
というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「The Optimal Monetary Policy Response to Tariffs」で、著者はJavier Bianchi(ミネアポリス連銀)、Louphou Coulibaly(ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校)。

What is the optimal monetary policy response to tariffs? This paper explores this question within an open-economy New Keynesian model and shows that the optimal monetary policy response is expansionary, with inflation rising above and beyond the direct effects of tariffs. This result holds regardless of whether tariffs apply to consumption goods or intermediate inputs, whether the shock is temporary or permanent, and whether tariffs address other distortions.
関税への最適な金融政策の反応は何か? 本稿は開放経済ニューケインジアンモデルでこの問いを追究し、最適な金融政策の反応は拡張的なもので、インフレが関税の直接的な影響以上に上昇することであることを示す。この結果は、関税の対象が消費財でも中間投入財でも、ショックが一時的でも恒久的でも、関税が他の歪みに対処する場合でも成立する。


  • 関税が課されると、家計と企業は輸入財の費用が社会費用より高くなったと認識する。
  • この乖離が生じるのは、輸入の増加は追加的な関税収入をもたらし、それが均衡で家計所得を増やす、ということを個々の主体が内部化できないためである。
  • その結果、輸入は社会的な最適水準以下に落ち込む。
  • 関税の代替効果を打ち消し、輸入の減少を緩和するために、最適な金融政策は雇用と総所得を刺激するべきである。



*1:例:Speech by Governor Waller on the economic outlook - Federal Reserve Board「If, as I expect, tariffs do not have a significant or persistent effect on inflation, they are unlikely to affect my view of appropriate monetary policy.」。


というNBER論文をスティグリッツらが上げている(昨年9月時点のWP(SSRN版))。原題は「Equity Prices, Market Power, and Optimal Corporate Tax Policy」で、著者はIgnacio González(アメリカン大)、Juan A. Montecino(同)、Joseph E. Stiglitz(コロンビア大)。

We study the optimal design of corporate tax policy in a textbook life-cycle model featuring two key deviations: (i) firms are imperfectly competitive and (ii) households save by purchasing equity shares in a stock market. In this simple environment, the financial wealth of savers is equal to the sum of the productive capital owned by firms and a component capturing the NPV of unproductive rents – what we term “market power wealth” (MPW). We show that this novel component has non-trivial macroeconomic effects, with important implications for optimal corporate tax policy. In particular, MPW significantly crowds out productive investment and accordingly can rationalize a high corporate tax rate. The optimal corporate tax code in our setting assigns the statutory corporate tax rate to target the financial value of pure profits while incentivizing capital accumulation with a partial expensing of firm investment costs.
我々は、法人課税政策の最適設計を、次の2つの主要な逸脱を特徴とする教科書のライフサイクルモデルで調べた。(i) 企業は不完全競争的である、(ii) 家計は株式市場で株式を購入することにより貯蓄する。この単純な環境では、貯蓄者の金融資産は、企業の保有する生産資本と、我々が「市場支配力資産」(MPW)と呼ぶ非生産的なレントの純現在価値を捕捉する要因との合計に等しい。この新たな要因がマクロ経済に無視できない影響を及ぼすことを我々は示す。そのことは最適な法人課税政策にとって重要な意味を持つ。具体的には、MPWは生産的な投資を有意にクラウドアウトし、従って高い法人税率を正当化する。我々の環境での最適な法人税体系では、純利益の金融価値を対象とした法定法人税率を定める一方で、企業の投資費用を部分的に費用化することで資本蓄積を促進する。

結論部では「Indeed, we show that contrary to traditional intuitions, raising the corporate tax rate can actually stimulate aggregate investment by “taxing away” market power wealth. This effect is all the more relevant when the tax code features generous expensing provisions for the cost of investment.」と書いている。


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「On the Economic Infeasibility of Personalized Medicine, and a Solution.」で、著者はMarina Chiara Garassino(シカゴ大学医学部)、Kunle Odunsi(同)、Marciano Siniscalchi(ノースウエスタン大)、Pietro Veronesi(シカゴ大)。

Technological advances and genomic sequencing opened the road to personalized medicine: specialized therapies targeted to patients displaying specific molecular alterations. For instance, targeted therapies are now available for 50% of lung cancer patients—with some alterations affecting less than 1% of patients—greatly increasing life expectancy. In an investment model of drug development, we show that current institutions mandating experimentation and approval of individual therapies eventually disincentivize investments in personalized medicine as researchers identify increasingly rare alterations. Recent AI-based technologies, such as AlphaFold3, make personalized medicine viable when regulatory approval regards the process for drug discovery rather than individual therapies.

一方、著者たちが提案するように、「personalized drug discovery process (PDDP) 」という発見過程自体を規制当局が承認する方式に転換すれば、変異ごとにRCTを行う必要がなくなり、開発費は変異の数に左右されなくなる。試算によれば、PDDPの年利益が現行の標的治療の年利益の70%(年生存率が60%の場合)から12%(年生存率が90%に達する場合)の範囲にあれば、医薬品会社はそちらに切り替えるインセンティブを持つという。




というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Some Pleasant Sequence-Space Arithmetic In Continuous Time」で、著者はAdrien Bilal(スタンフォード大)、Shlok Goyal(ハーバード大)。

This paper proposes an analytic representation of sequence-space Jacobians in heterogeneous agent models with aggregate shocks in continuous time. Our approach is based on a pen-and-paper perturbation of individual policy functions with respect to price changes, rather than numerical or automatic differentiation. We obtain linear partial differential equations that can be solved efficiently. Our continuous time algorithm speeds up computation of Jacobians and impulse responses threefold relative to discrete time. Continuous time is key to take the analytic perturbation in the presence of binding borrowing constraints. We illustrate our approach in leading heterogeneous agent models with and without nominal rigidities.


Heterogeneous agent macroeconomics has tremendously progressed in the last decade along multiple directions. Continuous time methods have made it possible to solve large-scale models with multiple assets and non-convexities (Kaplan et al., 2018; Achdou et al., 2021). Perturbation methods in discrete time have remarkably accelerated the computation of first-order impulse response functions. Seminal work by Auclert et al. (2021) proposes a highly efficient algorithm that relies on sequence-space Jacobians. In this paper, we ask whether it is possible to design sequence-space Jacobians in continuous time and, if so, whether there are any additional benefits to doing so.
不均一主体マクロ経済学は過去10年に複数の方向に大いなる進歩を遂げた。連続時間手法は、複数資産を備えた大規模モデルを解くことを可能にした(Kaplan et al., 2018*2; Achdou et al., 2021*3)。離散時間における摂動法は、1次のインパルス応答関数の計算を顕著に速めた。Auclert et al.(2021*4)の独創的な研究は、数列空間ヤコビアンに依拠する非常に効率的なアルゴリズムを提示した。本稿で我々は、数列空間ヤコビアンを連続時間で定式化することは可能か、そしてもしそれが可能ならば、そうすることによる追加的な便益があるかどうかを追究した。


というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「A Comprehensive GIS Database for China's Surface Transport Network with Implications for Transport and Socioeconomics Research」で、著者はSteven J. Davis(スタンフォード大)、Meijun Qian(中国人民銀行)、Wen Zeng(オーストラリア国立大)。

We build a granular Geographic Information System (GIS) database that covers China’s national highways, modern motorways, traditional railways, high-speed railways, and waterways at an annual frequency from 1993 to 2020. After describing the database and its construction, we characterize the development of China’s surface transport network. Overall network length more than tripled after 1993. Modern motorways and high-speed railways, nearly non-existent in the early 1990s, account for half the increase in network length. The average distance between county centroids and transport access points fell by more than half, from 13.28 km in 1993 to 5.81 km in 2020. Common county-level measures of connectivity and centrality rose by 22% and 115%, respectively. We also show that discrepancies between distance to motorway access and straight-line distance to motorway routes are often large, and the discrepancies correlate with calendar time, terrain features, and economic development. Because motorway access is vital to local economic development in China, this finding raises the need to re-assess previous research that uses straight-line distance to proxy actual distance. Our GIS database is freely available on an open-access basis, creating an empirical laboratory for new research in multiple directions.



Measure Definition
Panel A: Location-specific measures
Access indicator Whether a location has access to transport within a distance
Access distance The shortest distance to the nearest access point, i.e., motorway entrance/exit, railway station, or highway route
Centrality (Betweenness index) Ratio of the number of links summed over all shortest paths in the network that pass through a county to the total number of links on the shortest paths summed over all node pairs in the network
Centrality (Degree index) Ratio of the number of nodes connecting a county to the total number of nodes in the network
Centrality (Closeness) Ratio of the total number of nodes in a network to the number of links along the shortest paths between a county and all other nodes
Panel B: Pairwise measures
Travel Distance Travel distance between locations via transport mode from one city to another or from a postal code centroid to a port
Travel Time Shortest travel time between geolocations with a transport mode
Panel C: Network-level measures
Centrality Aggregations of location-specific centrality measures in a region
Route density Transport length divided by its area in a region
Node density Number of access points divided by its area in a region
Connectivity (Beta index) Average number of links per node in a network (total number of links divided by total number of nodes
Connectivity (Gamma index) Number of links in a network divided by the maximum feasible number

Note: This table lists all location-specific, pairwise, and network-level transport measures, as well as their definitions.


というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「China's Overseas Lending in Global Finance Cycle」で、著者はZhengyang Jiang(ノースウエスタン大)。

China’s rising presence in international finance, which has long lagged behind its prominence in international trade, is now reshaping global financial dynamics. Using a large sample of developing countries, this paper documents that countries more reliant on China’s lending are less exposed to the global financial cycle in exchange rates, equity prices, bond yields, and capital flows. These countries were not less exposed before China became a major lender, and trade linkages to China do not explain these results. Since China lends primarily in dollar, the exposure reduction is not through the traditional channel of mitigating currency mismatch. These findings suggest that international lending plays a unique role in insulating developing countries from global shocks, and through this channel U.S. and Chinese policies interact to shape global financial outcomes.


図で参照されている論文はDeconstructing Monetary Policy Surprises—The Role of Information Shocks - American Economic AssociationとChina's overseas lending - ScienceDirect。


というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「Long-Run Consequences of Sanctions on Russia」で、著者はDavid Baqaee(UCLA)、Hannes Malmberg(ミネソタ大学)。

This paper examines the long-run economic consequences of Western sanctions on Russia. Using a new framework for balanced growth path analysis, we find that the long-run declines in consumption are significantly larger when capital stocks are allowed to adjust --- 1.4 times larger for Russia and 2.2 times larger for Eastern Europe. This is contrary to the common intuition that long-run effects should be milder due to greater adjustment opportunities. In our model, Russian long-run consumption falls by 8.5%, Eastern European consumption by 2%, and Western countries' consumption by 0.3% in response to sanctions. The model also reveals important distributional effects: as capital adjusts, Russian real wages fall more than rental prices in the long run. These findings show that accounting for capital adjustment is quantitatively important when analyzing trade sanctions.




*1:本文ではその理由について「The reason is that for capital, adjustment opportunities amplify, rather than dampen, the initial effects.」と説明している。