we derive an intuitive decomposition of the transformer's asset pricing mechanisms. We find large reductions in pricing errors from our artificial intelligence pricing model (AIPM) relative to previous machine learning models and dissect the sources of these gains.

大規模言語モデル(LLM)においてトランスフォーマーは、コンピューターによる柔軟な扱いやすさを維持したまま言葉をモデル化できる画期的な技術だったが、それをここではストカスティックディスカウントファクター(SDF)に適用したとの由。その際、注意機構(attention mechanism)で情報共有を表現し、単純化した線形トランスフォーマーではその注意機構以外の非線形性を取っ払ったという。
Bryan T. KellyとSemyon MalamudはAPTか「AIPT」か? 大規模ファクターモデルの驚くべき優位性 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文を別の共著者と書いており、この論文ではそちらをDKKMとして参照している。DKKMでは非線形だが注意機構を欠いたSDFを提示していたので、今回の論文ではモデルのパフォーマンスを検証する際の比較対象としており、シャープレシオが3.9から4.6に改善したと報告している。


というQJE(Quarterly Journal of Economics)2月号掲載論文をアレックス・タバロックが紹介している。原題は「The Global Race for Talent: Brain Drain, Knowledge Transfer, and Growth」で、著者はMarta Prato(ボッコーニ大)。

How does inventors’ migration affect international talent allocation, knowledge diffusion, and productivity growth? To answer this question, I build a novel two-country innovation-led endogenous growth model, where heterogeneous inventors produce innovations, learn from others, and make dynamic migration and return decisions. Migrants interact with individuals at origin and destination, diffusing knowledge within and across countries. To quantify this framework, I construct a micro-level data set of migrant inventors on the U.S.-EU corridor from patent data and document that (i) gross migration is asymmetric, with brain drain (net emigration) from the EU to the United States; (ii) migrants increase their patenting by 33% a year after migration; (iii) migrants continue working with inventors at origin after moving, although less frequently; (iv) migrants’ productivity gains spill over to their collaborators at origin, who increase patenting by 16% a year when a co-inventor emigrates. I calibrate the model to match the empirical results and study the effect of innovation and migration policy. A tax cut for foreigners and return migrants in the EU that eliminates the brain drain increases EU innovation but lowers U.S. innovation and knowledge spillovers. The former effect dominates in the first 25 years, increasing EU productivity growth by 3%, but the latter dominates in the long run, lowering growth by 3%. On the migration policy side, doubling the size of the U.S. H1B visa program increases U.S. and EU growth by 4% in the long run, because it sorts inventors to where they produce more innovations and knowledge spillovers.
発明家の移住はどのように国際的な才能の配分、知識の普及、および生産性の成長に影響するのであろうか? この問いに答えるために私は、新たな2か国イノベーション主導型内生的成長モデルを構築した。そこでは不均一な発明家がイノベーションを生み出し、他者から学び、動的な移住と帰国の決断を行う。移住者は母国と移住先で各個人と交流し、各国の国内外に知識を普及させる。この枠組みを定量化するために私は、特許データから米EU回廊における移住発明家のミクロレベルのデータセットを構築し、次のことを明らかにした。(i) 総移住は非対称的で、EUから米国に頭脳流出(純転出)が起きている。(ii) 移住者は移住後に特許を年当たり33%増やす。(iii) 移住者は移住後も母国の発明家との共同研究を続けるが、ただし頻度は低下する。(iv) 移住者の生産性利得は母国の共同研究者に波及し、共同発明者が移住すると彼らの特許が年当たり16%増える。私は実証結果に適合するようにモデルをカリブレートし、イノベーションと移民政策の影響を調べた。EUにおける頭脳流出を抑えるための外国人と帰国した移住者への減税は、EUのイノベーションを増やすが米国のイノベーションと知識の波及効果を減らす。最初の25年は前者の効果が上回り、EUの生産性の成長率を3%引き上げるが、長期的には後者の効果が上回り、成長率を3%引き下げる。移住政策については、米H1Bビザプログラムの規模を倍増させることは米国とEUの成長率を長期的に4%引き上げる。これは、発明家を、彼らがイノベーションと知識の波及効果をより多く生み出す場所に割り当てるためである。

タバロックはこの結果を、米国が才能のゴールト峡谷(Galt's Gulch*1)になっている、と表現するとともに、H1Bビザは抽選ではなく対価で割り当てるべき、と主張している。


というCEPR論文が上がっている(Mostly Economics経由のVoxEU経由、ungated版)。原題は「Learning from the Past: How History Education Shapes Support for Extreme Ideology」で、著者はボッコーニ大のLuca BraghieriとSarah Eichmeyer 。

Can teaching the history of authoritarian regimes built on extreme ideology lastingly reduce support for those ideologies? We examine this question by leveraging a natural experiment in a large German state where the senior high school history curriculum exogenously alternated covering, across cohorts, the communist German Democratic Republic and fascist Nazi Germany. Survey data collected around twelve years post-graduation from over 2,000 former students reveals that studying the GDR rather than the Nazi regime increases knowledge about the GDR (by 0.19 sd units) and reduces support for extreme left-wing ideology (by 0.10 sd units). Such treatment does not increase support for extreme right-wing ideology, except in more right-leaning regions.
極端なイデオロギーに基づいて打ち立てられた専制主義的な体制の歴史を教えることは、そうしたイデオロギーへの支持を減らすだろうか? 我々は、ドイツの大きな州での高校の歴史カリキュラムのカバー対象が、コホートごとに、共産主義のドイツ民主共和国とファシズムのナチスドイツに外生的に交互に変わった自然実験を利用してこの問題を調べた。卒業からおよそ12年後に2千人以上の卒業生から収集された調査データは、ナチよりも東独の体制を勉強することの方が東独についての知識を(0.19標準偏差だけ)増やし、極端な左派のイデオロギーへの支持を(0.10標準偏差だけ)減らすことを明らかにした。そうした処置は、右寄りの傾向が強い地域を除き、極端な右派のイデオロギーへの支持を増やさなかった。

ニーダーザクセン州では、アビトゥーア(cf. アビトゥーア - Wikipedia)改革の一環として、2011-12年卒業生には東独の歴史を教える一方でナチスドイツの歴史は教えず、2009-10卒業生と2013-14卒業生にはナチスドイツの歴史について教える一方で東独の歴史は教えなかったとの由。調査は2023-2024に行われたので、卒業からおよそ12年後ということになる。



左派のイデオロギーとしては左翼党(Die Linke、cf. 左翼党 (ドイツ) - Wikipedia)、右派のイデオロギーとしてはAfDの綱領を用いたとの由。

